
Fruits Bite into a juicy apple or dig into a banana or gorge on water melons. Fruits are in all shapes, sizes and colors and they have many nutritional benefits of eating fruits everyday. To know about the fruitfulness of eating fruits, read on. Strange Yet Beautiful Fruits & Vegetables Did you know that there is a type of orange which has a striking flesh, blood-red in color? This fruit looks beautiful in a weird way. Here are pictures of strange, but beautiful fruits and vegetables that you didn't know existed.



Transcript of Fruits

FruitsBite into a juicy apple or dig into a banana or gorge on water melons. Fruits are in all shapes, sizes and colors and they have many nutritional benefits of eating fruits everyday. To know about the fruitfulness of eating fruits, read on.

Strange Yet Beautiful Fruits & VegetablesDid you know that there is a type of orange which has a striking flesh, blood-red in color? This fruit looks beautiful in a weird way. Here are pictures of strange, but beautiful fruits and vegetables that you didn't know existed.

How many times it has happened to you that you went to the supermarket, and saw some

exotic fruits or vegetables that you had never seen or tasted before?

In various parts of the world, there are many fruits, vegetables, flowers, and plants that look weird, but are in fact consumed regularly by the natives.

Some vegetable/fruit is of a weird color, while some other has a weird shape. Some of them have medicinal quality, while some others are highly-valued for other purposes. Many of these fruits, vegetables, or flowers are linked to local legends too.

Some of these fruits have a very strong flavor or smell. Did you know that durian, an exotic fruit with a strong smell is actually not allowed in many public places and hotels in Singapore? Even though, this fruit has a strong odor, it is many times referred as 'The King of Fruits'.

This was about just one interesting fruit. Let us look at some other strangest, yet beautiful vegetables and fruits around the world.

Achacha FruitThis fruit is traditionally grown in Bolivia, however, it is now being grown on a commercial scale in Australia. The taste of Achacha fruit is both sweet and bitter. Did you know that the honey made from achacha is 10 times the normal price of regular honey? This is because of the fact that achacha honey has high medicinal value.Black RadishBlack radish is also known as black Spanish or black Spanish round. It is available year-round, and has a black or dull-brown skin. It has a sharp, pungent taste and is crisp in texture. You can add it to salads or soups.Blood OrangeBlood orange looks a bit gory, doesn't it? Nonetheless, it is a real fruit and tastes sweet. Blood oranges get the red coloration due to the presence of an antioxidant called anthocyanin. They can be found in the Mediterranean and California. You can eat them raw or make salad, marmalade, or juice out of them.Bottle GourdBottle gourd is also known as opo squash, long melon and calabash. This vegetable can be found across Asia, Africa, Europe, and the US. However, it is believed to have originated in southern Africa. It has a

light, nutty flavor and can be added to curries. The juice of bottle gourd is helpful in treating many disorders like diarrhea, diabetes, indigestion, ulcers, flatulence, jaundice, etc.Buddha's HandThis exotic fruit is also called bushukan or fingered citron. It has an aromatic peel that has a subtle flavor. The zest of this fruit is used like a lemon. Because of the aroma of the fruit, it is used in Japan and China for perfuming rooms and wardrobes. The origin of Buddha's hand fruit can be traced back to Northeastern India or China.Cactus FruitThe fruit of the prickly pear is also called tuna or cactus fig, and grows on nopal cactus. This fruit tastes somewhat like bubblegum and watermelon. You can find this fruit growing in Southwest Mexico, California, and the Mediterranean. It is mostly used to make drinks like lemonade or vodka, and sometimes for making candies and jellies.CeleriacCeleriac, also known as knob celery or turnip-rooted celery, has a celery-like and mild, nutty flavor. This root vegetable is available in many parts of the world. It can be eaten raw or cooked. You can roast, stew, mash, or blanch celeriac.

Dok KaeThe flowers of the plant Sesbania grandiflora or agati are called dok kae. These flowers shown in the picture above, are used as a vegetable in Southeast Asia. They are used to make curries or eaten raw. These flowers are used for treating headache and improving appetite.Dragon FruitDragon fruit or pitaya grows on a cactus. It is native to Mexico, South and Central America. The taste of dragon fruit is quite bland, however, it has a good amount of vitamin C, polyunsaturated fatty acids and dietary fiber. This fruit is eaten raw, however, only the flesh is suitable for consumption and not the skin.DulseDulse is a red alga, that grows on the northern coasts of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. It is also called dillisk, red dulse, creathnach, or sea lettuce flakes. It is added to soups and stews. It is also dried and powdered and used as a condiment. It is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals. It is added to many skin care products as well.DurianDurian resembles jackfruit, but is not related to it. It is called 'the king of fruits' in Asia. People who taste it, either love it or despise it. The smell of durian is quite strong,

and many find it repulsive. The fruit tastes sweet and creamy, and is quite soft. It can be eaten raw or one can use it for making pancakes, biscuits, or candies.GoatsbeardThis weird-looking vegetable is the root of a plant called Tragopogon porrifolius. It is also called salsify or oyster plant, because it tends to taste like oysters. This root vegetable is edible and used for making stews and soups.Horned MelonHorned melon or kiwano belongs to the cucumber and melon family. It is native to Africa, however, it is now being grown in Chile, Australia, New Zealand, and California too. It is available during the summer season, and has a sweet and tarty taste. It has over 90% water content, and is a rich source of vitamin C. It is used for making ice creams, sorbets, salads, cocktails, etc.Jew's EarJew's ear is a type of fungus and is available year-round. It is found throughout UK, and mostly on elder trees and sometimes on beech trees. The strange name comes from a story in which Judas Iscariot hung himself from an elder tree. Fresh Jew's ear looks more like an ear than the dried version shown above. Apart from Jew's ear, it is also called wood ear mushroom or tree ear. Wood

ears are eaten raw or added to salads, soups, stews, and pasta dishes.JuneberriesJuneberries resemble blueberries. They are red in color, but once they are ripe, their color becomes bluish-black. These are sweet, juicy berries. They have a soft flesh and almond-flavored seeds. They can be found across Europe, US, and Canada. You can enjoy them raw or use them in baking recipes.KohlrabiKohlrabi or German turnip is a perennial vegetable that can be eaten raw or cooked. Its taste and texture is similar to broccoli stem or cabbage heart. It has a mild, sweet taste. You can steam, stir-fry, or barbecue it or simply add it to salads, and enjoy it raw.MangosteenThis tropical fruit is grown in many Southeast Asian countries like Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Thailand. It is the size of a small apple, and is not related to mangos. The fruit is twisted around till it breaks. The fruit has a slightly sweet and tarty flavor.Monstera deliciosa FruitThe white flesh of the ripe fruit segments is edible. However, the fruits ripen very slowly and the unripe ones

are poisonous. This fruit has a delicious, fruity flavor.Noni FruitNoni fruit grows on the tree Morinda citrifolia, which belongs to the coffee family. It is cultivated throughout the tropics, but is native to Southeast Asia and Australasia. Half-ripe noni fruit tastes bitter, while the fully-ripe one tastes very fruity. This fruit has many curative properties and is used for treating respiratory ailments, diarrhea, fever, diseased gums, etc.Osage OrangeOsage orange is also known as horse apple or hedge apple. It is grown across the US and Ontario. The fruit has a globe-like shape, and has a rough-textured skin. It has a mild odor, and most parts of the fruit are inedible. The seeds are edible, though most fruits are seedless.Parsley RootEverybody knows how the leaves of a white radish (daikon) look like, however, in the above picture, you can see that parsley leaves are attached to a root which looks like radish! Parsley root is also called Dutch parsley, turnip-rooted parsley, rock parsley, etc. This root vegetable can be either eaten raw or cooked. Since, parsley root has an

intense flavor, ensure you don't add too much of the root to your recipe.Passion FruitPassion fruit is cultivated commercially in many parts of the world. It is mostly used for making juice, and many times it is mixed with other fruit juices to enhance the aroma. In Israel, a wine or 'sicar' is made out of passion fruit. Passion fruit can be used for flavoring various desserts.Purple BeansPurple beans, also known as royalty purple or royal burgundy, are basically green beans hidden within a purple skin. Even though these beans look purple from outside, inside they have the usual green flesh and peas, and the taste is similar to French green beans. When these beans are cooked, the purple color fades away and turns green! Cool, isn't it?Purple Sweet PotatoPurple sweet potato (also known as Okinawan sweet potato or purple yam) is a variety of the regular sweet potato. This root vegetable is low in calories and high in fiber. It is also rich in antioxidants. You can fry, boil, bake, steam, or microwave this potato.RambutanRambutan is native to Malaysia and Indonesia. It is closely related to lychee, and

