From the Golgi–Cajal mapping to the transmitter-based ...

Review From the GolgiCajal mapping to the transmitter-based characterization of the neuronal networks leading to two modes of brain communication: Wiring and volume transmission Kjell Fuxe a, , Annica Dahlström b , Malin Höistad a , Daniel Marcellino a , Anders Jansson a , Alicia Rivera c , Zaida Diaz-Cabiale d , Kirsten Jacobsen e , Barbro Tinner-Staines e , Beth Hagman a , Giuseppina Leo f , William Staines e , Diego Guidolin g , Jan Kehr h , Susanna Genedani f , Natale Belluardo i , Luigi F. Agnati f a Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, 17177 Stockholm, Sweden b Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Göteborg University, 40530 Göteborg, Sweden c Department of Cell Biology, University of Málaga, Campus Teatinos s/n, 29071 Málaga, Spain d Department of Human Physiology, University of Malaga, Campus Teatinos s/n, 29071 Malaga, Spain e Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada K1H 8M5 f Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Modena, Modena, Italy g Department of Human Anatomy and Physiology, University of Padova, Padova, Italy h Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet, 17177 Stockholm, Sweden i Department of Human Physiology, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Article history: Accepted 27 February 2007 Available online 13 March 2007 After GolgiCajal mapped neural circuits, the discovery and mapping of the central monoamine neurons opened up for a new understanding of interneuronal communication by indicating that another form of communication exists. For instance, it was found that dopamine may be released as a prolactin inhibitory factor from the median eminence, indicating an alternative mode of dopamine communication in the brain. Subsequently, the analysis of the locus coeruleus noradrenaline neurons demonstrated a novel type of lower brainstem neuron that monosynaptically and globally innervated the entire CNS. Furthermore, the ascending raphe serotonin neuron systems were found to globally innervate the forebrain with few synapses, and where deficits in serotonergic function appeared to play a major role in depression. We propose that serotonin reuptake inhibitors may produce antidepressant effects through increasing serotonergic neurotrophism in serotonin nerve cells and their targets by transactivation of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK), involving direct or indirect receptor/RTK interactions. Early Keywords: 5-Hydroxytryptamine Amygdala Brain function Brain uncoupling protein-2 Catecholamines CA turnover Clearance Diffusion BRAIN RESEARCH REVIEWS 55 (2007) 17 54 This paper is dedicated to the memory of our mothers Mrs. Linnea (Nea) Fuxe and Mrs. Giovanna Agnati, the finest in the world who gave us their never-ceasing love in their proud struggle for the survival of our families. Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (K. Fuxe). 0165-0173/$ see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.brainresrev.2007.02.009 available at

Transcript of From the Golgi–Cajal mapping to the transmitter-based ...

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From the Golgi–Cajal mapping to the transmitter-basedcharacterization of the neuronal networks leading totwo modes of brain communication: Wiring andvolume transmission☆

Kjell Fuxea,⁎, Annica Dahlströmb, Malin Höistada, Daniel Marcellinoa, Anders Janssona,Alicia Riverac, Zaida Diaz-Cabialed, Kirsten Jacobsene, Barbro Tinner-Stainese,Beth Hagmana, Giuseppina Leo f, William Stainese, Diego Guidoling, Jan Kehrh,Susanna Genedani f, Natale Belluardoi, Luigi F. Agnati faDepartment of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, 17177 Stockholm, SwedenbDepartment of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Göteborg University, 40530 Göteborg, SwedencDepartment of Cell Biology, University of Málaga, Campus Teatinos s/n, 29071 Málaga, SpaindDepartment of Human Physiology, University of Malaga, Campus Teatinos s/n, 29071 Malaga, SpaineDepartment of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada K1H 8M5fDepartment of Biomedical Sciences, University of Modena, Modena, ItalygDepartment of Human Anatomy and Physiology, University of Padova, Padova, ItalyhDepartment of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet, 17177 Stockholm, SwedeniDepartment of Human Physiology, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy


☆ This paper is dedicated to the memory ofgave us their never-ceasing love in their pro⁎ Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected] (K. Fuxe)

