Fun - Nerdy Pick-up Lines

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Transcript of Fun - Nerdy Pick-up Lines

  • 8/12/2019 Fun - Nerdy Pick-up Lines


    Nerdy Pickup Lines

    Pick-up lines relating to everything math/science

    You know why we should let time approach infinity? Because d = v t! and " want to go all theway with you#

    "s the room shrinking? Because you$re getting hotter %y the second&

    Looking at you made my 'aw go from ()*+ to ()terminal+ in milliseconds#

    ,ey %a%e! " was going to measure the spring constant of my %ed tonight and " could! you know!use an assistant# "f you know what " mean# + ).e could make some forced oscillations#+

    re you cos01)2+? Because "$m sin01)2+ and together we are one#

    Ba%y! we must %e a sine wave! %ecause we$re always oscillating#

    " wish " could %e your derivative so " could %e tangent to your curves#

    3y attraction to you is an inversed s4uare law#

    5ould " get your significant digits?

    You$ve got my mind going in circular motion&

    Nice %louse# But it would look even %etter accelerating at 6#7 m/s01 toward my %edroom floor#

    " wish " was your integral so " could %e the area under your curves#

    *88*8**8 **8***** *88*88** *88*8888 *888*88* *88**8*8 **8***** *8888**8 *88*8888*888*8*8

    You$re more special than relativity# =+

    "f you wanna learn a%out simple harmonic motion! " can always teach you9

    "n our circuit of love! there is no resistance! only capacitance#

    You and me! that$s grand unification right there#

    .ow you$re pretty# You must %e a 3ac&

    .e$re moving pretty fast! this situation has some momentum&

    re you the s4uare root of 1? Because my love for you is irrational&

    ,ey %a%e# .hat$s your resonance fre4uency?

  • 8/12/2019 Fun - Nerdy Pick-up Lines


    " think we$re on the same wavelength! so who cares if we$re going a little fast! as long as it$sconstructive#

    :ust looking at you turns my software into hardware#

    ,eisen%erg was wrong# " know e2actly where you$ll %e tonight# stalkerish

    "$ve got so much pent-up potential energy# .anna help me convert it into9 kinetic energy?

    "t$s so hot in here# "s it glo%al warming! or is it you?

    ,ey %a%e! wanna see the e2ponential growth of my natural log?

    " wish you were my pro%lem set! $cause then you$d %e hard! and "$d %e doing you on my desk9 oron my %ed9 or in the li%rary9

    You$re so hot you make my unit vector go from ' to k and dilate all the way#

    Love is a matter of 5hemistry!;e2 is a matter of Physics#

    "f our love was of the form a < %i! % would %e ero $cause we keep it real#

    3ath is the %asis of everything#pplied math is physics#pplied physics is chemistry#pplied chemistry is %iology#pplied %iology is fun# =>

    .hy don$t we measure the coefficient of kinetic friction %etween you and me?

    " wish " were your second derivative so that " could investigate your concavities#

    "f " were an enyme! " would %e >N helicase so that " could unip your genes#

    "f " was chlorophyll a! you$d %e the sun! %ecause you e2cite my electrons#

    re you 12? Because " want to integrate you from 8* to 8&

    3y love for you is like a concave up function %ecause it is always increasing#

    ,ow $%out you and me go %ack to my place and form a covalent %ond? )with a dipole moment=> +

    You and " would add up %etter than a @iemann ;um#

    You$re sweeter than fructose#

    You$re hotter than a %unsen %urner set to full power&

    You know what they say a%out men with %ig hard drives don$t you?

  • 8/12/2019 Fun - Nerdy Pick-up Lines


    You can put a tro'an on my hard drive anytime9

    " want to see the area under YA@ curve#

    "f " were to say /hold hand! would " get the response /slap?

    5an my su%strate %ind with your active site! or are you allosterically inhi%ited?

    .ow9you$re a strong nucleophile and " love your %ack-side attack##

    " wish " were denine so " could %e paired with #

    "f i was an endoplasmic reticulum! how would you want meC smooth or rough?

