FRu|iLE C · 3.2.2 Acoustic Environment .1 1 ... 6.3...

E959 Volume 6 RURAL ENERGY 11 PROJECT CENTRAL REGION: WORKS IN QUANG NGAI PROVINCE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Prepared by Power Design Centre, Da Nang and Roop & Associates, Hanoi for Power Company No. 3, Da Nang March 2004 FRu|iLE C rfi Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized

Transcript of FRu|iLE C · 3.2.2 Acoustic Environment .1 1 ... 6.3...

E959Volume 6



Prepared byPower Design Centre, Da Nang

andRoop & Associates, Hanoi

forPower Company No. 3, Da Nang

March 2004

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Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


1Introduction...1.1 Background to Project ................................................. , , . 11.2 Purpose of the Environmental Assessment ............................................... 11.3 Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework ................................................. ,.3

1.3.1 World Bank Policy on Environmental Assessment .31.3.2 Vietnamese Policy on Environmental Assessment .3

2 Project Description . . . 42.1 Project Overview .42.2 Description of Project Area and Project Households . . 62.3 Project Details .72.4 Project Activities .8

2.4.1 Pre-Construction .82.4.2 Construction Activities .92.4.3 Operation Activities .. 9

2.5 Project Schedule .. 02.6 Project Cost. .10

3 Description of Environment in Study Area . . . 13.1 Introduction .. 113.2 Biophysical Environment of Study Area .. 1

3.2.1 Air Quality and Climate .11 3.2.2 Acoustic Environment .1 13.2.3 Hydrology, Drainage and Water Quality .11 3.2.4 Topography, Soils and Geology .123.2.5 Ecology and Biodiversity .12

3.3 Socio-economic Environment of Study Area .. 133.3.1 Land Use ............................. 13 l

3.3.2 Demographics ............................. 13 l

3.3.3 Community Facilities and Services ............................ 143.3.4 Local Economy ............................. 15 l

3.3.5 Traffic and Transport ............................ 15 3.3.6 Cultural Property ............................. 15 l

4 Screening for Environmental Impacts. . . 164.1 Environmental Assessment Methodology .. 164.2 Summary Matrix of Issues .. 17

5 Public Consultation and Disclosure .. 225.1 Need for Public Consultation and Disclosure .225.2 Public Consultation and Disclosure Activities to Date . 225.3 Future Public Consultation and Disclosure .23

6 Environmental Management Plan .. 246.1 Environmental Mitigation Plan .246.2 Environmental Monitoring .............................. 296.3 Environmental Reporting Requirements .336.4 Capacity Building .376.5 Institutional Arrangements .386.6 Cost Estimate and Funding Mechanisms .42

7 Conclusions .. 44

8 References .. 45

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Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


ANNEX A DISTRICT MAPS ....................................................................... 46

ANNEX B SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCREENING RESULTS ..................................................... 54

ANNEX C SUMMARY OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION MEETING OUTCOMES ............................................ 71

ANNEX D SUMMARY OF SOCIAL DATA FOR PROJECT COMMUNES ................................................... 76



ANNEX G LIST OF DISTRICTS AND COMMUNES IN PROJECT AREA ................................................... 82

ANNEX H REGISTRATION FOR SECURING ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS ......................................... 85


Table 2.1: Districts and Communes in Project Area .6Table 2.2: Households in Project Area .7Table 2.3: Project Details .7Table 2.4: Land Requirements and PAHs .8

Table 3.1: Summary of Provincial and Regional Water Quality Issues .12Table 3.2: Land Use in Quang Ngai Province .13Table 3.3: Population Data for Project Area .13Table 3.4: Ethnic Minority Households in Project Area .14Table 3.5: Access to Community Facilities and Services in Quang Ngai Province .14Table 3.6: Access to Community Facilities and Services in Project Area .14Table 3.7: Income and Occupation in Project Area .15

Table 4.1: Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures .18

Table 5.1 Summary of Outcomes from Public Meetings Quang Ngai Province .23

Table 6.1: Environmental Mitigation Plan .25Table 6.2: Environmental Monitoring Plan .30Table 6.3 Summary of Environmental Reporting Requirements .34Table 6.4: Institutional Arrangements for EMP Implementation .39Table 6.5: Cost Estimation for Environmental Monitoring .42Table 6.6: Cost of Implementing EMP Capacity Building (VND) .42Table 6.7: Costs of Implementing the EMP (VND) .43

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Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


Main Report Figures

Figure 1.1: Location of Quang Ngai Province - REII Project Environmental Assessment .............. 2

Figure 2.1: Schematic Illustration of Project Implementation ........................................................... 4

Figure 2.2: REII Project Environmental Assessment Districts Included in Project Area -

Quang Ngai Province ................... 5

Annex A Figures

Figure Al: Tu Nghia District Map .................. 47

Figure A2: Nghia Hanh District Map .................. 48

Figure A3: Binh Son District Map .................. 49

Figure A4: Son Tinh District Map .................. 50

Figure A5: Mo Duc District Map .................. 51

Figure A6: Duc Pho District Map .................. 52

Figure A7: Minh Long District Map ...................................................................................... ......... 53

~ ')nflfA Paae iii

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


CPC Commune People's Committee

DOI Department of Industry

DoNRE Provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment

DPC District People's Committee

EA Environmental Assessment

EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

EIRR Economic Internal Rate of Return

EMD Environmental Management Division

EMP Environmental Management Plan

EVN Electricity Vietnam

FIRR Financial Internal Rate of Return

GOV Government of Vietnam

IPDP Indigenous Peoples Development Plan

Km Kilometre

KVA Kilovolt Ampere

M/LV Medium/Low Voltage

MoNRE Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

MoST Ministry of Science and Technology

PAH Project Affected Household

PC3 Power Company No. 3, Da Nang

PMU Project Management Unit for the REII Project under Power Company No. 3,Da Nang

PPC Provincial People's Committee

PPS Provincial Power Services

Project Area Area within which the project will be constructed

Project Communes included in the project in Quang Ngai ProvinceCommunesRAP Resettlement Action Plan

REII Project Rural Energy 11 Project - the second component of the Rural Energy Project

REP Rural Energy Project

ROW Right of way

SEMP Site Environmental Management Plan

Sensitive Land use types that are especially sensitive to the impacts of the project,receivers particularly in relation to noise and dust impacts. Examples include

residences, schools, hospitals and pagodas. For the purposes of theEnvironmental Monitoring Plan, sensitive receivers will be identified by theCPCs.

SIMC Safeguard Independent Monitoring Consultant

SOP Standard Operating Procedures

The Project Components of the REII Project in Quang Ngai Province

UXO Unexploded ordnanceWB World Bank

C-k-- eer n>f(tA Paan iv

Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

1 Introduction

1.1 Background to Project

The Rural Energy Project (REP) is being implemented by Electricity Vietnam (EVN) and Quang NgaiProvince, to achieve electrification targets set by the Government of Vietnam (GOV). These targetsenvisage provision of energy to 100% of districts, 80% of communes and 60% of households inVietnam. The REP will help to achieve the GOV electrification targets by:

. developing a national strategy for electrification and for provision of energy to remotemountainous areas; and

. connecting approximately 900 communes throughout Vietnam to the national grid.

The REP is now entering its second phase, known as the Rural Energy II (REII) Project. EVN isproposing to implement the REII Project (the project) in Quang Ngai Province in south-centralVietnam (refer Figure 1.1). The project represents one component of the second phase of the RuralEnergy Project (REP) and has the following specific objectives:

. complete the MV and LV networks to meet the power needs of the province to assist socio-economic development for the next 20 years to 2025; and

. increase reliability and quality of the network by reducing voltage drop and power losses, reducingthe cost of rural energy and increasing the efficiency of power supply.

The component of the REII project that is the subject of this environmental assessment involves theupgrading and extension of the medium and low voltage electricity distribution network in 74communes in seven districts in Quang Ngai Province. The project will benefit 157,123 householdsincluding 7,720 households that will have access to electricity for the first time as a result of theproject.

The project will provide electricity to 100% of the households in the project communes with the aim ofimproving living conditions of households by enhancing the accessibility and security of electricitysupply.

1.2 Purpose of the Environmental Assessment

The Environmental Assessment (EA) of the REII project in Quang Ngai Province has been carried outto achieve the following:

* Review the baseline conditions of the biophysical and socio-economic environment in the projectarea through data review, site inspections and meetings with project communes (refer Section 3).

* Undertake an examination of the potential impacts of the project on the biophysical and socio-economic environments to determine the type and magnitude of such impacts and determine therequired level of environmental impact assessment to fulfill World Bank and GOV requirements(refer Section 4).

* Document the outcomes of public consultation and disclosure activities associated with theproject, including meetings with representatives of each of the Communes in the project area(refer Section 5).

* Develop an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to be implemented during the pre-construction, construction and operation phases of the project (refer Section 6).

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Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


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Figure 1.1: Location of Quang Ngai Province - REII Project Environmental Assessment

Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

1.3 Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework

1.3.1 World Bank Policy on Environmental Assessment

Because the GOV will receive a World Bank loan to conduct the project, this report has beenprepared in accordance with both the World Bank's safeguard policies and the GOV's policies onenvironmental assessment and environmental protection.

The REII Project in Quang Ngai Province is classified by the World Bank as a Category B project forthe purposes of environmental assessment in accordance with World Bank OP 4.01 EnvironmentalAssessment (October 1998). This classification was based on preliminary activities conducted by EVNand WB, and the results of the findings of the environmental assessment of the project, which arepresented in Section 4. Classification as a Category B project indicates that the potential adverseimpacts of the project are site-specific, few if any are irreversible and in most cases appropriatemitigation measures can be developed to reduce impacts to acceptable levels.

Additional World Bank policies that were considered through the Project's EIA process include:

* OPN 11.03 Cultural Property;

* OP 4.04 Natural Habitats;* OD 4.20 Indigenous Peoples; and

BP 17.50 Public Disclosure.

Detailed guidance on assessment methodologies and common impacts associated with electricityinfrastructure projects are found in:

* World Bank, 1991. Environmental Assessment Sourcebook, Volume 3.

* IFC, 1998. Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines on Electric Power Transmission andDistribution.

1.3.2 Vietnamese Policy on Environmental Assessment Vietnamese Policy FrameworkThe policies of the GOV that are relevant to environmental assessment are as follows:

(i) Law on Protection of the Environment (LEP)(ii) Decree 175/CP

(iii) Circular No. 490

To supplement the above key environmental assessment policies, there are a large range of laws,decisions, regulations, and standards which also require consideration:

(iv) Law on Forest Protection (1992)

(v) Decree 54/1999/ND-CP

(vi) Decree 70/1987-HDBT

(vii) Decree 24/2000/ND-CP

(viii) Decree 52/1999/ND-CP(ix) Decree 26/1996/CP

(x) Tieu Chaun Viet Nam (TCVN) Standards

(xi) 11 TCN-1984

M,qrrh 2004 Page 3

Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

2 Project Description

2.1 Project Overview

The REII project in Quang Ngai Province involves the upgrading and extension of the medium andlow voltage electricity network in 74 communes in seven districts. The project involves upgrading ofthe existing low voltage' (LV) and medium voltage2 (MV) network to improve security of supply andease of maintenance, and providing short extensions to the existing low voltage network to servecurrently unconnected households. The project will result in 100% coverage of households in theproject communes. The project will be carried out predominantly within the existing ROWs of the MVand LV network with only short extensions of the ROW required to serve individual households.Figure 2.1 provides a schematic illustration of the project for a typical commune.

]~~~~~~~.L Ll~ C_li

- ~Existing medium voltage line D Household* - New medium voltage line

......... Upgrade low voltage line . ....... ''New sub-station... Existing sub-station

- - . New low voltage line

Figure 2.1: Schematic illustration of Project Implementation

l LowE voltage =t0.4 to 1.0 kV2 Medium vNoltage = 22 to 35 kV

NAm-r-h 9fo liA Page 4

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


- - District Boundary - Communal Boundaryx

Rivers, CoastContours

.Project District',Q,'Y7 Projc Commune

Forest Cover (1929)lHlJ l Wetland1111 Cultural, historical and environmental site _I 2_Nature Reserve kilometres

Figure 2.2: REII Project Environmental Assessment Districts Included in Project Area -Quang Ngai Province



Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

2.2 Description of Project Area and Project Households

Table 2.1 lists the districts and communes involved in the project (refer Figure 2.2 and Annex A).

Table 2.1: Districts and Communes in Project Area

DucPho * Pho Minh * Pho Van* Pho Vinh * Pho Thanh* Pho Khanh * Pho Hoa* Pho Ninh * Pho Cuong* Pho Quang * Pho Thuan* Pho An * Pho Phong

Binh Son * Binh Thanh Dong * Binh Duong* Binh Nguyen * Binh My* Binh Long * Binh Chanh* Binh Thoi * Binh Minh* Binh Phuoc * Binh Thanh Tay

Mo Duc * Duc Hiep * Duc Tan

* Duc Phong * Duc Thang* Duc Minh * Duc Nhuan* Duc Hoa * Duc Loi* Duc Thanh * Duc Lan* Duc Chanh * Duc Phu

Minh Long * Long Hiep* Long Mai

Nghia Hanh * Hanh Phuoc * Hang Tin Dong* Hanh Trung * Hanh Duc* Hanh Tin Tay * Hanh Minh* Hanh Thien * Hanh Nhan* Hanh Thinh * Hanh Dung* Hanh Thuan

Son Tinh * Tinh Binh * Tinh Dong* Tinh An Tay * Tinh Giang* Tinh Ha * Tinh Chau* Tinh Bac * Tinh Long* Tinh Minh * Tinh Tra* Tinh An Dong * Tinh An

Tu Nghia * Nghia Phuong * Nghia Thuong* Nghia Trung * Nghia Thang* Nghia My * Nghia Hoa* Nghia Hiep * Nghia An* Nghia Ha * Nghia Phu* Nghia Dien * Nghia Lam* Nghia Ky

Table 2.2 contains information on the number of households involved in the project.

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Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

Table 2.2: Households in Project Area



Tu Nghia 31,176 30,223 953

Nghia Hanh 19,805 17,943 1861

Binh Son 19,483 18,611 872

Son Tinh 27,723 26,146 1,577

Mo Duc 29,053 28,322 730

Duc Pho 28,348 26,957 1,391

Minh Long 1,535 1,199 336

TOTAL 157,123 149,401 7,720

2.3 Project DetailsTable 2.3 provides a summary of the main features of the project.

Table 2.3: Project Details

Voltage* Medium voltage (MV) 22 kV* Low voltage (LV) 0.4 to 1.0 kV

Towers 10.5 m for MV8.4 m for LV

Line ROW* MV lines 6 m wide* LV lines 2 m wide

Ground Clearance > 6 m

MV Distribution Lines* New line 311.090 km* Total upgrading 3.190 km* Partial upgrading (replace cross arms, 47.423 km

insulators and conductors)* Removed line 3.190 km

LV Distribution Lines* New line 1,391.460 km* Total upgrading 20.635 km. Partial upgrading (replace cross arms, 110.300 km

insulators and conductors)* Removed line 61.730 km

Substations* Existing substations retained 201 substations with total capacity of 29,773 KVA* Upgraded substations 97 substations with total capacity of 18,658 KVA* New substations 406 substations with total capacity of 56,493 KVA* Removed substations 111 substations with total capacity of 14,115 KVA

Total substations and their Capacity after 704 substations with total capacity of 104,924 KVAproject investment

Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

2.4 Project Activities

The project will be undertaken in three stages: pre-construction, construction and operation. Thefollowing sections describe the activities that will be carried out in each of the three stages.

2.4.1 Pre-Construction

During pre-construction, the detailed design of the project will be carried out. During detailed design,decisions on the location, number and specification of the following will occur:

ROW alignmentPole structures

* Sub-station locations and structures• Access track locations* Worksites and material storages* Construction camps

The detailed design will take into account the mitigation measures discussed in Section 4.

Land acquisition will also be undertaken during the pre-construction activities. The project will requiretemporary acquisition of land for use during the construction works and some permanent acquisitionof land at the locations of the poles, sub-stations and other permanent project features.

Table 2.4 summarises the land requirements and the number of project affected households (PAHs)for the project.

Table 2.4: Land Requirements and PAHs

.3 -* -.Total temporarily affected 6,311,193Total permanently affected 43,808

MV Line WorksTotal temporarily affected 2,333,639. garden land 406,883. agricultural land 1,542,263. forest land 24,669. wild land 359,825Total permanently affected 9,833. garden land 2,891. agricultural land 6,312. forest land 116. wildland 514Project Affected Households 699 householdsLV Line WorksTotal temporarily affected 3,977,554. garden land 2,414,649• agricultural land 1,419,509. forest land 10,559. wild land 132,796Total permanently affected 33,975. garden land 23,821. agricultural land 8,704. forest land 119. wildland 1,330Project Affected Households 28 households

Compensation for the temporary and permanent loss of land will be paid to Project AffectedHouseholds (PAH) in accordance with the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the project.

