FS Intro to MENA

تعل الطريقة التجريب م بHands On Learning تعل ي م الع لومتكنلوجيا والاضيات والهندسة والري(STEM) مقترح الىتعليميةت السا المؤس فيقياوسط وشمال أفري الشرق ا دول ال عرض ال فنيلبرنامج يتضمن اكيةمري ستويوز ارادايسة فافي عن المؤس موجز تعريلبرنامج،حبة ا صاتعليميريع اللمشا وا تم تنفيذها ة التي فيكيةنحدة أمريت الميا الو ودول آخرى، وأمكانية تطبيقهميةس العربية وادول في ال صادر في كال يا في فورني شباط2016 سة المؤس رئيسSteven Jacobs (FRI FAIC) Chief Scientist, Faraday Studios Email: [email protected] P.O Box 781714 Wichita, Kansas 67278-1714 Tel. 316-685-3955; Fax: 316-687-9477; Cell: 3166405265

Transcript of FS Intro to MENA

Page 1: FS Intro to MENA

Hands On Learning –م بطريقة التجريب التعل

(STEM)والهندسة والرياضيات والتكنلوجيا لومم العيتعل

دول الشرق األوسط وشمال أفريقيافي المؤسسات التعليمية الىمقترح

فني العرض ال

صاحبة البرنامج،موجز تعريفي عن المؤسسة فاراداي ستويوز األمريكية يتضمن البرنامج

وأمكانية تطبيقه ،ودول آخرى الواليات المنحدة أمريكيةفي ة التي تم تنفيذهاوالمشاريع التعليمي

في الدول العربية واالسالمية

2016 شباطفورنيا في يصادر في كال

رئيس المؤسسة

Steven Jacobs (FRI FAIC) Chief Scientist, Faraday Studios

Email: [email protected]

P.O Box 781714

Wichita, Kansas 67278-1714

Tel. 316-685-3955; Fax: 316-687-9477; Cell: 3166405265

Page 2: FS Intro to MENA

داي ستوديوز لشؤون ررسالة من نائب رئيس مؤسسة ف

ياالشرق االوسط وشمال افريق

..تحية طيبة

، تحتاج الى معالجة سريعةألسالمية في بلداننا العربية وا تدريس العلوم إن

ان الثقافة العلمية اصبحت من -حقيقتين: األولى فيضرورة ذلك وتكمن

ية ورغبة لتطور الحاصل في الثقافة العلما يعتمد علىإنبثاق الطاقات في البلد -، والحقيقة الثانية طبيعة هذا العصر

-، يطلق عليهما اختصارا الهندسة والرياضياتو التكنلوجياوة وقابليتهم على إستيعاب العلوم بالمعرف الشباب


نمو وتنوع الحواضن التي تشجع على أنتشار الجهل واألرهاب نا تعانيوبالمقابل فإن الحالة السائدة في معظم مجتمعات

المتسارع دهور التأدت جميعها الى والفساد، وبيئة للنزاعات والتطرف، والمعتقدات المخالفة السلوب التفكير العلمي،

.العلمية في مستويات المعرفة

بة مدارسنا نبدء بتعليم أطفالنا وطلبذل الجهود لمواجهة هذه التحديات الكبيره، وأن يتحتمولتفادي انهيار تعليم العلوم

جريب كالتعلم بواسطة الت -ونغرس فيهم روح التجربة والبحث منذ الصغر، كما هو عليه في كل مدارس العالم العلوم

- Hands On Learningعي اأسلوب التعليم الجماتباع ، و- Team Learning، والتأكيد على األساليب التربوية

من بتوفير ما يحتاجه المعلمون والمدرسون وان نقوم، والتجريبالمستقل النقدي التي تشجع على الفهم والتفكير

تكوين مدرسة ، وأن تكون رؤيتنا اآلستراتيجية لإلصالح من أجل STEM -وسائل لتحسين أدائهم في تعليم العلوم

.المهارات والجودة العلمية

ي فية، التي تجعلهم مؤهلين المهارات العلمية واألبداع الك متإكن الطلبة من سيم المذكورة أعاله المهام فيإن العمل

، وتقديم تاجتشغيل وسائل األتصاالت واألنلرفد القوى العاملة بالعمالة القادرة على أستيعاب المتطلبات الفنية الحديثة

الخدمات المالية والقانونية والصحية والمهام الخدمية المجتمعية اآلخرى.

