Frugal Living

Frugal Living Frugal living refers to living life as it is and as simply as possible. This will help you save considerable amount for vacations. Frugal living does not mean 'one-size-fits-all'. You can make it a fun activity with a few tips from the articles below. How to Live on Your Own Many youngsters who are about to leave home for further education or for some other reason, want to know how they can live on their own. If you are one amongst them, continue reading for some helpful tips.



Transcript of Frugal Living

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Frugal LivingFrugal living refers to living life as it is and as simply as possible. This will help you save considerable amount for vacations. Frugal living does not mean 'one-size-fits-all'. You can make it a fun activity with a few tips from the articles below.

How to Live on Your OwnMany youngsters who are about to leave home for further education or for some other reason, want to know how they can live on their own. If you are one amongst them, continue reading for some helpful tips.

Everybody has some dreams and aspirations. As kids, they are limited and simple. But when we grow up, they turn into practical and difficult to achieve goals. We know our lives will be better; if we take those difficult but major steps. One of them is moving out of your house. Now some

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people live away from their home since childhood for studies. But even if they are not staying with their family, they are in a secure environment which is provided by their parents, it is the parent's decision to keep you away for the sake of your future, and that is why they have a full-proof plan.

When you decide that you are going to live on your own, you get confused and scared. This is but natural. There is no need to panic, as living on your own is quite simple. First you need to know that you are your own helper. Know that you cannot be completely dependent on anybody for your needs. Once you keep this fact in mind, the answers will soon make their way to you.

Save MoneyThis is one thing you need to start doing in advance, like months in advance. You know that you are going to be on your own when you move out, so there will be no extra pocket money every now and then. You need to be prepared financially.

Make it a point to save enough money. Now the term 'enough' is quite subjective, so save at least that much money that can help you to survive for at least a month in the new place, without money. No doubt you will have everything planned, but things can go unplanned, so save money and be prepared. There are various ways to save money,

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one of the easiest way is to spend less! That means you have to adopt frugal living for some time till the time your situations improve.A Place to LiveYou will need a nice and affordable place to live when you move out. Many youngsters move out and then search for a place, this is one thing that should not be done when you are living on your own. It's simple logic, you go in a new place, you haven't lived on your own yet, so obviously it will be very difficult to find a nice home there! So act wise and search for a place to stay before you move out. College students or authorities can provide you with the information.

Make sure the place you choose is in a good locality, has all the basic amenities and affordable. You might have to live without the luxuries of your house, but remember, the more luxurious house you choose, the more you will have to pay. If you are going to stay in a costly city, and there are no other options, search for a roommate so that you can split the expenses.Get a Part-Time JobSavings will not last forever, if you have to live on your own for a long time, you will have to look for a part-time job. There are several such jobs, which will pay you enough as to cover your expenses. If you are a student, you can work in restaurants, theaters, etc. and you could also tutor small kids.

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And do not be a spendthrift! Try and save every penny of what you earn. Shopping, dinner in big hotels, movies every weekend, are banned until you have saved a sufficient amount. If you are wondering how to live on your own with no money, firstly, do not borrow! Instead eat in churches, stay at social organizations, you can offer to work at the place you stay, so you will be able to earn some money and then live on your own.Being Committed to CleanlinessLiving alone can be quite a challenge when it comes to keeping up with your own commitments. There is no check on your personal behavior like there would be if you had a roommate. This is particularly true for men who tend to live unhealthy lifestyles when they move into a place alone. Cleaning the place and doing small chores can get boring over time and complacency can set in. No one's here, I'll take the trash out later. Well, that simply isn't going to work.

Women are better equipped to handle themselves due to their affinity for organization and personal grooming. Whatever the case may be, living alone requires a certain dedication to self-imposed rules to be a successful endeavor. It is not easy as having a roommate to call out to, but then again doing things yourself will keep you sure as to what is going o in your house. Ask a person living by himself if he ever lets the hot water on for too long,

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or leaves his door unlocked. Single living inculcates a sense of responsibility which will guide you later in life. SocializeLiving alone can become a routine in boredom, especially if you are a working professional who spends long hours on the job. However, studies have shown people who live alone often have better social relationships with their peers, undertake voluntary activities and are more likely to attend social events like concerts and lectures.