Rural Energy li Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

2.4.2 Construction Activities

The following construction activities will be carried out as part of the project:

* Clearing of the ROW: vegetation and other items in the ROW will be cleared using a combinationof manual and mechanical methods. The width of the ROW will be 2 m for the LV network and6 m for the MV network. The extent and timing of clearing will be undertaken to minimise impactson land use as described in Section 4.

* Establishment of temporary access tracks: Given that the project involves upgrading andminor extension of the existing network, the need for new access tracks to be established will beminimal. Wherever possible, existing access tracks will be used in favour of creating new tracks.When new tracks are required, they will be of minimal width (approximately 3 to 4 m wide) toallow construction vehicles to pass. Access tracks will be rehabilitated following completion ofconstruction. It is not envisaged that any permanent access tracks will be required.

. Establishment of material storage areas and worksites: Within each commune there will be aneed to establish small material storage areas and worksites. These areas will be small(approximately 5 to 15 m2 ) and will be located at the same location as the construction camps(refer below) and predominantly in existing disturbed areas in accordance with the measuresdescribed in Section 4. All material storage areas and worksites will be temporary and will berehabilitated following completion of construction.

. Establishment of construction camps: It is anticipated that one work crew will be assigned toeach commune for a period of two to three months. It is anticipated that work crews will comprise10 to 15 workers. The contractor will be encouraged to maximise the use of workers from thelocal community. Construction workers from outside the local area will be housed in constructoncamps. Construction camps will be located outside the communes in existing cleared areas,where possible. Construction camps will require approximately 100 m of cleared land. Camps willinclude sanitation facilities and waste storage areas and will be rehabilitated following completionof construction.

. Removal and upgrading activities: The project involves the upgrading and extension of theexisting network. During construction, some sections of the existing network will be removed toallow new infrastructure to be constructed. Other sections will be upgraded through stringing ofnew wires or installation of new transformers. Note that transformers from the existing network willbe reused wherever possible.

* Pole erection and wire stringing: These activities will be carried out using predominantlymanual labour. Excavation for poles will be in the order of 2 m2 for each pole.

. Sub-station construction: Sub-stations will require clearing of approximately 5m2 and will be ofa height of approximately 6 m.

. Materials transport: Transport of materials will be undertaken using a combination ofconstruction vehicles to transport materials to the main construction sites and manual labour.

* Generator operation: Portable generators will be required throughout construction to providepower to certain activities.

. Waste and spoil management: Management measures that will be implemented for wastegenerated during the construction are described in Section 4.2.6.

The majority of the works will be undertaken using manual construction methods and will be carriedout predominantly within the existing ROW or disturbed areas, with only short sections of new ROWor additional clearing required.

2.4.3 Operation Activities

Following completion of the construction activities, the upgraded and new sections of LV and MV lineswill be connected to the network and energized.

During the life of the project, regular infrastructure maintenance activities will be undertaken.Maintenance of vegetation under the electricity lines and close to other project infrastructure will alsobe carried out to ensure required safety clearances are maintained.

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

The project communes will manage operation of the electricity network constructed as part of the REIIProject.

2.5 Project Schedule

Project implementation will occur between June 2004 and December 2005.

2.6 Project Cost

The total investment for the project is estimated at VND 335,383,764,000 without replacing meters and382,463,964,000 with replacing meters. A summary of estimated costs is provided in Table 2.5.

Table 2.5: Summary of Estimated Costs


Whole project 423,797,987,000

Equipment 14,439,430,000

Civil works 340,536,767,000

Others 29,858,926,000

Contingencies 38,962,864,000

MVportion: 107,156,668,000

Equipment 14,439,430,000

Civil works 73,746,172,000

Others 8,793,776,000

Contingencies 10,177,290,000

LVportion: 316,641,319,000


Civil works 266,790,595,000

Others 21,065,150,000

Contingencies 28,785,574,000

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Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

3 Description of Environment in Study Area

3.1 IntroductionQuang Ngai Province is located in the southern central region of Vietnam and has an area of5135 km . The province comprises one town (Quang Ngai) and twelve districts, seven of which areincluded in the project (refer Figure 2.2).

The province is located approximately 883 km south of Hanoi and 885 km north of Ho Chi Minh Cityand is bordered by the provinces of Quang Nam to the north, Kon Tum and Gia Lai to the west andBinh Dinh to the south. Quang Ngai Province has approximately 130 km of coastline on the East Sea.

Section 3.2 provides information about the biophysical environment in the study area, and Section 3.3provides information about the socio-economic environment in the study area. The informationpresented in these sections has been obtained from a number of primary and secondary informationsources (refer Section 8). For some issues limited information was available and these deficiencieshave been noted in the appropriate parts of Sections 3 and 4.

3.2 Biophysical Environment of Study Area

3.2.1 Air Quality and Climate

Air quality within the project area is influenced by the predominantly rural nature of land use (referSection 3.3.1). Major air pollutants include dust and particulate matter generated by agriculturalactivities and land clearing, particularly during the dry season. The relatively low level of industry andurban development in the project area ensures that levels of other pollutants are generally low.

The climate within the province is monsoonal and is dominated by two distinct seasons, the wet andthe dry seasons. The wet season lasts generally from October to January. The annual meantemperature in the province is 24.50C, with an annual average minimum of 13.80C and an annualaverage maximum of 37.50C. The average humidity in the province is 80.2% and average annualrainfall is 1957 mm, on an average of 120 days per year (ICNRE, 2003).

High rainfall in the province during the wet season often results in major flood events (refer Section3.2.3). During the dry season, low rainfall leading to low river flows and high temperatures can resultin the occurrence of severe drought conditions (World Bank et al, 2003).

3.2.2 Acoustic Environment

Quantitative data on ambient noise levels in Quang Ngai Province are sparse. However, noise levelsare generally low due to the predominantly rural nature of the land use. Local sources of noisegeneration include agricultural activities and transport related noise in proximity of major transportcorridors such as National Highway One and the north-south rail line.

3.2.3 Hydrology, Drainage and Water Quality

The major rivers in Quang Ngai Province are Tra Bong River, Tra Khuc River, Tra Cau River andVe River (refer Figure 2.2). These rivers flow from the mountainous areas in the west of the provincein an easterly direction towards five small bays on the East Sea; Sa Can, Sa Ky, Co Luy, My A andSa Huynh Bays (ICNRE, 2003). The Rivers in Quang Ngai Province are generally short and fastflowing (UNEP, 2002).

Major flood events occur regularly in Quang Ngai Province in the wet season as a result of highrainfall and the short, steep topography of rivers in the area. Flood records kept since 1985 indicatethat large flood events occurred in 1988, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 and 20033. Thesefloods occurred in the province during the wet season and resulted in major damage to infrastructureand loss of life.

3 Large floods are classified as those that cause significant damage to structures of agriculture, long intervals between

similar events and/or fatalities occur (Dartmouth Flood Observatory, 2003).

1vA_srrk OnOA Pace 1 1

Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

During the dry season, low river flows result in adverse effects on aquatic ecosystems and cause

severe salt infiltration in coastal areas, which adversely affects water quality.

Detailed information on surface water quality of individual water bodies in Quang Ngai Province was

not available. However, information on water quality within the province and the south-central region

has been collated and summarised in Table 3.1 to provide an overview of water quality issues in the

project area.

Table 3.1: Summary of Provincial and Regional Water Quality Issues

River water quality . Generally satisfactory in upstream and mid- UNEP, 2002stream sections

* Poorer water quality in downstream sections World Bank et al, 2003. Low river flows during dry season cause severe

salt intrusion in coastal areas. Main influences include urban pollution and saline


Groundwater quality . Generally satisfactory on plains UNEP, 2002. Salt intrusion is an issue in estuarine areas

Coastal waters . Main pollutants are oils, phosphates and nitrates World Bank et al, 2003

Surface water availability . Low availability World Bank et al, 2003

Groundwater availability . Medium availability World Bank et al, 2003

3.2.4 Topography, Soils and Geology

Quang Ngai's topography slopes from the east up to the mountainous areas in the west. The mainlandforms in the province are the mountainous regions in the west, midland areas, a narrow delta

area adjacent to the East Sea and islands (ICNRE, 2003).

The highest mountains in the province are Ca Dam (1,600 m), Da Vach / Thach Bich 1,500 m) and

Cao Muon (1,085 m) (ICNRE, 2003).

The majority of districts involved in the project are located in the coastal and midland areas (refer

Figure 2.2). However, within Son Tinh, Minh Long and Nghia Hanh Districts, several projectcommunes in the western parts of these districts are located in hilly or mountainous areas.

Soils in the mountainous and hilly areas of the province are comprised predominantly of yellow-redsoils that are subject to erosion, particularly during the wet season. In the coastal areas, soils are

generally sandy (World Bank et al, 2003; UNEP, 2002).

3.2.5 Ecology and Biodiversity

Forested areas cover approximately 144,000 ha or 28% of the province (GSO, 2001). Forest cover in

the province is shown in Figure 2.2 and Annex A. Forest cover in Quang Ngai Province is evergreen

forest type. This forest type is the most common in Vietnam (representing 64% of forest cover), but is

the type being reduced at the fastest rate and is relatively poorly conserved in protected areas

(Birdlife International et al, 1999). The eco-regions (areas representing unique assemblages of

species and/or forest associations) present in Quang Ngai are as follows(Birdlife International et al, 1999):

* Southern Vietnam Coastal Forest (predominant eco-region)

* Kom Tum Montane Forest

Eastern Indochina Moist Forest

Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

Based on the 'Map of Nature Conservation Areas of Vietnam' (NEA et a!, 2001), no areas ofecological sensitivity have been identified in the project area. Figure 2.2 shows the location of sites ofecological sensitivity that exist in Quang Ngai Province outside the project area.

There are no protected areas located in the project districts (Birdlife International, 2001). No Ramsarwetlands occur in the project area (UNEP WCMC, 1994).

In terms of aquatic biodiversity, issues that have been identified generally for the south central region(including Quang Ngai Province) include a decline in freshwater fish species, degradation of marinebiodiversity and habitats and the presence of vulnerable eco-systems including coastal lagoons, coralreefs and seagrass beds (World Bank et al, 2003). The marine environment off the coast ofQuang Ngai Province has been identified as sensitive (World Bank et a!, 2003).

3.3 Socio-economic Environment of Study Area

3.3.1 Land Use

The total area of Quang Ngai Province is 5135.2 km2. Table 3.2 provides information on the main landuse types within the province (GSO, 2001).

Table 3.2: Land Use in Quang Ngai Province

Residential 6594 1.3

Agriculture 99,055 19.2

Forestry 144,164 28.1

Special Uses 20,797 4.0

Unused 242,800 47.2

Agriculture is one of the major land uses in the province and accounts for the majority of theprovince's GDP (refer Section 3.3.4). The major crops produced in Quang Ngai Province are cerealsand rice (GSO, 2003).

Land use in the project communes is also predominantly agricultural, with rice production being themain activity. There is low-density residential development within the project communes and someforest cover (refer Figure 2.2 and Annex A).

3.3.2 Demographics

The population of Quang Ngai Province in 2002 was 1,223,600 persons and the average populationdensity was 234 persons/km2 . The annual population growth rate is 1 %. Approximately 12% of thepopulation lives in urban areas and 88% in rural areas (GSO, 2003; GSO 2001).

Table 3.3 contains data about the population in the project area.

Table 3.3: Population Data for Project Area

Tu Nghia ~~31,176 147,707 88% 13 93%

Ngi ah 19,805 96,950 100% 11 100%

o19483 79 286 46% 10 44%

Son Tinh 27,723 124,706 67% 12 60%

Mo Duc 29,053 135,807 100% 12 100%

Duc Pho 28,348 132,396 93% 12 86%

Minh Long 1,535 5,573 41% 2 40%

TOTAL Quang 157,123 72,2245 74Ngai Province,

Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

According to the 1999 census, there are 26 ethnic groups living in Quang Ngai, of which the Kinh

people represent 88.4% of the province's population. Other ethnic groups include the H're (8.7%),

Co (1.9%) and Xo Dang (1.9%) (ICNRE, 2003).

There are very few ethnic minority households in the project area. Information about ethnic minorities

in the project area is contained in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4: Ethnic Minority Households in Project Area


Tu Nghia 0

Nghia Hanh 0.6 % (189 households)

Binh Son 0

Son Tinh 0

Mo Duc < 0.1% (6 households)

Duc Pho < 0.1% (4 households)

Minh Long 0

An Indigenous Peoples Development Plan (IPDP) has been prepared for the project.

3.3.3 Community Facilities and Services

Table 3.5 summarises some key features of Quang Ngai Province in relation to access to community

facilities (GSO, 2001; NCSSH, 2001).

Table 3.5: Access to Community Facilities and Services in Quang Ngai Province

Population without access to safe drinking water 19.8%

Population without access to sanitation 63.2%

Communes using electricity 73.6%

Communes with primary school 96.3%

Communes with secondary school 68.7%

Communes with health center 87.7%

Information about community facilities and services in the project area is contained in Table 3.6.

Table 3.6: Access to Community Facilities and Services in Project Area



Tu Nghia 85 +5% 97 + 23% 54 +17%

Nghia Hanh 86 + 6% 88 +14% 66 + 29%

Binh Son 64 -16% 96 + 22% 47 +10%

Son Tinh 87 +7% 94 + 20% 50 + 13%

Mo Duc 77 -3% 97 + 23% 67 + 30%

Duc Pho 79 --1% 96 + 22% 53 +16%

Minh Long 73 -7% 78 +4% 40 +3%

4 The data in Table 3.6 relates only to the project communes within each of the districts.

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Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

The data contained in Table 3.6 indicates that on average, the project communes have better accessto electricity compared to the average for the province, and for the majority of districts, better accessthan the average for the country (83.6%). This reflects the aims of the project to upgrade and extendthe existing medium and low voltage electricity network, rather than the construction of a new network

to serve previously unconnected communes.

3.3.4 Local Economy

In 1999, the GDP of Quang Ngai Province was 2920.2 billion VND. Agriculture accounted for 45.6% ofthe GDP with services (34.8%) and industry (19.6%) also contributing to the GDP (NCSSH, 2001).

Within Quang Ngai Province, 22.9% of the population has an income below the poverty line, which isa significantly higher proportion than for Vietnam as a whole (13.2%) (NCSSH, 2001).

Table 3.7 contains information about occupation and average annual income in the project area.

Table 3.7: Income and Occupation in Project Area


Tu Nghia 1,738,800 Agriculture

Nghia Hanh 1,857,091 Agriculture

Binh Son 2,544,300 Agriculture

Son Tinh 2,818,764 Agriculture

Mo Duc 2,715,833 Agriculture

Duc Pho 3,444,517 Agriculture

Minh Long 2,900,000 Agriculture

The average annual income per capita for the South Central Coast region is 3,033,600 VND and forVietnam, 3,540,000 (GSO, 2001). Table 3.6 indicates that the average annual income of householdsin the project area is below the average per capita for the province and for Vietnam.

None of the communes in the project area are included in the GOV's Program 135, which is aprogramme to facilitate socio-economic development of disadvantaged communes in mountainous,highland, far and remote communities.

3.3.5 Traffic and Transport

The road network in the project area is shown on Figure 2.2 and in Annex A. Quang Ngai Province istraversed in a north-south direction by National Highway No. 1 and the main north-south rail lirne.There is a broad network of district level and commune level roads in the province. The majority(95.7%) of communes in the province have car access (GSO, 2001).

3.3.6 Cultural Property 6

Quang Ngai Province contains a number of cultural and historic relics and sites located in districtscontained in the project area including (ICNRE, 2003):

Sa Huynh scenic relic (Duc Pho District);* Ba Gia Victory relic (Son Tinh District); and* Son My Memorial (Son Tinh District).

It is possible that there may be other items or places with cultural significance located within the studyarea that have not been identified at this time.

5 The data in Table 3.7 relates only to the project communes within each of the districts.

6 WB OPN-l 1.03 'Cultural Property' (September 1986) contains the following definition of culiural property - sites having

archaeological, paleontological, historical, religious and unique natural values ... encompasses both remains left by

previous human inhabitants and unique natural environmental features.