has a grape-like, gummy taste. The fruit is rich in vitamin C, manganese, and copper. The fruit can be eaten raw or added to fruit salads.RhubarbRhubarb leaf stalks have a rosy-red color, and are used to make various desserts. The stalk has a strong, tarty taste, but because of its color, this vegetable is used for preparing various sweets. Rhubarb stalks are also sometimes poetically referred to as 'crimson stalks'.Romanesco BroccoliThis vegetable looks too beautiful to eat, doesn't it? Romanesco broccoli was first documented during the 16th century, in Italy. This visually-striking broccoli is also sometimes called broccoflower. It has a pleasant nutty taste, and is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, carotenoids, and fiber. You can eat it raw or slightly cook it.Rose ApplesRose apples are native to Malaysia and East India. When the fruit is raw it has a bright, green color, but once ripe, it becomes rose-pink. They are also called wax apples sometimes. These fruits are juicy and you can eat them raw.Sea BeansSea beans (belonging to the genus Salicornia), look like a cross between French

green beans and asparagus. Sea bean is a variety of dark green vegetables, which is mostly used for making salads. It is not a type of seaweed or cactus.Squash BlossomsEverybody is familiar with the vegetable squash, but did you know that the blossoms are edible too? These blossoms can be used as a vegetable, and can be fried or baked. You can also add them to pastas or soups. Squash blossoms have a sweet, delicate flavor.StarfruitCarambola or starfruit is native to Malaysia, India, Bangladesh, Philippines, and Sri Lanka. The entire fruit is edible and can be eaten raw or cooked. It is used for making fruit preserves, relishes, or juice drinks. Ripe starfruit has a sweet flavor which is not overwhelming.Ugli FruitUgli fruit looks like a rotting orange, but don't let its skin fool you, because inside it has sweet and tangy-flavored flesh! Ugli fruit is actually the trademark for the Jamaican tangelo fruit. It is a cross between a grapefruit, an orange, and a tangerine. It can be eaten raw, or you can also make juice, marmalade, or fruit salad using this fruit.

Even though, the above fruits and vegetables are edible, you need to be careful when consuming them. Some parts of the fruit or vegetable are not edible and can be poisonous. For example, only the stalk of rhubarb is edible while its leaves are poisonous. Also, some fruits or vegetables need to be prepared in a certain way before you eat them, to prevent any health risks. So, make sure you are aware of the safety facts related to a certain fruit or vegetable, before you eat it.

By Pragya TPublished: 4/26/2013

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Bouquets and Brickbats


Read more at Buzzle: it Good to Eat Fruits After a Meal?You must have heard a lot of "rules" about when and how to eat fruits. Instead of solving your queries, they just end up confusing you more because they are pretty contradictory in nature. Are there really any rules for eating fruits? Let's find out the truth in this article.

Fruits are probably the most versatile food. They can be substituted for snacks. They can be eaten as dessert, or before meals in their natural form, or mixed with milk and custard (fruit salad), with whipped cream, dipped in chocolate, as splits, and so on and so forth.

Most of us have probably eaten fruits in all of these mentioned combinations. None of those combinations had any serious or life-threatening effects, right? But maybe you didn't notice or pay attention, and you did experience some discomfort after trying a couple of those combinations? Nothing very serious, just some discomfort? Or an upset tummy? Gas problems? Although there are no hard and fast "rules" for eating fruits, there are a few things that merit some thought on our part. The following paragraphs will highlight these points.

Eating Fruits - How and When

How To address this question of how exactly are we supposed to eat fruits, we have to first understand the composition of various fruits. And by that, I do not mean getting down to the technical details, I just mean that it is better to know -Whether the fruit is more acidic in nature, i.e., citrus fruits (limes, oranges, etc.)Whether they have a lot of fiber (basically fruits eaten with skins, like apples, grapes,

and others like pomegranates, oranges, etc.)Whether they have a lot of water content (all types of melons)Whether they are pulpy fruits (bananas, custard apples, etc.)Depending on the nature of these fruits, it is better to eat them in certain combinations, at specific times, or alone.

It is always better to eat any fruit alone, to avoid mixing of the fruits. Meaning, if you want to eat more than one fruit at a time, it is perfectly okay, but try to stick to one type, and avoid combining one pulpy or sweet fruit with a citrus fruit. Also, it is better to plan your meal, so that foods that you are consuming do not clash; for example eating yogurt and then eating a citrus fruit. Such combinations do not work well for the stomach, and can cause an upset stomach and indigestion.

One interesting fact is that fibers help in the movement of foods in our stomach. That is why we hear things like "fibrous foods aid in digestion", and the like. They help in motility of the foods, and so it is always good to eat

fiber-rich fruits before a meal, so that they will aid in digestion. That does not mean that it is not good to eat fruits after a meal. There is nothing wrong with that either, as long as you don't experience any discomfort. But if you do want to eat fruits after your meal, then remember to leave a gap of at least an hour between the meal and the fruit. This is because, some fruits do not mix well with vegetables, and there is a chance that you will end up getting gas, or indigestion, or a stomach ache.

WhenComing to the question of when. While there is nothing wrong with eating fruits after a meal, it is preferable to eat fruits before a meal. There is a good reason for this. Fruits contain sugars which are in the most natural forms, that do not have to be broken down into simpler forms for absorption and digestion. Also, most of the fruits contain almost 90% to 95% water. As such, they require hardly 15-25 minutes for their digestion. So, if eaten after a meal, the fruits will simply have to wait for their turn to be digested, which is quite unnecessary. This

also makes your stomach feel full. If you eat them before, and have your meal 15 - 20 minutes after that, the fruits will have been digested and won't have to wait for their turn. It is as simple as that.

Another thing to keep in mind while eating fruits is that, if a person is diabetic, then certain fruits which have a high content of sugar may cause the blood sugar levels to rise, if there is nothing else to balance it out. In such cases, it is always better to combine fruits with a little carbohydrate or proteins.

There is a myth that if eaten after meals 'fruits sit in the stomach and putrefy and release toxins', but that is not true at all! What happens is, the sugars will ferment and cause gas, which in turn may bloat up your stomach. That is the worst that can happen. Fruits are in no way toxic to our systems, unless for some reason you are allergic to a particular fruit.

Fruits have immense health benefits, and they are also a great source of antioxidants, flavonoids, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids,

fibers, etc. They help with digestion, and are easily digestible themselves. While it is absolutely okay to eat fruits whenever you please, it is preferable to eat them before you have your meals. At the same time, even if you do want to have them for dessert, just remember to keep a buffer of half an hour, and there shouldn't be any problems! The only difference is that if you eat fruits before meals, you will be able to get the maximum nutrients and benefits out of them.Read more at Buzzle: are Fruits and Vegetables Good for YouHere are various reasons that will explain to you why fruits and vegetables are good for your health, and various tips on eating healthy.

Fruits and vegetables are the most healthy foods which contain many rich nutrients like minerals and vitamins. These nutrients are required for the smooth functioning of our body processes. However, in our hectic lives it can get difficult to eat fruits and vegetables. But, some changes in lifestyle will help you eat healthy, live longer, and healthier. So, two times a week buy fresh fruits and vegetables. Buy fresh and organic produce, and learn to buy fruits and veggies which can stay longer. Refrigerate them to preserve them longer.

Keep adding a fruit to every meal and eat a nice fresh crunchy salad before your lunch and dinner. This way eat around 5 meals which include some sort of fruit. Also, keep your vegetables and fruits chopped beforehand. You can use a food processor to make the job of cutting the fruits and vegetables easier. You can make various healthy and quick recipes using fresh fruits and vegetables like smoothies, juice, shake, fruit salsa, fruit salad, vegetable kebab,

vegetable salad, mix vegetables juice, etc.

Why Fruits and Vegetables are Important?

Source of Vitamins and Minerals: Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins, minerals, and other natural substances. These vitamins and minerals are very important for smooth functioning of our physical and mental health.

Cancer Prevention: Fruits and vegetables are important foods as they contain antioxidants. Antioxidants help to decrease the oxidative damage to our body. They trap free radicals which cause cancer and help to remove them out of the body. This greatly helps to prevent cancer.

Eye Health: Eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables keeps the eyes in good shape. For example, vitamin A helps in proper functioning of the retina. While vitamin C helps in maintenance of collagen which is found in the cornea of the eyes. And vitamin E protects the eyes from free radical damage, thus preventing cataract and macular degeneration.

Skin Health: Fruits and vegetables contain many important vitamins and minerals, which keep the skin glowing and clear. They also have a high water content, which is good for skin health.