Living alone gives you that freedom to go out and meet people, spend more time with your friends and not return with any excess emotional baggage. It is also a good way to ward off loneliness and increase your happiness quotient. It is also easier to choose when and with whom you want to meet and spend time with, as there are no obligations to socialize with friends of your roommate or partner. Tackle the TelevisionThe idiot box is the surest way to kill time, or so it seems. But eating, sleeping and lying on the couch with the television humming away will not help you much. Although it may be helpful in putting on weight and giving yourself headaches. People who live alone come to depend on the television for companionship and a human voice in the house. Well, wouldn't it be better to just switch it off and go for a walk in the park? Or maybe a cappuccino

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at the corner bistro where, luck favoring, you may meet someone. The best way to not let the TV rule your my-time, is to go out and meet friends, call up acquaintances and try and spend the evening socializing. Remember, I'm not talking about social networking online, which is but a poor excuse for a real-time meeting and not much better than burrowing in front of the television.Know Your NeighborsLiving alone can be challenging in that you have to be careful about everything in the house. From remembering to shut of the lights to the location of your car keys, there is no one to call out to. Make friends with the people who live nearby, your neighbors are the first line of defense in case of an attack of the lost keys. Let a trusted neighbor have a spare key to your place. Meet your neighbors from time to time, drop in for a cup of tea or invite them to your place. It is always a good idea for someone in the neighborhood to know your routine, trusted people undoubtedly, and who will take an interest in your well-being, were they to note a drastic change in it. Learn to Manage the Little ProblemsBroken faucet? A leaky pipe? You can't call the repairman over every time now can you? Learn how to do small tasks like these on your own, it will come in handy when something suddenly goes bust in the middle of the night. Washing clothes, cooking food and other mundane tasks like these

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aside, you can learn a little carpentry, or maybe plumbing to smoothen things out. These are tasks which do not take much time but can be really cost prohibitive if you choose to employ a repairman or contractor. If you are living alone and are strapped for cash, its best to learn some handy tips and tricks for home troubleshooting. In case you feel you may not be able to do everything on your own, you can always call your freinds over and get their help. However, self-help is probably the best help when you are on your own.Don't Forget Healthy LivingProbably the most important aspect and the most frequently ignored one, for people living single, is health. Not that they are not health conscious, but often enough, single men living alone find it harder to keep up a diet and exercise regimen and end up binging on junk food and alcohol. This is also true for women though there are differences in lifestyles of both sexes when it comes to living singly.

Try and cook your own food, get local produce which is cheaper and fresher than the expensive supermarket sorrows encountered under bright lights. Eating out can be an occasion to meet up with friends over a glass of wine and some stimulating conversation. Avoid eating takeout food and most importantly, keep exercising. Hit the gym regularly or just go for a run-in the mornings

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but make sure your body is getting its required dosage of fresh air and healthy food. Get a HobbyTo pass the time? No not at all, to learn something new, to meet others interested in what you like and to probably make some money out of it! There is nothing dumber than getting a hobby to pass the time, people just pass the time and forget the hobby. Start a stamp collection, go green and do a little gardening in your backyard (if you're blessed with one), maybe even write a novel and watch it become a bestseller. Men can try expanding their culinary skills, women can start collections or even pottery. Also, one can do a part-time course in writing or maybe a soft skills program. When you live alone there is much you can achieve with the time on hand. Improve Your SkillsIf you are of a more serious bent and want to advance your career in directions you've been dreaming, enroll in a good online or offline course. You can spend your time earning a diploma or a degree, make a valuable addition to your resume and get a better paying job. Instead of investing in a Playstation, try a new course in culinary arts, project management or even something as whacked-out as Zombies in Popular Media which is an actual course at the Columbia College, Chicago. There are other unconventional courses you can apply to for added skills such as photography,

