Future Vaule App

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  • 8/10/2019 Future Vaule App


    Hello, I'm Professor Bushee.

    Welcome back.

    Now that we have the basics of time value

    of money under our belt, we're going to

    apply those to accounting for

    various kinds of long-term liabilities,

    like bank debt, mortgages, leases,

    and bonds, a lot of bonds.

    Let's get started.

    So we're going to start our look

    at long-term liabilities by

    contrasting them to current liabilities.

    Current liabilities are anything due

    within one year, less than one year.

    And these are pretty much most of the

    liabilities that we have been seeing so

    far in the course, so

    things like accounts payable and interest

    payable, taxes payable, wages payable.

    Those are all very short-term liabilities.

    We have to repay somebody

    within a couple of months.

    Those liabilities are booked

    at their nominal value.

    In other words, how much money you owe.

    We don't try to figure

    out the present value.

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    So for accounts payable, we don't try

    to figure out the present value of

    paying something off two months later.

    But we talk about long-term liabilities,

    so liabilities due beyond one year, now

    we're going to book those liabilities at

    the present value of future cash payments.

    After we record those long-term

    liabilities, in some cases,

    we continue to mark them to fair value.

    But in most cases that we'll talk about,

    they're recorded at something called

    amortized cost, which is you book

    the liability initially at present value.

    And then you may make adjustments based

    on inter, interim cash payments, or

    premiums or discounts,

    which we'll talk about later, but

    you don't mark at the fair

    value every period.

    So as a result, when you look at

    liabilities on a balance sheet,

    what you're oftentimes seeing

    is a mix of fair values and

    then these amortized costs,

    which are like old historical costs.

    >> Now that you have made us watch 69

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    minutes of video about time value of

    money, I sure hope we will use

    those calculations in this video.

    Those were 69 minutes of my life

    that I will never get back again.

    >> Oh yeah, we'll be doing time

    value of money calculations, not for

    the first few minutes of the video, but

    toward the end, you'll be seeing them.

    Don't worry.

    The liabilities that we're

    going to focus on for

    most of the next two videos

    are different types of debt.

    So we're going to talk

    first about bank loans.

    This is a kind of liability where you

    borrow some principal up front, so

    maybe you borrow a $1,000.

    You make periodic interest

    payments on that $1,000 and

    then you repay the $1,000

    principal at the end of the loan.

    A mortgage will be something where,

    again, you borrow principal, so

    you borrow, I guess we should

    make it a million dollars.

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    Then you make periodic interest and

    principal payments over the loan period

    such that by the end of the loan period,

    you've fully paid back the principal.

    There's not necessarily that lump

    sum payment of principal at the end.

    And then we'll talk about corporate bonds.

    Corporate bonds are where a company

    promises to pay periodic cash flows,

    which we're going to call coupons,

    plus a lump sum at maturity,

    which we are going to call the principal.

    What the company does is offer these to

    the public and then investors offer the,

    to pay the company the present value

    of the coupons and the principal.

    So that's how much cash the company

    raises from issuing the bond.

    Investors can then sell the bond

    to other people freely until

    the maturity of the bond.

    And there's a special case

    called the zero-coupon bond,

    where the coupon payment is zero.

    So there's no periodic cash flows, but

    you just pay back a lump sum at maturity.

    So you borrow now and

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    then you pay back at maturity.

    >> My favorite type of debt

    are loans from my parents.

    I borrow principal, make no interest

    payments, and make no principal payments.

    Will we cover the accounting for

    these type of loans?

    >> no.

    We won't be working on accounting for

    parent loans.

    Those actually sound more like donated

    capital than actual liabilities.

    First, let's look at how we do

    the accounting for the bank loan.

    So in this example, on January 1st, 2010,

    KP incorporated is going to borrow

    $10,000 from a bank on a three-year loan.

    The bank changes the firm

    5% interest per year.

    So it's always helpful to look at

    a timeline of payments to try to

    figure out when we're

    going to get cash and

    pay cash and

    that'll help guide the journal entries.

    So, on January 1st, 2010,

    we're going to receive $10,000 cash.

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    Then on December 31st,

    we're going to pay $500 of interest.

    The $500 is 5% of 10,000.

    We pay the same amount on December 31,


    It's the same amount because at

    that point, we still owe $10,000.

    We pay 5% interest on that.

    And then at maturity, December 31,

    2012, we pay the last interest payment

    plus the principal that we owe.

    So first,

    I want to do the journal entry for

    issuing the debt, so

    when we first borrow from the bank.

    And I'm going to throw

    up the pause sign and

    see if you can do the journal entry for

    first borrowing from the bank.


    So, on January 1st,

    2010, we're going to receive cash,

    $10,000, so we debit cash $10,000.

    And we want to credit a liability for

    what we owe the bank, so

    we credit notes payable $10,000.

    >> Wait,

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    you forgot to record the interest payable!

    >> Finally a legitimate question.

    So, remember we don't book

    interest payable until we've

    incurred interest expense

    without paying any cash.

    So there's no interest payable on the day

    that we get the proceeds of this loan

    because we can in theory just turn around,

    pay it back immediately and

    not owe any interest.

    So, interest payable and interest expense

    are only going to accrue over time.

    Next, we need to do the journal entry for

    the two periodic interest payments, so

    the interest payment on December 31,

    2010 and December 31, 2011.

    So, I'll put up the pause sign and

    you can try to think of what

    those journal entries would be.

    'Kay, so

    we are debiting interest expense for

    500 because that's a cost of

    having the loan outstanding.

    That goes on the income

    statement as an expense.

    Credit cash for

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    500 because we're paying $500 cash.

    December 31, 2011,

    we make the same journal entry.

    We debit interest expense and

    we credit cash.

    The last journal entry that we need to

    do is when we repay the principal and

    pay that last interest

    payment on December 31, 2012.

    So I'll put up the pause sign and

    try to do the journal entry that

    we do on December 31, 2012.

    ' Kay, so

    we're paying off our notes payable.

    To get rid of the notes payable liability,

    we debit notes payable 10,000,

    so that goes to zero.

    We debit interest expense because we had

    another $500 of interest expense for

    the year.

    And then we credit cash for 10,500,

    which is the total cash for paying.

    Now, you could have also split

    this into two journal entries.

    Debit interest expense 500,

    credit cash 500, and

    then debit notes payable 10,000,

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    credit cash 10,000.

    Either one is okay just as long as

    your debits equal your credits.

    Now we're going to look at accounting for

    a mortgage.

    So on January 1,

    2010, KP Incorporated borrows $10,000

    from a bank on a three-year mortgage.

    The bank charges KP 5% interest

    per year on the mortgage.

    The required payment is $3,672 per year.

    >> Do you know how long it takes to

    write $3,672 in words on a check?

    >> A check?

    Wow, you are old.

    >> Anyway, why doesn't the bank

    just make the payment a nice round

    number like $3,700?

    >> I'm sure the bank would be happy

    to give you a nice, round number as

    a payment, but if they would be

    rounding up, then they're cheating you.

    They're charging you too much.

    This 3,672 is not an arbitrary

    number pulled out of thin air, but

    it actually represents a payment

    based on an annuity calculation.

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    Let me show you.

    So here's where we get the payment number.

    It's a present value calculation and

    specifically it's an present

    value of an annuity.

    But in this case,

    we actually know the present value.

    What's missing is the payment because

    we know the present value's $10,000.

    That's how much we're getting now.

    There's no future value.

    There's no money that's going to

    change hands at the end.

    It's an annual payment, so

    we use the annual interest rate of 5% for

    the rate, three years, n is 3,

    we don't know the payment.

    We can use Excel or a calculator or

    PV table to try to solve it.

    The payment comes up to be 3,672.

    Easiest way to solve this is Excel, so

    let me pop out to Excel and

    show you how to do that.

    So going into Excel,

    we hit the little Function button.

    We look for the payment function, PMT.

    We put in the annual interest rate,which

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    is 5%, for three periods, three years.

    The present value is 10,000.

    There's no future value and

    it's an ordinary annuity, so we hit OK.

    It shows us the negative.

    If you want to see it as positive,

    you put that in there, and we get 3,672.

    So, coming back into the PowerPoint,

    what it's always helpful to look at

    when accounting for a mortgage is

    what's called an amortization schedule,

    which tracks the principal and

    interest payments over time.

