Fuel Cell_high_power Applns FINAL


Transcript of Fuel Cell_high_power Applns FINAL

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• What is a Fuel Cell?ü electrochemical energy conversion device

ü produces electricity from external supplies of fuel and oxidant

• Hydrogen is used as fuel & Oxygen as oxidant•

• Based upon the simple combustion reaction given by

2 H2 + O2 2 H2O

• a cleaner process than a fuel combustion process.

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Brief History on FC Technology

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Different Types of Fuel Cell

   M  o   l  t  e  n   C  a

  r   b  o  n

  a  t  e 

   F  C

A  l   k  a  l   i    F   u  e  l    C   

e  l   l   P   h  o  s   p  h  o  r   i   c   A  

c  i   d    

F   C   

   S  o   l   i  d

   O  x   i  d  e

    F  C

(PAFC) - uses phosphoric acid as theelectrolyte. 

(MCFC) uses high-temperature compoundsof salt carbonates as the electrolyte. 

(AFC) operates on compressed hydrogenand oxygen. They generally use a solutionof potassium hydroxide as their electrolyte.

(SOFC) uses a hard, ceramic compound of metal (like calcium or zirconium) oxides

as electrolyte. 


(PEM) works with a polymer electrolyte inthe form of a thin, permeable sheet.

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 hy PEM FC

Rapid load following capability  

Lower cost of fabrication 


High power density  

The Proton Exchange MembraneThe Proton Exchange Membrane(PEM)(PEM) system allows compactsystem allows compactdesigns and achieves a high energydesigns and achieves a high energyto weight ratio.to weight ratio.


In comparison, the internalcompaction motor has an efficiency of 

about 15%.

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What is PEM Fuel Cell?

Polymer Electrolyte Membrane FC Polymer Electrolyte Membrane FC 



- consists of an electrolyte membrane sandwiched between ananode (negative electrode) and a cathode (positive electrode).

PEM fuel cells work with a polymer electrolyte in the form of a thin,permeable sheet and allow hydrogen protons to pass through butprohibit the passage of electrons and heavier gases.

-a thin, solid, organic compound

-This membrane functions as an electrolyte: allows the solution to

conduct electricity 

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It conducts the electrons that are freed from the hydrogen

It has channels etched into it that disperse the hydrogen gas equally over the surface of the catalyst.

Basic Elements of PEMFC


Has channels etched into it that distribute the oxygen to the surface of thecatalyst.

Conducts the electrons back from the external circuitCathode


Catalyst It is usually made of platinum powder 

The catalyst is rough and porous

This specially treated material conducts only positively charged ions.

The membrane blocks electrons

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How PEM Fuel Cell Works?

vHydrogen delivered at theanode side of FCv


vElectrons are stripped fromhydrogen molecule & forced toflow through a circuitproducing electricityv


vProtons pass through amembrane, combine with

electrons & oxygen at cathodeto produce water 

Image Courtesy: Gavin D. J. Harper 

Anode Reaction Cathode Reaction

H2 → 2H+ + 2e


O2 + 4H+ + 4e- → 2H2O

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• Since a single fuel cell generates less than 1V they arestacked in series







Fuel Cell Stack

A PEMFC Stack(16 cells, 500 W, 11V,50 A)

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PEM Fuel Cell System

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Fuel Cell Applications

Currently there are three general areas of application for technology:


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Stationary FC Applications

• Hospitals, nursing homes, hotels, officebuildings, schools, utility power plants

• Telecommunication

o Fuel cells can replace batteries toprovide power for 1kW to 5kW

telecom siteso Provides power in sites that are

either hard to access or aresubject to inclement weather 

o Telecom switch nodes, cell towers,and other electronic systemswould benefit from on-site, DCpower supply.