0165-0173/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevidoi:10.1016/j.brainresrev.2007.02.009


Article history:Accepted 27 February 2007Available online 13 March 2007

After Golgi–Cajal mapped neural circuits, the discovery and mapping of the centralmonoamine neurons opened up for a new understanding of interneuronal communicationby indicating that another form of communication exists. For instance, it was found thatdopamine may be released as a prolactin inhibitory factor from the median eminence,indicating an alternative mode of dopamine communication in the brain. Subsequently,the analysis of the locus coeruleus noradrenaline neurons demonstrated a novel type oflower brainstem neuron that monosynaptically and globally innervated the entire CNS.Furthermore, the ascending raphe serotonin neuron systems were found to globallyinnervate the forebrain with few synapses, and where deficits in serotonergic functionappeared to play a major role in depression. We propose that serotonin reuptakeinhibitors may produce antidepressant effects through increasing serotonergicneurotrophism in serotonin nerve cells and their targets by transactivation of receptortyrosine kinases (RTK), involving direct or indirect receptor/RTK interactions. Early

Keywords:5-HydroxytryptamineAmygdalaBrain functionBrain uncoupling protein-2CatecholaminesCA turnoverClearanceDiffusion

our mothers Mrs. Linnea (Nea) Fuxe and Mrs. Giovanna Agnati, the finest in the world whoud struggle for the survival of our families.


er B.V. All rights reserved.

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DopamineDorsal rapheDual probe microdialysisExtracellular spaceExtrasynaptic receptorsHistofluorescenceLocal circuitsLocus coeruleusMapping of monoamine neuronsMicrodensitometryMicrofluorimetryNeurological and mental disordersNoradrenaline

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chemical neuroanatomical work on the monoamine neurons, involving primitive nervoussystems and analysis of peptide neurons, indicated the existence of alternative modes ofcommunication apart from synaptic transmission. In 1986, Agnati and Fuxe introducedthe theory of two main types of intercellular communication in the brain: wiring andvolume transmission (WT and VT). Synchronization of phasic activity in the monoaminecell clusters through electrotonic coupling and synaptic transmission (WT) enablesoptimal VT of monoamines in the target regions. Experimental work suggests anintegration of WT and VT signals via receptor–receptor interactions, and a new theoryof receptor–connexin interactions in electrical and mixed synapses is introduced.Consequently, a new model of brain function must be built, in which communicationincludes both WT and VT and receptor–receptor interactions in the integration of signals.This will lead to the unified execution of information handling and trophism for optimalbrain function and survival.

© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Nucleus accumbensPressure gradientsReceptor mosaicsReceptor–receptor interactionsSubstantia nigraThermal gradientsTortuosityTransmitter–receptor mismatchesVolume fractionVolume transmissionWiring transmission


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . .2. Discovery and characterizati

technique for the cellular lo2.1. The discovery and m

2.1.1. Dopamine ne2.1.2. Noradrenalin2.1.3. 5-Hydroxytry

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19on of the chemical neuroanatomy of neural circuits based on the Falck–Hillarpcalization of monoamines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19apping of the central dopamine, noradrenaline and 5-hydroxytryptamine neurons . . . 20urons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20e neurons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23ptamine neurons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3. The 5-HT raphe–forebrain neuron systems and depression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263.1. Neurotrophic factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273.2. Intramembrane receptor–receptor interactions among GPCRs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273.3. Transactivation of receptor tyrosine kinases following G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) activation

via GPCR/RTK receptor interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273.4. Serotonin receptor subtypes and the possible transactivation of the FGF-2/FGFR1 neurotrophic system. . . . 28

4. Two modes of brain communication: wiring and volume transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294.1. The foundations leading up to the 1986 proposal of wiring and volume transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294.2. Further experimental evidence for the existence of volume transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

4.2.1. Failure of storage of transmitters/modulators in synaptic vesicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314.2.2. Lack of calcium-dependent vesicular release of transmitters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314.2.3. Release of transmitters not in strict contiguity with postsynaptic membranes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314.2.4. Location of transmitter receptors outside the postsynaptic density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324.2.5. Deficits of fast inactivation mechanisms of the transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