    So at the end of that first year,

    December 31,

    2010, the amount of principal

    that we owe is $10,000.

    Then we're going to make

    a payment on that day of 3,672.

    Now, that payment is going

    towards principal and interest.

    So first, you calculate the interest

    portion of the payment.

    You take the beginning balance, which is

    10,000, times the 5% annual interest rate.

    And so, we're owe in terms of interest for

    the first year is $500.

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    So, how much principal are we paying?

    It's the difference between 3,672 and

    500 of interest, which means

    we're paying 3,172 of principal.

    So if we're paying that much principal,

    that means that after the payment,

    the ending balance in our principal,

    our mortgage payable,

    will be 6,828,

    which is 10,000 minus 3,172.

    Then at the end of 2011,

    the beginning balance is what we

    ended with last time, 6,828.

    We make the same payment of 3,672, but

    this time, the interest component is last.

    It's calculated as the beginning

    balance times 5%, so

    it's 6,828 times 5%, which is 341.

    Since we're paying a little bit less

    interest with the same payment,

    we pay off more principal.

    That's calculated as 3,672 minus 341,

    so that's 3,331.

    And so,

    since we're paying back that principal,

    the balance in the mortgage principal

    at the end of the year is 3,497.

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    So there's a rational explanation why

    interest is highest at the beginning and

    then goes down over time.

    Interest is always based on the balance

    of principal at that point in time.

    And what we're doing in each payment

    is we're not only paying interest, but

    we're paying down principal.

    As we pay down principal,

    then the interest charge on that

    principal is going to be lower.

    This is a natural feature of a mortgage.

    If you ever buy a house

    with a 30-year mortgage,

    you'll notice that [LAUGH] almost all

    of your first payment goes to interest.

    You pay a little bit down in principal.

    As you pay more and

    more principal down over time,

    the interest portion of the payment drops,

    the principal portion increases.

    Now that we've laid out the amortization

    schedule, we're going to go through and

    do the journal entries so

    we can take our amortization schedule and

    represent it in a timeline.

    So, on the day that we

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    borrow from the bank for

    the mortgage January 1st,

    we get $10,000 cash coming in.

    And then we're going to make

    our three payments of 3,672,

    which are split into interest and


    So let me throw up the pas,

    the pause sign and

    have you try to do the journal

    entry on January 1, 2010,

    which is when that mortgage is issued to

    the company, so when KP borrows the money.

    So our receiving cash,

    KP is receiving cash from the bank, so

    we debit cash 10,000.

    And we credit mortgage payable,

    a liability for what we owe back the bank.

    Then at the end of 2010, December 31,

    we have to make our payment.

    So I'm going to throw up

    the pause sign again and

    try to make the journal for 12/31/2010.

    So here, we're going to reduce the

    principal balance in mortgage payable by

    3,172, so

    reduce the liability with a debit.

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    We're going to debit interest expense for

    500 to represent the cost of

    the interest during the year,

    which needs to go in the income statement.

    And then we credit cash for

    the amount of the payment 3,672.

    So let's try it again with the 2011

    payment and here is the pause sign.

    So it's going to be the same entry,

    different amounts.

    So on December 31, we're going to

    debit mortgage payable again for

    the reduction in principal,

    which is now 3,331.

    We're going to debit interest expense

    to recognize the interest cost in

    the income statement this period,

    341, and put a cash for 3,672.

    Last payment, 12/31/2012.

    Why don't you give it a shot?

    Again, same entry, different numbers.

    Debit mortgage payable to reduce

    the principal balance by 3,497.

    Debit interest expense to recognize

    the cost of the interest on

    the income statement, 175, and

    then credit cash for the 3,672.

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    And at this point,

    the mortgage is fully paid off, so

    there are no more journal entries.

    So that's what what goes on with

    the accounting firm mortgage where you

    have this situation of equal payments and

    the payments are partially for

    interest and partially for

    principal so that by the end of the

    payment stream, you've paid off the loan.

    Now we're going to look at bonds payable,

    which is a very common way that companies

    raise money to finance their operations.

    So, bonds payable, as we talked about a

    little bit at the beginning of the video,

    these are coupon bonds,

    which means that they're going to

    require semiannual coupon payments.

    So there's going to be a payment of

    cash every six months plus payment of

    the face value of the bond at maturity,

    so at the end of its time period.

    So, the terminology that we're going to

    use with bonds are the following and

    what I'm going to do in parentheses

    is note how they would map

    into our present value calculations.

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    So, the price or proceeds of the bond

    is what the company receives when they

    issue the bond to the public.

    That's going to be the same as

    the present value in a time value of

    money calculation.

    The face value or par value is the amount

    that the bond is going to pay at maturity.

    That's also going to be represented as the

    future value when we do time value money

    calculations and you can easily remember

    because face value, future value, both FV.

    The market interest rate or

    effective interest rate or

    yield-to maturity, those are all synonyms.

    That's the rate r that we're going

    to use to calculate present values.

    That's what rate the, the investors are

    willing to lend money to the company at.

    We're going to have the coupon rate,

    which is stated in the bond agreement, and

    that's going to determine

    the coupon payment,

    which is the payment in our

    present value calculations,

    which equals the face value of

    the bond times the coupon rate.

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    And then the number of periods

    to maturity is going to be n.

    And so, we're going to go through

    examples and see how all of this works.

    But the key thing to remember is

    that bonds have semiannual payments,

    which means we need to do

    semiannual compounding.

    So we have to double

    the number of periods and

    divide the rates by two when we

    do present value calculations.

    So, if it was a ten-year bond

    with a 10% interest rate,

    we would do 20 periods,

    20 semiannual periods, at 5% per period.

    And the bond price is going to

    be equal to the present value of

    that face value amount or

    future value amount plus the present value

    of the stream of payments, that annuity.

    >> But this sounds like it is going

    to be the most boring Bond video

    since GoldenEye.

    >> I actually thought A View

    to a Kill was much worse than

    GoldenEye although the cool Duran Duran

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    theme song sort of redeemed it.

    In case [LAUGH] you're wondering

    what we're talking about,

    these are James Bond movies.

    You can't teach bond accounting

    without having James Bond jokes.

    Here's another one.

    What is the favorite James Bond

    movie of all time for accountants?

    It's this one, debit no.

    >> Excuse me, I would appreciate it if

    you stopped with the dumb bond jokes.

    I am sick and

    tired of always hearing dumb bond jokes.

    >> Did you say dumb bond jokes?

    [LAUGH] Let's move on.

    Okay, so the example we're going to

    go through is on January 1st, 2010,

    KP Incorporated issues a three-year

    5% coupon, $10,000 face value bond.

    Investors price the bond using

    an effective market interest rate of 5%,

    which means that KP is going to receive

    proceeds from the bond of $10,000.

    So, basically KP specifies all the terms

    of the bond, puts it out to the market.

    The investors in the market

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    figure out the present value and

    then are willing to give KP $10,000

    of proceeds to get that bond.

    Where do they get that from?

    Well, it's, they do a present value

    calculation to get the bond price.

    So remember we have to double

    the number of periods and

    divide the interest rate by 2.

    So the present value of

    the face value part,

    the 10,000, you calculate looking for

    present value.

    We'll have a face value or

    future value of 10,000.

    We use an interest rate of 0.25,

    which is half of 5%.

    The number of periods is six.

    A three-year bond, but we double

    the number periods to get semiannual.

    And then there's no payment because

    we're just doing a face val,

    face value future value.

    So you come up with

    a present value of 8,623.

    And I'll bring this up in Excel in

    a little bit to show you all of this.

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    We have to do the present value of

    the payment, so here we're looking for

    the present value.

    We set the future value equal to zero.

    We use the same semiannual interest rate,

    number of semiannual periods.

    The payment is 250.

    That's the $10,000 face value

    times the semiannual rate of 2.5%,

    so that's where we get 250 from.

    If you use Excel, calculator or

    PV table to solve, you wind up with 1,377.

    So we add those two up, 8,623 plus 1,377,

    to get the price of 10,000.

    Or, if you're using Excel,

    you can just put in all of the elements.

    Face value, 10,000.

    Payment, 250.

    Six periods, 2, 2.5% to get the,

    calculate the present value and

    you will also get 10,000.

