Full solution manual for modern processor design by john paul shen and mikko h. lipasti

Solution Manual for Modern Processor Design by John Paul Shen and Mikko H. Lipasti This book emerged from the course Superscalar Processor Design, which has been taught at Carnegie Mellon University since 1995. Superscalar Processor Design is a mezzanine course targeting seniors and first-year graduate students. Quite a few of the more aggressive juniors have taken the course in the spring semester of their junior year. The prerequisite to this course is the Introduction to Computer Architecture course. The objectives for the Superscalar Processor Design course include: (1) to teach modem processor design skills at the microarchitecture level of abstraction; (2) to cover current microarchitecture techniques for achieving high performance via the exploitation of instruction-level parallelism (ILP); and (3) to impart insights and hands-on experience for the effective design of contemporary high-performance microprocessors for mobile, desktop, and server markets. In addition to covering the contents of this book, the course contains a project component that involves the microarchitectural design of a future-generation superscalar microprocessor. Here, in next successive posts, I am going to post solutions for the same Text-book (Modern Processor Design by John Paul Shen and Mikko H. Lipasti). If you find any difficulty or wants to suggest anything, feel free to comment...:) Link: http://targetiesnow.blogspot.in/p/solution-manual-for-modern- processor.html Modern Processor Design by John Paul Shen and Mikko H. Lipasti : Exercise 1.6 and 1.7 Solution


Full solution manual for modern processor design by john paul shen and mikko h. lipasti

Transcript of Full solution manual for modern processor design by john paul shen and mikko h. lipasti

Page 1: Full solution manual for modern processor design by john paul shen and mikko h. lipasti

Solution Manual for Modern Processor Design by John Paul Shen and Mikko H. Lipasti

This book emerged from the course Superscalar Processor Design, which has been taught at

Carnegie Mellon University since 1995. Superscalar Processor Design is a mezzanine course targeting

seniors and first-year graduate students. Quite a few of the more aggressive juniors have taken the

course in the spring semester of their junior year. The prerequisite to this course is the

Introduction to Computer Architecture course. The objectives for the Superscalar Processor Design

course include: (1) to teach modem processor design skills at the microarchitecture level of

abstraction; (2) to cover current microarchitecture techniques for achieving high performance

via the exploitation of instruction-level parallelism (ILP); and (3) to impart insights and hands-on

experience for the effective design of contemporary high-performance microprocessors for mobile,

desktop, and server markets. In addition to covering the contents of this book, the course contains

a project component that involves the microarchitectural design of a future-generation superscalar


Here, in next successive posts, I am going to post solutions for the same Text-book (Modern

Processor Design by John Paul Shen and Mikko H. Lipasti). If you find any difficulty or wants to

suggest anything, feel free to comment...:)

Link: http://targetiesnow.blogspot.in/p/solution-manual-for-modern-

processor.html Modern Processor Design by John Paul Shen and Mikko H. Lipasti : Exercise 1.6 and 1.7 Solution

Page 2: Full solution manual for modern processor design by john paul shen and mikko h. lipasti

Q.1.6: A program's run time is determined by the product of instructions per program, cycles

per instruction, and clock frequency. Assume the following instruction mix for a MlPS-like RISC

instruction set: 15% stores, 25% loads, 15% branches, and 35% integer arithmetic, 5% integer shift,

and 5% integer multiply. Given that load instructions require two cycles, branches require four

cycles, integer ALU instructions require one cycle, and integer multiplies require ten cycles,

compute the overall CPI.

Q.1.7: Given the parameters of Problem 6, consider a strength-reducing optimization that

converts multiplies by a compile-time constant into a sequence of shifts and adds. For this

instruction mix, 50% of the multiplies can be converted to shift-add sequences with an average

length of three instructions. Assuming a fixed frequency, compute the change in instructions per

program, cycles per instruction, and overall program speedup.

Solution: http://targetiesnow.blogspot.in/2013/11/modern-processor-design-by-


Ex 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10 Solution: Modern Processor Design by John Paul Shen and Mikko H. Lipasti : Q.1.8: Recent processors like the Pentium 4 processors do not implement single-cycle shifts.

Given the scenario of Problem 7, assume that s = 50% of the additional integer and shift

instructions introduced by strength reduction are shifts, and shifts now take

four cycles to execute. Recompute the cycles per instruction and overall program speedup. Is

strength reduction still a good optimization?