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Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

4 Screening for Environmental Impacts

4.1 Environmental Assessment Methodology

One purpose of this report is to examine the potential impacts of the project on the biophysical andsocio-economic environments. For the purposes of the assessment, the following categories ofimpacts have been developed7:

i. NO IMPACT: The potential impact of the project is assessed as NO IMPACT if the projectactivity is physically removed in space or time from the environmental component, or if theimpact is so small as to be un-measurable (i.e. negligible).

ii. MAJOR IMPACT - POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE: An impact is said to be MAJOR if the projecthas the potential to affect an environmental component. The following criteria were used todetermine whether a given impact is MAJOR:

a) spatial scale of the impact (site, local, regional, or national/ international);

b) time horizon of the impact (short, medium, or long term);

c) magnitude of the change in the environmental component brought about by theproject activities (small, moderate, large);

d) importance to local human populations;e) compliance with national, provincial, or district environmental protection laws,

standards, and regulationsa;f) compliance with Vietnam's international commitments. These include the Convention

on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar),the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage(World Heritage Convention), and the Convention on International Trade inEndangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES); and

g) compliance with World Bank guidelines, policies, and regulations9.

iii. MITIGABLE IMPACT: The potential impact of the project on an environmental component issaid to be MITIGABLE if there is potential for a major negative impact to occur but there is aproposed mitigation measure that will prevent the impact or reduce the impact to acceptablelevels.

iv. MINOR IMPACT - POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE: If an impact occurs but does not meet thecriteria for a Major Impact it is assigned the category MINOR.

v. UNKNOWN IMPACT: The potential impact of the project will be assessed as beingUNKNOWN if the magnitude of the effect can not be predicted for any of the followingreasons:

a) the nature and location of the project activity is uncertain;

b) the occurrence of the environmental component within the study area is uncertain;

c) the time scale of the effect is unknown; or

d) the spatial scale over which the effect may occur is unknown.

The potential impacts of each phase of the project have been evaluated and the results documentedin Section 4.2.

Note that the categorization of impacts is singular to this environmental assessment and involvesconsideration of the relative scale of the impacts associated with this project. Direct comparisonsshould not be made between the level of impact assigned in this assessment and those inenvironmental assessments undertaken for other projects.

7These categories have been applied to other EVN projects and have been adapted from ADB, 1997. Environmental Impact

Assessment in Developing Cozzntries.

8 See Section 1.3.2 of this report for more details.9 See Section 1.3.1 of this report for more details.

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Section 4.2 also contains information on the management measures to be implemented during theproject. Further details on the proposed environmental management measures are provided inSection 6.1.

4.2 Summary Matrix of Issues

Table 4.1 provides a discussion of the potential minor, mitigable and major impacts of the project andidentifies appropriate mitigation measure. Impacts and mitigation measures contained in Table 4.1 arecross-referenced to the environmental mitigation plan in Section 6.1.

Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

Table 4.1: Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures


Pro-Construction Impacts

1. Impacts associated with design of . Design activities will not have any NO Impact * ROW alignment and clearing for worksites, materials storage and

ROW and other project features impact in themselves. However, a construction camps will be designed to avoid (where feasible):

range of mitigation measures will be - Significant trees and areas of vegetation

incorporated into the project design - Areas of high erosion potential

to reduce impacts during construction Riverbanksand operation of the proposal (refer - Cultural property

below). . Maximise use of existing cleared areas for ROW and other projectfeatures

2. Impacts of land acquisition . The project involves 727 PAHs MITIGABLE Impact * Design ROW and other project features to minimise effects on

. Existing pressures on productivity of agricultural land and dwellingsagricultural land in the study area . Maximise use of existing cleared areas for ROW and other project

due to drought and floods are featuresrelatively high. . Provide monetary compensation for temporary and permanent loss of

. The project will necessitate the productive landacquisition of 96,935 m2 of land, ofwhich 83% will be agricultural land.

Construction Impacts

Biophysical Environment

3. Dust generation from clearing activities . Works will be located predominantly MINOR Impact . Minimise cleared areas

within the existing ROW or cleared * Implement dust suppression measures during windy conditions

areas. * Revegetate disturbed areas

. Dust generating activities will be of ashort duration in any one location.

4. Air and noise emissions from . Manual transportation of materials MINOR Impact * Maintain equipment used on site in reasonable condition

construction equipment and vehicles and manual construction techniqueswill be favoured for cost reasons. Assuch, vehicle emissions will be low.

5. Air quality effects of burning of waste . Burning of vegetation waste will only MINOR Impact * Undertake burning only in cleared areas, away from sensitive areas

vegetation be undertaken when it is not feasible and under controlled conditions (low wind and temperature/fire

to remove such waste from the protection equipment)construction area.

6. Noise generation from clearing * Construction activities will be of a MINOR Impact * Maintain equipment used on site in reasonable condition

activities minor scale. * No noisy activities to be carried out during night time where possible

The project area contains few . Notify community of commencement and duration of works to be

sensitive receivers. carried out between 7pm and 7am

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7. Sediment pollution of waterways * Existing water quality satisfactory in MITIGABLE Impact . Minimise cleared areasproject area. . Erosion and sediment controls

. Works will be carried out largely in * Avoid clearing in erosion-prone areasexisting disturbed areas and as such,clearing activities and associatedsediment generation will be low.

8. Chemical pollution of waterways . Relatively small amounts of MINOR Impact * Store chemicals and fuels appropriatelychemicals and fuels will be requiredfor the project.

9. Erosion and contamination of soils . Soil erosion will have the potential to MITIGABLE Impact . Undertake work only in dry seasonaffect the structural integrity of the . Minimise cleared areasproject as well as adversely affecting . Erosion and sediment controlswater and air quality. . Store chemicals and fuels appropriately

* Minor scale of clearing will reducethe severity and extent of soilerosion.

10. Waste management . Potential impacts from waste MITIGABLE Impact . Remove cleared vegetation and appropriate disposal or controlledgeneration include spread of weeds, burning on sitewater pollution, disease, attraction of . Re-use excess spoil where possiblevermin and odour. . Remove construction debris for recycling, reuse or disposal

. Remove and dispose of all spent chemical and fuel storage containers

. Remove and dispose of or bury all human sanitation waste* Remove and dispose of all food waste

Socio-economic Environment

11. Temporary impacts on agricultural land * Existing pressures on agricultural MITIGABLE Impact . Schedule activities to minimise disruption to crop production anduse land are relatively high as a result of harvesting

droughts and floods in project area. . Reinstate and remove waste from any cleared areas affectingagricultural land

* Compensate for temporary loss of agricultural land

12. Social and health impacts of workers . The anticipated marginal increase in MITIGABLE / MINOR . Encourage employment of local peoplepopulation from immigrant workers POSITIVE Impact . Recommend involvement of workers in training programmes on socialwill be less than 1%. evils

. Provide open and timely information to communes about constructionworkers

. Provide health equipment to workers

. Rehabilitate camp sites following completion of construction

13. Construction accidents . A range of potential accidents to MITIGABLE Impact . Provide safety equipment to workersworkers and local communities could . Train workers in site safety methodsoccur. . Train communes in site safety methods

* Train construction workers in methods to avoid electrical accidents

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. Use of insulators in near residential development* Use of hanging type sub-stations. Disconnect power supply during upgrading works and connection of

new distribution lines

14. Presence of UXO and toxic substances . The risks of encountering UXO or MITIGABLE Impact . Identify and remove any UXO or toxic wastes prior to commencement

toxic substance will be low as the of worksworks will be confined largely to . No PCBs or asbestos to be used in project

existing cleared areas. . Dispose of any waste PCBs or asbestos in accordance with

. The likelihood of PCBs being present appropriate regulationsin the existing infrastructure is lowbecause of the age of the network.

15. Cultural property * There are a number of identified sites UNKNOWN Impact . Avoid and minimise direct and indirect impacts on any known sites

of cultural property within the project a If previously unidentified sites are identified, cease work in vicinity and

area; however, additional sites may contact Provincial Department of Culture and Information.

be identified during pre-constructionand construction activities.

Operation Impacts

Biophysical Environment

16. Waste management * Small amount of vegetation waste will MINOR Impact . Remove or controlled burning of vegetation waste

be generated from maintenanceactivities. I.

Socio-economic Environment

17. Loss of agricultural land * Approximately 15,016 m2 of MITIGABLE Impact . Monetary compensation for permanent loss of agricultural land

agricultural land will be permanentlylost as a result of the project.

18. Social benefits to communities * The project will benefit 157,123 MAJOR POSITIVE . Not requiredhouseholds by enhancing Impactaccessibility and security of supply,Including 7,720 households that willhave access to electricity for the firsttime.

* Benefits will include increasedamenity and standards of living andincreased potential for economicactivity.

* The economic benefits of the projectare expected to be considerable, with

'0 Information on FIRR and EIRR provided by PC3, Da Nang.

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Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


a Financial Internal Rate of Return(FIRR) of 12% and an EconomicInternal Rate of Return (EIRR) of38.5%10.

19. Health and safety risks to communities . Exposure to electro-magnetic fields MITIGABLE Impact . For electric shock: work closely with Power Department to

from the project will be very low. periodically check ROW; train at least one person from each

Other potential health and safety risks commune to monitor power lines; provide appropriate training andinclude electrocution and increased certification for staff to operate and maintain power lines and

risk of fire. substations. For fire hazards: design substation with fire detection and prevention

equipment; train workers in fire prevention and fighting; conductregular monitoring of fire prevention compliance

. For other hazards: distribute educational pamphlets on electricalsafety in communes where knowledge of electricity is low; place'Danger-Warning' signs at appropriate locations (e.g. foot of poles,substations); ensure appropriate specifications for MV and LV lines;ensure safety equipment (surge arrestors, lightning arrestors,breakers, insulated wires) are purchased, installed, and maintained;provide training for at least one person in each commune to assistresidents with minor in-house repairs

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5 Public Consultation and Disclosure

5.1 Need for Public Consultation and Disclosure

A public consultation and disclosure programme has been carried out to realize the following benefits

for the project:

* enhanced communication between project stakeholders;

* increased understanding and acceptance of project need and objectives;

* improved effectiveness of the Environment Management Plan;

* improved social and economic benefits for project beneficiaries; and

* reduced risked of project delays.

Public consultation and disclosure activities have been carried out to fulfill the requirements of World

Bank BP 17.50 Public Disclosure (September 1998), which requires that the results of the

environmental assessment of Category B projects are disseminated to local communities and made

available nationally and internationally through World Bank offices.

5.2 Public Consultation and Disclosure Activities to Date

Table 5.1 summarises the public consultation and disclosure activities have been carried out to date.

The following public consultation and disclosure activities have been carried out to date as part of the


* Public Meetings"* CPC Meetings'2

The public meetings were held between January and October 2003 in all the project communes. The

following organisations were invited to attend the public meetings:

* Chairman of the Commune People's Committee

* Fatherland Front* Women's Union* Farmers' Association• Youth Union• Veterans' Association* Old Peoples' Association* Project Affected Households

Participants were provided with information about the project including details of the activities to be

undertaken during the pre-construction and construction phases and the expected benefits that would

arise from the project. Each of the communes was asked if they wanted to be part of the project.

Discussions were held with participants regarding the potential impacts of the project and the

management measures that could be implemented to reduce such impacts. Discussions were also

held about the role of local communities in the monitoring and implementation of the project during

construction and operation.

In the project area in Quang Ngai Province, all the project communes agreed to be part of the project.

Table 5.1 summarises the issues raised during the public meeting in relation to the environmentalimpacts of the proposal and the potential management measures. The issues raised in Table 5.1 have

been addressed in the environmental screening and mitigation measure identification contained in

Table 4.1.

A summary of the outcomes of each public meeting is included in Annex C. Minutes of each of the meetings are kept at

the offices of PC3, Da Nang.12 A summary of the outcomes of each CPC meeting is included in Annex D. Minutes of each of the meetings are kept at

the offices of PC3, Da Nang.

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Table 5.1 Summary of Outcomes from Public Meetings Quang Ngai Province

Construction Pre-Construction. Social impacts caused by construction workers . Align ROW to avoid the need for resettlement

. Impacts caused by clearing the ROW and . Provide compensation for PAHsestablishing temporary access roads . Provide compensation for loss of productivity

. Adverse impacts of temporary loss of agricultural during constructionland . Align ROW to avoid forested areas and

. Impacts on noise and dust undertake replanting if this cannot be achieved

. Health and safety of general public . Align ROW to avoid cultural property

. Waste generation . Identify UXO and toxic waste locations inconjunction with the PPC and CPC

Operation. Positive impacts associated with social Construction

development and poverty alleviation . Hire local people wherever possible

. Induced effects from EMFs . Work with CPCs and relevant unions to identify

. Electricity hazard and propose:

. Habitat fragmentation - measures to minimise impacts from

. Increased access to wildlands social evils- locations for construction camps- suitable public education campaigns for

workers and communities. Maintain relations with CPCs and Unions during

construction. Excavate erosion prone areas during dry season

only. Excavate agricultural areas after harvest. Dump excess soil in approved locations

Operation. Application of proper safety and warning

measures. Public information campaign

The CPC meetings were held with each CPC in the project area to collect data on the socio-economic

characteristics of each commune for use in the environmental assessment. Data was collected in

relation to the following issues:

* Commune area and population, including ethnic minorities

* Occupation of Commune population

* Access to services within Commune

* Housing type within Commune

This data was used in the environmental assessment contained in Section 4.

5.3 Future Public Consultation and Disclosure

The following public consultation and disclosure activities will be carried out during the future stages

of the project:

* Display of the EA in project areas at the local offices of the PPC, DoNRE and/or EVN.

* English and Vietnamese-language copies of the EA report will be sent to the Vietnam Information

Development Centre at 63 Ly Thai To in Hanoi, for access by NGOs and public. English language

copies of the EIA report will be sent to World Bank for display in the World Bank InfoShop.

* Community information and education activities during construction and operation of the project

(refer Section 4).

The Director of PC3 has committed to implementing the public consultation process (refer Annex E).

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6 Environmental Management Plan

Sections 6.1 to 6.6 provide details of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the pre-

construction, construction and operation phases of the project. The key components of the EMP are

as follows:

* Environmental Mitigation Plan: sets out in detail the environmental management measures that

will be implemented during pre-construction, construction and operation of the project. The action

plan contains details of environmental mitigation measures, environmental objectives, roles andresponsibilities for implementation of mitigation measures and costs and timing of mitigationmeasures.

* Environmental Monitoring: sets out the proposed monitoring programme for the projectincluding monitoring parameters, methods, frequency, responsibilities and costs.

* Capacity Building: details the proposed actions that wili contribute to capacity building withinEVN and other stakeholder organisations during the implementation of the EMP.

* Institutional Arrangements: provides a discussion on the arrangements for the implementationof the various components of the EMP.

* Cost Estimate and Funding Mechanisms: provides a cost estimate for the implementation of all

activities associated with the EMP.

The EMP will provide the basis for the Site Environmental Management Plan (SEMP) to be developedby the contractor.

6.1 Environmental Mitigation Plan

Table 6.1 contains the environmental mitigation plan for the project, which has been developed basedon the assessment contained in Table 4.1. Mitigation measures are provided for all "MINORNEGATIVE" and 'MITIGABLE" impacts. Where relevant, measures to enhance the positive benefits of

the project have also been developed

The mitigation measures will be incorporated in appropriate contract management documents (e.g.bidding documents, general conditions of contract, contractor specifications, method statements) to

enable PMU to have significant authority over their implementation.

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Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

Table 6.1: Environmental Mitigation Plan


(Cros RefeenceOBJECTIVETable 4.1)


2,17 Impacts on Minimise loss of * Design ROW alignment and clearing Included in design Contractor / Provincial Technical

agricultural land use production capacity for worksites, access roads, materials consultant bidding and Commune supervising

storage and construction camps to price People's Committees consultant fromavoid agricultural land relevant PMU

* Maximise use of existing cleared areas Compensation asfor ROW and other project features per RAP

* Compensation for temporary andpermanent loss of agricultural land

1, 2 Impacts on: Minimise amount of * Design ROW alignment and clearing Included in design Design Consultant Technicalclearing required and for worksites, access roads, materials consultant bidding supervising

. Dwellings avoid sensitive areas storage and construction camps to price consultant from

. Vegetation avoid (where feasible): relevant PMU

. Areas of high - Dwellingserosion potential - Significant trees and areas ofRiverosionks potenvegetation

. Riverbanks - Areas of high erosion potential

. Cultural property - Riverbanks- Cultural property

* Maximise use of existing cleared areasfor ROW and other project features


3, 4 Dust generation and Minimise air pollutant * Minimise extent of cleared and Included in Contractor Technical

vehicle emissions levels in the vicinity of excavated areas contractor bidding supervising

from construction sensitive receivers'4 . Prompt revegetation of cleared areas price consultant from

activities . Prompt re-filling of excavated areas relevant PMU

* Watering and/or covering of exposedareas during windy conditions

. Maintain equipment used on site inreasonable condition

. Installation of additional mitigationmeasures if monitoring indicates

I________ unacceptable impacts _ _

6 Noise emissions from Equipment does not . Maintain equipment used on site in Included in Contractor Technical

'3 Referenced to impacts identified in Table 4.1

"4 Sensitive receivers will be defined by the CPC and could include schools and hospitals.