    So let me pop out to Excel and

    show you all these calculations.

    Okay, so to price the bond,

    there are two components.

    There's the present value of

    the $10,000 face value of the bond.

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    So we bring up our function, PV.

    We have a rate of 2.5% for

    six months, six semiannual periods.

    We're not going to do anything with

    the tenit, payment at this point and

    we have a $10,000 face value.

    So that give us 8,623,

    if you'll allow me to round.

    And then we do the same thing for

    the coupon payment.

    So, present value, we've got 0.025,

    six semiannual periods,

    $250 payment, no future value,

    1,377.03, sum those up, $10,000.

    But then, as I said, you could also do

    present value where you put in the rate,

    the number of periods, and put in

    both the payment and the face value.

    And what Excel will do is value them for

    you together and

    come up with the same

    bond price of 10,000.

    >> I have a strong feeling of deja vu.

    Have we seen something like this before?

    >> Yes, this is the exact example I

    used at the end of the Time Value of

    Money video.

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    So hopefully, it made a lot more sense

    when you saw it the second time.

    So now let's go ahead and

    do the journal entries.

    So as we have done before, I've laid out

    all of the payments across the timeline.

    We get 10,000 when we issue

    the bond on January 1st, 2010.

    Every six months,

    we pay a 250 coupon payment.

    The end, we make the last coupon

    payment plus the principal.

    So let me throw up the pause sign and

    try to do the journal entry for

    when the bond is issued on January 1,


    So on this date we're receiving

    cash of $10,000, so we debit cash.

    We credit bonds payable,

    liability of $10,000.

    Now let's look at the journal entry for

    the periodic coupon payments and

    those five payments in the middle

    are all identical journey entries, so

    just try to do one of those and

    it'll apply to all of them.

    So here is the pause sign.

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    'Kay, so we're debiting interest

    expense for 250 because this is

    a cost of interest, cost of doing

    business, goes onto the income statement.

    And then we credit cash for

    250 to represent the cash that pay for

    the coupon.

    So we're going to do that for those

    five intermediate six-months periods.

    Then the last entry we're going to

    look at is December 31, 2012,

    when we have to repay at maturity.

    So let me one last time throw up the pause

    sign and try to do this journal entry.

    Okay, so we're paying off the principal,

    so we debit bonds payable to

    reduce the liability by 10,000,

    so it makes the liability zero.

    We do one more coupon payment

    of interest expense, so

    we debit interest expense for 250,

    and then credit cash for the 10,250.

    And, of course, you could have

    also split this into two entries,

    debit interest expense,

    credit cash of 250 each.

    Debit bonds payable,

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    credit cash for $10,000 each.

    >> This seems very easy.

    I thought bonds was going to be difficult,

    so I am kind of disappointed.

    >> Yeah, if only all bonds were

    this straightforward and easy.

    Unfortunately, they're not.

    And in the next video, we will crank

    up the difficulty when we look at

    discount bonds, premium bonds and

    retirement before maturity.

    I'll see you then.

    >> See you next video!

    Hello, I'm Professor Bushee.

    Welcome back.

    Now that we have the basics of time value

    of money under our belt, we're going to

    apply those to accounting for

    various kinds of long-term liabilities,

    like bank debt, mortgages, leases,

    and bonds, a lot of bonds.

    Let's get started.

    So we're going to start our look

    at long-term liabilities by

    contrasting them to current liabilities.

    Current liabilities are anything due

    within one year, less than one year.

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    And these are pretty much most of the

    liabilities that we have been seeing so

    far in the course, so

    things like accounts payable and interest

    payable, taxes payable, wages payable.

    Those are all very short-term liabilities.

    We have to repay somebody

    within a couple of months.

    Those liabilities are booked

    at their nominal value.

    In other words, how much money you owe.

    We don't try to figure

    out the present value.

    So for accounts payable, we don't try

    to figure out the present value of

    paying something off two months later.

    But we talk about long-term liabilities,

    so liabilities due beyond one year, now

    we're going to book those liabilities at

    the present value of future cash payments.

    After we record those long-term

    liabilities, in some cases,

    we continue to mark them to fair value.

    But in most cases that we'll talk about,

    they're recorded at something called

    amortized cost, which is you book

    the liability initially at present value.

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    And then you may make adjustments based

    on inter, interim cash payments, or

    premiums or discounts,

    which we'll talk about later, but

    you don't mark at the fair

    value every period.

    So as a result, when you look at

    liabilities on a balance sheet,

    what you're oftentimes seeing

    is a mix of fair values and

    then these amortized costs,

    which are like old historical costs.

    >> Now that you have made us watch 69

    minutes of video about time value of

    money, I sure hope we will use

    those calculations in this video.

    Those were 69 minutes of my life

    that I will never get back again.

    >> Oh yeah, we'll be doing time

    value of money calculations, not for

    the first few minutes of the video, but

    toward the end, you'll be seeing them.

    Don't worry.

    The liabilities that we're

    going to focus on for

    most of the next two videos

    are different types of debt.

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    So we're going to talk

    first about bank loans.

    This is a kind of liability where you

    borrow some principal up front, so

    maybe you borrow a $1,000.

    You make periodic interest

    payments on that $1,000 and

    then you repay the $1,000

    principal at the end of the loan.

    A mortgage will be something where,

    again, you borrow principal, so

    you borrow, I guess we should

    make it a million dollars.

    Then you make periodic interest and

    principal payments over the loan period

    such that by the end of the loan period,

    you've fully paid back the principal.

    There's not necessarily that lump

    sum payment of principal at the end.

    And then we'll talk about corporate bonds.

    Corporate bonds are where a company

    promises to pay periodic cash flows,

    which we're going to call coupons,

    plus a lump sum at maturity,

    which we are going to call the principal.

    What the company does is offer these to

    the public and then investors offer the,

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    to pay the company the present value

    of the coupons and the principal.

    So that's how much cash the company

    raises from issuing the bond.

    Investors can then sell the bond

    to other people freely until

    the maturity of the bond.

    And there's a special case

    called the zero-coupon bond,

    where the coupon payment is zero.

    So there's no periodic cash flows, but

    you just pay back a lump sum at maturity.

    So you borrow now and

    then you pay back at maturity.

    >> My favorite type of debt

    are loans from my parents.

    I borrow principal, make no interest

    payments, and make no principal payments.

    Will we cover the accounting for

    these type of loans?

    >> no.

    We won't be working on accounting for

    parent loans.

    Those actually sound more like donated

    capital than actual liabilities.

    First, let's look at how we do

    the accounting for the bank loan.

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    So in this example, on January 1st, 2010,

    KP incorporated is going to borrow

    $10,000 from a bank on a three-year loan.

    The bank changes the firm

    5% interest per year.

    So it's always helpful to look at

    a timeline of payments to try to

    figure out when we're

    going to get cash and

    pay cash and

    that'll help guide the journal entries.

    So, on January 1st, 2010,

    we're going to receive $10,000 cash.

    Then on December 31st,

    we're going to pay $500 of interest.

    The $500 is 5% of 10,000.

    We pay the same amount on December 31,


    It's the same amount because at

    that point, we still owe $10,000.

    We pay 5% interest on that.

    And then at maturity, December 31,

    2012, we pay the last interest payment

    plus the principal that we owe.

    So first,

    I want to do the journal entry for

    issuing the debt, so

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    when we first borrow from the bank.

    And I'm going to throw

    up the pause sign and

    see if you can do the journal entry for

    first borrowing from the bank.


    So, on January 1st,

    2010, we're going to receive cash,

    $10,000, so we debit cash $10,000.

    And we want to credit a liability for

    what we owe the bank, so

    we credit notes payable $10,000.

    >> Wait,

    you forgot to record the interest payable!

    >> Finally a legitimate question.

    So, remember we don't book

    interest payable until we've

    incurred interest expense

    without paying any cash.

    So there's no interest payable on the day

    that we get the proceeds of this loan

    because we can in theory just turn around,

    pay it back immediately and

    not owe any interest.

    So, interest payable and interest expense

    are only going to accrue over time.

    Next, we need to do the journal entry for

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    the two periodic interest payments, so

    the interest payment on December 31,

    2010 and December 31, 2011.

    So, I'll put up the pause sign and

    you can try to think of what

    those journal entries would be.

