Frye Island News · asked if they could use Frye...

Frye Island News Service VOLUME 2009, ISSUE 9 JUNE 19, 2009 What’s New? Wayne’s words… page 3 Upcoming Meetings… page 4 Pool Information… page 4 Marina News… page 5 Frye’s Leap General Store & Café… page 6 Leisure Lounge… page 7 Ladies of the Lake Luncheon… page 10 Rec Center Charity Golf Tournament… page 11 Contents Important Information ............................................ 2 Town News............................................................ 3 Fire Department..................................................... 5 Ferry News ............................................................ 7 Frye Island Golf Club ................................................ 8 Activities & Recreation .............................................. 9 Calendar ................................................................. 12

Transcript of Frye Island News · asked if they could use Frye...

Page 1: Frye Island News · asked if they could use Frye Island as the kick off point and the weigh in station. They expect 12 to 15 boaters

Frye Island News Service

VOLUME 2009, ISSUE 9 JUNE 19, 2009

What’s New?

Wayne’s words… page 3

Upcoming Meetings… page 4

Pool Information… page 4

Marina News… page 5

Frye’s Leap General Store & Café… page 6

Leisure Lounge… page 7

Ladies of the Lake Luncheon… page 10

Rec Center Charity Golf Tournament… page 11

ContentsImportant Information ............................................2

Town News............................................................3

Fire Department.....................................................5

Ferry News............................................................7

Frye Island Golf Club ................................................ 8

Activities & Recreation.............................................. 9

Calendar................................................................. 12

Page 2: Frye Island News · asked if they could use Frye Island as the kick off point and the weigh in station. They expect 12 to 15 boaters


Important Information

Town of Frye Island1 Sunset RoadFrye Island, ME 04071Phone: 207-655-4551Fax: 207-655-3422Email: [email protected] site: www.fryeisland.comTown Manager: Wayne Fournier

Office Hours

Tuesday thru Saturday: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PMSunday & Monday: Closed

Code Enforcement Officer

John Thompson

Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Fire, Medical, or Police Emergencies– Call 911

Non-emergenciesFrye Island Police: (207-893-2810)

Police Chief: Rod Beaulieu

Fire Department: (207-655-8618)

Fire Chief: Steve Persson

Municipal OfficersJohn Nun ............... First SelectmanMark Thomas......... SelectmanJames Kuiken......... SelectmanJoseph Potts ........... Treasurer

BIT Representatives:Bruce Nisula……ChairBob MinerJoe PottsDavid Bond

Public Works DepartmentPhone: 207-655-7493Director: John Crosby

Transfer Station Operating Hours

Saturday: 10 AM - 3 PMSunday: 12 noon - 5 PMHoliday weekends: Monday, 12 noon - 5 PMClosed Sunday

If you need access to the Transfer Station Mondaythrough Friday (8 AM - 3 PM), please call the PublicWorks Garage and leave a message. (Advance notice isgreatly appreciated.) We will need your name andIsland phone number.

Frye Island News ServiceEmail: [email protected] deadline:Wednesday, 3:00 PM - No Exceptions

Representative to LegislatureJohn C. RobinsonResidence: 207-655-8657Business: 207-539-4481 Ext 1E-mail [email protected]

State SenatorBill DiamondResidence: 207-892-8941E-mail

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Island Manager’s Comments

Greetings Everyone:

Water Distribution System: We continue to work onthe installation of the new water distribution line onIndependence Way. In this phase we plan to extend thenew line the length of White Way and down Sunset inboth directions from the east side of Leisure Lane toHigh Point Drive. As usual, we will suspend work forthe weekend but I urge you to be very cautious whentraveling in the work zone. There could be some softareas where the crews have been digging.

Fisher Cats: It was reported recently that a Fisher Catwas sighted on the Island. If you are not familiar withthese animals you should be aware that they are quiteaggressive towards small animals including domesticcats and small dogs. House pets have disappeared on theIsland in the past, so if you have small house pets youshould be very careful about letting them run looseoutside.