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construction generate excessive reasonable condition contractor bidding supervising

equipment and noise in the vicinity of . Noise generating activities not carried price consultant from

clearing activities sensitive receivers9 out during night time hours where relevant PMU

possible. Notify local community of

commencement and duration ofconstruction works to be carried outbetween 7pm and 7 am

. Installation of additional mitigationmeasures if monitoring indicatesunacceptable impacts

7, 9 Erosion and sediment Minimise extent of . Minimise cleared and excavated areas Included in Contractor Technical

pollution of waterways erosion and protect . Erosion and sediment controls contractor bidding supervising

waterways from effects established price consultant from

of sediment . Avoid clearing in erosion-prone areas relevant PMU

. Undertake work only in dry season

* Installation of additional mitigationmeasures if monitoring indicatesunacceptable impacts

8, 9 Chemical pollution of No chemical pollution of . Store fuels and chemicals in sealed Included in Contractor Technical

waterways and waterways or containers away from watercourses contractor bidding supervising

contamination of soil contamination of soils price consultant from

from storage of relevant PMU

chemicals or fuels

10, 5 Waste management . Minimise amount of . Re-use of excess spoil where possible Included in Contractor Technical

project waste . Remove construction debris for contractor bidding supervising

generated recycling, reuse or disposal price consultant from

. Dispose of waste in . Remove and dispose of all spent relevant PMU

an environmentally chemical and fuel storage containerssensitive manner * Remove and dispose of or bury all

human sanitation waste in appropriatelocation

. Remove and dispose of all food waste* Remove and dispose of PCB and

asbestos waste in accordance withappropriate regulations

- First priority to remove vegetationwaste from site

* Burning to be carried out in clearedareas under controlled conditions (lowtemperatures, low winds and presence I

March 2004 Page 26

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Table 4.11)of fire protection equipment)

1 1 Temporary impacts on Minimise temporary * Schedule activities to minimise As for pre- Contractor Technical

agricultural land use loss of production disruption to crop production and construction stage supervising

capacity harvesting consultant fromi

* Reinstate land and remove waste from relevant PMU

any construction areas affectingagricultural land

12 Social and health Minimise disruption to . Encourage employment of local people Included in Contractor Techniical

impacts of workers local communities and . Recommend involvement of workers in contractor bidding supervising

environment from training programmes on social evils price consuJltant fronm

construction workers * Provide open and timely information to relevant PMU

communes about construction workers. Provide health equipment to workers

for use during pre-constructionactivities and in construction camps

* Rehabilitate camp sites followingcompletion of construction

14 Risk from UXO and Minimise risk of . Identify and remove any UXO or toxic To be provided by Relevant project Technical

toxic substances accidents to workers or wastes in project area in consultation relevant project owner supervising

public with PPC owner consultant from

* No PCBs or asbestos to be used in the relevant PMU

project. Any waste PCBs or asbestosto be disposed of in accordance withappropriate regulations

1 3 Construction Minimise risk of . Provide workers with appropriate Included in Contractor Technical.

accidents accidents to workers or safety equipment Contractor bidding supervising

public * Train workers in site safety methods price consultant from

. Train communes in site safety relevant PMU

methods* Train construction workers in methods

to avoid electrical accidents* Use of insulators and hanging type

sub-stations near residentialdevelopment

* Disconnect power supply duringconnection of new distribution lines orupgrading works in consultation with

I ~~~~~~~~~~~~Provincial Power DepartmentI

15 Impacts on cultural Minimise direct and . Avoid direct effects on known sites Included in Contractor Technical

property indirect effects on items . Minimise indirect effects on known contractor bidding supervising

. ~~~~~~~~~or areas of cultural sites price _ _ consultant from-

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property * If previously unidentified sites are relevant PMUidentified, cease work in vicinity and To be provided by Icontact Provincial Department of relevant PMU l

Culture and Information. IOPERATION

16 Waste management Minimization generation * Remove or controlled burning of To be provided by Relevant project Relevant projectof waste and vegetation waste relevant project owner owner

._________ ___________________ requirement for disposal owner

19 Health and safety Minimise health and * For electric shock: work closely with To be provided by Relevant project Relevant project

safety problems related Power Department to periodically relevant project owner owner

to electric shock, fire check ROW; train at least one person ownerhazards, etc. from each commune to monitor power

lines; provide appropriate training andcertification for staff to operate andmaintain power lines and substations

* For fire hazards: design substationwith fire detection and preventionequipment; train workers in fireprevention and fighting; conductregular monitoring of fire preventioncompliance

* For other hazards: distributeeducational pamphlets on electricalsafety in communes where knowledgeof electricity is low; place 'Danger-Warning signs at appropriatelocations (e.g. foot of poles,substations); ensure appropriatespecifications for MV and LV lines;ensure safety equipment (surgearrestors, lightning arrestors, breakers,insulated wires) are purchased,installed, and maintained; providetraining for at least one person in eachcommune to assist residents withminor in-house repairs

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6.2 Environmental Monitoring

Monitoring of the project will be undertaken throughout the pre-construction, construction, and

operation stages. Monitoring is carried out to achieve the following:

* Environmental Effects Monitoring: to determine the environmental impacts of the project,

validate the predictions contained in the EA report and monitor compliance with the environmentalobjectives contained in the environmental mitigation table (refer Section 6.1).

* Environmental Mitigation Measures Monitoring: to determine the effectiveness of themitigation measures proposed in the environmental mitigation plan to establish if anymodifications to these measures are required throughout the project life.

* Performance Monitoring: to evaluate how pre-construction, construction and operation activities

are being undertaken to determine compliance with standard operating procedures (SOP),national standards, and/or contractor management documents. In most cases performancemonitoring results are evaluated against established performance criteria.

Table 6.2 contains information on the following in relation to environmental monitoring:

* Parameter: what parameter is to be monitored?

* Location: where is the parameter to be monitored?

* Method: how is the parameter to be monitored?

* Frequency: when is the parameter to be monitored?

* Purpose: why is the parameter to be monitored?

* Cost: how much will the monitoring cost?

* Responsibility: who is responsible for the monitoring?

The monitoring regime contained in Table 6.2 is cross-referenced to the environmental impacts and

mitigation measures contained in Table 6.1.

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

Table 6.2: Environmental Monitoring Plan



Performance Monitoring

n/a Contractor Bid Evaluation Bid proposals of Environmental management . During bidding To ensure that Human Resource Cost: Relevant project

. Understanding of each contractor. will be quantitatively scored process environmental One person-week of time owners

potential environmental during bid evaluation. management is

impacts of the project's PMU will review proposals considered byconstruction activities and advise on each bid's bidders in their work

. Proposed environmental likely ability to achieve plan, budget, and

mitigation and monitoring environmental performance personnel selection.

activities standards identified in* Qualifications and Contractor Specifications.

experience of individuals Points for each bid'sresponsible for environmental managementenvironmental capability will be These points will be included

in an overall evaluation ofeach proposal. . .


Environmental Effects Monitoring

Erosion and Receiving Surface Water In sensitive water Visual inspection to check * Monthly during To evaluate effects Included in Contractor . Contractor

sediment Quality bodies'6 that could for presence of sediment, activities or in of project on bidding price . Local people

pollution of be affected by the oils or other pollutants. response to receiving . Technical

waterways (7, project (rivers, complaint watercourses. supervisor of

9) lakes). Exact relevant PMU

locations to beselected duringdetailed designphase.

5 Reference to Tables 4.1 and 6.116 Sensitive waterbodies are those waterbodies that are identified by the CPC as having ecological values or are used for drinking water supply and which are located within 100 m of project


March 2004 Page 30

Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


Dust Dust Generation In communes, where Visual inspection of dust . Monthly during To evaluate effects Included in Contractor * Contractor

generation construction work generation and deposition. activities or in of project on levels bidding price * Local people

from could affect dust response to of particulate matter. * Technical

construction levels near sensitive complaints supervisor of

activities (3, 4) receivers'7, as relevant PMU

identified by theCPCs or DoNRE.Exact locations to beselected duringdetailed designphase.

Environmental Mitigation Measures Monitoring

Erosion and Erosion and sediment All erosion and Contractor to undertake . After all heavy To determine Included in Contractor * Contractor

sediment controls - integrity and sediment controls visual inspection. rainfall events effectiveness of bidding price * Local people

pollution of effectiveness controls and * Technical

waterways (7, determine if supervisor of

9) additional controls relevant PMU


Performance Monitoring

n/a Site Environmental Throughout project Contractor submits SEMP * Throughout Provides an Human Resource Cost: 5 . Contractor

Management Plan (SEMP) area (e.g. as a method statement) construction accountable system months PMU/EVN time to * Technical

Successful implementation to PMU for approval. This for monitoring and monitor and report on supervisor of

of SEMP. Specific submission should include evaluating the SEMP activities relevant PMU

monitoring items are the who will monitor, how they degree to which

measures identified in the will monitor, when they will Contractor

Mitigation Plan monitor, and the table of Specifications forcontents for the quarterly environmentalmonitoring report. protection are being

PMU reviews and approves implemented.

SEMP when satisfactory.

Contractor implementsSEMP as per approved plan.

Contractor writes SEMPreport on implementation ofmitigation measures

PMU and PC3 conduct on-site monitoring of mitigationmeasures and reviews/approves SEMP reports. _

17 Sensitive receivers will be defined by the CPC and could include schools and hospitals.

March 2004 Page 31

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


Construction Construction accidents All project Contractor to keep records . Ongoing To identify project Included in Contractor . Contractor

accidents (13) communes of number and type of safety issues during bidding price . Local People

accidents. construction. * Technicalsupervisor ofrelevant PMU

n/a Capacity Building - All project Maintain records of training . Ongoing a To evaluate level

effectiveness of training communes courses held and of involvement in

programmes attendance at training training coursescourses. * To evaluate

effectiveness oftraining coursesin preventing siteaccidents'8


Environmental Effects Monitoring


Environmental Mitigation Measures Monitoring


Performance Monitoring

Health and Health and Safety At project Data can be collected either . Ongoing Information Human Resource Cost: . CPC

safety risks to . Number of accidents communes through Commune People's collected can be Depends upon number . Local Power

communities caused by electric shock Committee or Local Power used to and severity of accidents Department

(19) . Number of fires created Department. Collaboration improve/focus for each commune. * Local people

as a result of project's with local hospital/health health and safety . Department of

electrical services clinic may be advantageous. education and Health

. Other types of accidents enforcement

created as a result of programmes at

project's electrical each commune.


Social benefits Effectiveness of Electricity At project Local people can lodge . Ongoing Information Human Resource Cost: . CPC

to Services communes complaints either through collected can be Depends upon number * Local Power

communities . Number and type of Commune People's used to improve and severity of Department

(18) complaints raised by Committee or Local Power effectiveness of complaints for each . Local people

local people in the Department. electricity services commune.

project area at commune level.

18 The information collected in relation to project safety issues during construction will be used in the evaluation of training courses in preventing site accidents.

March 2004 Page 32

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

6.3 Environmental Reporting Requirements

Table 6.3 overleaf contains information on the primary, secondary and tertiary reporting levels for the

project. The reporting requirements are discussed below.

During construction, the contractor will report monthly to the PMU on the on the implementation of

their site environmental management plan (SEMP), including implementation of mitigation measures.


Title Page

Table of Contents

Introduction* 1 paragraph to introduce the purpose of the report.

Update of Priority Issues Identified in the Last Reporting Period* List priority issues identified in last report.* List progress made by Contractor in solving each issue.* List any issues that have not been adequately resolved, and provide recommendations on how to

resolve those issues. If they cannot be resolved, explain why.

Results of the Environmental Management Activities in this Reporting Period* Report on the mitigation measures that are identified in the SEMP.* Is each measure meeting its mitigation objective? If not, why not? Make sure explanation is clear and


Conclusions for this Reporting Period* List all priority issues identified during this reporting period.* Provide advice as to how and when the Contractor will resolve each issue. If the issue cannot be

resolved, provide an explanation as to why it cannot be resolved.

Appendices* Completed survey forms and maps relevant to the EMP.

* Copies of any other communications between PMU, Contractor, PCs, etc regarding SEMP-relatedactivities.

Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

Table 6.3 Summary of Environmental Reporting Requirements





Implementation Contractor PMU Monthly PMU Project Quarterly Project World Bank Quarterly

of mitigation owners owners (EVN

measures and (EVN for for MV

site MV component &

environmental component Province formanviromental & Province LVmanagement for LV component)


Environmental Technical PMU Monthly PMU Project Quarterly Project World Bank Quarterly

monitoring supervisors owners owners (EVNof PMU (EVN for for MV

CPC PMU Monthly MV component &component Province for

SIMC World Bank Half-yearly & Province LVfor LV component)component)


Environmental Technician of PC3 Half-yearly PC3 EVN Annually EVN World Bank Annually

monitoring PPSincluding safety Technician of Quang Half-yearly Quang Ngai World Bank Annually

issues District Ngai ProvincePower Joint Province (through DOI)Stock (throughCompany DOI)

19 A copy will also be sent to DoNRE

March 2004 Page 34

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

The technical supervisors of PMU and the CPC will also report monthly to the PMU duringconstruction of the project.

In terms of the CPC reporting, the commune-level reporting process needs to be simple, consistentbetween communes, and accountable. To achieve these needs, the process should have thefollowing characteristics:

* Data Sources: There are two kinds of data sources: 1) Regular monitoring of environmentalimpacts and effectiveness of mitigation measures and based largely on visual inspections by anauthorised data collector (see below); and 2) Opportunistic monitoring based on complaints/comments from local community to Commune PC or other bodies.

* Data Collector: Commune People's Committee member or appointee in each Project commune(e.g. Women's Union, individuals with environmental interests). The data collector would be trainedin environmental monitoring during the regional workshop (refer Section 6.4).

* Data Reporting Process: The monitoring form will be completed by the data collector every threemonths and submitted to PC3. Data collector may provide additional information (photographs,letters, etc) as they see fit.

An example data collection form is provided in the below text box.

Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


Commune Name: An Dinh

District Name: Tuy An

Reporting Period April - June 2004

Environmental Impacts:

Impact I Mitigation Measure Commune Representative Community CommentsComments

Project vehicles or activities No comment No commentincreased ambient dust levelsProject vehicles or activities Some noise near hospital, but Hospital staff complained

increased ambient noise levels no noise other sensitive about construction noise to

areas (schools, pagodas, etc). Peoples' Committee andDept. of Health.

Project vehicles damaged local No comment No commentroadsProject activities polluted local No comment No commentsrivers or lakesProject cleared vegetation and No comment No commentthis caused environmentalimpactsProject activities created impacts Visited location where Some farmers complained

on agricultural and/or residential farmers complained and saw that piles of dirt are being

land piles of dirt on their land left on their paddy fields.

Project activities impacted No comment No commentcultural propertyProject construction caused No comment No commenttraffic impactsProject caused solid waste or Noticed garbage was left No commentliquid waste impacts around construction camp

Project caused Social and health No comment Shopkeepers are happy to

impacts of workers receive business from

construction workers

Accidents Two local workers were No comment

injured when some equipmentfell on them duringexcavation activity.

Dust suppression measures No comment No comment

Erosion and sediment controls No comment No comment

Siting of materials etc. to avoid No comment No commentchemical pollution etc.Waste management practices No comment No comment

Other No comment No comment

Recommendations* Future construction near hospital should be limited to 07:00 to 11:00 and 14:00-17:00. During the time

11:00 to 14:00 is when hospital staff and patients are resting, so they need quiet during this time.

* More care should be taken to clean up construction camps.* Contractor should make sure to keep piles of dirt in designated working areas.* More safety equipment and training programmes should be given to construction workers to reduce

accidents.. especially for the local workers because they don't know much about worker safety.

Signature of Commune Representative: fKguyen 5Winh Son

Title of Commune Representative: Vice-Chainnan, (Peopfes' Committee

Date: Yune 30, 2004

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

A Safeguard Independent Monitoring Consultant (SIMC) will be engaged by PC3 to monitor the

project during the construction phase. The SIMC will report to the World Bank every six months. An

example Terms of Reference for the SIMC during the construction period is provided in the text box



The Safeguard Independent Monitoring Consultant will:

1. Visually look at the construction sites and make notes related to the following environmentalissues, but not limited to:. General clean up after construction works.. Excessive clear cutting of trees beyond ROW in communal or forest land.. Measures taken by the contractor for cleaning up woody residues after tree cutting.. Status of access roads (have they been closed if in a protected area, are they still being used

and to what extent, how are they being controlled/managed and by whom). Application ofmitigation measures for or sign of soil erosion along T/L due to tree cutting and/or aroundtower foundation.

. Status of re-vegetation in the ROWs and tower foundation.

. Impacts on construction works (level of noise, dust, and damage to roads due to earthworksand transportation of building materials).

. Status of construction worker camps and sanitation facilities for them.

. Proper distance between the houses and T/L.. Status of implementation of safety measures (signboards, restricted zone, fences, isolation


2. Conduct public consultation to:. Assess the level of involvement by the local authorities in dealing with environmental issues

(dust, noise, and damage to roads due to the transport of construction materials, tree cuttingon public lands and protected areas).

. Identify any other environmental issues and record environmental complaints from the PAHs.

