Front cover anaylsis




Transcript of Front cover anaylsis

Page 1: Front cover anaylsis


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These were my starting logos at the beginning. I got the star template from Google and edited the rest on Photoshop.

This was my developed logo design, I didn’t chose this one because the colours were dull and it didn’t stand out. I liked the OG and original gangsters as it looks cool and goes with the theme for my magazine.

I decided to use this as my final design for my logo. I think the colours work well together and the bold red exemplifies the name of the magazine. The black star works well to catch eye attention which is essential in order to gain attention to the magazine. The font of the title highlights the genre of the magazine; Hip-Hop and R&B. OG stands for Original Gangster which is smaller underneath, it’s lively and stands out clearly. Original gangster applies to the audience that I was appealing to through the genre.

Page 3: Front cover anaylsis


I took a variety of pictures of my model for my music magazine. I tried to apply the same postures and facial expressions that the women do in Hip-Hop magazines such as vibe. Examples of this would be seductive and slightly daring. In order to achieve the genre of my magazine I had to pick a picture that was bold and conveyed a strong independent woman. Most of my pictures achieved this, however the one I believe that captured the bold statement aspect was photo 2. Although I originally started with photo 1, it didn’t work well with my front cover.

1. 2.

3. 4.

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I edited this photo on photo shop. By erasing the background, blemishing her skin, adding more hair pieces to make her hair more full. As well as changing the brightness and contrast to make her stand out, but to also make her look radiant.

This was my final photo edited on photo shop. In order to achieve the look I added more colour to her eyelashes to make them more full, along with sharpening up the photo. Her posture represents women to be strong and sexy. Her facial expression is confident and has a slight smile.

Page 5: Front cover anaylsis

FINISHED MAGAZINEI achieved my finished magazine by using Quark. I chose the colours to match with the logo and theme. Overall the magazine is relatively busy which makes it look like a real magazine. The different types of fonts allows the magazine to be versatile instead of being clumped and boring. My cover lines also attract audiences as they are bold and grabs the readers attention. The masthead is place at the top but of center in a large font. Its black font colour emphasises the title as it stands out against the red/pink background. The colours and Helvetica font suggests its for a younger audience opposed to an old one. I chose this particular picture and placed in the middle as the image is in direct mode of address, where the positioning of my model is directly in front of reader. The direct gaze helps stimulate an interaction between the reader and magazine. I particular chose to put ‘EXCLUSIVE’ in a big font along with others as it indicates the audience on what’s in there. In my opinion I think the front cover ifs effective as it represents the genre of the magazine and is eye-catching, like wise with published magazines.