(full pdf) Nasihatu khairil-anaam-li-ashaabihil-kiraam


Transcript of (full pdf) Nasihatu khairil-anaam-li-ashaabihil-kiraam

� ��� ا� م ���� ا���ام��

The Advice of

the Best of Creation

to His Noble Companions

By the_middle_road

��� ا��ئ �� �ى �������ت �������ت إ ��� ا���ل إ ��� ا���ل ��� ��� ا��ئ �� �ىوإ ��� وإ

“Actions are but by intentions and every man shall have what he intended…”

(S�ah�īh� Bukhārī and Muslim)


All praise is due to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the entire universe. And the peace

and blessings of Allah be upon Muh�ammad his family and his companions.

Tamīm al-Dārī related that the Prophet said, “The dīn is nas�īh�ah.” “To whom?” we asked.

“To Allah, His Book, His Messenger, the leaders of the Muslims and their common people,”

he replied.

(S�ah�īh� Muslim)

We usually associate the word ‘nas�īh�ah’ with the concept of giving someone advice.

Although that is correct, it is, however, much broader than that. This is supported by the

h�adīth mentioned above, since to translate nas�īh�ah here as advice would not make much

sense. To translate it as ‘sincerity’ might be more appropriate but that too does not convey the

whole sense of the meaning of the word. The word nas�īh�ah can be said to mean, ‘to truly

want the best for the person one is giving nas�īh�ah to’. We advise people because we want the

best for them.

It is for this - wanting the best for you, the ‘‘āmmah al-muslimīn (the generality of Muslims)’

- that this booklet has been compiled. It is a collection of some of the words of advice which

the Prophet gave to his Companions . He commanded us with this in the h�adīth, but

he was also the best exemplar of carrying that out. The ah�ādīth are taken from the six

authentic books of h�adīth as well as the Musnad of Imām Ah�mad, and they are all either

s�ah�īh� or h�asan, to the best of my knowledge.

Jazākumullāhu khair to Abu Mus’ab and Al-Farooq for their help and assistance, as well as


Notes about the Translation

Each h�adīth consists of a sanad (a chain of narration) and a matn (the wording of the actual

h�adīth). The Arabic includes both the sanad and the matn. However, for the sake of brevity,

only the matn has been translated and not the sanad.

The words of the Prophet are written in blue, quotations from the Qur’ān are in green, and

the sanad of the h�adīth is in grey.

Certain Arabic terms have been transliterated and not translated, in cases where I felt the

English equivalent does not convey the whole sense of the word. Those who are unfamiliar

with the meaning of these words can refer to the glossary at the end of the book.

Words in square brackets are words which are not explicitly mentioned in the Arabic text but

which are necessary in the translation in order for it to be understood properly.

Advice to Abū Bakr

��'�() *+�� ,� ,-.أ7� را5) �, �.��) �, ز�3د �, إ�0�1� �, ����ش ()�'�� ا

�7 :�ل ا.9�ا

< ()�'� 9�) ا?�< �, ���و �, ا�0ص أ>�; ;?@+ >�?A�?B ا?�< � ���� 0�1; �, ر�1ل ا

C�?1و >�?� >�?7 ر�1ل ا DEا �� آGل ه�@+ *J�.B �7@A إ+ C�?1و >�?� >�?:�ل A�?B ا

:�ل �3 ر�1ل ا?�< �?�7�� �� أ:�ل إذا ر7R ا?�< ��< Q3 أ�� ��� اO�+ �(�P�ت +Nذا +��L إن�

ا-���ات وارض ��C اS�+ D�T� :� ا?�CL� أ�� ��� +@�ل �3 أ9B.; وإذا أ�-�;

J-7 و�, ��5 ا�X��Wن وا�L�Wدة � إ< إ�� أ ��5 ,� Y� أ��ذ >� ; رب� آ�� 75ء و�?�

��[ إC?-� A أ:E�ف و5�آ< وأن J-7 �1ءا أو أ A?�

Abū Rāshid al-H�ubrānī said, “I came to ‘Abdullāh ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘Ās and said to him,

‘Relate to us what you heard from the Messenger of Allah .’ So he gave me a piece of

paper and said, ‘This is what the Messenger of Allah wrote to me.’

So I looked and saw in it that Abū Bakr al-S�iddīq, may Allah be pleased with him, had said,

‘O Messenger of Allah, teach me what I should say in the morning and in the evening.’ So he

replied, ‘O Abū Bakr, say, “O Allah, Originator of the heavens and the earth, Knower of the

unseen and the visible, there is none worthy of worship but You, the Lord and Owner of

everything. I seek protection in You from the evil of my nafs, from the evil of shait�ān and his

[calling to] shirk, and that I should commit any evil against myself or bring it upon another


(Sunan al-Tirmidhī)

Points to Ponder

• Ah�ādīth were written down at the time of the Prophet .

• The importance of making dhikr at the two ends of the day.

• The importance of seeking Allah’s protection against all evil.

Advice to ‘Umar

���* �, ����ر ()�'�� ��� �, �3 W� ,� (��.� ��'�() c��ر ()�'�� � 7�'�() d7J�.1��ك ا

:�ل ��� �, اXh��ب ()�'7� 9�) ا?�< �, ا90��س ()�'7� �� أ�� ز�

>�?وه� �?�P) A� :�ل +N+ ;-?jذا �?�< إزار A�?B ا?�< �?�< وC�?1 دA?� ;?i ر�1ل ا

�?� c� .� و ��05 ,� *k9@� � 9�< وإذا أ و:�ظ اP��ع < l��[ وإذا ا.�P� :) أ'�� +7

��E��+ Q�?0� �3 Y)رت ����ي +@�ل إه�ب +7 �(�* +7 اT�+* وإذا 93 �� �Xh+@?; �با�, ا

� YE Y9� وهpi ]Gا � أ��7 وهGا ا.�P� :) أ'�� +7 7 79� ا?�< و�� �3 �� �� أرى +��L إ

Y d79 ا?�< و:P�� آ-�ى أرى وذ ; �Lر وأ وJB�>< وهpi ]Gا YE :�ل +7 ا�q��ر وا

�� أ� ا�, اXh��ب �3 d( :?; �?AR�<A أن >��ن �� اir�ة وCL ا

‘Umar said, “I entered upon the Messenger of Allah while he was [lying down] on a mat. I

sat down [and looked around]: he had on an izār, and nothing else; the mat had left an imprint

upon his side; and where I was [sitting], there was a handful of barley, amounting to about

one s�ā‘.1 There was some material used for tanning hides in a corner of the room and an

untanned hide hanging [on the wall]. [On seeing all this] my eyes suddenly filled with tears.

He asked me, ‘What makes you cry, O son of al-Khatt�āb?’ ‘O Prophet of Allah, and why

should I not cry!?’ I exclaimed. ‘This mat has left an imprint upon your side, and this treasury

of yours – I see nothing in it except what I can see. And there are Kisrā and Qais�ar,2 in the

midst of fruits and rivers; and you are the Prophet of Allah and His Chosen One, and this is

your treasure house.’ He said, ‘O son of al-Khatt�āb, are you not content that for us there is the

ākhirah, and for them there is the dunyā?’ “Yes,” I replied.”

(Sunan ibn Mājah)

1 A cubic measure equivalent to approximately 2 600 grams.

2 The titles of the rulers of the Persian and Byzantium empires.

Points to Ponder

• The poverty and asceticism of the Prophet .

• The love, care and concern ‘Umar had for the Prophet .

• ‘Umar cried.

• The superiority of the ākhirah over the dunyā. Be content with the ākhirah and do not

seek to gain the riches of this world.

Advice to ‘Uthmān

�0�و3* �, �, 0) ا?�j) ��'�() 1 ,� u��, �, اA��q� ()�'�� �.��د �, l�?�ن ()�'��

v�B ,� (3p3 ,� *0��ر ,� ���� ,� >�? Ww��* �, ا�0d��ن �, �W�� �, 9�) ا

�79���0� ا?�< N+ �P��: YP��@3ن أرادوك q���ن �3 :�ل A�?B ا?�< �?�< وC�?1 أن� ا >� إ

CL >0?h< �?+ >0?i A?�

‘Ā’ishah related that the Prophet said, “O ‘Uthmān, indeed, perhaps Allah will clothe you

with a shirt, so if they try to make you take it off, then do not do so for them.” 3

(Sunan al-Tirmidhī)

Points to Ponder

• Allah granted the Prophet knowledge about certain things which would happen in

the future.

• The importance of remaining firm upon the truth, no matter the consequences.

3 The shirt is a metaphor for the khilāfah and taking it off is a metaphor for stepping down.

Advice to ‘Alī

��'�() dاريpJ � إA1�� ,� ��0�1 ا�9iأ Y3�5 ,� �3دي�N ا�, 3��)ة �, أ7� ر0��* ا

:�ل أ��< �,

>�?A�?B x7?0 ا?�< �?�< وC�?1 :�ل ر�1ل ا �3 d7?� ا Y� >y9E ا��O�ة ا��O�ة +Nن� Aو

Y اir�ة ;-� و

The Messenger of Allah told ‘Alī, “O ‘Alī, do not follow one glance with another, for

certainly, the first one is for you, but not the second.”4

(Sunan al-Tirmidhī and Sunan Abū Dāwūd)

Points to Ponder

• ‘Alī was still a youth when this was said to him.

• We are forgiven for unintentional mistakes.

• The importance of lowering the gaze.

4 i.e. one is not held accountable for the first unintentional glance at a non-mah�ram woman, only for the second

intentional one.

Advice to ibn ‘Abbās

� �) �, �.��) �, A1�� أ( ()�'�� �9i�9�رك أ � 9�) ا?�< �, ا�9i01) أ ,� u�وا�,

*0�L � 9�) ا?�< �, 9�) ا��(�, ()�'�� :�ل :c� �, ا.j��ج �, �9iأ (�� ()�'�� أ�� ا

(01 ,� u� �7 �, اA�0� وا() :c� �, ا.j��ج ()�'7� �0��P ا�, 9���س �, (�} ا


>�?إ �7 أ�?�Y� آ?��ت ا(J~ ا?�< l �3?�م 3��� +@�ل A�?B C ا?�< �?�< و1?� آ�; i?| ر�1ل ا

*��0, ��?�< وا�?C أن� اE1�+ ;�0E1وإذا ا >�?YOJ.3 ا(J~ ا?�< >�j< ](jهY إذا 1; +�1ل ا

A?� ;0�E أن �0�Eا �?A أن � ا Y و� ا >�? �0J�3ك 7W�ء �0J�3 Cك إ�� 7W�ء :) آ9E< ا

Y�?� >�?J�; اdP.| ر+0; ا:?�م d�k3وك 7W�ء d�k3 Cوك إ�� 7W�ء :) آ9E< ا و

‘Abdullāh ibn ‘Abbās said, “One day I was behind the Messenger of Allah when he said to

me, ‘O young boy, indeed I shall teach you some words [of advice]. Be mindful of Allah, and

He will protect you. Be mindful of Allah, and you will find Him facing you. If you ask [for

something], ask of Allah; and if you seek help, seek help from Allah.