Landfills/Wastewater TreatmentPlants/Breweries/Wineries

o Biogas emissions reformed intousable hydrogen fuel for FCpower plant

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o Cars : Diamler Chrysler : B class :Commercial production

this year 

Toyota :FC Prius : Aggressive road testing

General Motors :Sequel : Mass manufacture ready

Ford : Edge : Under Testing

Hyundai : FCEV :FC/Battery Hybrid under road test

Honda : FCX : Mass production by 2018

o Buses:


Fuel cell system is so much quieter than a diesel

engine & has zero emissions

More than 50 fuel cell buses have been demonstratedin North and South America, Europe, Asia andAustralia

Reports 2X mileage and excellent performance

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Transportation Continues..

o Scooters Fuel cell scooters running on hydrogen will eliminate

emissions in India and Asia

o Fork Lifts fuel cell forklifts have potential to effectively lower 

total logistics cost

minimal refilling and significantly less maintenancethan electric forklifts

o Trains Fuel cells are being developed for mining


A 109 metric-ton, 1 MW locomotive for military andcommercial railway applications under 

developmento Planes

Boeing heavily involved in developing a fuel cellplane

o Boats Iceland has committed to converting its vast fishing

fleet to use fuel cells to provide auxiliary power 

by 2015

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Military Applications

o Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) increase flight endurance

decreased costs over battery systems

o Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV) A FC powered Talon demonstrated 3x the

range & 2x the energy density of acomparable advanced battery system


o Soldier portable power  Soldiers are carrying more and more energy

Fuel cells can be used to re-charge batteries inthe field, as well as act as generators.

o Silent camp/Silent watch capabilities

FC suited for stealth operations because of their noise signatures

o Submarines/Warships Advantage of virtually silent operation

Air-independent systems increase

underwater endurance

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Power Requirements inHigh Power Applications

Today, the required FC power is in the range of 1 kW to 2 MW:

50–100 kW for urban cars

100–200 kW for buses and light trams

600 kW–1 MW for tramways and locomotives

1–2 kW for unmanned aircrafts and 40–700 kW for mannedaircraft

480 kW–2 MW for distributed generation systems (grid parallelconnection)

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• 270 V or 350 V for the standard on the all-electricaircraft

• 48 V, 120 V , or 400–480 V for stand-alone or parallel grid connections•

• 270–540 V for electric (FC) vehicles•

• 350 V (transit bus systems) to 750 V(tramwayand locomotive systems)

Voltage Level Requirements

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Merits Over Conventional Technologies

üHigh Energy Conversion Efficiencyü

üSecurity of Fuel Supplyü

üNon-Greenhouse gas emissionsü

üHigher Reliabilityü

üClean & Quiet Operationü

üFuel Diversity & Flexibility

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Some Limitations


o Not readily available

o Difficult to store/distribute

• Infrastructure not in place High Capital Cost

PEM Hydration

Stack replacement is a major expense

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Highly efficient Hydrogen-powered vehicles Hydrocarbon Fuel based vehicles disappear 

Backyard Power Generation at homes

Eliminating the need for Power stations

Higher Revenues from FC based transit systems

Expected to reach 2 billion Euros by 2020

Aircrafts powered by Fuel Cells

Minimizing the cost of long distance travel

Greener Earth with Renewable Sources of Energy

Minimizes Global Warming

Future with FC

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• Potential technology for solving the fossil fuel crisis of thefuture

• What ever research has been done on fuel cells is just a

drop in the ocean.•

• To make fuel cells available to common man a lot of attention is required from research communities ,

government organizations, industries and policymakers.

• Making Earth a Greener place to live in

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1. Phatiphat Thounthong, Bernard Davat, Stéphane Raël, and Panarit Sethakul, “Fuel Cell High-Power Applications “IEEE Ind. Electron, vol. 3 no 1,march 2009

2. P. Thounthong, B. Davat, and S. Raël, “Drive friendly,” IEEE Power Energy Mag., vol. 6, no. 1,pp. 69–76, 2008

3. M. C. Péra, D. Candusso, D. Hissel, and J. M. Kauffmann, “Power generation by fuel cells,” IEEEInd. Electron. Mag., vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 28–37, 2007.

4. R. J. Wai, C. Y. Lin, R.Y. Duan, and Y. R. Chang, “High-efficiency dc-dc converter with high

voltage gain and reduced switch stress,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Elect ron., vol. 54, pp. 354–364,Feb. 2007.

5. A. Emadi, Y. J. Lee, and K. Rajashekara, “Power electronics and motor drives in electric, hybridelectric, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, pp. 2237–2245, June 2008

6. Atomic Tinkering With Platinum: Toward Affordable Fuel Cells, IEEE Spectrum April 2010

7. Hydrogen Economy II, IEEE Spectrum March 2010

8. www.mobilisconference.com9. www.hydrogen.energy.gov

10. www.horizonfuelcell.com

11. www.fuelcells.org






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