Q.1.9: Given the assumptions of Problem 8, solve for the break-even ratio s (percentage of

additional instructions that are shifts). That is, find the value of s (if any) for which program

performance is identical to the baseline case without strength reduction (Problem 6).

Q.1.10: Given the assumptions of Problem 8, assume you are designing the shift unit on the

Pentium 4 processor. You have concluded there are two possible implementation options for the

shift unit: 4-cycle shift latency at a frequency of 2 GHz, or 2-cycle shift latency at 1.9 GHz. Assume

the rest of the pipeline could run at 2 GHz, and hence the 2-cycle shifter would set the entire

processor’s frequency to 1.9 GHz. Which option will provide better overall performance?

Solution: http://targetiesnow.blogspot.in/2013/11/modern-processor-design-by-


Page 3: Full solution manual for modern processor design by john paul shen and mikko h. lipasti

Q.2.4: Consider that you would like to add a load-immediate instruction to the TYP instruction

set and pipeline. This instruction extracts a 16-bit immediate value from the instruction word, sign-

extends the immediate value to 32 bits, and stores the result in the destination register specified in

the instruction word. Since the extraction and sign-extension can be

accomplished without the ALU, your colleague suggests that such instructions be able to

write their results into the register in the decode (ID) stage. Using the hazard

detection algorithm described in Figure 2-15, identify what additional hazards such a change might


Q.2.5: Ignoring pipeline interlock hardware (discussed in Problem 6), what additional

pipeline resources does the change outline in Problem 4 require? Discuss these resources and

their cost.

Q.2.6: Considering the change outlined in Problem 4, redraw the pipeline interlock

hardware shown in Figure 2-18 to correctly handle the load-immediate instructions.

Solution: http://targetiesnow.blogspot.in/2013/11/ex-24-25-26-solution-modern-


Ex 2.8, 2.9 & 2.15 Solution : Modern Processor Design by John Paul Shen and Mikko H. Lipasti :

Q.2.8: Consider adding a store instruction with indexed addressing mode to

the TYP pipeline. This store differs from the existing store with

register+immediate addressing mode by computing its effective address as the sum

of two source registers, that is, stx r3, r4, r5 performs r3<-MEM[r4+r5]. Describe

the additional pipeline resources needed to support such an instruction in the TYP

pipeline. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such an instruction.

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Q.2.9: Consider adding a load-update instruction with register+immediate and postupdate

addressing mode. In this addressing mode, the effective address for the load is computed as

register+immediate, and the resulting address is written back into the base register. That is, lwu

r3,8(r4) performs r3<-MEM[r4+8]; r4<r4+8. Describe the additional pipeline resources needed to

support such an instruction in the TYP pipeline.

Q.2.15: The IBM study of pipelined processor performance assumed an instruction mix based

on popular C programs in use in the 1980s. Since then, object oriented languages like C++ and Java

have become much more common. One of the effects of these languages is that object inheritance

and polymorphism can be used to replace conditional branches with virtual function calls. Given

the IBM instruction mix and CPI shown in the following table, perform the following transformations

to reflect the use of C++/Java, and recompute the overall CPI and speedup or slowdown due to this


• Replace 50% of taken conditional branches with a load instruction followed by a jump register


(the load and jump register implement a virtual function call).

• Replace 25% of not-taken branches with a load instruction followed by a jump register


Solution: http://targetiesnow.blogspot.in/2013/11/ex-28-29-215-solution-modern-


Q.2.16: In a TYP-based pipeline design with a data cache, load

instructions check the tag array for a cache hit in parallel with accessing

the data array to read the corresponding memory location. Pipelining stores

to such a cache is more difficult, since the processor must check the tag

first, before it overwrites the data array. Otherwise, in the case of a cache

miss, the wrong memory location may be overwritten by the store. Design a

solution to this problem that does not require sending the store down the

pipe twice, or stalling the pipe for every store instruction. Referring to

Figure 2-15, are there any new RAW, WAR, and/or WAW memory


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Q.2.17: The MIPS pipeline shown in Table 2-7 employs a two-phase

clocking scheme that makes efficient use of a shared TLB, since instruction

fetch accesses the TLB in phase one and data fetch accesses in phase

two. However, when resolving a conditional branch, both the branch target

address and the branch fall-through address need to be translated during

phase one in parallel with the branch condition check in phase one of the

ALU stage to enable instruction fetch from either the target or the fall-

through during phase two. This seems to imply a dual-ported TLB. Suggest

an architected solution to this problem that avoids dual-porting the TLB.