Know that even if the ummah were to gather together to benefit you with something, they

would not benefit you except with that which Allah has already decreed for you. And if they

were to gather together to harm you with something, they would not harm you except with

that which Allah has already decreed upon you. The pens have been lifted and the pages have


(Sunan al-Tirmidhī)

Another version reads:

��'�() (3p3 ,� >�?أ�� 9�) :�ل ا.j��ج �, اJ�ا+P* �, آc�L �, ا.-, ()�'�� 9�) ا

,�)��?�< �, 3p3) 9�) ا ه� ا �79B � ا�, ر+0< إA وأ � :) رأC�?-+ Q3�S 7+ >E3 �?7� وأ

�B(D ه���م �, A�.3 أ�� 9�) ا?�< :�ل و()�'7� ا�, 9���س أو أ1�)[ إA 9���س

0�L* و()�'7� ا�, 9���س أ1�)[ إP9 A�ي� ا ,� >�?�, ا3�P���ن و �+3p3 ,� y) 9�) ا

c�: ,� �7 �, ا.j��ج �0��P()CLk0� u3 �, �0� و� أ(J~ ا�, 9���س �, (�} ا

>� :�ل أ

أ� أ�?�Y� آ?��ت C��?l Y0J�3 أو l �3 �3?�م +@�ل A�?B ا?�< �?�< وC�?1 ا���79 رد3| آ�;

~ ا?�< YOJ.3 ا(J~ ا?�< >j)[ أY��� >�0�ف إ�< +7 ا���iء ا(J ا?�< A?� ;?@+ �,L� +@�ل

|� ا@?C ��� ه� (: >�?�� ,0E1�+ ;�0E1وإذا ا >�? آ�Y+�03 ,w +7 ا�W)�ة وإذا 1; +�1ل ا

C 3@)روا �?�< وإن +?� أن� ا Y�?� >�?�9E< ا3 C�0�� أرادوا أن �0J�3ك 7W�ء CL�?آ Q?h

A?� �9�PC 3@)روا �?�< وا�?C أن� +7 ا Y�?� >�?�9E< ا3 C �� أرادوا أن d�k3وك 7W�ء

��ب وأن� y� ا0-� 3-�ا >��[ i��ا آ�q�ا وأن� ا��y� �P اP�9� وأن� اJ�ج y� ا

‘Abdullāh ibn ‘Abbās said, “I was once behind the Prophet on a mount when he said to

me, ‘O young boy - or O little boy - shall I not teach you some words by which Allah will

benefit you?’ ‘Of course,’ I replied.

He then told me, ‘Be mindful of Allah, and He will protect you. Be mindful of Allah, and you

will find Him in front of you. Become acquainted with Him in [times of] ease, and He will be

acquainted with you in [times of] difficulty. If you ask [for something], ask of Allah; and if

you seek help, seek help from Allah.

The [ink of] the pen has already dried concerning that which will be: so even if the entire

creation – all of them together – wanted to benefit you with something which Allah did not

decree for you, they would not be able to do that. And if they wanted to harm you with

something which Allah did not decree upon you, they would not be able to do that. Know

that in being patient with that which you dislike, there lies much good; that with patience

comes victory, with distress comes relief, and with hardship comes ease.’”

(Musnad Ah�mad)

Points to Ponder

• The care and concern the Prophet had for the young.

• The Prophet prepared ibn ‘Abbās to receive the advice by informing beforehand

that he was about to tell him something of significance.

• Seek help from the Creator, not the creation.

• Be content with the Divine Decree.

• Difficult times are bound to pass.

Advice to Abū Hurairah

��'�() (�01 ,� *9�E: ��'�() �J0 �01) �, أ7� �01) �, ���و �, إ1����� �,

أ �< :�ل �< ر7R ا?�< � أ7� ه3��ة �, ا�@9�ي�

أن � أ�� ه3��ة @) ���; �3 :?; �3 ر�1ل ا?�< �, أ01) ا���س YE��JW� 3�م ا@���* +@�ل

YB�) ,� ;3رأ �� Y�� أ() أو�ل u3(.7� �, هGا ا-3 u3(.أ01) ا���س �?A ا

>-J �9: ,� �P�i >�? 7E��JW� 3�م ا@���* �, :�ل � إ< إ�� ا

Abū Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “I asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah, who

will be the most fortunate of mankind in receiving your intercession on the Day of

Resurrection?’ He replied, ‘I certainly thought, O Abū Hurairah, that no one would ask me

about this h�adīth before you, because of what I noticed concerning your great desire for

[learning] h�adīth. The most fortunate of mankind to receive my intercession on the Day of

Resurrection will be those who say ‘Lā ilāha illa Allah’5 sincerely, of their own accord.’”

(S�ah�īh� al-Bukhārī)

Points to Ponder

• The word h�irs� means greed, avidity, covetousness, desire, aspiration, avarice. That is

the attitude Abū Hurairah had towards h�adīth.

• Say ‘Lā ilāha illa Allah’ and be of the fortunate ones.

• Another version of the h�adīth states that it should be said from the heart.

5 Meaning, “There is none worthy of worship except Allah”.

Advice to Ubay

��'�() 9�E: * ��'�() (��.� ,� p3p0أ7� �, أ��< �, ا0?�ء �, 9�) ا��(�, �, 9�) ا


>�?A�?B ا?�< �ل ر�1ل ا?�< +@ أ�7� �, آi D0�ج �?A�?B A ا?�< �?�< وC�?1 أن� ر�1ل ا

C�?1�3 �?�< و d7�وه� أ ;JE�+ 7�?P3 �7�أ A�?B9< وj3 C+C' |�Jh� ا P�ف إA أ�7� و

>�?A�?B ا?�< ا-�?�م �?Y� �3 ر�1ل ا?�< +@�ل ر�1ل ا?�< +@�ل A�?B ا?�< �?�< وC�?1 ر�1ل ا

C�?1�3 �?�< و Y0�� �� م�?�- +@�ل �3 ر�1ل ا?�< إ �7 آ�; أن >7�9�j إذ د��>Y أd7� و�?Y� ا

+?j< C) +��� أو(A ا?�< إ7� أنأ+7 اP�?�ة :�ل

C���.3 �� C�1ل إذا د��آ��? ا�9�jE1ا ?�< و

j:�ل �?A و� أ��د إن �5ء ا?�< :�ل N�� أ>.dD أن أ�?�Y� �1رة p�3 Cل +7 اE��راة و� +7 ا

�L?q� ن�:�JA�?B ا?�< �?�< :�ل C0 �3 ر�1ل ا?�< :�ل ر�1ل ا?�< و� +7 اp���ر و� +7 ا

C�?1ة و�?�P ا?�< �?�< وA�?B C�?1 +@�ل ر�1ل ا?�< أم� ا@��ن :�ل +@�أ آ�| >@�أ +7 ا

�L?q� ن�:�J �j� و� +7 اp���ر و� +7 اN; +7 اE��راة و� +7 اp وا�Gي J-7 ��)[ �� أ

�L� y91 7 �, وإ�q� ا�Gي أE�X�< وا@��ن اC�O0 ا

Abū Hurairah related that the Messenger of Allah went out and passed by Ubay ibn Ka’b.

He called out, “O Ubay,” while Ubay was performing s�alāh; so he turned [his head]

around but did not respond to him. He completed his s�alāh, shortening it, then turned to the

Messenger of Allah and said, “Peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allah.”

He replied, “And upon you be peace. What prevented you, O Ubay, from responding to

me when I called you?” “O Messenger of Allah, indeed, I was in s�alāh,” he answered. He

asked, “Did you not find in what Allah revealed to me: ‘Respond to Allah and to the

Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life’?” 6

“Certainly,” he said, “and I will

not do that again, in shā Allah.”

He asked, “Do you love that I should teach you a sūrah, the like of which was not revealed in

the Taurāh, nor the Injīl, nor the Zabūr, nor in the [rest of] the Furqān?” “Yes, O Messenger

of Allah,” he replied. Then the Messenger of Allah asked him, “What did you recite in the

s�alāh?” So he recited the Mother of the Qur’ān.7 At that, the Messenger of Allah said, “By

Him in whose grasp is my soul, the like of it was not revealed in the Taurāh, nor the Injīl, nor

the Zabūr nor in the [rest of] the Furqān. And it is the Seven Oft-Repeated [verses] and the

Great Qur’ān which I was given.”

(Sunan al-Tirmidhī)

Points to Ponder

• The importance of responding to the Prophet .

• The superiority of the Fātih�ah over all other revelation.

6 al-Qur’an (8: 24).

7 The Fātih�ah, the first chapter of the Qur’ān.

Advice to Mu‘ādh

(��ة �, v3�5 ()�'�� 9�) ا?�< �, 3p3) ا�@�ئ ()�'�� 9��) ا?�< �, ��� �, ��-�ة )�'�� (

�0�ذ �, اd7? ,� �7.���dP أ�� 9�) ا��(�, ا.9 3@�ل ()�'C?-� ,� *9@� 7� :�ل 0�1;

�9 ,�

>�?(Yd9 وا?�< إ �7 �0�ذ �3 أGi ��)[ و:�ل A�?B ا?�< �?�< وC�?1 أن� ر�1ل ا 7� وا?�< إ

Yd9)ا?�CL� أA?� 7��� ذآ�ك آ�� B?�ة >@�ل د�� � >)�,� +7 �0�ذ أوY�B �3 +@�ل

Y<�ك و(-, �9�د� و5

Mu‘ādh ibn Jabal related that the Messenger of Allah took him by the hand and said, “O

Mu‘ādh, by Allah, indeed I surely love you. By Allah, indeed, I surely love you.” Then he

said, “I advise you, O Mu‘ādh: do not leave off saying at the end of every s�alāh,8 ‘O Allah,

help me [to engage in] remembrance of You, thankfulness towards You, and beautiful

worship of You.’”

(Sunan Abū Dāwūd)

Points to Ponder

• The Prophet held the hand of Mu‘ādh .

• The Prophet loved Mu‘ādh and he expressed that love.

• The importance of always being constant in doing acts of worship.