. Report on responses (if any) from appropriate local authorities on environmental complaintsor non-compliance.

PMU will then report quarterly to the project owner during construction (EVN for MV lines and the

province for LV lines) and the project owner will report to the World Bank quarterly. The approach to

this environmental reporting will be to include a section called 'Environmental Management Plan" into

regular quarterly project reports to EVN and WB.20 The Environmental Management Plan section will

address: 1) issues relating to the effectiveness of environmental mitigation measures being carried

out and any required modifications; 2) environmental monitoring results collected during the quarter;

and 3) issues to be addressed in the forthcoming quarter. The environmental information used to write

this section of the quarterly reports will be based on the monitoring reports prepared by the safeguard

independent monitoring consultant, the construction contractor, and the communes.

During operation, the PPS and the District Joint Stock Power Company will report on environmental

monitoring and safety issues to PC3 and the province respectively. PC3 will then report annually to

EVN, and EVN will report annually to the World Bank.

6.4 Capacity Building

As part of the implementation of the EMP for the project, opportunities to carry out capacity building

activities within EVN and other project stakeholders will be maximised. Given that environmental

management is a relatively new task for the electricity sector within Vietnam, the project provides an

opportunity to carry out such activities for the benefit of this and future projects. To date, the following

capacity building activities have been carried out:

August 2003: Hands-on learning-by doing training for improving environmental reports. Local and

international consultants worked with PC3 staff to improve draft EIA and EMP reports.

20 The Environmental Management Plan section will also be forwarded to DoNRE for their review.

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

September 2003: Hands-on workshop for environmental assessment of transmission anddistribution projects. International and national environmental specialists lead PC3 staff and otherparticipants on a field trip to test new tools for environmental assessment, held group workactivities on challenges and opportunities to improve environmental assessment, and heldlectures on WB safeguard policies and GOV environmental requirements for the Project.

Future capacity building activities that will be undertaken include:

. PMU will host a regional EMP training course for the district's participating communes. Thecourse participants will include at least one representative from each commune included in theproject. The purpose of the course will be to train participants to observe and report onenvironmental issues, understand their roles and responsibilities and suggest corrective actionsfor improvement. The topics covered will include:

o basic operation of the power system for the safety of the users of the electricity;

o roles of various stakeholders related to project environmental management activitiesincluding discussion of commune-level involvement;

o relevant environmental management and monitoring activities during the construction andoperation of the project including maintenance of the ROW; and

o emergency and accident response measures to be implemented in the case of fire,electric shocks or other incidents.

• The local Power Department will attend a training course for environmental management duringoperations phase.

6.5 Institutional Arrangements

The institutions and offices with an involvement in the preparation and implementation of the EMP aresummarised in Table 6.3.

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

Table 6.4: Institutional Arrangements for EMP Implementation

Electricity Vietnam Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) is the project owner for the MV component of the REII project. Within its component, EVN is

responsible for project management, including overall environmental management. The EVN Environmental ManagementDepartment is responsible for overall environmental management within EVN. The Department is in charge of guiding and

supervising implementation of the EMP for this project.

Power Company No. 3 Power Company No. 3 (PC3) is a member organisation of EVN and is authorised to manage the distribution for the central region

of Vietnam. PC3 is responsible for the project implementation including implementation of the RAP and EMP.

Provincial People's Committee (PPC) Quang Ngai PPC is the project owner for the LV component of the REII project. Within its component, the PPC is responsible for

overall project management. The specific responsibilities of the PPC include:* Guiding and monitoring environmental management planning and implementation within the province.

* Approving methods of environmental protection and impact mitigation including estimated costs after DoNRE appraisal.

* Reviewing documents on environmental activities within the province area.* Providing guidance and coordination between sectors and departments in EMP implementation.* Approving the unit price for the compensation.* Financing the compensation costs.

Quang Ngai Province Department of The provincial DOI is an organisation under the PPC and is responsible for management of industrial development in the province.

Industry (DOI) For the REII project, DOI is authorised by the PPC to manage the LV component of the project, including implementation of the

RAP and EMP.

District Power Joint Stock Company The District Power Joint Stock Company has been established by the DOI to take responsibility for the implementation of the LV

component of the REII project. The District Joint Stock Company is responsible for the implementation of the RAP and EMP for

the whole of the project lifecycle.

Project Management Unit (PMU) for Project Management Unit (PMU) is responsible for project implementation. PMU responsibilities include:

REII Project of PC3 (MV) and PMU of * Overall planning, management and monitoring of the environmental management

Quang Ngai Province (LV) * Ensuring that all environmental protection and mitigation measures of environmental impacts are carried out in accordance

with policies, regulations on environment and other relevant laws.* Coordinating with provinces' people's committees, provinces' power services and districts' people's committees in

environmental management activities.* Organizing training courses for local staff (provinces, districts), commune representatives and contractors' teams on

mitigation measures and safety methods (professional experts on environment shall be involved).

* Carrying out internal monitoring and supervising independent monitoring, which will be contracted with other consulting

services of the project.* Supervising and providing budget for monitoring activities.* Reporting on environmental information to EVN, the concerned DoNRE and the WB.* Implementing changes or adjustments according to DoNRE recommendations to protect the environment according to

Vietnam's standards, laws, and regulations.

March 2004 Page 39

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

Consultant The Consultant will be selected and managed by PC3 to conduct several project tasks, including:* Preliminary survey and design.* Preparation of feasibility study.* Preparation of RAP and EA report.* Preparation of some bidding documents.* Carry out some EMP tasks, and assist PMU with environmental issues during construction.

Provincial Power Services Provincial Power Services (PPS) are provincial-level dependent utilities of PC3. PPS is responsible for EVN's business withineach province. For the REII Project, the PPS will be in charge of the supervision of the contractors during construction and will bein charge of the operation of the project. For the EMP, the PPS is directly in charge of the supervision of the implementation duringthe construction stage, and implementation of the EMP during the operation stage.

Civil Works Contractor The Civil Works Contractor (Contractor) will be selected by PMU and approved by PC3. Their responsibilities include Projectconstruction works and following contractor specifications outlined in the EA and EMP. This includes:

* Applying construction-phase mitigation measures.* Ensuring safety of construction workers and local people during construction.* Following Vietnam and World Bank policies on environmental protection during construction.

Safeguard Independent Monitor (SIMC) A monitoring consultant engaged by PC3 will undertake Independent monitoring of the SEMP/RAP implementation. The budgetfor the SIMC is part of the RAP monitoring budget. The tasks of the SIMC are discussed in detail in Section 6.3.

Department of Natural Resources and DoNRE is responsible for state management on environmental issues within each province's territory. As part of this responsibility,Environment (DoNRE) DoNRE will review the EA report and determine whether an EIA report is required. If an EIA is not required, DoNRE will issue an

Environmental Licence for the project. During EMP implementation, DoNRE will act as external regulator. Its duties will include:* Monitoring the implementation of mitigation measures to minimise the project impacts in the construction and operation

stage.* Controlling and checking health of workers, operators and inhabitants* Managing and checking protection measures in relation to the impact caused by the project.

District People's Committee (DPC) The DPC's responsibilities include:* Ratifying methods of environmental protection and management.* Coordinating with DoNRE on supervision of implementation process of environmental impact mitigation and protection

during and after construction phase.* Carrying out the detailed measurement survey.

Commune People's Committee (CPC) The CPC's responsibilities include:* Confirming impacts caused by the project in the commune.* Monitoring environmental impact mitigation and protection process within the commune.* Organizing meetings at commune level on environmental issues.

March 2004 Page 40

Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

Project Affected Households (PAHs) PAHs will directly participate in the survey on PAH duties and entitlements. Through these surveys they will: 1) have the

opportunity to express their requirements and concerns to the above institutions; and 2) have input to the method and units of

compensation. After compensation is complete, PAHs are responsible for co-operating with Contractor to clear relevant sites in a

timely manner.

In addition to their own duties and entitlements, PAHs have the right to participate either directly or indirectly in the project

decision-making process during pre-construction, construction, and operation. In order to ensure that PAHs are well informed on

the project, local authorities will provide PAHs with basic knowledge on project-related activities, and the negative and positive

impacts they can have on the natural/social environment.

PAHs will be able to have a role in monitoring the environmental effects of the project and the environmental performance of the

contractor. PAHs will also be consulted during the project in relation to relevant environmental issues.

PAHs will be allowed to bring legal action to an appropriate court if the PAH considers its claim for participation or information is

ignored, groundlessly refused, or if provided information by local authorities was inadequate.

March 2004 Page 41

Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

6.6 Cost Estimate and Funding Mechanisms

This section estimates the marginal costs for conducting the EMP's main sub-components: mitigation,

monitoring, and capacity building. Costs that are incurred by other project components but satisfy

some aspects of the EMP are not included in this section.21

The marginal cost of the EMP can be broken down as follows: Pre-construction: USD 2,962

equivalent (USD 40/commune); Construction: USD 17,628 equivalent (USD 238/commune);Operation USD 6,602 equivalent per year (USD 89/commune/year).22 Further details of marginal

EMP costs are found in the below tables.

Table 6.5: Cost Estimation for Environmental Monitoring

Pre-construction phase

1 Labour requirement: 3 man-months x 10,000,000 VND/month 30,000,000

2 Supporting cost (lump sum): accommodations, transportation, 12,000,000sample collectors, writing report

Construction phase

3 Labour requirement: 7.5 man-months x 10,000,000 VND/month 75,000,000

4 Supporting cost (lump sum): accommodations, transportation, 60,000,000writing report

Operation phase (per year)

5 Labour requirement: 4.5 man-months x 10,000,000 VND/month 45,000,000

6 Supporting cost (lump sum): accommodations, transportation, 18,000,000information collectors, writing report

Table 6.6: Cost of Implementing EMP Capacity Building (VND)

Construction phase

1 EVN training Cost covered by EVN

2 PC3 training: district levelSafety training 140,000,00010,000,000 VND/district x 7 districts x 2 times

Operation phase (per year)

3 PC3 training: provincial levelEnvironmental management of the Project and Monitoring and 40,000,000Reporting of environmental management plan

21 Costs covered by other project components include the entire mitigation plan and some aspects of the environmental

monitoring and capacity building plan. See Table 6.6.22 USD equivalent is calculated as follows: I USD = 15,600 VND. Actual cost per commune will vary slightly from the

average values presented in this sentence.

1- - A 1l

Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

Table 6.7: Costs of Implementing the EMP (VND)


1 Mitigation measures The costs are already accounted for in The costs arecontract with Construction Contractors already accounted

for in production costof the authorisedowners of MV, LVlines

2 Monitoring costs(see Table 6.4 for more 42,000,000 135,000,000 63,000,000


3 Capacity building(see Table 6.5 for more - 140,000,000 40,000,000


Total (VND) 42,000,000 275,000,000 103,000,000

USD equivalent 2,962 17,628 6,602

Average 2 0288USDlcommune 23 40 238 89

23 There are 74 participating Quang Ngai communes in RE 11 Project.

.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) -A A.

Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

7 Conclusions

The REII Project in Quang Ngai Province is being implemented to improve the living conditions in 74communes across seven districts by improving access to and security of electricity supply. The projectwill benefit 157,123 households, including 7,720 households that will receive access to electricity forthe first time as a result of the project. The economic benefits of the project are expected to beconsiderable with a FIRR of 12% and an EIRR of 38.5%.

The project activities will involve upgrading and minor extension of the existing medium and lowvoltage electricity networks throughout the 74 communes involved in the project. The majority ofworks will be carried out within existing ROWs and disturbed areas, with minimal requirement forclearing or disturbance of land.

The environmental impacts of the project have been assessed (refer Section 4), and the results aresummarised in Table 4.1. The assessment concluded that the impacts caused by the project on thebiophysical and socio-economic environments could be adequately mitigated through theimplementation of a range of mitigation measures that are described in the EMP in Section 6.Furthermore, the assessment concluded that the major positive social benefits of the project willoutweigh the residual adverse impacts that will result.

Msrr.h 2004 Page 44

Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

8 References

Asia Development Bank (ADB), 1997. Environmental Impact Assessment in DevelopingCountries.

Birdlife International & Forestry Inventory and Planning Institute, 1999. Expanding the ProtectedAreas Network in Vietnam for the 21 st Century - An Analysis of the Current System andRecommendations for Equitable Expansion.

Birdlife International, 2001. Sourcebook of Existing and Proposed Protected Areas in Vietnam.

Dartmouth Flood Observatory, 2003.

Electricity of Vietnam - Power Company No. 3, 2003. Feasibility Study Central Region RuralEnergy Project Phase II - Environmental Impact Assessment Volume 3.

General Statistical Office (GSO), 2001. Socio-economic Statistical Data of 61 Provinces andCities in Vietnam.

General Statistical Office (GSO), 2003. Statistical Yearbook 2002.

Information Centre of Natural Resources and Environment (ICNRE) Website, 2003.www.home.ciren

National Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities (NCSSH), 2001. National HumanDevelopment Report 2001 - Doi Moi and Human Development in Vietnam.

National Environmental Agency (NEA), IUCN, Fundesco & Cooperacion Espanola (2001). Map ofNature Conservation Areas of Vietnam.

National Environmental Agency (NEA) Website, 2003.

Power Company No. 3, 2003. Feasibility Study Central Region Rural Energy Project Phase IIEnvironmental Impact Assessment Volume 3.

United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC),1994. Biodiversity Profile of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

UNEP, 2002. State of the Environment in Vietnam in 2001.

World Bank, Danida & Ministry for Natural Resources and Environment, 2003. VietnamEnvironmental Monitor 2003 - Water.

NA::rrh 9nn4 Page 45

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province



Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


wftgr La t - - -- * 4gr)'J ar4 tgr)sPN

I ry, *-' .* -, W*fr

It > , ,jtp W NOhid r . dgrAa Tnarg WX~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ngh;a Tr0an

t -~~# % 'r'- ! ~~fvghla KJ y~

I ) phS, v~,n3rU,or-0 _

i,_ . . p- ,. r$kI''' *,- giFfF, .

Nyhie Son ' LEGEND 'Provincial Boundary - -1'

.\ - District Boundary------- Communal Boundary < a

Rivers, Coast. , .<RForest Cover(1999)9 , Wetland a

FRTF Cultural, historical and environmental site

Tu Nghla Nature Reserve\ > _ ' ~Torwn

Provincial Road-, s Nabonal Road

Earth Path\S . 4t)\ ---------- Foot path 0 2.5 s

I' * L. J ' -|Raihay,: .i- i ~Project Commune klmte

Figure Al: Tu Nghia District Map

March 2004 Page 47

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


,, \ 44r.H&hTjhan r K

HanhDung - |

ChoChL(a j- *'

'7 . ......... '' / HawnUn a n i\ t'' taN)y NN ~ ."-

' 7 1 { ^ 7 [ -~~~~~~'% g ->. annghien-Hnh"

Nghla Harier . Henh Tn"% 't

inh LoHngar,nMinh

LEGEND Town* I .;

Prooncial BourncarV Provincial Road. \-- Disrrict Boundary Nabonal Roaa._

Communal Boundary Ear Path

Rivers, Coast .......... Foot pathForest Cover (1999) Railway

Wetland Project Commune o 2z5 5|||||Cultural, histoncal and environmental site

___ NNature Reserve kilomt _

Figure A2: Nghia Hanh District Map

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


: n u- nj .T -h

......... A .t ve. 2

- District Boundary * Town >'. . .-' . V

Ries Coastng Naioa Road.

iilt Wetland-- - --,Tr

PrvNcalur Boundrye Proec Comn I ' om *res



D. istrict Boundary *Town' "V------ Communal Boundary Provincial Road -

Rivers, Coast -National Road$$Forest Cover (1R989) Earth Path

± Utf Wetland ...... Foot path 0 5 ______________

T:4;l Cultural, historical and environmental site -Railway 60~Nature Reserve Project Commune kilomletres

Figure A3: Binh Son District Map

March 2004 Page 49

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province



Tin *p'.T.n Th DT.4~~4

[~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~t711 ;'K' 69 * ./:4

JEat>83<;97~~5 T n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n

Son TintSpTiL ~

son TInht-). ^.LEGEND * TownProincial Boundary Proincial Road

t_ - ~~~~~~~District Boundary National Road

,----- Communal Boundary Earth Path

, Fo% Rivers, Coast . ... Foot path

, ,;t=L,JX * :::2 Forest Cover (1999) - Railwa

0 5 10 - -. -HI-H Wetland Project Commune. Cultural, historcal and environmental site

kilometres . , Nature Reserve

Figure A4: Son Tinh District Map

March 2004 Page 50

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province




LEGEND- Provincial Boundary-* District Boundary- -- - Communal Boundary

Rivers, CoastForest Cover (1 999)

-H+H Wetland S*

tttt4 Cultural, historical and ernironmental si m.=.

Nature Reserve \* TownJ

Provincial Road -National Road

Earth Path.......... Foot path-Railway

Project Commune ~'~ ~~~k~'

r yff f~~~~.R.. f.R... g ......