Solution: http://targetiesnow.blogspot.in/2013/11/ex-216-217-solution-modern-


Q.3.1: Given the following benchmark code, and

assuming a virtually-addressed fully-associative cache

with infinite capacity and 64 byte blocks, compute the

overall miss rate (number of misses divided by number

of references). Assume that all variables except array

locations reside in registers, and that arrays A, B,

and C are placed consecutively in memory. double A[1024], B[1024], C[1024]; for(int i=0;i<1000;i += 2) { A[i] = 35.0 * B[i] + C[i+1]; }

Q.3.3: Given the example code in Problem 1, and

assuming a virtually-addressed two-way set

associative cache of capacity 8KB and 64 byte blocks,

compute the overall miss rate (number of misses divided

by number of references). Assume that all variables

except array locations reside in registers, and that

arrays A, B, and C are placed consecutively in memory.

Solution: http://targetiesnow.blogspot.in/2013/11/ex-31-33-solution-modern-


Page 6: Full solution manual for modern processor design by john paul shen and mikko h. lipasti

Q.3.4: Consider a cache with 256 bytes. Word size is 4 bytes and block size is 16 bytes. Show

the values in the cache and tag bits after each of the following memory access operations for the

two cache organizations direct mapped and 2-way associative. Also indicate whether the access

was a hit or a miss. Justify. The addresses are in hexadecimal representation. Use LRU (least

recently used) replacement algorithm wherever needed.

1.Read 0010

2.Read 001C

3.Read 0018

4.Write 0010

5.Read 0484

6.Read 051C

7.Read 001C

8.Read 0210

9.Read 051C

Solution: http://targetiesnow.blogspot.in/2013/11/modern-processor-design-by-


Ex. 3.13 Solution : Modern Processor Design by John Paul Shen and Mikko H. Lipasti : Solution Manual Q.3.13: Consider a processor with 32-bit virtual addresses, 4KB pages and 36-bit physical

addresses. Assume memory is byte-addressable (i.e. the 32-bit VA specifies a byte in memory).

L1 instruction cache: 64 Kbytes, 128 byte blocks, 4-way set associative, indexed and tagged with

virtual address.

L1 data cache: 32 Kbytes, 64 byte blocks, 2-way set associative, indexed and tagged with physical

address, write-back.

4-way set associative TLB with 128 entries in all. Assume the TLB keeps a dirty bit, a reference bit,

and 3 permission bits (read, write, execute) for each entry.

Specify the number of offset, index, and tag bits for each of these structures in the table below.

Also, compute the total size in number of bit cells for each of the tag and data arrays.

Solution: http://targetiesnow.blogspot.in/2013/11/ex-313-solution-modern-


Page 7: Full solution manual for modern processor design by john paul shen and mikko h. lipasti

Q.3.16: Assume a two-level cache hierarchy with a private level one

instruction cache (L1I), a private level one data cache (L1D), and a shared

level two data cache (L2). Given local miss rates for the 4% for L1I, 7.5%

for L1D, and 35% for L2, compute the global miss rate for the L2 cache.

Q.3.17: Assuming 1 L1I access per instruction and 0.4 data accesses

per instruction, compute the misses per instruction for the L1I, L1D, and L2 caches of Problem 16.

Q.3.18: Given the miss rates of Problem 16, and assuming that

accesses to the L1I and L1 D caches take one cycle, accesses to the L2 take 12 cycles, accesses to main memory take 75 cycles, and a clock rate of 1GHz, compute the average memory reference latency for this cache


Q.3.19: Assuming a perfect cache CPI (cycles per instruction) for a

pipelined processor equal to 1.15 CPI, compute the MCPI and overall CPI

for a pipelined processor with the memory hierarchy described in Problem 18 and the miss rates and access rates specified in Problem 16 and Problem 17.

