
4th edition

Transcript of FUNDATED NEWS 4th Edition



LETTER TO THE READER….…...…………………….……02

POLITICS……...………………..…..………………..………… 05

DO YOU KNOW HOW LAWS ARE CREATED? HEALTH ……………………………………………..……..….. 10




COMMUNITY & DEVELOPMENT……………….….....…. 22


LEADERSHIP………………………………………………… 26




Letter to




Dear reader friend We welcome you to our fourth edition of our virtual magazine FUNDATED NEWS, which we hope to share with you from this month in a monthly basis. In it we gather the information of our organization at a national and international level. In this same space, all our friends that want to share their comments and/or publications will be welcome, as a window of open space without discrimination, in order to know more over borders, the way in which each of us watches what happens in our country and world. We who form part of FUNDATED NEWS are committed to guarantee to all our reader friends and writers, that our magazine will always be an open space for expression. A space that Guatemala needs to find roads that are near and more adequate to find development and well being that all Guatemalans demand and want. What will you be able to find in this edition of FUNDATED NEWS? You will find the follow up of such articles as: Indigo Children (Part II) and new articles related to leadership, community, etc. With all our heart, we hope the circulation of FUNDATED NEWS allows us to have the opportunity to interlace and share our experiences that we have acquired with the passing of the years in our organizations. Ahead of time we wish to thank you for reading us and we call upon you for your participations with your opinions and articles in the following numbers of our magazine. Remember that none of the articles of FUNDATED NEWS is published as


a scientific article; they are published with the base of personal and professional experience of each author. May each of you be welcome to FUNDATED NEWS, a space created to be the carrier of your thoughts, but overall, your feelings. Hugs, Editorial council FUNDATED NEWS




We all in a certain moment of our lives as part of a society and as a entity of action in the same society need to know and to put in practice the knowledge that Law gives us a science. Speaking of the word Law from its grass level it comes from the Latin word DIRECTIUM - DIRIGERE that means to drive, rule, straighten.

As a science, Law establishes certain obligations and rights that govern the human being in order for it t olive in a society, it’s also a coactive system generating authorizations and tasks that have as an objective to arrange the conducts of human beings within social relations.

Now we will speak about the Formal Sources of the Law that I consider that every citizen has to know in order to accomplish their citizen rights and to demand the given rights.

The formal sources of the lay are the procedures or established modes by a specific society in order for them to create their own law, meaning the creation and formulation of their laws. Within them we have: “Process of creation and formulation of laws”; This creation and formulation of the law has to stages: the first; the legislative process and the second; the executive process.

The first phase is the set of acts that move toward the creation of a law. The power to legislate is given to congress, having as an attribution; decree, reform and repeal laws. (article 171 subsection A; constitution of the Republic of Guatemala).


The second phase contemplates the legislation that includes how the process by which certain juridical rules are formulated and are enact, which later we will call “laws”

The legislative process understands certain stages and phases that must be exhausted in order for a project of law becomes a law and is valid, these stages are (Article 174 to 181 of the constitution of the Republic of Guatemala):

1. Initiative

2. Presentation

3. Admission

4. Discussion

5. Approbation

6. Sanction

7. Publication

8. Validity

First Phase

The procedure of formation and sanction of the laws of ordinary range is the following:

INITIATIVE OF LAW: is an exclusive faculty given to certain people, entities of state and institutions, according to article 174 of the constitution of the Republic of Guatemala, the initiative of law is had by:

The Executive Body

The supreme court of justice

The University of San Carlos of Guatemala

The Supreme Court


PRESENTATION according to article 176 of the constitution of the Republic of Guatemala and to the organic law and to the inner regimen of the legislative organism, in order to introduce a lay the following procedure must be followed:

a. Form of presentation and organism to which is presented: the Project of law is written giving motives, technical studies and documents where the Project of law is justified, then its presented to the secretary of congress that works in congress.