Hair Health: Deficiency of vitamins and minerals, can cause hair fall, dandruff, dry hair, etc. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables will provide your body important vitamins and minerals, and thus you will have stronger and healthier hair, which is lustrous.

Body Processes: Vitamins and minerals help in many vital processes in our body. For example, potassium helps one to maintain good blood pressure. While vitamin E helps in normal functioning of brain and cellular structure.

Immunity: Essential vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables help to increase the body's immunity against a host of diseases. It will protect your body from many common infections like common cold to serious disorders like cardio problems.

Weight Management: Deficiency of vitamins and minerals will slow down your metabolism. Also, many vitamins are essential for proper absorption of food. Lack of certain nutrients can also lead to improper functioning of thyroid. Many nutrients from fruits and veggies keep the thyroid levels normal. All these reasons can contribute to weight gain.

Heart Health: A diet rich in fruits and veggies can lower the risk of stroke and heart disorders. The higher the amount of fruits and vegetables consumed, the lower is the risk of heart diseases and stroke.

Digestive Health: Fruits and vegetables being the best source of dietary fiber, help to pass fat and other impurities out of the body. Also, fiber can help calm irritable bowel syndrome, and relieve and prevent constipation.

So, start eating healthy. Apart from eating fresh fruits and veggies, drink plenty of water and indulge in an exercise program. You will soon notice improved mental and physical health. Good luck!

Read more at Buzzle: Rich Fruits and VegetablesEverybody knows that milk and milk products are a good source of calcium. But, there are also many calcium rich fruits and vegetables which make an excellent source of this mineral.

Increasing the intake of calcium is recommended if one has calcium deficiency symptoms. Calcium deficiency symptoms include frequent bone fractures, bone deformities, growth retardation in children, muscle pain or spasms or tingling and numbness in feet or hands. There are many

good natural sources of calcium. Milk and dairy products are calcium rich foods. But, apart from them there are certain fruits and vegetables which contain good amount of calcium. Including these calcium food sources will help you prevent the calcium deficiency symptoms.

Calcium Rich FruitsMany fruits contain a good amount of calcium. Berries are on top of this list. But, there are also many other fruits which contain good amount of calcium. You can add a fruit serving from the mentioned below fruits to every meal, to increase the intake of calcium. You can also add berries and almonds to your cereal. You can have a mixed fruit salad of orange, berries, apples, and bananas. You can also flavor your dishes with tamarind. Or make a fruit smoothie with milk and berries and have it regularly to increase calcium intake.MulberriesRhubarbRoselleApplesAlmonds

BananaAvocadoAcai berriesGoji berriesOrangesPomegranatesPrickly pearsKumquatsTamarindsBlackberriesBlackcurrantsDatesGrapefruitsCalcium Rich VegetablesHere is a list of the calcium rich vegetables. You can stir fry, grill, bake, steam, or boil the below vegetables or add them to salads and enjoy them raw and fresh. You can also make some nice mix vegetable soups with the below veggies. To make an even more rich salad add chopped calcium rich veggies and fruits in a bowl, and use yogurt as a dressing.OkraParsnipAmaranth leavesBok choyBrussels sprouts

Butternut squashCeleryFrench beansMustard spinachCabbageSpinachGingerKaleTurnip greensGarlicGreen soybeansSprirulinaSwiss chardChinese broccoliOther Calcium Rich FoodsYogurt is rich in calcium. To get the calcium benefits consider adding yogurt to your diet. You can flavor it with some fresh fruits or herbs and eat it as a snack. Sardines are also an excellent source of calcium, so eat them once a week. Sesame seeds are another excellent source of calcium. Goat's milk and cow's milk both are rich in calcium. Two other good sources of calcium are mozzarella cheese and blackstrap molasses. Other good sources of calcium are oats, wheat durum, pistachios, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, cheddar

cheese, cheese cream, eggs, caviar, pollock, low fat cream, pollock, and perch.

So, eat the above calcium rich veggies and fruits and other calcium rich sources to provide the body with adequate amount of calcium. Because, if you don't provide the body with calcium, then it will start taking calcium from the bones, which will over a period make your bones weak and susceptible to breaking. Make sure you follow the recommended daily intake values for calcium, to avoid any calcium toxicity. According to Dietary Reference Intakes, National Academy of Science, 1997 the daily recommended intake for calcium is as mentioned below.Babies between 1-3 years age should consume 500 mg of calcium.Children between 4-8 years age should consume 800 mg of calcium.Children between 9-18 years age should consume 1300 mg of calcium.Adults between 19-50 years age should consume 1000 mg of calcium.People who are 51 or older should consume 1200 mg of calcium.It is important to follow the recommended

daily intake of calcium. Excessive intake can result in elevated blood calcium level, called hypercalcemia. If the amount of phosphorus blood levels are low and calcium levels are high, it can cause soft tissue calcification, which can cause unwanted accumulation of calcium in cells other than bone.

By Pragya TRead more at Buzzle: are Fruits and Vegetables Good for YouHere are various reasons that will explain to you why fruits and vegetables are good for your health, and various tips on eating healthy.

Fruits and vegetables are the most healthy foods which contain many rich nutrients like minerals and vitamins. These nutrients are required for the smooth functioning of our body processes. However, in our hectic lives it can get difficult to eat fruits and vegetables. But, some changes in lifestyle will help you eat healthy, live longer, and healthier. So, two times a week buy fresh fruits and vegetables. Buy fresh and organic produce, and learn to buy fruits and veggies which can stay longer. Refrigerate them to preserve them longer.

Keep adding a fruit to every meal and eat a nice fresh crunchy salad before your lunch and dinner. This way eat around 5 meals which include some sort of fruit. Also, keep your vegetables and fruits chopped beforehand. You can use a food processor to make the job of cutting the fruits and vegetables easier. You can make various healthy and quick recipes using fresh fruits and vegetables like smoothies, juice, shake, fruit salsa, fruit salad, vegetable kebab, vegetable salad, mix vegetables juice, etc.

Why Fruits and Vegetables are Important?

Source of Vitamins and Minerals: Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins, minerals, and other natural substances. These vitamins and minerals are very important for smooth functioning of our physical and mental health.

Cancer Prevention: Fruits and vegetables are important foods as they contain antioxidants. Antioxidants help to decrease the oxidative damage to our body. They trap free radicals which cause cancer and help to remove them out of the body. This greatly helps to prevent cancer.

Eye Health: Eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables keeps the eyes in good shape. For example, vitamin A helps in proper functioning of the retina. While vitamin C helps in maintenance of collagen which is found in the cornea of the eyes. And vitamin E protects the eyes from free radical damage, thus preventing cataract and macular degeneration.

Skin Health: Fruits and vegetables contain

many important vitamins and minerals, which keep the skin glowing and clear. They also have a high water content, which is good for skin health.

Hair Health: Deficiency of vitamins and minerals, can cause hair fall, dandruff, dry hair, etc. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables will provide your body important vitamins and minerals, and thus you will have stronger and healthier hair, which is lustrous.

Body Processes: Vitamins and minerals help in many vital processes in our body. For example, potassium helps one to maintain good blood pressure. While vitamin E helps in normal functioning of brain and cellular structure.

Immunity: Essential vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables help to increase the body's immunity against a host of diseases. It will protect your body from many common infections like common cold to serious disorders like cardio problems.

Weight Management: Deficiency of vitamins

and minerals will slow down your metabolism. Also, many vitamins are essential for proper absorption of food. Lack of certain nutrients can also lead to improper functioning of thyroid. Many nutrients from fruits and veggies keep the thyroid levels normal. All these reasons can contribute to weight gain.

Heart Health: A diet rich in fruits and veggies can lower the risk of stroke and heart disorders. The higher the amount of fruits and vegetables consumed, the lower is the risk of heart diseases and stroke.

Digestive Health: Fruits and vegetables being the best source of dietary fiber, help to pass fat and other impurities out of the body. Also, fiber can help calm irritable bowel syndrome, and relieve and prevent constipation.

So, start eating healthy. Apart from eating fresh fruits and veggies, drink plenty of water and indulge in an exercise program. You will soon notice improved mental and physical health. Good luck!

By Pragya T

Read more at Buzzle: of Freezing Dried Fruits and VegetablesFor centuries together, freezing and drying methods have been used to preserve food and its nutrition. Here is a brief article that will highlight the benefits and methods of freezing fruits and vegetables.

Believe it or not, but methods of freezing dried foods were realized during the Peruvian Inca age. They learned to dry their fruits and vegetables by exposing them to direct solar radiations. Later they exposed these dried foods to chilled night temperatures on higher

altitudes where there was low air pressure. It is noteworthy that even in primitive times, the Incas had perfected their food preservation system. On a closer look, we realize that not just human beings, but even animals tend to freeze their food under blankets of natural snow before they go into hibernation. Modern methods for freezing and drying processes are more advanced but the underlying principles for preservation continue to remain the same.

