
C M Y K By buying this Newspaper, you are contributing to the process of positive Social Change and supporting the non-profit activities of the Morung Foundation The M orung Express Dimapur VOL. VI ISSUE 101 A Daily Publication of Morung for Indigenous Affairs & JustPeace Wednesday, April 13, 2011 12 pages ` 3 C M Y K C M Y K C M Y K Don’t look for more honor than your learning merits -Jewish Proverb REFLECTIONS by Sandemo Ngullie The Morung Express POLL QUESTION Vote on SMS YOUR ANSWER TO 9862574165 Should the old and senior politicians pave way for younger politicians? Yes No Others Anan Hazare …Root out corruption? That`s great re- ally?…..mmmmm We nagas need leaders like him. By the way who the hell is Lok- pal Bill? Naga Hoho wishes Myanmar Nagas DIMAPUR, APRIL 12 (MExN): The Naga Hoho congratulated all elected representative members of the Nagas in Myanmar (Bur- ma) chosen by the people during the recent elections. “We are also happy to learn that one of the elected Naga leaders is being inducted to the Union Cabinet,” the Naga Hoho stated in a note issued by its leaders today. Social unrest and depriva- tion have been looming in the Naga areas of Burma for the past many decades, the ‘hoho’ said. ‘Despite all these odds Nagas have stood firm for the common cause.’ “Against this backdrop, with the induction of many Naga leaders to both Union Cabinet and autonomous body, we strongly hope that the Naga territory shall no longer be retarded, but in- cluded in the road map for development activities in all spheres,” the ‘hoho’ said. No increase in radiation level in India: AERB MUMBAI, APRIL 12 (PTI): The Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB), which is continuously keep- ing a watch on the radiation levels in India in the wake of the nuclear crisis in Japan, said there was no increase in radiation in the country “over and above the natural background”. Data from the Indian Environmental Ra- diation Monitoring Network (IERMON) till today showed that there has been no in- crease in radiation levels at various locations within In- dia over and above the natu- ral background, the AERB said in a release here. The data assumes significance as Japan’s Nuclear and Indus- trial Safety Agency (NISA) today issued a new revised provisional rating for the ac- cident at the Fukushima Dai- ichi nuclear power plant on the IAEA International Nu- clear and Radiological Event Scale (INES) as Level 7. MOOKCHUNG, APRIL 12 (DIPR): Minister for Urban Development and Higher & Technical Edu- cation, Dr. Shurhozelie on Monday (11th April 2011) held a consultative meet- ing at the conference hall of Mokokchung Munici- pal Council with represen- tatives from Ao Senden (HOHO), Mokokchung Municipal Council (MMC), Mokokchung Chamber of commerce & Industries (MCCI), Village Council of Ungma, Chuchuyimpang , Mokokchung, Khensa vil- lages and District Adminis- tration of Mokokchung. The meeting was held with regard to Municipal & Town Council election and 33% Reservation for women, on which the Min- ister said that since there is a constitutional provi- sion regarding the issues, it is important to consult with the people before tak- ing any steps. Shurhozelie said that the purpose of the meeting was to listen and to take note of the views expressed by the leaders of different agencies and the people so that an ami- cable settlement could be achieved through the peo- ple’s mandate. President Ao Senden, Lendinokdang while ex- pressing gratitude to the Minister for his concern to- wards the Ao community also mentioned about the decision made by represen- tative from all Ao villages at a meeting on 2nd November 2010, where it was resolved that the policy of 33% reser- vation for women will not be accepted within the bound- ary of the Aos . He also said that the Aos since time im- memorial have never dis- criminated the women folk and the resolution adopted in the meeting is not against women but it is against the reservation policy. The President Ao Sen- den further stated that, people may think that the decision of the Ao Senden is irrational but what we are doing is to maintain our culture for it is clear enough that the implementation of 33% reservation for wom- en would surely distort the fabric of Ao culture. The President added. In regard of the Munici- pal and Town Council elec- tion, on behalf of the land owners (Chuchuyimpang, Ungma, Khensa and Mo- kokchung village councils) Puryapang Lkr, Tatar of Mokokchung village said that the land owners would agree and support the Mu- nicipal and Town council election once an amend- ment considering the ex- emption of Tax on land and building is made. Chairman of All Ward Mokokchung ,President Mokokchung Chamber of Commerce & Indus- tries, Coordinator, Advi- sory Board Mokokchung Municipal council and Members from different agencies also shared their opinions and suggestions were made on the issues at the meeting. The Minister was ac- companied by the Joint Di- rector, Urban Local Body, Kohima Toshimanen, R. Asenla Keitzar Additional Deputy Commissioner & Administrator MMC and other officials. The meeting was conducted by Deputy Commissioner Mokokc- hung Lithrongla G. Chishi. Ao Senden turns down 33% women quota NEW DELHI, APRIL 12 (AGENCIES): The Con- gress on Tuesday sought to widen the scope of the Lok- pal Bill suggesting that the Joint Committee to draft the legislation could also go into the issue of corruption in the corporate sector and NGOs as part of a comprehensive package against graft. “The anti-corruption law in the US can look into the functioning of the cor- porate sector and the NGO (non-governmental