Figure AS: Mo Duc District Map

Pan 51

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province



"Duc Ph3Ao

Prvnca Bondr Town nc~~~~~~~~~Poica Road

*~~~~~~~~ A

LEGEND * Town - Provincial Boundary -Provincial Road

-. District Boundary - National Road-- - - Communal Boundary - Earth Path

Rivers, Coast .......... Foot pathForest Cover (1999) - Rai"way

1±4WetlandNature Reserve Project Commune 0 5 10

I I IIICultural, historical and errvronmental site ks n s

Figure AS: Duc Pho District Map

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


S r. . f i @..1 F 4

< / C- q . - . . .'

MInh Long ~ ~ ~ Ditrct oudar N onl oa

- , = 4eqI s ~K' rsx --*.

- Povmncial Boundary Provii Rad

-----Rivers. Coast .......... Foot path~Forest Cover (10999) --- Raikay

0 2.5 5 ~~4T4jWefland Project Communeo~ 2 omo IH-HF Cultural, historical and environmental site

kitometres Nature Reserve

Figure A7: Minh Long District Map

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province



Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

Socio-Economic Environment / Biophysical Environment -Summary of ResultsQuang Ngai Province


Ouang NEai ProvinceSummary of Results

Date: 19.10.2003

\ A~~~~~~~ctivtieso-ntcon _ = = -Itin t ._eto=

Environmental ElOFcQz{uXa5eme zn EaE ECC 0 u < > u 0 0 ~~~1: E >a >c 2

D ~~~~~Loss of residential _

.0 Residential land/development P_Amenity of residential land . - - -

E Landce to use omt_

Infectious and contagious

>> Huamdan Haletht disease _ _ - __ - __

Community and EMF Effects.~Construction

Personnel Electrocution effects

Cultural Cultural heritage items

& Heritage Archaeological impacts

X ~~~~Perrnanent viewversVisual Impact_ _ _

Transient viewers_- -

Traffic Traffic and Transport routes andT____n_ f vehicle movements - - - 4 4 -X

-D-Cmoris- Population increase__

w Ethnic Minority peoples

Z! Conflicts with newcomersv: to~~~' cnmmllnirv__

Change in lifestyle _ - LWL

E Lifestyle/E Recreational activtieso customs

Social/economic structurechanges

Relocation of social

Legend MfinorDositive imoactNo Imnact - Maiorositive imoactMinor neeative imDact X Mltieable imDact

Nbioegtaive impact XX wn irnpact ?

J iSr.,cn ie,rn impact Long term impact

_ Mediurm term irnract

Note: The number adjacent to the symbol in the abovetable represents the cumulative frequency of occurrenceof this impact type for the entire province. For example,"A74" in the box for 'Waste Impacts' and 'Pole Erection'means that in 74 communes, waste impacts during poleerection activities were considered to be a mitigableimpact.

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


Ouang Ngai ProvinceSummary of Results

Date: 28.10.2003

Hna tdM ng\HnaTdOnGZ OC 0C0 .S .0 TC ._ A

r Air pollution~ C ~ Dus C C) 1

o Noise and Noise emissions = = = = t t = t = _ a=

T'hams, -S'o ~ C 8E Water Surface water pollution

tnihong C t

E~ Soil erosin _ E

Vehicle emissions

Eq Noise anSois eotminations119!

Aquibatico/ Vegetationreoa

Wterrsra Sufc wae.olto

flora and Impact on rare/endemic species - - - - - - - - - - -

E fauna Biological diversiy _ _o -

CPestspecies to fl o _dnat

Faunamigration _

il SHabitat fragmentation

Hqabic eettontmoa

Birdstrike _

ter a IWetland destruction species

Lfeend Minoroositive impact

Nofu Bact - Maiorvositive imnact

MinorPnesateve ini X MltizabIe imoaCt

. Fa mterr-, impact _Longterm impact

table represents the cumulative frequency of occurrence of this impact type for the entire province. For example,

ox74" in the box for Dust' and 'Pole Erection' means thatin 74 communes, dust impacts during pole erectionactivities were considered to be a minor negative impact.

I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~tberpeetstecmltv rqec focrec

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

Socio-Economic Environment / Biophysical Environment -Summary of ResultsTu Nghia District


Tu NRhia DistrictQuang Ngai Province

Date: 8.10.2003.

Acsivfies _


D ResLdaendtial ~ ~ 52 .laddvl Cren C 2 a.. e

cLAmenity of residential lan i .2 S o _ _Enirn entiEleentia land0 22deve.l2 nmentC

< AgriclturalLoss of agricuiturl land _ _

2 Land Disturbance to use of i C O_

agricltural land T , 2Infectious and contagious

s Human Health dige- _ _ _

~ and Safetv Waste impacts 12'. . .A

Community and EMF Effects., Construction

Personnel Electrocution effects

Cultural Cultural heritage items

= Heritage Archaeological impacts

Permanent viewers

Visual ImpactTransient viewers

Traffic Traffic and Transport routes andTnnrtvehicle movements - - -- -

Dem rnthinh;cs Population increase

EthnicE Winprifieq Minority peoples

a Conflicts with newcomers

ui to communtv_

Change in lifestyle

E Lifestyle/E Recreational activtieso customsu

Social/economic structure |

Relocation of social_

Legend |MinorDostive imDact *

No Imo)act - oMajr oos iive imoactgMinorneeative impact X Mitiwable imDact

NMior egtaive impact XX iUnkown impactShon term impact Long term impact

1w_Mediuim tertn imcact

Note: The number adjacent to the symbol in the abovetable represents the cumulative frequency of occurrenceof this impact type for the entire district. For example,"A12" in the box for 'Waste Impacts' and 'Pole Erection'means that in 12 communes, waste impacts during poleerection activities were considered to be a mitigableimpact.

Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


Tu Nhwia DistrictOuang Ngai Province

Date: 25.10.2003

.- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A i po ito Vel ..a. ... C n.. ,r ._=_-_C ___

E Noiseand lelitrJo;L _ _ _ .- _- 7; c C .C C . _ _zr:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ virai Vivto

_ 0

h! Water pollution D~,St - - - - 1a - - -

e oualitv G.Vibroundwater r Ction

^i Dlrainage / (Chanates to drsinaee natteran = - = - _ _ =

<1: hvd I vrhanaeg to floodina natterm - - - - U a E - >

ro OLt l eroni onicf _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = - _ _

O e Soii Soil contamination = = = 2

Ai p lquaticon

flor and Imntact on rare/endemic sroecies _- __ _ S! . R~~-iolneical diversitvy

-F EYOtI;C Pect stnecies IR G 1

Noie Wealand destncin

We Sfead Minorpositive impact n

Minor neeaaive anna X Mitigabie impact^

auality GroundNowataer- alornoallvetioac

eaing Cataive anea XX danon impact?

iShort term impact _Long term impact

Note: The number adjacent to the symbol in the abovetable represents the cumulative frequency of occurrenceof this impact type for the entire district. For exampleEt12" in the box for Pest Species' and 'Pole Erection'means that in 12 communes, pest impacts during poleerection activities were considered to be a mitigableimpact.

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

Socio-Economic Environment I Biophysical Environment -Summary of ResultsNghia Hanh District


Nghia Hanh DistrictOuana Ngai Province

Date: 8.10.2003

Pre-Ct mtcio -ons -fiin- - netic -

ct Acivtiec' r c o e

E Resid nentta lanv Eelentia 2

AgriculturalLoss ofltural land resid -ntiaLsofagricultural land fli_

Infectious and contagiousHuman Health ldiieasem,____ _ _- __ =I=

Community and EMF EffectsConstruction

Personnel Electrocution effects

Cultural Cultural heritage items = = = = = = _ =

3 Hertage Archaeological impacts

CoPenfanent view ersl l ~~~~~~~Visual Impact Tasetvees_ __ wgF-

l~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~rnin viewerst J

Traffic Traffrcsndr Transport routes and. @

Etmamhnio Population increase = = = = _ _ _ = _ =

EMinoitic Minority peoples E

, ~~~~Conflicts with newcomersto community

Change in lifestyle

E LifestyleIE Lcustoms Recreational activties

Social/economic structurechanmes

Relocation of social__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ services

LeArend fMinorpositive imDact *

No Impact - Maioroositive impact

Minornegative imDact X Mitilable imDact

!Uuir,c u e M p icl XX x Uknw impact 7

Shri errs .mpao Long term impact

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~eii |terk n impact

Note: The number adjacent to the symbol in the abovetable represents the cumulative frequency of occurrenceof this impact type for the entire district. For example,"'1 1" in the box for 'Waste Impacts' and 'Pole Erection'means that in 11 communes, waste impacts during poleerection activities were considered to be a mitigableimpact.

I -

Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


Nrzhia Hanh District

Ouang Ngai ProvinceDate: 28.10.2003

\~~~~~~ Pr-Co ct -t - C2nnr itin -=- 'et -

2A - _ _

o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0~o

rc Air pollution Vehicle em sions_ - @ _ _ _

En vibration Vibration

E Water Surface water niollut*on =

a e,ualitv Groundwater nollut.on _

cr Drainage / Chasng" to drainaoe natterns I <: hvdrIolov Changestoflodinnae es -n d

____ ro__ ot ooil t o I_ C = = __ _e=

-O Air potsoil Soil contamination -. r 1

s Aquatic / Io~ osnf nrnducetive coil 2f

tensra Veoetation removal

teresti t

flora and Imiact on rare/endem-c ._

E .X±~LlL /iRstio o-vical diversitv _-

Wate Sofc waer- - - -

00 EYOtiC Pest snecies

1- Faj~y~ unda t m oigm tion- - - - - - - - - - - -

._ Habitat Birdstrike=__ _

.Wetland destruction

Lrgend afMnorg ositive im-act

No lmDact -_ _ior_Dositive imoact i

Mqorne_iative iMDa X iizab'e imract

trreeztarve imDa XX r impact ?

mSoareehort ter impact _Long term impact

_M&dli- term irnpact

Note: The number adjacent to the symbol in the abovetable represents the cumulative frequency of occurrenceof this impact type for the entire district. For example,xW1r" in the box for-'Dust' and 'Pole Erection' means that

in 11 communes, dust iMpacts during pole erectionactivities were considered to be a minor negative impact.

table represe~~~~~~ntstecmltv freqec,focrec

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

Socio-Economic Environment / Biophysical Environment -Summary of ResultsBinh Son District


Binh Son DistrictOuana Nzai Province

Date: 8.10.2003.

.0 .0~~~

>~~~~~ 2 i3: E >~~

Loss of residential _SX r Residential land/development I N - -

Amenity of residential land

Loss ofagnic..iraIIr,J -3

i: AgriculturalLoso gn rr3 iId 1a o Land Disturbance l ,. ~ce i oIEIi

c ~~~~~arzricltural I1, iim m

Infectious and contagious~' Human Health ci_.~ I _____ __. __ -__

and Safety<~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ I_ _10__1

Community and EMF Effects., Construction


Personnel Electrocution effects

Cultural Cultural heritage items

3 Heritage Archaeological impacts

Permanent viewersVisual Impact

Transient viewers

Traffic Traffic and Transport routes andTraffic T qnonr vehicle movements X 1

ncn urar hics Population increase

Ethnic Minority peoplesMinortyipople

Conflicts with newcomers2 to community

Change in lifestyle

E Lifestyle/c Recreational activties

o customsSocial/economic structure

chances ii

Relocation of socialservicec _ - _ -

Legend Minor os itive imDact *

No Imoact - Maioroositive imDact

Minornezative imoact X Mitistable imDact

legtn 8e impict XX wnimpact ?. S,:n Lerrs inp; Long term impact

IMedium term impact

Note: The number adjacent to the symbol in the abovetable represents the cumulative frequency of occurrenceof this impact type for the entire district. For example,'A10 " in the box for 'Waste Impacts' and 'Pole Erection'means that in 10 communes, waste impacts during poleerection activities were considered to be a mitigableimpact.

Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


Binh Son DistrictOuana N2ai District

Date: 8.10.2003

P-C-t-tin - Cons iction - -= - 6-

Activtiec c s o 04 0

Environmentai -F a L Element < & * ° E = r ' 4)~~~~~w 4) 4)004 Li 4 0

< a. n uo E >4u~~. .E'

. Air ,oollution. vehicle emissions - - I -D__ _ _ ~ ust _ _

E Noise and N4oise emi=sions< vibration Vibration

Water Surface water nollution _ = = = - = _ _

oualitv Grundwater nollution. Drainage / 'hanes to drainnau nattes _ = = = = =

< b hvdrolov Changes to floodino natternsSoil erosion = = = = = = = = =

o a. Soil oil contamination soil

Aquatic Ioss of nrodncti_e coil= _ === = _ = =

terrestal, Veaetation removalterrestrial Imoact on rare/endemic Soecies _ _ _ = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

flora an ies_______________3inlooical diversity

w Exotic Pest snecieso Fauna migration

Habitat fraemettatioo _ = = = = =Habitat Birdstrike

lWetland destrLction _

L eend Minor Dositive imDact *

No lmDact - Maior DOSitive imDact

Minor nezative imDa X Mitiaable imDact

getaive imDa XX ikwn impact ?s Short term impact Long term impact

Meedi- term ips

Note: The number adjacent to the symbol in the abovetable represents the cumulative frequency of occurrenceof this impact type for the entire district. For example,'A1l O in the box for 'Pest Species' and 'Pole Erection'means that in 10 communes, pest impacts during poleerection activities were considered to be a mitigableimpact.

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

Socio-Economic Environment / Biophysical Environment -Summary of ResultsSon Tinh District


Son Tinh DistrictOuane Nieai ProvinceDate: 18.10.2003.

o ,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Enviro. 0 e C | C °< ' 0 2 o 0

Environmental Element S~ ~ -~O 0 o ~

Loss of residential i 00

; Residential land/development = = =Land

Amenity of residential land

Loss of agricultural landAgricultural

2 Land Disturbance to use of____________ 'ericitural land i - m

Infectious and contagious> Human Health dese- _ _ - _ _

and Safety

-n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~- Community and EMF EfTects

.y ConstructionPersonnel Electrocution effects

Cultural Cultumal heritage items

& Heritage Archaeological impacts

T Permanent viewers

Visual Impact Transient viewers

Traffic Traffic and Transpon routes andTr.nncnrt vehicle movements - - 5 -

Demo nranhics Population increase

Ethnice iEthnic Minority peoples

Conflicts with newcomers2 to community

Change in lifestyle

E Lifestyle / Recreational activtieso customs __________

Social/economic structurechanges

Relocation of socialservices

Le zend MinorDositive imDact *

No ImDact MaiorDositive impact

Mornegative imDact X Lwti2abne impact

Minorn,egtaive impact XX MiUnkoe impact ?

t- Short term impact Long term impact_ Mediim term impact

Note: The number adjacent to the symbol in the abovetable represents the cumulative frequency of occurrenceof this impact type for the entire district. For example,"Al^5 " in the box for 'Waste Impacts' and 'Pole Erection'means that in 15 communes, waste impacts during poleerection activities were considered to be a mitigableimpact.

Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


Son Tinh DistrictOuang Ngai Province

Date: 8.10.2003

Pre-C-nntnition 1 sn lcO n~erti- Activties C i | i e

0 .2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.

,~~~~ 0~ ~ 00

0- ~~~~ 0 0 On ... o~~~~~~~~J .1! i A

cVehicle emissionc0. Air pollution___

E Noise and Noie erricsionc - - -= -_ = _

< vibration Vibration

, Water Surface water nollution

r eualitv G-rondwater nollution

. Drainage / Changes to drainage rattermc _ _ = _ = _ = = = _

<. hvdroloeIv Changes to flooding naet- s

o '- Soil Soil contamination

cs touatic / I oss o f nroductive soil _ _

Aquatic I Veeainrm Val- - - - - - - - - - - -

lora an act on rare/endemic snecies _ _ _ _ _ -'a ~~~~ioloaical diver-itv

I E xotic Pest srecies

0 Fauna migration

Habitat Habitat fravmentation _ _ _ _

____ ir_ etad str icke o - - - - - - - - - - - -

]Wetl3nd destrnlction_ -

LeArend Minor Dositive imoact

No Imoact - Maoroositive imDact

Minor negative imDa X Mitigablc iMDact

bior legtaive imtna XX U inpact ?

E * Lon zerr. impacL _Long term impact_ Medhimn term impact

Note: The number adjacent to the symbol in the abovetable represents the cumulative frequency of occurrenceof this impact type for the entire district. For example,"A15 " in the box for 'Pest Species' and 'Pole Erection'means that in 15 communes, pest impacts during poleerection activities were considered to be a mitigableimpact.

rs- -- CA

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

Socio-Economic Environment / Biophysical Environment -Summary of ResultsMo Duc District


Mo Duc DistrictOuang Ngai ProvinceDate: 28.10.2003

_ctivties C

.0 .~~~~~~~~~ C.

