Front cover review

The way that the singer’s head is partially covering the name of the magazine shows the editor’s attitude towards how popular the magazine is by assuming that the magazine is so popular that it the reader will know what is says already. The image of a well known celebrity makes most readers easily relate to the contents of the magazine. The way that the man is looking at the camera suggests that he is very serious about what he does. The way that the Front cover is very busy shows that the magazine was meant for the younger generation because it relates to their cluttered lives and lack of organisation. There are many Plugs on the front of this magazine relating to the stories inside, this gives the reader all of the information they need before reading in depth, making them know straight away if they want to read it or not

Transcript of Front cover review

Page 1: Front  cover review

The way that the singer’s head is partially covering the name of the magazine shows the editor’s attitude towards how popular the magazine is by assuming that the magazine is so popular that it the reader will know what is says already.

The image of a well known celebrity makes most readers easily relate to the contents of the magazine. The way that the man is looking at the camera suggests that he is very serious about what he does.

The way that the Front cover is very busy shows that the magazine was meant for the younger generation because it relates to their cluttered lives and lack of organisation.

There are many Plugs on the front of this magazine relating to the stories inside, this gives the reader all of the information they need before reading in depth, making them know straight away if they want to read it or not

Page 2: Front  cover review

There are many Plugs on the left hand side of this magazine relating to the stories inside, this gives the reader all of the information they need before reading in depth, making them know straight away if they want to read it or not

The image of a famous rapper lil Wayne on the front cover entices the people that like his music and makes them want to read the magazine. The image also makes him look sad so that the audience wants to read what has happened to him to make him look upset.

The large, bold heading instantly grabs the target audiences eye to make them and makes them look at and read the information on the front of the magazine and then if they like what they read they may choose to buy it.

There is a pug in the top right hand corner that is covering the title of the magazine, this shows the company’s confidence in how popular the magazine is because they are assuming that people already know what it is called

Page 3: Front  cover review

The title is bold and colourful and draws the attention of the audience by shouting out amongst other magazines that may be around this one

The image of famous musician “Skrillex” draws the main attention of the audience because of the contrast of his black clothes and hair on the very light background. This makes the audience feel as though Skrillex is a contrast to modern music and that he is different and interesting

Very large, bold plugs stand out against the black background as though they are coming of the page. The plugs are also very easy to read, making it easier for the reader to know what is going on

The simply layout keeps things simple and allows the reader to take there time when viewing the front cover without having to look at many different things at once keeping them calm and more inclined to buy the magazine.