4.3. The extracellular space and cerebrospinal fluid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344.3.1. The channels for volume transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344.3.2. Dopamine diffusion in the striatum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354.3.3. Fluid movements within the extracellular space. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364.3.4. The cerebrospinal fluid system as a communication channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

5. The integration of WT and VT via receptor–receptor interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375.1. Hypothesis on receptor–connexin interactions in mixed synapses: a possible mechanism for integration

between two types of WT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

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5.2. On the role of WT and VT and their integration in the monoamine neurons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395.2.1. The nigro-striatal dopamine system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395.2.2. The locus coeruleus noradrenaline system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405.2.3. The dorsal raphe 5-HT neuron system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

6. Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

1. Introduction

Golgi's and Cajal's outstanding and classic contributions tothe neural circuit mapping are well known. As to thecomplementarity of their views on brain communication,the reader is referred to the Agnati et al. paper in this specialissue covering one century of progress in neuroscience. Thisreview deals with the breakthrough in chemical neuroanat-omy given by the Swedish groups of neurobiologists, andtheir subsequent development of new concepts on inter-cellular communication. These researchers presented thefirst original mapping of transmitter-identified neural cir-cuits in the brain. The discovery and mapping of centralmonoamine neurons (Dahlström and Fuxe, 1964a,b, 1965;Fuxe, 1963, 1964, 1965a,b; Carlsson et al., 1962, 1964; Andén etal., 1964a, 1965a) opened up a new understanding ofinterneuronal communication by giving indications that thesynapse, termed so by Sherrington to describe the nexusbetween two neurons (see Fig. 1), is not the only existingform of interneuronal communication. The ground-breakingdiscovery of central monoamine neurons paved the way forour present knowledge on neuropsychiatric diseases (e.g.,Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia and depression) andcontributed to the development of new concepts whichhave been introduced as the result of common and equalefforts by Agnati and Fuxe (see also Agnati et al., this specialissue). In particular, these authors have proposed theexistence of:

(i) Two complementary modes of brain communication:wiring versus volume transmission (WT and VT), withvolume transmission taking place in the extracellularfluid (ECF) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of the centralnervous system (see Agnati et al., 1986a; Agnati andFuxe, 1996).

(ii) Receptor–receptor interactions (Agnati et al., 1980; Fuxeet al., 1981; Fuxe and Agnati, 1985), which represent amechanism to integrate signals at the plasma mem-brane level via formation of heteromers.

(iii) Receptor mosaics (RM) in the plasma membrane (high-order heteromers), which may represent a molecularbasis of learning and memory (Agnati et al., 1982,2003b).

(iv) Global molecular networks (GMNs) in the brain (Agnatiet al., 2006c, 2007), which postulates the existence ofintracellular and extracellular three-dimensional mole-cular networks, built up mainly of proteins and carbo-hydrates, that interact at the plasmamembrane to formGMNs pervading the entire central nervous system. It

may contribute to the “binding phenomenon” and theglio-neuronal network morphology and function.

The major part of this review will deal with the Agnati andFuxe proposal of the two complimentary modes of inter-cellular communication in the brain (concept (i) above).Volume transmission makes communication possiblebetween all the cells of the brain via diffusion and flow ofneurotransmitters, neuromodulators and trophic factors inthe extracellular fluid (ECF) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF),respectively, where they act as VT signals enabling informa-tion handling and trophic communication between all cells,including neuron–glia and glia–glia interactions. Criteria forVT features and experimental evidence for its existence andits functional implications will be provided, with VT becom-ing integrated with WT via receptor–receptor interactionswhich are based on the existence of heteromers and receptormosaics located synaptically and extrasynaptically (see booksedited by Fuxe and Agnati, 1991b; Agnati et al., 2000a). Also,the impact of G-protein-coupled receptor/receptor tyrosinekinase interactions as mediators of VT signaling in neuronalplasticity and trophism is introduced, and the critical role ofreceptor–receptor interactions as integrators of WT and VT isemphasized. A new hypothesis on the functional implica-tions of receptor–receptor interactions at the level of elec-trical and mixed synapses is proposed, which could play arole in synchronization of entire brain areas. Hence, it couldbe involved in the so-called “binding phenomenon”, whichhas been proposed to be the basic mechanism that allows thecreation of a global workspace and eventually of consciousexperience (see, e.g., Agnati et al., 2006a). This new perspec-tive on information handling and trophism via WT and VTmay have a great impact on neurophysiology, neuropathol-ogy and neuro-pschopharmacology.