. . Eo .2C

Environmental Element 7 .n -

l < > i i E

Q ResidentialLoss of residential.

i Land ~~Amenity of residential land _ - 5

a Landilrl Disturbance to use of m _ 3 -_ __

Infectious and contagiousHuman Health dmsease _ _ - -

N and Safety Waste .,r,.:u A _ A _ A

Community and EMF EtTectsConstruction

Personnel Electrocution etTects

Cultural Cultural heritage items

zo Heritage Archaeological impacts

Permanent viewersVisual Impact

Transient viewers

Traffic TratTic and Transport routes andra T-n vehicle movements - - i -

i n~~~~~~~ emE ' m nh'achis Population increase_X

thinn.ic Minofity peoples._

C Conflicts with newcomerse ~~~~tO communitv_ _

Change in lifestyle

E Recreational activties

Social/economic structuxreZ

c'Relocation of social_


Legend MinorDositive imDact MNo ImDact - MaiorDositive imoactMinornegative imDact X Mwtiable imDact

Moegtaive impact X Mwn impact ?Short terrm impact Loe terr impact

_Mediirn term imp2art

Note: The number adjacent to the symbol in the abovetable represents the cumulative frequency of occurrenceof this impact type for the entire district. For example,"A12" in the box for 'Waste Impacts' and 'Pole Erection'means that in 12 communes, waste impacts during poleerection activities were considered to be a mitigableimpact.

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


Mo Duc DistrictOuang Ngai District

Date: 28.10.2003

\ A~~~~~~ctivties %r-o tit0 A = -utn_ =-eai

Environmental - - --

Element E~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. itrn ~ p O

C4 > -n a -. E

J Air pollutionr wt nun==

2 Noise and N _is__ern,m -x 2, Y12____

vibration V/ihmtion-- - - - - - - - - - -

Water Surface water nnoluin,nn

vZ * a iigii .tv Groundwater nonlhiaioncr Drainage / Changes to drainave oanemq

hvdroloizv Chan-es to floodinv nattems

Soil emsion = - = =

o '- Soil Soil contaminaton

t -- f-ord-tive spil I IAquatic y 'esetation remoyal- - - - - - - - - - - -

- terrestrial eethnnro = = = = = _ -terresrial a Impact on rare/endemic species = _ - _ _flora and

E . . Riolo"iral diversity- - - - - - - - - - - -

.Exotic Pet species _o Fauna mig ration

Haia -abitat fragmentation- - - - - - - - - - - - -_ Habitat dt Birdstrike - - - - - - - - - -

___ Wetl_ Vrind destnrution--- - - - - - - -

LCiCnd Minor oositive imDactNo ImDact - Ma ior Dos tive imoactMinor negative imDa X Mitiaable imDact

| l?.la;,!r a-.eiLl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;me;na XX hUkoninpact ?

lWShcnI-ne| impact Long term impact

Note: The number adjacent to the symbol in the abovetable represents the cumulative frequency of occurrenceof this impact type for the entire district. For example,'A 12" in the box for 'Pest Species' and 'Pole Erection'means that in 12 communes, pest impacts during poleerection activities were considered to be a mitigableimpact.

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

Socio-Economic Environment / Biophysical Environment -Summary of ResultsDuc Pho District


Duc Pho DistrictOuang Ngai ProvinceDate: 28.10.2003

Activtie q~f - - - ~

Znvil; <~~~~' a > 3 :Af O Z n a j jl; j |~~~~~~.0

a .2 C2

2 .1 2 EL:,1 . le n l . l l.... t.

Environmental Element 01 . . L - .a - .

_ ;ni l . . r'l d ... X 1 7 X 12 X S12 S X X ' XE2

-Infectious and contagious

Human Health diceace -.: tz and Safety Waste impacts - A! _ 'ta -

Community and EMF Effects _ = = = _ L

t: Construction _

Personnel Electrocution effects

Cultural Cultural heritage items

HeritageArchaeological impacts

Permanent viewersVisual Impact

Transient viewers

Traffic Traffic and Transport routes andI Trnsnon vehicle movements 3 -I -X . L I I

I)emo grznh ics Population increase _ MEthnicirEthn ic Minority peoples "M

= Conflicts with newcomers

vi to community

Change in lifestyle

E Lifestyle/E Recreational activtieso customs

Social/economic structure


Relocation of socialiervtces

Leiend Mnor sositive imDact *

No ImDact - Maioroositive imDact

|Minor negative imoact X Mitigable imDact

11abr04egf3i--e impact XX tnnw impact 7

I i.em. impact Long term impact

Note: The number adjacent to the symbol in the abovetable represents the cumulative frequency of occurrenceof this impact type for the entire district. For example,"A 12" in the box for 'Waste Impacts' and 'Pole Erection'means that in 12 communes, waste impacts during poleerection activities were considered to be a mitigableimpact.

Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


Duc Pho DistrictOuang Ngai Province

Date: 18.10.2003

\ . . ctnltte r = (tnct iction = _n

En vironenatnl brto= Drainage/ Chanves o drainaveranems _

.2~ ~ ~~~~2 t4

o c Soil Si 2 1 3

7n nalo and Bioloeical diversitv _ _ ..43 . C. c -2 2 2 2

3 EYt; iVehicle emissions - V - - - - - -o Air pollution

ce H ab ta 4 Birst _0~E Noise and N1oiw emissions - - -

<~.. v~ibration Viltrmran X M -m-ac -

1! Water S nrface water mnlution

cuality~~ ~~ ~ Grounwate pollutioar

~ Drainage! /Changes to drainare nttteme c frequency of occurrence< I hvdrologzv Chan-es to flpodinanm o ts i c te fr te er d t Fr e

Soil ervion i t b f ' S a ' Erection'o '3eSoil Soil contamination w c t b a mitigable

Aquatic / "tto eoa

terrestrial Imact on rare/enMiC SDcCiCS mpac1! loa ad iological diversity

Exoti Pest snecieso ~~~~auina migration- - - - - - - - - - - -

!lB=t at ramentation- - - - - - - - - - - -Habitat lrsrk

lW____ etlandl des;tniction - - - - - - - - - - - -

Letzend IfMnorDCOSitiVe anDactNo Impoact - Majior pos itive inmoactMfinornoezative imioa X Mltiaable iMDact

& .S ot,.e% irr,c.a XKX irsn pact ~ hc.n ic-in imr~.u~t Long term impact

Note: The number adjacent to the symbol in the abovetable represents the cumulative frequency of occurrenceof this impact type for the entire district. For example,"A 1 2 in the box for 'Pest Species' and 'Pole Erection'means that in 12 communes, pest impacts during poleerection activities were considered to be a mitigableimpact.

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

Socio-Economic Environment / Biophysical Environment -Summary of ResultsMinh Long District


Mlnh Long DistrictOuanz Ngai ProvinceDate: 28.10.2003.

- _- = = _ol lltinn - -_ =

Activtie: o .: c; =

2 C C. 4) ,n c a

Environmental Element . i n iE c * i 2

Loss of residentialResidential land/development a__i _ __=

LandAmenity of residential land

G Agricultural Loss of agricultural land

2 Land Disturbance to use of______ aricltural land . - -- -

Infectious and contagious^ Human Health dikese

and Safety wtemcs-

Community and EMF Effects.u Construction

Personnel Electrocution effects

Cultural Cultural heritage items& Henrtage Archaeologicai impacts

Permanent viewersVisual Impact _____E

Transient viewers

Traffic Traffic and Transport routes andT-nnsnrt vehicle movements - -

Demo ra,hics Population increase ;Ethnic . .

Minorities Minonty peoples

Conflicts with newcomersto communit y

Change in lifestyle

E Lifestyle /E Recreational activtiesC customs

Social/economic structurechanges _

Relocation of social _ -_services I III_ I_

|Legend NMinor positive iMDact *

INo Impact - Maorpositive impactMinornegative impact X LMwitable impactMaiorinegsaive impact X tsl impact ?

Short term impact Long term impact_M edium term impact lI

Note: The number adjacent to the symbol in the abovetable represents the cumulative frequency of occurrenceof this impact type for the entire district. For example,"A2" in the box for 'Waste Impacts' and 'Pole Erection'means that in 2 communes, waste impacts during poleerection activities were considered to be a mitigableimpact.

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


Minh Long DistrictOuang Ngai Province

Date: 18.10.2003

r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Irir-6 C.nnicio utonVhirweisinsfin ._ _ r; Noise ~~~tan Noice emi ssion. cIn - - _-i__

C: vbraion ibrtioEnvironmental r'- ~ ~ ~ n E a

e War Sf > =

Vehicle emissions- - - --- - -r Air pollution ndwat -o-lutinn

E Noise and Ndoise emissions - L~ <J... vibmtion. Vihr'-tion - - - - - - - - - - - -

, ~ Water Sunrface water nollution- - - - - - - - - - - -

n ially~. Groundwater nollution

:, Drainage / Chanaes to drminnae natterns _ _ - = = =h droloog Chanoes to floodir, natterns

Soil erosion = = = = - = = - = =o e Soil Soil contamination O oss of prtivS =od = _ = -=-=--- e soi

AquaEic i Vegetation removal-- - - - - - - - -

tferrestndl Imnact on rare/endemic sDecies - = -

flora and Riolo-ical diversitv y

- Exotic Pest sneciesce Fauna migration

Habitt Habitat fraementationBirdstrike = = - = =

______ Wetland destr-tio-- - - - - -

Legend MinorDositive imDact c

No lmDact -Maiorvositive imDactMinor neeative imoa X Mitipable imoact

* e taive imDa XX UOknovsw impact 7Short term impact " Long term impact

_Mediuim term imnnact

Note: The number adjacent to the symbol in the abovetable represents the cumulative frequency of occurrenceof this impact type for the entire district. For example,'A2" in the box for 'Pest Species' and 'Pole Erection'means that in 2 communes, pest impacts during poleerection activities were considered to be a mitigableimpact.

RAA-rh OfnA n 7r

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province



March 2004 Pqni- 71

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province



Pre-Construction Stage Environmental ImpactsA Project Affected Households (PAHs)B Land AcquisitionC Impacts Caused By Clearing the ROWD Cultural PropertyE Health Risks Related to Explosives, and Toxic SubstancesConstruction Stage Environmental ImpactsF Soil Erosion

G Petroleum and Hazardous Waste SpillsH Temporary Loss of Productive LandI Impacts of Temporary Access RoadsJ Impacts on Noise and DustK Electricity HazardsL Environmental Impacts Caused Construction WorkersM Social Impacts Caused by Construction WorkersN Health and Safety of Construction WorkersO Health and Safety of the General PublicOperation Stage Environmental ImpactsP Social Development and Poverty AlleviationQ Habitat FragmentationR Increased Access to WildiandsS Health and SafetyT Avian and Aircraft HazardsU Impacts of Noise and DustV Induced Effects from Electromagnetic FieldsW Petroleum, Hazardous Waste Contamination, Solid Waste ProductionX Effects on visual landscapePre-Construction Stage Mitigation MeasuresAl Align route to avoid resettlementA2 Adjust project structures to minimise impacts on remaining PAHsA3 Provide compensation for PAHs

B1 Align route to avoid private land82 Provide compensation for land acquisitionC1 Work with community leaders to minimise impactsC2 Align route to avoid forested areas. If forested areas must be traversed, work with local authorities to replant

trees/develop forest elsewhere.C3 Compensate for loss of agricultural productivityDl Align route to avoid cultural propertyD2 Adjust project structures to minimise impacts on cultural propertyD3 Remove, relocate, and/or compensate for loss of cultural propertyEl Work with People's Committee to identify possible UXO and toxic waste locationsE2 Conduct removal of UXOs/toxic waste in close co-operation with Ministry of DefenseConstruction Stage Mitigation MeasuresFl Excavate erosion-prone areas during dry season onlyF2 Excavate agricultural areas after harvestF3 Proper runoff and erosion control through land protection and drainage channelsF4 Dump excess soil in approved locationsGl Ensure no PCBs or asbestos used during constructionHi Provide proper compensation for loss of productivity during constructionH2 Rectify impact after construction using best practices for land rehabilitation11 Use alternatives to building temporary access roads12 If temporary access roads must be created, design them to i) minimise run-off and sedimentation; ii) minimise

their location on private land.13 After construction, restore access roads to their pre-project state

x A- - nn A_AA I-

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


Ji Use main roads and/or roads located away from residential areasJ2 Use water sprays on roads and piles of dirtJ3 Avoid night works in sensitive areasJ4 Avoid use of horns, airbrakes, etc.J5 Construction equipment should meet relevant TCVN noise and air quality standardsJ6 Cover materials during transportKi Work with Provincial Power Department to make sure relevant parts of system are turned offK2 Workers need to wear safety clothes and work with approved safety toolsLl Solid waste stream carefully controlled. This includes collection, separation of recyclable/non-recyclable waste,

burning of wastes, and disposal in approved location.L2 No fires allowed near natural forestsL3 Adequate sewage facilities (latrines) for workersMl Hire local people whenever possibleM2 Work with People's Committees and relevant unions to identify and propose i) measures to minimise impacts

from social evils, ii) locations for worker camps; iii) develop and implement any necessary public educationprogrammes for local people and workers.

M3 Maintain relations with PC and unions during constructionM4 After construction, remove and rehabilitate worker camp areasNi Minimise health and safety problems at worker camps (provide mosquito nets, sanitation facilities, adequate

sleeping accommodation, nutritious food, etc).N2 Ensure adequate safety equipment and safety training for construction workersN3 Ensure access to adequate medical facilities for construction workers01 Application of proper safety and warning measures02 Public information campaign

Operation Stage Mitigation MeasuresP1 Positive impact - mitigation measure not requiredQ1 Align route to avoid forested areas. If forested areas must be traversed, work with local authorities to replant

trees/develop forest elsewhere.Rl Avoid creating permanent access roads near wildlands. If temporary access roads must be created, then

decommission those roads after construction.Si Support public education programme on hazards and safety measures for electricity management - both in the

home and near transmission/distribution structuresS2 Provide training to selected commune residents on electrical safetyS3 Ensure regular operations maintenance of project structuresTi Ensure project structures are not located in areas where airplanes or migratory birds could collide into

transmission/distribution towers or linesU 1 Avoid night works in sensitive areasU2 Vehicles and equipment should meet relevant TCVN noise and air quality standardsVi Ensure no houses in the ROWWi Develop and implement a maintenance plan for transmission and distribution structures. This plan should:

1) clearly identify petroleum, hazardous wastes, and solid wastes that will be created during operations; and2) provide measures to minimise the impacts of these wastes (e.g. filling transformer oil at provincial branchoffice, dumping solid waste in local landfill, etc).


PN Women's UnionND Farmers' AssociationTN Youth UnionCCB Veterans' AssociationNCT Old People's AssociationCN Chairman commune People's Committee

I\A-rh '7nnrA C---7

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


# HH " meeting jPerceived Operaion ImpactsKinh other DMe I 8 aoleiw gIrp Pmpssd itigaeon

Tu Nghia District_____01 Ngh;a Thang 3271 1/111,2003 'J MO M,P,DX VK Q,R, S,W,O01,O0202 Nghia Dien 1658 3/11/ 2003 MMOPMDOX VK Q,RS,W,01,0203 Nghia H:ep 2950 31/11 01 3 J MO M,PODX VK Q,RS,W.010204 Nghia Lam 1539 31/I OJO3 JMO MPOX VK Q,R.S,W01.0205 Nghla Hoa 2810 2/10/f2003 J M,O M P D,X V,K Q,RS,W,01,0206 Nghia Phuong 1 785 1/11I/2003 J,MO M,PD,X V~K Q.R,S,W.01.0207 NghNaTrung 3450 30110/03 J MO M,P,D,X V~K Q,RS,W.01,02

....s.. . .9~. .2l9I.. O P) 09 Ngha Thuong 2143 1 11 ,2003 MO M,PD.X VAK Q.RS,.0~1,021 0 Nglia My 1193 4/11I,2003 J,M0 M,PD,X _ V~K Q,RS,w,01,021 1 Nghia An 317 111ID0 A~ M,P,D,X V,K Q,R.SW.01,0212 Ngda Ky 3835 12/11/2003 ,J,M,O M.P,0,X VJK Q,RS,W.O01,02

Ngiha Hanh District__ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

01 Hanh Minh 1312 5/11/ 2003 .J,M,O M,P,D,X V~K Q,RS,W.01,0202 Hanh Trung 2010 4/11/ 2003 .J.M,O M,P.D,X V/K Q,R.S.W.01,0203 Hanh,Thuan 1700 1/12003 JAMO M,P,D,X V~K Q.RS,W.01,0204 Hanh Mtan 1743 2/1 1/2003 ~J,M,O M,P,D.X V~K Q,RS,W.01,0205 Han ug11 2/10/2003. J,M,O M,P.D,X V~K Q,RS,W,01,0206 Hanh Phuoc -.26 5/1 1/2003 .J,M,O M.P,D0X VAK Q,R.S,W.01.02. .....~ . ...... ......... ...... ...... .. . . .-- ........... ... -.. -. .