Merits of Freezing Dried Fruits and Vegetables

Here are a few merits that will help you choose frozen dried fruits and vegetables as a source of nutrition.

Reduced Food Mass: Any fresh fruit or vegetable is known to contain almost 90% water. When these fruits and vegetables are dried, they lose 90% of their weight without actually losing out on their colors, textures, tastes and nutritional value.

Preserves Food Longer: It is agreed that there is no comparison with consuming fresh fruits

and vegetables. However, freezing and drying methods help to preserve food for longer. Drying methods take away all the moisture from the food which makes it less susceptible to degradation by bacteria. Similarly freezing keeps a tab on the temperature of fruits and vegetables. The two process in combination help to preserve the quality of food for longer. Some such foods even last as long as one year.

Rehydration Possible: For frozen and dried foods, it is always possible to turn them back into their original form. All you need to do is unfreeze the food by allowing them to thaw. Then boil or steam the fruits and vegetables to get them rehydrated. An option to this method is just thawing the frozen food and using them at room temperature. These foods will absorb the moisture present in the other ingredients of the dish you wish to prepare.

Healthier and Tastier: It is often said that frozen and dried foods tastes better than their original form. A common example is that of dried fruits consumed by us. However, there are a few exceptions to the nutrition and

health factors of dried fruits and vegetables. If the drying process takes place in a natural way, the fruits are first boiled and then dried thoroughly using solar heat. This removes the water content of fruits as well as traces of any micro-organisms in the fruit. The output is just as healthy as a fresh fruit. On the other hand, if drying process is done using chemicals like sulfur dioxide, then it is best to stay away from such foods.

Reduction in Price: Frozen and dried foods are often cheaper than fresh fruits and vegetables due to reduction in their weight.

Round the Year Nourishment: It is said that you should get all parts of nutrition all round the year to stay healthy. Eating frozen food will help you do just that. And who knows, by freezing food, you might get a chance to eat a rare seasonal fruit at the most unexpected time of the year!

Drying and Freezing Fruits and Vegetables

The logical order towards this preservation technique is first drying or dehydrating fruits

and vegetables and then freezing them at controlled temperatures.It is first essential to choose the best quality and ripe fruits and vegetables. Raw fruits and vegetables may not seem very tasty in the long run while overripe fruits and vegetables might be too mushy. Foods should be checked for any undetected fungal growth before the process is started.Chosen fruits and vegetables should be soaked in a solution of water and sodium bisulfite for approximately 15 minutes. Remove from the solution and dry them immediately. This process helps to preserve the natural food colors and flavors.Now expose the food to sulfuring process by using fumes of the flaming sulfur. This treatment helps avoid release of vitamins A and C from the food.The next step involves chopping and slicing fruits and vegetables into even sized pieces. You may or may not peel the fruits and vegetables.Now arrange the fruits and vegetables on a clean tray. Ideally use a try that allows a good air circulation. Do not overcrowd the tray with many pieces.

You may now use natural solar radiations or a state-of-the-art dehydrator to dry the fruits and vegetables. Other common methods are solar and oven dryers. Monitor the drying process at regular intervals.You can check for completion of drying process by understanding the expected food textures. Dried fruits usually tend to be leathery while many dried vegetables turn hard and brittle. They just tend to break when bent.When satisfied with the drying process, you can fill the fruits and vegetables in clean and dry airtight bags or containers. Use a vaccumizer if required.Now store the packed bags and containers in your refrigerator. Take care to maintain a good freezing temperature in your refrigerator all round the year.Freezing dried fruits and vegetables is one of the best options to keep your kitchen completely stocked with food at any time of the year. So why not try this method?

By Anuja Marathe KanhereRead more at Buzzle: High in ProteinYou might be well accustomed with the benefits of fruits on our body. Some fruits that are high in proteins promise wonderful effects on the skin, aid in muscle growth, cleanse our system, and boost up the immune system.

Fruits that are high in protein are capable of sufficing the protein requirement of our body. When we make those fruits a part of our diet, then we are less likely to suffer from deficiency of protein. Avocado, Brazil nuts, coconut, walnuts, dates, raisins, and figs contain highest amount of protein. Other than protein, they also contain all the nutrients

essential for proper functioning of our body. The benefits of eating protein rich fruits include proper growth of muscles and improvement in texture of the skin. Furthermore, fruits containing high amount of proteins and fibers act as wonderful lubricants for our digestive system.

List of Fruits High in Protein

• Brazil nuts: 23.4• Apricot: 1.40• Avocado: 2.00• Banana: 3.89• Blackberries: 1.39• Blueberries: 0.74• Breadfruit: 1.07• Grapefruits: 0.63• Cherries: 1.06• Carissa: 0.45• Carambola: 0.54• Crabapples: 0.36• Currants: 1.25• Custard apples: 1.66• Durian: 1.47• Apples: 0.26• Elderberries: 0.66• Figs: 0.75• Coconut: 3.33• Dates: 2.45• Grapes: 0.60• Groundcherries: 1.72• Guavas: 0.82• Jackfruit: 1.41• Kumquats: 1.88• Kiwi fruit: 0.79• Litchis: 0.80• Limes: 0.39• Loganberries: 1.52• Lemons: 0.96• Loquats: 0.43• Mangoes: 0.51• Mammy apple: 0.50• Melon: 0.80• Mulberries: 1.44• Nectarines: 1.06• Olives: 0.84• Oranges: 0.94• Peaches: 0.91• Pears: 0.50• Pineapple: 0.54• Papaya: 0.61• Plums: 0.70• Pomegranates: 0.89•

Passionfruit: 2.20• Pummelo: 0.76• Rowall: 2.30• Rose apples: 0.54• Rhubarb: 0.90• Raisins: 2.88 • Raspberries: 1.20• Roselle: 0.86• Strawberries: 0.67• Sugar apples: 2.06• Soursop: 1.00• Sapotes: 2.05• Walnut: 15.23• Tangerine: 0.63• Tamarind: 2.72• Watermelon: 0.56

Incorporating Protein Rich Fruits in Your Diet

As already explained, protein is vital for muscle growth and generation of new cells. Those fruits are also rich in amino acids, which are building blocks of the body. It's for this reason body builders and athletes are advised to eat protein rich foods regularly. We explain you how to incorporate them in your diet.

Brazil Nuts/Walnuts for SnacksHighest amount of protein is present in Brazil nuts. One ounce of Brazil nuts is enough to fulfill the protein requirement of your body. Both walnuts and Brazil nuts are rich in omega-3-fatty acids and minerals. Brazil nuts apart from helping in muscle development also have antioxidant property as they are

rich in selenium. You can have them as mid-meal snacks. Avoid having fried and salted nuts.

Banana for BreakfastOne banana for breakfast is must for all. You can smash it and have with milk for filling your stomach better. From the table you can figure out that 100 grams of banana contains 3.89 gm of protein, which is sufficient for our body. Those who have constipation problems can have a ripe banana before going to bed. Amino acid content of banana is also high and therefore, you can use it with a face pack for eliminating dry skin problems.

Coconut With SaladThe soft pulp of tender coconut is extremely rich in proteins. What you can do is have it regularly with salad. You can also have it in the afternoon or simply enjoy a bite anytime. Coconut milk is also rich in proteins and healthy fats. Avoid eating coconut with sugar.

Protein Rich Fruit SaladRefer to the table to choose those fruits containing high amount of protein. For

example, prepare a salad with avocado, passionfruit, mulberries, dates, raisins, rowall, blackberries, apricots, etc. Incorporate a dish of assorted protein rich fruits in your diet. You will definitely notice improvement in your health after a certain period.

Why Fruits are Important to Us?Fruits high in protein also contain nutrients like vitamin C, calcium, carotenoids, etc. They help in synthesis of amino acids and assist body's metabolic activities. They also contain folic acid, an important compound that aids synthesis of proteins and amino acids. Presence of calcium makes them quintessential to proper growth and development of bones. These fruits prevent premature decay of bones.People who are on a strict diet plan must consume protein rich fruits in order to avoid gain in weight. It's a great way to keep your stomach full for a long duration. The most valuable source of nutrition has been found in apple, apricot, avocado, raspberry, cranberry, cantaloupe, tomato, raisin, fig, and lemon. These fruits contain essential substances like beta carotene, vitamin A, potassium, etc.