2. Discovery and characterization of thechemical neuroanatomy of neural circuitsbased on the Falck–Hillarp techniquefor the cellular localization of monoamines

The great neurohistologists Camillo Golgi and SantiagoRamon y Cajal were the ones who discovered the neuronalcircuits and provided the first neuronal maps of the nervoussystem bymeans of the Golgi technique and its modifications,involving a first step of an osmium–dichromate mixturefollowed by a second step of impregnation with a silver nitratesolution (see DeFelipe and Jones, 1992). For this truly funda-mental work they received the Nobel Prize in 1906 with the

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Fig. 1 – Illustration of the historical development of theconcept of synaptic transmission. (A) Sherrington CS(1857–1952). (B) Cajal obtained indications that therelationship between neuronal processes was one ofcontiguity and not of continuity. (C) This nexus was calledsynapse by Sherrington in his book on the “IntegrativeAction of the Nervous System” in 1906: “… if at the nexusbetween neuron and neuron there does not exist actualconfluence of the conductive part of one cell with theconductive part of the other, … there must be a surface ofseparation… In view, therefore, of the probable importancephysiologically of this mode of nexus between neuron andneuron it is convenient to have a term for it. The termintroduced has been synapse…”.

Fig. 2 – Dopaminergic nerve cells are seen with greenish CAfluorescence in their cell bodies and processes in the zonacompacta of the substantia nigra (A9) of the rat, using theFalck–Hillarp formaldehyde fluorescence method for thecellular localization of monoamines. Dahlström and Fuxe(1964a,b), previously unpublished material.

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statement “In recognition of their work on the structure of thenervous system”.

Another major breakthrough came with the discoveryand mapping of the central monoamine neurons (Dahlströmand Fuxe, 1964a,b, 1965; Fuxe, 1963, 1964, 1965a,b) based onthe introduction of monoamine transmitter histochemistry,

the so-called catecholamine (CA) and 5-hydroxytryptamine(5-HT) formaldehyde histofluorescence method of Falck andHillarp (Falck et al., 1962; see Fuxe and Jonsson, 1973). Withthis technique, the hypothalamic noradrenaline (NA) nerveterminal networks had already been demonstrated in 1962(Carlsson et al., 1962). The standardization of the histo-chemical formaldehyde reaction by Hamberger et al. (1965),including also the role of water, had a strong and persistentimpact for the work in this field. The chemistry of thismethod was characterized early on by Falck, Hillarp, Corrodi,Jonsson and colleagues (see review by Fuxe et al., 1970b;Fuxe and Jonsson, 1973). The histochemical reactionbetween e.g., CA and formaldehyde involves a condensationof the amine with formaldehyde leading to the formation ofa 1,2,3,4-dihydroisoquinoline, which is subsequently dehy-drogenated to the corresponding 3,4-dihydroisoquinoline ina protein promoted reaction. This latter form is in equili-brium with its quinoidal form, which predominates and isresponsible for the green fluorescence emission at 480 nmfound in the brain sections upon excitation of thisfluorophore.