رئيس مؤسسة ،كتور جاكوب ستيفنسور، رئيس علماء، الديلقد كانت تلك المهام والرؤيا السبب الذي جمعني مع البرف

هذا بنيبتالتوجه الى دول الشرق االوسط وشمال أفريقيا لتقديم المساعدة واألتفاق معه على ، ""فرداي ستوديوز

. ]*[ النهج المعاصر في تعليم العلوم

واساليبأهمية قصوى بتطوير طرق ، 1972، ومنذ تأسيسها عام داي ستوديوزلقد أولت المؤسسة االمريكية فر

ول تعاون مع المؤسسات العالمية المتخصصة في حقالشراكة وت الخاصة بالتفاقيااأل تمأبرو ،تعليم العلومل مبتكرة

المعرفة وتعليم العلوم، مثل مؤسسة ناسا األمريكية لعلوم الفضاء، ومؤسسة أولمبياد العالمية للعلوم، وجمعية

باألضافة الى ،الفضائيةالمدرسين الوطنية األمريكية، والجمعية الملكية للعلوم البريطانية، وشبكة قنوات دسكفري

ات علمية مرموقة آخرى.مؤسس

أنتاجهوالمؤسسة بأمتالكها الى الرصيد الغني من األنشطة العلمية التعليمية الناجحة، ساهمت في أعداده وقد تميزت

ونخبة من أفضل الموهوبين : ربوي نعلى مدى أربعة عقود مجموعة من العلماء ورواد الفضاء والت، وأخراجه

التعلم التجريبي ورشة تدريبية بطريقة 600اكثر من(Hands – On Learning) للمعلمين تعليم العلومل

دول آخرى خارج امريكا 6والية أمريكية و 48في ، تم تطبيقها سين والمدر

عرض تعليمي حي للعلوم ، تم تقديمه لمجاميع التالميذ من على مسارح المدارس األمريكية 28000أكثر من

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14 التراسل على والقنوات التلفزيونية ات التعليمية التفاعلية لشبك العلمية كتاب علمي، وعشرات البرامج

أطقم أللعاب علمية تم انتاجها لحساب شركات ومؤسسات امريكية. 22األنترنت، واكثر من

لتعليم العلوم والتكنولوجيا والهندسة والرياضيات معرضاً وبرنامج 50تصميم وتطبيق أكثر من(STEM)

متحدة االمريكية.في الواليات ال

رداي ستوديوز والمَؤلف من جزئين:دون جانبا المرفق الخاص بمؤسسة فتج

-الجزء األول

.البرفسور، رئيس علماء، الدكتور جاكوب ستيفن رسالة من رئيس المؤسسة -

المؤسسات التعليمية في المنطقة.بالمشاريع المقترح تطبيقها في فنيالعرض ال -

–الجزء الثاني

ومكاتب عملها في الواليات المتحدة االمريكية ،كوادرها تأسيسها،، نشأتها ، رداي ستوديوزبالمؤسسة فتعريف -

.يع المنجزة حديثا من قبل المؤسسةقائمة بالمشار -

STEM-علوم ال تعليملنهوض بأداء لرغبتكم ومقترحاتكم بخصوص تطوير آفاق التعاون يرجى التفضل بأعالمنا

في مؤسساتتكم التعليمية

وتقبلوا وافر األحترام

الدكتور محمود المظفر

نائب رئيس المؤسسة في الشرق األوسط وشمال أفريقيا

Dr. Mahmoud Al-Mudhafar PhD, MEng, BSc.

Vic President for Midddle East & North Africa 11919 Valley View ST. Garden Grove, California USA, 92845 T: +1 (657) 400-9261 c: +1 (714) 737-5665

ن بحث واألستقصاء عحصيلة الالقيام بهذه المهمة في بلداننا كان في ختياري الى مؤسسة فرداي ستوديوز أود أن اشير في هذا الهامش، أن أ ]*[

اإلطالع علىالبحث وتم وعلى مدى الخمس سنوات الماضية،فورنيا يلااألجدر واألكفئ من بين المؤسسات االمريكية، فمنذ وصولي الى ك

المثقفين والعلماء ورواد الفضاء ورجال االعمال -التي ساهم فيها الجميع والمشاركة في التجمعات والفعاليات العلمية ذات العالقة، ،االدبيات