Fire Works: The fireworks will be held on SaturdayJuly 4th this year. As usual, they will be held at LongBeach and will begin as soon as the pyrotechnictechnician feels it is dark enough. I want to remind thosepeople that have boats in the Marina that some will haveto be moved before the fireworks display can take place.Boats in the Marina from slips 84 to 104 on the beachside and slips 67 to 131 on the road plus the Jet Ski slipsand boats on all of the slips on the southern end must beremoved by 5:00 PM. If you have a boat in one of theseslips please move it out before 5:00PM. If you don’t, wewill have it moved for you at your expense.

Fishing Derby: This Saturday, June 20th, the” Pine TreeBass Casters”, a local fishing club will be holding a Bassfishing derby for their members on Sebago Lake.Islanders Ron and Rick Hebert are members and haveasked if they could use Frye Island as the kick off pointand the weigh in station. They expect 12 to 15 boaters toparticipate. I have agreed to give it a try. They will havean organized start at 7:30 AM from the boating sectionof Long Beach. The weigh in and awarding of prizeswill take place at 4:00 PM at the same location. This is atypical catch and release Bass derby so all of the fishweighed must be alive and they will then be released.Last year they had a Large Mouth Bass in the 8 to 9pound range and expect the same this year. If you are inthe Long Beach area at 4:00 PM stop in for the weigh in,it sounds interesting.

Boat Registrations: If you have a Maine boat that youneed to re-register I would urge you to use the serviceprovided by the Inland Fisheries and WildlifeDepartment. I recently re-registered my boat from myhome computer and it only took me about 5 minutes. Iwas really impressed with the service. I printed atemporary registration and within a few days I had mypermanent registration and the appropriate stickers. Youcan access this service from a link on our web-site.

Taxes: Time is running out to pay the second half ofyour 2009 taxes. The second half payment is due June30. Interest will start to accrue on July 1st for all unpaidtaxes.

Ferry Fees: The Town Charter authorizes the Board ofIsland Trustees to establish ferry fees. The process toaccomplish this is to have a public hearing to discuss /debate the proposed fees and then to have a meeting ofthe Board of Island Trustees to approve the fee schedule.This normally takes place in conjunction with the Townbudget process and the October Town meeting. Lastyear, a new fee schedule was presented and approved atthe October 11th Town Meeting. That fee schedule wasthen posted on our website. The employees of the ferryservice have absolutely nothing to do with the setting ofthe ferry fees and they have no authority to adjust them.Nor do I. So, please don’t give them a hard time whenthey are trying to collect the appropriate fee. They arejust doing their job. And, don’t come to me to overridethe fee schedule. It is what it is. If you have issues withit, feel free to send me an e-mail with your issue and Iwill insure that it is considered when we go through thenext budget / approval process.

Golf Carts: Call this a friendly reminder….It is illegalto drive a golf cart on island roads without a validdriver’s license. Schools are getting out for summervacation and the Island population will soon increase.The police presence on the Island is also going toincrease. I have already seen some golf cart drivers thatappear to be underage and inexperienced. The lawsgoverning the operation of a golf cart on Island roads arethe same as those for operating an automobile. I knowthat the kids and grand-kids get a kick out of driving thefamily golf cart but it is unsafe and it is illegal. If youviolate these laws you will be subject to the same finesand penalties applied to automobile violations. So, foryour own safety and the safety of all Islanders, pleaseabide by all of these laws.

Town News

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Bingo: Diana Luchor has very graciously volunteered torun the Bingo again this year. Jackie Ossi has alsoagreed to assist her on a regular basis. We have appliedfor the license to operate Bingo at the CommunityCenter on Monday evenings through the months of Julyand August. We will post the actual dates and times oncewe get the license. Thank you to both of you for againmaking Bingo happen.

Board Meeting: The next scheduled meeting of theBoard of Selectmen / Executive Committee will be heldon Saturday June 27th. The meeting will be held at theCommunity Center and will begin at 9:00 AM. All arewelcome to attend.

