From the Super - Wilber-Clatonia › vimages › shared › vnews...Tim Riechers and Michelle Pryor....

Second semester is off to a fantastic start and we have hosted numerous home events. January also brings with it several meetings for your school board members. On the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January the Board holds it’s annual re-organizational meeting. At this years meet- ing the Board elected officers, reviewed their code of ethics and agenda policy. The new Board of- ficers include: Bob Sykes, President; Chris Cerveny, Vice President; Scott Havel, Treasurer and Ray Collins, Superintendent, was appointed secretary for the Board. Other Board members include Tim Riechers and Michelle Pryor. There was one vacant seat on the board due to the resignation of Jerry Petracek in December. On January 14th, the Board met in retreat at the Nebraska Association of School Boards (NASB) offices in Lincoln. Dr. Mike Lucas, Superintendent of York Public Schools served as the modera- tor and helped guide and clarify group discussion. Topics discussed included: student achieve- ment, assessment, district goal attainment, needs, challenges and celebrations of success. Ultimately the Board settled on the following board goals: 1) Improve Student Achievement; 2) Maintain or Enhance Academic Programming; 3) Improve Technology Integration and 4) Improve Building and Grounds. Specific, measurable action items will be developed by the administrative team and presented to the Board for review, discussion and action at the February Board meeting. On January 21st the Board met in special session to interview three quality applicants for the va- cated board position. Mr. Russ Schuerman was appointed to complete Jerry Petracek’s term. I would like to congratulate Mr. Schuerman and thank all of the applicant’s for their interest in serv- ing the students of Wilber Clatonia Public Schools. During the third week of January I was notified that the Saline County winner of the Monsanto Fund’s American Farmers Grow Communities event had selected Wilber Clatonia Public Schools as their selected recipient. I would like to publicly thank Jerald Kubicek for designating the District as a recipient of these funds. A presentation ceremony will occur at halftime of the Wilber Clatonia -Centennial boys basketball game on February 20th. Also I was contacted in regard to hosting Dr. Vladimir P. Polach, PhD for an evening presentation on Czech History and Culture. Dr. Polach is currently in Nebraska as part of the Frank A. Be- lousek Distinguished Scholars Fellowship at the University of Nebraska. This will be an evening presentation and will be open to the public. Mr. Polach has chosen Wilber as one of the only com- munities he will be presenting at, so a large audience would be greatly welcome. He will be here on April 16thmore details to come. The Wilber Clatonia Foundation continues their efforts to grow. The Foundation is a great organi- zation for the support of all students of Wilber Clatonia Schools. As always Wilber Clatonia staff continue to help students be the best that they can be. Please stay in touch. From the Super Mr. Collins Wilber Clatonia Public Schools The Wolverine FEBRUARY 2015

Transcript of From the Super - Wilber-Clatonia › vimages › shared › vnews...Tim Riechers and Michelle Pryor....

Page 1: From the Super - Wilber-Clatonia › vimages › shared › vnews...Tim Riechers and Michelle Pryor. There was one vacant seat on the board due to the resignation of Jerry Petracek

Second semester is off to a fantastic start and we have hosted numerous home events. January also

brings with it several meetings for your school board members. On the first Thursday after the

first Tuesday in January the Board holds it’s annual re-organizational meeting. At this years meet-

ing the Board elected officers, reviewed their code of ethics and agenda policy. The new Board of-

ficers include: Bob Sykes, President; Chris Cerveny, Vice President; Scott Havel, Treasurer and Ray

Collins, Superintendent, was appointed secretary for the Board. Other Board members include

Tim Riechers and Michelle Pryor. There was one vacant seat on the board due to the resignation

of Jerry Petracek in December.

On January 14th, the Board met in retreat at the Nebraska Association of School Boards (NASB)

offices in Lincoln. Dr. Mike Lucas, Superintendent of York Public Schools served as the modera-

tor and helped guide and clarify group discussion. Topics discussed included: student achieve-

ment, assessment, district goal attainment, needs, challenges and celebrations of success.

Ultimately the Board settled on the following board goals: 1) Improve Student Achievement; 2)

Maintain or Enhance Academic Programming; 3) Improve Technology Integration and 4) Improve

Building and Grounds. Specific, measurable action items will be developed by the administrative

team and presented to the Board for review, discussion and action at the February Board meeting.

On January 21st the Board met in special session to interview three quality applicants for the va-

cated board position. Mr. Russ Schuerman was appointed to complete Jerry Petracek’s term. I

would like to congratulate Mr. Schuerman and thank all of the applicant’s for their interest in serv-

ing the students of Wilber Clatonia Public Schools.

