
Memory ( Software ) Microcode Processor Fundamentals of Computer Lab Hands-on Quiz Create a Powerpoint presentation that will present the topics specied in this copy . Sae as Q!F .ppt" Such presentation must satisfy the followin# re$uirements% Complete it terms of contents & '( pts ) *r#anized throu#h menus and hyperlin+s & !, pts ) ith appropriate slide desi#n & , pts ) ith colors and slide transition & , pts ) ith animation & on ima#es only ) & !( pts ) Contents of Presentation *peratin# Systems pplication Main Topics: Microcode Input/Output Devices Secondary Storage Computer Perip!era" Devices Integration Microcode # "ayer of micro code$ sometimes ca""ed %r mware$ t!at "ies &etween memor y and t!e processor' On a microcodedmac!ine$ o&ect"eve" mac!ine "anguage are trans"ated into "ow"eve" microinstruction$ w!ic! ar e su&se*uent"y e+ecuted &y t!e processor ' danta#es of /icrocode ,ardware c!anges can &e accommodated wit!out a-ecting t!e software or t!e operating system' Improves t!e e.ciency of Operating System' Microcoded systems are"t to c"one0 w!ic! gives companies wit! successfu" arc!itecture a signi%cant competitive advantage'

Transcript of Fund-Q1F

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Memory ( Software )



Fundamentals of Computer Lab

Hands-on Quiz

Create a Powerpoint presentation that will present

the topics specied in this copy. Sae as Q!F.ppt"

Such presentation must satisfy the followin#


• Complete it terms of contents & '( pts )

• *r#anized throu#h menus and hyperlin+s & !,

pts )

• ith appropriate slide desi#n & , pts )

• ith colors and slide transition & , pts )• ith animation & on ima#es only ) & !( pts )

Contents of Presentation

*peratin# Systems pplicationMain Topics:

• Microcode

• Input/Output Devices

• Secondary Storage• Computer Perip!era" Devices Integration

Microcode# "ayer of microcode$ sometimes ca""ed %rmware$ t!at "ies &etween memory andt!e processor' On a microcodedmac!ine$ o&ect"eve" mac!ine "anguage aretrans"ated into "ow"eve" microinstruction$ w!ic! are su&se*uent"y e+ecuted &y t!eprocessor '

danta#es of /icrocode

• ,ardware c!anges can &e

accommodated wit!out a-ecting t!e

software or t!e operating system'• Improves t!e e.ciency of Operating


• Microcoded systems are"t to

c"one0 w!ic! gives companies wit!successfu" arc!itecture a signi%cantcompetitive advantage'

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0nput1*utput 2eicesInput/output devices provide a means for peop"e to access a computer'

0nput 2eices: convert data from !uman reada&"e format to mac!inereada&"eformat'

3"amples of 0nput 2eices%• 1ey&oard 2nown as t!e standard input device'

• Mouse very usefu"" w!en dea"ing wit! 34I app"ications'

• MIC5 reader ( Magnetic In2 C!aracter 5ecognition reader ) used to

read t!ose c!aracters on t!e &ottom of most c!ec2s'

• Magneticcard reader used to read t!e e"ectronic information t!at arerecorded on t!e strip of magnetic tape attac!ed to t!e card'

• OC5 reader ( Optica" C!aracter 5ecognition ) device t!at can read

typed or !andwritten materia"s'

• 6ar Code reader device t!at can read t!e 4PC ( 4niversa" ProducCode) t!at are usua""y printed on items found in grocery stores'

• Scanner a device t!at convert a !ard copy to a &it pattern t!at can &emanipu"ated &y a computer'

• 7oice recognition device provide a natura" way of communicating wit!

t!e computer ' Due to t!e tremendous variety of !uman speec! patterns$voice recognition is muc! more"t to ac!ieve &ut increasedprocessing speeds !ave move voice recognition into t!e mainstream'

*utput 2eices: convert data from mac!ine reada&"e format to !umanreada&"e format'

3"amples of output 2eices%

• Disp"ay 2nown as t!e standard output device ( C5T/8CD/89D )'

• Printer produces a permanent copy of a computers output ( !ard copy )'Common types of printer: Dotmatri+$ 8aser$ In2et

• Ot!er output devices: ;e& Cam $ spea2er

Secondary Stora#edanta#es4

• Provide a way for data to &e stored permanent"y'

•  Typica""y &igger in capacity t!an main memory ( 5#M and 5OM )

• C!eaper compared to 5#M and 5OM

• Serve as a "ongterm storage


• S"ower compared to 5#M and 5OM'

• Contents of secondary storage must &e "oaded %rst to 5#M &efore t!ey can

&e manipu"ated &y t!e processor'

9+amp"es of Secondary Storage DevicesDis2ette t!e most recogni<a&"e secondarystorage medium for microcomputer' It is at!in $ circu"ar piece of =e+i&"e po"yester coatedwit! magnetic materia"'

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  Parts of a Dis2

5eading a sector from a dis2

a'>irst $ t!e dis2 drive is &roug!t to operating speed

Hard 2is+  T!e dis2ette is re"ative"y s"ow$ !ardis2 is muc! faster and !as a muc! !ig!erstorage capacity $ typica""y measured in giga&ytes'

hy hard dis+ is faster 5

# dis2ette drive spins on"y w!en a data is &eing read or written' # !ard dis2$ Incontrast$ spins constant"y' Since it is not necessary to for t!e dis2 to reac!operating speed &efore moving t!e access mec!anism$ see2 time is reducedsigni%cant"y' >urt!er improvements are gained &y rotating t!e dis2 more rapid"y$w!ic! reduces rotationa" de"ay$ and storing data at amuc! !ig!er density'

Parts of a ,ard Dis2

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• 9ac! surface !as

its own read/write!ead

•  T!e !eads are

arrange on asing"e com&"i2e

accessmec!anism$ sot!ey a"" movetoget!er'

#ccessing a ,ard Dis2a' #ccessing a !ard

dis2 &egins wit!see2 time

&' T!e accessmec!anism ismoved to a se"ected cy"inder and a se"ected !ead is activated' T!e system

is now "oo2ing at a sing"e trac2'c' ?e+t$ t!e desired data rotate to t!e read/write !ead rotationa" de"ay

d' >ina""y$ t!e data is read and transferred into t!e computer'

Ot!er Storage MediaMagnetic Tape ( simi"ar to a ree"toree" cassette recordingtape ) is t!e most common &ac2up medium' >ast$ine+pensive$ and re"ia&"e &ut se*uentia" in nature'CD5OM ( compact dis2 readon"y memory ) is used to !o"d

"arge amounts of data'

 T!e Dis2s Directory

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Computer and Peripheral 2eices 0nte#ration9ac! perip!era" devices represents or interprets data in its ownuni*ue way and t!e signa"s used &y a device may or may notwor2 wit! signa"s used &y t!e computer' In order for dessimi"ardevices to communicate$ trans"ation is necessary' T!is is t!efunction of interface &oards'

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