Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of...


Transcript of Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of...

Page 1: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd
Page 2: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

Dedication ... Throuqh !he many paqff o.f this book we have sought to keep

in line tho llttl• men who al Umes are so trylnq to pilots and their

crows. Yea. th• Gremlins have landed, and unlorrunalely have lhe

situation only too well in hand. We did our best through days and

weary Diqhts of work to keep them from their "impish" taska .•.

It didn't work! Nothing ,.eemod to work! So ln the end we were be<rten. And ao this dedication.

To tho Gremlins ..• the little men who s poiled our check

rides . . . gave our insiructors thal momin9-<rffer feeling • . . made

our crankshafts break .. . and popped our "chutes!" Some even

went so far as to move the field during our landlnqs, causinq ... to

oyer or under•hooL All in all ours was an unhappy lot. for their

boi,ng near. Wo could no more prevent their actions on the lliqht

line than we could keep their meddlesome little hides out of this

book. Theroforo It's theirs .•. the whole thing! May their antics

in future years delight us as much as they do now.

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CLASS of 43-F






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LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq

To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you

have ochleved and ret01n<>d a very hiQh standard as

Av!ahon Cadets of the United Slates Army Air forCet<.

This hoe been developed by you larqeJy throuQh lndl·

vidual solf-disclplina, which is the backbone of oil mill·

l<IIY d!scipllne. Be proud of your achievement. because

It Is this h!Qh standard that reflects credit lo th<> lndlvld

uol. honor lo hts unlt and Q!ozy to our country. Let no

Aviation Cod9t expect l<1$S of himself than I do.

Good luclc to you oil, and as !he Commondinq

Genera of !ho Army Air Forc&S has =d "The Job ls

yours-<lo Ill" LYNNE R. MAPES MCl)or, Air Corps Commondinq

Page 5: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

LT. C. D. OLESEN Au1M1:1tH ~I ol Cadets

As !he time draws neor 1or 43-f to 1eave

Sequoia field, I pause to refle<:t on wha< has taken place the past few weeks. We have had ow troubles such as ex\l'O drill,

double liminQ In :he area demems for an occasional mistake, a iew toura to lake up what spare time you had and perhaps a special detall now and then. .All of these,

:ombmed wllh yow qround school and llym11 90 ioward ma!m'9 the finest pilots In the world. I want to Llionk you men Jor yow splencild cooperation and as a part·

m9 token 1 want you to remember my fa· von«> expression- "Let's stay on the ol'


LT. WARD L. V ANDER GRIEND Common®nt ol Cod.ta

With the pwsmQ of your prlm01y phase of 1rolnin11, I can look back with ploasure to our association. The rugh slandOlds set

for codels !n their trcnnin9 proqrcm with the Army Alr Force• is to provide you with

the be3t possible training and your response to this prcgram has been outstanding. We know that each one ol you will qive his

oest. We are proud of you and the hiqh

standards you have atiained dunnq your

slay here al Sequqia Field. We have

wcrtched with Jnt<m1st your proqress from

tho day you arrtvoo on the pos• until lbe

p:esent. By observation anci personal con· tact you hove conducted yourselvt!S like soldier$ and c;ientlemen. My sincere besl

1111.•hes QO with you as you proceed In your tralninq proqrarn and towcr!'ds our qoal o[ ultimate victory.

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Cadet Off ice rs

"Celontl John rnap&C"tS a Dodo"'

Group Co:runander

Group Adiutant

Group Sgt. Moior





1st Lt.

SQUADRON I - A. D. Mongiello

J. H. Rodolph

lst Sgt - W. E. Pliester F'll9hi Lts. · R. M. Tannehill A. M. Phillips

F'll11ht Silts. - - C. C. Norton L. D. Petross


lst Lt. lat Sgt

F'liqht Lts.

SQUADRON II H. W. Alexonder

P. E. Blow R. D. Forner

· H. A. Ashwood, P. A. Smtth

F'llqht $q!s. • - J. R. Colo.relh, D. L Bootriqht


lst Li. ls: $qt.

F'li9ht L:s. Flight SCJts.

SQUADRON 111 E. V. Gettis

R. E. Gillingham

R. M. Hall

R. ). Meyer, P. Kuchmy

· W S. Markham, T. E. Jones

SQUADRON IV Captain V. L. Smith 1st Lt. 8. S. Winlree

lst Sgt. F. P. Vivas Flight Lts. R. E. Reid, R. L Wright

Fli<;;hl S9111. · · G. A. Thome, Jackson Tripleu

SQUADRON V Capt am R. L. Ebert

!st Lt - Robert Huddleston

ls• Sgts. • William McCarthy

fllqht Lis. · • • John Lazenga, Jackson Ellis

Fi1qh1 $<;its. Richard Eubank, John Homburqer

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lhe Creznlhts'll 9.-C you U you doa'1 wuh owl""

fhqht Olilcer3 Scrc9<m1s. Mc·

Kee. Loomis and Sulton pause !or a mamenl to have 1heir pie· tures taken be:ore 9ohlQ t& the

al:em<>en 1ll9h1 I ne.

At!minisfrafive ~lfice rs •

ni4' admtn,a~Uv• O:ilc'ort oJuf!'mq or cl u f"~r to1t momont. of •foelt WJao •fUOY o m.lnu.1• ln tho IUNh.lnt.

3n memoriam AYlodo:o ~t LoFc"t .. D. P•trou

Do!tm T•a:a.

AYlctlon Cadet John T. MclC1na,.r Wccdalock, Ohio

Cl•11Ja:a Instructor Howord O. Hon••Y

San f:and&c'o, "'•1lil<}tnl

Lia HeiNh'-•• Adclm• oncf Snocd l~-::k: ov•r ""' 0Htrnoon•1 work durlnq th• 1hoft lull fc'Jllowing lunch.

And :O. Groot God of Uy~ mon

V/i!J sm.116 ct ti'..c!!l t!:r::d o' alow

Al tbty ·~ ol-..o-tt crotH lo !ht hani:)ll

On tho •s.?d w!-..ah: ille!a ~

Tbtfl t.!-.•y will look t;pon Hia f<.lo._·o,

Th. AlmJ~hly Flyinq Be .. , \'/hOI• w lru;i .-,-i-r~<'d fllt• lht hO<IYON

rr. an OtJon lo the Cesa.

_. ..... .. .... ...

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Ground School

R. C. MILLER, academic head of the

Qround school, takes a psychometer reod·

lnc;i for his waa!her classes. A veteran

• pilot with over 8000 !oc;iged hours, "Pop"

mokes sure none of his cade1s will run

1he hazards of future slorms.

A real proving Qround for code1 honor and ingenuity-Ground School- under !he directing

qenius of Mr. Miller kepi mosl of us from worrying 100 much aboul our "outside oonnecl!ons." Pos­

elbly this story of the cadet who dropped his pencil and missed two weoks Jn novigalion is exag.

geraled, but life went along at a rapid clip. Pedagoqical humor livened proceedings, while hammer . and tong verbal battles between Chanute and Keesler field A. M. wizards were maJor shows. Those

who "weathered" G. S. and can still "navigate" wUhout danger of "detonation" gladly make way

for the dodos. Switch o!L


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Z. D. "Fearle.ss" FERE-STOD ls

here caught playing "!iMat·toe" with

:he grade book, while pe<:1cefully rest·

Ing beiween er sb:ato oomulus and o

ci)Ululo nimbus. Th.at smile ol grim

satisfaction springs from the dolorous

fact that "F" Hight hos reached a new

low in grade point average.