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journalism an advertising. How you make use of time is totally your choice, it would be better utilized in doing something productive.Spend Time with YouLast but never the least, for its one of the integral aspects of living out and alone, is to have fun! Make the most of the free time you have, go to concerts, visit museums and parks and carnivals. Go to the beach and listen to the ocean. Or maybe you can just stay at home, cuddled up in your well-rumpled duvet with a paperback mystery and a hot cup of cocoa to keep you going. Single living can be an enjoyable experience if one can maintain a certain amount of discipline and try to live a healthy, rounded lifestyle. It is easier said than done as the rigors of our daily toils often take a mental rather than a physical toll on our bodies and sharing them with a roommate acts as home therapy. If you lack a roommate though, you can write your feelings down in a journal.Living on your own is not as intimidating as it sounds, you just need to be aware of your surroundings and be aware of the fact that you are no more in the safe shell of family. When you are aware of what exactly needs to be done, and what should not be done, you will surely be able to live on your own with ease.Read more at Buzzle:

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Frugal Living Tips and IdeasA frugal lifestyle could be your first stepping stone towards efficient management of personal finances and putting some extra money in that piggy bank! Find out some frugal living tips and ideas in this article.

"We live in a greedy little world, that teaches every little boy and girl to earn as much as they can possibly, then turn around and spend it foolishly!" - Shania Twain (Ka Ching)

Man has indeed become quite single-minded, as all that everyone seems to be thinking about these days is making money. What is more shameful is the amount of greed we have. Don't believe me? Take this simple test: look around your room and make a list of things you bought because you needed them, and things you bought because you wanted them. Compare the lists. See what I mean?

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There are a lot of things in life that require money. But everyone (including me, I will admit) spends quite some money on things they don't really need. Choosing to live a frugal life could be your first step towards managing your finances and saving money. Being frugal does not mean being stingy - frugality involves efficient use of what you have, making the most of what you got.

Frugality - A Way of Life

Everyone spends money on a few common things, like food, clothing, medicines, etc. Frugality can be embraced in each of these expenses. Here are some tips on leading a frugal lifestyle - tips and tricks that you will find easy to adapt.

1] FoodPeople spend a fortune on eating out. There are so many instances when we eat out simply for meek reasons like "I am feeling down", "I am bored", "I am craving a burger", etc. A lot of the eating out that people indulge in is nothing more than a bout of emotional eating. It is totally unnecessary, and totally avoidable as well. Yes once in a while the daily food you have can get a little too boring or monotonous. But eating out every single time that you feel 'bored' is plain silly. Another reason why food becomes expensive is because we insist on

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organic food. They are healthy, but also very costly.

So What To Do? - Cut down on the number of times you eat out. Choose restaurants wisely (some allow free entry for kids). Opt for water instead of cold drinks (water is free!). Prefer weekdays and lunch rather than weekends and dinner (the latter is more expensive). Also, why not grow your own organic veggies instead of buying them?

2] ClothingA capsule wardrobe would be the best move towards a frugal lifestyle. We spend a lot on buying all kinds of accessories to go with every outfit or dress that we purchase. One new dress means making another shopping spree for the bag, shoes, shades and jewelry to go with it. And when we do not have enough cash? There's always a credit card! Do you realize how vicious the circle is? Now realize that it is totally avoidable as well. The best thing to do is to categorize your purchases under 'wants' and 'needs', and totally skip out the 'wants'! Also set yourself a monthly shopping budget - and adhere to it vigilantly!

So What To Do? - Go for "store brands" rather than individual brand stores. Fast fashion brands are also a nice go-between option. Stick to affordable fashion. Make the most of Discount and Sale

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periods. Shop with a shopping list, and stick to the list!