Figs, in addition to protein, contain vitamin B6 which stimulates secretion of serotonin (a compound that lowers cholesterol levels and prevents water retention in body). Ellagic acid, present in blueberries, cranberrieis, raspberries, walnuts and strawberries is capable of stalling growth of cancer cells.Antioxidants present in fruits help to eliminate free radicals from the body, thereby showing an anti-toxic effect. Raisins are rich in proteins, fibers, and iron. All these elements are essential in the diet of people suffering from health disorders. High fiber fruits like guavas, blueberries, oranges, and figs also alleviate constipation problems.I hope you have found the information useful enough. You will undoubtedly notice improvement in your health when you have these fruits everyday. Apart from the bounties you receive from proteins, the vitamins present in fruits also contribute to a beautiful and glowing complexion and the anti-oxidants purify blood. Do not forget to include dry fruits in your diet. The best way to experience the health benefits is to have a plate of assorted fruits everyday.Read more at Buzzle: Fruits and VegetablesMost of us have enjoyed the taste of hybrid fruits and vegetables without even realizing it. And although there are many people who believe that hybrid food does not taste as good as the heirloom variety, yet they are very much popular. Here we will know more about hybrid vegetables and fruits .

There was a time when a particular fruit or vegetable was available only at a particular time at the grocery store. But if you go to a supermarket now, you will find not only seasonal fruits and vegetables but also some non seasonal ones. Some of these fruits and

vegetables might have been sourced from another location, but most often you will find that they have been cultivated in your local farm. These are known as hybrids. Hybridized fruits and vegetables are developed by cross pollinating two or more similar cultivars within one species or closely related species of the same genus. The resulting fruit or vegetable has the nutritional profile of both the parent food.

Hybridization is nothing new, and it has been taking place naturally to make way for new species of fruits, vegetables and flowers. Intentional hybridization is done to increase the yield of crops, to better the nutritional profile of certain fruits and vegetables and to get rid of certain pesticides and pests. If you recall eating those extra long French fries, then you must have wondered how the fast food joint manages to make them so long. This is all thanks to hybrid potatoes that are extra big. The drawback of hybrid fruits and vegetables is that they might look robust, but some of them lack the taste and flavor of the original. Another drawback of hybrids is that if you plant the seeds from hybrid plants, it is

not necessary that the resultant plant will be the same as the parent plant.

Hybrid Fruits ListHybrid FruitCross BetweenLematoLemon and TomatoBoysenberryBlackberry, Loganberry and RaspberryLimequatLime and KumquatPlumcotPlums and ApricotsGrapefruitPomelo and Sweet OrangeBlood limesRed finger lime and Ellendale MandarinLoganberryBlackberry and Red RaspberryApriumPlums and ApricotsPomatoPotato and TomatoTangorMandarin Orange and Sweet OrangeUgli

Grapefruit, Orange and TangerineJostaberryBlackcurrant and GooseberryOrangeloGrapefruit and OrangeGrappleGrapes and AppleFairchild TangerineClementine Tangelos and Orlando TangelosYuzu fruitMandarin and PapedaOroblancoPomelo and White GrapefruitPluotPlums and ApricotOrtaniqueSweet Orange and TangerineRangpurMandarin Orange and LemonTayberryBlackberry and RaspberryNectacotumPlum, Apricot and Nectarine

Hybrid Vegetables List

Hybrid Vegetable

Cross BetweenBroccoflowerBroccoli and CauliflowerRutabagaTurnip and Wild CabbageRabbageRadish and CabbageBrokaliBroccoli and KaleBroccoliniBroccoli and Kai-lan (Chinese Cabbage)

Besides these vegetables mentioned in the table, there are many other varieties of hybrid vegetables that are available in the market. Hybrid tomatoes are the most common and you can find tomato varieties in unusual colors like purple and deep green as well as stripped tomatoes. Some vegetables like carrots and zucchinis are crossbred to increase their size, yield and for ease of growing them in containers. Many farms compete against each other to come up with newer varieties of hybrid vegetables that not only taste better, but produce a greater yield and are disease resistant too. Unique shape and sizes of these hybridized vegetables are

one of the main attractions for growing them among many farmers. Some more hybrid vegetables are Neon Glow Swiss Chard which are Swiss chards that have neon colored stems like yellow and magenta. Another interesting hybrid is Marai White Sweet Corn that has pristine white corn kernels with 8 inch cobs. There are many hybrid citrus fruits also available like Clementine and Citrange that provide a tasty alternative to their parent species.

Hybrid vegetables and fruits are here to stay and although there are many people who are against hybridized produce, it is important to note that hybridized produce give a higher and consistent yield. They have certain desirable qualities of both the parent fruits or vegetables and also superior disease resistance. If you are growing vegetables in your garden, then it is best that you grow hybrid as well as heirloom varieties.

By Rimlee BhuyanRead more at Buzzle:

Benefits of Fruits and VegetablesBefore you frown at the sight of fruits and vegetables yet again, you should know what you are denying your body, and what you can attain by consuming them. Here's a look into the benefits of fruits and vegetables for your body.

'Eat your vegetables!' is what mom used to tell us all the time, but for some reason, as kids all of us despised them. Fruits, yes, were tolerable, but vegetables always seemed like the enemy. What we didn't know is that they can do so much for our bodies, that if we would have eaten those vegetables then, we wouldn't have half the health troubles we have now (and this includes something as

minor as dry skin or oily hair). So what is that fruits and vegetables do for us, that everyone touts them as the best preventive measure as well as remedy for so many problems? Let's find out.

What do Fruits and Vegetables do for you?

When you consume a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, you are taking in a lot of nutrients that help your body maintain its immunity to several diseases, and lead a long healthy life. Here's a list of the benefits you obtain from consuming these wonder foods.

➾ Fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber, which contributes to several health benefits. These include:Prevention of constipationWeight loss and maintenancePrevention of cholesterol and heart problemsPrevention of diabetes➾ These popularly termed superfoods are also rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants available from vitamins such as vitamin A and vitamin C, that are known to destroy disease-causing free radicals. As such, by consuming these you can:Prevent the development of the

various types of cancerImprove blood circulationPrevent mild to severe infectionsPrevent the development of cardiovascular diseases➾ Other benefits of fruits and vegetables include:Detoxification of the bodyImproved metabolism and energy levelsGreat skin and hair qualityImproved clarity of thought and alertnessImproved vision (particularly from consumption of carrots)Healthy teeth and gumsHealthy pregnancy and childbirthAll in all, you are in for a very safe and healthy lifestyle if you make these wonder foods a part of your daily diet. Of course, you must take care as to not counter the effects of these foods by consuming foods very high in calories and no nutrition whatsoever. Also ensure you perform regular exercise for best results.

What Fruits and Vegetables should you Consume?

Try to consume as many colorful fruits and

vegetables. Almost all vegetables and fruits are safe for consumption, with a few exceptions which can be unhealthy when consumed in excess. These include potatoes, mangoes, and grapes. The more color you have in your plate, the healthier your meal will be. Mix red cabbage, lettuce, peas, beans, carrots, olives, broccoli, and peppers with beans to make a salad. Also enjoy meals that consist of spinach, cabbage, green beans, kale, squash, and the like for maximum benefits. In fruits, enjoy apples, bananas, peaches, a handful of berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries), a handful of grapes, oranges, pears, grapefruits, papayas, and watermelons. Fruits and vegetables that can be consumed with the skin should be consumed like that so that you can get maximum nutrition from them. Some important tips to keep in mind when consuming fruits and vegetables are as follows.Always consume fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid canned varieties.Cook them lightly if you must. Else, enjoy vegetables roasted, grilled, or steamed. If you wish to boil them, do so in as little water as possible, and try to use that water for other

preparations to retain the lost nutrients.Try to cut vegetables and fruits just when you are going to eat them, as cutting them and storing can lead to loss of certain nutrients.You can also enjoy fresh fruit and vegetable juices and smoothies, though the best benefit is attained by enjoying them in their raw forms.You may also consume unsweetened dried fruits as these are as nutritious as the fresh varieties.How Much Should you Consume?

Experts suggest that you should be consuming 5 portions of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. In fact, people adhere to strict fruit and vegetable diets to avail all the benefits they have to offer. One portion of fruit could be one apple or banana. One portion of vegetables could include a side salad with your lunch. This fruit could be added to your breakfast cereal. The vegetables could make a meal on their own or in conjunction with other foods.

As you can see, the power of fruits and vegetables is only for you to try and

experience to believe in it. Speak to any nutritionist or doctor, and they will swear by the benefits these foods offer to the body. Enjoy them five times a day in small portions and you will find yourself feeling fitter, healthier, and refreshed.

Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only, and does not in any way intend to replace the advice of an expert.

