Front cover research

Front Cover Research Kianna Briggs

Transcript of Front cover research

Page 1: Front cover research

Front Cover Research

Kianna Briggs

Page 2: Front cover research

Although this magazine is mainly focussed on R ‘n’ B the colours used immediately have a funky appeal to it which could represent my genre of funky house. Due to the fact that pink and blue are not colours that would be associated with each other it could be said that they portray a diverse appeal. Therefore the colours on this magazine are more related to the genre funky house as appose to R ‘n’ B.

As well as this the layout of this magazine is less conventional to most music magazines. The cover line is turned at angle which creates a diverse look for the magazine indicating that the actual story is diverse and interesting.

Page 3: Front cover research

The clothes this artist is wearing also relates to the colour of the cover lines. The blue used for the cover lines and the masthead is the exact blue on the collar of the artist. This therefore shows a link between the magazine layout and the artist. Usually the colour blue has connotations of happiness and optimism.

The colour correlates to the artist because Kanye West can sometimes be seen as negative and sings quite depressing songs. Therefore by using the colour blue it suggests that he wants the audience to understand that he wants to be known as a happy optimistic person.

Page 4: Front cover research

There have been a variety of fonts and font sizes used which have relevance to the magazine content. The cover line is a bigger font size compared to the other headlines. This suggests importance and is what the audience is immediately drawn to. The contrast of pink and black here affects what the audience are instantly drawn to. The designers of this have purposely done this because they want to be in control of what the audience take away from the magazine and by using a contrast in colours helps them to do so.

A close up has been used to show direct address. He is looking into the camera which means he is looking directly at the audience. This lures the audience because they are attracted to the picture as it is involving them. Furthermore it also creates a relationship between the audience and the artist because the fact that the artist is looking at the audience shows that the artist is trying to inform the audience something.

The skyline here has been used as the main attraction which is able to draw the audience. This skyline features a range of fonts. The bigger fonts suggest importance and what the audience are immediately drawn to. As well as this there have been 3 different colours used which creates variety so that the audience are more likely to be attracted to it. Furthermore the use of italics in the skyline also creates diversity and has implications that it is important as it is the only word which is in italics.

Page 5: Front cover research

This magazine has used three columns in which the information has been divided into. However with this magazine although it has used three columns the information is spread out. This creates an informal look which connotes that the audience this magazine is aimed at is also informal.

The main cover line is centred in the middle of the page and placed on top of the artist, which immediately draws attention to it. Furthermore the colour is in a bright pink which also creates an attraction for the audience suggesting that the main story will be about ‘Rihanna’.

Page 6: Front cover research

The masthead has been placed on top of the artist highlighting its importance. This could suggest that the magazine is not as well known as the artist therefore the publishers do not want the artist to outstand the actual magazine.

The artist’s make up has been used specifically in relation to the colour of the cover lines and the masthead. She is wearing pink lipstick which creates a relationship between her and the magazine. It also has connotations with femininity and glamour which could suggest that the this will be the tone of the magazine.

The use of a bird in glitter as a prop also emphasises the glamorous tone to the magazine which could suggest that the target audience for this issue is females.

Page 7: Front cover research

This quote has been used as a unique selling point. The fact that the magazine has included a quote from the article which is in the magazine indicates that is the main focus of the entire magazine. It has been used to grab the audiences attention making them want to read the article.

The mode of address within in this quote is second personal pronoun which creates a sense of communication between the artist and the audience. The use of ‘you’ allows the audience to feel wanted and almost as if the artist is addressing them. Furthermore the audience are able to draw similarities between themselves and the artist.