2.1. The discovery and mapping of the central dopamine,noradrenaline and 5-hydroxytryptamine neurons

2.1.1. Dopamine neurons The nigro-striatal dopamine pathway. A crucialobservation was the existence of nerve cell bodies in the ratsubstantia nigra and especially in the zona compacta with agreen cytoplasmatic CA fluorescence (Fig. 2, Dahlström andFuxe, 1964a). By means of biochemical correlates and apharmacological analysis, it was shown to represent adopamine (DA) fluorescence and became known as the A9DA cell group (Dahlström and Fuxe, 1964a). A large mass ofdiffuse to dotted green CA fluorescence was observed in thecaudate putamen and shown to represent a DA fluorescence

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in densely packed nerve terminals (Andén et al., 1964b, Fuxe,1965a,b). By means of the method developed by Dahlströmand Fuxe (1964b) using lesions and striatal ablations, itbecame possible to visualize the ascending DA fiber bundlesfrom the substantia nigra to the caudate putamen on the cellbody side of the lesion (Andén et al., 1964b, 1965a,b). Here theybecame strongly green fluorescent as a result of the blockadeof the transport of DA storage vesicles in the DA axons to theterminals, leading to their accumulation in the DA fiberbundles of the posterior medial forebrain bundle and theinternal capsule. In thisway, the existence of the nigro-striatalDA pathway was demonstrated, with the lesions also leadingto a marked disappearance of the nigral DA cell bodiesshowing DA fluorescence. With this discovery, it becameclear that the disappearance of the nigral DA stores inParkinson's disease (Hornykiewicz, 1963) was likely causedby the degeneration of the nigro-striatal DA pathway in thisdisease. This view was further underlined by the work ofAndén et al. (1966b) using mechanical lesions in the ratindicating a role of this pathway in motor function and by theelegant work of Ungerstedt (1968, 1971) using 6-OH-DAinduced lesions of the ascending DA pathways.

Another important breakthrough came with the discoveryof striatal islands of DA nerve terminal systems in 1972 withthe Falck–Hillarp technique (Olson et al., 1972; Tennyson etal., 1972) showing for the first time the organization of thestriatum into two compartments, the diffuse and islandiccompartments. This work was elegantly pursued by Graybieland her group (Graybiel and Ragsdale, 1978; Graybiel et al.,2000) and by Gerfen and his group (Gerfen, 1984, 2000) withthe islands called striosomes (Graybiel's group) or patches(Gerfen's group) and the remainder called matrix. Thesegroups established the input/output relationships of thestriatal islands and the expression of a number of markers.The discovery of the limbic–prefrontal–striatal island circui-try indicated that the striatal islands participated in rewardbased motor learning (Eblen and Graybiel, 1995; Gerfen,2000), while parallel work indicated that the matrix isinvolved in sensory–motor processing (Gerfen, 1993; Canales,2005). A number of observations have indicated that thestriatal islands play a crucial role in motor learningresponsible for the development of L-dopa induced dyskine-sias (Graybiel et al., 2000; Agnati et al., 2003b) and habitacquisition in drug addiction (Graybiel et al., 2000; Everitt andRobbins, 2005; Canales, 2005). The dopamine D4 receptorsenriched in the striatal islands may have an especiallyimportant role among the D2-like receptors as to thefunction of the striatal islands (Rivera et al., 2002). Forfurther aspects on nigro-striatal DA neurons and Parkinson'sdisease, see Fuxe et al. (2006). The meso-limbic dopamine pathway. Large numbersof CA cell bodies with green CA fluorescence were alsodiscovered in the ventral tegmental area with the pharmaco-logical analysis using α-methyl-m-tyrosine, indicating it to bea possible dopaminergic fluorescence (Dahlström and Fuxe,1964a). A high density of DA nerve terminals was alsodemonstrated with the Falck–Hillarp technique in the nucleusaccumbens and olfactory tubercle forming a large mass ofdiffuse to dotted DA fluorescence at these locations (Fuxe,

