Future talk what happens when your entire company becomes social

@marcusnelson #SMSSummit Future T lk: Wh t H ppens When Your Entire Comp n Becomes Soci l? @marcusnelson #SMSSummit
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What Happens when Your Entire Company becomes Social? WHEN: NOVEMBER 8, 2012 @ 3:30PM SPEAKER: MARCUS NELSON In the not too distant future, Community Management will no longer be the task of one single department. Like the Web Masters of a decade ago, these roles will be dispersed among every business unit in your company. How will this effect organizations? What tools will you need to accommodate these changes

Transcript of Future talk what happens when your entire company becomes social

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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

Future T!lk: Wh!t H!ppens When Your Entire Comp!n" Becomes Soci!l?

@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

“O h!i.”


@marcusnelsonFounder of Addvocate

Former Head of Social Media at Salesforce.com

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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit


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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

Comp!nies Usin" Soci!l For M!rketin"


57% 72% 81% 88% 91% 92%

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014Percent of Comp!nies Usin" Soci!l Ch!nnelsSource: http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?R=1009273

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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit







Bi" Mone# Spent On Soci!l Advertisin"







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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit


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Social is not an ad play, It’s a content game. #SMSSummit

Tweet this ple!se

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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit


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If your company is on the Internet, YOU ARE A MEDIA COMPANY. #SMSSummit

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All Content Should Live Here

Dreamforce Announcement on Blog





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SEO M!tters

71% of Enterprise purchase decisions in the United States begin with research conducted on a search engine.


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A Blo" Should Be Your...

Single Voice of Authority

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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

Trust M!tters

85% trust information they receive from blogs.

• Facebook - 67%• Twitter - 73%• Pinterest - 85%



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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

Blo"s M!tter

69% of B2B buyers make buying decisions after reviewing a company’s blog.



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#Content is King,#Marketing is Queen,but your Blog is their Castle. #SMSSummit

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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

I know wh!t #ou’re thinkin" to #ourself…


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“I don’t h!ve enou"h st!ff”shit

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You H!ve An Incentivi$ed Workforce

Workers want to talk about their company, only...

1. They don't know what to say.2. They're afraid to say the wrong thing.

So, they do nothing.

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Employees want to post of social but often they don’t know what to say, or they don't want to sound dumb. So they say nothing. #SMSSummit

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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

Customers WANT to T!lk to Emplo#ees



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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

Re!d#. Set. Go.


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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

Determine Objectives


Share of Voice

# of MVPs

Awards Won

Engagement Coverage

Video Views


Posts & Comments

Facebook Engagement



# of Employees Trained

# of Influencers Engaged

Audit Score



Quality of Engagement

Share of Conversation

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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

Est!blish Soci!l Medi! Guidelines



What’s in bounds?

What’s out of bounds?

Who to escalate things to?

public facing youtube video

Every Employee is responsible for reading and adhering to the rules.

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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

Build Proficienc# Amon" Emplo#ees



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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

Cre!te Coll!bor!tion Infr!structure


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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

Identif# Users


Profiles: Who’s contributing on your company’s behalf.Skills: List expertise and experience on products or projects.Search: Find knowledge leaders w/ user-defined expertise tagging.Score: See how users rank in influence within the service.Leader Boards: Create competition.

Social Directory

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Amplif# Mess!"es

Always On: Browser plugin gives constant access to Addvocate.Share: Suggest tweets for employees to send out.Notification: Employees updated with messages, updates, key links.Promote: Prioritize content. Settings: Easy setup.

Browser Plugins

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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

Tr!ck URLs


Custom URL Shortener = http://add.vc

• First link created is a ‘Parent URL.’

• Subsequent retweets or shares are treated as ‘Child URLs.’Campaign Codes = http://add.vc/abc?source=addvc%20co=asfd%20div=CIfM%20dept=JuJirCQg%20user=dJlwAdw

• Appends tracking data for company, division, department, & user.

• Ability to add a custom code for an event or product campaign.Cookie Links

• Add a cookie to shortened URLs for ad retargeting.

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You can’t fix what you don’t measure. #SMSSummit

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Me!sure Results

Trends: Reoccurring topics being discussed.Top Performers: Who’s contributing the most.Recent conversations: Glimpse of what’s happening now.Issues Resolved: Happy customers.Community Tone: General sentiment at the moment.

Define your view of success

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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

G!mif# Emplo#ee P!rticip!tion



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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

Optimi$e Content

Insights on content that’s working or missing. Future tools will do keyword analysis to reveal high-value topics to consumers.

• Clicks

• Reach

• Employee

• Channel33

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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

Govern Access

LDAP integration allows greater visibility, security, and control.

• Eliminate passwords.

• Custom roles & permissions.

• Clear channel management.

• No access for former users.


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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

1. Put Everything In Your Blog

2. Build Social Proficiency Among Employees

3. Establish Social Media Guidelines

4. Determine Objectives

5. Create Collaboration Infrastructure

6. Operationalize Content & Distribution

7. Gamify Employee Participation



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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

Review (continued)

• Identif# - Consolidate employees who represent your brand on social.

• Amplif# - Suggest content for employees to send via personal channels.

• Me!sure - Which employee efforts are paying off, validate their efforts.

• Optimi$e - What kind of content or topics resonate with your audience.

• Govern - Password admin is a mess, especially when people leave.


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The Future of #SocBiz is determined by how you Identify, Amplify, Measure, Optimize, & Govern the social voices of your company #SMSSummit

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Th!nk You

@marcusnelsonFounder of Addvocate

Former Head of Social Media at Salesforce.com

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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

M# Te!m At S!lesforce

• 13 Brands

• 150+ different social media channels

• 320+ stakeholders

• 90,000 mentions per month

• KPIs based on “share or voice”


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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

Our M!n!"ement Tool

I worked for the leader in cloud computing and social business...

and we still used spreadsheets.


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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

Spre!dsheets M!n!"ed People

• Social channels we owned.

• Channel owner.

• Passwords & access.

• Social channels we needed.

• Channels retired.


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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

I Needed Help

If I worked at the world’s leading “Social Business” company, and I couldn’t manage our social properties...

Surely some of the the top brands in theworld could help me out, right?


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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

Guess Wh!t The# Used?


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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

M# ProblemsMy team of 5 managed 150+ social media properties for 13 brands:

• Who represented us on social media?

• Which teams owned what?

• Who has passwords to what channels?

• What content was doing well and where?

• Where to get approvals & signoff?


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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

Current Tools

• Focused on small teams or networks.

• Active listening metrics & analysis of external engagement.

• Lack control or visibility of messaging past brand channels.

• Missing the ROI of social media marketing efforts.

• Don’t scale in pricing past small teams at large companies.


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@marcusnelson #SMSSummit

I H!d To M!ke It Better

• Would employees represent their brand if given the chance?

• Could I make it seamless for employees to be empowered?

• Was there a way to analyze results to reveal ROI to management?

• Could brands learn from content to boost future performance?

• Should access be entwined with existing enterprise systems?