DOWNEAST MAGAZINE ARTICLE ― A lengthy article appeared in the July 2009 issue of DownEastMagazine about the Town of Frye Island. The interviewstaken for the article were done in 2008. Permission toreprint the DownEast Article on the Frye Island websitehas been granted by DownEast. Other than the choice ofthe title and a few other items, it is a good description ofFrye Island.

Have a safe and enjoyable week!


FII Board MtgSaturday, June 20, 2009 at 8:00 a.m.Community Center

Town of Frye IslandPublic Hearing and Planning BoardSaturday, June 27, 2009 at 8:30 a.m.Community CenterAgenda

Public Hearing 8:30a.m.:Shore Land Zoning of Docks

Planning Board Meeting following the Public Hearing

Read and approve minutes of June 13, 2009 meeting

1. Old Business:MMA work shop September 22, 2009 6-9p.m.Resume Comp. Plan discussion

2. New Business

Please send any request for additional agenda items toSteve Kaplan [email protected]

All Planning Board Meetings are open to the public.Approved Planning Board Minutes are available on FryeIsland.Com web site.

BOS / EC MeetingSaturday, June 27, 2009 at 9:00 a.m.

Community Center

Planning Board Alternate MemberThe Planning Board is looking for a volunteer alternatemember of the board. Marge Hommel who has been avaluable asset as member for a great many years hasdecided to retire from her official public duties which istruly a loss for the Town of Frye Island and our PlanningBoard. She will be extremely missed by all. We lookforward to seeing her as an interested island propertyowner at most, if not all, of our future meetings. If youare an islander and would be interested in the Alternateposition please contact me.

Steve KaplanHome Phone 207-655-4197

e-mail [email protected]

Thank you from the OfficeWe would like to thank Phyllis House for the deliciousbrownies and her donation of time working on a projectin the office. We would also like to thank Nancy Perryfor her chocoholic delight and Steve Ciulla for thecandies.

MANY THANKSThe Wagner family would like to offer huge thank youto Paul Borque, Ruth Ann Borque and Paul Kolodji fortheir heroism last Monday. All three came to our rescuewhen we arrived on the island and our dogs drank atoilet full of antifreeze. Thanks to Paul and Ruth Ann fortheir after hours ferry service, for both dog and frazzledhuman. And thanks to Paul K. for his problem solvingskills, emergency ONSTAR-type service and for taxiingour little monster into Portland. We are truly grateful tobe living in such a place where folks go above andbeyond to help.THANK YOU!!Amy, Nicole, Lianne, Maggie, Blitz and Jude Wagner

Pool InformationThe Pool is now open; the pool gates will be lockedeveryday at dusk.

Marina bathrooms will be locked everyday at dusk andre-opened at approximately 7:30 am.

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Marina NewsSafe Boating Tips

Always check your watercraft’s “capacity plate”and adhere to it’s guidance. Overloading yourboat can lead to capsizing and the potential forloss of life.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Servicerecommends: “Do not release unused bait intothe waters that you are fishing; dump it into aproper trash receptacle on land far away fromany water body.” This will help in reducing thenumber of invasive species from our preciouswater resources.

Attention to safety concerns by all of us, whether we’reboaters or guests, will make our boating experiences funand memorable. Please try to keep your fellow boatersand their guests in mind while utilizing either the LongBeach Marina or Quail Circle Marina. Try to be vigilantfor unsightly trash and hazards (small stumps, brush,logs, discarded or lost boating equipment, etc.) Some ofour boaters utilize our docking facilities during the hoursof darkness. Early in the season, an unlighted stump orpiece of winter “slash” could cause a serious injury.PLEASE take the time to remove these items and takethem out of harms way, by making an effort to disposeof them in the proper manner. If we all pitch in, ourmarinas will be kept in a condition that we can all beproud of.

Fire DepartmentFire Barn: 207-655-8618

SUMMER SAFETY TIPSOn extremely hot and muggy days, exposure to heat canlead to heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Seniors, infantsand individuals in poor health are at greatest risk.Joggers and other who exercise outdoors are also at risk.The Frye Island Fire Department recommends thefollowing prevention tips for beating the heat thissummer.