8 i.e. either after the s�alāh or in the last part of it.

d7 )�'�� ( ا�, أ7� ��� ()�'�� �0��PCB�� �, أ7� �, 0��� �, 9�) ا?�< �, �0�ذ ا

9� �, أ7� واw� �, ا���jد :�ل �0�ذ �,

�79�� -�� +@?; A�?B J1 7+ �3 ا?�< �?�< وC�?1 آ�; y� ا ,. � +9B.; 3��� :�93� ��< و

i(3 ��0� 7?7� ا�j�* و�93�) 7 �, ا���ر :�ل �9iأ >�?C�O� ,� 7�E وإ �< ر�1ل ا1 (@

�?� >�?و>�>7 اp�آ�ة < >90) ا?�< و� >W�ك �< 5��� و>@�C اP�?�ة �-�� �?A �, 3-��[ ا

d�.<ن و�k�م ر�P<9�; وواP�):* ��* أ� أدA?� Yd أ��اب اh�� اP��م 'C� :�ل ا

�ف ا?���>JX� ا�Xh�* آ� ,� � �� :�ل 'JX3 ��?< �C� ا��ء ا���ر وB?�ة ا

cJ C?0< �?+ ن�@J�3 C�0� و���� رز:��هSو �+�i CL�3)��ن ر� y �k�CL��� �, ا A+�jE<

��: ,� CL 7Jiا 03�?�ن�� أ� pاء ��� آ� ة أ��,

رأس :?; �?A �3 ر�1ل ا?�< :�ل 1���< وذروة أ� أ9i�ك ��أس ا�� آ?�< و���د[ 'C� :�ل

:?; ذY آ?�< ��?�ك أ� أ9i�ك 'C� :�ل < ا�Ljد1��� وذروة ا�� ا1N?�م و���د[ اP�?�ة

< :�ل �-?� Gi+ >�? 79� ا �3 A?�اGه Y�?� �|آ >� C�?�E �اGiون ��� � �� 79� ا?�< وإ �3 ;?@+

�?YE أ +@�ل ' Yd� �3 �0�ذ ���هCL أو �?i��� A�هC إ وه� 3�dD ا���س +7 ا���ر �?A و

CLE�- (w�P) أ

Mu‘ādh ibn Jabal said, “I was once on a journey with the Prophet . One morning I

happened to be close by to him while we were travelling, so I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah,

tell me about a deed which will enter me into Paradise and distance me from the Fire.’ ‘You

have certainly asked me about something immense,’ he replied, ‘but it is indeed easy for the

one for whom Allah makes it easy. [It is that] you worship Allah and do not associate

anything with Him, that you establish the s�alāh, give the zakāh, fast the month of Ramad�ān,

and perform the pilgrimage to the House.’9

Then he added, ‘Shall I not guide you to the doors of goodness? Fasting is a shield; charity

extinguishes sins just as water extinguishes fire, and [so too does] the s�alāh of a person in the

depths of the night.’ Then he recited, ‘Their sides forsake their beds, to call on their Lord in

fear and hope; and from what We have provided them, they spend. So no soul knows what is

kept hidden for them of delights of the eye - as a reward for what they used to do.’ 10

Then he said, ‘Shall I not tell you about the head of all matters, its pillar and its peak? The

head of all matters is Islam, its pillar is s�alāh and its peak is jihād.’

‘Shall I not tell you about the foundation of all of that?’ he then asked. ‘Of course, O Prophet

of Allah,’ I responded. So he took hold of his tongue and said, ‘Restrain this.’ ‘O Prophet of

Allah, are we going to be taken to account for all the things we say!?’ I exclaimed. He

replied, ‘May your mother be bereft of you!11

O Mu‘ādh, is there anything which causes

people to be toppled into the Fire on their faces – or their noses – except the harvests of their


(Sunan al-Tirmidhī)

Points to Ponder

• The kind of questions the S�ah�ābah asked and the things that concerned them.

• Observing the five pillars will cause you to enter Paradise.

• There is safety in silence.

• The sins of the tongue are numerous and great, and cause people to enter the Fire.

9 i.e. the Ka’bah in Makkah.

10 al-Qur’an (32: 16 - 17).

11 An exclamation of amazement, not meant to be taken literally.

Advice to ‘Ā’ishah

��'�() (�01 ,� *9�E: ��'�() (9� �ه��ب Ww��* �, ا�, أ7� �?��* �, أ�d3ب ()�'�� ا

�L�� >�? ر7R ا

; Cو�?�� �?Y� :�ل ا-��م +@��ا A�?B ا?�< �?�< وC�?1 أ>�ا ا��79� ا�L�د أن� �@+ *Ww��

�C +@�ل ر�1ل ا?�< ا-��م �?� Dklو >�?�C ا�0�C و�?� C�?1و >�?� >�? A�?B �3 �?L� ا

*Ww�� {.J����+Q وإ3��ك وا0�| أو ا Y�?�أ ;�ا :�ل :��: �� y�-< CأوC >-70� �� و

�7+ CL :?; رددت �?�jE-�+ CL�ب CL�+ 7 و� �jE-3ب

‘Ā’ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, related that the Jews came to the Prophet and

said, “Death be upon you.” He replied, “And upon you.” So ‘Ā’ishah said, “Death be upon

you, may Allah curse you and may He be angry with you.”

The Messenger of Allah then told her, “Take it easy, O ‘Ā’ishah. You should be gentle,

and you should beware of harshness or obscenity.” “Did you not hear what they said?” she

protested. He replied, “Did you not hear what I said? I responded to them, so it was accepted

from me but not from them.”

(S�ah�īh� al-Bukhārī)

Another version reads:

��'�() ����Y �, '��; ()�'�� (���د ()�'�� ��� ,� c أ

Y�?� A�?B +@�ل ا��d79 ا-��م +@��ا A�?B ا?�< �?�< وC�?1 دi?�ا �?A ا���79 ا�L�د أن�

C�?1و >�?� >�?�C ا-��م ا�?� ;�@+ *Ww�� م��-�C �3 ا�?� *�0 إi�ان ا@�دة واh��ز3� و

أو�� 0�1; �� +@�; �3 ر�1ل ا?�< أ�� 0�1; �� :��ا :�ل �< Ww��* �3 ا?�< و9kl< +@�ل

�3 CL�?� رددت *Ww�� 7+ Q+��i(3 C� ا �� < 75ء إ�� زا < وp�3 Cع �, 75ء إ�5

Anas ibn Mālik related that the Jews entered upon the Prophet and said, “Death be upon

you.” The Prophet replied, “Death be upon you.” ‘Ā’ishah then said, “Death be upon you,

O brothers of apes and pigs, and the curse of Allah and His Anger.”

He then said, “O ‘Ā’ishah, stop.” “O Messenger of Allah, did you not hear what they said?”

she protested. He replied, “Did you not hear what I replied to them? O ‘Ā’ishah, gentleness

never enters anything, except that it beautifies it; and it is not removed from anything, except

that it disfigures it.”

(Musnad Ah�mad)

Points to Ponder

• The tact and diplomacy of the Prophet in his reply to them.

• The love ‘Ā’ishah had for the Prophet .

• Gentleness makes things beautiful.

• Harshness, indeceny and using foul language are not qualities befitting a believer.

Advice to Asmā’

��'�() d7آ�X � ()�'�� و����� �, اkJ� ا.��ا d7 03@�ب �, آD0 ا�: (���01) �, ا

��W� ,� ,� دة�E: ,� (�i 03@�ب :�ل Y3ا�, در ,� *Ww�� ر �L�� >�? 7R ا

و�?�L� '��ب ر:�ق A�?B ا?�< �?�< وC�?1 دA?� ;?i ر�1ل ا?�< أ1��ء ��; أ7� ��� أن�

>�? إن� ا��أة إذا �?T; أ1��ء �3 و:�ل A�?B ا?�< �?�< وC�?1 +��ض �L�� ر�1ل ا

v?P< C أن 3�ى �L�� إ�� هGا وهGا ��.�L< وآJ��< ا وأ�5ر إA و

‘Ā’ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, related that Asmā’ bint Abū Bakr entered upon the

Messenger of Allah while wearing a thin garment. So the Messenger of Allah turned

away from her and said, “O Asmā’, indeed, when a woman attains puberty it is not proper

that anything should be seen of her, except this and this,” – and he pointed to his face and


(Sunan Abū Dāwūd)

Points to Ponder

• The Prophet turned away from Asmā’ . If we were to meet him , would he

turn away from us as well?

• We should not look at people who are dressed inappropriately.

Advice to Fāt�imah

��'�() |?i ,� A�.3 ��'�() A?� �, أ7� ا�رد �, �01) 7�03 ا3�j�ي� �, 9�) ا

:�ل ا�, أ9�)

7A�?B ا?�< �?�< +�S�* ��; ر�1ل ا?�< أ� أ()�'Y 7��� و�, ر7R ا?�< ��< �?�7 :�ل

C�?1ت و�� �L� A�E أ'�� +7 3)ه� ( ����(A وآ� ; �, أ(�D أه?< إ�< :?; �?A :�ل إ

�79��@��* (A�E أ'�� +7 .�ه� وآ�-; اA�E) ;�9 ا�9l�ت '+ �L���A< ا�� ;@E1وا >�?A�?B ا

C�?1أ>�; أ��ك �?�< و �)ت ��)[ +-�i >�Eد�� + i)م +@?; �+ >E< >�ه�0; + ()�ا'� +�

YE�, اT) +@�ل ��ت �� آ�ن (� >�?�E; +@?; أ � أ()�'Y �3 ر�1ل ا-+ A)���� A�E)

�ءك اh)م أ��>�L أن >>Y� أ'��ت +7 3)ه� و(�?; ��@��* (A�E أ'�� ت +7 .�ه� +?��� أن

�L�@3 ��د�i Y�(hE-E+ ��) �3 �� ه7 +�< :�ل >�?وأد�ي +k3�* ر��Y وا��?S�+ 7�* ا>�@7 ا

Y?ت ��� أهGiذا أN+ �0��9.7 '?�'� و'?�'�, وا(�)ي '?�'� و'?�'�, وآ�9�ي أر-+ Y0jk�

�i ,� Yدم ��i 7L+ *w�� Y?E+ ,�'�?'و >�� و�, ر�1 ; ر�R; �, ا?�< p�� و�: A�?B

C�?1و >�?� >�? ا

ibn A‘bud said, “‘Alī, may Allah be pleased with him, said to me, ‘Shall I not tell you about

myself and Fāt�imah, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah , who was the most beloved of

his family to him?’ ‘Certainly,’ I replied.

He said, ‘Indeed, she used the hand mill to the extent that it left marks on her hands, she drew

water with a waterskin to the extent that it left marks on the upper part of her chest, and she

swept the house to the extent that her clothes became dust-coloured. Then some servants

came in to the possession of the Prophet , so I said, “If only you would go to your father

and ask him for a servant.” She went to him but found him busy speaking with some men, so

she returned.