Solution: http://targetiesnow.blogspot.in/2013/11/ex-316-317-318-and-319-


Q.3.28: Assume a synchronous front-side processor-

memory bus that operates at 100 Hz and has an 8-byte

data bus. Arbitration for the bus takes one bus cycle

(10 ns), issuing a cache line read command for 64

bytes of data takes one cycle, memory controller

latency (including DRAM access) is 60 ns, after which

data double words are returned in back-to back cycles.

Further assume the bus is blocking or circuit-

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switched. Compute the latency to fill a single 64-byte

cache line. Then compute the peak read bandwidth for

this processor-memory bus, assuming the processor

arbitrates for the bus for a new read in the bus cycle

following completion of the last read.

Q.3.31: Consider finite DRAM bandwidth at a memory

controller, as follows. Assume double-data-rate DRAM

operating at 100 MHz in a parallel non-interleaved

organization, with an 8 byte interface to the DRAM

chips. Further assume that each cache line read results

in a DRAM row miss, requiring a precharge and RAS

cycle, followed by row-hit CAS cycles for each of the

double words in the cache line. Assuming memory

controller overhead of one cycle (10 ns) to initiate a

read operation, and one cycle latency to transfer data

from the DRAM data bus to the processor-memory bus,

compute the latency for reading one 64 byte cache

block. Now compute the peak data bandwidth for the

memory interface, ignoring DRAM refresh cycles.

Solution: http://targetiesnow.blogspot.in/2013/11/ex-328-and-331-modern-


Q.3.28: Assume a synchronous front-side processor-memory bus that

operates at 100 Hz and has an 8-byte data bus. Arbitration for the bus

takes one bus cycle (10 ns), issuing a cache line read command for 64

bytes of data takes one cycle, memory controller latency (including

DRAM access) is 60 ns, after which data double words are returned in back-

to back cycles. Further assume the bus is blocking or circuit-

switched. Compute the latency to fill a single 64-byte cache line. Then

compute the peak read bandwidth for this processor-memory bus, assuming

the processor arbitrates for the bus for a new read in the bus cycle

following completion of the last read.

Q.3.34: Assume a single-platter disk drive with an average seek time

of 4.5 ms, rotation speed of 7200 rpm, data transfer rate of 10 Mbytes/s

per head, and controller overhead and queueing of 1 ms. What is the

average access latency for a 4096-byte read?

Q.3.35: Recompute the average access latency for Problem 34 assuming

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a rotation speed of 15 K rpm, two platters, and an average seek time of 4.0


Solution: http://targetiesnow.blogspot.in/2013/11/ex-328-334-and-335-solution-


Ex 4.8 Solution : Modern Processor Design by John Paul Shen and Mikko H. Lipasti : Solution manual Q.4.8: In an in-order pipelined processor, pipeline latches are used to hold result operands

from the time an execution unit computes them until they are written back to the register file

during the writeback stage. In an out-of-order processor, rename registers are used for the same

purpose. Given a four-wide out-of-order processor TYP

pipeline, compute the minimum number of rename registers needed

to prevent rename register starvation from limiting concurrency. What happens to this number if

frequency demands force a designer to add five extra pipeline stages between

dispatch and execute, and five more stages between execute and retire/writeback?

Solution: http://targetiesnow.blogspot.in/2013/11/modern-processor-design-by-


Ex 5.1 and 5.2 Solution : Modern Processor Design by John Paul Shen and Mikko H. Lipasti : Solution manual Q.5.1: The displayed code that follows steps through the elements of two arrays (A[] and B[])

concurrently, and for each element, it puts the larger of the two values into the corresponding

element of a third array (C[]). The three arrays are of length N.

The instruction set used for Problems 5.1 through 5.6 is as follows:

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Identify the basic blocks of this benchmark code by listing the static instructions belonging to each

basic block in the following table. Number the basic blocks based on the lexical ordering of the


Note: There may be more boxes than there are basic blocks.

Q.5.2: Draw the control flow graph for this benchmark.

Solution: http://targetiesnow.blogspot.in/2013/11/modern-processor-design-by-


Page 11: Full solution manual for modern processor design by john paul shen and mikko h. lipasti

Ex 5.7 through 5.13 Solution : Modern Processor Design by John Paul Shen and Mikko H. Lipasti : Solution manual

Q.5.7 through Problem 5.13: Consider the following code segment within a

loop body for problems 5: if (x is even) then (branch b1) increment a (b1 taken) if (x is a multiple of 10) then (branch b2) increment b (b2 taken)

Assume that the following list of 9 values of x is to be processed by 9 iterations of this loop.