By Puja LalwaniRead more at Buzzle: and Vegetables in Season by MonthEating seasonal fruits and vegetables is the best way to enjoy its flavor and texture. In this article we are going to discuss seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Any healthy diet regimen will advocate that you incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables that are in season. Sadly most of us follow a diet that is rich in animal protein and lacking in vegetables and fruits. If you have vowed to add more fresh produce to your diet, then the best way to enjoy its health benefits is to have seasonal produce. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are not only rich in nutrients, but they taste better too. Do you recall how great your home-grown vine tomatoes taste and look in the fall, than the ones you buy at a supermarket which are probably shipped from across the world. Local and seasonal produce have robust flavors that are not lost unlike vegetables and fruits that are transported from across the globe. To enjoy a dinner or lunch cooked with seasonal produce that are at the peak of their flavor, here is a month by month guide to seasonal produce.

Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables by Month











OnionMintBrussels sproutEndiveArugulaCollard Greens



ArtichokeAsparagusCucumbersBroccoliCabbageBeetsFava BeansScallions



LeeksCucumberPotatoesBroccoliSpinachCollard greensPeasOkra




CucumberCornGreen beansBeetsPotatoesSummer squashTomatoes



Sweet cornCucumber

TomatoesGreen beansPeppersEggplantSummer Squash



EggplantSummer squashGreen beansCucumberSweet cornTomatoes




Sweet potatoesSweet cornEggplantZucchiniSummer squashGreen beansCurly KaleLeeksPumpkinsTomatoesRed OnionsPumpkins




BeetsCollard greensButter lettuceBrussels sproutsCucumbersEggplantPumpkinsTomatoesWinter squash



CeleryArtichokesCabbageLeeksArugulaBrussels SproutsCeleriacCauliflowerSwiss ChardWatercressWinter squashPumpkins


ApplesCranberriesGrapefruitOrangesTangelosTangerinesPapayasPassion FruitPearsPersimmonsPomegranates

CeleryFennelLeeksBrussels SproutsRadicchioRadishCollard GreensMustard GreensCauliflowerSwiss ChardTurnipsWinter squashRutabagaSpinachSweet Potatoes

This was a list of seasonal fruits and vegetables by month for US. Different states of America produces different fruits and vegetables during each month depending upon the climatic condition and the type of soil. Seasonal fruits and vegetables not only taste more delicious but they are less expensive than unseasonal ones. So cook with

seasonal vegetables and fruits and enjoy the more robust and hearty flavors as well as its numerous health benefits.Read more at Buzzle: Fruits and VegetablesAs people are becoming more aware of eating healthy food, there is a growing interest in organic fruits and vegetables. To know what exactly is organic produce and the health benefits of eating organic food, read this article.

You must have seen certain fruits and vegetables in the supermarket being labeled as "organic" and must have wondered how it

differs from conventional produce. So what is organic food? Organic foods are those foods that are grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and synthetic substances. In addition to this it also means, organic produce should not contain any genetically modified organisms. Organic food is not mass produced like conventional produce and hence its price is bit on the higher side. There are many health benefits of eating organic vegetables and fruits and many people believe that they taste a lot better than conventional produce. Organic food also contain more nutrients and minerals than conventional produce. The level of pesticides used in production of organic food is lower than that of conventional fruits and vegetables. Here we are going to discuss some of the benefits of eating organic food.

Benefits of Having Organic Produce

We all know that a healthy diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables is necessary to have a fit body. But did you know that most fruits and vegetables that are not organically grown are likely to contain high levels of

pesticides. Washing them thoroughly will help in getting rid of only a certain amount of pesticide residue in fresh produce. Organic fruits and vegetables on the other hand contain very low levels of pesticides and insecticides, since chemical fertilizers and pesticides are not used during the farming process. When pesticides build up in our body, over a period of time, it might lead to various health complications like weakened immune system, birth defects, headaches and development delays and behavioral disorders in children.

Organic vegetables and fruits taste a lot better than conventional fruits and vegetables. The flavors and textures of organic vegetables and fruits is far superior to than that of conventional produce. This is one of the main reasons that high-end restaurants and hotels insist on using only organic produce for preparing their dishes, and attract more customers. While purchasing organic produce, make sure that the produce is seasonal and fresh. Just because the fruits look healthy and luscious does not mean that it is going to taste good or it is organically

grown. Organic vegetables as well as fruits also contain more nutrients, minerals and vitamins than conventional fruits and vegetables. Organic vegetables as well as fruits contains higher amounts of antioxidants and micro nutrients that are required for proper functioning of the body. These produce contains more amounts of vitamins A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamins B and minerals such as zinc, potassium and magnesium that is essential for good health.

Perhaps one of the most important benefit of consuming organic produce is the effect it has on the environment. Organic method of farming used for growing these produce is less harmful to the environment than conventional farming methods. Organic farming uses sustainable farming methods for growing produce. This is done by using organic compost, avoiding use of chemical fertilizers and by the system of crop rotation that does not deplete the nutrients from soil. Unlike conventional farming methods that causes soil erosion, depletion of essential soil nutrients, increased pest resistance and increase in greenhouse gas emission, organic

farming reduces greenhouse emission and keeps the nutrients locked in the soil. Most importantly, organic farming methods used for growing organic fruits and vegetables does not pose the hazard of contamination of water bodies and drinking water that is caused due to use of pesticides and chemical run-off.

Choosing to eat organic vegetables and fruits have many benefits; from health related ones to environmental ones. That is why more and more people are switching to organic produce. So next time you pass the vegetable aisle of the supermarket, choose fresh organic vegetables. Although they are a bit pricier than conventional fruits and vegetables, the benefits are well worth the price.Read more at Buzzle: the Fruit and Vegetable Diet Work?Thinking of going for a fruit and vegetable diet? Is the effort even worth it? Does this diet really work? This article will give you all the necessary information on the pros and cons of this kind of diet.

There are many reasons as to why people go for a fruit and vegetable diet. The reason could be anything from controlling weight, blood sugar, detoxifying the body, preventing health issues like diabetes, heart diseases, blood pressure and so on. The reason why most of the people today are going for fad diets, gym, special meal plans, supplements, and so on, is because they have realized that so far, we have been eating and living according to the need of our taste buds and not according to the need of our body. The fast and busy lifestyle leaves no time for eating a fresh salad but instead forces us to go to the nearest food stall and catch on some junk food. Don't speak about the fitness level... I mean working till late hours gives no

room to wake up early and go for a jog. Joining a gym is easy, but attending it regularly is hard. At last when we realize that we don't have the 'time' to do anything else, we switch to dieting, and this probably is the case with you as well. Anyway, the question to be asked is, does the fruit and vegetable diet work? Well, it does, however, there are some conditions applied.

What is a Fruit and Vegetable Diet Plan

When you listen to the term 'fruit and vegetable diet' you think that being on a fruit and vegetable diet means to keep munching on raw fruits and vegetables all the time, right? But to your surprise, unlike this 'popular belief', a fruit and vegetable diet doesn't have to be all veggies and no meat. The main purpose of introducing lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet is to include a healthy and nutritious source of fiber that can actually help your body detoxify in a natural manner. Which means that you can still munch on nuts, relish the delicious lean meat bacon, but you have to include a considerable amount of fresh fruits and veggies.

Experts recommend to consume at least 9 servings of fruits and vegetables in a day. You can include healthy fruits like apples, oranges, all kinds of berries, papaya, grapefruit and so on. Try to avoid high calorie fruits like bananas, mangoes or grapes as they have a very high fructose content. You can choose a variety of vegetables that you can munch on. Green leafy vegetables are good source of iron, you can also munch on cabbage, carrots, mushrooms, sprouts, tomato, and so on. You can either have a combined serving of fruits and vegetables, or break it up into 4 servings of fruits and 5 servings of vegetables. Eating raw vegetables is good, but if you want you can also steam them. Do not fry them as the deep frying will lessen their nutrient value and add excessive oil into your body. Mix the ingredients, add some lean turkey or chicken meat in it and relish your healthy meal. And the best part is that you can eat these ingredients without having to worry about additional calories or weight gain!

What are the Results of a Fruit and Vegetable Diet

Well, the results are undoubtedly beneficial, provided you are following the diet in the right manner. See, it is very important to eat a balanced diet and include all sorts of nutrients in order to keep your body healthy. Therefore, make sure that you also balance your daily doze of protein by eating some dairy products like low fat cheese, milk and nuts. If you are including chicken, eggs and turkey in your fruit and vegetable salad, then you are fulfilling your protein needs. Vegetables too consist of complex carbohydrates which take more time to digest and therefore the process of converting them into fats take time. As far as the total caloric intake is concerned, the fruits and vegetables mentioned above, if taken at the prescribed quantity will definitely not contribute to additional calories.