He then came to her the following day and enquired, “What is it that you need?” She kept

quiet, so I spoke up, “I will tell you, O Messenger of Allah. She used the hand mill to the

extent that it left it marks on her hands and she carried the waterskin to the extent that it left

marks on the upper part of her chest. So when some servants came in to your possession, I

commanded her to go to you and ask you for a servant who would protect her from [having to

do] the difficult work she is doing.”

He said, “Be mindful of Allah, O Fāt�imah, carry out the duties of your Lord, and work in the

service of your family. Then when you lie down to sleep, say ‘Subh�ānallah’ thirty-three

times, ‘Alh�amdulillāh’ thirty-three times and ‘Allāhu akbar’ thirty-four times - and that

makes one hundred – for that is better for you than a servant.” She responded, “I am pleased

with Allah ‘azza wa jall and with His Messenger .”’”

(Sunan Abū Dāwūd)

Another version reads:

��'�() ��� ,� �J) ��'�() *905 د �-)� ()�'�� ح ��'�() A�.3 ,� *905 A�0� �, ا

C�. :�ل �?�7 :�ل ()�'�� �-)�د :�ل ا�, أ7� �?A �, ا

;�5 *�S�+ �79�� �-79 +>7 ا��(A@?< A +7 3)ه� �, �� A�?B ا?�< �?�< وC�?1 إA ا

YG� 9�تi+ ]�< C?+ >-< >E<+ *Ww�� d79���ء ا ���?+ C�?1و >�?� >�? � A�?B ا�<+ ><�9iأ

� Giم +@�ل و:) أ�@�G+ ��0ه9�� �k���� ��� A?� >��(: ت ��د( +�jء +@A�E) ����� (0 و

B A?� ��E)ري +@�ل 1 ���� ��i A?� ���d��� +-�9.� '?�'� و' أ� أد0 �k� ��<Giإذا أ ,�'�?

��� �, �iدم ��i �L+ ,�'�?'وا(�)ا '?�'� و'?�'�, وآ�9�ا أر�0� و

‘Alī said, “Fāt�imah complained to the Prophet about the marks left on her hands from her

using the hand mill. A slave then came in to the possession of the Prophet . So she went to

him to ask him [for a servant], but did not see him. She then informed ‘Ā’ishah about why

she had come and when the Prophet arrived, ‘Ā’ishah related to him what had happened.

He then came to us while we had already lain down to sleep. We began to stand up, but he

told us, ‘[Stay] on your places.’ He then came and sat between us until I felt the coldness of

his feet on my chest. He said, ‘Shall I not guide you two to that which is better than what you

asked for? When you lie down to sleep, say ‘Subh�ānallah’ thirty-three times, ‘Alh�amdulillāh’

thirty-three times and ‘Allāhu akbar’ thirty-four times, for that is better for you than a


(Sunan Abū Dāwūd)

Points to Ponder

• The poverty of ‘Alī and Fāt�imah , despite their high standing.

• How hard Fāt�imah worked. She is a queen and the leader of the women of

Paradise, but not in this world.

• The shyness Fāt�imah had for her father. In another version it states that she hid

her face under the blanket out of shyness for the Prophet .

• The respect ‘Alī and Fāt�imah had for the Prophet in that they tried to stand up

for him.

• The intimacy the Prophet had with the two of them.

• The Prophet commanded his daughter to have taqwā.

• The superiority of dhikr over material gain.

• The importance of making dhikr before going to sleep.

“Know that the one who has given you sincere advice

has displayed love for you.”

(Imām al-H�ārith al-Muhāsibī)

>�?0 ���5 Y� �كW �0ذ Y� �, أن �� 0?�< ا?�CL� إ ���5 Y� �كW �0ذ Y� �, أن �� ا?�CL� إ

C?0 � �� C?0و -JTE�ك � �� و -JTE�ك

“Oh Allah! Indeed, we seek Your protection from knowingly associating anything with You,

and we seek Your forgiveness for what we are unaware of.”

(Musnad Ah�mad)

>C �.�) ا�


ah�ādīth – plural of h�adīth.

dīn – a way of life or religion.

h�adīth - a saying of the Prophet .

h�asan – good. A h�adīth that can be relied upon to be true but of a slightly lower category than


Injīl - the revelation given to Jesus, peace be upon him.

in shā Allah - Meaning, “If Allah wills”.

izār - a garment that is wrapped around the waist and which covers the lower part of the


Furqān - the Criterion, another name for the Qur’ān.

jihād - striving in the path of Allah.

khilāfah – the position of leadership over the Muslim community.

nafs - the self.

nas�īh�ah – sincere advice.

s�ah�īh� – authentic. A h�adīth that can be relied upon to be true.

s�alāh - the prayer which Muslims perform five times daily.

shait�ān - the devil, Satan.

shirk - associating partners with Allah.

sūrah - a chapter of the Qur’ān.

taqwā – God-consciousness.

Taurāh - the Torah: the revelation given to Moses, peace be upon him.

ummah - the Muslim nation.

Zabūr - the Psalms: the revelation given to David, peace be upon him.

zakāh - the wealth of the rich which is given to the poor. It is calculated at 2.5% of the wealth

stored for one year.


����א�� א����

The Advice of

the Best of Creation

to His Noble Companions

Part II



وإنما لكل امرئ ما نوىوإنما لكل امرئ ما نوى بالنيات بالنيات إنما اعمال إنما اعمال

“Actions are but by intentions and every man shall have what he intended…”

(Ṣaḥīḥ Bukhārī and Muslim)

All praise is due to Allah,

peace and blessings of Allah be upon Muḥammad

Tamīm ad-Dārī related that the Prophet

we asked. “To Allah, His Book, His Messenger, the leaders of the Muslims and their

common people,” he replied.

(Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim)

We usually associate the word ‘

Although that is correct, it is, however, much broader than that.

the ḥadīth mentioned above, since to translate

much sense. To translate it as ‘sincerity’ might be more appropriate but that too does

not convey the whole sense of the meaning of the word. The word

to mean, ‘to truly want the best for the person one

people because we want the best for them.

It is for this - wanting the best for you, the ‘‘

Muslims)’ - that this booklet has been compiled. It is a collection of some of the

words of advice which the Prophet

commanded us with this in the

that out. The aḥādīth are taken from the six authentic books of

Musnad of Imām Aḥmad, a


The intent was always for this compilation to include forty

that people do not have the patience to read that much in an online format, nor do I

have the capacity to do that much at once. Thus it is broken up into parts, and what

you have before you now is part two of the book.

Jazākumullāhu khair to Abu Mus’ab and Al

well as Al-hayaa.


, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the entire universe

peace and blessings of Allah be upon Muḥammad his family and his companions.

related that the Prophet said, “The dīn is naṣīḥah.” “To whom?”

we asked. “To Allah, His Book, His Messenger, the leaders of the Muslims and their

common people,” he replied.

usually associate the word ‘naṣīḥah’ with the concept of giving someone advice.

Although that is correct, it is, however, much broader than that. This is supported by

mentioned above, since to translate naṣīḥah here as advice would not make

much sense. To translate it as ‘sincerity’ might be more appropriate but that too does

not convey the whole sense of the meaning of the word. The word naṣī

to mean, ‘to truly want the best for the person one is giving naṣīḥah to’. We advise

people because we want the best for them.

wanting the best for you, the ‘‘āmmah al-muslimīn (the generality of

that this booklet has been compiled. It is a collection of some of the

advice which the Prophet gave to his Companions . He

commanded us with this in the ḥadīth, but he was also the best exemplar of carrying

are taken from the six authentic books of ḥadīth as well as the

, and they are all either ṣaḥīḥ or ḥasan, to the best of my

The intent was always for this compilation to include forty aḥādīth. However, I feel

that people do not have the patience to read that much in an online format, nor do I

have the capacity to do that much at once. Thus it is broken up into parts, and what

you now is part two of the book.

to Abu Mus’ab and Al-Farooq for their help and assistance, as

the Cherisher and Sustainer of the entire universe. And the

his family and his companions.

“To whom?”

we asked. “To Allah, His Book, His Messenger, the leaders of the Muslims and their

’ with the concept of giving someone advice.

This is supported by

here as advice would not make

much sense. To translate it as ‘sincerity’ might be more appropriate but that too does

īḥah can be said

to’. We advise

(the generality of

that this booklet has been compiled. It is a collection of some of the

. He

, but he was also the best exemplar of carrying

as well as the

, to the best of my

. However, I feel

that people do not have the patience to read that much in an online format, nor do I

have the capacity to do that much at once. Thus it is broken up into parts, and what

Farooq for their help and assistance, as

A ḥadīth consists of a sanad

actual ḥadīth). The Arabic includes both the

sake of brevity, only the matn

The words of the Prophet

green, and the sanad of the

darker shade.

Certain Arabic terms have been transliterated and not translated, in cases where I felt

the English equivalent does not convey the whole sense of the word. Those who are

unfamiliar with the meaning of these words can refer to th


Words in square brackets are words which are not explicitly mentioned in the Arabic

text but which are necessary in the translation in order for it to be understood


Notes about the Translation

sanad (a chain of narration) and a matn (the wording of the

). The Arabic includes both the sanad and the matn. However, for the

matn has been translated and not the sanad.

are written in blue, quotations from the Qur’

of the ḥadīth is in grey, with the names of the narrators

Certain Arabic terms have been transliterated and not translated, in cases where I felt

the English equivalent does not convey the whole sense of the word. Those who are

unfamiliar with the meaning of these words can refer to the glossary at the end of the

Words in square brackets are words which are not explicitly mentioned in the Arabic

text but which are necessary in the translation in order for it to be understood

(the wording of the

. However, for the

are written in blue, quotations from the Qur’ān are in

is in grey, with the names of the narrators a slightly

Certain Arabic terms have been transliterated and not translated, in cases where I felt

the English equivalent does not convey the whole sense of the word. Those who are

e glossary at the end of the

Words in square brackets are words which are not explicitly mentioned in the Arabic

text but which are necessary in the translation in order for it to be understood

1) Advice to Zubair ibn al

2) Advice to ‘Abdur Raḥm

3) Advice to Sa’d ibn Ab

4) Advice to Abū Mūsā al

5) Advice to Abū Dharr al

6) Advice to Abū Sa’īd al

7) Advice to Abū Umāmah

8) Advice to Abū Umayyah

9) Advice to ‘Abdur Raḥm

10) Advice to Ḥakīm ibn Ḥ

11) Advice to Anjashah


Advice to Zubair ibn al-‘Awwām

mān ibn ‘Awf

Advice to Sa’d ibn Abū Waqqāṣ

al-Ash’arī al-Ghifārī

d al-Khudrī

mah al-Bāhilī

Umayyah aḍ-Ḍamrī

mān ibn Samurah

n Ḥizām












Advice to Zubair ib

������ ���� �� �������� ��������� ������� � �� ������ !�����" #��$% &!' �(��!) *+�,-�� ���,. /��0�' �#�1����"

�23�$� !����� /��4 ������ !�����" 5!67�' �8���9��0-�� �2��:�' �.