    'Kay, so

    we are debiting interest expense for

    500 because that's a cost of

    having the loan outstanding.

    That goes on the income

    statement as an expense.

    Credit cash for

    500 because we're paying $500 cash.

    December 31, 2011,

    we make the same journal entry.

    We debit interest expense and

    we credit cash.

    The last journal entry that we need to

    do is when we repay the principal and

    pay that last interest

    payment on December 31, 2012.

    So I'll put up the pause sign and

    try to do the journal entry that

    we do on December 31, 2012.

    ' Kay, so

    we're paying off our notes payable.

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    To get rid of the notes payable liability,

    we debit notes payable 10,000,

    so that goes to zero.

    We debit interest expense because we had

    another $500 of interest expense for

    the year.

    And then we credit cash for 10,500,

    which is the total cash for paying.

    Now, you could have also split

    this into two journal entries.

    Debit interest expense 500,

    credit cash 500, and

    then debit notes payable 10,000,

    credit cash 10,000.

    Either one is okay just as long as

    your debits equal your credits.

    Now we're going to look at accounting for

    a mortgage.

    So on January 1,

    2010, KP Incorporated borrows $10,000

    from a bank on a three-year mortgage.

    The bank charges KP 5% interest

    per year on the mortgage.

    The required payment is $3,672 per year.

    >> Do you know how long it takes to

    write $3,672 in words on a check?

    >> A check?

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    Wow, you are old.

    >> Anyway, why doesn't the bank

    just make the payment a nice round

    number like $3,700?

    >> I'm sure the bank would be happy

    to give you a nice, round number as

    a payment, but if they would be

    rounding up, then they're cheating you.

    They're charging you too much.

    This 3,672 is not an arbitrary

    number pulled out of thin air, but

    it actually represents a payment

    based on an annuity calculation.

    Let me show you.

    So here's where we get the payment number.

    It's a present value calculation and

    specifically it's an present

    value of an annuity.

    But in this case,

    we actually know the present value.

    What's missing is the payment because

    we know the present value's $10,000.

    That's how much we're getting now.

    There's no future value.

    There's no money that's going to

    change hands at the end.

    It's an annual payment, so

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    we use the annual interest rate of 5% for

    the rate, three years, n is 3,

    we don't know the payment.

    We can use Excel or a calculator or

    PV table to try to solve it.

    The payment comes up to be 3,672.

    Easiest way to solve this is Excel, so

    let me pop out to Excel and

    show you how to do that.

    So going into Excel,

    we hit the little Function button.

    We look for the payment function, PMT.

    We put in the annual interest rate,which

    is 5%, for three periods, three years.

    The present value is 10,000.

    There's no future value and

    it's an ordinary annuity, so we hit OK.

    It shows us the negative.

    If you want to see it as positive,

    you put that in there, and we get 3,672.

    So, coming back into the PowerPoint,

    what it's always helpful to look at

    when accounting for a mortgage is

    what's called an amortization schedule,

    which tracks the principal and

    interest payments over time.

    So at the end of that first year,

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    December 31,

    2010, the amount of principal

    that we owe is $10,000.

    Then we're going to make

    a payment on that day of 3,672.

    Now, that payment is going

    towards principal and interest.

    So first, you calculate the interest

    portion of the payment.

    You take the beginning balance, which is

    10,000, times the 5% annual interest rate.

    And so, we're owe in terms of interest for

    the first year is $500.

    So, how much principal are we paying?

    It's the difference between 3,672 and

    500 of interest, which means

    we're paying 3,172 of principal.

    So if we're paying that much principal,

    that means that after the payment,

    the ending balance in our principal,

    our mortgage payable,

    will be 6,828,

    which is 10,000 minus 3,172.

    Then at the end of 2011,

    the beginning balance is what we

    ended with last time, 6,828.

    We make the same payment of 3,672, but

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    in one lump sum at the end, we're paying

    back some principal every period so that

    by the time we get to the end of the loan,

    we've paid back all the principal

    in addition to annual interest.

    >> Wait,

    why does the interest change each year?

    And why is it highest in the first year?

    No wonder everyone hates banks!

    >> Now, now, now,

    I used to work for a bank.

    Some of my best friends are bankers.

    Let's go easy on them.

    So there's a rational explanation why

    interest is highest at the beginning and

    then goes down over time.

    Interest is always based on the balance

    of principal at that point in time.

    And what we're doing in each payment

    is we're not only paying interest, but

    we're paying down principal.

    As we pay down principal,

    then the interest charge on that

    principal is going to be lower.

    This is a natural feature of a mortgage.

    If you ever buy a house

    with a 30-year mortgage,

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    you'll notice that [LAUGH] almost all

    of your first payment goes to interest.

    You pay a little bit down in principal.

    As you pay more and

    more principal down over time,

    the interest portion of the payment drops,

    the principal portion increases.

    Now that we've laid out the amortization

    schedule, we're going to go through and

    do the journal entries so

    we can take our amortization schedule and

    represent it in a timeline.

    So, on the day that we

    borrow from the bank for

    the mortgage January 1st,

    we get $10,000 cash coming in.

    And then we're going to make

    our three payments of 3,672,

    which are split into interest and


    So let me throw up the pas,

    the pause sign and

    have you try to do the journal

    entry on January 1, 2010,

    which is when that mortgage is issued to

    the company, so when KP borrows the money.

    So our receiving cash,

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    KP is receiving cash from the bank, so

    we debit cash 10,000.

    And we credit mortgage payable,

    a liability for what we owe back the bank.

    Then at the end of 2010, December 31,

    we have to make our payment.

    So I'm going to throw up

    the pause sign again and

    try to make the journal for 12/31/2010.

    So here, we're going to reduce the

    principal balance in mortgage payable by

    3,172, so

    reduce the liability with a debit.

    We're going to debit interest expense for

    500 to represent the cost of

    the interest during the year,

    which needs to go in the income statement.

    And then we credit cash for

    the amount of the payment 3,672.

    So let's try it again with the 2011

    payment and here is the pause sign.

    So it's going to be the same entry,

    different amounts.

    So on December 31, we're going to

    debit mortgage payable again for

    the reduction in principal,

    which is now 3,331.

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    We're going to debit interest expense

    to recognize the interest cost in

    the income statement this period,

    341, and put a cash for 3,672.

    Last payment, 12/31/2012.

    Why don't you give it a shot?

    Again, same entry, different numbers.

    Debit mortgage payable to reduce

    the principal balance by 3,497.

    Debit interest expense to recognize

    the cost of the interest on

    the income statement, 175, and

    then credit cash for the 3,672.

    And at this point,

    the mortgage is fully paid off, so

    there are no more journal entries.

    So that's what what goes on with

    the accounting firm mortgage where you

    have this situation of equal payments and

    the payments are partially for

    interest and partially for

    principal so that by the end of the

    payment stream, you've paid off the loan.

    Now we're going to look at bonds payable,

    which is a very common way that companies

    raise money to finance their operations.

    So, bonds payable, as we talked about a

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    little bit at the beginning of the video,

    these are coupon bonds,

    which means that they're going to

    require semiannual coupon payments.

    So there's going to be a payment of

    cash every six months plus payment of

    the face value of the bond at maturity,

    so at the end of its time period.

    So, the terminology that we're going to

    use with bonds are the following and

    what I'm going to do in parentheses

    is note how they would map

    into our present value calculations.

    So, the price or proceeds of the bond

    is what the company receives when they

    issue the bond to the public.

    That's going to be the same as

    the present value in a time value of

    money calculation.

    The face value or par value is the amount

    that the bond is going to pay at maturity.

    That's also going to be represented as the

    future value when we do time value money

    calculations and you can easily remember

    because face value, future value, both FV.

    The market interest rate or

    effective interest rate or

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    yield-to maturity, those are all synonyms.

    That's the rate r that we're going

    to use to calculate present values.

    That's what rate the, the investors are

    willing to lend money to the company at.

    We're going to have the coupon rate,

    which is stated in the bond agreement, and

    that's going to determine

    the coupon payment,

    which is the payment in our

    present value calculations,

    which equals the face value of

    the bond times the coupon rate.

    And then the number of periods

    to maturity is going to be n.

    And so, we're going to go through

    examples and see how all of this works.