During the third week of January I was notified that the Saline County winner of the Monsanto

Fund’s American Farmers Grow Communities event had selected Wilber Clatonia Public Schools

as their selected recipient. I would like to publicly thank Jerald Kubicek for designating the District

as a recipient of these funds. A presentation ceremony will occur at halftime of the Wilber Clatonia

-Centennial boys basketball game on February 20th.

Also I was contacted in regard to hosting Dr. Vladimir P. Polach, PhD for an evening presentation

on Czech History and Culture. Dr. Polach is currently in Nebraska as part of the Frank A. Be-

lousek Distinguished Scholars Fellowship at the University of Nebraska. This will be an evening

presentation and will be open to the public. Mr. Polach has chosen Wilber as one of the only com-

munities he will be presenting at, so a large audience would be greatly welcome. He will be here on

April 16th– more details to come.

The Wilber Clatonia Foundation continues their efforts to grow. The Foundation is a great organi-

zation for the support of all students of Wilber Clatonia Schools.

As always Wilber Clatonia staff continue to help students be the best that they can be. Please stay

in touch.

From the Super– Mr. Collins

Wilber Clatonia Public Schools

The Wolverine


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School Closing Information

The Science Fair is Coming

It is that time of the year again…..time to start putting your thinking caps on

about what kind of science experiment to do for the Science Fair. Will you

invent a “brain machine” like Lewis on the movie “Meet the Robinsons” or

will you come up with a robot like Wall E or study “A Bugs Life” or look

into what makes NEMO and his fellow fishes tick?

Now is the time to start thinking and doing your experiments and writing

your papers.

The Science Fair will be held on Monday, March 23rd at 7:00 p.m.

Please mark your calendars and come out and support our students.

Closing school during ad-

verse weather conditions is

never an easy decision. All

we can promise is to give

our very best effort. We

make every effort to make

the following contacts

when we are going to close

school. As a parent, you

can make the decision to

keep your child home or

come to school and get

your child whenever ad-

verse weather conditions



KLKN TV in Lincoln ABC

KFAB 110 AM in Omaha

KWBE 1450 AM in Beatrice

KZKX (96KX) 96.9 FM in Lincoln

We also will use our ALERT NOW system to notify par-

ents. If you have not signed up for this system, please

call the office and do so.

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Cost: $45 by March 1, $50 March 2-May 1, and $55 after May 1

To Purchase: Turn in this form with payment of cash or check made out to Wilber-Clatonia High

School in the District or High School office, or Miss Andreasen’s room.

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SENIORS: It is essential that you investigate the

scholarship opportunities that are available. Time is

growing short and you must meet deadlines in order

to qualify. An investment of an hour going through

scholarships could benefit you by hundreds of dol-


Another deadline which is fast approaching is the

deadline for filing FAFSA (Free Application for Fed-

eral Student Aid) forms with the processors.

EducationQuest offers assistance completing the

application as well as electronic filing free of

charge. Please contact Mr. Finley if you need further

information. This is very important and may benefit

with extra dollars.





The Wilber-Clatonia Foundation Board struggles

each year at scholarship selection time with the

question of financial need for scholarship appli-

cants. The process has been changed in the hope

to make it more equitable for applicants and some-

what easier for the Foundation board during the

selection process.

If the applicant is applying for a scholarship that lists

financial need as a criteria, the applicant will be

required to provide a “Student Aid Report” (SAR)

from the federal government. This will require the

FAFSA form to be completed, submitted, and the

SAR returned with the application prior to the schol-

arship deadline. In order to meet this timeline, the

applicant will have to complete the FAFSA early in

February and submit online to assure return of the

SAR by the March 20, 2015 deadline.

The following must be done in order to complete

the FAFSA process:

1. Apply and receive PIN numbers for the appli-

cant and parent at

2. Complete tax preparation for parent and appli-

cant prior to filing of the FAFSA. Taxes do not

have to be submitted, but they will have to be

calculated to complete the FAFSA form.

3. If help is needed in the process, schedule a time

to meet with Mr. Finley or with the Education-

Quest Foundation at

or at 1-800-303-3745.

Wade S. Finley 7-12 Counselor

From the Counselor’s desk . . .