Every magazine of this type hail

a heading somewhere In Us con tents entitled "Stcrif." This is ou.ra­cmd this, qentleinen, is the staff of

Ground School:

ROBERT C. MJLLER, Chiel of Staff •






. .

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"Wild Bill" FERGUSON finds a

slight crack in a Ryan prop oiler mic-

roscopic inspection. Nov.r ii he can

only find some small cr<~v1c<> in a

C<:(del's hood Into which to Pound the

resultlnq dtssertation all bas nci ~n

ln vain.


KEN TANNER smiles in passive resistance to

the shutter's click. Aller all the poor photographer

will be in "weather" next period. Or should we

say that a,; far as Mc. Tanner is COQcemed-/

"under the weethar."


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' Tr.rouqh lhoa. por!o.l.s poas IM damnedest qo&dbrk:h"

Sietz Cail' The hosp~ dtaff and the upper class became quite lat 1ihcr in the l:rst two weeks oI ow stay

here, and there was mutual re)OicinQ when suspected Santa Ana Contarn1na\lon was proven un·

loundod. The sick. lame and !Qty line was never lor<;e. o lribule to the close watch over personal

health and sanitation maintained by the hoopltal atofl .

• Lt C. A. Rooth qetl O\q


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Co-Editors - K. C. Roberts, A. B. Gordon

Assoclcite Ed.llors­Phot09raphy J. A. McClure

Art R. E. Gillinqhom

Photoqraphers -C. J. Hodapp, R. L Hale. Rodney Meyer

Business Mar.OQer • • · R. P. Jones

PROPWASH Official Publlcction

81h A. A. F. f'. T. D.

Visalia, Cohfomla


When the lost r;adet of 43·F ha$ taxied the pnde of Ryetn Alrcrait Com·

puny mto line and checked in with his d1sp<Jtcher, and pnmory Is about lo

become a memory, let <JO'ch man iake .n !tis belt a notch and' qet set, because

•he bi1111est hurdles ol his Ii.le will still be oheod.

All that has passed will be preliminary. Those who are !ell 1o 110 on will have fell the

he«lom of !lic;rht-vlewed tho oorih from mountainous heiqhts known the oomrodeshlp of men no

kn<Jer shackled io ihe qround. If. In eoc.l1 cad .. , !here hos not been kindled the desire to continue

In ap.·e o! w~atever o~tacles there may be. w9 will all ~n know. l..oNe as !he sky !s, there is

stall no room for the man who does nol have fa3 heart lo fly.

All mon desiring "Wlnqs" loll out for 8Qsic, AdvanCGd and Action. K. C. R.

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ftthle!ics "Once arowid-<loul;>le time!" has a bad eJfecl, psycholcgicolly, on cade1s-no doub! of II.

Everyone, with the possible exception of SergeanJ Peccole, would rather indulc;e In a bit ol "bunk

krtigue," especially alter a heavy week•nd (remember when?) These hall-mile Ja\Ults each day,

revoltin9 though !hey ml9hl be, helped everyone except lhe waitresses m mess hall. who hc:••e a

real Job to sotis!y the ravenous appetites of lhis extremely healthy group. frequenl workouts on tho

different <;Jome eourls were more fun than qravel pounding and served to emphasize the fact lhol

there were days ahead when good health and $lamina would pay big dividends.


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Stoll Sergeant WILLIAM

PECCOLE- o>I lo oiflcer

candidate sch o o I now­

c;iuided .the physu::al devel­

opment prcgrom at Sequo!e>.

Grodua1e'd from the Univer­

sity- ci Nevada in 1940, our

erstwhile athletic -director

spent a y~ in graduate

work al Springfield College,

Sprlngjleld, Mass.

... '

•tit'o Bohvoon You Boys."-$<;1. Pooc:blo

"Tl\&tq's o lonq, lent;;. T1Cli1 A\'/indi.nq . • . "

Stcll Serqeonl CECIL SCHNELL£, who now

heads Sequoia's musclcrbulld!ng pr09rom, came Jrom Compton, Cal!fomlo. where he coached high

~--- sc;hoo! foolbol!. Sgt. Schnelle acquired his love of track work al U. S. C., where he made tha track le'Orn and played foo!boll.

Page 16: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd



-- -•

Wings and the Man The salute wos never enUrely mih!ary; lhe boorinc;i never s11ff: so that

the most iea!horle$S dodo instlncUvely ieli he had found a frieond. In the

hou11; o[ dual that followec.. he knew ii was a real inend who sat up lronl

poltenuy enqtn...,nnq the uons:ormot<on !ro:n dodo to pilot Occasionally

net ves were a lntle raw, and s1ron9, pcinted Jan9ua90 sometimes cut the

buddtnq nyer's ego. Bit I they were a learn, lh$S9 two. student and Instructor.

'rO\l&lher mey "sweatAC! out" lhe hrst solo. Llie check !lights Iha• followed.

Th" cadet, oU o basic flying school. hop1n<;i for advance tro.inlnq. win9s ond

octlon will never lorQet the man whore •alute was never quite mil!tary­

who usad to shout, "Keep your nOS<'I level."

Page 17: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

J\lSOV2--Thffe upper cli;~s ~ect ci-Hoe.t.9 :aeem kl dOcided upon Ole sh.ot{9'J;~ :touto 'betw~n. Ptlmary on.ct "cov.e<ed. .. SilYi!:- Vltn9s.

8Ei.QW-£cr;1:.t und~r .-...JQps e1-t1..'4!ot1t offiwno ux.­:ir'nlr:o ono of SeQui>fa fiqtd"s !atno ''riV$1·poppon'i F!O: (0- le*fll1Q th~'it wi.nqs.

OFFICERS t.1. Vl!lliam J. Re.irJ, lowEtr clo$6-' N$WiQn. Kanis0$.

Lt. Rohen £\tont from ... Nonh Do.ko:o-''Bob" !D

~ho only .iudon.l oHScor w.ho ho$ ?oo~od on<.! *rpod

Cl:n<l (JOI OCJU.Qht OJl C1' tJw 8(:(Xl.l.9 tlm&.

Lt, Roymontl M. Lovan, !Qwoi cl_~) Mu<i:liion­

vil.kt. Kentucky.

L,. Jomos R. Crod<lock, lower c1Q$$; Cho1h.Qm,


Lt. J'Qhn O. LOe, Jr .. beitGr knOwn 0'3 "S1ttek''->\ Sumtor~ Sou.th CaroHno 9oniloman t! t!'oro G\'~r •Nd.t.

0110. 'Tlt& qlrl frietnd' a nQD10 LG Bcrixua.

Lt. Thoma C. R0Jn$0.1,1,f', o.J.t<is 'T' tor ''Turk~y"­when bett>:<r 1t9c·ks a.r• lw1t¢hed, Tom will twt!Qh

tliem. Hi& S9u.lh CQ-rollna Qal. ''Lib," is OOJ)1$t<Jntly hilins oevr s~relarle$ to toke core of tl14 moil situation.