Stay out of the sun because sunlight increases bodyheat, and sunburn prevents the release of body heat.

Avoid jogging, or do it at night when it is cooler.

Wear clothing that is lightweight, light-colored, andloose fitting.

Drink plenty of water and cool, non-alcoholicbeverages.

Stay indoors; use a fan and air conditioning ifpossible.

Eat light food and avoid high protein and highcalorie foods, which increase body heat. Seekmedical advice if you or someone you knowbecomes ill. If someone develops a hightemperature, is flushed, and stops perspiring; bathethe person in cool water and seek medical adviceimmediately.

Keep a flashlight with fresh batteries close by sinceblackouts often occur during extremely hot weather.Please remember that candles are a serious firehazard.

Check on elderly or infirm neighbors to see if theyneed help. Escort them to a “cool area” if necessary.

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Welcome back, everyone! We’re looking forward to another great season on the island.

Full Season Begins June 19th…

Store Hours are as follows…Sunday – Friday: 8:00AM – 9:00PM

Saturday: 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM

CAFÉ Hours are as follows…Monday – Friday: 11:00 AM – 9:00 PM

Saturday: 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM

Sunday: 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM

Father’s Day Breakfast at Frye’s Leap

Have you had breakfast at Frye’s Leap lately? Join us on Sunday, June 21st forbreakfast between 8 and 11am – Dad eats free!

Visit for a peek at our menu, special event information, store hours and lotsmore.

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Leisure LoungeFairway Lane (next to the golf pro shop)

655-3551 Air Conditioned Open to the Public


Friday & Saturday: 9:00 AM – Midnight

Sunday: 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM

Monday – Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Thursday: 9:00 AM – 8:00 PMEnjoy satellite reception on our 42” plasma TV.

Full BarBeer, Wine, & Mixed Drinks

$3.00 Root Beer Floats

$2.00 Hot Dogs

$5.00 Pizza

Ferry News655-4258

This Week’s Ferry Schedule

First Ferry Second Ferry

Saturday 7 AM - 11 PM

Sunday 7 AM - 9 PM 12 PM-8 PM

Monday 7 AM - 7 PM

Tuesday 7 AM - 9 PM

Wednesday 7 AM - 7 PM

Thursday 7 AM - 11 PM

Friday 7 AM - 12 Mid 2 PM – 8 PM

Ferry Safety Tip of the WeekAbsolutely no passengers are allowed to ride in the bedof a pick-up or on a trailer. The BOS Policy (approved9/06) states that all people not sitting in a manufacturers’supplied seats are to pay $10. as a walk-on for safetypurposes.Thank you for your co-operation.FI Ferry Crew

FERRY KUDOSFerry Kudos to Karen Spring for her original creationFI Ferry flag. Be sure to check it out in our mainlandgarden.

Congratulations to our new Captains: Lynn Gagnon &Karen Spring - Welcome aboard!

Ferry Thank You’sTo the Orzags for the cookies and to John Wetson forthe dog treats.

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Frye Island Golf Club655-3551 Open to the Public Fairway Lane


Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Friday & Saturday: 9:00 AM – dusk

Sunday 7:30 AM –5:00 PM

Greens Fees

Weekday: $20.00

Weekend and Holidays: $30.00

Twilight (after 5 PM)Weekdays $13.00Weekends $15.00

Weekday Youth (16 or younger): $10.00

Weekend Youth (16 or younger): $20.00

3-day weekday pass: $45.00

Week-long unlimited golf pass: $110.00

Scramble Fee (e.g. 9 holes Sunday AM): $15

Cart Rentals

Gas Cart:

9 Holes: $16.00

18 Holes: $26.00

Pull Cart:

9 or 18 Holes: $4.00

Club Rentals: $12.00

Tentative 2009 Tournament ScheduleDate Tournament Organizers

Fri, Jun 19 Bishop GE Tom B.