Local Scholarship information is

due to Mr. Finley on


All seniors have received

this information in their




FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 2015

Page 5: From the Super - Wilber-Clatonia › vimages › shared › vnews...Tim Riechers and Michelle Pryor. There was one vacant seat on the board due to the resignation of Jerry Petracek

JUNIORS: You should be considering when you

will take the ACT or SAT to have scores available for

next fall. The latest date to test to be eligible for

most freshmen scholarship applications would be

the December 2014 test date. If you desire to take

the test more than once, you should be looking at

the summer or early fall date.

If a junior is interested in dual credit classes as a

senor, an ACT score of 18 in English will be required

prior to completion of registration with SCC for the

college credit portion of the classes. Please sched-

ule an ACT in April so that confirmation of the scores

can be made prior to completion of registration for

SCC’s fall quarter. Sign up date for the April 18th test

is March 13, 2015.

You will need to begin looking seriously at some pos-

sibilities of postsecondary institutions in which you

are interested. Get information from them and be-

gin looking closely at which institutions have what

you require. This early investigation will make next

year much easier and less stressful. Take advantage

of college visitations to the school by representa-

tives and talk with them and other students who are

already in college. Get as much information as you

can. Next fall we can begin to sort through it to

make a final decision.

Register for the ACT on line at

It’s FAFSA time!

If you’re a college-bound senior,

you must complete the FAFSA (Free Application for

Federal Student Aid) to apply for state, federal and

college-based financial aid. Submit the form before

your college’s FAFSA priority date as some financial

aid is awarded first-come, first-served. Priority dates

usually fall between March 1 and April 1. To learn

your college’s priority date, check the financial aid

section of their website or contact their financial aid


Follow these steps to complete the FAFSA:

Complete your taxes early as the FAFSA requires

current tax information. Within three weeks after you

and your parents electronically file your tax forms,

your IRS data should be available to retrieve and

transfer into your FAFSA. See this handout in the

“Paying for College” section at

for more details about IRS Data Retrieval.

Gather these student and parent items:

2014 federal income tax forms and, if applicable,

Schedule K-1 (Form 1065)

2014 W-2 forms

Student’s driver’s license number

Social Security numbers

Birth dates

Date parents were married, separated, di-

vorced or widowed

Current cash, saving and checking account bal-


Current investment values (stocks, bonds, mutual

funds, CDs, etc.) excluding your home and retire-

ment accounts

Value of business (if more than 100 employees)

Value of investment farm (Do not include the

value of a family farm that you or your parents

live on and operate.)

2014 child support (paid and/or received)

2014 Workers’ Compensation

Other untaxed income in 2014 such as housing/

food/living allowances for military and clergy

Alien Registration Number for eligible non-citizens

Page 6: From the Super - Wilber-Clatonia › vimages › shared › vnews...Tim Riechers and Michelle Pryor. There was one vacant seat on the board due to the resignation of Jerry Petracek

Be prepared to answer the following FAFSA


Did you or anyone in your household receive any of

the following federal benefits?

Supplemental Security Income

SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance



Free or Reduced Price Lunch


Complete and file the FAFSA at

The colleges you list on the application will receive

the results.

If you’re filing the FAFSA for the first time and would

like free personal help, call the EducationQuest lo-

cation nearest you to set up an appointment:

Kearney: 1-800-666-3721

Lincoln: 1-800-303-3745

Omaha: 1-888-357-6300

Call now as appointments for February are quickly

filling up.

Check out these free FAFSA tools

Visit the “FAFSA Tools” section at Education- where you’ll find:

College Funding Estimator - estimates your FAFSA


FAFSA Demo - walks you through the online FAFSA

FAFSA Checklist - provides a list of items you need

to gather before you complete the FAFSA

FAFSA Tutorial - explains each FAFSA question

The 2015 Wilber-Clatonia

Senior Class


School Spirits

By Daniel O’Donnell*

The 2015 Wilber-Clatonia Sen-

ior Class


What’s it about?

“A dedicated teacher and stu-

dents, a couple of lovable ghosts,

and a nervous school secretary

have set out to save their beloved

school.” – Big Dog Publishing

Cost: $7.00

Friday, March 27th, 2015 and

Saturday, March 28, 2015

At the High School

7:30 p.m.

Doors open at 7:00 p.m.)