Think of it this way, if you have completely stopped on your junk food, you are eating a low calorie, high fiber diet, then yes, this diet works. You are consuming almost 9 servings of healthy fruits and veggies throughout the day, then obviously you will lose weight. Though the degree of weight loss varies from

person to person, but it sure contributes to weight management. Not only this, studies have also revealed that a fruit and vegetable diet reduces the risk of heart stroke, high blood sugar, high blood pressure to a great extent. Not only this, arteriosclerosis, which is condition which arises due to fatty deposits in the walls of the arteries, can be reduced to almost 38%. Not only this, other conditions which result from high calorie foods like gallstones, kidney stones, certain types of cancers, etc., can also be prevented by a healthy fruit and vegetable diet.

Each and every diet has come advantages and disadvantages. The only disadvantage would be neglecting other essential food items like dairy products, nuts, lean meat and, so on. Just be clear that being on a fruit and vegetable diet doesn't mean that you have to munch on only these two things, it means you have to eat more of these along with other essential food items already mentioned above. It would be a little hard to stick on to this diet as your tongue, mind and body wouldn't be used to it, but then the benefits are way beyond the initial difficulty of

sticking on to it. So try eating for your body and not for your tongue, and see how your body rewards you by allowing you to live a healthy, happy and longer life.Read more at Buzzle: Protein Fruits and VegetablesProteins can be obtained from both, plant as well as animal sources. Here is a list of fruits and vegetables that contain high amounts of protein.

One must be aware that the body regularly needs nutrients like vitamins, minerals, proteins, fiber, carbohydrates, etc. for carrying out different functions in the body.

All these nutrients can be obtained either from plant or animal sources or both. Among the rest, proteins are one of the most important compounds required by the human body, as they aid in building cells and tissues. They also help in repairing the tissues in the body. If the body lacks in carbohydrates and fats, the body makes use of proteins for energy production. They are also essential for building muscle mass and hence, a high protein diet is recommended for those thinking of building body or muscles. Proteins can be obtained from both, plant as well as animal sources.

Fruits and Vegetables with High ProteinAlthough, non-vegetarian foods (meat, chicken and fish) are considered as rich sources of proteins, there are several protein rich fruits, nuts and vegetables that can be included in the diet for vegetarians. It should be noted that vegetables, pulses and beans contain highest amounts of proteins as compared to fruits.


BananasApplesApricotsBlueberriesCherriesGrapefruitPeachesPineapplesVegetablesAsparagusBroccoliBeetsBlack-eyed peasCabbagesCauliflowerCeleryCarrotsCucumbersGreen beansGarlicLettuceMushroomsOnionsParsleyPotatoesSpinachSweet potatoes

TomatoesProtein IntakeIt is essential to include protein in the diet regularly in order to prevent the deficiency diseases like kwashiorkor and malnutrition. As it are essential for proper growth and development of the body, one should include the aforementioned fruits and vegetables in the diet. On a daily basis, children require 10-12 ounces of servings of proteins; older people require 10-12 ounces; while adults require 20-22 ounces. This can be easily fulfilled by having a balanced diet. Foodstuff like noodles, spaghetti, whole wheat bread, macaroni, walnuts, raisins, etc. also contain good amounts of proteins.

Apart from the diet, there are several protein supplements available in the market that can help in fulfilling the daily requirement. However, one should note that these supplements should be taken only under doctor's supervision. In most of the cases, the supplements are meant to treat severe protein deficiencies and hence, are not recommended for all. People suffering from chronic disorder and pregnant women should

be specially careful while consuming any supplements. As it is, proteins can be obtained from natural sources and hence, there is hardly any need to go for the supplements.

Although these foods contain high amounts of proteins, they should not be consumed in excess. As a concluding note, one should remember that all the essential nutrients and proteins can be obtained simply by having a balanced and nutritious diet. Take care!Read more at Buzzle: Between Fruits and VegetablesHave you ever wondered if tomato is a vegetable or fruit? What about cucumber or corn? Read on to know more about how to figure out the difference between fruit and vegetable.

Many of us believe that tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers are vegetables. But, technically speaking, all these are fruits, but the only difference is that they are used as vegetables. Then, what is the difference between fruit and vegetable? The debate of fruit vs vegetable has been going on for a long time, with botanists strongly demanding the status of fruits for tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and many more, which are usually classified as vegetables in the culinary sense. In order to understand the difference between fruit and vegetable, we must have some knowledge about both these things, which are very widely used by human beings.

Fruits and Vegetables

Have you ever wondered why oranges or watermelon are classified as fruits? Why potatoes, celery or cabbage has been sorted

out as vegetables? There has to be some scientific reason behind this classification, which has been confusing people for ages. The difference between fruit and vegetable lies in their scientific definition, which is used to identify them. Let us take a look at the definition of both, which can be useful in understanding the classification.

Fruit: A fruit is deemed to be a sweet and fleshy plant product, which includes, apples, orange and plum. In the botanical sense, a fruit is defined as the ripened ovary of a flowering plant and contains seeds. In most cases, the ripened ovaries, along with the surrounding tissues are called fruits and these fruits are a means of dissemination of seeds. This is facilitated by the consumption of fruits by animals and birds, as most of the fruits are sweet and contain fleshy, edible parts.

Vegetable: In general, a vegetable is defined as the edible part of a plant. If a plant, which produces fruits, is also used as a vegetable, then the plant can be taken as a vegetable and the fruit produced by it, as a fruit. There is no botanical definition for the word

'vegetable'. It is a collective term used to denote all parts of herbaceous plants, which are eaten by human beings as foods. It can include the leaves, as in the case of cabbage, the roots as in carrots and beets, the bulbs as in garlic, the flowers as in broccoli, the stems as in asparagus and seeds as in peas.

Difference Between Fruits and Vegetables

Now, you know the meaning of the terms fruit and vegetable. But, it can be argued that if any of the edible part of a plant is a vegetable, then fruit is also an edible part and can be a vegetable. So, what is the factor that differentiates a fruit from a vegetable? The major fruit and vegetable difference is that most of the fruits contain seeds, which are capable of developing into new plants and vegetables lack seeds (there are exceptions). Even though, some of the vegetables are used in plant reproduction, they are not considered fruits. In short, a fruit is a matured ovary of a plant and contain seeds, whereas a vegetable can be any of the edible part of a plant. Hence, it can be said that presence of seeds is one of the factors that differentiate

fruits from vegetables. This is the reason for classifying tomatoes and cucumbers as fruits, even though, they are used as vegetables. Other 'technical' fruits are avocados, squashes, olives, pea pods, squashes, zucchini, pumpkins and peppers. Even nuts and grains are also classified as fruits. However, there are certain vegetables that contain seeds and there are some fruits that lack seeds. So, there is no clear-cut way to differentiate fruits and vegetables.

Fruits are ripened ovary or ovaries, of a plant and contain seeds. Vegetables are edible parts of a plant, other than fruits. It can be said that, while, a fruit could be a vegetable (as in the case of tomatoes), a vegetable could not be a fruit. Most of the fruits contains a simple sugar called fructose, which gives the sweet taste, but, vegetables have less amounts of fructose. The sweetness of the fruits attracts animals and birds to consume them and thereby disperse the seeds. So, leave the debate of fruit vs vegetable to others and include lots of fruits and veggies in your diet to lead a healthy life.Read more at Buzzle: of Different Types of FruitsThe plant kingdom offers the animal kingdom with an unthinkable number of type and sub-types of consumable fruits. These fruits are not only good to eat, but a source of many important vitamins, minerals and fibers needed for the normal functioning of the body. This article will deal with the list of fruits by type.

Botanists have defined fruits as ripened ovaries along with their contents and adhering accessory structures. Fruits are produced from flowers on the plants and trees. Flowers are pollinated and these

fertilized flowers turn into fruits. The ovule turns to seeds, the petals fall off and the ovary surrounding the ovule starts swelling. There are many different types of fruits. These different types of fruits are categorized into four groups basically, namely, simple fruits, aggregate fruits, multiple fruits and accessory fruits. Let us first understand each fruit type before moving on to the list of fruits.