organi- sations) sector and it should be considered”, party Gen- eral Secretary Digvijay Singh told reporters here. However, he side- stepped questions as to whether a probe into cor- ruption in the corporate sector and NGOs was ‘the need of the hour’. Singh also said that till now he consid- ered Hazare a Gandhian with impeccable secular credentials. Replying to a question, he said that the National Advisory Council headed by Congress presi- dent Sonia Gandhi could also go into the Jan Lokpal Bill formulated by Hazare and his supporters. Asked whether Hazare and his supporters needed to be represented in the NAC, he merely said that “his sup- porters are already there”. Insisting that the issue of corruption would not end with the enactment of the Lokpal Bill, he said that a comprehensive strategy needed to be evolved tak- ing into consideration mat- ters like the five-point plan unveiled by Gandhi at the party plenary for transpar- ent governance. Reply- ing to a volley of questions on Hazare and the cam- paign launched by him, he said that a battle had to be fought at every level against corruption including ac- tion against bureaucrats for disproportionate assets, as was taking place in Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir. “It will be in the highest tradition of transparency if they declare,” he remarked when asked whether repre- sentatives of the civil soci- ety in the Joint Committee on the Lokpal Bill should declare their assets as the ministers on the panel have already done so. Describing Hazare as a “very fine human being who has done excellent service in the rural sector”, he took a dig at the Gandhian for praising Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi. Continued on page 5 Govt will not go against the wishes of the people: Shurhozelie Cong seeks anti-graft clause for corporates, NGOs in Lokpal Bill Public told to pass correct information to fire stations Chizokho Vero Kohima | April 12 The state’s department of fire & emergency ser- vices today stressed on the need to equip with the ba- sic knowledge and correct handling of fire extinguish- er to control and prevent the outbreak of fire, and also appealed to public to pass correct information to the fire stations. This was signaled to public at the weeklong long programme on demonstration and training on handling of fire extinguisher, which culmi- nated here today at the Ko- hima Local Ground. Apparently, this aware- ness programme proved timely and educative for public in the wake of num- ber of fire incidents report- ed in the past few weeks in F&ES stresses importance of fire extinguisher to control fire Fire & emergency services (F&ES) SP Neilasa Sopfü along with other fire service person- nel and media persons at the training programme on April 12 in Kohima. Kohima and other parts of the state. 150 trainees representing various gov- ernment departments, churches, schools/colleg- es, hotels, building owners and public from 7 districts joined the programme. Sig- nificantly, this programme evoked positive response from trainees where many opted and demanded for fire extinguisher, sensing its importance in control- ling the fire. Fire & emergency ser- vices (F&ES) SP Neilasa Sopfü said the objective of demonstration and train- ing programme was to cre- ate awareness on the im- portance and correct use of fire extinguisher, which he said would go a long way in preventing and controlling the fire. Continued on page 5 DIMAPUR, APRIL 12 (MExN): The poor infra- structure that is housing the district hospital, Dimapur has been a topic of much concern over the past many years. Let alone the absence of state-of-the-art medical machinery, the scale dips to the negative when it comes to the most basic - sanitation and its requisite amenities. There is some hope in the horizon for the people of the district, in this aspect, if a disclosure made by the min- ister concerned is to take concrete shape. Minister for Health & Family Welfare Kuzholuzo (Azo) Neinu disclosed on Tuesday, April 12 that re- pairs/upgradation of the ex- isting infrastructure will be- gin, tentatively, by next year. Azo stated this to media per- sons prior to his departure for Australia today. Without being specific on the nature of work that will, or rather might, be taken up, he said: “upgradation work will be- gin next year”. “The present building has over lived its lifespan”, he acknowledged. Continued on page 5 DIMAPUR, APRIL 12 (MExN): Minister for Health & Family Welfare Kuzholuzo (Azo) Neinu left for Australia, April 12 on a study tour. The health minister is head- ing a five member team of the Nagaland Legis- lators Forum on HIV & AIDS (NLFA). Deputy Speaker, Ralanthung Yanthan; MLA & chair- man NKVIB, Dr. Nicky Kire; MLA Joshua Sumi; and the state coordina- tor of the NLFA, Dr Vi- nito Chishi are the other team members. Interacting with me- dia persons at his resi- dence today, prior to the departure, Azo said that the team is making the trip on the invite of the Australian Consulate. They will be visiting Syd- ney and Melbourne. Que- ried on the purpose of the trip, Azo said that a team from the Australian Gov- ernment Overseas Aid Program (Aus AID) had visited the state on De- cember last year. “They felt that we (NLFA) are doing a good job” as far as work relating to fighting HIV & AIDS is concerned and the result it has born, Azo said. “They want us to share our experiences and also want us to learn how they are dealing with HIV & AIDS in their country.” He added that Nagaland was the first in the country to have such a forum and other states have followed suit. The decline in the HIV