b. Reading: included in the agenda of the session, the secretary of congress has to read fully the initiative of the law, one read, the congressman speaker or the representative of the organism or institution has the right to expose before congress the reasons for the initiative, without any other congress man or speaker intervenes in this process. The act is followed in congress, which has the right to send it to the commission that corresponds in order for a ruling to be given or well dismiss this request and enter a direct form of discussion.

c. Ruling of the commission: as a result of their work, if the commission rules an opinion in a favorable way, it goes back to the secretary of congress for it to be submitted to discussion of the full content of the ruling on the Project of law.

d. Admission: The project of law is submitted to consideration in congress.


e. Discussion: admitted the Project will be submitted to discussion in the sessions that are celebrated in different days. Exceptions are made in the procedure in those cases that congress declares a Project of law in an urgent matter to the nation.

f. Approval: Once the discussion is over in the Project of law, a vote is given that can be done in 3 ways:

1. Free vote or simple (Raising hands)

2. Nominal Vote (By list)

3. Vote by Identification (Secret vote)

In order for a Project of law to be approved, it’s necessary that the majority of votes exist in a 50% plus 1 of the congress men in Congress. Approved the project of law, the board of congress should send it in a time of no longer 10 days to the executive organism for their ruling, promotion and publication.






In the previous article, we talked about that a indigo child is identified because he or she is shows a new and unusual series of psychological attributes with a behavior that is not yet documented. This pattern has common and unique factors that suggest that those who interact with them (Parents usually) must change the way in which they treat and raise them in order to accomplish a balance; or in the contrary, they can develop an imbalance and a big frustration in the minds of these new valuable lives.

There are several types of indigo children, but in the following list there are some of the most common behaviors of these children:

They come to this world with a feeling of royalty (and frequently can act that way)

They have the sensation of “deserving to be here” and they get surprised when others don’t share that.

Self-esteem is not a subject of concern for these children. With frequency they can tell their parents “who are they”.

They have difficulty to accept a complete authority with no explanation or alternative.

They will simply not do certain things; for example: waiting in life is very hard for them.


They frustrate themselves with systems that don’t require a creative process.

With frequency they find better ways to do things, both in the house as in school, what makes them rebels, not conformed with any system.

They seem antisocial unless they find themselves with children from their own class. If there aren’t any others with their same level of conscience, frequently they introvert themselves, thinking that no human can understand them. School at times is very hard for them from a social level.

They are shy at the moments that they have to express to you what they need. Characteristics to identify an indigo child: Authors enlist some traits that can help you identify if a child is indigo or not:

They have big sensibility

They have excess energy

They are distracted easily or have a poor level of concentration.

They need adults that are emotionally stable and secure around them.

They prefer other ways of learning, especially in math and reading.

They can get frustrated easily because they have great ideas but few resources or people willing to help them make them.


They learn in an exploratory way, and they resist learning in a mechanical or by simply hearing.

They don’t resist much time seating unless they are focused in one subject.

They are very understanding and have several fears, such as; death and the loss of their love ones.

If they taste failure or deception at an early age, they can desist and develop a permanent blockage.

Physically they have a bulge in their frontal lobe, their eyes are bigger and with fine texture, they are usually thin, eat little and even some tend to be vegetarians. Their 5 senses are highly developed, they are left-handed or ambidextrous. Visually they can see the energy field of people, plants and animals. When it comes to smell they have to smell everything and they are very defined in the smells that they hate and like. With their touch they are hypersensitive, preferring clothes that are 100% natural. They have cellular active memory, bringing to their present, memories of their past life. They are highly intuitive, they see the external world with great ease and are able to communicate with it, Problems that Indigo children may experiment: They demand great attention and feel that their life is too valuable in order to let pass. They want things to happen and with frequency they force a situation in order to get what they want. They can irritate themselves emotionally by those who don’t understand the indigo phenomenon. They can’t understand why people don’t operate in ways that are based in love Even so; they are extremely insistent and skilled to help