Sat, Jul 4 Steak and Hot Dog John, Vic

Jun-Aug Club Championship Bruce

Sat, Jul 25 Night Golf John, Mike

Sat, Aug 1 Rally for a Cure

Sat, Aug 8 President’s Cup Vic, Laura

Aug 22-23 Member-Guest Jim, John H.

Mon, Aug 24 MGCSA(Superintendents) Jim

Sep 11-13 Sebago Lake Escape Mark

Sat, Sep 26 TKE Fall Classic Jim

Sat, Oct 3 Shoot Out Mike

Sat, Oct 17 Cross Country Laura

To be determined Junior Championship Ron, Paul

Junior Golf OutingWHO – Juniors age 17 and under.

Bring your friends and have a good time.

Do I have to be a golfer? – NO. There will be 2 flights.One for experienced golfers (18 holes) and another forbeginners (9 holes).

WHEN - Saturday July 11

TIME - 1:00PM

Ages - 17 and underHot Dog & SodaTrophy Awards!!

Sunday Morning ScrambleEvery Sunday morning, tee off at 8:00am, sign upbetween at 7:30am – 7:45am.

Sunday, June 14th Scramble Results

Cancelled due to the weather.

Club ChampionshipNow is the time to seize your opportunity to become aFrye Island Golf Club Champion. There will be bothMen’s and Women’s Champions. The top eight scorersin the Qualifying Round will play each other in a singleelimination match play tournament. To play in theQualifying Round, you must check in at the Pro Shopand announce to the Staff that the round you are playingis your Qualifying Round (the Staff will initial yourcard). You must play your round with at least oneMember in accord with the USGA rules of golf withlocal rules included. You may play the two 9-holerounds separately, but each round must be initialed bythe Staff and accompanied by a Member. Uponcompletion of the 18-hole round, return the score card tothe Staff. Good luck to all participating golfers.

Qualifying Round must be completed by July 13.Quarterfinal Match must be completed by August 3.Semifinal Match must be completed by August 24.Final Match must be completed by September 7 (LaborDay).

Sign Up at the Golf Course.

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Activities & RecreationRecreation Chairperson: Andrea Sansonetti

Garden Club18” of Rose Petals - that’s the plant matter that Cleopatraput on the floor when she entertained Marc Anthony!That was also the answer to one of the Garden Club Quizquestions. We had three winners to the quiz – Mary AnnNiles, Lorraine Wrzesinsky, and Pat Karpacz. They drewto break the tie and Pat got to take the lovely geraniumbasket home. However, the winners only got 5 of the 10questions correct! (Well, do you know what state grows2/3 of the world’s eggplant?)

This was a fun break that the Garden Club crew tookwhile weeding, pruning, edging and sweeping the HannahGardens at the Community Center as well as the ferrylanding gardens. Many thanks to Kate Hickie, MariaCharrette, Pat, Mary Ann, Lorraine, Sylvia O’Connor,Maura Bullock, Phyllis House, Nancy and Phil Perry forbeautifying Frye Island. Phil says “C’mon guys -- I needhelp!”

The first program will be on Saturday, June 27th. Markthat date.

Until Claire Ladow returns, Nancy Perry is the contactperson for Bobbex (655-5221). The deer seem to beeverywhere!

Recreation Dept. Schedule for thisweekend:Saturday June 20th 10-2pm and 6-9pmSunday Closed.

Get Set, Get Ready, Go!! 1st annual yard sale fundraiserto benefit the Recreation Center:

Date: Saturday July 11th

Time: 10-1pmWhere: Recreation Center

A $10.00 donation fee will reserve your table for thisgreat event. Please sign-up at the Recreation Center.Contact Nancy Bishop at the Rec Center for more info.655-3196

Some ideas for yard sale: craft items, clothes, bakedgoods, books, jewelry....anything goes.

Frye Island ChapelServices every Sunday 9:00 to 9:30 AMIn the Upper Room of the CommunityCenterAll are welcome. Dress is casual.