prevalence rate in the state, which current- ly stands at 0.78 percent from 1.02 percent 2-3 years back, was the result of the work committed by the NSACS, the NGOs, church based organiza- tions and other forums put together, he said. The team will return on April 25. Dimapur district hospital structure has outlived its lifespan: Azo Legislators Forum on HIV & AIDS on a study tour to Australia DIMAPUR, APRIL 12 (MExN): The Nagaland unit of the Indian Dental Association (INA) and the Nagaland Secre- tariat Services Association have denounced the April 8 attempt to rob and intimidate an officer of the Directorate of Health & Family Welfare by unidenti- fied gunmen. Separate notes denouncing the crime was re- ceived here from the dentists and the civil employees. “The association is pained to state that such extreme form of harassment by anti- social elements have to be borne by the doctors time and again who are committed to provide health care deliver- ies to our people,” the den- tists stated. The IDA appeals to all right-thinking citizens and civil society to condemn the act. Anti-social elements should not be ‘allowed to free- ly rob’ the people ‘at their will’, the IDA stated. The state gov- ernment is also urged to arrest the culprits and ‘bring them to justice without delay.’ “We extend our fullest sup- port and stand with the deci- sion of the officers and staffs of the department of Health & family Welfare for any form of future course of action on the action,” the IDA added. In addition, the Nagaland Secretariat Services Association expressed pain at the incident. “Such incidents should not have any place in our society especial- ly at this juncture when all the people are yearning for a peace- ful co-existence. The NSSA con- demn such acts of threat to life and express our solidarity with the officers and staff of the direc- torateofHealth&familyWelfare in their resolve t fight for justice,” The association added. DIMAPUR, APRIL 12 (MExN): The GPRN/NSCN has stated that the 24 As- sam Rifles was testing the patience of the Naga army and that “the occupational forces will have to under- stand that they are strang- ers in the land of the Nagas”. “They will never be able to crush the Nagas nor disarm the Nagas even if they place a soldier in every Naga home. The criminal action of 24th Assam Rifles contravenes the ceasefire ground rules between Government of In- dia and the NSCN”, stated a press note issued by the MIP GPRN/NSCN. According to the MIP note, the seizure of Arms and ammunition at Chekiye Village on 9th April by 24 As- sam Rifles as reported in the local dailies was “another test of patience on the Naga Army by the occupational forces”. “As per the ceasefire agreement the arms were kept concealed and safely deposited which is clear that there was never a question of threat or intimidation to anyone in the area. The raid blatantly violates clause D of the cease fire ground rules for which the GPRN/NSCN demand the government of India to immediately release all arms to GPRN/ NSCN CFSB and initiate disciplinary action against the untutored 24 AR officer in question and his men who conducted the raid”, de- manded the MIP note. The GPRN/NSCN ques- tionedtheGOIastowhyithas ordered the 24 AR to target the Naga Army everywhere while allowing “IM cadres to openly maintain arms and men at different locations in and around Dimapur”. “Turning a blind eye to IM camps in Dimapur and raid- ing homes of GPRN/NSCN nationalworkersisunaccept- able. It is not wrong to say that the 24 AR have either been bribed or accepted the idea of IM being the extension of GOI”, stated the MIP note. The MIP note stated that in “future Naga Army shall reserve the right to op- pose any action of AR that violates agreed ceasefire ground rules”. “If at all any activity is reported any- where, AR should have the wisdom to consult CFSB Chairman through whom ceasefire mechanism could be enforced”, it stated while once again seeking the re- lease of seized arms as the raid was conducted in con- travention of the ceasefire ground rules. AKM warns against corruption DIMAPUR, APRIL 12 (MExN): The Ao Students’ Conference (AKM) congratulates all the successful candidates who have passed the written exams for the post of primary and graduate teachers examina- tion conducted by the State Council of Educational Research & Training and are waiting to appear the oral interviews at Mokokchung district. However, the AKM in a press note issued by Na- than Ozukum, Vice President & Convenor Public Grievances Cell Ao Students’ Conference strongly warned the concern authorities that the oral inter- view scheduled to be held at Mokokchung district should be conducted fairly without any favourit- ism or nepotism, and that the deserving candidates should be selected for the said posts. Besides, the concerned authorities should en- sure that the marks secured by each candidate both in the written and viva-voice should be published in the local dailies for ensuring transparency and ac- countability. The Ao Students’ Conference (AKM) will make sure that it will leave no stone unturned to ensure a fair interview. If any knowledge of discrep- ancies in the interview process comes to the knowl- edge of the Ao Students’ Union then the AKM will take strong action and resort to any kind of action to ensure justice in the society, stated the press note. ‘24th AR testing Naga army patience’ Dentists, services denounce threat Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif performs on the set of the film ‘Mere brother ki Dulhan’, or ‘My Brother’s Bride’, at Agra Fort, in Agra, Tuesday, April 12. (AP Photo)