children that are in need even though their help is rejected. In their youth they can have adaptation problems with other kids. They are frequently diagnosed with attention disorder or some form of hyperactivity. Indigo children are spectacular and they are destined for social, education, family and spiritual transformation, regardless of the borders and social class. They possess a cerebral structure that is very different in what refers to the use of the potency of their brain hemispheres, left (less) and right (more). This means that they go over the intellectual plane and help to eliminate to paradigms from humanity. They help to shorten the distance between THINKING and ACTING. In the present moment we all know what is right and what´s wrong. Nevertheless, frequently we act differently from what we think. Indigo children will induce people to shorten this distance, generating a more authentic, clear family and society that has more trust in our relations. They help us change the focus of I toward our fellow person, starting from the reestablishment of authenticity and trust in human kind that are required things prior to us respecting and considering more our neighbor than us. As consequence selfishness, envy, exclusion will diminish resulting in more solidarity. We may ask ourselves, how will these kids make such a transformation? Through questioning and the change of rigid institutions that surround them. Starting with the family that is based in the imposition of rules without time of dedication no explanation, without information and no election or negotiation.


These kids simply don’t respond to this rigid structures because for them it’s indispensable to have options, real relations and plenty of negotiation. They don’t accept being tricked because they have an “intuition” to perceive real intentions, and they have no fear. Therefore, intimidating them doesn´t work, because they will always find a way to obtain the truth, therefore they perceive real intention and the weakness of adults. The second institution that is vulnerable to the action of the indigo children is SCHOOL. In a school where the model of teaching is always imposed, without hearing and the participation of the students, it’s not accepted by the indigo children, mainly because of a lack of affective and love bonds. By possessing a different mental structure, they resolve problems that are known in a different way.

Do you think you belong to this new generation? Do you know someone with these traits? Do you wish to know more about this subject?

By: Licda. Yolanda de Salazar


HOW TO DEVELOP AN ASSERTIVE COMMUNICATION WITH YOUR CHILDREN? (Part I) In the previous article it was discussed the importance of assertive communication with their children. However, making parents see the importance of this is only part of what having an assertive communication involves. Within our Guatemalan culture we use the phrase "easier said than done, is a long way", implying that to say how things are, or how they should be is not complete without putting words into action. It is for this reason that this article aims to guide parents to actions they can take to get a communication in which they are able to express it safely, without having to resort to passive, aggressive or manipulative behavior with their children, been these three options the first things that every parent is usually taken as a first option, however not always the most appropriate. Being able to communicate assertively with your children, or others, by yourself will realize how necessary it is to listen and respond to the needs of others, without neglecting your own needs, without compromising principles. As a result, stress can be controlled through the management of other people and situations where it is forced or obliged to handle different problems. When you as a father and mother want to set rules inside and outside the house hall to be assertive in your communication will be very useful, because when you establish rules you want to implement your own interests, but at the same time you will want to respect the rights as children, without falling into what was discussed in the previous article about the overprotection of their children.


When you implement the following strategies, it is very important to remember that communication is not just a set of verbal responses, but also are non-verbal, while expressing yourself in a not unpleasant way and without anxiety. Therefore, Farfán (2007), proposes, in its Programme of Assertive Communication "Dialogue", the following items for proper assertive action: 1. Empathy / validation:

Try to say something that shows understanding for the feelings of the other person. This will show that you are not trying to start a fight. Example: "I know you get anxious when you're ready but I do not." 2.Setting the problem: It is very difficult to describe or dissatisfaction, explaining why you need a change. Example: "But when you do that, I get frustrated and it takes me much longer. By the time we're going, we are angry at each other and without intention of having a good time”. 3.Establish what you want: This is a request to change something specific on the behavior of another person. Example: "From now on, make


sure we know the time we leave, and if you're ready before me, could you please just go to another room to read the newspaper or watch television?". At these words, you can add the following proposals of Farfán, also in the same program: a. Use assertive body language. Maintain eye contact with

another person, stand or sit up. Make sure you have a nice gesture, keep your tone of voice soft and calm, rather than one of regret or rough. b. Use sentences that start with "me”. Stay focused on the problem you have, not to accuse or blame