������ !�����" #��$% �#�� �2��; ��������� !�����% &<�=

/�>� ?3�,@AB�. �,�!'

‘Abdullāh ibn Zubair related, “

presence of the Messenger of

which date palms are watered. The

flow,’ but Zubair refused. They brought their dispute to the Messenger of Allah

who told Zubair, ‘Water [your crops] O Zubair, and

neighbour.’ The Anṣārī became angry at this and said, ‘

because he is your cousin!

of anger at hearing this] and

water until it reaches your walls

Zubair said, ‘By Allah, I consider this

“No, by your Lord, they will not be true believers until they let you decide between

them in all matters of dispute, and find no

(Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim)

1 Paternal aunt’s son.

2 al-Qur’an (4: 65).

Advice to Zubair ibn al-‘Awwām

�C�� D��!E$ �F����� G����� �F�����% ���,B�� �C�� �������H�1!) �C" �I%���" �C�� ��������� � �� ���" !����� C�� ���������

���9��0-�� #4� �������� ��F!" �23�$� !����� /��4 ������� 3�:�J. �1�� �K�L�F�� �2��:�' �8���9��0-�� �M<�$ *+�,-��

��F!" �23�$� !����� /��4 ������ !�����" #��$% �2��:�' �23�$� �N�$� �. ������O �#�� -K!$���� *+�,-�� /���= ?���P 5!67�'

� ��Q C��� R!>�," � �3��>�' ���P% <&�� !����� /��4 �#�� �S����� *+�,-�� /�>� T�P��. /���= ����U-�� �2��:�'

�V.W-�� �X��� &!' R!��Y ����' R<��% ��� � 3�F!��Z�. /�>� ��� �%���U. &!' �#�1[J�\��� �]P��

h ibn Zubair related, “A man from the Anṣār argued with Zubair in th

presence of the Messenger of Allah concerning the streams of al-Ḥarrah

watered. The Anṣārī said, ‘Release the water so that it might

Zubair refused. They brought their dispute to the Messenger of Allah

Water [your crops] O Zubair, and then send the water to your

became angry at this and said, ‘O Messenger of Allah

!1’ The face of the Prophet of Allah changed colour [out

of anger at hearing this] and he said, ‘O Zubair, water [your crops] and then retain

your walls.’

By Allah, I consider this āyah to have been revealed concerning that:

No, by your Lord, they will not be true believers until they let you decide between

them in all matters of dispute, and find no resistance in their souls.2”’”


�F����� �V���>�; �C���C" �C��� �H�1!) ���P� �C!� ���9��0-��!I��B-�� &!>��� � 3�:�J.

�3�,9>� ��' ��F!"#��$% ��������!� �23�$� !����� - �� � ��Q

�. ������O �N�$� �#���5[J���0�� !_! a �V.W-���U) �#�1F��� �#��

Zubair in the

arrah from

the water so that it might

Zubair refused. They brought their dispute to the Messenger of Allah

send the water to your

O Messenger of Allah, this is

changed colour [out

O Zubair, water [your crops] and then retain the

e been revealed concerning that:

No, by your Lord, they will not be true believers until they let you decide between

Points to Ponder

• The Prophet first told Zubair

up part of what was rightfully

instructed Zubair

• The scholars state that if anyone were to say something similar to what this

Anṣārī said, it would a statement of


• There is one view which states that this

• When the Prophet

• A believer happily

first told Zubair to be generous to his neighbour and give

up part of what was rightfully his, but after hearing the reply of the

to keep what was due to him.

state that if anyone were to say something similar to what this

, it would a statement of disbelief and take him out of the fold of

There is one view which states that this Anṣārī was one of the hypocrites.

When the Prophet became angry, it could be seen on his face

happily accepts the decisions of the Messenger .


to be generous to his neighbour and give

after hearing the reply of the Anṣārī he

state that if anyone were to say something similar to what this

and take him out of the fold of

was one of the hypocrites.

became angry, it could be seen on his face.

Advice to ‘Abdur Raḥ

�C" �S�� &!b� ������ ���F"

������ !�����" #��$% ��F��� �����a�� ������% �2��:�' ����" �c3�J�� �����' �d��) �C!� De!;�� f�b% �C!� DI�-\�4 �2��:�' �&���F�� �23�$� !����� �X�P�%�g I������ �C!�

�2��:�' �&���F�� /��4 ������ !�����"

Anas related, “‘Abdur Raḥ

established a bond of brotherhood between him and Sa’d ibn Rab

offered to share half of his family and wealth with him, but ‘Abdur

responded, ‘May Allah bless you in your family and your wealth. Show me to the

marketplace.’ He then made a profit


The Prophet saw him a few days

him. ‘What is this, O ‘Abdur

‘I have married a woman from the

He replied ‘Gold amounting to the weight of a date

him, ‘Have a wedding feast, even if

(Ṣaḥīḥ Bukhārī)

3 According to the majority of scholars, this amount is

Advice to ‘Abdur Raḥmān ibn ‘Awf

�C�� h�$3�. �F����� � ��-\�$ �C" D���,�� �C"

�C,������ �C�� Di�3" �VF.!�,-�� / W�' �&���F�� /��4 �T������� <8���9��0-�� j�E�' !�����" - �� ���\!4�F�. �����a�� ������ R�� &!' R!��a�� R!���% &�F���k /��" �c3�J��

�&���F�� /��4 ������ ����"!� #��$% ��E� �l��.�� !�����"% f�b% #��$% �#��1� �. ���" �C,������ �2��; �. �23�$�

�,�' X-:�$ �1�!' �2��:�' � �O% DI�3 �C!� �5a�Y �2��:�'�3��% DI�m��

Abdur Raḥmān ibn ‘Awf arrived in Madīnah and the Prophet

established a bond of brotherhood between him and Sa’d ibn Rabī’ al-Anṣ

offered to share half of his family and wealth with him, but ‘Abdur Raḥm

responded, ‘May Allah bless you in your family and your wealth. Show me to the

made a profit, acquiring some cottage cheese and clarified

a few days later, and there was a trace of yellowness upon

O ‘Abdur Raḥmān?’ he asked. ‘O Messenger of Allah,’ he replied,

I have married a woman from the Anṣār.’ ‘What have you given her?’ he inquired.

Gold amounting to the weight of a date-pit.3’ The Prophet

Have a wedding feast, even if it is with just a single sheep.’”

According to the majority of scholars, this amount is equivalent to five dirhams.


�F����� ���,B�� �2��;

l!��; ����" �C,������C���% !��E$ �C��

�C,������ ?��� �C�,$% �_n��' �&���F��/��4 ������ !�����"

���9��0-�� �2��; �,�'#��$% �#!��%�� �3��%

nah and the Prophet

Anṣārī. Sa’d


responded, ‘May Allah bless you in your family and your wealth. Show me to the

cottage cheese and clarified

of yellowness upon

. ‘O Messenger of Allah,’ he replied,

’ he inquired.

then told

Another version reads:

�F�����f���,�� �C" �2��; �S�� ��F��� #��$% !�����" ������ /��4 �&���F�� / n �VF.!�,-�� Di�3" �C�� �C,������ ����" l!��; ��,�� �N@��o�0�' ! �g������ &!�% �C���\�9� &!��� R�,!$��;�� �#��a ���� �2��:�' �T������� �C�� !��E$ C��� R!���% R!��a�� &!' R�� ������ ?��� �2��:�' �1�P�%�>�' �1�g��!" �X6�:�� ��Y�p�' �,�a�����=

De!;�� �C!� q+�&) ��E�% ����= D !d��3. TP� �,�' �c3�J�� /��" �_3 f�b% !�����"% R!��Y ��E� #��$% !�����" ������ /��4 !����� �23�$� �_n��' ����6-\>�$� ���; �C�,$%

�2��; ���9��0-�� �C!��1>-;��4�� �,�' I�3 �2��;DI�m�� �3��% �#!��%��

Anas related, “When ‘Abdur

established a bond of brotherhood between him and Sa’d ibn Rab

‘Come, I will share half my wealth with you. I also have two wives, so I will divorce

one of them and when her

responded, ‘May Allah bless you in your family and your wealth. Show me to the

marketplace.’ So he did. ‘Abdur

cottage cheese and clarified butter

After that, the Prophet

‘What is this?’ he asked. ‘

have you given her as dowry?

of a date-pit.’ The Prophet

just a single sheep.’”

(Sunan Tirmidhī)

�T��F� �C�� ��,���� �F�����#�!a�����= �C�� �K�!E,�$�= �F����� ��F��� #��$% !�����" ������ /��4 �&���F�� / n �VF.!�,-�� Di�3" �C�� �C,������ ����" l!��; ��,�� �N@��o�0�' ! �g������ &!�% �C���\�9� &!��� R�,!$��;�� �#��a ���� �2��:�' �T������� �C�� !��E$ C��� R!���% R!��a�� &!' R�� ������ ?��� �2��:�' �1�P�%�>�' �1�g��!" �X6�:�� ��Y�p�' �,�a�����=

r���' �c3�J�� /��" &�3r��k De!;�� �C!� q+�&) ��E�% ����= D !d��3. TP� �,�' �c3�J�� /��" �_3 f�b% !�����"% R!��Y ��E� #��$% !�����" ������ /��4 !����� �23�$� �_n��' ����6-\>�$� ���; �C�,$%

�2��:�' DI�-\�4 �C!��#��1� I������ �X�P�%�g �2��; �2��; ���9��0-�� �C!� �2��:�' �5a�Y �C!� DI�3 � �O% �2��; �%�� f���,�� �2��;DI�m�� �3��% �#!��%��

Anas related, “When ‘Abdur Raḥmān ibn ‘Awf arrived in Madīnah, the Prophet

established a bond of brotherhood between him and Sa’d ibn Rabī’. Sa’d said to him,

‘Come, I will share half my wealth with you. I also have two wives, so I will divorce

one of them and when her ‘iddah ends, you can marry her.’ ‘Abdur Raḥm

ponded, ‘May Allah bless you in your family and your wealth. Show me to the

marketplace.’ So he did. ‘Abdur Raḥmān came back that very same day

cottage cheese and clarified butter which was left over [from his sales of that day].

saw him and there was a trace of yellowness upon him.

’ he asked. ‘I have married a woman from the Anṣār,’ he replied. ‘

have you given her as dowry?’ he inquired. He replied ‘Gold amounting to the weight

.’ The Prophet then told him, ‘Have a wedding feast, even if


�F������T��F� �C�� ��,���� ��F��� #��$% !�����" ������ /��4 �&���F�� / n �VF.!�,-�� Di�3" �C�� �C,������ ����" l!��; ��,��

% �N@��o�0�' ! �g������ &!�% �C���\�9� &!��� R�,!$��;�� �#��a ���� �2��:�' �T������� �C�� !��E$ C��� R!���% R!��a�� &!' R�� ������ ?��� �2��:�' �1�P�%�>�' �1�g��!" �X6�:�� ��Y�p�' �,�a�����=

r���' �c3�J�� /��" &�3r��k f�b% !�����"% R!��Y ��E� #��$% !�����" ������ /��4 !����� �23�$� �_n��' ����6-\>�$� ���; �C�,$%

�2��:�' DI�-\�4 �C!� �2��:�' �5a�Y �C!� DI�3 � �O% �2��; �%�� f���,�� �2��;

, the Prophet

’. Sa’d said to him,

‘Come, I will share half my wealth with you. I also have two wives, so I will divorce


ponded, ‘May Allah bless you in your family and your wealth. Show me to the

same day with some

is sales of that day].

trace of yellowness upon him.

’ he replied. ‘What

Gold amounting to the weight

Have a wedding feast, even if it is with

Points to Ponder

• The bond of brotherhood was

regular brotherhood which exists between all believers.

Muslim society in Mad

we seem to have lost

• The willingness of the

families to people who were, at that time, complete strangers to them

• The determination of the


• ‘Abdur Raḥmān

• The ease with which people got married back then.

• The Prophet was not upset at not being invited to the wedding.

• The importance of having a

The bond of brotherhood was deep and something special, more than the

regular brotherhood which exists between all believers. The success of the

Muslim society in Madīnah depended on this brotherhood. This is something

we seem to have lost.

The willingness of the Anṣār to sacrifice their possessions and even their

families to people who were, at that time, complete strangers to them

The determination of the Muhājirūn to earn their livelihood with their own

applied scent derived from saffron.

he ease with which people got married back then.

was not upset at not being invited to the wedding.

The importance of having a wedding feast.


deep and something special, more than the

The success of the

nah depended on this brotherhood. This is something

to sacrifice their possessions and even their

families to people who were, at that time, complete strangers to them.

to earn their livelihood with their own

was not upset at not being invited to the wedding.

Advice to Sa’d ibn Ab

&���� �C�� !��E$ �C�� ��!��"

�]b�� �X�b��,�' �s�k3-�� !V�U� &!' #��$% !�����" ������ /��4 !����� �23�$� T� �X�F�Q !����� �23�$� �. �X-��:�' #��$% !�����" �����

�2��; &!��� �&�t���t�� &!4%�0�'�� &!� GVF��� ����= &�F����. S����% �]u!t�Q ���� &!� � �=��� ��-vm�� �X-��;R��= fu!t�Q ����rt��% ����rt�� s�g - �� ���E$ �.

N!\�F�g �C�� ���E$ �. R��= w��F�� � 3�\�\�A>. V���" �#�1"�g - �� �C!� R�� f��� *+���F-x�� R>���% &!' �1��E�Ug �V,-:r��� /�>� �1����" y���P�� ����= /���Eg !����� ��P% �1�� &!7>��g V�:�\ &!'

�2��; &���B�4�� ��E� �h�� �� !����� �23�$� �. �X-��; �2��; �K,�E>�' h��L>g �C�� R��=������ T�\�F. /�>� �h��L�g R��E��% VE-'��% VP�k !��� y�kk�O� ����= !����� ��P% !��� &!7>��g ��," /��" �#�a�k��g ���% �#�1g��U!a &���B�4�0!� �z���� �#�1���� C.�� n R�� ���6.% �]�� #��$% !�����" ������ /��4 !����� �23�$� ���� /���

Advice to Sa’d ibn Abū Waqqāṣ

�c��O���� ����" �F�����f�,�E� �C"<8���a���� �C" &���� �C�� !��E$ �C�� ��!��" !�������2��;

�]b�� �X�b��,�' �s�k3-�� !V�U� &!' #��$% !�����" ������ /��4 !����� �23�$� T� �X�F�Q� /��4 !����� �23�$� &�k�E�' !y�3,-�� /��" �X���\�)�� !����� �23�$� �. �X-��:�' #��$% !�����" �����

�2��; &!��� �&�t���t�� &!4%�0�'�� &!� GVF��� ����= &�F����. S����% �]u!t�Q ���� &!� � �= �2��; &!��� �����t�' �X-��;R��= fu!t�Q ����rt��% ����rt��

N!\�F�g �C�� ���E$ �. R��= w��F�� � 3�\�\�A>. V���" �#�1"�g - �� �C!� R�� f��� *+���F-x�� R>���% &!' �1��E�Ug �V,-:r��� /�>� �1����" y���P�� ����= /���Eg !����� ��P% �1�� &!7>��g V�:�\

�2��; &���B�4�� ��E� �h�� �� !����� �23�$� �. �X-��; �2��; �K,�E>�' h��L>g �C�� R��=������ T�\�F. /�>� �h��L�g R��E��% VE-'��% VP�k !��� y�kk�O� ����= !����� ��P% !��� &!7>��g ��," /��" �#�a�k��g ���% �#�1g��U!a &���B�4�0!� �z���� �#�1���� C.�� n R�� ���6.% �]��

�V���3 �C��� ���E$ �S!{��-�� �C!A�� �#�1����:�"�� #��$% !�����" ������ /��4 !����� �23�$� ���� /����V�A,�� y�� � ��Q%


�F������c��O���� ����"�|��;% �C" !������

�]b�� �X�b��,�' �s�k3-�� !V�U� &!' #��$% !�����" ������ /��4 !����� �23�$� T� �X�F�Q� /��4 !����� �23�$� &�k�E�' !y�3,-�� /��" �X���\�)��

�2��; &!��� �&�t���t�� &!4%�0�'�� &!� GVF��� ����= &�F����. S����% �]u!t�Q ���� &!� � �= �2��; &!������ �2��; &!��� �����t�' �X-��;

N!\�F�g �C�� ���E$ �. R��= w��F�� � 3�\�\�A>. V���" �#�1"�g - �� �C!� R�� f��� *+���F-x�� R>���% &!' �1��E�Ug �V,-:r��� /�>� �1����" y���P�� ����= /���Eg !����� ��P% �1�� &!7>��g V�:�\

R!g������ �2��; &���B�4�� ��E� �h�� �� !����� �23�$� �. �X-��; �2��;������ T�\�F. /�>� �h��L�g R��E��% VE-'��% VP�k !��� y�kk�O� ����= !����� ��P% !��� &!7>��g ��,"

3-;�� R�� /��" �#�a�k��g ���% �#�1g��U!a &���B�4�0!� �z���� �#�1���� C.�� n R�� ���6.% �]���V���3 �C��� ���E$ �S!{��-�� �C!A�� �#�1����:�"��

�V�A,�� y�� � ��Q%

Sa’d ibn Abū Waqqāṣ related

pilgrimage, when I became so sick that I was on the verge of death. The Messenger of

Allah visited me and I mentioned to

wealth but there is no one

[as charity] two-thirds of my wealth?

‘No,’ he said again. ‘Then a third?’ I inquired. ‘

a lot. Indeed, O Sa’d, it is better

them poor, begging from people. Indeed, O Sa’d, you will never spend anything,

desiring thereby the Countenance of Allah Most High, except that you will

rewarded for it, even for the morsel of food which

I asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah, am I going to be left behind by my companions, [here

in Makkah]?’ ‘Indeed, you will never be left behind,

perform deeds by which you

increased thereby in rank and

through you, Allah benefits many nations

for my companions their migration, and

The unfortunate one, however, is Sa’d

Messenger of Allah felt sorrow and pity for him, as he had died at Makkah.

(Musnad Aḥmad)

related, “I was with the Messenger of Allah on the farewell

pilgrimage, when I became so sick that I was on the verge of death. The Messenger of

mentioned to him, ‘O Messenger of Allah, indeed, I have much

to inherit from me, except one daughter. Should I bequeath

thirds of my wealth?’ ‘No,’ he replied. ‘Then half of it

. ‘Then a third?’ I inquired. ‘A third,’ he responded, ‘

it is better for you to leave your heirs being rich than to leave

from people. Indeed, O Sa’d, you will never spend anything,

desiring thereby the Countenance of Allah Most High, except that you will

rewarded for it, even for the morsel of food which you place in your wife’s mouth.

I asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah, am I going to be left behind by my companions, [here

Indeed, you will never be left behind,’ he replied, ‘and you will

which you desire the Countenance of Allah, except that you will be

increased thereby in rank and high standing. And perhaps you will remain alive

Allah benefits many nations and harms many others. O Allah! Complet

migration, and do not cause them to turn back on their heels

ortunate one, however, is Sa’d ibn Khawlah.’ The narrator explained

felt sorrow and pity for him, as he had died at Makkah.


on the farewell

pilgrimage, when I became so sick that I was on the verge of death. The Messenger of

him, ‘O Messenger of Allah, indeed, I have much

Should I bequeath

it?’ I asked.

, ‘but a third is

for you to leave your heirs being rich than to leave

from people. Indeed, O Sa’d, you will never spend anything,

desiring thereby the Countenance of Allah Most High, except that you will be

you place in your wife’s mouth.’

I asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah, am I going to be left behind by my companions, [here

and you will never

except that you will be

you will remain alive until,

and harms many others. O Allah! Complete

turn back on their heels.

explained, ‘The

felt sorrow and pity for him, as he had died at Makkah.’”

Points to Ponder

• The importance of visiting the sick.

• Charity begins at home

• All permissible deeds, e

be an act deserving of reward, if it is done with the correct intention

phrase ‘the morsel of food which you place in your wife’s mouth


• The Ṣaḥābah

Allah, despite the fact that it was their homeland

Makkah since they feared it would nullify the reward of their

• Sa’d lived until he conquered Iraq and became its governor, thereby

harming many people and

the miracles of the

The importance of visiting the sick.

begins at home.