The Morung Express POLL QUESTION Yes No Others Wednesday, April 13, 2011 12 pages ` 3 C M Y K C M Y K C M Y K C M Y K Vote on SMS your anSwer to 9862574165 Chizokho Vero Kohima | April 12 demonstration and train- ing programme was to cre- ate awareness on the im- portance and correct use of fire extinguisher, which he said would go a long way in preventing and controlling the fire. -Jewish Proverb Should the old and senior politicians pave way for younger politicians?

Transcript of Frontpage_12_2011

Page 1: Frontpage_12_2011


By buying this Newspaper, you are contributing to the process of positive Social Change and supporting the non-profit activities of the Morung Foundation

The Morung ExpressDimapur VOL. VI ISSUE 101

A Daily Publication of Morung for Indigenous Affairs & JustPeace

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 12 pages ̀ 3




Don’t look for more honor than your learning merits“ -Jewish Proverb”REFLECTIONS

by Sandemo Ngullie

The Morung Express POLL QUESTION

Vote on www.morungexpress.comSMS your anSwer to 9862574165

Should the old and senior politicians pave way for

younger politicians?

Yes No Others

Anan Hazare …Root out corruption? That`s great re-ally?…..mmmmm We nagas need leaders like him. By the way who the hell is Lok-pal Bill?

Naga Hoho wishes Myanmar Nagas DIMAPUR, APRIL 12 (MExN): The Naga Hoho congratulated all elected representative members of the Nagas in Myanmar (Bur-ma) chosen by the people during the recent elections. “We are also happy to learn that one of the elected Naga leaders is being inducted to the Union Cabinet,” the Naga Hoho stated in a note issued by its leaders today. Social unrest and depriva-tion have been looming in the Naga areas of Burma for the past many decades, the ‘hoho’ said. ‘Despite all these odds Nagas have stood firm for the common cause.’ “Against this backdrop, with the induction of many Naga leaders to both Union Cabinet and autonomous body, we strongly hope that the Naga territory shall no longer be retarded, but in-cluded in the road map for development activities in all spheres,” the ‘hoho’ said.