07 Hanh Duc -2521 6/1 1/2003 J,M,O M,P,D,X V~K Q.RSVV~Oi,0208 Hanh Thien 1540 7/11/i2003 .J,M,O M.P,D,X V.K Q,R.S,WO1,0209 Hanh T-in Dong 1.01. . 9! ... .. 15/11 i03 *MO M,P,DX V~K Q.RS,W.01,021 0 Hnh Thinh 2165 7/11/2003 J.M,O M.P0,DX V.K Q,RS,W.01,02

11HanhTey15 8/11/2003 .J,m,o M,P,DX V~K Q,RS,W,01,02Binh Son District

01 BM,hChanh 2921 3/ 11/2003 J,M,O M,P,D,X V,K Q.RS,VV.01.0202Binh Nguyen 2975 2/11/2003 J,M.O M,P,D,X V~K QR.RS,W.01,02

03 Binh Long 1250 28110 OM J,M,O M,P,D,X V~K Q.RS,SW,010204 Binh My 1521 29110OJO3 J,M,O M,P,D,X V.K Q,R.S,W,01,0205 Binh Phuoc 1711 3/11/ 2003 IJ,M,O M,P,D,X VAK Q,RS.W,01,0206 Binh Duong 2046 4/1 1/2003 J,JM,O M,P,D,X VAK Q.RS,W.01 ,0207 Binh Thoi 1220 3/11/2003 J.M,O M,P,D,X V~K Q,RS,.W.01,0208 BinhMinh 2248 4/11/I2003 .J,M,O M,P,D,X V~K Q.RS,W,01,0209 Binh Thanh Dong 650 5/11/ 2003 .J.M,O M,P,D,X V,K Q,RS,W,01,0210 BminThanhTay 1161 6/111/2003 J,M,O M.P.D,X VK Q,PS,VW,01,02

Son Tinh District01 ThinhAn 1843 24/1O0A3 IJ.MO0 M.P,D,X VAK Q,RS,V,1,0202 TinhChau 1560 2411043 .J,M,O M,P,D,X V~K Q,RS.W.01,0203 Tinh Ky 1905 25/10A03 *J,M,O M,P,DQX V~K Q,RS,W,O01.0204 Tinh Long 650 5/i11/2003 ',J,M,O M,P,0,X V~K Q,R~S,W,01,0206 Tinh Bac 1074 22/11 03 J,M,O M,P,D,X V,K Q,RS,SW,01,0207 Tinh Binh 2630 23/lOGAfl ,J.M.O M,P,D,X V.K Q,RS,W,01,0208 Tinh Phong 2115 24/10A03 ~ ,J.M,O M,P.D,X V~K Q,RS,W.01,O209 Tinh An Dong 1390 5/i11/2003 .J.M.O M,P,D,X V~K Q.RS,W.01,021 0 Ting Giang 1928 6/11/2003 J,JM,O M,P,D,X VK Q.RS.W.O01,021 1 Tinh Ha 2527 22/10,O3 ,JM,M0 M,P,D,X V,K Q,R,S,W,01,0212 Tinh An Tay 1771 23/10,03 .JMO M,P,D,X VK QORS,W,01,0213 Tinh Tra 1400 25/10/03 I.JM,M0 M,P,D,X V~K Q.RS,SW,010214 Tinh, Dong 1480 , 24/10/03 I,J.M,O M,P,D,X V~K QR..1156 Tinh Minh 1254 22/10M LJ'M.O M,P,D,X V~K Q.R.S,W,01,02

March 2004 Page 74

Rural Energy 11 Project 1..nvironmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

M o Duc District__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

01 Duc Phu 1847 28/10103 %M, MP.D.X V,K QRPS,W,01,02

02 Duc Lai 1670 29/10103 'MAO M,P,D,X V,K Q,RS,N,01,02

03 Duc Lan 3006 30/10103 5,M.O M,P.,DX V~K Q,RS,W,01,02

04 Duc Hiep 1783 29/10103 7,MO M,P,D.X V,K Q,RS,W,01,02

05 Duc Tan 1794 28/101/03 W,MO M,P,D~X V~K Q,RS,VW,01,02

06 Due Thanh 2208 31/101 03 N,MO M,P,D,X V.K Q,RS,VY,01,02

07 Duc Nhuan 3125 1/111/2003 1AMO M,P,D,X V.K Q,RS,VW,01,02

08 Duc Hoa 2561 28/1013 8,M,O M,P,D,X V~K Q.RS,W,01,02

09 Duc Minh 1853 29/1 0103 qM,O M,P,D,X VLK Q,RSVV,01,02

1 0 Duc Phong 4120 31/101003 7.m,o M~,P,,X V,K Q,RS,VW,01,02

1 1 Duc Chwnh 3493 28/10103 4,m,o M.PO,D V Q,RS,YV,01,02

12 Duc Thang 1593 29/10103 5,M0 M,P,D,X V,K Q,RS,VW,01O2

Duc Pho District _____

01 Pho Khanh 2870 1/11/ 2003 5,M,O M,P,D,X V~K Q,RS,VW.01,0202 Ph CuoNg 3121 3/1012003 5,M,O M,P,D,X V~K Q,RS,VW,01,02

03 Pho Thua 4164 4/11/2003 2,M0 MYP,DX V~K Q,RS,W,01,02

04 PhaVinh 1782 7/11/[2003 I(,M,O M,P,DQX V,K Q,RS,W,01,02

05 Pho Van 2215 6/1 1/2003 1~, O M,P,D,X VK Q,RS,VV,01,02

06 Pho Phong 2644 5/1 1/2003 81M0 M,P,O,X V,K Q,RS,VW,01,02

07 Pho Cluang 1726 10/ll111003 2 M,O M,P,D,X V~K Q,RS,VW.01,208 Pho Mimh 1225 8/11/2003 8 M'O M,P,D,X V,K Q,R.S,VV,01O2

09 Pho An 2344 6/11/003 6MIO MY,PDX V~K Q,R,SW,V,1,02

1 0 Pho Hoa 920 7/11/12003 0,. M,P,D,X V~K Q,R~S,V401,021 1 Pho Ninhi 2530 9/11/2 003 i1C,MO M,P,D,X V~K Q,RS,VVOi,02

12 PhoThuan 2807 ____ 10/11/2003 I~MO M,P,D,X V,K Q,RS,VVWO1,02Minh Long District____ ___ _____

01 Ltong Mai 707 ] __ 30110 Co M,P,D,X I V,K Q,RS,VV,01,0202 [Long Hiep J 28 J __ J61/00 MO D,OX V~K Q,RSW,V 1 ,02

March 2004 Page 75

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province



Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


Pouailclte Land and Housing

Pm - TW TW epe %H p 00av9p land ama (mn' weraoge house aream hon] usAma (ha] e 135' adso Thins afr %mies l

-1425 3271 13722 200 .0 70 70 0 WN90.liry.x flr4012 NosaDWan ___716 0 S185 7009 --- ---

03 N~~~~~~oaIhe ~~~~~~1100 0a- 2050 13500S 45 45 0 Oo.hyxnOl04N~~~ouLafl1 1407 0 1539 7798 - _ _ _ _ - - *.* *--- --.--.--.' 142 a qW ,x y;d min_ _ - .-....-- . -~~ ~~~......-3 1g43x8.00 NJO 0 2610~~~~~~~~~i- 1388 1-- 900 .~~ 66o.ol 0 1785 0664 -.--.---- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~W -.- -- ----- -o07 N 0a Tun __ _ 1205.15 a . 3450 14060 - -- .-..- . - .. . - _ _ ___ _____

____ 0~~~~~~~~~~ ..... ...... 2 10 75s Ngdxiy,x6 ry.ing08 N~~~~~~r6aIh ~~~~~1467 0 3365 17070 -____ ____ ____ _____ -. . .-.. . --..-.----. -***-*-**. ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~- 400 460 12 20 0 Ngoi,xky.d m0qN_ __2150...L214

. .----- 20 200 10 00 0 Ngo07xhY.A Min10 Ihadmy ____ 402 1183 6461 -__ _____-- ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~..-~...-.. 3.00. 150 10 7 0 N1.yhrn11N~~daAn_-_________ -.--------- -~~0200 120 60 46 0 NqOxiy,rdimkr12 4dKy2656 0 3835 17773 -. 00 15.10.0 .. . ....... ~ nMngb "W DM104d01 IHrih Ar,0 22 0 __ 1312 -13722 20 20 7 0 a Na il &02 l" Thr0 g __3S_G.,20-0 2010 93SO

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11 h.VhTenTray 3905 0 1201 4727 300. Ngoil.x_y___________________________ - 60 _________ ______ NgoI.xhy,xi sung~~~~~~~~3 so 6

01 dr ChwVr01 .9.... 2921 11734.-4 0 0 Nc.hxmo______ 4__4_ 0 NgoIlxiyA nminq03 M4rh Long 4532 0 3030 1350 --____ __N__. ___y_ ________ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ..... .... - 407 200 s0o_ __04 Bw* My 1209 a~~ 1521--- 747 -16 120 70 7 go.0.Oininti- a* pww~~~~~~ 1711 000O7

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771 0o120 4600 __ ____ . ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~................ . 2V. ..0 100 70 5 0 0 No.h)monq

00 Iffhm VOn 30 50 25 40 3DO .... o Nge0.xY,Adm0ng_Son Tni 04khc001 T,rhAn 014 1043 5087___ - . .~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------- - 020~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s 200 60o 6 0 NgoI1xSy,xdr m6rr02 Tiv~h C u 762 0 1500 6005 . - . -- - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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10 - -. _ _ _ _ _ _ __g 2711-

_ __41__ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ .~~~~~.--.-.--- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~100 40 40 0 Ngovxiyx imAsg11 1DC5 1Ouah 1032 0 3483 1643.2.....-..........

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021 Pho Cuh __ Ap - . 80 13600_ SW S 70 70 0 NgdoxiVAy o1ning02 M11C~~~~,g ______ 4650~-i~ 0 3121 142700010__ _____ . . . -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .... 300 120 0 NgaaAy.xdrmang03 Ptumuan .. A?li.~~~~~~297 0 . 4164 22__ ! - - -.......04Ph.nY-nh 1075 0 1782 843 -.. __ -___ ..-... __._....... __.....g __) 05 Pho w. -0-- -- -....-.---- - 150 100 40 4Q 0 NgoixAy,xim0rrg00 Pho Var,.-- ~~~~~ ~ ~~1054 0 2215 .9538

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_. ....-...... ..... -..... 00 4s 200 200 0 Ngd8.teaiy,dmang10 PhoI~~~~~~~~~~~~~a 1700 0 020 4152 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .....~~~~~~~~~~~ . ~ ... _...__--

....... . ..- . ...... .. .. -...... - 10 0 00i 0 q0ayonnP00 .-. 222L. 0 2030 . .9Z04 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~20 11 _So 0 Ngoo0.xiy,,d ming12 Flu Thuan 1462 0 28~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~07 1280............

MOb bug D~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ________~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 200 2N0 200 0NW.h) nr01 LonoMa ~~~~~~~~~1 3710 0 1 707 34

-- . -. --..-..- . -..-...-- . - . -. *1~~~~~~~~~-- - -- .. .....

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Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province



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Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province



A A--L- Onn A D-, fr)

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province



393 Tring Mu 4tiong SL - Danang Citv - VIetnam

Tel: 84511.621028,- 84.511.821029 * 84.511.625071

E-mail: p7pc3C@dng.

Daanang, December 16, 2003.

To WORLD BANK - Hnoi Office

Fax 04 9346597Sub Rural Energy It Project-Central Vietnan.

Commitment on EMLP implementation-

Dear Sir,

Power Company No.3 (PC 3) fully cornimits to:

1. Implementing the RE II Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for 2

Provinces: Quang Ngai and Phu Yen. This includes:

ensuring the contractors develop and implement a Site Environmental

Mkfanagement Plan (SENIP). The SEPtv will bc developed in accordance

with the guidance provided in the EMP.

being responsible for implementing the mitigation and monitoring

plans, as described in the EMP,

2. Being fully liable according to the Vietnamese laws for any violations

against international conventions,

3. Being fully liable for respecting Vietnarnese environmental standards, and

4. Being fully liable for any environmental pollution incidents created during

construction or operation of the Additional Works Project.

Best regards, 4


Deputy General Director

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province



r,.--. .,n

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


Pho Minh Duc Pho

Pho Vinh Duc Pho

Pho Khanh Due Pho

Pho Ninh Duc Pho

Pho Quang Duc Pho

Pho An Duc Pho

Pho Van Duc Pho

Pho Thanh Duc Pho

Pho Hoa Duc Pho

Pho Cuong Duc Pho

Pho Thuan Duc Pho

Pho Phong Duc Pho

Binh Thanh Dong Binh Son

Binh Nguyen Binh Son

Binh Long Binh Son

Binh Thoi Binh Son

Binh Phuoc Binh Son

Binh Duong Binh Son

Binh My Binh Son

Binh Chanh Binh Son

Binh Minh Binh Son

Binh Thanh Tay Binh Son

Due Hiep Mo Due

Duc Phong Mo Duc

Duc Minh Mo Duc

Duc Hoa Mo Duc

Duc Thanh Mo Duc

Duc Chanh Mo Duc

Duc Tan Mo Duc

Due Thang Mo Duc

Duc Nhuan Mo Duc

Due Loi Mo Duc

Due Lan Mo Duc

Duc Phu Mo Duc

Long Hiep Minh Long

Long Mai Minh Long

Hanh Phuoc Nghia Hanh

Hanh Trung Nghia Hanh

Hanh Tin Tay Nghia Hanh

Hanh Thien Nghia Hanh

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province


Hanh Thinh Nghia Hanh

Hanh Thuan Nghia Hanh

Hang Tin Dong Nghia Hanh

Hanh Duc Nghia Hanh

Hanh Minh Nghia Hanh

Hanh Nhan Nghia Hanh

Hanh Dung Nghia Hanh

Tinh Binh Son Tinh

Thinh An Tay Son Tinh

Tinh Ha Son Tinh

Tinh Bac Son Tinh

Tinh Minh Son Tinh

Tinh An Dong Son Tinh

Tinh Dong Son Tinh

Tinh Giang Son Tinh

Tinh Chau Son Tinh

Tinh Long Son Tinh

Tinh Tra Son Tinh

Tinh An Son Tinh

Nghia Phuong Tu Nghia

Nhgia Trung Tu Nghia

Nghia My Tu Nghia

Nhghia Hiep Tu Nghia

Nghia Ha Tu Nghia

Nghia Dien Tu Nghia

Nghia Ky Tu Nghia

Nghia Thuong Tu Nghia

Nghia Thang Tu Nghia

Nghia Hoa Tu Nghia

Nghia An Tu Nghia

Nghia Phu Tu Nghia

|Nghia Lam ITu Nghia


Rural Energy II Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province



This Annex provides a copy of the official statement issued Quang Ngai Department of Natural

Resources and Environment in February 2004. The statement declares that the Project's

environmental assessment report, as submitted to DoNRE, satisfies the criteria of a Category I

assessment (called "Registration for Securing Environmental Standards"). The requirements for a

Category I assessment are described in Circular No. 490/1998/TT-BKHCNMT: Guidelines for Setting

Up and Appraising Environmental Assessment Reports

AA.-,,-.-4, )ClA Paae 85

Rural Energy 11 Project Environmental Assessment Quang Ngai Province

LIlNI)~ ~~~iA I N IQANQI 19 cm 1U 11 N \1I.vr 1

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- I1im 1r, i1t h(ti l4, ti tC bii*ll plWi p h;in OiS 6 thiUin ii i Lrtrl'i.M. .; n j;

irt;i.tilp ilr di 1%- ra 1t rong 13:u1ii'dng k) tA;t lie^u chuln moi trwilp=.

I I librc ;i Q imi *i;g plun>igw.'um, lhi&'L k kj thupt rhur il irii 1'.. 1;riti .i;:;l ghilin C;nu WIJI: 111i . . ... ,a-t'lldm quyan ph;' duy0t.

D16e .3. 13an d5il; kg I;ytit tiu clu;til m6i truanr. cuu dV i l'lm ItroI"

iiCig tii7n giai dopn ' (RE-II ) tinh Qu6ing Ngai Ii co sa d'l cac ct qtuuI : qua l!Nluit ntrr:% vv' l;lao m , i6i tiuCn,i; i0m tra wiEc'thoc hi4n c61nS 1;, h;,z) i 1l,,,

llrtTri1g *UA dtlr an.

*i ,\riu;-Y h4n: KITIANI ,l C S( fTA!I N GUY tAN NIO

g ; - \ tlt*tid;t11 itiz tt) v_t6 .># <.

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,i,* , _ - :' 1 MNANrh )AAA PagI 86

IvAnrrh s.nnzA Paqe 86