FSG DSC Grant Propsals

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Transcript of FSG DSC Grant Propsals

  • 8/11/2019 FSG DSC Grant Propsals


    Feminist Studies Group DSC Grant Proposal

    Letterpress Workshop: DateAt this workshop, FSG (with support from 3Text Studio) will disuss the role of women in letters andepistolar! form" #n addition, there will $e a $rief talk on the role of women artists and artisans in %& thentur! prodution studios, suh as Currier ' #es" The Center for ook Arts, then, will instrut

    students in a letterpress workshop" %* people max (workshop apait!)"

    ud+et-etterpress workshop at the Center for ook Arts .3// DSC Grant0efreshments .*/ FSG1ther 2isellan! (materials, additional resouresfees) .%// DSC GrantTotal ost .4*/

    Bookbinding Workshop

    ooks are ital for leanin+ and knowled+e prodution, $ein+ a student and a sholar" As suh, $ook$indin+ is $oth reatie and partiularl! well suited to the Graduate Center5s students" The FeministStudies Group will host a $ook$indin+ workshop at the Center for ook Arts, omplete with adisussion of $ook $indin+, its proess and instrution" Partiipants will leae with a $ook the! hae$ound to use for their oursework, dissertation, and more" %* people max (workshop apait!)"

    ud+etook$indin+ workshop at the Center for ook Arts.3// DSC Grant0efreshments .*/ FSG ' 3 Text#nidental expenses .*/Total ost .4//

    International Women's Day Screen Printing Workshop: March 7 or 8 !"#$

    #n ele$ration of #nternational 6omen5s Da! (2arh 7th) FSG enoura+es GC students to learn a$outsreen printin+, make their own sreens, and reate a feminist8inspired tote $a+ or tee shirt" Due toe9uipment re9uirements, the workshop will $e held at the Gowanus Print -a$" #nstrution will $efollowed with sreen printin+ done from desi+ns proided $! FSG and GC students" ased on interest,a follow up workshop on the sreen printin+ proess (inludin+ la$ and e9uipment trainin+ at GP-) willfollow in the summer or fall" :/ people max (studio apait!)"

    ud+etSreen Printin+ 6orkshop .;*person, max .%3// DSC Grant, 3Text, and FSG0efreshments .%// DSC Grant and FSGTotes and Tees .%;/ DSC and FSG GrantTotal Cost .%*;/

  • 8/11/2019 FSG DSC Grant Propsals


    num$er of partiipants welome"

    ud+etTerrarium 6orkshop and 2aterials .*/ per person, est" ost .*// DSC Grant0efreshments .%// FSG and DSC GrantPrintin+ and other pro+ram materials, inidentals .*/ FSG and 3Text

    Total .;*/