the other person. Example: "I would like for you to hear what I say without interruption" rather than "You always interrupt what I say." c. Use facts, not judgments. Example: "You need to pay attention to your spelling" instead of "! What at terrible work that was!" Or "¿you know that this shirt is very tight?" Instead of "you are not going anywhere dressed like that right?" d. Express the property in their thoughts, feelings and opinions. Example: "I get angry when you break a promise" instead of "He makes me angry." e. Make clear and direct requests. Do not invite the person to


say no. Example: "could you please ..." instead of "wouldn’t you mind ..." or "why don’t you ...." Ultimately there is no way to completely disappear conflicts of everyday life. Usually the problem is how to avoid losing all the energy in power struggles that have no reason of been. For example, when you return tired from work or some event that you had to meet, your energy is limited, so when your child does not behave the way you want, your reaction to your children is angry and threatening, or simply surrender to whatever they ask of you. This brings me to the continuation of this article in which it will be discuss different styles of authority and how these are reflected in the assertive communication, and later on how to set clear rules with your children.

BA. Ileana E. Ortiz Clinical Psychology


Meaning of Life Viktor Emil Frankl was the creator of logotherapy, a psychology school that treats existential problems of human beings. This therapy Works essentially with the meaning of life. Frankl argues that every person is oriented to find the meaning of its own existence, to such point, that if a person does not feel oriented to a purpose in life; he or she will find itself existentially frustrated, which means; that this person won’t feel a reason to its existence and by consequence it will live frustrated and meaningless. Something that in logotherapy theory is one of the most common and frequent problems in our present and modern society. Frankl states three ways in which a person can find meaning to his existence: a) Making an action; 2) Taking in those donations that life and existence gives us; 3) By suffering. Each of these ways of finding meaning can be found in the life of any person and it’s not attached to the economic situation, social status, religion, country of birth, etc. EVERY person can have a meaning for which they can live by. Allow me to develop a little more each of these ways that aid in find meaning in life. Making an action? What type of action? Human beings can make actions that they consider bigger that their own self, actions like helping people, doing a job that they consider rewarding and that is not demeaning to another person’s integrity. Several have been the occasions in which I have heard a patient say “I don’t know what I’m good for” or ask “What should I do with my life?” Every person has a potential and the capacity to exploit that potential.


Nevertheless, something that is curious about the meaning in life is that it can’t be dictated by another person. No one can tell you my dear reader, what is the MEANING OF YOUR LIFE; it’s a task that every person has to do for itself. Make yourself the following question; how will another person know what’s best for your life? Who better than you to know what makes you happy and makes you feel satisfied? Think of what type of actions make you feel full and happy with yourself, surely you will find than answer, don’t try to find meaning to your WHOLE existence, because you will not find it in an immediate way and you will find yourself more frustrated than relieved. Start with simple questions ¿what am I going to do today that will make me feel good with myself? Don’t think of complex answers, it will amaze you to know and experiment that many times simple answers are the most durable and appropriate ones. In the next edition, we will continue to explore the other two ways to finding meaning in life. I say farewell to you, with last words of advice, DON´T try to find meaning to life as something general, instead, try to find meaning to YOU life. Don’t ask, what’s the meaning in life? Ask yourself; what’s the meaning in MY life? Kind regards Marcos López






Social networks… Community VRS Hobby It’s not a trend, in actual times social networks are the communities. If we are on a network, we don’t and can’t think in a traditional way. The web page of any organization or commerce is world wide and not local, which implies international contacts, which as a minimum takes us to show it in the languages of Spanish, English, Portuguese, German and french. What is it that we see traditionally In the majority of portals or web pages usually in the contact us part, it says something like “get in touch with us” and regularly they use [email protected], then we will wait for several weeks just to get an answer. At the present time, people prefer a text message than the news paper, they interrupt the reading in order to answer a message; In Guatemala there are 20 million cellphones, being a country of a 15 million people; its impressive no? But, how is it that we get enrolled and are absorbed by this wave of technology; interesting or not, the majority of people listens to the recommendations of others, without going that far, do you have faceboook? How is it that the idea of creating an account got into your mind? Recomendations? At the present time, when people find a place that allows them to leave their opinion (interaction), definitely they would like to be there, CONECTED. Something that we have to be aware of, is that this mean, will be available mostly for people that don’t belong to the extreme poverty group.