Lr. Jrvinq M. Botchor, lo'l.ror du41, So:1\ Joao,


Lt. StlvJo L. DigOQrlo, bett9r k.no-..-;-n <tS "Ur.c!-e .Sil'' eo "BoPe"'-o Medta.. P&nn., produci. Ho sttU ¢¢trl~s coal in hia bQ.u-li you 00'11 tmd the hair.

He~s. so slooH he has to lnhal~ rw!c.e be~ore he ex·


lt. K'<tith J... Yoder-Ju at call mo "&ody,.-quo;a: "Boy, c.io I lllc:v womon o.nd climhsn· turn•." Homo o! Alk-o.SOlu.ot and lhfi beat band in1t1um~n11 in the ...,·ot!d. Vlhen belte-r el~vato«l we mc:=:de, Be~ will $!¢<ii she-ml-Ask. the ruQn<:~<-1 of th• Jol)J)$0tl.

LL Wlilla:m R. Charlvsw·orth. oiio& Bill-This North Dokoll.'l !mm hand is tha b&s1 l:::ol:$n<J, occo:d•

h19 to lho ¢0'det ......tves. &were, ptc$pt<:ISl)'e vt1.ie


Lt. Jomctfl Oupro1t, o R\1no. No-.·oda. 1pectalty-­litr.1 to lM $m.OC-t.h. sil9nt type. Ho oon ho !our1d ot OU hour& of -the niqbt r«tmJnq Ibo hc>lOl hOU.$.

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Chenoweth De Berry






Hollbrook, dispatcher

f'llqht Ccmmond~r 8arl:&r $sistoot Right Con-.. -nander MhchQU

Miller J. Stene f. Stone Willoughby

Page 19: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

Hysterical Sketch on "A" Flight 'Member that day we pulled Into sleepy lutle Visalia? A more l:>ecll-up.

hungry, tired, bunch of dog-faces we've never seen. Then that ride out to

what we were sure must be a "farm" Judqinq by the surrounding country.

And what a hna happy (?) welcome !he upperclassmen gave us! Everything

was so !me here after Santa Ana. swell qu(lT1et3, no G. I. cots with charac·

ter!stic SOQQin9 middles, not overcrowded and the chow was swell! We are

roally 9oin9 ip like It here.

We had a l:ad stem on Ibis flying business the beautiful Caltformo

sunshine (in the form ol fcq) pers1stad m obscunng e'.'erylhing tor threo

weeks. Gosh. ii was swell lo see tho sun and get back c;;t the ;ob aheod of

us again.

Our flight has had some qreot characters. Who w!ll lcrget Wrenbeck

and his "one yard line," or "Dad" Rall and his "'How <I.bout that?"'. G. E.

Philipp and his early mominq "Ankle ey~ ... Tommy Siei<>r and his "Listen

Sexy . . .". II seemed every room had someone !amous for somethtnq. Tho

common qr!pe oo all. though, w03 qolnQ to school m the middle of the ni<;ht.

The whole business has been a wonderful experience and a "swell

ndo" for us. They thinned out the ranks somewhat. but there's still plenty

of "A" l'lic;iht that will o;io on to do big thlnc:is In the immediate future an<:l

doys lo come.

So .•. Until we tum up in the headllnes- "Let's F.at!"

Page 20: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

riaa,. lryo;a K•W• At~v.z. Geocq;a

y all

I.. DoUo:1 P•U.111 DoUc111., l'"X~I


ff•lllT J. l1o:Mdd Pbiiodclph~ J>q,.

81trad ~. Hank?

Pc:l\d I{. Rcuuio.U Podu~h. Ky

.. Ccndy ..

CborlH e. 5o."10n 1" t.d Ob:.o M. a. ff<ll>ol ..

WUl.l.1 I . Pl•1'to:r J."<it 1 Stodnon Ttoma "1 dtl(fl'!'I <If leonno-'

R•tiaoJd B. ft••..,u f'o;1 Smllh, Ar~.

"AtkO:l'IMll, A-boc~i.M·

Jolla t . Nono. Seotd•, w., ....


c~r9• n. Philipp BahfrnOll•. Md.

"Two ln tf)o enow"

M•t+c:lidli W, Pl'll.d•tt.. fr. Lyo. \l. uq, Vo

Dodo ht"l:~

80.\'rY S. Rlonhort 'foum~•tcrwn , Ohto

"lJttl• f1ower"

J.o.Mpb._ T. No•oll: Seto::.ton, p.,


Horry M. J>hlllpp1 M'Olplewooct ~ I.

"lAt"a Eal'

S.bco.Go.a J. ftoU. Jr. -.....q ....

·&w abollll th.,,11''

Edmund K. Roben1 AatJConddo, Vtrqil'I\

TutA or. th• h..-.it

Page 21: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

Rowatd V.'. Rod•nb-9ck ~. Vlt . .ryne, ln<hcma

"PlU BGolfor"

Lo\lla A. Schoen Tuaw , O,kloh'Ja\o

••f<st. Oumb, 6 l".apP7"

Al•ln B. S.Co:rt>'• 'Mix!on., \\Tleootlsin

"ffo1 PiJot"

Mux C. $))9D«r Koma• Coy. M.ie:aourl


Jobtl 8. R.odolt Tu180'., O\IG.homt.1 "Ho~ntcl"

-Edwlri a. Seiott Aneley, ?-."OJbt.:tslt<i

"E>oo.'1 lell .me your troub~&"

Martin J(. Skolnlck Urooklrn. N. 'f.

'Skoldy ..

·ch'Q.d*s: R.~ st~in~r Nnvono. Ohio


Gora1d 8. Ro1.s Su,ls:Jn,u SF:-!!"'l:J, T.f/XQ$

"l.ol's qo lo e-.l" p "

Cb.cute• L.- Seay-, m !'Ja::ibvillo, 'T9na.

"Tli~)· oJJ love me"

£dW(fJd 8,, Sopiun T hcrp, Wle<:OM1n,

' liold 1.1.1··

Co't01d O. St.w(U1 Robbfnev1.U~, Norih Carolina


ThOJl)OJ .F • .S$.U•rt 8t.oo11Y:\, N. '1 .

''11.m. from. D~ ma-'1.s:olf"

8-enka.min .E. Spcxwn D-:.)1.c•. , .... (:!.

"IU¢hl Owi"

Pav to- W. Sti.Cl11on DoU'.1$, T~x.u!I

"Ab i.o..il'lt bOJ) u ....

Page 22: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

0.oNJ• s. SuUJ~an Ht.1.rdoa1y, Oklahbma

•·B1U T1ldo-n"

Jhurit A. Tucker K'~vSll•, Totin,

'Oh. Bw.b.r''

R.ob.n W . Wo.tt• l,C!>'!ltpo,t, N, '/.

'$)11t t Ntr,q"

fom•• fr. Wilson C:d•nburq. 't~11<;;1 "1'h~1 Croo:-..er"

Mortin f . Sutovy Mod-cro, Po.

'Com. Now, Y0\1'1,. Jo1h1nql"

Rob•rt P, Utt•cht W«&hJnQIOn, 0. C.

"l'U Oy ti 2~"\d lb11to 1ap''

Colvln W• bb Horrl1bu1q, 111.

"Oh Judo•"

M•1.boum• J, WUt101'1 Mudll'Or'l, Wiccotuun

"f doct°d It'

fUcb.~td M. TCl.M•bJJI 1'ron1, W. "itomma·•

Willia:m P. Voorh••• Fr<Xc1Jdln, IU.