You are cordially invited to attend our weekly non-denominational services, which are held every Sundaymorning from 9:00 to 9:30 AM in the upper room atthe Community Center. Communion is offered on the1st and 3rd Sunday of every month. There is a coffee andsnack hour following the service on the 2nd and 4th

Sunday of each month.

Presiding Chaplains: Rev. Richard Peterson, PhDRev. A. Theodore Ekholm

Book Group Selections for 2009The following titles will be discussed on these dates.




J. Fergus

All Frye Islanders are invited to join us on these selectedMonday evenings 7:30 PM in the Community CenterLibrary.

Rec Center Charity Golf TournamentWhen: Sunday, June 28th 2:00pm Tee Times

Format: 2 Person Team Scramble1 Club per person

Donation: $30.00 per Team, plus golf fee

Food Prizes RaffleHelp support Frye Island Youths. Money raised from thisfundraiser will go towards youth activities. Looking foranyone that can bring at pot-luck dish on this day. Signup sheet located at Rec. Center for pot-luck dishes. Thereis also a sign up sheet in the office for those who wouldlike to participate in this tournament. We appreciate allthe support we can generate.

See Tom / Nancy Bishop

See page 11

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YOGA CLASSESAmy Wagner, RYT, is back on the island, and gettingready to lead us in yoga classes. Classes next week willbe on Tuesday and Thursday morning in the CommunityCenter Chapel from 9:00-10:30 am.

We practice Hatha Yoga, which focuses on thefundamental yoga postures and combines breath withmovement in order to build strength, flexibility andbalance. Yoga also improves mental clarity andencourages relaxation. My classes are informal and opento all students, new and veteran yogis are all welcome!

Cost $8 per class. Mats and blankets available for use andalso for purchase.

Come in comfortable clothes! Call me with any questions.655-2583


PS Look for the schedule to change a little as we get intosummer. I am also planning a teen class to begin in July!

GET READY TO STRUT YOUR STUFF!The 4th of July is just around the corner and it’s time toget out the crepe paper and flags to decorate your golfcart! Yes, the Recreation Commission is sponsoringanother golf cart parade. It will take place on Saturday,the fourth, and will be longer than last year. Details willfollow but, for now, think red, white, and blue!

BRIDGEBridge for fun - and not too much seriousness! Come andjoin some of the Island folks for a couple hours of bridge.Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. at the Golf Clubhouse is the usualtime and place.

All women of Frye Island are most cordially invited to lunch at noon on Wednesday, July first at the Frye's LeapCafe in beautiful downtown Frye Island. For only $14 which includes non alcoholic beverages and a gratuity, youcan dine on one of three tasty selections.

Sign up for your preference in the Town Administration Office. See Pat Karpacz for more details.


Freshly roasted vegetable quiche served with a small salad

Grilled shrimp and avocado BLT wrap with chips or a salad

Trendy and delicious grilled chicken Caesar salad

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June 2009Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


9:00a Chapel @ CC

June Invitational

15 16 17 18 19

GE Tournament


7:30a Fishing Derby

8:00a FII Board Mtg @CC

21 Father’s Day

9:00a Chapel @ CC

22 23

9:00a Yoga @ CC

1:00p Bridge @ LeisureLounge

24 25

9:00a Yoga @ CC

26 27

8:30a Planning Board /Public Hearing @ CC

9:00a BOS/EC Mtg@CC

9:00a Garden Club @CC


9:00a Chapel @ CC

2:00p Rec CenterCharity Golf Tournament


7:30p Book Group @CC Library


1:00p Bridge @ LeisureLounge

July 2009Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Noon-Ladies of theLake Luncheon @Frye’s Leap Cafe

2 3 4 Independence Day

Steak and Hot DogTournament


9:00a Chapel @ CC


7:00p BINGO @ CC


1:00p Bridge @ LeisureLounge

8 9 10 11

9:00a Garden Club @CC

10:00a Yard SaleFundraiser @ CC

1:00p Junior GolfOuting