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  • 7/31/2019 Funacco Article


  • 7/31/2019 Funacco Article


    9 of the top 26 real estate companies

    buying, developing, subdividing and


    15 of the top 31 manufacturers of

    semi-conductor devices and other

    electronic components

    *Source: BusinessWorld Top 1000Corporations in the Philippines, 2011


    At present, the SGV team is composed


    83 partners

    3,100 professional staff

    Among professional services firms, we

    are ranked No. 1 in:

    Audit services Tax services

    About 150 of the top CPA placers in the

    last six years joined SGV & Co.

    About 200 of our partners and staff have

    postgraduate degrees, a number from

    foreign universities, including:

    University of Pennsylvania

    North-western Harvard







    London Business School

    About 380 of their staff have been seconded to foreign offices. We are the first ISO

    9001-certified company for Assurance services in the Philippines, and remain the only

    such company since 1996.

    If I will have the chance, I would grab the opportunity and it will be a great honour

    for me to work in SGV & CO. We all know that they hire most qualified accountants. If I

    will be one of them, I will make my family proud of me. Even though the salary is not

    that high, my experience and my passion to correct what I think is wrong cannot be paid

    by that salary.

    Everyone is seeking for a good work life and I think if I will work there, I will find

    that happiness that I am looking. Though its hard working there, I insist. I like that kind

    of job. The job that will challenge me to be more productive and be a better person. My

    life will be an adventure because I will make decisions every day and I need to be

    careful in making it every day.

    This firm is ought to be respected and even the persons who work there. Well, I

    think that will be a whole lot of fun. When everybody is looking up on you because,

    woah, youre working in that auditing firm. I also want to experience Sir Lacos

    experience in SGV because every time he shares his story, it makes us inspired to

    study harder.