8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 20, 29, 30, 31

Note: assume that predictor entries are updated by each dynamic branch before the next dynamic branch accesses the predictor (i.e., there is no update delay).

Q.5.7: Assume that an one-bit (history bit) state machine (see above) is used as the

prediction algorithm for predicting the execution of the two branches in this loop. Indicate the predicted and actual branch directions of the b1 and b2 branch instructions for each iteration of this loop. Assume initial state of 0, i.e., NT, for the predictor.

Q.5.8: What are the prediction accuracies for b1 and b2?

Q.5.9: What is the overall prediction accuracy?

Q.5.10: Assume a two-level branch prediction scheme is used. In addition to the one-

bit predictor, a one bit global register (g) is used. Register g stores the direction of the last branch

executed (which may not be the same branch as the branch currently being

predicted) and is used to index into two separate one-bit branch history tables (BHTs) as

shown below. Depending on the value of g, one of the two BHTs is selected and used to

do the normal one-bit prediction. Again, fill in the predicted and actual branch directions

of b1 and b2 for nine iterations of the loop. Assume the initial value of g = 0, i.e., NT.

For each prediction, depending on the current value of g, only one of the two BHTs is

accessed and updated. Hence, some of the entries below should be empty.

Note: assume that predictor entries are updated by each dynamic branch before the next

dynamic branch accesses the predictor (i.e. there is no update delay).

Q.5.11: What are the prediction accuracies for b1 and b2?

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Q.5.12: What is the overall prediction accuracy?

Q.5.13: What is the prediction accuracy of b2 when g = 0? Explain why.

Solution: http://targetiesnow.blogspot.in/2013/11/ex-57-through-513-solution-


Exercise 5.14 Solution : Modern Processor Design by John Paul Shen and Mikko H. Lipasti : Solution manual

Q.5.14: Below is the control flow graph of a simple program. The CFG is annotated with three

different execution trace paths. For each execution trace circle which branch predictor (bimodal, local, or Gselect) will best predict the branching behavior of the given trace. More than one predictor may perform equally well on a particular trace. However, you are to use each of the three predictors exactly once in choosing the best predictors for the three traces. Circle your choice for each of the three traces and add. (Assume each trace is executed many times and every node in the CFG is a conditional branch. The branch history register for the local, global, and Gselect predictors is limited to 4 bits.)

Page 13: Full solution manual for modern processor design by john paul shen and mikko h. lipasti

Solution: http://targetiesnow.blogspot.in/2013/11/ex-514-solution-modern-


Ex 5.19 and 5.20 Solution : Modern Processor Design by John Paul Shen and Mikko H. Lipasti : Solution Manual

Q.5.19 and 5.20: Register Renaming

Given the DAXPY kernel shown in Figure 5.31 and the IBM RS/6000 (RIOS-I) floating-point load

renaming scheme also discussed in class (both are shown in the following figure), simulate the

execution of two iterations of the DAXPY loop and show the state of the floating-point map table,

the pending target return queue, and the free list.

• Assume the initial state shown in the table for Problem 5.19.

• Note the table only contains columns for the registers that are referenced in the DAXPY loop.

• As in the RS/6000 implementation discussed, assume only a single load instruction is renamed per

cycle and that only a single floating-point instruction can complete per cycle.

• Only floating-point load, multiply, and add instructions are shown in the table, since only these

are relevant to the renaming scheme.

• Remember that only load destination registers are renamed.

• The first load from the loop prologue is filled in for you.

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Q.5.19: Fill in the remaining rows in the following table with the map table state and

pending target return queue state after the instruction is renamed, and the free list state after the

instruction completes.

Solution: http://targetiesnow.blogspot.in/2013/11/ex-519-and-520-solution-


Page 15: Full solution manual for modern processor design by john paul shen and mikko h. lipasti

Ex 5.21 and 5.22 Solution : Modern Processor Design by John Paul Shen and Mikko H. Lipasti : Solution manual

Q.5.21: Simulate the execution of the following code snippet using Tomasulo’s algorithm.

Show the contents of the reservation station entries, register file busy, tag (the tag is the RS ID

number), and data fields for each cycle (make a copy of the table below for each cycle

that you simulate). Indicate which instruction is executing in each functional unit in each cycle.