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District Health Department

Prevent Promote Protect Fillmore, Gage, Jefferson, Saline and Thayer Counties

January 22, 2015

If Your Child is Sick with Flu, Report it to Your School! Guidance for Parents for Reporting Flu to Their School

Don’t Go to School If your child is ill with flu like symptoms: Keep them at home – do not send them to school or day care for at least 24 hours after the fever is gone (or signs of a fever). The best way to keep from catching the flu is 1) to wash hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol based hand sanitizer, 2) to cover noses and mouths with a tissue when coughing or sneezing or a shirt sleeve or elbow if you don’t have a tissue, and 3) get vaccinated to protect against flu and reduce symptoms should you get influenza A. When to Say It You need not wait for a doctor’s diagnosis to know your child has the flu. You should report that your child is sick with flu if they have a cough or a sore throat and if, when you take their body tempera-ture using a thermometer, the reading measures 100 degrees or higher. With flu your child may also have muscle aches, runny nose, sore throat, chills, headache, and just feel really tired and weak. Some children will also have vomiting and diarrhea. If your child has these symptoms, don’t send them to school. What to Say If your son or daughter is sick with flu, it’s important that you tell the school staff this reason of illness when you call in. Don’t say only that your child will be absent from school. Instead say, “My child is sick with flu like symptoms.” Why to Say It We’ve asked school staff to report school absenteeism due to flu like symptoms to get a clearer view of how influenza is developing in our area. This can help us take action to slow the spread of influ-enza in our region. We take influenza seriously — and you should, too. Help to protect your family and our communities from influenza. Contact Public Health Solutions at 402-826-3880 for additional questions or concerns regarding flu and how to protect your family.

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Registration for 2015-2016


Pre-School Program

We will be registering children that will be 4 yrs


by July 31, 2015. The Pre-School program has a

morning and a afternoon session that run Mon-

day thru Thursday.

It’s round-up time

For 2015-2016


We’re addIng to our

Wolverine pack

If you know of any children in the

Wilber-Clatonia School District

that will be 5 years of age by July 31, 2015

that are not already enrolled in school

please contact the Elementary Office at 402-821-2141

to enroll them for the Kindergarten Roundup activities.

Kindergarten Round Up

will be held March 27, 2015

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WILBER CLATONIA Elementary School 900 S. Franklin St. Christine Radcliff-Principal Phone: 402-821-2141

Wilber, NE 68465 -Wilber Clatonia Public Schools- Fax: 402-821-3013

The elementary has been a busy place the first semester and beginning of second se-

mester. The staff has helped our new students and teachers become acquainted with the Wilber Clatonia Ele-

mentary School family. We have put expectations and consequences (positive & negative) in place to help cre-

ate a safe and productive learning environment. We are continuing to build our capacity on utilizing technol-

ogy and media services; we have teachers with websites, we have kindergarten through fourth graders in the

computer lab at least twice a week for a variety of learning activities. All students also have access to iXL at

home This website allows students to practice math at their level

according to state standards, but also above or below their grade level. Please have your child practicing on

this when they are “plugged-in” to any digital outlet.

The students are also partaking in a MISSION….we started MISSION MONDAY last year, but have

continued it district wide this year (K-12). These missions were first started in Kearney by two Principals, to

help students create an environment that is safe and positively impacted by small acts of kindness. I thought

what a better way for our students to come together then to participate in Mission Monday. We have had a

variety of missions: 1. Smile at every person you encounter. 2. Give every person you encounter a greeting. 3.

Tell a person or two how AWESOME they are! 4.Do your BEST! We would love you as parents and commu-

nity members to help make these missions a reality. Ask your students about their weekly mission, continue

the mission at home and in the community.

With all the great things going on we want to continue that into our testing season. The state wants all

students and teachers to be held accountable for the student’s learning, so with that we have a semester of test-


This week, January 20 begins our winter testing for the NWEA/MAPS tests, which will give our stu-

dents and teachers an indication of which areas they need to brush up on before the state test arrives.

In January our fourth grade students will participate in the State Writing Assessment (NeSA-W) on

January 20th and 21st . The second, third, fifth, and sixth grades will also participate during the first week of

February to get a target score to help our students prepare for the upcoming years state tests in fourth and

eighth grade. In February our English Language Learning (ELL) students will participate in the ELDA &

ELPA test, also a state test on language acquisition and proficiency. Then our full swing of tests begin at the

end of March with Reading, Math, and Science (5th grade only) being tested. Spring is a time full of anxious

students (to head outdoors) and teachers (testing season), so please help your student and remind them the im-

portance of owning their learning. Thanks for a great first semester and let’s all work together to make the

second even better!