    But the key thing to remember is

    that bonds have semiannual payments,

    which means we need to do

    semiannual compounding.

    So we have to double

    the number of periods and

    divide the rates by two when we

    do present value calculations.

    So, if it was a ten-year bond

    with a 10% interest rate,

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    we would do 20 periods,

    20 semiannual periods, at 5% per period.

    And the bond price is going to

    be equal to the present value of

    that face value amount or

    future value amount plus the present value

    of the stream of payments, that annuity.

    >> But this sounds like it is going

    to be the most boring Bond video

    since GoldenEye.

    >> I actually thought A View

    to a Kill was much worse than

    GoldenEye although the cool Duran Duran

    theme song sort of redeemed it.

    In case [LAUGH] you're wondering

    what we're talking about,

    these are James Bond movies.

    You can't teach bond accounting

    without having James Bond jokes.

    Here's another one.

    What is the favorite James Bond

    movie of all time for accountants?

    It's this one, debit no.

    >> Excuse me, I would appreciate it if

    you stopped with the dumb bond jokes.

    I am sick and

    tired of always hearing dumb bond jokes.

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    >> Did you say dumb bond jokes?

    [LAUGH] Let's move on.

    Okay, so the example we're going to

    go through is on January 1st, 2010,

    KP Incorporated issues a three-year

    5% coupon, $10,000 face value bond.

    Investors price the bond using

    an effective market interest rate of 5%,

    which means that KP is going to receive

    proceeds from the bond of $10,000.

    So, basically KP specifies all the terms

    of the bond, puts it out to the market.

    The investors in the market

    figure out the present value and

    then are willing to give KP $10,000

    of proceeds to get that bond.

    Where do they get that from?

    Well, it's, they do a present value

    calculation to get the bond price.

    So remember we have to double

    the number of periods and

    divide the interest rate by 2.

    So the present value of

    the face value part,

    the 10,000, you calculate looking for

    present value.

    We'll have a face value or

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    future value of 10,000.

    We use an interest rate of 0.25,

    which is half of 5%.

    The number of periods is six.

    A three-year bond, but we double

    the number periods to get semiannual.

    And then there's no payment because

    we're just doing a face val,

    face value future value.

    So you come up with

    a present value of 8,623.

    And I'll bring this up in Excel in

    a little bit to show you all of this.

    We have to do the present value of

    the payment, so here we're looking for

    the present value.

    We set the future value equal to zero.

    We use the same semiannual interest rate,

    number of semiannual periods.

    The payment is 250.

    That's the $10,000 face value

    times the semiannual rate of 2.5%,

    so that's where we get 250 from.

    If you use Excel, calculator or

    PV table to solve, you wind up with 1,377.

    So we add those two up, 8,623 plus 1,377,

    to get the price of 10,000.

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    Or, if you're using Excel,

    you can just put in all of the elements.

    Face value, 10,000.

    Payment, 250.

    Six periods, 2, 2.5% to get the,

    calculate the present value and

    you will also get 10,000.

    So let me pop out to Excel and

    show you all these calculations.

    Okay, so to price the bond,

    there are two components.

    There's the present value of

    the $10,000 face value of the bond.

    So we bring up our function, PV.

    We have a rate of 2.5% for

    six months, six semiannual periods.

    We're not going to do anything with

    the tenit, payment at this point and

    we have a $10,000 face value.

    So that give us 8,623,

    if you'll allow me to round.

    And then we do the same thing for

    the coupon payment.

    So, present value, we've got 0.025,

    six semiannual periods,

    $250 payment, no future value,

    1,377.03, sum those up, $10,000.

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    But then, as I said, you could also do

    present value where you put in the rate,

    the number of periods, and put in

    both the payment and the face value.

    And what Excel will do is value them for

    you together and

    come up with the same

    bond price of 10,000.

    >> I have a strong feeling of deja vu.

    Have we seen something like this before?

    >> Yes, this is the exact example I

    used at the end of the Time Value of

    Money video.

    So hopefully, it made a lot more sense

    when you saw it the second time.

    So now let's go ahead and

    do the journal entries.

    So as we have done before, I've laid out

    all of the payments across the timeline.

    We get 10,000 when we issue

    the bond on January 1st, 2010.

    Every six months,

    we pay a 250 coupon payment.

    The end, we make the last coupon

    payment plus the principal.

    So let me throw up the pause sign and

    try to do the journal entry for

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    when the bond is issued on January 1,


    So on this date we're receiving

    cash of $10,000, so we debit cash.

    We credit bonds payable,

    liability of $10,000.

    Now let's look at the journal entry for

    the periodic coupon payments and

    those five payments in the middle

    are all identical journey entries, so

    just try to do one of those and

    it'll apply to all of them.

    So here is the pause sign.

    'Kay, so we're debiting interest

    expense for 250 because this is

    a cost of interest, cost of doing

    business, goes onto the income statement.

    And then we credit cash for

    250 to represent the cash that pay for

    the coupon.

    So we're going to do that for those

    five intermediate six-months periods.

    Then the last entry we're going to

    look at is December 31, 2012,

    when we have to repay at maturity.

    So let me one last time throw up the pause

    sign and try to do this journal entry.

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    Okay, so we're paying off the principal,

    so we debit bonds payable to

    reduce the liability by 10,000,

    so it makes the liability zero.

    We do one more coupon payment

    of interest expense, so

    we debit interest expense for 250,

    and then credit cash for the 10,250.

    And, of course, you could have

    also split this into two entries,

    debit interest expense,

    credit cash of 250 each.

    Debit bonds payable,

    credit cash for $10,000 each.

    >> This seems very easy.

    I thought bonds was going to be difficult,

    so I am kind of disappointed.

    >> Yeah, if only all bonds were

    this straightforward and easy.

    Unfortunately, they're not.

    And in the next video, we will crank

    up the difficulty when we look at

    discount bonds, premium bonds and

    retirement before maturity.

    I'll see you then.

    >> See you next video!

    Hello, I'm Professor Bushee.

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    Welcome back.

    Now that we have the basics of time value

    of money under our belt, we're going to

    apply those to accounting for

    various kinds of long-term liabilities,

    like bank debt, mortgages, leases,

    and bonds, a lot of bonds.

    Let's get started.

    So we're going to start our look

    at long-term liabilities by

    contrasting them to current liabilities.

    Current liabilities are anything due

    within one year, less than one year.

    And these are pretty much most of the

    liabilities that we have been seeing so

    far in the course, so

    things like accounts payable and interest

    payable, taxes payable, wages payable.

    Those are all very short-term liabilities.

    We have to repay somebody

    within a couple of months.

    Those liabilities are booked

    at their nominal value.

    In other words, how much money you owe.

    We don't try to figure

    out the present value.

    So for accounts payable, we don't try

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    to figure out the present value of

    paying something off two months later.

    But we talk about long-term liabilities,

    so liabilities due beyond one year, now

    we're going to book those liabilities at

    the present value of future cash payments.

    After we record those long-term

    liabilities, in some cases,

    we continue to mark them to fair value.

    But in most cases that we'll talk about,

    they're recorded at something called

    amortized cost, which is you book

    the liability initially at present value.

    And then you may make adjustments based

    on inter, interim cash payments, or

    premiums or discounts,

    which we'll talk about later, but

    you don't mark at the fair

    value every period.

    So as a result, when you look at

    liabilities on a balance sheet,

    what you're oftentimes seeing

    is a mix of fair values and

    then these amortized costs,

    which are like old historical costs.

    >> Now that you have made us watch 69

    minutes of video about time value of

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    money, I sure hope we will use

    those calculations in this video.

    Those were 69 minutes of my life

    that I will never get back again.

    >> Oh yeah, we'll be doing time

    value of money calculations, not for

    the first few minutes of the video, but

    toward the end, you'll be seeing them.

    Don't worry.

    The liabilities that we're

    going to focus on for

    most of the next two videos

    are different types of debt.

    So we're going to talk

    first about bank loans.

    This is a kind of liability where you

    borrow some principal up front, so

    maybe you borrow a $1,000.

    You make periodic interest

    payments on that $1,000 and

    then you repay the $1,000

    principal at the end of the loan.

    A mortgage will be something where,

    again, you borrow principal, so

    you borrow, I guess we should

    make it a million dollars.