Also indicate any result forwarding across a common

data bus by circling the producer and consumer and connecting them with an arrow.

i: R4 <- R0 + R8

j: R2 <- R0 * R4

k: R4 <- R4 + R8

l: R8 <- R4 * R2

Assume dual dispatch and dual CDB (common data bus). Add latency is two cycles, and multiply

latency is 3 cycles. An instruction can begin execution in the same cycle that it is dispatched,

assuming all dependencies are satisfied.

Q.5.22: Determine whether or not the code executes at the data flow limit for Problem 1.

Explain why or why not. Show your work.

Solution: http://targetiesnow.blogspot.in/2013/11/ex-521-and-522-solution-


Ex 5.23 & 5.31 Solution : Modern Processor Design by John Paul Shen and Mikko H. Lipasti : Solution Manual

Q.5.23: As presented in this chapter, load bypassing is a technique for enhancing memory

data flow. With load bypassing, load instructions are allowed to jump ahead of earlier store

instructions. Once address generation is done, a store instruction can be

completed architecturally and can then enter the store buffer to await available bus cycle

for writing to memory. Trailing loads are allowed to bypass these stores in the store buffer if

there is no address aliasing.

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In this problem you are to simulate such load bypassing (there is no load forwarding). You are given

a sequence of load/store instructions and their addresses (symbolic). The number to the left of

each instruction indicates the cycle in which that instruction is dispatched to the reservation

station; it can begin execution in that same cycle. Each store instruction will have an additional

number to its right, indicating the cycle in which it is ready to retire, i.e., exit the store buffer and

write to the memory.


•All operands needed for address calculation are available at dispatch.

•One load and one store can have their addresses calculated per cycle.

•One load OR store can be executed, i.e., allowed to access the cache, per cycle.

•The reservation station entry is deallocated the cycle after address calculation and issue.

•The store buffer entry is deallocated when the cache is accessed.

•A store instruction can access the cache the cycle after it is ready to retire.

•Instructions are issued in order from the reservation stations.

•Assume 100% cache hits.

Page 17: Full solution manual for modern processor design by john paul shen and mikko h. lipasti

Q.5.31: A victim cache is used to augment a direct-mapped cache to reduce conflict

misses. For additional background on this problem, read Jouppi’s paper on victim caches [Jouppi,

1990]. Please fill in the following table to reflect the state of each cache line in a 4-entry direct-

mapped cache and a 2-entry fully associative victim cache

following each memory reference shown. Also, record whether the reference was a

cache hit or a cache miss. The reference addresses are shown in hexadecimal format. Assume the d

irect mapped cache is indexed with the low-order bits above the 16-

byte line offset (e.g. address 40 maps to set 0, address 50 maps to set 1, etc.). Use ‘-

’ to indicate an invalid line and the address of the line to indicate a valid line. Assume LRU policy f

or the victim cache and mark the LRU line as such in the table.

Solution: http://targetiesnow.blogspot.in/2013/12/solution-manual-modern-


Ex 6.3, 6.11 &6.12 : Modern Processor Design by John Paul Shen and Mikko H. Lipasti : Solution Manual

Q.6.3: Given the dispatch and retirement bandwidth specified, how many integer ARF

(architected register file) read and write ports are needed to sustain peak throughput? Given

instruction mixes in Table 5-2, also compute average ports needed for each benchmark. Explain

why you would not just build for the average case. Given the actual number of read and write ports

specified, how likely is it that dispatch will be port-limited? How likely is it that retirement will be


Page 18: Full solution manual for modern processor design by john paul shen and mikko h. lipasti

Q.6.11: The IBM POWER3 can detect up to four regular access streams and issue prefetches

for future references. Construct an address reference trace that will utilize all four streams.

Q.6.12: The IBM POWER4 can detect up to eight regular access streams and issue prefetches

for future references. Construct an address reference trace that will utilize all four streams.

Solution: http://targetiesnow.blogspot.in/2013/12/ex-63-611-modern-


Ex 7.10, 7.11, 7.12, 11.1, 11.8 & 11.10 Solution : Modern Processor Design by John Paul Shen and Mikko H. Lipasti : Solution Manual

Q.7.10: If the P6 microarchitecture had to support an instruction set that included

predication, what effect would that have on the register renaming process?