Upcoming Events:

BEAR Fair sales February 6-February19

PTO Meeting in the Elementary Commons 7:00 PM Wednesday, February 4

Parent Teacher Conferences Thursday, February 12 and Friday, February 13

Pennies for Patients Drive begins in March

Page 12: From the Super - Wilber-Clatonia › vimages › shared › vnews...Tim Riechers and Michelle Pryor. There was one vacant seat on the board due to the resignation of Jerry Petracek

High School Testing

Winter MAPs Testing Schedule

February 2015

***Listed as Period - Grade

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


2nd - 11th grade

4th - 8th grade

6th - 7th grade



2nd - 9th grade

6th - 10th grade





2nd - 10th grade

4th - 7th grade

6th - 8th grade

Language Usage




2nd - 11th grade

6th - 9th grade

Language Usage




2nd - 7th grade

4th - 11th grade



2nd - 9th grade

4th - 10th grade

6th - 8th grade





2nd - 10th grade

4th - 7th grade

6th - 11th grade



2nd - 8th grade

6th - 9th grade










25 26 27

Page 13: From the Super - Wilber-Clatonia › vimages › shared › vnews...Tim Riechers and Michelle Pryor. There was one vacant seat on the board due to the resignation of Jerry Petracek

NeSA Testing Schedule

March 23rd - May 1 2015

*Tests will be done after advisory and after lunch the same day.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday




25 26 27







No school






7th grade



11th grade



8th grade




8th grade




11th grade








8th grade



11th grade


23 24



29 30 1


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The Wilber-Clatonia Public Schools Wall of Fame Committee pledges to establish a continuous program to ac-complish the following:

To honor past administrators, teachers, or support staff for their significant impact on the community.

Nominees must have attended or been employed by the Wilber or Clatonia Schools before consolidation or for Wilber-Clatonia Public Schools since consolidation. Only one nominee per year will be selected by the committee.

Nomination applications will be available from:

Superintendent of Schools

Wilber-Clatonia Public Schools

P.O. Box 487

Wilber, NE 68465

***All application must be completed and returned to the above address by April 1st. Applications submitted after this date will not be considered

Name of

Nominee ____________________________________ Phone ______________

Address _________________________________________________________

Name of

Nominator ___________________________________ Phone ______________

Address _________________________________________________________

What significant impact did this nominee have on their chosen field, society, or the school community? Please be specific as to why the committee should consider this nominee for the Wall of Fame.

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5: 45 pm JH BBB @ Milford

6:00 p.m. JH BBB Home with


7:00 p.m. FBLA Meeting

Feb 10th

R Wrestling Tournament in Lin-


6:15 p.m. JV G BB Home with

Thayer Central

7:45 p.m. V G BB Home with

Thayer Central

Feb 11th

7:30 a.m. Cheer Practice

3:45 p.m. Safety Committee


State Degree Interviews

Feb 12th

5-9 pm Parent Teacher Confer-


Feb 13th

District Wrestling

Feb 2nd

7:00 p.m. FFA Meet.


Feb 3rd

7:30 a.m. FBLA Officer Meet.


Feb 4th

7:30 a.m. Cheer Practice

7:00 p.m. Elem PTO Meet.

Feb 5th


Feb 6th

4:30 p.m. SNC Wrestling @

Sandy Creek

5:30 p.m. JH BBB @ Lincoln


Feb 7th


Feb 9th

8:30 a.m. FBLA UNL Business

NO School

8 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Parent

Teacher Conferences

4:30 p.m. JV G & BBB @ David


6:00 pm V GBB @ David City

8:00 pm V BBB @ David City

Feb 14th

9 am JH BBB Home with South-


6:15 pm JV BBB Home with Tri


8 pm V BBB Home with Tri


Feb 8-14 FBLA Week

Feb 16th

G BB Sub districts (16,17, 19)

7 pm Board Meeting

Feb 18th

7:30 a.m. Cheer Practice

Suicide Prevention Meet

February Happenings

Elementary Phone: 402-821-2141 HS Phone: 402-821-2508 District Office: 402-821-2266 Fax: 402-821-3013 Website:

Wilber Clatonia pulbic


900 South Franklin P.O. Box 487

Wilber, NE 68465

Non profit Organization

US Postal Paid

Wilber, NE 68465

Permit #3

Address Service


Feb 19th

State Wrestling (19, 20, 21)

G BB Sub districts

Feb 20th


6:15 p.m. JV BBB @ Cen-


8 pm V BBB @ Centennial

Feb 23

FFA Week

BBB Sub districts


Feb 25th

FFA Alumni Farm Show

Feb 27th

G BB District Finals

Feb 28th

NSAA Dual Wrestling

SNC Speech @ Thayer Cen-