No increase in radiation level in India: AERBMUMBAI, APRIL 12 (PTI): The Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB), which is continuously keep-ing a watch on the radiation levels in India in the wake of the nuclear crisis in Japan, said there was no increase in radiation in the country “over and above the natural background”. Data from the Indian Environmental Ra-diation Monitoring Network (IERMON) till today showed that there has been no in-crease in radiation levels at various locations within In-dia over and above the natu-ral background, the AERB said in a release here. The data assumes significance as Japan’s Nuclear and Indus-trial Safety Agency (NISA) today issued a new revised provisional rating for the ac-cident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant on the IAEA International Nu-clear and Radiological Event Scale (INES) as Level 7.

MOOKCHUNG, APRIL 12 (DIPR): Minister for Urban Development and Higher & Technical Edu-cation, Dr. Shurhozelie on Monday (11th April 2011) held a consultative meet-ing at the conference hall of Mokokchung Munici-pal Council with represen-tatives from Ao Senden (HOHO), Mokokchung Municipal Council (MMC), Mokokchung Chamber of commerce & Industries (MCCI), Village Council of Ungma, Chuchuyimpang , Mokokchung, Khensa vil-lages and District Adminis-tration of Mokokchung.

The meeting was held with regard to Municipal & Town Council election and 33% Reservation for women, on which the Min-ister said that since there is a constitutional provi-sion regarding the issues, it is important to consult with the people before tak-ing any steps. Shurhozelie said that the purpose of the meeting was to listen and to take note of the views expressed by the leaders of different agencies and the people so that an ami-cable settlement could be achieved through the peo-ple’s mandate.

President Ao Senden,

Lendinokdang while ex-pressing gratitude to the Minister for his concern to-wards the Ao community also mentioned about the decision made by represen-tative from all Ao villages at a meeting on 2nd November 2010, where it was resolved that the policy of 33% reser-vation for women will not be accepted within the bound-ary of the Aos . He also said that the Aos since time im-memorial have never dis-criminated the women folk and the resolution adopted in the meeting is not against women but it is against the reservation policy.

The President Ao Sen-den further stated that, people may think that the decision of the Ao Senden is irrational but what we are doing is to maintain our culture for it is clear enough that the implementation of 33% reservation for wom-

en would surely distort the fabric of Ao culture. The President added.

In regard of the Munici-pal and Town Council elec-tion, on behalf of the land owners (Chuchuyimpang, Ungma, Khensa and Mo-kokchung village councils) Puryapang Lkr, Tatar of Mokokchung village said that the land owners would agree and support the Mu-nicipal and Town council election once an amend-ment considering the ex-emption of Tax on land and building is made.

Chairman of All Ward Mokokchung ,President Mokokchung Chamber of Commerce & Indus-tries, Coordinator, Advi-sory Board Mokokchung Municipal council and Members from different agencies also shared their opinions and suggestions were made on the issues at the meeting.

The Minister was ac-companied by the Joint Di-rector, Urban Local Body, Kohima Toshimanen, R. Asenla Keitzar Additional Deputy Commissioner & Administrator MMC and other officials. The meeting was conducted by Deputy Commissioner Mokokc-hung Lithrongla G. Chishi.

Ao Senden turns down 33% women quota

NEW DELHI, APRIL 12 (AGENCIES): The Con-gress on Tuesday sought to widen the scope of the Lok-pal Bill suggesting that the Joint Committee to draft the legislation could also go into the issue of corruption in the corporate sector and NGOs as part of a comprehensive package against graft.

“The anti-corruption law in the US can look into the functioning of the cor-porate sector and the NGO (non-governmental organi-sations) sector and it should be considered”, party Gen-eral Secretary Digvijay Singh told reporters here.

However, he side-stepped questions as to whether a probe into cor-ruption in the corporate sector and NGOs was ‘the need of the hour’. Singh also said that till now he consid-ered Hazare a Gandhian with impeccable secular credentials. Replying to a question, he said that the National Advisory Council headed by Congress presi-dent Sonia Gandhi could also go into the Jan Lokpal Bill formulated by Hazare and his supporters.

Asked whether Hazare and his supporters needed to be represented in the NAC,

he merely said that “his sup-porters are already there”.

Insisting that the issue of corruption would not end with the enactment of the Lokpal Bill, he said that a comprehensive strategy needed to be evolved tak-ing into consideration mat-ters like the five-point plan unveiled by Gandhi at the party plenary for transpar-ent governance. Reply-ing to a volley of questions on Hazare and the cam-paign launched by him, he said that a battle had to be fought at every level against corruption including ac-tion against bureaucrats for disproportionate assets, as was taking place in Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir.