Page 4: FS Intro to MENA

Contents افريقيا وشمال االوسط الشرق لشؤون ستوديوز فرداي مؤسسة رئيس نائب من رسالة ................................................. 2

Part 1 - Faraday Studios Services and Products ................................................................... 5

1.1 Letter from the President: ......................................................................................... 5

1.2 Recommended Projects to achieve a successful technology transfer of the of Hands-on Science Learning and STEM educations ....................................................... 6

Part 2 - Faraday Studios Profile ............................................................................................. 8

1. About Us ................................................................................................................ 8

2. Faraday Studios Registration & Assets: ................................................................ 9

3. Faraday Studios Staff: .............................................................................................. 11

4. Intellectual property (IP) regulations .................................................................... 12

Recent Projects and References .................................................................................. 13

Page 5: FS Intro to MENA

Part 1 - Faraday Studios Services and Products

1.1 Letter from the President:

To the Middle East & North African (MENA) educational community

Much of our nation’s vitality and viability springs from

discoveries and advances made possible by science,

technology, engineering and mathematics – the so-called

STEM disciplines. Science and technology company leaders

are acutely aware of this. We also understand that these

advances require a robust and diverse STEM workforce.

Building such a workforce begins with education…

For decades, we at Faraday Studios have been involved in helping to build such a

workforce. We are the current keeper of a STEM education heritage that began 200

years ago in London, at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. We now realize the

necessity is upon us for finding and mentoring the next generation of master STEM

teachers and students.

To that end, we have been searching the planet for young students and teachers seeking

to grow their skills and abilities in learning and sharing the delight the STEM world

has to offer them. I would suggest that we can locate a remarkable groups MENA.

I’m very proud that our experience and conversations with Dr Mahmoud Al-Mudhafar,

our Vic President for Middle East and North Africa (MENA), led us to believe that one

of the best opportunities we can offer is the Technology transfer of Hands-On Science

Learning to the educational communities at the region. We possess the largest

collection of relevant STEM based learning materials on the planet. We want to share

what we have with your teachers and students. We want to train them to be master

teachers and students, empowering them to inspire future generations.

I suggest we have both an unprecedented opportunity to achieve that! Thank you

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1.2 Recommended Projects to achieve a successful technology transfer of the of Hands-on

Science Learning and STEM educations

Project Description Outcome

1. Thinking as Scientist: Hands-On Science Learning Workshops in MENA countries through webcasts for the three Stages: elementary, secondary and high school Students. Content: Instruction:30% Activity:70%

Live ongoing series of workshops, through a large screen webcast to the audience, directly from the wizard lab at Faraday studio in the US, along with a US scientific team to host and interact with the students during the hands-On activity

Students will experience firsthand, how to become critical thinkers. While performing engaging hands-on activities, they will be challenged to use scientific thinking skills employed by all scientists and engineers. Student will then have a more clear understanding of their individual skill level

2. Master class for STEM teachers: Training Workshop in the US, for school teachers of elementary, secondary and high school, based on the national program of curricula syllabus, with an Academic content of 30% and Activities of 70%

Intense, specialized training in engaging students in hands-on inquiry based learning. Qualified teachers will be certified and will have access to the world's largest collection of hands-on inquiry based STEM learning activities.

By the end of this workshop, the teachers will have experienced a minimum of 100 hands-on learning activities that can be replicated in the schools. They will have learned the tactics required for developing their own additional activities for supporting the syllabus and will become a resource to other colleagues.

3. Train the trainer: Training workshop in the US This workshop is designed to take the STEM teacher training in the previous workshop (project #2) to a higher level Content: 15% trainings, 85% hands on production

Participants will learning the techniques for producing video and other media STEM education materials relating to curricula taught in the participants’ countries. They will learn how to create curriculum support activities and how to share them with live groups of teachers, or via the internet

Graduating teachers will have the skill level to be "teachers of teachers" in the participants’ countries. In the US studio, they will create video presentations that can be shared with many teachers across the country. They will be qualified to create additional training videos in their countries, and will remain actively engaged in future connections with Faraday Studio as more videos are produced. Trainees will bring back with them completed samples of workshops to share

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Project Description Outcome

4. Supplement books: Designed to enrich the national curricula. For students (grade 6 to High school)

Faraday studios' staff offer specific set of activities that supplement the existing curriculum used by the educational system at the customer country [*]. The contents of the prepared supplements (books( will be endorsed by world class scientific organizations such as (HR, AAAS, and NSTA)[**]

Teachers will have a ready resource, for engaging and delightful STEM activities, linked directly to topics being taught in their classroom. Many of these will be directed towards topics which are often difficult to teach or understand. Each activity will also have a student’s version, allowing the activities repeated at home or other informal learning situations.