"100 ho.w.-eud: tlm•''

Woh•r J, Whho N9w Hoven, Conn. ' F<ir Deoi OJd £11 '

Joha P. Wl.m•t Cl•vokind, OhJ1>

'tho'• in Qov.tond"

Arthu.r W. tbom·a• Phoonix'vi ll~. Po.

··'n\i• i:i n i;od day"

Jam•• A. Walt-r.s. Jr. " ll'~n, T'JoXQ'J ••

Wi-Hm s oP9n. f't<>'3'1'1

Roy &. VIUJl(:(lfl$ Seminole, Otla.h()ma

'Uum. l«:iks ul't'tq h!c!'.

F'ta;l))c W. Wolf PhU')dO)ph1<1, PQ,

"Ac.o:ordlnq to AA Y~'re wr0ttQI,..

Page 23: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

Donald T. Wooe.o ~ P'°~nllo;d. N. I.

JI M\ltl bo dotle>"

Mll to111 W , W19nbedt 0..Uo-it, M1cb.

''Sh• Nti.Qbt Qbo\Jt ''

tu9•a• M. Zolomy N•w Yost C:t:)·, t.:-. Y.

~-i•o you :io mode-My?"

"'Gcu Hes Lett lfa Glomo:

1 M.llre Y+Offky. If.

tlni.ontown. Po. "hb.b H.U Div~r"

1.4• 11• .£. Row• Hoqu"'7GI. Wosh1cq-'*1

''H.., 1'~..be"

)'.oa.eph £. Zim~na«a t.onq l•IO:Ad, N. Y.

'Will It l~;?"


Page 24: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

~ht C09 •~r T•ller

Asai!1onl f'~:Qht Comrno-n.-der Ow•n











R. Stein, dlspatcher

Page 25: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

• I

B Flight At> we 90 to press, we of B-flight ore windinq up our slay al V-D,

white we are slrU<;;9linq feverishly lo brinq our flyin.g hours up lo tha Sc\led· uled over<:IQe. We hove been beset by fog, we have double-timed to atone for our sius, we have mixed up our school schedule, and since we have been flying:, we have. done our best to shooter the pride ol the Ryan Aircraft Corporation.

But now, meet some of th'e boys who have helped to make S,f'Jiqbt

outstandinq. First there is Clemovitz. the lirst to solo and Dovmlng, the firSl

to get married. (Both brave men.) Then there is Bly who dumped four pumps of flapS twenty feet from terra fi rmer; end Rip-chord Baker who gave his chute <X pr<1cUco:I lest-on the ground. We hove Br-0.llCh. frie boy who rode a PT like a bronco; !lap-happy Collier; and Dewey, who steers a PT like a toboqg.an. Now look al our extra-curricular record. Cafarelli rides side-saddle down the main street oi Visalic on the back oi a bicycle; C!ogeit

warbles his way into a USO show; Burbi and Eiadlord wrestle their way into a ten minute brace on the !light line; and flnally, E-2 pulls a New

Year's E11e .Comm<XOdo raid on E-1. in short, what would you e xpect fwm the likes of what B-flight claims?

Well, you should eitpect the best, cmd 11 is here that we should give due credit to the efforts of our instructors. Those who have taught us to fly ore the bes! Jn !he world, and we khow II. Those who have had us in

ground school have petformed miracles as shown by the lac! thal they have really taught us somelhin9.

So we give yoµ B-fllght, one of the most as!oundlnq lhin<;1s lhal ever hit a west coast prtmary school.

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He:rberl W. Aleic.and6.! Sfo .f Potl'll1 NC1t1b Car,)hlQ'

··aenorai Chennault'

a~tord o. BOJl:• l'" M.-di.nn. i~nri

$wn d 11 hunt.It«! f11'e~"

J>, R. Bols:•n Su90r OrovQ, W


WUllom. O. l roa'h•Y' w Jx.1ho<:h1~, ·r'l'!xoo: "f •liu 1 11<.;IC. $1r"

Fra:nk J, Apololequl Yot~ L1Ad.:r, Caht


Pu'*I .C. Blow Troy. New York

Alwoy• ll'l th~' 11d6d1.o•·

Willkun M. l ow•rs z.r.,, vtlW> OhJc.

Do I tql\ l" '"Y tl•e.1>

Uw'n 8. Br'mld•'r C.'b<u1 n """· T ·n

'Le .wt boho:.d.I A Diil.i.'

HowoM A, A•hwood Sy:..::i4~. !'f. Y.

Yo old 1t1n)c:

hoderiek W , lily ~a(Jm.f,ru.o. CaJd.

''¥/ho ~tlO""'I'#. w.ath!lr?"

jO:b!i C. Brudford Duluth, !.ttnn ''Goidbrk:k ..

T'b01DICJC f'. Brown Mqnd.M:m, Miu.

·;,ny 1noll f(lor mo?"

Muth f. Adru\u.o Atlar•N- ~orok1

"Adt>:il, tht- ha~bQo Jc:td'

D~ t. 8~\rl9ht Ltcioc-..ido. n1

··~h1mb9J plea~"'

W•td.oo P- lroDch Atkmta. Gu.

"N'~w t-.~ ~ns .i:ne"

t-aard Bu brl Linwood, ~

'P.UMt dQ Spc:Q;btlll''

Page 27: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

lto9or N. 81i1nkJoy St.o-m.l.O'ld, 'ioxo:a

'Any furlouqh'• tocloy?"'

Joc.opb R, C<lt<U'Olll 8:c>Oklyn, N-. Y.

"Whnu LcttiM a9m:n. •·

Durw:ood C. Colllor S1t<onllboro, Vormon1

Look wh::nu you'J"ot' Oyi.nq,_ mi•teor1'

lon}4mlll E. Ci:lfbort-son, Jr. f0<t T~. iC.;in1uc:lty }.() old K9nn,idr;y ltQ'r>J.9"

G..011Je B1i1n.ik l.!:ooSc:Uold. Ill.

··vo'i).'rt1 «'llr.ib!n-g"

Cl.<uo:i.<-• W, CGrl1a O.lw~tn, l.:;W<r '"Call m-e Bllt"

H'o7borl G. Copplo D.hr. fihi:sob

'"Lei's: cle<.tn \I}), bey~ ..

fcrmH T. Cuq,.J'J)fl)~· Cbl.cQgo, n1.


Lldtt•Y L- 8t.1$b 'liorio?ul\i, Howl;ri>

"IO:ow, bl HOoofU:lu

C.t.Ql'lo• s. Cloq•lt RawlcaQ G:1Mn. l{y.

'Ttl toJte 1lte hf04'\(!<t"

R0'14r u. Cotyoll Rotit>lttlu, tia'na.l!

"Ttm torque-·:; 901 .mo"'

Aob•tt M. .Do•is Pl;.>Q$0nivdkl, N 'f I don'f WOO.I ®Y•

!'ood_in C::lomorl\~

... ?hool\i:ll', n.~ • '.'.Wben dO we oo~?"

tlwood R. Cox

.. w::~:;!~bi~S!r?""

M.orton ~'-ltuh ~l!W '?Ott CllY, 1l Y.

•'1Nbt,O• N"1.1r0Uc1 ..