A good technique to keep you cyber space interactive is to ask questions, you will be amazed on how many people answer. It doesn’t matter what, but through questions your community or social network will keep connected through the questions, which at the end is what we want. Simple questions can help, how did everyone woke up? Even though it seems like a waste of time, it’s not, for the benefit or investment that you might get in the future. Another element that is important for your social network or web page, if you want it to be visited, the content that you publish, it has to be relevant and it has to be done with a colloquial language and not a so technical language. It’s important to understand how and up to where has our environment changed, thanks to technology. Now you can’t open a wireless port and later restrict the Access. There are people that get inspired just by playing, AMAZING, without leaving aside the postures, that for our paradigms are incorrect, undesirable; but generate the most important imagination (ideas) that at the end they turn into creativity. The dynamic of work has changed. Keeping active and interactive your network, it’s not that complicated, but it means and implies a lot, BEING ALIVE. Social networks are a reality, every day we spend more time with them; it’s a tool that allows us to reach our contacts; those who like it and want information. A network of friends enjoys and interests because it generates interactions, controversy, feedback, etc; that is the way it is kept alive. We have the tool of forum also, the user feels itself with the liberty to give an opinion because he will not be attacked in a direct way.


It’s worth mentioning that in the same way that one can comment and publish you have to have the maturity to accept an opinion, because it’s an OPINION. Taking into account not to misunderstand it, because it may block us… that way we won’t fall into the easy but entrapment of mediocrity attitude of “justifying ourselves”… and the famous quotes “he doesn’t know” or “they don’t know how hard it is”. The majority of opinions that we don’t like we tend to try to defend ourselves. While the other person was just giving it’s opinion. Some characteristics for a network to be alive are: be interactive, have a relevant content and an constant update. If you count with a facebook or web page it must be updated at the same time, they are joint things. Of what any organization of commerce can’t separate itself is that in the portal WE ARE ALL INVOLVED, not all the means are a point of relation, but all the points of relation are a mean. We use technology because we don’t want to be interrupted, having conversations (of great value) that intrest us; because we share things that are valuable to us; because with technology we have the opportunity to give an opinion and to participate (interact) when are where we want; because we enjoy and are happy at the moment we publish something, waiting unconsciously a comment. An organization or commerce should not be outside the web, meanwhile the user, beneficiary, donor, all the community is a cyber community at the same time; they are connected and the social circle multiplies itself. And if you are not connected and you community is? What are you doing outside of it? So are social networks a hobby or tool?

By: Norma López




TO DREAM IS ALLOWED (An example of the exercise of leadership in team work)

It was more than a month ago and I still carry in my cell phone as a paper wall the score that indicates the minute 71 with 30 seconds, of the second part of the football game between our national team and the all mighty team of the United States of North America. At that instant 2 to 1 was the score, which stood until the game was finished. I am encourage to think that 90% of the Guatemalan population would have thought that the United states team was the one winning the game and the pass to the youth world cup, but as a surprise; our team was the one classifying. I remember very well that my mother was in Ecuador and she was asking by phone every five minutes what was the score. With many of my “contacts” from social networks, we where exchanging information on the advancement of the game; I was fighting with the narrators from Mexico that every minute where making offensive comments to our national team, incredulous perhaps in seeing that another team and not theirs, was the one making that moment the David in the history by defeating the Goliath of the Concacaf Series.