5. Science Fairs and competitions: Preparing students to participate in local, national and international competitions for all ages

Consultancy service by Faraday Studios' scientific team to achieve the best outcomes at all levels of science fairs and competitions

Increased student, teacher and judging competency in planning and participation in fairs and competitions.

6. Hardware Science Kits: Written directions for STEM learning activities that can be completed in one hour or less. Access to online videos demonstrating kit use

Faraday Studios' process a series of hands-on science kits using common items to discover the science of everyday living and common purposes. All actives in this series are engaging, inexpensive and easy to complete. Optional videos and webcasts are available for the training of kit use

Students will experience firsthand, how to become critical thinkers. While performing engaging hands-on activities, they will be challenged to use scientific thinking skills employed by all scientists and engineers.

7. Building and Developing Leaders Capabilities of The Educators, Academics and Scientific Leaders

Custom courses, based on the customer needs with proven techniques and strategies to design and develop joint programs of research. Also this will provide a chance for the researchers to meet with their counterparts

The participants will have the opportunities of problem solving, sharing experiences and knowing the best practices. Faraday Studios' vision is to introduce the participants to cutting edge scientific institutions, such as: Stanford University in California; NASA in Houston; the National Science Teachers Assoc. in Washington

[*] the existing curriculum used is needed in English. [**] HR: Horizon Research; AAAS: American Association for the Advancement of Science; NSTA: National Science Teachers Association

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Part 2 - Faraday Studios Profile

1. About Us

Faraday Studio is a registered corporation with its headquarters in Wichita, Kansas,

USA. Fostered from a rich 200 year history of service to informal science education,

our staff operates from facilities in Los Angeles, California; Cambridge,

Massachusetts; Wichita, Kansas; Hilo & Honolulu, Hawaii; Atlanta, Georgia; New

York City, New York, and Lyon, France.

For many decades our staff has responded to the changing needs, trends, and

innovations in STEM teaching and learning. We support students, teachers, and

organizations that serve them. We develop supplemental curriculum materials, provide

teacher professional development seminars; student workshops / live presentations, and

we design learning kits and materials for both commercial and not-for-profit entities.

Our current status evolved from America’s most popular informal science resource;

Mr. Wizard. Often cited as America’s Science Teacher, the Mr. Wizard presence on

US television spanned fifty years. During that time, we also produced and presented

over 65,000 live presentations and workshops to schools cross the United States.

In 1995 we expanded our service beyond the boundaries of the US. Faraday Studio

became the next generation of educators to carry on the Wizard tradition. With decades

of teaching experience at all levels and venues of STEM education, we craft each

project specifically to the needs and desires of our clients. We specialize in STEM

products and experiences for school systems, major media companies, museums &

science centers, scientific institutions and commercial enterprises.

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2. Faraday Studios Registration & Assets:

Faraday Studios is a for profit entity. The Offices are in several locations in the US

including Hawaii, California and Kansas. The main office is in Wichita, Kansas,

The Registration details are:

Limited Liability Company Articles of Organization

The name of the Limited Liability Company:

Faraday Studios LLC File date: 10/20/1972

Business Entity ID Number: 8096828

Registered Office in Kansas:

1344 N Topeka Wichita, Kansas 67214-2845

Name of the resident agent at the registered office:

Steven Jacobs

Mailing address for official mail:

Steven Jacobs PO Box 781714 Wichita, KS 67278 USA

Name of the organizer(s):

Steven Jacobs

Wayne Kamitaki

I/We declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of

Kansas that the foregoing is true and correct.

Execution date: 10/20/1972

The signature(s) of the organizer(s):

Steven Jacobs

Steven Jacobs

I, Kris W. Kobach, Secretary of State of Kansas,

do hereby certify that this is the true and correct

copy of the original document renewal filed

electronically on 10/20/2014.