“It will be in the highest tradition of transparency if they declare,” he remarked when asked whether repre-sentatives of the civil soci-ety in the Joint Committee on the Lokpal Bill should declare their assets as the ministers on the panel have already done so. Describing Hazare as a “very fine human being who has done excellent service in the rural sector”, he took a dig at the Gandhian for praising Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi.

Continued on page 5

Govt will not go against

the wishes of the people:


Cong seeks anti-graft clause for corporates,

NGOs in Lokpal Bill

Public told to pass correct information to fire stationsChizokho VeroKohima | April 12

The state’s department of fire & emergency ser-vices today stressed on the need to equip with the ba-sic knowledge and correct handling of fire extinguish-er to control and prevent the outbreak of fire, and also appealed to public to pass correct information to the fire stations. This was signaled to public at the weeklong long programme on demonstration and training on handling of fire extinguisher, which culmi-nated here today at the Ko-hima Local Ground.

Apparently, this aware-ness programme proved timely and educative for public in the wake of num-ber of fire incidents report-ed in the past few weeks in

F&ES stresses importance of fire extinguisher to control fire

Fire & emergency services (F&ES) SP Neilasa Sopfü along with other fire service person-nel and media persons at the training programme on April 12 in Kohima.

Kohima and other parts of the state. 150 trainees representing various gov-ernment departments, churches, schools/colleg-es, hotels, building owners and public from 7 districts joined the programme. Sig-nificantly, this programme

evoked positive response from trainees where many opted and demanded for fire extinguisher, sensing its importance in control-ling the fire.

Fire & emergency ser-vices (F&ES) SP Neilasa Sopfü said the objective of

demonstration and train-ing programme was to cre-ate awareness on the im-portance and correct use of fire extinguisher, which he said would go a long way in preventing and controlling the fire.

Continued on page 5

DIMAPUR, APRIL 12 (MExN): The poor infra-structure that is housing the district hospital, Dimapur has been a topic of much concern over the past many years. Let alone the absence of state-of-the-art medical machinery, the scale dips to the negative when it comes to the most basic - sanitation and its requisite amenities. There is some hope in the horizon for the people of the district, in this aspect, if a disclosure made by the min-ister concerned is to take concrete shape.

Minister for Health & Family Welfare Kuzholuzo (Azo) Neinu disclosed on Tuesday, April 12 that re-pairs/upgradation of the ex-isting infrastructure will be-gin, tentatively, by next year. Azo stated this to media per-sons prior to his departure for Australia today. Without being specific on the nature of work that will, or rather might, be taken up, he said: “upgradation work will be-gin next year”. “The present building has over lived its lifespan”, he acknowledged.

Continued on page 5

DIMAPUR, APRIL 12 (MExN): Minister for Health & Family Welfare Kuzholuzo (Azo) Neinu left for Australia, April 12 on a study tour. The health minister is head-ing a five member team of the Nagaland Legis-lators Forum on HIV & AIDS (NLFA). Deputy Speaker, Ralanthung Yanthan; MLA & chair-man NKVIB, Dr. Nicky Kire; MLA Joshua Sumi; and the state coordina-tor of the NLFA, Dr Vi-nito Chishi are the other team members.

Interacting with me-dia persons at his resi-dence today, prior to the departure, Azo said that the team is making the trip on the invite of the Australian Consulate. They will be visiting Syd-ney and Melbourne. Que-ried on the purpose of the trip, Azo said that a team from the Australian Gov-

ernment Overseas Aid Program (Aus AID) had visited the state on De-cember last year. “They felt that we (NLFA) are doing a good job” as far as work relating to fighting HIV & AIDS is concerned and the result it has born, Azo said. “They want us to share our experiences and also want us to learn how they are dealing with HIV & AIDS in their country.” He added that Nagaland was the first in the country to have such a forum and other states have followed suit.

The decline in the HIV prevalence rate in the state, which current-ly stands at 0.78 percent from 1.02 percent 2-3 years back, was the result of the work committed by the NSACS, the NGOs, church based organiza-tions and other forums put together, he said. The team will return on April 25.

Dimapur district hospital structure has outlived its lifespan: Azo

Legislators Forum on HIV & AIDS on a study tour to Australia

DIMAPUR, APRIL 12 (MExN): The Nagaland unit of the Indian Dental Association (INA) and the Nagaland Secre-tariat Services Association have denounced the April 8 attempt to rob and intimidate an officer of the Directorate of Health & Family Welfare by unidenti-fied gunmen. Separate notes denouncing the crime was re-ceived here from the dentists and the civil employees.