Page 28: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

HQl1ley C. Dt••Y Y•;Han:e X.,,,• Pre. k C. l.llL

Pnd9 of 1n. Pt'!tk

1'-o)Mfl J, Downln9 Crncinnab. Ohlo

Seo~ op;i.n.(iGt"\: O\lt"

&o>le r.. -S4oo% Clt'!. o.ro 1 W:• J)Gl'lu.

WiU:cr.m R. Forry lt~dh'.9, foa, .. Nt'l:t c:i.:i#''

J\~rt w. Dobb.rt•la lloy- °'""'

.. I W<XPI o N.t~b

Rkho-rd A. D\IU f'orc.:H Hlli1, ll•w Yo1k

''S\JOe.t ntporl, 7ho1·1 t1X to•"

Ecbaa.od J, Dy t:kt:11 ?rut P·.-n

'D:o.wc !;1,.u

Robert I>. Fof'llor Rucino, \ V 11, "PX Ron\oo"

toJMn s. Do••'" Sl.~ha.aa. AJo.bomo

··1 ate ... ~. ~Y 4::h cirad4-

Louis D. DuMonll•r !ionoluh.1, lio-woh

All th:• ond th11 nl' too"

Rob.rt C. "..i-oa• l.ttGtanc;•, t.t

"°Moth ... h"'f

~e•t L. ror1•on Shto,,•J.'<)r1, La "Net o 1U0¥•"

William L. De\19aa N•wo.n:t. N..- •rwy "Ill •Wf"Ot it O<Yt

Horr·y 8 . D\lne:kl•Y 8r~Jyn N. Y.

"tt.y 8'o ..anl'

Rktwud L f'ord Bo:nl~iNt Mh ~

'&tot 1•. ~ (J.'

Bert V, from• Pon.c.:'Q Cuy, Q1tl·1 "O.U.t b\tt ociqor'

Page 29: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

Fll<;lit Co,ntnw>d<" Sc:l19llio<; Aoslslont l"IJght Comma.odor Buol

The African dominoes gal­

lop as a lrlo of Instructors rest

!tom the game oi chance up· slairs.








Joh!\SOn Stevens



Birdwell, dispatcher

Page 30: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd



F Flight F flight CQ!ne as any olher il.gh• to Viswia- vla the beel!~like 9tl'Y: qroon buses of Sequol.a

Field, Our slay was much like that of <my other Oi9ht, marked by the same <:rntics that make 0\lr

lives as c<:xdeis Qawciole. We had our laughs, ci;r qood times, and 6ur !le[dness to,. ffio9e of llll who

didn't make the qrade. To them we wish the very best of luck from the bottem oL '?ur heo.rts. Fer

those of us wbo are 9om9 On there wlll be many pleasan; memories oJ our slay- such ds Noscd's "cross·counU:y," Gillin9hom's record ol ten passes to make one qcod solo lliqht, and Fl. J. Jones'

mfracuJous obi-lily 1o "snew" everyone and every thln9-including qn airplane. Then, of course, we·

had our "hot pilots;' loo-Gattis could tell us by the hour about those smooth kmdin9s; Hannuro's

stranc;ie ability for tcul·hiqh takeo!Is; !here were a.so limes when Troy Jones and Fred Hqrcesltos hod

their innln9s, not 10 menYon M~lure as our !11s1 solo Jn the ili9bt.

Tbose of us who tock 9round school classes wiih fhe Inimitable Bill frllz .,.,,n never 1or9et the

sessions In Von Duse.n's engines clQSs when questions such as "Why bcrltery acid was in the car· buerato.r" we;e asked.

All in all we liked our stcry. We put In 0\1r time al flylnq and In 9oin11 to sch¢!, and really

dld little else. Ours was o- good UlQhl. manned by good. men. our comrades. For us a place has been reserved near ihe ringside ol hlstory. We ore c;iomg on lowc;1rd the raal job ll'l the hope that'

ihrowh our eliorts we, as men of the air, may help to shape the destiny of our country, the world

and civili7.alion.

Page 31: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

&,Jolin A. 'Fl<tl\C'ff Morqon, U!ah

''N"o.w in Utoh-"

&!gin v. Gctiis Lol:l9Vi9w. 'fexnt

"NoW «<::otd.tno 10 r.,ql&l'o.Uonll"

RJ.c:botd M. Holl Pb.Ulidtalphiu, Po.

''l'll t14:,Yll: ~ U again"

Jotu. 8 . Howe ~XIMIOn, Kl(.

•'Lot me ~ewile"

A11.bUT N. Fr.cu:t..kUn Port Anc.1-el\la.. Waah.

'"S!<eel ·w ool"

ROw!ty &. G!l)laqhttm. Cftca,t&k, Po.

' 1$tiloQ (Off.'loli(R'f'

Jcihn M. Hannum ~tcUo, Pa.

"'Jbor'a what i1h• oold hnt l),iqhf'

Evof'Ol1 A, H\1,d~on McrkiOs><i. C«ll!

"Stwro Ktd"

William -S. f'f'G'Dklin Croll.!lino:o, N. C.


Lfft•r D. Goodrich GI.ndalo. Caht.

.. J m•I h9t on c b..ir.''

WU.llom JI, lju.t11. Jr, ~objn111on. Mo1no

"Mor~~ bl 1he llic"

\YiDkz»ol JI.. f'.r1'* s.auie,. WaW.

'1 d.or/1 q\li~ foUow you. 111

John J, Ho.in~• MUw.cuke., V/i90,

''t!tti. JOha."

f't*d HorcositO• Cont:cl, Now M•xioo

"!.til'IJ C11t lh4< 1h1!f, 'bub!''

w. i . H..._utr Ool~y. ti:.

"Roood:IN; lial~fno"

Page 32: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

.R«lph £, Jo:io• lndCa.'!'!(?J'Olis.. lndlanu "Now la ihe 0.+7-"

RQY'rl\4tid NtolJ t.crW.on }~thtl~OI\., '!'e_nn.

' 1fteti.cl'•

l>onakS R·9ct~9r Li•o.n.good lam"?:itown, N, Y.

1110.,py loo"

Royco P. Jo!1.•• Tuuo1oo-eo, Ala.bama '"'f'tlO W G )' ! aeEI Sf'

'PhllHp f , Kla:m'.Y Mlafl.tl, At~.

"G{qV r'CO C (:'(ip"

JaCk~ OU,..or Lay Utlle ~oCli:. Ark.

'1.t9h1 Duh" '

A.bra.ham Ho.ITT Loobky Ciettoil.. ?.Ueh. ··.oo:nocs-of'

Troy S. Ion•• "-~nil. t;y.

"111 (ly '-""lYlhtng"

2olor K~duuy N0<:1\~!01, N. 'i, ..Mc:zd !'\1.1$i:kln"

Tbomo:1 AUl'C'd t.a1hot• N;WivUlc, T11µ:1r..

"''!'oo:io~o Hc:p~t'·

Arthur M:alinowii'.ld WtUtc.11 hrtoo. PoM.

Y.'lUlom J, Jvqo Now York ''H$t"k.y''

Robtrl Ono U•dtk• Eso:rr.-=bt;t. Mich. "tklqe-t ""°ve-t''

PaWck f, MO;nJey !kihto'(lf*' Moty!:ind


Page 33: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

wuna.s. ~­~N. H.Jw<nl

Th.JI'• A Lot ot Pupal"

Rod-n9y I. Myer X9rl<4. Ot

'l;;unttku· k)'

Arthur M. Ntol Koppel. ~n"


ACJY K. K<ub Q.,.:u'"Jo!1V, :N. Cnr

'Oh 807. Open Poti\"

Jo.aff A. McClut+ S.Ottlif. \'/ oa....