Kris W. Kobach

Kansas Secretary of State

Memorial Hall, 1st floor - 120 SW 10th Ave. - Topeka, Kansas 66612-1594

phone: (785) 296-4564 - email: [email protected] - URL: http://www.sos.ks.gov/

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Faraday Studio Office Complex

Faraday Studio Media Studio

Faraday Studio Corporate Office

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3. Faraday Studios Staff:

The largest portion of our staff consists of retired and semi-retired media producers,

educators and scientists dedicated to passing their knowledge and expertise to a new

generation of students and educators. All staff members have earned undergraduate

and graduate degrees in their respective scientific field. 65% of the staff have earned a

doctorate or other post-graduate degree.

Our staff is organized into three groups:

i. Studio Operations & Faraday Foundation Administration

ii. Media, Museum & Learning Materials Development

iii. STEM Education Consultancy & Training

For each contract effort, a special staff team is assembled to focus their efforts to

the project from the beginning to the end.

Science and Instructor Team of Faraday Studios Discovery channel and Smithsonian event

Washington DC

Faraday Studio Guest House &

Foundation Office

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4. Intellectual property (IP) regulations

Faraday Studios IP regulations fall into two categories.

1. Patented or copyrighted. Any provided materials/products, according to customer

requests, will be clearly identified in our formal proposal, and if required, a copyright

usage agreement shall be prepared and signed between the two parties accordingly.

2. Work for Hire. Any material/products which are developed and customized at

Faraday Studio or at the customer facilities for use at events hold in the customer

country, such as customized workshops, will be the property to use in the customer

country or anywhere in the world. Accordingly, Faraday Studio can also have full

worldwide use the material.

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Recent Projects and References

For your consideration, we have provided below a list of recent projects of a nature

similar to those, recommended educational communities above.

We have supplied contact information for individuals who can attest to the quality and

reliability of our work. Please feel free to make contact with them.

1. Hardware Science Program

Faraday Studio has partnered with NASA, the National Science Teachers Association,

Science Olympiad, the Royal Institution of Great Britain, and ACE Hardware

Corporation to develop an informal STEM learning presence in over 5000 hardware

stores in the USA and abroad. Hardware Science allows students and their families to

participate in hands-on inquiry based activities using everyday items found at the

hardware store. In additional to a regular presence in ACE stores, Hardware Science

publishes activity books, kits, videos, webcasts and social media

Hardware Science Program Reference for Faraday Studio:

Wayne Kamitaki

Co-founder Hardware Science Program

[email protected]

+1 (808) 895 - 6226

2. The Discovery Channel Young Scientist Challenge (DCYSC),

The top 10% of participants in US Middle School science fairs are invited to compete

in the DCYSC. Beyond mastery of basic STEM skills, the DCYSC challenges students

to develop skills in explaining / communicating science to others. Each year, the

finalists compete at prestigious scientific organizations in the US are awarded $50,000

in college scholarships.

DCYSC Reference for Faraday Studios:

Kyle O’Connor, Vice President, Discovery Comm. Retired

Current status: Project Director, George Washington University

School of Media and Public Affairs, Washington D.C.

[email protected]


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3. Mr. Wizard’s World Nickelodeon Television,

Mr. Wizard is the #1 and longest running science

education television program for students. It has aired

on US television since 1951. Starting in 1983, Faraday

Studio staff has written content for Mr. Wizard

television programs, live shows, books, teacher training

seminars, retail and school kits, and the Teacher to

Teacher (T2T) science education series. The T2T series

consists of 50, 13 minute programs featuring exemplary

teachers, demonstrating classroom techniques used in

the best STEM classrooms in the country.

Mr. Wizard Reference for Faraday Studio:

Richard Hudson, Executive Producer PBS Science Television

Current status, Executive Producer Sci Girls

[email protected]

+1 (651) 341 - 6343

4. Smithsonian Institution Museum of Natural History and University of


STEM Expo Challenge, Faraday studio designed and installed large scale STEM

Challenges for middle school students at an event in the Basketball arena at the

University of Maryland. Smaller scale challenges were also held in the laboratories at

the Museum of Natural History. Faraday staff designed and fabricated all challenge

sets and materials, and also provided judges, judging criteria, study guides and student

/ teacher study materials.

Smithsonian/UMD Challenges Reference for Faraday Studio:

Megan Dzwonkowski, Discovery Channel, Manager Public

Partnerships, retired

[email protected]

+1 (732) 796 - 5841

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5. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

3M Corporation sponsored student STEM challenge at the NASA research laboratory

facility. Under the direction of NASA Chief Scientist James Garvin, student groups

ran exact simulations for living in space STEM challenges and the hunt for water on

the surface of Mars. Faraday Studio wrote the activities challenge guides, provided

judging services, designed and fabricated activity materials, and organized student /

chaperone group at NASA and local housing facilities.