    You know## it$s not the length of the vector that counts9 it$s how you apply the force#

    You compute me#

    By visually measuring the wrinkles in the front of your pants! calculating your %ody mass %asedon your height and weight! and dividing that num%er %y your waist sie D " conclude that youhave a%solutely nothing in your pocket and are! in fact! glad to see me#

    >o you think we can make it a step more serious and disa%le network sharing?

    Ba%y! you are as mysterious as the random re%oot pro%lems "$m having with my Linu2 server&

    .ould you like to share my %andwidth? " have a really fat pipeline#

    " 8-sin)theta+ you#

    "f you and " were the ideal gas law e4uation )P( = n@E+! how would my pressure and volumeaffect your temperature?

    Put your golgi %ody ne2t to mine&

    " wish we were vectors so " could put my head to your tail#

    Your love is sweeter than #8F8G61HGH9

    Your chest is 'ust like crystalC a rigid! geometrical structure#

    You must %e gravity! %a%y! %ecause you$re the only thing keeping me here#

    " must %e trippin$ %ecause only acid rain could show me a hallucination as gorgeous as you#

    re your pants %eing entropically unfavora%le! or are you 'ust happy to see me?

    ,ey %a%y! what$s your activation energy? $cause " %et " could catalyse my way across thosecurves -+

  • 8/12/2019 Fun - Nerdy Pick-up Lines


    Iorget 3icrosoft! "$m 3acrohard#

    ,ow many concurrent users can you handle?

    " wish " were the derivative of your natural logarithm so " could %e the one over #

    "f " were an enyme! "$d %e >N integrase so " could put myself in your genes&

    "f " were making the periodic ta%le of elements! "$d put ranium and "odine together#

    re the stars out tonight? J5ause you have one heavenly %ody#

    " wanna react to completion with you#

    "$d like to look at you through a telescope so " can check out your celestial %ody#

    Ba%y! " know my chemistry! and you$ve got one significant figure#

    " wish " could %e the Patriot ct so " could violate your privacy#

    Let me e4ual awesome! and you e4ual awesome# Ehen if you go into me! we %ecome one&

    "$m so emo! %ecause " know "$ll never get to touch your asymptote#

    ,i# "$m an astronaut! and my ne2t mission is to e2plore ranus#

    >o you work for P;? " could have sworn " saw you checking out my package

    3y love for you is like diarrhea! " 'ust can$t hold it in

    " wish " was a viral vector so " could transduct my material onto you#

    You must %e a lanthanide %ecause you are definitely a rare earth element#

    You are an alkali metal %ecause you are reactive to my salt-forming halogens#

    " think you would like my amps divided %y volts#

    5an you %e my other %onding pair so you can %end my molecular geometry 8*G degrees?

    " wish " was 5olum%us so " could e2plore your virgin island#

    5an you help me prove Lamarck$s theory of use and disuse? points to pelvic region

    "n chem we learn >imensional nalysis# ;o can " analye your dimensions?

    ;o the Biot-;avart e4uation says to the solenoidC KEhat$s not your Poynting vector! that$s my wife&

    " hear you$re an electron# llow me to introduce myselfC 3y name is fluorine#

    ,ey are you singular? J5ause if so! together we could %e plural# +

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    You can come into my proteasome! if you$ve got some %i4uitone to %ind to my protein lid#

    " wish we were doing vector addition so we could go head-to-tail#

    Iorget dipole-dipole attractions " feel we have an ionic %ond&

    You$re so cool! "$ve got to measure you in Melvin#

    "f " were a neurotransmitter! " would %e dopamine so " could activate your reward pathway#

    ,ey %a%y! ;N8 or ;N1 attack? "f he knows his organic chemistry! then he$ll choose ;N1 andrelease his electrons from the %ackside#

    ,ey %a%y! you and " should form a car%on-car%on dou%le %ond so " can o2idate your cleavage#

    "f you were a sterically hindered su%strate! " wouldn$t mind! " want to %e closer to you#