    Then you make periodic interest and

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    principal payments over the loan period

    such that by the end of the loan period,

    you've fully paid back the principal.

    There's not necessarily that lump

    sum payment of principal at the end.

    And then we'll talk about corporate bonds.

    Corporate bonds are where a company

    promises to pay periodic cash flows,

    which we're going to call coupons,

    plus a lump sum at maturity,

    which we are going to call the principal.

    What the company does is offer these to

    the public and then investors offer the,

    to pay the company the present value

    of the coupons and the principal.

    So that's how much cash the company

    raises from issuing the bond.

    Investors can then sell the bond

    to other people freely until

    the maturity of the bond.

    And there's a special case

    called the zero-coupon bond,

    where the coupon payment is zero.

    So there's no periodic cash flows, but

    you just pay back a lump sum at maturity.

    So you borrow now and

    then you pay back at maturity.

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    >> My favorite type of debt

    are loans from my parents.

    I borrow principal, make no interest

    payments, and make no principal payments.

    Will we cover the accounting for

    these type of loans?

    >> no.

    We won't be working on accounting for

    parent loans.

    Those actually sound more like donated

    capital than actual liabilities.

    First, let's look at how we do

    the accounting for the bank loan.

    So in this example, on January 1st, 2010,

    KP incorporated is going to borrow

    $10,000 from a bank on a three-year loan.

    The bank changes the firm

    5% interest per year.

    So it's always helpful to look at

    a timeline of payments to try to

    figure out when we're

    going to get cash and

    pay cash and

    that'll help guide the journal entries.

    So, on January 1st, 2010,

    we're going to receive $10,000 cash.

    Then on December 31st,

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    we're going to pay $500 of interest.

    The $500 is 5% of 10,000.

    We pay the same amount on December 31,


    It's the same amount because at

    that point, we still owe $10,000.

    We pay 5% interest on that.

    And then at maturity, December 31,

    2012, we pay the last interest payment

    plus the principal that we owe.

    So first,

    I want to do the journal entry for

    issuing the debt, so

    when we first borrow from the bank.

    And I'm going to throw

    up the pause sign and

    see if you can do the journal entry for

    first borrowing from the bank.


    So, on January 1st,

    2010, we're going to receive cash,

    $10,000, so we debit cash $10,000.

    And we want to credit a liability for

    what we owe the bank, so

    we credit notes payable $10,000.

    >> Wait,

    you forgot to record the interest payable!

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    >> Finally a legitimate question.

    So, remember we don't book

    interest payable until we've

    incurred interest expense

    without paying any cash.

    So there's no interest payable on the day

    that we get the proceeds of this loan

    because we can in theory just turn around,

    pay it back immediately and

    not owe any interest.

    So, interest payable and interest expense

    are only going to accrue over time.

    Next, we need to do the journal entry for

    the two periodic interest payments, so

    the interest payment on December 31,

    2010 and December 31, 2011.

    So, I'll put up the pause sign and

    you can try to think of what

    those journal entries would be.

    'Kay, so

    we are debiting interest expense for

    500 because that's a cost of

    having the loan outstanding.

    That goes on the income

    statement as an expense.

    Credit cash for

    500 because we're paying $500 cash.

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    December 31, 2011,

    we make the same journal entry.

    We debit interest expense and

    we credit cash.

    The last journal entry that we need to

    do is when we repay the principal and

    pay that last interest

    payment on December 31, 2012.

    So I'll put up the pause sign and

    try to do the journal entry that

    we do on December 31, 2012.

    ' Kay, so

    we're paying off our notes payable.

    To get rid of the notes payable liability,

    we debit notes payable 10,000,

    so that goes to zero.

    We debit interest expense because we had

    another $500 of interest expense for

    the year.

    And then we credit cash for 10,500,

    which is the total cash for paying.

    Now, you could have also split

    this into two journal entries.

    Debit interest expense 500,

    credit cash 500, and

    then debit notes payable 10,000,

    credit cash 10,000.

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    Either one is okay just as long as

    your debits equal your credits.

    Now we're going to look at accounting for

    a mortgage.

    So on January 1,

    2010, KP Incorporated borrows $10,000

    from a bank on a three-year mortgage.

    The bank charges KP 5% interest

    per year on the mortgage.

    The required payment is $3,672 per year.

    >> Do you know how long it takes to

    write $3,672 in words on a check?

    >> A check?

    Wow, you are old.

    >> Anyway, why doesn't the bank

    just make the payment a nice round

    number like $3,700?

    >> I'm sure the bank would be happy

    to give you a nice, round number as

    a payment, but if they would be

    rounding up, then they're cheating you.

    They're charging you too much.

    This 3,672 is not an arbitrary

    number pulled out of thin air, but

    it actually represents a payment

    based on an annuity calculation.

    Let me show you.

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    So here's where we get the payment number.

    It's a present value calculation and

    specifically it's an present

    value of an annuity.

    But in this case,

    we actually know the present value.

    What's missing is the payment because

    we know the present value's $10,000.

    That's how much we're getting now.

    There's no future value.

    There's no money that's going to

    change hands at the end.

    It's an annual payment, so

    we use the annual interest rate of 5% for

    the rate, three years, n is 3,

    we don't know the payment.

    We can use Excel or a calculator or

    PV table to try to solve it.

    The payment comes up to be 3,672.

    Easiest way to solve this is Excel, so

    let me pop out to Excel and

    show you how to do that.

    So going into Excel,

    we hit the little Function button.

    We look for the payment function, PMT.

    We put in the annual interest rate,which

    is 5%, for three periods, three years.

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    The present value is 10,000.

    There's no future value and

    it's an ordinary annuity, so we hit OK.

    It shows us the negative.

    If you want to see it as positive,

    you put that in there, and we get 3,672.

    So, coming back into the PowerPoint,

    what it's always helpful to look at

    when accounting for a mortgage is

    what's called an amortization schedule,

    which tracks the principal and

    interest payments over time.

    So at the end of that first year,

    December 31,

    2010, the amount of principal

    that we owe is $10,000.

    Then we're going to make

    a payment on that day of 3,672.

    Now, that payment is going

    towards principal and interest.

    So first, you calculate the interest

    portion of the payment.

    You take the beginning balance, which is

    10,000, times the 5% annual interest rate.

    And so, we're owe in terms of interest for

    the first year is $500.

    So, how much principal are we paying?

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    It's the difference between 3,672 and

    500 of interest, which means

    we're paying 3,172 of principal.

    So if we're paying that much principal,

    that means that after the payment,

    the ending balance in our principal,

    our mortgage payable,

    will be 6,828,

    which is 10,000 minus 3,172.

    Then at the end of 2011,

    the beginning balance is what we

    ended with last time, 6,828.

    We make the same payment of 3,672, but

    this time, the interest component is last.

    It's calculated as the beginning

    balance times 5%, so

    it's 6,828 times 5%, which is 341.

    Since we're paying a little bit less

    interest with the same payment,

    we pay off more principal.

    That's calculated as 3,672 minus 341,

    so that's 3,331.

    And so,

    since we're paying back that principal,

    the balance in the mortgage principal

    at the end of the year is 3,497.

    That's 6,828 minus 3,331, gives you 3,497.

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    And then we get to December 31, 2012,

    which is the end of the mortgage.

    So coming in, the balance is 3,497.

    The interest portion is 3,497 times 5% or


    So we're making the same payment of 3,672,

    which means that the principal

    portion is 3,497.

    3,672 minus 175 and viola,

    that's exactly how much principal we owe.

    So after we make the last payment,

    the principal balance is 0.

    So, instead of paying back the principal

    in one lump sum at the end, we're paying

    back some principal every period so that

    by the time we get to the end of the loan,

    we've paid back all the principal

    in addition to annual interest.

    >> Wait,

    why does the interest change each year?

    And why is it highest in the first year?

    No wonder everyone hates banks!

    >> Now, now, now,

    I used to work for a bank.

    Some of my best friends are bankers.

    Let's go easy on them.

    So there's a rational explanation why

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    interest is highest at the beginning and

    then goes down over time.

    Interest is always based on the balance

    of principal at that point in time.

    And what we're doing in each payment

    is we're not only paying interest, but

    we're paying down principal.

    As we pay down principal,

    then the interest charge on that

    principal is going to be lower.