3] CommutationFirst you buy a car. Then you spend money on gas every week. Then comes maintaining the car. That costs a fortune as well. You probably already have an iPod, but you still need a stereo deck in the car. Then your kid grows up and is ready for college; and suddenly it is time to buy yet another car. So there is a car per head in the family. Just calculate the amount of money you are dishing out on three cars, maintenance for each, and most importantly gas for each. Is it really worth it? Especially in today's world where nobody is doing much about the environment, and we have problems like pollution and global warming to take care of. Is it really, absolutely necessary?

So What To Do? - Car pool. Make group errands to the store. Switch to public transport wherever and whenever possible. Also why not bike around and set a trend? A bicycle will also be a good way of exercising. And your environment remains a little cleaner and greener. Think about it.

4] EntertainmentYes everybody needs a little bit of fun and entertainment once in a while. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Agreed. But one doesn't

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have to watch every movie that is released, right? Besides, not all of them are worth watching either, so you are saving yourself a lot of time as well, if you skip watching a few. Also watching a movie means buying popcorn, cold drinks, candy and all sorts of refreshments; which means spending a lot many extra bucks. Also, do you really only watch the movie and come back home without making a trip to any store?

So What To Do? - Catch movie reviews before deciding which one you want to watch. Carry snacks instead of buying refreshments. Catch the weekday show rather than the weekend - so much cheaper, and there are greater chances of tickets being available on a weekday too! Also don't forget to carry some identification card to avail student discount and senior citizen discount.

5] Personal GadgetsIt isn't an alien scenario when a family of four has four laptops/tablets, four cell phones, four iPods, probably also four cameras, four media stations, and quite surely more than a single TV, PlayStation, music player... why? Why can't a house of four people have just one TV, one music player and one computer? It is quite possible, if sharing and responsibility is embraced in the truest sense of the words and in every walk of life. Many a time we have more than one 'copy' of different

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gadgets when a family can function perfectly well with just one of each. So why not?

So What To Do? - If everybody has a cell phone, get rid of the landline telephone. One PlayStation can be shared by siblings. If everyone has an iPod, you do not need a separate music player. Computer, laptop, tablet - opt for any one (or at the most two, if absolutely necessary).

Some General Ideas for Frugal LivingGet out of the habit of shopping with a credit card - you are spending money you don't possess, so it becomes hard to keep a track on the money.Make the most of coupons when shopping for groceries, fruits and veggies. It saves you enough money to buy a meal. Don't believe me? Why don't you try it out yourself?Save electricity! You are doing more than just saving money when you do so. Switch off computers, laptops, ACs and electrical appliances instead of keeping them on the power saver or stand-by mode.Save water! Wasting water is a huge moral crime, in my opinion. Turn the tap off when not in use (that includes the in-between steps of brushing your teeth, washing your hands, gardening, etc.)Get into the habit of using consumables entirely before you go to buy new ones. This includes toiletries (like soaps, shampoos, toothpaste,

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perfumes, colognes, deodorants, etc.) makeup products (like lipsticks, instant glow powders, creams, mascara, nail color, etc.) eatables (like cereals, jams, jelly, chocolates, cookies, chips, etc.) and a lot of other things.Get rid of things you don't need. Donate it to an orphanage, hold a garage sale or sell at a flea market. It might even earn you some extra cash! (Strictly speaking, this may not be a part of 'frugal living' per se; but it sure is a good way to earn money, which can be put into a piggy bank. Extra cash is always welcome, isn't it?)Adopt a healthy lifestyle and good eating habits. A proper balanced diet coupled with good quality exercises means everybody is fit and does not fall sick often. You can save a lot of money spent on medication if you stay fit. It may seem ridiculous, but ponder over it long enough and it will make sense.As you may have realized by now - frugality does not mean being stingy. It just means using the same hundred dollars a lot more efficiently, so that every dollar spent is worth it. If you are still unconvinced about how much you can save by adopting a frugal lifestyle, here is a tip: Calculate your expenses over the next month, and switch to frugal living the following month. Put the money you save everyday into a piggy bank. At the end of the month, check how much you saved. I am sure the figure will make you want to live a frugal life!

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