“The association is pained to state that such extreme form of harassment by anti-social elements have to be borne by the doctors time and again who are committed to provide health care deliver-ies to our people,” the den-tists stated. The IDA appeals to all right-thinking citizens and civil society to condemn the act. Anti-social elements should not be ‘allowed to free-

ly rob’ the people ‘at their will’, the IDA stated. The state gov-ernment is also urged to arrest the culprits and ‘bring them to justice without delay.’

“We extend our fullest sup-port and stand with the deci-sion of the officers and staffs of the department of Health & family Welfare for any form of future course of action on the action,” the IDA added.

In addition, the Nagaland Secretariat Services Association expressed pain at the incident. “Such incidents should not have any place in our society especial-ly at this juncture when all the people are yearning for a peace-ful co-existence. The NSSA con-demn such acts of threat to life and express our solidarity with the officers and staff of the direc-torate of Health & family Welfare in their resolve t fight for justice,” The association added.

DIMAPUR, APRIL 12 (MExN): The GPRN/NSCN has stated that the 24 As-sam Rifles was testing the patience of the Naga army and that “the occupational forces will have to under-stand that they are strang-ers in the land of the Nagas”. “They will never be able to crush the Nagas nor disarm the Nagas even if they place a soldier in every Naga home. The criminal action of 24th Assam Rifles contravenes the ceasefire ground rules between Government of In-dia and the NSCN”, stated a press note issued by the MIP GPRN/NSCN.

According to the MIP note, the seizure of Arms and ammunition at Chekiye Village on 9th April by 24 As-sam Rifles as reported in the local dailies was “another test of patience on the Naga

Army by the occupational forces”. “As per the ceasefire agreement the arms were kept concealed and safely deposited which is clear that there was never a question of threat or intimidation to anyone in the area. The raid blatantly violates clause D of the cease fire ground rules for which the GPRN/NSCN demand the government of India to immediately release all arms to GPRN/NSCN CFSB and initiate disciplinary action against the untutored 24 AR officer in question and his men who conducted the raid”, de-manded the MIP note.

The GPRN/NSCN ques-tioned the GOI as to why it has ordered the 24 AR to target the Naga Army everywhere while allowing “IM cadres to openly maintain arms and men at different locations

in and around Dimapur”. “Turning a blind eye to IM camps in Dimapur and raid-ing homes of GPRN/NSCN national workers is unaccept-able. It is not wrong to say that the 24 AR have either been bribed or accepted the idea of IM being the extension of GOI”, stated the MIP note.

The MIP note stated that in “future Naga Army shall reserve the right to op-pose any action of AR that violates agreed ceasefire ground rules”. “If at all any activity is reported any-where, AR should have the wisdom to consult CFSB Chairman through whom ceasefire mechanism could be enforced”, it stated while once again seeking the re-lease of seized arms as the raid was conducted in con-travention of the ceasefire ground rules.

AKM warns against corruption DIMAPUR, APRIL 12 (MExN): The Ao Students’ Conference (AKM) congratulates all the successful candidates who have passed the written exams for the post of primary and graduate teachers examina-tion conducted by the State Council of Educational Research & Training and are waiting to appear the oral interviews at Mokokchung district.

However, the AKM in a press note issued by Na-than Ozukum, Vice President & Convenor Public Grievances Cell Ao Students’ Conference strongly warned the concern authorities that the oral inter-view scheduled to be held at Mokokchung district should be conducted fairly without any favourit-ism or nepotism, and that the deserving candidates should be selected for the said posts.

Besides, the concerned authorities should en-sure that the marks secured by each candidate both in the written and viva-voice should be published in the local dailies for ensuring transparency and ac-countability. The Ao Students’ Conference (AKM) will make sure that it will leave no stone unturned to ensure a fair interview. If any knowledge of discrep-ancies in the interview process comes to the knowl-edge of the Ao Students’ Union then the AKM will take strong action and resort to any kind of action to ensure justice in the society, stated the press note.

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Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif performs on the set of the film ‘Mere brother ki Dulhan’, or ‘My Brother’s Bride’, at Agra Fort, in Agra, Tuesday, April 12. (AP Photo)