    This is a natural feature of a mortgage.

    If you ever buy a house

    with a 30-year mortgage,

    you'll notice that [LAUGH] almost all

    of your first payment goes to interest.

    You pay a little bit down in principal.

    As you pay more and

    more principal down over time,

    the interest portion of the payment drops,

    the principal portion increases.

    Now that we've laid out the amortization

    schedule, we're going to go through and

    do the journal entries so

    we can take our amortization schedule and

    represent it in a timeline.

    So, on the day that we

    borrow from the bank for

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    the mortgage January 1st,

    we get $10,000 cash coming in.

    And then we're going to make

    our three payments of 3,672,

    which are split into interest and


    So let me throw up the pas,

    the pause sign and

    have you try to do the journal

    entry on January 1, 2010,

    which is when that mortgage is issued to

    the company, so when KP borrows the money.

    So our receiving cash,

    KP is receiving cash from the bank, so

    we debit cash 10,000.

    And we credit mortgage payable,

    a liability for what we owe back the bank.

    Then at the end of 2010, December 31,

    we have to make our payment.

    So I'm going to throw up

    the pause sign again and

    try to make the journal for 12/31/2010.

    So here, we're going to reduce the

    principal balance in mortgage payable by

    3,172, so

    reduce the liability with a debit.

    We're going to debit interest expense for

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    500 to represent the cost of

    the interest during the year,

    which needs to go in the income statement.

    And then we credit cash for

    the amount of the payment 3,672.

    So let's try it again with the 2011

    payment and here is the pause sign.

    So it's going to be the same entry,

    different amounts.

    So on December 31, we're going to

    debit mortgage payable again for

    the reduction in principal,

    which is now 3,331.

    We're going to debit interest expense

    to recognize the interest cost in

    the income statement this period,

    341, and put a cash for 3,672.

    Last payment, 12/31/2012.

    Why don't you give it a shot?

    Again, same entry, different numbers.

    Debit mortgage payable to reduce

    the principal balance by 3,497.

    Debit interest expense to recognize

    the cost of the interest on

    the income statement, 175, and

    then credit cash for the 3,672.

    And at this point,

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    the mortgage is fully paid off, so

    there are no more journal entries.

    So that's what what goes on with

    the accounting firm mortgage where you

    have this situation of equal payments and

    the payments are partially for

    interest and partially for

    principal so that by the end of the

    payment stream, you've paid off the loan.

    Now we're going to look at bonds payable,

    which is a very common way that companies

    raise money to finance their operations.

    So, bonds payable, as we talked about a

    little bit at the beginning of the video,

    these are coupon bonds,

    which means that they're going to

    require semiannual coupon payments.

    So there's going to be a payment of

    cash every six months plus payment of

    the face value of the bond at maturity,

    so at the end of its time period.

    So, the terminology that we're going to

    use with bonds are the following and

    what I'm going to do in parentheses

    is note how they would map

    into our present value calculations.

    So, the price or proceeds of the bond

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    is what the company receives when they

    issue the bond to the public.

    That's going to be the same as

    the present value in a time value of

    money calculation.

    The face value or par value is the amount

    that the bond is going to pay at maturity.

    That's also going to be represented as the

    future value when we do time value money

    calculations and you can easily remember

    because face value, future value, both FV.

    The market interest rate or

    effective interest rate or

    yield-to maturity, those are all synonyms.

    That's the rate r that we're going

    to use to calculate present values.

    That's what rate the, the investors are

    willing to lend money to the company at.

    We're going to have the coupon rate,

    which is stated in the bond agreement, and

    that's going to determine

    the coupon payment,

    which is the payment in our

    present value calculations,

    which equals the face value of

    the bond times the coupon rate.

    And then the number of periods

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    to maturity is going to be n.

    And so, we're going to go through

    examples and see how all of this works.

    But the key thing to remember is

    that bonds have semiannual payments,

    which means we need to do

    semiannual compounding.

    So we have to double

    the number of periods and

    divide the rates by two when we

    do present value calculations.

    So, if it was a ten-year bond

    with a 10% interest rate,

    we would do 20 periods,

    20 semiannual periods, at 5% per period.

    And the bond price is going to

    be equal to the present value of

    that face value amount or

    future value amount plus the present value

    of the stream of payments, that annuity.

    >> But this sounds like it is going

    to be the most boring Bond video

    since GoldenEye.

    >> I actually thought A View

    to a Kill was much worse than

    GoldenEye although the cool Duran Duran

    theme song sort of redeemed it.

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    In case [LAUGH] you're wondering

    what we're talking about,

    these are James Bond movies.

    You can't teach bond accounting

    without having James Bond jokes.

    Here's another one.

    What is the favorite James Bond

    movie of all time for accountants?

    It's this one, debit no.

    >> Excuse me, I would appreciate it if

    you stopped with the dumb bond jokes.

    I am sick and

    tired of always hearing dumb bond jokes.

    >> Did you say dumb bond jokes?

    [LAUGH] Let's move on.

    Okay, so the example we're going to

    go through is on January 1st, 2010,

    KP Incorporated issues a three-year

    5% coupon, $10,000 face value bond.

    Investors price the bond using

    an effective market interest rate of 5%,

    which means that KP is going to receive

    proceeds from the bond of $10,000.

    So, basically KP specifies all the terms

    of the bond, puts it out to the market.

    The investors in the market

    figure out the present value and

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    then are willing to give KP $10,000

    of proceeds to get that bond.

    Where do they get that from?

    Well, it's, they do a present value

    calculation to get the bond price.

    So remember we have to double

    the number of periods and

    divide the interest rate by 2.

    So the present value of

    the face value part,

    the 10,000, you calculate looking for

    present value.

    We'll have a face value or

    future value of 10,000.

    We use an interest rate of 0.25,

    which is half of 5%.

    The number of periods is six.

    A three-year bond, but we double

    the number periods to get semiannual.

    And then there's no payment because

    we're just doing a face val,

    face value future value.

    So you come up with

    a present value of 8,623.

    And I'll bring this up in Excel in

    a little bit to show you all of this.

    We have to do the present value of

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    the payment, so here we're looking for

    the present value.

    We set the future value equal to zero.

    We use the same semiannual interest rate,

    number of semiannual periods.

    The payment is 250.

    That's the $10,000 face value

    times the semiannual rate of 2.5%,

    so that's where we get 250 from.

    If you use Excel, calculator or

    PV table to solve, you wind up with 1,377.

    So we add those two up, 8,623 plus 1,377,

    to get the price of 10,000.

    Or, if you're using Excel,

    you can just put in all of the elements.

    Face value, 10,000.

    Payment, 250.

    Six periods, 2, 2.5% to get the,

    calculate the present value and

    you will also get 10,000.

    So let me pop out to Excel and

    show you all these calculations.

    Okay, so to price the bond,

    there are two components.

    There's the present value of

    the $10,000 face value of the bond.

    So we bring up our function, PV.

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    We have a rate of 2.5% for

    six months, six semiannual periods.

    We're not going to do anything with

    the tenit, payment at this point and

    we have a $10,000 face value.

    So that give us 8,623,

    if you'll allow me to round.

    And then we do the same thing for

    the coupon payment.

    So, present value, we've got 0.025,

    six semiannual periods,

    $250 payment, no future value,

    1,377.03, sum those up, $10,000.

    But then, as I said, you could also do

    present value where you put in the rate,

    the number of periods, and put in

    both the payment and the face value.

    And what Excel will do is value them for

    you together and

    come up with the same

    bond price of 10,000.

    >> I have a strong feeling of deja vu.

    Have we seen something like this before?

    >> Yes, this is the exact example I

    used at the end of the Time Value of

    Money video.

    So hopefully, it made a lot more sense

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    when you saw it the second time.

    So now let's go ahead and

    do the journal entries.

    So as we have done before, I've laid out

    all of the payments across the timeline.

    We get 10,000 when we issue

    the bond on January 1st, 2010.

    Every six months,

    we pay a 250 coupon payment.

    The end, we make the last coupon

    payment plus the principal.

    So let me throw up the pause sign and

    try to do the journal entry for

    when the bond is issued on January 1,


    So on this date we're receiving

    cash of $10,000, so we debit cash.

    We credit bonds payable,

    liability of $10,000.