Look .,., th& U1Jpkva ••

Doal•I M~ Miller &j.ttol_ Toni'\

·1 n d .,. book

Joh.ft Nosal P\!'•IOWn, tL S.

U le- IG!m

WCU:teO ft. MCl'fJt.n Wi>Sm.100\, MOOne


D.lJ9 I- McK.cm.M H•wtoe S:~.

'Brvm4 ...

Cbc:tlff W . Mitc:h•ll NtJ~ vt 16, Tc:".n.. w~ o t JIU ths:ek?

1tl'ltotby J. n~.l'l(lft Sr10C\I ... N.. Y

• 'l'ba> klc' CoiioO!e"

Lolli$ r. Mo:tic.hl:a N.-w Yoo;\ 1,,.11y, N. Y.


Walter C. McLry ?.or.:lon4 Ore. F19h1.nq !ttah ..

Elwood )(, MOON Cinciru-.01 Otuo ~ Gr...-.hn:a"'

Chari•• r. Ols•n B!od; tulth. Wfa "W\S.CXIQ.MIL Dodo'.

Page 34: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

Alhd C . P•D C.trou. No.ch. 0...ar 0i' ~

IHnaa .... ,. So.ci.a Mc.-.o. Cc d ~ ~., ..

1lkhonl 0 . P• "4•x-Mr ~1" >lrw J 'l...._•Q: ""<'1: I

c:;: .. ,... W. P•t.noa K.. wood. ill.

You ~ hQTo u''

tack Y. s ..... ~' ~v11i.. Tton.

w r Rcliitiiu ..

Rar H. P•a.r.oa f'>c'i"O. u b.i.b

'Wbue'a .WO......y

Page 35: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd


- Bodily Bowles Crosslood Davis Wallace Magnussen Obrl Boklwln Thomas farien Wells Holl um

Schmit~ Dispatcher

ABOVE- Fll•h< TraJolnq O!<•dar ll. Soodln.

Ltrr --.StoQ• Coirunondor Goto•.

R!Gf!T-S:cQO C.."""""®: Wlll!ODUI.

Fitqht Con:imctnder McAdams

mis;®! fliqh~ Com~nder­f'rotsnesa.

Page 36: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd


G Flight "The world will little note nor long remember" what G flight did at Sequoia f ield, but G

f'Jlght personnel will nevei fo<gel ... ''Sully" Suilivo;n's solo, complete with 9round loop: Welner

htnlng the si!k as o finale of o whip stall: "Crash" Zeiss qlod his lns!ructor was up front on tho!

forced landinq; "Prelty Boy" Reid losinq o •10Juoble enqroving oi Andrew Jock.son 01 the PX; Roqer

Wtll\oms leadmg the pack in the solo race: 'Quiz Kids" Rosen<JTen end Mo9ee in navigation class:

our early contributors lo the dodo bucket; ex-ormy crew chiefs and Mr. Wllllom Van Dusen Ironing

oul •Orne line paints on carburetion.

There were many others who should be in our Holl ol fame, but G nic;iht's illuslrious sons

w· 11 undoublodly be h'IOTd from agoin and oqzy_n. Our comfortable bunks. our telephone numbers

In V1solia, F'l'6sno and way points. and ou1 respect !or Sequoia's redoubtobl& "rivet poppers" we be·

queoth lo the dodns that follow. That's "thirty."

Page 37: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

Melvin i'. Allen l.u.iuonl, Iowa

"ijt]90' 89av11r"

TboMO• W, lottk.1c ti~ Oo.JCIM, W. Vo.

"Toke mo ba~k"

f\m•)' ·~Wt\ BowUnq Gf'ffn. [fntudty


fOMl'h E. Colneto.D C"'o11t1.v11t., S. C.

"All dilil (or one reatQll"

W\Ukl'ai M. ArMhl Scd?t1l)n Lc1k•. M. Y


t.weU W. la.110G M1r.n....,Pol~. MIM.

'H-.l!t en wh .. i.·•

Ccul 81iu0Jt $yr, IN .. , N•w Yorlt "S6voo vwt" 14t«"

Pe1er A. (:o-11a.l.ttNJO W<"lhh1n Ma

"O~d t vtr toll you J'bt\lt R1ii1h? ..

Scdvcrtore 8a•Mnero 8t¢ru, New York

''tbs oyebrow~ m11ot! ..

Rldl.ord £. lltd:MIU ?cyo:tft, hkit,o


Mox 8~floc::k Bto*lyn, N....., Yotk


Vemoa Cot .. , )l.Jddtoiown, on,


Wll.llom A. lol'l'9K tuc.\:son, MJe.t.~e&lppt

"P'a•!l tho pie :plea-se"

Wllllom i. llo<lter l.ouJ•wOloe, !(en;~y "I dkt.n't SO)' that''"

Th.ma C. 81,1::tft Cf'Clhe1m, 'f'.,i:oa.


Albert t.. Clopk: Pltl>burq, Pa.


Page 38: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

Jack G. C:O.ui Kom1l1on. Jll lad oJ H~r~"

Join+• "L M«ddwt Natb•Uie. Tenn. ·-·

/OHP~ J. Jhtsoa ~· M*irrl-s. Ill

. dd:t

.... A. Rot-+A9l't"O Oai4M ?•ob, b-. ~

Edwo:rd 8, CoJlbu. fr. Aealo, f"lorMl.o

"Ye5, QwT

Cd word W. Moq"o• Ptu!<Jdelpbia, Pon."l.

'W1U thlt too ever dGO:- up?'

l•ftilM't'b C. Roberts Son [)1_,o, Co:lf


r1cu1c\1 A, SO'n"'1t0 N r1h fL rt;41l N '

·u lC- "do ol»cu aot.~IJ:M.f.

ouo 0. Colllas.. fr. B:-UeflClid_,. W Vo


Raymoad &. lt• ld JCLnq:~1. TMti.


ll~r J. JllM-del M1nnwopolts }..t.J:i.:1. ' 'J'U w<ill: d~'

foaeph L Sc-hm!df M rtlJoOI"' Wt#.

Her.; 'WO Qo, Mom'·

John C. Mo.cleod \.Anp..:-' w yo.


l'tudolp}l R. Rjcht$t Osbt o;b. Wu..

~le> Anny·a Pr1d

WraJ A. Jtol).ow U Dorado. A~kc.

A.r&or.5o0.s T~o-v6l~r

Jotu; t. S.ll•m 8'nd Ot.xt'Jn ¥.' 01 Ha~r''

Page 39: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

V•rl)O~ L. -Smllh Himoluh,1, Ka'W® "JC9'm.:i1ncr Xid""

Ro;}')not11'-a. Sulll•<lll'I Gten&.;tle. ColiL ' 'Oeol rM Sn"

J'ran{c p . Vi90S

H'()hOJulu, Hcr.·oU ''("-.oua 'C' Co.'l'd·-hmmm? ..

l>aTid A. Slnclolr ffonq,lu~, !iqWah

"Wby $(\K!y?"