NASA Reference for Faraday Studio

Dr. Robert Starr, NASA, Director of Ed Media

NASA Langley Research Center

[email protected]

6. You Be The Chemist (YBTC)

For the Chemical Education Foundation, Faraday staff wrote the first activity guide for

the annual student chemistry challenge sponsored by the Chemical Education

Foundation in Washington, DC. Since its inception, the Chemist education YBTC

event has grown to be one of the largest and most respected student chemistry

competitions in the United States. Faraday Studio remains on the content development

team for the Chemical Education Foundation.

Chemical Education Foundation Reference for

Faraday Studio: Lisette Gallegos. Coordinator, Program


Chemical Educational Foundation

[email protected]

+1 (571) 482 - 3063


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7. National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)

Professional Development Seminars for Teachers and educational staff.

Several members of the Faraday studio staff are life members of the NSTA. In our 40+

year relationship with the NSTA, we have presented over 80 science and math

professional development experiences for NSTA national and regional conferences.

Faraday Studio staff assisted with the development of the new Division of Informal

Education at NSTA, Steve Jacobs from Faraday Studio was Director of the Division of

Informal education at NSTA and Chairman of the Informal Science Ed Committee.

Faraday Studio staff have also provided staffing and expertise for NSTA’s Toshiba

Science Student Competition, The NYNEX student Inventor Competition, The Sears

craftsmen Science Challenge, and American Federation of Teachers / NSTA Learning

Line student service initiative. Faraday Studio hosted for many years, the largest events

at some of the national conventions, drawing audiences between 3500 and 4000


NSTA Reference for Faraday Studio

Bill Aldridge , Executive Director, Emeritus

[email protected]

+1 (904) 465 - 2157

8. Jake’s Attic Fox Television

For FOX Television and Fox Kid’[s Club], Faraday Studio produced 121 episodes of

the nationally syndicated children’s science education television program, Jake’s Attic.

The show aired in 158 markets across the US. The Jake’s Attic / Faraday Studio team

also produced 288 live Jake’s Attic stage shows and a Jake’s Attic Live large venue

show tour.

FOX TV Reference for Faraday Studio:

Mael Hernandez, Executive Producer

[email protected]

+1 (316) 529 - 3431 Ext.121

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9. Discovery Communications

Faraday Studios has provided science content, writing, consultation, training set, prop

fabrication and live shows; book content, and staff training for several Discovery

networks. Faraday Studio president, Steve Jacobs, was Chief Scientist for Discovery


Faraday staff are science content consultants for: MythBusters, Discovery Channel’s

#1 Science program; Dr. Know, health science education program on Discovery

Health; 0n-air science provider for Science Channel’s live program, Science Live; and

head science writer for Head Rush.

Discovery Channel Reference for Faraday Studio:

Judy Plavnick, President,

Discovery Daytime Programming; Executive,

Producer, MythBusters

[email protected]

+1 (202) 341- 6336

10. National Geographic Television; Known Universe series.

Faraday Studio provided the science content, sets, props, writings and on-air talent for

the Nat Geo series, Known Universe. Faraday scientist Steve Jacobs, NASA Astronaut

Mike Massimino, and Johns-Hopkins astrophysicist David Kaplan hosted the three

series. Known Universe programs introduced the general public to astrophysics,

cosmology, and planetary geology.

National Geographic Reference for Faraday Studio:

Mickey Stern, Executive Director

[email protected]

+1 (703) 281-3700 D.C.

+1 (818) 333-5700 L.A.

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11. Mid-Continent Regional Educational Laboratory, McREL

Whelmers Workshops and teacher professional development seminars Affiliated with

the US Department of Education, there are seven regional educational laboratories

across the US. Faraday Studio lies within the boundaries of the McREL service area.

For the past three decades, Faraday Studio has provided scores of professional

development workshops, and has provided online to McREL clients, access to

Faraday Studio’s collection of STEM learning activities. The studio’s files contain

the world’s largest collection of hand’s-on STEM activities, and are extended to

teacher access under the Whelmers program.

Whelmers McREL Reference for Faraday Studio:

David E. Clark, Jr.,

AVID & Science Olympiad Director, KATS Board of


[email protected]