1965a,b). By means of lesions (e.g., between the cell body andterminal regions in the lateral hypothalamus involving themedial forebrain bundle), CA fluorescence histochemistry andbiochemical DA and NA analysis, the existence of a DApathway from the ventral tegmental area to the nucleusaccumbens and the olfactory tubercle running in the medialforebrain bundle was discovered, called the meso-limbic DApathway (Andén et al., 1965a,b, 1966a,c,d; Fuxe et al., 1970c;Ungerstedt, 1971). A dysfunction of this DA system was earlyon proposed to be involved in mental disorders like schizo-phrenia (see Fuxe et al., 1970c; Fuxe, 1970), in view of thedemonstration that DA receptor antagonism may be themechanism of action for classical antipsychotic drugs likechlorpromazine and haloperidol as first indicated by Carlssonand Lindquist in 1963 (see Carlsson, 1988). This work wasfurther extended in combined functional and neurochemicalexperiments by Andén and colleagues (Andén et al., 1966b,1970). Subsequently, the DA hypothesis of schizophrenia wasstrongly supported by the observations that all anti-schizo-phrenic drugs had the ability to bind and block D2/D3receptors (Seeman et al., 1975; see Kapur and Mamo, 2003)and in the brains of schizophrenic patients D2 receptoroccupancy is correlated to antipsychotic drug effects (Fardeet al., 1988; Nordström et al., 1993). In the 1990s, indications forenhanced striatal DA responsitivity had been obtained inschizophrenic patients with PET imaging (see Laruelle et al.,1996, 2003). In 1980, the glutamate hypothesis of schizophre-nia was introduced (Kim et al., 1980) and was supported by theobservations that the drug phencyclidine promoted psychoticstates and acted as a non-competitive NMDA receptorantagonist (see Jentsch and Roth, 1999; Svensson, 2000).

It is of particular interest that treatment with this type ofdrugs causes a rise of burst firing in the meso-limbic DAneurons as recorded from the A10 DA cells located in theventral tegmental area (Murase et al., 1993), which is related toa reduction in the prefrontal glutamate input to GABAinterneurons controlling the firing pattern of the VTA DAcells projecting to subcortical limbic regions (Carr and Sesack,2000). Such results emphasize an important role of meso-limbic DA neuron hyperfunction in schizophrenia and block-ade of D2-like receptors in the limbic subcortical system mayin fact be the major target for known antipsychotic drugs. Ofspecial importance are the inhibitory D2-like receptors on theventral striato-pallidal GABA pathway, operating in a circuitwhich via the GABA projection from the ventral pallidum tothemediodorsal thalamic nucleus (Heimer, 2000) regulates thefiring of the cortical glutamate projections from this nucleus.Thus, blockade of these D2-like receptors by antipsychoticdrugs will increase the activity of these prefrontal glutamateprojections andmay help to copewith sensory overloadwhichmay contribute to the development of psychosis, as firstdiscussed by Carlsson (1988). It should also be noted that areduced prefrontal activity predicts enhanced striatal DAfunction in schizophrenia (Meyer-Lindenberg et al., 2002). Incontrast, NMDA receptor antagonists reduce burst firing in theVTA DA cells projecting to the prefrontal cortex since theyreceive direct monosynaptic glutamate projections from theprefrontal cortex causing their excitation (Murase et al., 1993;Carr and Sesack, 2000). Thus, hypofrontality in schizophreniamay produce reduced function in the meso-cortical DA

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Fig. 3 – Dopaminergic nerve cells are seen with greenish CAfluorescence in the cell bodies in the arcuate nucleus (A12)and themost ventral part of the periventricular hypothalamicregion close to the third ventricle (in the center) just dorsal tothe median eminence of the rat. The DA cell bodies lie in anerve terminal plexus of medium density with varicositiesappearing as puncta with strong greenish CA fluorescence.Falck–Hillarp technique from Dahlström and Fuxe in theearly 1960s previously unpublished material.

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systems which may contribute to the negative symptoms ofschizophrenia (Jentsch and Roth, 1999; Svensson, 2000).

The major role of the meso-limbic DA afferents in schizo-phrenia involving mainly D2/D3 receptor mediated effects inthe ventral striatal complex, including the ventral pallidum,amygdala, extended amygdala and the septal area (Heimer,2000), may be to regulate the emotional impact of thesubcortical limbic networks on the cerebral cortex, especiallythe prefrontal cortex, involving the ventral striatum–ventralpallidum–mediodorsal thalamic nucleus circuit to the dis-turbed prefrontal cortex. In line with this view, parts of themeso-accumbens DA system represent a reward system ableto also predict the time of future rewards (Schultz, 2002;Montague et al., 1996; Agnati et al., 2007; Guidolin et al., thisspecial issue), mediating natural rewards like food and thehedonic effects of drugs of abuse like cocaine (Robinson andBerridge, 1993; see Hurd, 2006; Ivanov et al., 2006). However, itis clear that the meso-limbic DA neurons are activated also inresponse to negative reinforcement (Fuxe and Hanson, 1967;see Salamone et al., 1997). Thus, what matters is the salientnature of the reinforcer (Ungless, 2004). The molecularmechanisms that lead from acute rewarding effects of drugslike cocaine to drug addiction are still unclear. They mayinvolve plastic changes in the receptor networks of the localcircuits in the ventral striatum, with alterations in the D2 andD3 containing receptor mosaics (RM) and their receptor–receptor interactions and integrated signaling (RM; high-order heteromers or homomers), leading to changes in thegene expression including adapter proteins contributing toenduring changes in the DA RM, due to their stabilization bythe adapter proteins formed (see Fuxe et al., 2007; Marcellinoet al., 2007). As to genetic risk factors in DA receptor subtypesand evidence based dopaminergic treatments of substanceabuse disorders, see Hurd (2006) and Ivanov et al. (2006),respectively. The tubero-infundibular dopamine neurons. Alreadyin 1963, a substantial number of small-sized nerve cell bodieswith a weak to medium CA fluorescence were observed in thearcuate nucleus and the ventral part of the periventricularhypothalamic region (Fig. 3), as well as a strong mass of CAfluorescence in the external layer of the median eminence,probably representing densely packed CA nerve terminals asin the striatum with its dense DA innervations. These resultsindicated the existence of tubero-infundibular DA neurons, asalso supported by the pharmacological analysis (Fuxe, 1963,1964; Fuxe and Hökfelt, 1966; Löfström et al., 1976a). Biochem-ical correlates were subsequently obtained in collaborationwithWiesel et al. (1978) and also made it possible to develop amethod to determine DA levels and turnover rate in discreteDA nerve terminal systems by quantitative use of the Falck–Hillarp DA fluorescence method (Agnati et al., 1979; Anders-son et al., 1985b). Histofluorimetric quantitation of CAfluorescence in the median eminence was first made in 1976(Löfström et al., 1976a,b), demonstrating it as a reliablemethod for CA quantitation in discrete terminal systems inthis region. These methods have played an important role inthe characterization of the changes in DA turnover using thetyrosine hydroxylase inhibition method in the nerve term-inals of the medial and lateral palisade zone (MPZ and LPZ) of

the external layer of the median eminence, in varioushormonal states including tonic and phasic hypersecretionof LHRH. They have amplified the results of the early workusing semiquantitation and pharmacological analysis andunderline an inhibitory role of LPZ DA nerve terminals inLHRH release and suggest that MPZ DA nerve terminalsrelease DA as a prolactin inhibitory factor (PIF) into thehypophyseal portal vessels (for reviews, see Fuxe et al., 1978,1980a,c, 1985).

DA receptors were subsequently identified in the anteriorpituitary and were shown to inhibit prolactin secretion(MacLeod and Lehmeyer, 1974). DA were also demonstratedin the portal vessels (Ben-Jonathan et al., 1977) and in thehypophysectomized rat, where prolactin produced a rapid anddiscrete increase of DA turnover in the MPZ (Andersson et al.,1981). The involvement of theMPZ DA nerve terminals as a PIFsystem was first indicated in the analysis of the nicotine-induced inhibition of prolactin secretion (Fuxe et al., 1977a).All these observations have established DA as a PIF, which atleast in the rat appears to be released from the DA nerveterminals of theMPZ, which in agreement have the highest DAturnover of all DA terminals so far analyzed (Andersson et al.,1985b). This research, showing DA to be a neurohormone, hada substantial impact also on understanding the mode of DAcommunication in the brain. It strengthened the idea that DAmay not only operate in synaptic signaling, but also viadiffusion in the extracellular fluid and thus via VT (Agnati etal., 1986a; see Agnati et al., this issue and below). Similarconclusions also arose when discovering prolactin-like IRnerve terminals in the hypothalamus and other parts of thebrain (Fuxe et al., 1977b; Paut-Pagano et al., 1993), indicatingthat prolactin may not only be a hormone but also atransmitter in the brain that may operate via diffusion in the