Q.7.11: As described in the text, the P6 microarchitecture splits store operations into a STA

and STD pair for handling address generation and data movement. Explain why this makes

sense from a microarchitectural implementation perspective.

Q.7.12: Following up on Problem 7, would there be a performance benefit (measured in

instructions per cycle) if stores were not split? Explain why or why not?

Q.11.1: Using the syntax in Figure 11-2, show how to use the load-linked/store

conditional primitives to synthesize a compare-and-swap operation.

Q.11.8: Real coherence controllers include numerous transient states in addition to the

ones shown in Figure to support split-transaction buses. For example, when a processor issues a bus read for an invalid line (I), the line is placed in a IS transient state until the processor has received a valid data response that then causes the line to transition into shared state (S). Given a split-transaction bus that separates each bus command (bus read, bus write, and bus upgrade) into a request and response, augment the state table and state transition diagram

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of Figure to incorporate all necessary transient states and bus responses. For simplicity, assume that any bus command for a line in a transient state gets a negative acknowledge (NAK) response that forces it to be retried after some delay.

Q.11.10: Assuming a processor frequency of 1 GHz, a target CPI of 2, a per-instruction level-

2 cache miss rate of 1% per instruction, a snoop-based cache coherent system with 32 processors,

and 8-byte address messages (including command and snoop

addresses)compute the inbound and outbound snoop bandwidth required at each processor node.

Solution: http://targetiesnow.blogspot.in/2013/12/ex-710-711-712-111-118-


Page 20: Full solution manual for modern processor design by john paul shen and mikko h. lipasti

This book cites 12 books:

MODERN PROCESSOR DESIGN: Fundamentals of Superscalar Processors,

Beta Edition by John P. Shen

o Front Matter (1), and Front Matter (2)

Michigan State University - College Prowler Guide (College Prowler Off the Record) by Amy Davis

o Front Matter

Fault-Tolerant Computing (Ftcs-21) by Inc. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

o page 617

Architecture of Pipelined Computers by Peter M. Kogge

o page 98

Computer Architecture (Computer Science Series) by Caxton C. Foster

o page 34

Fortress Rochester: The Inside Story of the IBM iSeries by Frank G. Soltis

o page 448

Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, Second Edition by John

L. Hennessy

o page 98

The Anatomy of a High-Performance Microprocessor: A Systems Perspective by Bruce Shriver

o page 447

Operating Systems by M. J. Flynn

o page 34

Star Wars Technical Journal by Shane Johnson

o page 441

Introduction to Arithmetic for Digital Systems Designers by Shlomo Waser

o page 98

Computer Science: For Use with the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme by Andrew Meyenn

o page 513

1 book cites this book:

Page 21: Full solution manual for modern processor design by john paul shen and mikko h. lipasti

The Pentium Chronicles: The People, Passion, and Politics Behind Intel's

Landmark Chips (Practitioners) by Robert P. Colwell

o Back Matter


John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, third edition, Morgan Kaufmann, New York, 2003. Seewww.mkp.com/CA3.

David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware Interface. Text for COEN 171.

Gerrit A. Blaauw and Frederick P. Brooks, Jr., Computer Architecture: Concepts and Evolution, Addison Wesley, 1997.

William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture, Prentice Hall, 2000.

Miles J. Murdocca and Vincent P. Heuring, Principles of Computer Architecture, Prentice Hall, 2000.

John D. Carpinelli, Computer Systems Organization and Architecture, Addison Wesley, 2001.

John Paul Shen and Mikko H. Lipasti, Modern Processor Design: Fundamentals for Superscalar Processors, McGraw-Hill, 2003. Highly recommended as a complement to Hennessey and Patterson.


Introduction: review of basic computer architecture, quantitative techniques in computer


measuring and reporting performance. CISC and RISC processors.


Page 22: Full solution manual for modern processor design by john paul shen and mikko h. lipasti

Pipelining : Basic concepts, instruction and arithmetic pipeline, data hazards, control hazards,

and structural hazards, techniques for handling hazards. Exception handling. Pipeline

optimization techniques. Compiler techniques for improving performance.