Types of Fruits

Pistil is the main female reproductive organ of a flower. A pistil includes an ovary and a tube called style. The style is topped with a stigma. The pollen for fertilization is received by the stigma. This reproductive setup of a flower determines the type of fruit. Let us understand more about the different types of fruits.Simple Fruits: These fruits are produced by flowers containing one pistil, the main female reproductive organ of a flower.Aggregate Fruits: These fruits are developed from flowers which have more than one pistils. They consist of mass of small drupes that develops from a separate ovary of a

single flower.Multiple Fruits: These fruits are developed not from one single flower but by a cluster of flowers.Accessory Fruits: These fruits are developed from plant parts other than the ovary.Fruits can be fleshy or dry. The main fleshy fruits are berry and drupe. Let us know more about the different fleshy fruit types according to the fruit category.

Fleshy Simple Fruits

Berries: These fruits have a soft epicarp and the mesocarp and endocarp is fleshly. The following is a list of fruits that come under types of berriesGrapesTomatoesBananasRaspberryAvocadosEggplantsCurrantsPersimmonsHesperidiums: These fruits have thick, leathery exocarp and mesocarp. They have a

juicy, pulpy endocarp arranged in a section of juice sacs from the ovary wall. The list of fruit under the type of hesperidium are as follows:OrangeLemonGrapefruitLimesCitronMandarinClementineUgli fruitPepo: The berry has an outer wall or rind that is formed from receptacle tissue that is fused to the exocarp. The mesocarp and endocarp from the fleshy interior. The list of fruits under the type of pepo are:CucumberWatermelonSquashPumpkinHoneydew melonSunberryDrupe: The fruits are developed from one carpel ovary and with one seed. The endocarp is hard and stony that fits closely around the seed. The mesocarp is fleshy and the fruit has thin, soft exocarp. The list of fruits under the

type of drupe are:CherryPeachPlumAlmondApricotOliveLycheePin cherryCoconutPome: The fruit is developed from a compound inferior ovary. The ripened tissue around the ovary forms the fleshy edible part. The list of fruits under the types of pome are:ApplesPearsQuinceChokeberryHawJuneberryMedlarRowanSorb appleFleshy Aggregate Fruits

Polydrupes: This is formed from the development of a number of simple carpels

from a single flower. Few are dry fruits that are attached to a fleshy receptacle and the others are aggregation of simple fleshy fruits. The list of fruits under fleshy aggregate fruits are:StrawberryBlackberryRaspberryBoysenberryLoganberryCloudberryWineberryFleshy Multiple Fruits

The individual ovaries from different flowers get clustered together forming a fruit. The list of fruits under the type of fleshy multiple fruits are:MulberryPineappleFigPomegranateDateThe following is a list of fruits that are native to Asia.Cornelian cherryGoumi

JujubeJackfruitKiwi fruitLoquatKumquatPersimmonThe following is a list of Mediterranean and subtropical fruits.GuavaLonganLycheePassion FruitThis is a list of tropical fruits that have a common characteristic of intolerance to frost.AkeeBreadfruitCamu CamuCarambolaChempedakCustard appleDurianGuaranaMamoncilloMangoMangosteenPapayaPineapple

RambutanRose appleTamarindThese are a different types of fruits that come under the fleshy group. There are fruits that are dry fruits and can be differentiated as dry dehiscent and dry indehiscent. Fruit types that contain seeds in a seedpod that opens up and releases the seeds are known as dehiscent fruits. The indehiscent are those fruits that do not have a seed pot that opens. Let us have a look at different fruits that come under this group.

Dry Dehiscent Fruits

Follicle: The fruit is developed from a single carpel ovary. It splits open from one side only. This type of fruit contains one or many seeds. The list of fruits under follicle are:ColumbineMilkweedLegume: These fruits are dry dehiscent fruits that have pods that split on two sides. The list of fruits under legumes are:Sweet peaBeans

PeanutRunner BeanSilique: This is a fruit that develops from two-carpel ovary, with the halves that fall away leaving the seeds attached to persistent, central wall. The fruits under the Cruciferae family come under this type of fruits.

Capsule: The fruit develops from compound ovary with two or more carpels and the capsules dehisce. The fruits under this type of fruits are cotton, poppy and primrose.

Dry Indehiscent Fruits

Achene: This is a small one-seeded fruit. The pericarp is easily separable from the seed coat. The fruits of buckwheat and sunflower family come under this type of fruit.

Samara: These are one or two seeded achene-like fruits. They form wings from the outgrowth of ovary walls. The type of fruits under this group are elms, ash and maple.

Caryopsis: These are one-seeded small fruits that have pericarp completely fused to the

seed coat. The type of fruits under caryopsis include:WheatOatsRiceCornBarleyRyeNuts: These are one-seeded dried fruits with a hard pericarp. The list of fruits under this type are:WalnutHazelnutChestnutAcornThese were some types of fruits found in nature. Most of the fleshy fruits are edible and are eaten all over the world. Not all dry fruits are edible, nonetheless they are types of fruits. Fruits are nature's way of treating us with sweet and sour foods that have many health benefits and help keep our mind, body and skin healthy. One should make it a point of including these abundantly found and healthy foods in their daily diet. I hope this 'fruity' list was useful in introducing you to mother nature's sweet bounty.

By Batul Nafisa BaxamusaRead more at Buzzle: Relevance of FruitsThe most important starter before any meal is a bowl of fruit. Not many people realize its importance.


Most people understand that fruits are important, so much so that they initially miss these out from their staple diet, only to remember them once their meal (irrespective of lunch or dinner) has been completed. Fruits for many are to be consumed after meals, a

myth that has grossly spanned across the globe.

For most of us who did not know this fact, this might be a great eye opener for many in the sense that fruits should never be eaten after any meal. Most breakfasts across countries have fruits as the main ingredient and no matter how convenient fruit juices may be, the real strength of any fruit (including citrus fruits), lies in its complete structure and never in the form of juice. Juices are only for those that are otherwise citric in nature, which cannot be consumed, for example lemons.

Ailments and Fruit Remedies

There are certain roots and stems in the plant kingdom that are grown for specific purposes. Ginger for example is known to cure morning sickness almost instantaneously. Nausea and sore throats are the common ailments that are rather unnecessarily irritating, but important to be cure as soon as possible so as to not rupture the fabric of life. While bananas are known to cure open wounds, bee stings and upset stomachs, the juice of cranberry

can cure an inflamed bladder, thanks to its high acidic content.

Banana being a complete food does have many elements naturally present in it, and to an extent some amounts of potassium. Pineapples on the other hand are known for their high manganese content helping women with the prevention of osteoporosis, and bone fracture. With age, a woman's bone density decreases, either due to menopause where the amount of estrogen made reduces drastically or there is a decalcification happening rapidly during her forties. Pineapples can help you cope with the knocks that can crack your bones, as they are perhaps the only fruit that give you the much-needed manganese and fiber that helps you lose the middle age fat that you drag along on your body.

Remedies for Women

Almost all women however strong they might be are known to lose some strength after childbirth, and are prone to excessive hair loss thanks to the severe actions amongst

their hormones. Milk is one life saver for them during this period. Almost 2-3 glasses of milk gives you the much-needed calcium and protein necessary for hair growth. Since we are on women lets also deal with the tribulations of PMS. The easiest way to battle PMS is either by banking upon bananas, or by the consumption of cornflakes. Easy, ain't it?! Cornflakes help you battle with fatigue, anxiety and depression. The milk helps you regularize the flow of blood during periods and because milk is a liquid, it helps is avoiding you getting cramps and chronic pains thanks to a clots formed during menstruation.

Generally it is advised that you resort to warm beverages and warm baths during this time, so that the clots formed are more leaner and don't get stuffed through their expulsion passage from your fallopian tubes. The desire for consuming chocolates is really strong before and periods. This is largely because the iron level goes down, making you crave desperately for these. You could curb this desire by consuming milk and go easy on coffee. Generally coffee becomes an easy

target as the cocoa content has the similar effect as chocolate, so women greatly binge and go overboard. So if you're already in this position, as much as possible consume lots of water and avoid coffee, try tea instead.

More Fruit Remedies

Most of us live by aspirins during severe colds, for faster relief. Try citric fruits instead. Most people agreed to the effects of lemons and oranges for getting rid of their sinusitis, some even admired the guava for its high Vitamin C content. But the fact is that garlic also falls in this category for helping you cope up with excessive colds. Research proves that the ingredient found in red peppers is similar to that found in cough syrups. Avocados on the other hand can help you lower your cholesterol levels much like the exercise of climbing stairs.

The joint right behind your knee, while you climb stairs, releases good cholesterol in your body and avocados help you even further. Moreover with avocados, the monounsaturated fat in avocados helps in

further lowering your cholesterol. And while most people are aware of bananas curing diarrhea, few of us know that grated apples while left for turning brown can be an excellent tonic for the same as well. We'll continue this discussion in our next attempt understanding the importance of fruits.

By Prerna SallaRead more at Buzzle: