From the Project Co-Ordinator Web viewSuch incidents need to be recorded in the Shelter’s Log...

SOUTH END CHURC HES WIN ER NIGH SHEL ERS 2016- 17 Volunteer Briefing Evening (14/11/16) Information Pack for In partnership with HARP, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council and Love Southend (Charity No. 1098126) Love Southend is part of SEELEF (Registered Charity No. 1014671)

Transcript of From the Project Co-Ordinator Web viewSuch incidents need to be recorded in the Shelter’s Log...

Page 1: From the Project Co-Ordinator Web viewSuch incidents need to be recorded in the Shelter’s Log Book. ... and/or inconsiderate towards a guest or volunteer in word ... start cooking/preparing


WI N E RN I GHSH E L E RS2 0 1 6 - 1 7

VolunteerBriefing Evening


Information Packfor


In partnership with HARP, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council and Love Southend

(Charity No. 1098126)Love Southend is part of SEELEF(Registered Charity No. 1014671)

Page 2: From the Project Co-Ordinator Web viewSuch incidents need to be recorded in the Shelter’s Log Book. ... and/or inconsiderate towards a guest or volunteer in word ... start cooking/preparing

Southend-on-Sea Churches Winter Night Shelters (2016 - 2017)POLICY DIGEST

1. HEALTH AND SAFETYOur policy is to provide and maintain, as far as is reasonably practicable, safe and healthy working

conditions, equipment and systems of work, for both volunteers taking part in, and guests accessing, the Southend-on-Sea Churches Winter Night Shelters (SCWNS).

Our aim is to provide training and supervision as is needed for this purpose.

SCWNS UNDERTAKES TO:1. Provide a working environment that is healthy and safe with satisfactory amenity facilities.2. Ensure that health and safety legislation, regulations and codes of practice are observed.3. Provide and maintain safe premises and equipment including appropriate protective clothing.4. Ensure that the use, handling, storage and transportation of food, articles and substances are safe.5. Ensure that the systems of work are safe and to provide or locate appropriate training and advice for

volunteers in these matters.6. Promote effective communication between the SCWNS Co-Ordinator, Shelter Managers, volunteers

and guests on safety matters in each host church.7. Ensure that all volunteers and guests are safe and do so without risk to their health.8. Review and revise this policy annually or as new legislation requires.

PERSONAL SAFETYFor the safety of all (guests, volunteers and visitors) at all the SCWNS sessions, please always

observe the following rules:-1. Check the identity of each guest arriving at the door by asking for their name; please do not say,

“Hello, you must be Dave” - you’ll be surprised how many ‘Daves’ you’ll meet!2. Do not let any potential ‘guest’ into the building if their name is not on the list without first consulting

the Shelter Manager (or Deputy) / Shift Leader.3. Never give your home address or phone number to any guest. 4. Do not arrange to meet any guest outside the shelter hours.5. Never invite any guest to your home.6. Do not give or lend money to any guest.7. Avoid being alone with any guest, especially one of the opposite sex.8. Leave your valuables in the safe keeping of the Shelter Manager (or Deputy) / Shift Leader.9. Do not touch guests to wake them up.10. When dealing with lost/guest’s property, never put your hand into a bag or pocket; instead, tip the

contents onto a flat surface so you can see what you are handling - this will help to avoid any potential injury.

11. Volunteers should act safely and not put themselves or other volunteers or guests in danger. If you feel intimidated at any time during the shift, inform the Shelter Manager (or Deputy) / Shift Leader. Please take directions at all times from them, especially with regard to matters of personal safety.

2. ALCOHOL AND “NON-PRESCRIBED” DRUGS [N.B. We do not operate as a “Wet Shelter”.]

USE OF ALCOHOL AND DRUGS (INCLUDING “LEGAL HIGHS”) Volunteers must not be under the influence of alcohol or “non-prescribed” drugs (including “Legal

Highs”) when arriving for the night / their shift. Guests deemed unmanageable because they are drunk or under the influence of “non-prescribed”

drugs (including “Legal Highs”) must not be allowed to enter the premises. Alcohol or “non-prescribed” drugs (including “Legal Highs”) must not be carried onto the premises by

any guest or volunteer. If handed in by a guest on arrival the Shelter Manager / Shift Leader at a shelter will look after

unopened bottles or cans of alcohol for guests overnight. These will be clearly labelled with the guest’s name and returned to them as they leave in the morning.

Alcohol or “non-prescribed” drugs (including “Legal Highs”) must not be consumed on the premises by any guest or volunteer.

In very RARE circumstances, discussed and agreed by staff and Shelter Managers, some guests may have to consume some alcohol so as not to have withdrawal fits or blackouts.

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EXAMPLES OF THIS POLICY BEING BROKEN A guest may take a “non-prescribed” drug (or a “Legal High”) in the toilet. A guest may drink cans of alcohol in bed at night. A guest may smoke cigarettes at night in the building, or even in their bed.

ACTION TO BE TAKEN IF POLICY IS BREACHED If a volunteer is under the influence of alcohol or a “non-prescribed” drug (including a “Legal High”)

when they arrive, they will be asked to leave. If a guest is under the influence of alcohol or a “non-prescribed” drug (including a “Legal High”) when

they arrive and are deemed to be unmanageable, they must not be allowed to enter the shelter. They should be asked to wait outside to sober up with a cup of tea or coffee.

However, if they are extremely drunk or ‘high’ upon arrival they will forfeit their bed for the night and must be asked to leave.

If guests are found drinking on the premises, they must be asked to leave. Such incidents need to be recorded in the Shelter’s Log Book.

If guests are found taking “non-prescribed” drugs (including “Legal Highs”) on the premises, they will be permanently barred from the SCWNS, and be asked to leave immediately.

Anyone found dealing drugs (including “Legal Highs”) will be permanently barred from the SCWNS, and be asked to leave immediately.

3. OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE AND VIOLENCE There is always potential for violence when working with vulnerable people. We have therefore

produced these guidelines to give direction on the most effective ways of preventing violent behaviour and offer protection from its consequences.

The Health and Safety Policy acknowledges the responsibility of the SCWNS and the participating Churches to provide direction and support to volunteers.

However, in addition, all volunteers have an individual responsibility never to put themselves, their colleagues, guests or members of the public at unnecessary risk. These guidelines should be viewed within the context of that shared responsibility.

PREVENTING OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE AND VIOLENCEYou might be able to stop someone using offensive language and/or violence by:1. Listening attentively to what is being said rather than how it is being said.2. Developing an understanding with the guest to find common ground.3. Being patient and loving them (if a Christian, with God’s help).

If all fails, you should remind the guest of the Guest Agreement that was read and signed by them, and which includes a Condition of Hospitality about offensive language and violence.

ACTION TO BE TAKEN AGAINST GUESTS USING OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE AND/OR VIOLENCEIf a guest is being rude and/or inconsiderate towards a guest or volunteer in word (or deed), the

volunteer should communicate that such behaviour is not acceptable at the SCWNS and remind them about the Guest Agreement that was read and signed by them. The volunteer should inform the Shelter Manager (or Deputy) / Shift Leader who should make a note about the incident in the Shelter Logbook.

If a guest uses offensive language and/or violence against another guest or volunteer, a warning will be issued by the Shelter Manager (or Deputy) / Shift Leader.

4. CONFIDENTIALITY As people offering support to individuals who use the Shelters, we will be privileged to know

personal information. This is a relationship of trust, which needs to be respected. Information gained about people must be treated as being confidential

Confidentiality is maintaining the security of information obtained from or about an individual, which has been gained through a professional/working relationship.

This information can only be shared in restricted circumstances such as when there is a legal compulsion or it is required to ensure the well being of the person.

With consent, some information will need to be shared with people / agencies who directly contribute to the provision of services and who are also bound by the principles of confidentiality.

Personal information should be defined as information any person would consider to be private.

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Southend-on-Sea Churches Winter Night Shelters: 2016 - 2017

The Referral Process (abbreviated for this document)

1. Everyone (e.g. churches, Police, SOS Bus, Family Mosaic, Street Spirit, 57 West, Healing on the Streets, Street Pastors, Southend Borough Council, the hospital, etc.) must refer contacts to HARP’s Bradbury Centre, York Road, Southend-on-Sea, SS1 2DL (phone no. 01702 430696).

2. Contacts need to get there, at the latest, by 14:00 (Monday - Friday) in order to be assessed and for a support plan to be created/reviewed/updated.

3. After doing their assessments, HARP’s referral meeting is from 14:00. The outcome of the meeting will be communicated to potential guests as close to 14:00 as possible, and by 15:30 at the latest. Once advised, contacts do not need to remain at HARP, or to visit every day unless attending for meetings/groups in relation to their support plan and/or for showers/meals.

4. For each referred guest, the Southend Churches Winter Night Shelters (SCWNS) and HARP commit to providing a bed space in the shelters for 28 days, or until they are accommodated elsewhere. Support plans will be reviewed just before the 28 day period ends (but see [5] below), and can be continued for a further period if required. If a referred guest fails to occupy their bed space, then their stay in the SCWNS will end; they will need to re-apply and may have to be added to the waiting list.

5. To ensure the greatest positive impact, support plans may be reviewed more frequently.

6. HARP will e-mail a list of names (20 maximum) to the Shelter Managers (SMs), Deputy Shelter Managers (DSMs), the Council, etc. as early as possible, and by 16:30 at the latest. N.B. The list produced on Friday also covers Saturday and Sunday; there is therefore no need for those on the list to contact HARP again on Saturday and/or Sunday.

7. For each new guest, HARP will complete a Referral Form giving some additional information about the guest.

8. After 18:00 (and until 21:00) on weekdays, contacts (NOT ON THE LIST) should be advised to approach the HARP Night Shelter at The Bradbury Centre (phone no. 01702 430696). The Night Shelter staff will not be able to assess a contact for referral that evening, but they will be able to provide advice, blankets and sleeping bags (if available), and a point of contact for the following morning.

9. At the weekends, contacts (NOT ON THE LIST) should be advised to approach the HARP Night Shelter but only by phoning them on 01702 430696 between 10:00 and 17:00. Staff will be managing the Night Shelter during these times so will not be able to conduct assessments or make a referral, but they will be able to provide advice.

10. The Shelters will open by 19:30 and will admit all the referred guests, provided they are not “under the influence”.

11. The Shelters will allow listed guests to arrive up until 20:00 and, at the discretion of the SM, up until 20:30 (or when the meal will be served).

12. Before 20:30, if there is still room, it is up to the SM whether further potential guests who have just turned up at the door can be admitted. If necessary, the SM can contact the HARP Night Shelter (01702 430696) to discuss potential guests with the Night Shelter Staff. N.B. No guests must be admitted after 20:30.

13. If no-one turns up by 20:30 (or all the guests leave after the meal), the Shelter will close.

Suggested TimetableTime Activity Notes

18:30 Volunteers arrive Prepare venue; start cooking/preparing the meal.By 19:30 Open the doors Only admit referred guests (must arrive by 20:30). Do NOT admit

any who are “under the influence”. Provide tea, coffee, etc. (limit the biscuits!)

19:30 - 20:30 (or by meal time)

Deal with potential (non-referred) guests

Only admit them if room. If necessary, discuss with staff at the HARP Night Shelter. N.B. No guests to be admitted after 20:30.

By 20:30 Serve meal Volunteers eat with guests.21:00 - 22:00 Board Games, etc. It’s up to each shelter what activities are provided.21:45 Last cigarette Control access/exit; if necessary, by locking the door.22:00 Bed time Ask guests to start going to bed.22:30 Lights out All guests should be in bed by now, with the doors locked.

If guests leave (e.g. for a cigarette), they can’t re-enter. Overnight Sleep! At least one volunteer should be awake (possibly in shifts).06:30 Start waking guests

[N.B. Gently - do NOT touch them!]

Repeat at 10 minute intervals, gradually switching the lights on until all are on by 06:50. All guests should be up by 07:00.

07:00 Serve breakfast Volunteers eat with guests.08:00 Goodbye! If the weather is awful, then guests can wait until all volunteers

leave. (HARP opens at 09:00).By 08:30 Volunteers leave With any remaining guests.

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