Team work? Leadership? Attitude? Heart, body and soul?….. what was going on that day that for the first time in more than 500 years, a national team from a joint sport, was classifying to a football world cup? Is the game over? I didn’t have the courage to open my eyes and the noise from the television and phones didn’t allow me to hear if the drama was over and if the celebration had begun. I said to myself, is dreaming allowed? I am afraid to do so. How many times 13 million people have had the dream that our country would be in a world cup appointment. How much longer? Is this referee Mexican that he doesn’t want to let us dream?.... is dreaming allowed?... make it be over now!! When at last the pain was over and the result was favorable to our team, I could not believe it.. We won, at last! Our right to assist to a world cup. What a pleasure and satisfaction for me, now I didn’t have to be jealous of all those people who for more than one month that the championship lasts, can support their national team, from this moment on, I could do so as well. The interesting thing of this dream is that it does not end there. In the following games, our national team, our blue and white, kept playing with positive attitude of “no conformism” that for several decades has darkened our national sports. We finished classifying for a world cup and for the Pan-American games, a triumph that was never accomplished by another national team in all our history, I repeat it!


Teamwork? ... Leadership? ... Attitude? ... Heart, body and soul?... What happened? I would dare to think that EVERYTHING HAPPEND!! A group of young men was injected with a philosophy of what teamwork is really about, through a leader that made them see that all of them have enough capacity to achieve all their objectives, which has to be, the common objective. If there is no tune, effective communication, vision and shared mission, there is nothing. The final result: make history in a country that doesn’t believe in much or in nothing. Nothing more than that was what happened that historic day. Please, it was no political party, no demagogue, and no pseudo leader that takes advantage of every moment to make itself publicity. What little self-esteem would we have if we would believe in this stupidity or if we would spread this message. I ask now, if us or our organizations could reach the same results? ... What are we missing? ... Can we, if we wanted to, be David and defeat Goliath? …. The young men that without experience did it, why not us? Many times we have found ourselves with people or characters that don’t let or don’t want to be part of a change in history, but as leaders, we have to make decisions and recruit, like a football coach, only those hearts, bodies and souls that WANT to be part of our group of work. Wanting those not give in the moment the skill; but yes to the attitude, of overcoming and going out to win. Don’t we want that? .... I want to think and feel we do.


My national team is in the world cup. It’s competing to the highest level. It’s there. My national anthem and my flag will be seen throughout the entire world. What am I or my organization missing in order to compete to the highest level: Teamwork?... Leadership?... Attitude?..... Heart, body and soul? With much pride I will have the same backround on my cell phone for much more time to come!! Mjs


WHAT DO YOU THINK? Some days ago I had the opportunity and the great experience of sharing with some Young men and women in a speech that turned out to be very profound and enrichening, this experience led me to the question of this article. If you think you are beaten… you are If you think that you won´t dare… you won’t If you think that you would like to win but can’t… you won´t make it. If you think that you will lose… you already lost Because in the world you will find, that success starts with will. If we are used to tell our son or daughter that there is something wrong with him or her, sooner or later he will believe it. Every time that we tell them: This is wrong, tell them how to do it right. We all remember stories about our youth from time to time, let’s try to remember one in this moment, but make it a story that caused family conflict, we will all remember at least one that left a scar on us. Some mischief, runaway, punishment… we all have stories saved from our younger years, some are happy stories, but others are from terrible years. Today, being a different person, more grownup, you may think, how did I do this? And you will probably reflect on it, going back to your teenager years, it’s likely that it will be a very bad moment in your life. In order to understand and comprehend a teenager it’s very important to remember our own youth, the more we remember the more we will be connected to this time. For the teenager


it’s very important that we identify ourselves with him, even though he doesn’t understand, he can respect or hear it, that we are able to identify with what he is going through in this stage of his life. How would our own adolescence have been if our parents would have understood and guided us in better way? It´s very likely that our decisions would have been less painful and would’ve left fewer scars. Nevertheless, you need to know that your parents are not perfect, they are learning on how to be parents during your life time. Let’s make a firm purpose to see over the mountain of affairs that get in the way of showing our children just how important they are. Let’s take care of our thoughts; they can become words. Let’s take care of our words; they turn into actions. Let’s take care of our actions; they become habits. Let’s take care of our habits; they turn into our character. Let’s take care of our character; for it becomes our destiny. Frank Outlaw

By: Adolfo Rafael


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