Hierarchical memory technology: Inclusion, Coherence and locality properties; Cache


organizations, Techniques for reducing cache misses; Virtual memory organization, mapping


management techniques, memory replacement policies. Instruction-level parallelism: basic

concepts, techniques for increasing ILP, superscalar, super-pipelined and VLIW processor

architectures. Array and vector processors.


Multiprocessor architecture: taxonomy of parallel architectures. Centralized shared-memory

architecture: synchronization, memory consistency, interconnection networks. Distributed

shared-memory architecture. Cluster computers. Non von Neumann architectures: data flow

computers, reduction computer architectures, systolic architectures.


3 - - 3

Processor Design: The Evolution of processors, Instruction set Processor design,

Principles of Processor performance, Instruction level parallel processing

Pipelined processors: Pipelining fundamentals, pipelined processor design, deeply

pipelined processors

Page 23: Full solution manual for modern processor design by john paul shen and mikko h. lipasti


Systems on a chip -- Design an


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Mark Year Entries

Systems On A Chip Computer Aided Design : Schwaderer, W.


2012 1

Systems On A Chip Computer Simulation 2

Systems On A Chip Congresses 56

Systems On A Chip Design : Kempf, Torsten. 2011 1

Systems On A Chip Design And Construction 40

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Systems On A Chip Design And Construction Data Processing 4

Systems On A Chip Energy Consumption Congresses :

International SoC Design Conference

c2009 1

Systems On A Chip Testing 21

Systems On A Chip Testing Congresses 10

Systems On A Chip Testing Standards 3

Systems On A Chips : Pankratius, Victor. 2012 1

Systems On Chip -- See Systems on a chip


Page 24: Full solution manual for modern processor design by john paul shen and mikko h. lipasti

Systems Open Physics -- See Open systems (Physics)


Systems Optimization -- See Mathematical optimization


Systems Orthogonal -- See Orthogonalization methods


Systems Predator Prey -- See Predation (Biology)

--subdivision Effect of predation on under individual

animals and groups of animals, e.g. Fishes--Effect of

predation on


Systems Programming : Young, Michael J. c1991 1

Systems Programming Computer Science 82

Systems Propulsion -- See Propulsion systems


Systems Recommendation Information Filtering --

See Recommender systems (Information filtering)

Here are entered works on the personalized filtering

technology used to recommend a set of data that will be of

interest to a certain user.


Systems Recommender Information Filtering --

See Recommender systems (Information filtering)

Here are entered works on the personalized filtering

technology used to recommend a set of data that will be of


Page 25: Full solution manual for modern processor design by john paul shen and mikko h. lipasti

interest to a certain user.

Systems Reliability -- See Reliability (Engineering)

--subdivision Reliability under types of equipment,

machinery, technical systems, industrial plants, etc., e.g.

Electronic apparatus and appliances--Reliability


Systems Retrieval Periodicals 1985 1

Systems River -- See Watersheds

--headings of the type . . . River Watershed


Systems Safety -- See System safety


Systems Science -- See System theory


Systems Shorthand : Taylor, Samuel, 1810 1

Systems Silvicultural -- See Silvicultural systems


Systems Software -- 10 Related Subjects 10

Systems Software 63

Systems Software Congresses 54

Systems Software Costs 2

Systems Software Evaluation 1990 1

Systems Software Evaluation Congresses 2

Page 26: Full solution manual for modern processor design by john paul shen and mikko h. lipasti

Systems Software Handbooks Manuals Etc : Welsh, David C. 1991 1

Systems Software Industrial Applications Congresses :

Workshop on Industrial Experiences with Systems Software

c2002 1

Systems Software Periodicals 11

Systems Software Reliability 5

Systems Software Technological Innovations : Marchionini,


1991 1

Systems Software Testing 2005 1

Systems Spatial -- See Spatial systems


Systems Steiner -- See Steiner systems


Systems Stiff Differential Equations -- See Stiff

computation (Differential equations)


Systems Stochastic -- See Stochastic systems


Systems Theory 58

Systems Theory Of -- See System theory


Systems Therapeutic -- See Alternative medicine

--subdivision Alternative treatment under individual

diseases and types of diseases, e.g. Cancer--Alternative


Page 27: Full solution manual for modern processor design by john paul shen and mikko h. lipasti


Systems Therapy Family -- See Systemic therapy (Family



Systole Cardiology -- See Heart Contraction


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