~ul1 St-.lnb+f'IJ NuJQvJ.!l•. 1'~nn. •·Rkl!16 ~W\n.<ft''

Gtorq!r Altoi:i Thoroo Ltul&!Od+ ». Cutolliac ''Hollo Honor Chi~•"

Joy Albert Wodo Auqu;.to. Jlltnok&


Dono.Id &. Slaylo1) Mont.boa, Calif.


WSlHo:n:i. W, S1oloke ff<Jydo>~. A:IZOl'l.C


0Ccctv..t> ISnt··

Ja""'r:i TripJ.011 59.n Jo:io1 CaUJ.


Drc>ri$ T\le'.ker White Horn Lok.~ • . Mias,

.. Wbc<th's mah. li~?"

L¢yd \Y, Smith JAi;;;. C~;y, Jowo

"Who'a- champ? ..

lou.rs t.. V~•c'k Vinew)ne11, h>dicmo • .,,,,.b-eiD:·;. lli4;k o;all?"'

Marliz3. J. W 'ieQ10r Nowatk, Now J~y

"It'..!; ool joba~y"

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Hu90 L WJ~ t"vansvllle. l:id1Cll.<l

"'• .r-oc1.~hl'QC)f JCl.d''

C•oroq• S. WIS'.1:1 Do1<ht•$t)J, 1.tuu.

"Th0-1-1• dolD Q't~t1•"

·rht~e> rMml:;.:rs oJ Army and Clvllfon suf>P!y • .. rete- "ep l huay oJCdit:1nQin<J broken Q.~gtes. et..-:., 1 r fk.me-rits (and new equtp­mtn!, IOOJ

John W-lllie W'1ll.U:a::u J'n1u. Texas

R041er JGT "1"lnic:um ft'ld)cm.d•. CaliL

"S.ho'• tcvo(y Doc'"'

leof<un~ S. Winltff Hookl~•Vil>•. Ky.

Ah ecm't h9P !:

W~lllom M.. Wood Honolut1.1, HC'W'Wl


floyd A. W t19h1 Tulw, Okkallomd

''J t .. 1 hke H•rlcY"'

Duddl'IJ it"

Alt:hcsrd t... W_rlcJAt Spon<""ier f W. Vo .

··O;J,hu no c:orntf bac&l"

Ho:rol4 E. Z.tll• Wx• &rot'ieh M1

.. noo.••i 8 rd'

Salvo~.,. Zollo w •• ui.1c1. N '·

·:.o •oy Cit~'' wl

Page 41: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

- l i'lfqhl Comroond•r Roll)b.

Atsl6-ton1 Ftk;ht CommoJ'ld.t Lo"













Friend, Dlspalcher

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H Flight

Hup! Hupf Hupf With "H" fll9ht

"Turn on the heater" resounds from overy Ioom as the blare of First

Call Interrupts the peaceful snores at 5:45 every momln9. "It's a crock"

echoes between the borraeks as the rni9hty men of H FU9ht shiver

al reveille. "And they say there's a rubber shon09e" emits from Ea11er

Beavers fighting fned 099s at breakiasL The Cohfomia sunshine U09 lo you)

lays heavy on the way to weather. en9mes, naviqation, and the enjoyable

mow~s. Mr. Van Dusen's authorltauve llnqer shatters Kelly's slumber as II

points between his eyes. "Name the workinq parts ol the Curtis electric

prop."-Who started this war, anyway? Remember fhqht line, first meetin9

our instroctors, the dodo bucket <£lsasur, ii you please). The first solo (Lester.

our smallest, but not least). The sigh ol relief when the 2().hour check 111

over. Al night wtlh 8 hours o! study due next morning, 9irl friends, vnves

and home folks have priority over Mr. F'erostad. We can't lose. There is

too much to fio;rht !or. Ho! Hurni , . S.z·z·Z.

Page 43: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

FP<n1c1.• L. Co\la• To?l)p(l~ no.

•·Now, t.n Morid<t, ih1t w«:nher.-••

JO'dc e. Dodd. Chorl••ton, W. V«.

"C"rlnnr ~ ..

Rk:hcud L. Eberl Hnve-y, Jll.

"Ccrp1 Porf*>cfkllllat Dkk''

/a~ LtDis $<Nth Chr.uJ~l'Clll. W91-t ViJ:gi..-da.

"Docto Xll;le;"

CUlfo.-d G. Cox ~ofl'QoOn, TGitJ•


Vklof' S. 0.ro.11-1 Colv.ri.-n. N Y

"lio murder• OtTTt:r.lt-lon"

Ocul L. a.o....-, B~a'°• tl•w Y0tk 'H'upt Hu.pl H\IP "

Metr•in X. l>ecl:t. J::ckimi:n:oo, Mleh.

··~J.ka tho M.aaho.r"

0-t-qeo W. .cur. ~et. Ntow York

.. todclk hat fl'rt•J)'1A\nl'l'

JU-cho:r.d L. Eu.1xl;n.k wrus Pomt~ Tp.wi:

"CoctlQ. bet ..

Geort• M. 0.mOJI Atlo11itet, G:r.

··Jt11trbuo N!d:y"

Char~• I. £odd. Jt. !.'holbyvtllo. Intl.

"ln my O.X. Wooo ..

Sw•r~ C. lJicaH~ L' Ao•e M'chiOOA "Daouhho.i. -W'

.. •">• J')eJdoJ, Jr. BoNtll, Xootucity

'Ma$:er mmd"

Page 44: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

Al~~n B. Gordon N'aehviU~. Tenn.

"\Vha!'ll l do ~ow?1 '

Jobn J. Uo:mbll.:(q*':t \\1'1Xfth~dotd., Ok.lo.

"f:vqr driv$ a tr.u:k'? ..

LawNOnC$ W. Je:i:L$91!l fronltlin. ).i.1rcn,

•Th;) q:v-ot Dam;;"

Ch•siey L. Grunt [z!o.pd ~o:i.d, Vc:m<!!>:ll

"fl.aplo S\l~r' ~

l\oJ>trt, J. H@lon ll1oo£Jyn., J'f, Y.

"You can't 1iotare m9'

Me1rW D. folul.&oA N"ou!$t<>Wh. Po.

"Fly!!l.tJ w~tho'r-du.Yrul!' '

Robert L. Ha?o AUcrr.t:r, C"~

" Li-ttl.;:i Dom$"

Ric.ha.rd C. li•lti.dch Um.«, Ob.!o

' 'Bo.rnino de-slr~4'

Roberl 8. RuddlOSIOI) Adqnt~. G,1.

"l'U 14.l«t lhO ~Itek"

blorlon W. fob.son A.:hcl'lll, M«inc

" P40p :c h\'JVO m¢t9 f1,1n"

Lir,on O • .\{a.11 Birmir.9ham, 11.1!'1. ''P'owo:..on ~,,

Hurold ff. l:lo"Q)O,f Ci."ld.n~ati. OhJo

.. Htuo I go ~.,

Ch'arlos M. K11q'ho$ .., CowaM. Tonn.

..J ·.vcr.nr.s <r<> 'btor.o"

W~ho_r J. JohMQll \\'"'N.wo:::~. Wlscon&iit ··0p.;n tho< wuxiow''

Page 45: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd


2.t'h P. Jone ... Jr. not Roc.-k, N. <:::.