All permissible deeds, even playing and fooling around with one’s wife

be an act deserving of reward, if it is done with the correct intention

the morsel of food which you place in your wife’s mouth

disliked returning to that which they had left for the sake of

despite the fact that it was their homeland. They did not want to die in

Makkah since they feared it would nullify the reward of their m

lived until he conquered Iraq and became its governor, thereby

harming many people and benefiting many others. This ḥadīth is thus one of

the miracles of the Prophet , as his prophecy was fulfilled.


ven playing and fooling around with one’s wife, can

be an act deserving of reward, if it is done with the correct intention. (The

the morsel of food which you place in your wife’s mouth’ is literal, not

to that which they had left for the sake of

They did not want to die in


lived until he conquered Iraq and became its governor, thereby

is thus one of

Advice to Ab

<&!�" �C�� D��.O %D��!E$

!�����" #��$% &!' ���\$ �23�$� !����� /��4 ������ � �= 8! ��� ��3�"��g �#�AF���

#��$% �. ���� /$3�� ����� �2�3� ���% �I�3�; ����= !�������

Abū Mūsā al-Ash’arī related

journey. When we came near to Mad

and raised their voices [while

people, indeed you are not

the One upon whom you call is between you and the necks of your mounts.

Then he asked me, ‘O Ab

the treasures of Paradise?’ ‘What is it?’ I inquired.

quwwata illā billāh,’ he replied.

(Sunan Abū Dāwūd)

Advice to Abū Mūsā al-Ash’arī �C�� �K�!E,�$�= �F����� fk��,� �C" DX����� %<&!�" &���� � �,-t�" <8!��1�F�� � ��

�8��E�)�0-�� �2��; �X�F�Q T� �23�$� !����� /��4 ������ !VF.!�,-�� ����Q �w��F�� �3�E�'�% �#�1g�3�4�� �2��:�'

�1�.�� �w��F�� �#�A��= ��� � 3�"��g �#4�� ���% �]�!{��x � �=�#�A����Q�� �#�� �2��; �23�$� !����� /��4 ������ !�����" #��$%

���F�Q �C!� �O3�F�Q !V�FU-�� �X-��:�' ��% 3�a �2��; ��� �2�3�

related, “I was once with the Messenger of Allah

journey. When we came near to Madīnah, the people started saying ‘All

while doing so]. The Messenger of Allah told them,

not calling upon One who is deaf, nor who is absent. Indeed,

ne upon whom you call is between you and the necks of your mounts.

Abū Mūsā, shall I not guide you to a treasure from among

’ ‘What is it?’ I inquired. ‘[The saying of] Lā

’ he replied.”


�F����� /$3�� �C��<8���.��U-�� �C"

���� /$3�� �8��E�)�0-����,���' ��3k �C!� !VF.!�,-��!�����" #��$% �. �1�.��C���% �c�F�"�� �#�A����Q��Rr��k�� /��" ���F�Q

, “I was once with the Messenger of Allah on a

Allāhu akbar’

told them, ‘O

ne who is deaf, nor who is absent. Indeed,

ne upon whom you call is between you and the necks of your mounts.’

, shall I not guide you to a treasure from among

ḥawla wa lā


Points to Ponder

• Allah ta’ālā is near; He hears your call.

• Enrich yourself with the treasures of Paradise.

Advice to Ab

�}��-:�,-�� �2��; f���a�O �C" !�����" !����� �C�� &���� !������

���� ~��Y &<�= ?���� �\�!Eb �C���3g �2�� �#�!>.

Abū Dharr related, “The Messenger of Allah

can see that you are weak, and I certainly love for you what I love for myself: [so] do

not ever become a leader of [even] two people,

wealth of an orphan.’”

(Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim)

Advice to Abū Dharr al-Ghifārī

�C�� �H��� %�NB�$�= �C�� #�!a�����= �,�a���!Q �C" !����� �C�� �.��. �F����� ���!E$ �C�� &���� H3�.�� �C" �C" �#!��$ �C�� &���� �#!��$ <&��m��U-�� �C" !������

� �� �23�$� !����� /��4 ������ !�����" #��$% �2��; �. ����R�� �� �5!��� &[J-\F!� ��� � ����0g /��" �C��F-�� ���% �C���3g

, “The Messenger of Allah said to me, ‘O Abū Dharr, indeed I

can see that you are weak, and I certainly love for you what I love for myself: [so] do

become a leader of [even] two people, and do not take responsibility for the


�F����� ����a�O �C���F����� ����" !��������\�EP <&!)��:-��

�C" &���� ~��Y � ��&<�=% �5!��� R��

Dharr, indeed I

can see that you are weak, and I certainly love for you what I love for myself: [so] do

take responsibility for the

Points to Ponder

• The love the Prophet

• Leadership is a heavy

those capable of fulfilling its rights.

• The wealth of an orphan is a dangerous trust to be accountable for

consuming it is to eat the Hellfire.

The love the Prophet had for his Ṣaḥābah .

Leadership is a heavy burden and responsibility; none should take it on except

those capable of fulfilling its rights.

The wealth of an orphan is a dangerous trust to be accountable for

consuming it is to eat the Hellfire.


responsibility; none should take it on except

The wealth of an orphan is a dangerous trust to be accountable for. Unlawfully

Advice to Ab

&�F����� 3���� D���a �&�����3L-��

#��$% �2��; �. ���� D��!E$ �V�FU-�� 5�UE�' �1�� 3����

��� ��% �T�'���. �1�� ����E-�� �V�{�!� �j���0-��% �2��; ��% &!a �.


Abū Sa’īd al-Khudrī related that the Messenger of Allah

whoever is pleased with Allah as a Lord

Muḥammad as a Prophet, Paradise becomes obligatory for him.

amazed at hearing this and said, “Repeat it to me, O Messenger of Allah!” So he did.

Thereafter he said, “And there is something else, by which a slave is raised a hundred

levels in Paradise, the distance between each two levels being

distance between the sky and

He replied, “Jihād in the path of Allah

(Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim)

Advice to Abū Sa’īd al-Khudrī

�C�� ��3�9�F� �F����� ����" !����� �C�� �5�a% &�F������C,������ <&!����B-��

<8�����L-�� � �� �23�$� !����� /��4 ������ !�����" #��$% ���� �l����$�p-����% �]F.!k D��,B�,��% ����� �X�P% ����

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related that the Messenger of Allah told him, “

with Allah as a Lord, with Islam as a way of life, and with

ammad as a Prophet, Paradise becomes obligatory for him.” Abū Sa’

this and said, “Repeat it to me, O Messenger of Allah!” So he did.

And there is something else, by which a slave is raised a hundred

levels in Paradise, the distance between each two levels being as [wide as]

and the earth.” “What is it, O Messenger of Allah?”

in the path of Allah, jihād in the path of Allah.”


�F����� ���!E$ �C���C" &���� !���" �C,������

�C" &���� D��!E$ �C� &!b� !�������

D��!E$ �2��:�' �a��!"��DVP�k &!' !V�FU-���23�$� !����� �2��;

told him, “O Abū Sa’īd,

and with

ū Sa’īd was

this and said, “Repeat it to me, O Messenger of Allah!” So he did.

And there is something else, by which a slave is raised a hundred

as [wide as] the

” “What is it, O Messenger of Allah?” I asked.

Points to Ponder

• Make Paradise your right: be pleased with Allah

the Prophet .

• The importance and virtue of

Make Paradise your right: be pleased with Allah ta’ālā, with Islam and with

The importance and virtue of jihād.


, with Islam and with

Advice to Ab

Di�3" ���� �� �8���.��U-��

!�����" #��$% y��Y �l�3. �2��:�' �. ���� �V����� ��

fl3�,�a &�F�>����� G 3�.�k% �. ������ ��" �KP% R�,a /6�;%

X�B��4�� ��Y�=% X��J���� �#�1���� �KJ�A-��% �Y3�"��% R�� �C!� �2��; �X-�E�\�' R!��Y 5a-Y�0�'

Abū Sa’īd al-Khudrī narrated, “One day the Messenger of Allah

mosque, and there was a man

him, ‘O Abū Umāmah, what is the matter? How come I see

when it is not the time for

have, O Messenger of Allah,’ he replied. He asked, ‘

words, which if you say them, Allah ‘

settle your debts for you?’ ‘

He told him, ‘Say in the morning

refuge in You from worry and

laziness; I seek refuge in You from cowardice and miserliness; and I seek refuge in

You from being overwhelmed by debt

Umāmah said, ‘So I did that and Allah ‘

my debt for me.’”

(Sunan Abū Dāwūd)

Advice to Abū Umāmah al-Bāhilī

�C�� !�����" !����� �&����7-�� ���� �� � ��J�x �C�� Di�3" �C"

<8�����L-�� �2��; �K k �23�$� !����� /��4 ������ !�����"3�a �K�P��� �C!� ���9��0-�� �2��:�. ���� 3���� �V����� �]J!��P &!' !��U�J,-�� &!' �����x !X-;% !I����9�� �2��; fl3�,�a�2��; ����'�� R�,@�"�� �]�����Q ��Y�= X��� ��>-��; 5a-Y�� �������2��; �X-��; /��� �. �23�$� !����� �2��; -K�; ��Y�= X�B��4���C!� <#1-�� ! �B-��% �Y3�"��% R�� �C!� ���UE-�� �KJ�A-��% �Y3�"��% R�� �C!� !V����x �C�.���� ���1�;% �2�P<��� �2��;

&<,a /6�;% &<F" &�F�.knarrated, “One day the Messenger of Allah entered the

mosque, and there was a man there from the Anṣār called Abū Umāmah

, what is the matter? How come I see you sitting in the mosque

the time for ṣalāh?’ ‘Because of persistent worries and debts that I

O Messenger of Allah,’ he replied. He asked, ‘Should I not teach you some

you say them, Allah ‘azza wa jall will take away your worries and

’ ‘Of course, O Messenger of Allah!’ he responded.

in the mornings and in the evenings: “O Allah! Indeed, I seek

refuge in You from worry and grief; I seek refuge in You from helplessness

laziness; I seek refuge in You from cowardice and miserliness; and I seek refuge in

being overwhelmed by debt and from being subjugated by men.

So I did that and Allah ‘azza wa jall took away my worries and settled


�F����� ��,���� �C���C" &���� �I��6

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entered the

āmah. He asked

you sitting in the mosque

worries and debts that I

Should I not teach you some

your worries and


O Allah! Indeed, I seek

helplessness and

laziness; I seek refuge in You from cowardice and miserliness; and I seek refuge in

men.”’ Abū

my worries and settled


Points to Ponder

• The importance of making du’ā at the two ends of the day.

• Seek relief from your difficulties from Allah ta’ālā. He is capable of solving

all your problems.