    Now let's look at the journal entry for

    the periodic coupon payments and

    those five payments in the middle

    are all identical journey entries, so

    just try to do one of those and

    it'll apply to all of them.

    So here is the pause sign.

    'Kay, so we're debiting interest

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    expense for 250 because this is

    a cost of interest, cost of doing

    business, goes onto the income statement.

    And then we credit cash for

    250 to represent the cash that pay for

    the coupon.

    So we're going to do that for those

    five intermediate six-months periods.

    Then the last entry we're going to

    look at is December 31, 2012,

    when we have to repay at maturity.

    So let me one last time throw up the pause

    sign and try to do this journal entry.

    Okay, so we're paying off the principal,

    so we debit bonds payable to

    reduce the liability by 10,000,

    so it makes the liability zero.

    We do one more coupon payment

    of interest expense, so

    we debit interest expense for 250,

    and then credit cash for the 10,250.

    And, of course, you could have

    also split this into two entries,

    debit interest expense,

    credit cash of 250 each.

    Debit bonds payable,

    credit cash for $10,000 each.

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    >> This seems very easy.

    I thought bonds was going to be difficult,

    so I am kind of disappointed.

    >> Yeah, if only all bonds were

    this straightforward and easy.

    Unfortunately, they're not.

    And in the next video, we will crank

    up the difficulty when we look at

    discount bonds, premium bonds and

    retirement before maturity.

    I'll see you then.

    >> See you next video!

    Hello, I'm Professor Bushee.

    Welcome back.

    Now that we have the basics of time value

    of money under our belt, we're going to

    apply those to accounting for

    various kinds of long-term liabilities,

    like bank debt, mortgages, leases,

    and bonds, a lot of bonds.

    Let's get started.

    So we're going to start our look

    at long-term liabilities by

    contrasting them to current liabilities.

    Current liabilities are anything due

    within one year, less than one year.

    And these are pretty much most of the

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    liabilities that we have been seeing so

    far in the course, so

    things like accounts payable and interest

    payable, taxes payable, wages payable.

    Those are all very short-term liabilities.

    We have to repay somebody

    within a couple of months.

    Those liabilities are booked

    at their nominal value.

    In other words, how much money you owe.

    We don't try to figure

    out the present value.

    So for accounts payable, we don't try

    to figure out the present value of

    paying something off two months later.

    But we talk about long-term liabilities,

    so liabilities due beyond one year, now

    we're going to book those liabilities at

    the present value of future cash payments.

    After we record those long-term

    liabilities, in some cases,

    we continue to mark them to fair value.

    But in most cases that we'll talk about,

    they're recorded at something called

    amortized cost, which is you book

    the liability initially at present value.

    And then you may make adjustments based

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    on inter, interim cash payments, or

    premiums or discounts,

    which we'll talk about later, but

    you don't mark at the fair

    value every period.

    So as a result, when you look at

    liabilities on a balance sheet,

    what you're oftentimes seeing

    is a mix of fair values and

    then these amortized costs,

    which are like old historical costs.

    >> Now that you have made us watch 69

    minutes of video about time value of

    money, I sure hope we will use

    those calculations in this video.

    Those were 69 minutes of my life

    that I will never get back again.

    >> Oh yeah, we'll be doing time

    value of money calculations, not for

    the first few minutes of the video, but

    toward the end, you'll be seeing them.

    Don't worry.

    The liabilities that we're

    going to focus on for

    most of the next two videos

    are different types of debt.

    So we're going to talk

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    first about bank loans.

    This is a kind of liability where you

    borrow some principal up front, so

    maybe you borrow a $1,000.

    You make periodic interest

    payments on that $1,000 and

    then you repay the $1,000

    principal at the end of the loan.

    A mortgage will be something where,

    again, you borrow principal, so

    you borrow, I guess we should

    make it a million dollars.

    Then you make periodic interest and

    principal payments over the loan period

    such that by the end of the loan period,

    you've fully paid back the principal.

    There's not necessarily that lump

    sum payment of principal at the end.

    And then we'll talk about corporate bonds.

    Corporate bonds are where a company

    promises to pay periodic cash flows,

    which we're going to call coupons,

    plus a lump sum at maturity,

    which we are going to call the principal.

    What the company does is offer these to

    the public and then investors offer the,

    to pay the company the present value

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    of the coupons and the principal.

    So that's how much cash the company

    raises from issuing the bond.

    Investors can then sell the bond

    to other people freely until

    the maturity of the bond.

    And there's a special case

    called the zero-coupon bond,

    where the coupon payment is zero.

    So there's no periodic cash flows, but

    you just pay back a lump sum at maturity.

    So you borrow now and

    then you pay back at maturity.

    >> My favorite type of debt

    are loans from my parents.

    I borrow principal, make no interest

    payments, and make no principal payments.

    Will we cover the accounting for

    these type of loans?

    >> no.

    We won't be working on accounting for

    parent loans.

    Those actually sound more like donated

    capital than actual liabilities.

    First, let's look at how we do

    the accounting for the bank loan.

    So in this example, on January 1st, 2010,

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    KP incorporated is going to borrow

    $10,000 from a bank on a three-year loan.

    The bank changes the firm

    5% interest per year.

    So it's always helpful to look at

    a timeline of payments to try to

    figure out when we're

    going to get cash and

    pay cash and

    that'll help guide the journal entries.

    So, on January 1st, 2010,

    we're going to receive $10,000 cash.

    Then on December 31st,

    we're going to pay $500 of interest.

    The $500 is 5% of 10,000.

    We pay the same amount on December 31,


    It's the same amount because at

    that point, we still owe $10,000.

    We pay 5% interest on that.

    And then at maturity, December 31,

    2012, we pay the last interest payment

    plus the principal that we owe.

    So first,

    I want to do the journal entry for

    issuing the debt, so

    when we first borrow from the bank.

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    And I'm going to throw

    up the pause sign and

    see if you can do the journal entry for

    first borrowing from the bank.


    So, on January 1st,

    2010, we're going to receive cash,

    $10,000, so we debit cash $10,000.

    And we want to credit a liability for

    what we owe the bank, so

    we credit notes payable $10,000.

    >> Wait,

    you forgot to record the interest payable!

    >> Finally a legitimate question.

    So, remember we don't book

    interest payable until we've

    incurred interest expense

    without paying any cash.

    So there's no interest payable on the day

    that we get the proceeds of this loan

    because we can in theory just turn around,

    pay it back immediately and

    not owe any interest.

    So, interest payable and interest expense

    are only going to accrue over time.

    Next, we need to do the journal entry for

    the two periodic interest payments, so

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    the interest payment on December 31,

    2010 and December 31, 2011.

    So, I'll put up the pause sign and

    you can try to think of what

    those journal entries would be.

    'Kay, so

    we are debiting interest expense for

    500 because that's a cost of

    having the loan outstanding.

    That goes on the income

    statement as an expense.

    Credit cash for

    500 because we're paying $500 cash.

    December 31, 2011,

    we make the same journal entry.

    We debit interest expense and

    we credit cash.

    The last journal entry that we need to

    do is when we repay the principal and

    pay that last interest

    payment on December 31, 2012.

    So I'll put up the pause sign and

    try to do the journal entry that

    we do on December 31, 2012.

    ' Kay, so

    we're paying off our notes payable.

    To get rid of the notes payable liability,

  • 8/10/2019 Future Vaule App


    we debit notes payable 10,000,

    so that goes to zero.

    We debit interest expense because we had

    another $500 of interest expense for

    the year.

    And then we credit cash for 10,500,

    which is the total cash for paying.

    Now, you could have also split

    this into two journal entries.

    Debit interest expense 500,

    credit cash 500, and

    then debit notes payable 10,000,

    credit cash 10,000.

    Either one is okay just as long as

    your debits equal your credits.

    Now we're going to look at accounting for

    a mortgage.

    So on January 1,

    2010, KP Incorporated borrows $10,000

    from a bank on a three-year mortgage.

    The bank charges KP 5% interest

    per year on the mortgage.

    The required payment is $3,672 per year.

    >> Do you know how long it takes to

    write $3,672 in words on a check?

    >> A check?

    Wow, you are old.

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    >> Anyway, why doesn't the bank

    just make the payment a nice round

    number like $3,700?

    >> I'm sure the bank would be happy