Dcvid W .. kirnme.y l..c"#YfHJVOlo, 'ff. Y.

"Oulflfd~ loop"

Ralph B\Uld1.0:<1d Lcrt-;U.r C:mdQt, N. c. "Tho Colen.el"

Thoina. H. Jon•• u.o:n1qo.\1)4i.y • ..Ida.


touis Ko101ki:o 1.ot'lq Jo~. N. Y.

•!Zoo\ ~it''

Cborl•s D+WoU LaMollld Shck.~.r f:lo)lqh1t. Ohio ' 'DaWoU-de wolU

John A. kunqa: PUtebu.tQh. Pa.


Raymo'Dd H. Kolli.y A&htQbub. ObW


Bomc:ml M. R:rOl'lll:owh;& 'NVH(Jtk. N. J.

"~; o11 my cloud"

Jcun.~.- b . Lano lf(($'hvllli!, T~M.


l>oncdd B. 1.oam¥ h'.wb.'1!.:-gh, N. Y. "Ob. hfy Ba~!"

Mkhaol Kolly ~,Hl.

' 'So J 9't91if* h'&t lb9 o\d J.rqtl~

Jo:mo$ P. t.oPcu Si:uth~. Ohto

' 'f"1ctld? Vlhol t:e!d?''

Hilary M. L1t3~ro;acie TWo- Riv.eta, Wf9 ..

"Who.U No Break?"

Page 46: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

lctwr•n~ B. µ•tor MOO!!'~, Texo.g

"fut· m t'OWld !!9u.N:-!I"

°Y/h(.n c:cn J <;Ol a $0lo ahlp. SU1" r::hlof Di&:rx:.kher Vl~ N. Ben­ooll <.and hl..$. W;$i$ton.!$ }~1.1vu 009 of

Sequciu's Oiq_qest lobs - ):oopinq tio.::k a! lot1-1, sma.ahSJd or ~nolen

-nq sh! ....

t.~n1i• t. U•.bowiti &QC>ltly:r., N. Y.

"Did yout q1:i o:~k fcx- tn4"

JUeharrd ~- Md!':•• ~~ot~vU19. VQ.

"Aro you kUkfl:n''l''

Al6,xan@r Lind Wa;usc.-a-n, OhSo

' 'Let'e iJO <o Fresno! Yw k:J.lo\'>-?''

John T. M~XJn&tE-r Wood~oCk. Ohtq,

''Gouc. OQlJ .snr wUo"

C'bl»1+r f. l;ortq Arbuw::., Md.

"J·m b'ir;ol'>$nl"

Joi:oJ)li Mclotyto Jl'H:llonopolil\, ~1'1.4 •

''Br~y Joo"

Page 47: Full page fax print - Wikimedia...LYNNE R. MAPES 11.a;or, Air Ccrps, Commondlnq To the Class of 43-F: DurinQ your 11a!nln9 period at Sequoia fteld you have ochleved and ret01nd

The dodos came al ten. The gates swun9 open and throuqh them

they passed into a new life ... ene in which they didn't quite know what

to expect. A life lilied with upperclassmen. Of calls such as "Get .off the

gi:ass" and "Pop to l.-f.lster." Throuo;ih all ihis they went with tolerance and

hope . . . looking !orward to their day. And now at last it has come. "T al<e

over . . . and 9ood luck I"

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Riqbt-"Holy 1 .... • Wtl c<alJ him H• drills ho-la In the> -t- • In J ~c J:l<Jk• 'l c: .,.., Y bumpy ith.ck rickt.

Up~r-Withtn Sequota'a

11)orou¢>lr ~ted h ,......- qa~a

1 a upper ckis. wo!UI ctfld

waltt, and w°'tts •.•

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- :

E Flight

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The Ole Watering Hole Coke hounds and davenport athletes bad diflicully deciding how lo

di Vide their time betwoon the PX and rec (pronounced wreck} ball. Bo!h di­

visions had their auraciions, but loyal upperclassmen patrolled the PX

Joun\oln requlorly to keep ambitious dodos from poaching on prohibited

territory. A pleasant mecea oi country club liie, the PX owed its popularity

more to personnel them lo lhe prcducts purveyed. Thank you for !he smile.

snd may we have another cup of coffee?

. :

u[an't She- Lucky?" "Sp!rh of 1he Old Vies!'"

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Cume! Cururun

''HolfJDU/l Mlaees o Beat"

TM Camel Caro-van came around our woy on Januory 6 brln9in9 a bevy of beau:ilul 90ls. a couple ol "ham" comics, a swell cowboy band and. far from leas~ the sparklill9 wit of Joey Reardon. Tho:ie 9ols? Well, !here were lh Comeletts, wHh whom. by the way our boys got quite "chummy," and a qorqeous blond singer named Diane Omo!. All we can say to the Como! people is thanks-and what o showl

Joey Reordon. t.i. C.

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We've slepped away kom earth

To whirl on wind born wJngs, Throuqh endless blue of gentle space

Toward sun and s1ors And toward lhe place

Where God and man are one.

We've flown our level way

Toward moun1oll\S snow bound a,"ld hiqh.

Across the qreot green volley Where far below ln symmetry he

Our fields, our planes. our land.

F9r them we'vo risen on '90lden wings

1'o cross the endless "halls'' of mist With open hoor·ls and eo:ger hands

We've grasped the controls ... and sought to fly That they, so throug:1 eternity may lie

In the qulel happiness of peace.

J. McClure, lanuo:ry 8, 1943

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" My Solo"

()ate. •.. . .......... . .. .. .................... .

Time ................................•.

Instructor .................................... .

Results (if any) .................. ..


O!! we go Into t.hc wild blue yonder, Cl!Jnblng h!Jh Into •he sun.

Hett thty com.e. ioomtna to meet OW' lhunder­At ·em boy.....,.h-e ·~r the ;un.

00•.-n l'-e dh·e. •llOUttna our fla.mt ftom undtr O!t With one httlu.-a roar.

vve U"e in !•me or 10 dov.-n in flam..._ Nothl11& will stop I.he Army Air COrpsl

Minds ot mt.n thhlon-f"d a CT'ate of thunder. Stnl It hl&h lnlO the blue.

Hands of mt?n bl.A~t.ed the world asunder: How they Uved Ood onl)' knew.

Souls or men. dreainlng or 3kle3 to conquel· Gnvr us \Vlngg cvtr to iM>Ar.

"\Vlt.h sc;outs berore and botnb<ors Q'Alore Noi,hing wlll &top the Arrny Air ()Orpol

orr we go Into the wUcl blue yonder Keep the "'1lngs Je,·el ;.nd true.

U you'd llve to be a lf't!Y·hRlred "'ondtt Kffp th• n05t ou~ or the blue.

Ply!ng men. guardlnJ lhe nallon's border We11 be there. rollo•·t<I l>)• more.

In tth~lcm wr carry on -Not.hing 'Aili 51op th• Army Air Co<ps!

CHORUS H~·s a toMt to the host. ot thosr

Who tovf' the vas:tnna ot the sky. TO a Ultnd, \\e wUl atnd

A messsie of hts brot.her inen "~ho Oy. we drink co lh~e \\'ho ~i.vt lhelr All or old

Then down wei roar, to s~ore "l'be ro.lnbow's 1iot of eow.

A toast to the hOflt ot m~n we bo""t TB:& ARMY AIR CORPS!

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