Advice to Ab

�2��; �F����� �&!"�O�%�0-�� �C"

/��4 ������ !�����" #��$% �C!� �2��:�' �2�Eg � �k� &<F!� /�>�

h�9�% !I����9��

‘Amr ibn Umayyah aḍ-Ḍamr

journey and he told me, ‘Wait

fasting,’ I replied. He then said, ‘

about the traveller. Indeed, Allah ‘

of fasting and [from performing]

(Sunan Nasā’ī)

Advice to Abū Umayyah aḍ-Ḍamrī

�C�� !���" �#�!����� �C" !��,B�� �C�� �5��E�) �2��;&���� �V,��$ �2��; &���� ��

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��!'�J�,-�� � �= ����� ��" �KP% Tb% ���F" l��<9�� h�9�%

amrī narrated, “I came to the Messenger of Allah

Wait until lunch time, O Abū Umayyah.’ ‘Indeed, I am

I replied. He then said, ‘Come, draw closer to me so that I can inform you

about the traveller. Indeed, Allah ‘azza wa jall has removed from him [the obligation]

[from performing] half of the ṣalāh.’”


&���� �� �I���" /��B. �C" &����

%���," �C�� �V����� �8���,�6�����\$ �2��:�' ��!�>��

?���� �� �C" ��!'�J�,-��

narrated, “I came to the Messenger of Allah from a

’ ‘Indeed, I am

closer to me so that I can inform you

[the obligation]

Points to Ponder

• The good manners of the Prophet

Companions close to

• Allah ta’ālā desires ease for us, not hardship.

concessions and He loves that they be taken, just as He dislikes His

commandments to be disobeyed

good manners of the Prophet and his gentleness in drawing his

close to him. He was not distant and aloof.

desires ease for us, not hardship. He has given us certain

concessions and He loves that they be taken, just as He dislikes His

commandments to be disobeyed.


and his gentleness in drawing his

He has given us certain

concessions and He loves that they be taken, just as He dislikes His

Advice to

�C�� � �,�����$ �C" S�3�.

!�����" #��$% �. ���" X-�!Q�% �1�����= - �=% R�>g�� �C" �a����x �]��� �1�F!� !y-0�'

‘Abdur Raḥmān ibn Samurah related, “

‘Abdur Raḥmān, do not request

have sought it, you would be left to it (without any

you without you having sought

you swear an oath [to perform a certain deed],

action which is better than it

[unfulfilled] oath.’”

(Sunan Tirmidhī)

Advice to ‘Abdur Raḥmān ibn Samurah

�C�� !���" /���"�0-�� �&��E�F�9�� �F����� ��!,>�E�,-�� �F����� �CJB-�� �C"

�C�� �I��,$ �2��; �2��; �23�$� !����� /��4 ������ !�����"-2�0�Jg �I����p-�� R��p�' - �= R�>g�� �C" DV���0�J� X-�!Q�%X�F!"�� �1����" ��Y�=% X-\��� /��" ��!,. X�.����' �a����x

��@\�A�>-�% �C" R�F�!,.

ibn Samurah related, “The Messenger of Allah told me,

request leadership, for indeed, should it come to you

sought it, you would be left to it (without any assistance); but should it come to

you without you having sought it, you would then be assisted in it (by Allah

you swear an oath [to perform a certain deed], but then you see another

which is better than it, then do that which is better and expiate for your


�F����� ���,B�� 3�a �C��� D�����" �F�����

!���" �C,������ �C���C,������ ��� -2�0�Jg

�����x DV���0�J� X�F!"��8! ��� 3�a f��� ��@\�A�>-�%

told me, ‘O

it come to you after you

ould it come to

Allah). And if

nother course of

better and expiate for your


Points to Ponder

• People nowadays want leadership for all the wrong reasons. In reality it is a

burden, and not something to be desired.

• Oaths should not be taken lightly, and they have to be expiated for if they are


�C�� ��-A� �2��; &�F����� &���� ��������� %!��!E$ �C��

#��$% &���v�"�0�' �#�� ���>-��0$ �#�!A� � �= �� a �2�,-�� GI3-��� !i���)�p�� �S-\ �#�� �?����. ���� !��!'

/��-\�J�� �2��; f#�!A� ?��E� /�>� c����'�� �������

Ḥakīm ibn Ḥizām related, “I asked the Messenger of Allah

gave it to me. Then I again asked him for something, and he gave it to me. Thereafter

he told me, ‘O Ḥakīm, indeed this wealth is sweet. So whoever take

and without asking for it, will have

for it and desiring it, will not have

eats while never becoming sated. And the higher hand is

I then said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, by the One who sent you with the truth, I shall

never take anything from anyone after you, until I depart from this world.’”

(Sunan Nasā’ī)

Advice to Ḥakīm ibn Ḥizām

�C�� � �,�����$ �C�� k�%�k �2��; �F����� �NB�$�= �C�� !����B-�� �C" �C��� �H�1!) �C" �I%���" �C��

�l��!� �2��; �X-��0$ �23�$� !����� /��4 ������ !�����" #��$%�2��; �23�$� !����� /��4 ������ !�����" #��$% �. �#�!A�

!I%�LJ�� �S-\ ?��3�� ���� !��!' �C�% �_� �� !i���)�p���K�Q-0. ���% �T��m. ���-��% ��-��E-�� f��� �C!� !��-�� /��-\�J��

�23�$� !����� 8! ���% R�tE� <NB-���� ��� ��O���� �]���� ?��E�

related, “I asked the Messenger of Allah for something, so he

gave it to me. Then I again asked him for something, and he gave it to me. Thereafter

, indeed this wealth is sweet. So whoever takes it

will have blessings in it; but whoever takes it

will not have blessings in it. Instead he would be like one who

eats while never becoming sated. And the higher hand is better than the lower hand.

I then said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, by the One who sent you with the truth, I shall

never take anything from anyone after you, until I depart from this world.’”


&���� �� �T������� �C" %���," �C��

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�C,�' �_� �� !I%�LJ��� ��Q% 8! ����Q �K�Q-0.�X-��:�' �. �23�$��+�&m��

for something, so he

gave it to me. Then I again asked him for something, and he gave it to me. Thereafter

s it without greed

; but whoever takes it while striving

. Instead he would be like one who

better than the lower hand.’

I then said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, by the One who sent you with the truth, I shall

never take anything from anyone after you, until I depart from this world.’”

Points to Ponder

• Wealth is a temptation

avaricious will never have enough to satisfy him

• The hand which gives is better than the hand which receives.

• The eagerness of the

advice of the Prophet

Wealth is a temptation. Whoever who succumbs to it and becomes greedy and

icious will never have enough to satisfy him.

The hand which gives is better than the hand which receives.

The eagerness of the Ṣaḥābah in taking heed of and implementing the

advice of the Prophet .


Whoever who succumbs to it and becomes greedy and

in taking heed of and implementing the

�C" �S�� %H3�.�� �C"

fl����x %���B. �C�1�� �2��:�. ���� �VmU��� R�;�3$ ��.���3�:-����

Anas related, “The Prophet

called Anjashah who was urging the camels of the women

Prophet told him, ‘Take it easy, O Anjashah.

(Ṣaḥīḥ Bukhārī)

Another version reads:

�Ik�>�; �F����� �S�� �C��

� ��Q% CJ� !y�3�9�� ��[J-Ag �.���3�:-��

Anas related, “The Prophet

beautiful voice. The Prophet

glass vessels.’”

(Ṣaḥīḥ Bukhārī)

4 i.e. someone who urges the camels forward by singing.

Advice to Anjashah

� �,�����$ �C�� �H��� �F����� fk��,� �C" DX����� �C" �S�� &!b� ������ ���F"

/��4 ������ !�����" #��$% � ��Q &!' ���\$ � ��Q% fl����x�&���F�� /��4 ������ !�����" #��$% ?��.%�� �. �VmU���

The Prophet was once on a journey and there was a young boy

called Anjashah who was urging the camels of the women forward by singing. The

Take it easy, O Anjashah. You are dealing with glass vessels

�c�B�$�= ���� �� � ���� �F����� fl��,a �F����� �Ik�>�;

/��4 ������ !�����" #��$% Dk�� �2��:�. ���� �VmU��� � ��Q%/��4 ������ !�����" #��$% ?��.%�� �. �VmU��� ���

The Prophet had a caravan leader4 called Anjashah who had a

beautiful voice. The Prophet told him, ‘Take it easy, O Anjashah. Don

camels forward by singing.


�F����� � �,�����$&���� �V����!; �C"

� �� �&���F�� /��4�VmU��� �2��:�' �&���F��

was once on a journey and there was a young boy

by singing. The

glass vessels.’”

�F����� �c�B�$�=DR!��� �2��;

� ��Q <&���F�!� /��4�2��:�' ���� �&���F�� /��4

called Anjashah who had a

Take it easy, O Anjashah. Don’t break the


Points to Ponder

• Singing is permissible on occasion.

• Women are fragile: handle them with care.

“Know that the one who has given you sincere

advice has displayed love for you.”

(Imām al-Ḥārith al-Muḥāsibī)

اللھم إنا نعوذ بك من أن نشرك بك شيئا نعلمه اللھم إنا نعوذ بك من أن نشرك بك شيئا نعلمه

ونستغفرك لما ] نعلم ونستغفرك لما ] نعلم

“Oh Allah!

Indeed, we seek Your protection from knowingly associating anything with You,

and we seek Your forgiveness for what we are unaware of.”

(Musnad Aḥmad)


aḥādīth – plural of ḥadīth.

Allāhu akbar – a phrase meaning,

Anṣār – the Helpers. The inhabitants of Mad

emigrated there.

āyah – a verse of the Qur’

‘azza wa jall – a phrase meaning,

dīn – a way of life or religion.

du’ā – supplication.

ḥadīth - a saying of the Prophet

ḥasan – good. A ḥadīth that can be relied upon to be true but of a slightly lower

category than ṣaḥīḥ.

‘iddah - the waiting period

not re-marry.

jihād - striving in the path of Allah.

Lā ḥawla wa lā quwwata ill

might except by Allah.’

Muhājirūn – the Emigrants. Those Muslims who migrated from Makkah to

Ṣaḥābah – the Companions of the Prophet

ṣaḥīḥ – authentic. A ḥadīth

ṣalāh - the prayer which Muslims perform five times daily.

ta’ālā – the Most High.



phrase meaning, ‘God is the greatest’.

The inhabitants of Madīnah, who supported the Muslims who


phrase meaning, ‘Mighty and majestic is He’.

a way of life or religion.

of the Prophet .

that can be relied upon to be true but of a slightly lower

he waiting period for a divorced or widowed woman, during which she

striving in the path of Allah.

quwwata illā billāh – a phrase meaning, ‘There is no power and no

Emigrants. Those Muslims who migrated from Makkah to

Companions of the Prophet .

th that can be relied upon to be true.

prayer which Muslims perform five times daily.

who supported the Muslims who

that can be relied upon to be true but of a slightly lower

during which she may

There is no power and no

Emigrants. Those Muslims who migrated from Makkah to Madīnah.