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Fig. 4 – A cluster of noradrenergic nerve cells are seen withgreenish cytoplasmic CA fluorescence in their cell bodies andprocesses with perinuclear rings of strong CA fluorescence inthe locus coeruleus of the rat. Falck–Hillarp technique.Dahlström and Fuxe, 1964a,b, previously unpublishedmaterial.

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extracellular fluid and represent a VT signal (Agnati et al.,1986a; see Agnati et al., this issue and below).

The above neuroendocrine work has emphasized theimportance of special types of local circuits in the externallayer of themedian eminence in understanding the regulationof hypothalamic hormone release, like the DA regulation ofLHRH release in the LPZ (Fuxe et al., 1980a, 1985; Andersson etal., 1984). The concept of the existence of “medianosomes”was introduced, present in the external layer as functionalmodules built up of domains of different types of nerveterminals centered around a hypothalamic hormone-contain-ing nerve terminal, like the LHRH nerve terminal, andcontrolling its release. Medianosomes were postulated to bethe fundamental integrative units in the LPZ and MPZ, wherethe brain-borne and blood-borne signals became integratedwith neuronal signals via transmitter receptors and hormonalreceptors like hypothalamic and hypophyseal hormonereceptors in the plasma membranes of the participatingterminals. In view of the existence of different types oftransmitter and hormonal receptors in the various mediano-somes, their individual regulation could be obtained leading toan integrated signal capable of releasing the various hypotha-lamic hormones according to the needs of the organism.Another important component of the medianosomes is thetanycytes, which may help in the structural organization ofthe medianosomes and also in their regulation by havingtransmitter and hormone receptors and releasing modulatorsto fine-tune the information handling in these special types oflocal circuits (Bjelke and Fuxe, 1993).

In fact, local circuits in the external layer (medianosomes)are unique in having no synapses and only communicate viaVT signaling, and therefore the term medianosome is moreappropriate. Thus, here all the plasma membrane receptorsare extrasynaptic and are reached by transmitters andhormones diffusing in the extracellular space around theterminals and tanycytes. Via diffusion of transmitters andhypothalamic hormones from one type of medianosome to anadjacent one, different types of medianosomal cross-talkdevelop and can assist in causing a coordinated secretion ofhypothalamic hormones. DA terminals appear to participatein several types ofmedianosomes like the LHRH (Andersson etal., 1984; Fuxe et al., 1980a, 1985), TRH (Andersson et al., 1985a),somatostatin (Andersson et al., 1983) and PIF medianosomes,and in the PIF medianosome they represent the “hub” (crucial)terminal releasing DA as a PIF. The modulatory role of DA inthe median eminence is also supported by the existence of D1receptors in this region (Fuxe et al., 1983b) and by thedemonstration of DARPP-32 IR in the tanycytes (Ouimet etal., 1984). It is of substantial interest that LHRH in thehypophysectomized rat can produce a rapid increase of DAturnover in the LPZ DA terminals, indicating that diffusingLHRH in its medianosome can exert an ultrashort feedback onits own secretion by increasing DA release from the DAterminals of the LHRH medianosome via activation of LHRHreceptors (Andersson et al., 1984). This early work is offundamental interest and indicated that in the local circuitsof the brain both wiring and volume transmission participatein information handling (see below). The clinical impact ofdysfunction of the tubero-infundibular DA neurons projectingto the MPZ releasing DA as a PIF is clear. A deficit in this DA

transmission leads to hyperprolactinemia leading to inhibi-tion of LHRH and of ovulation. This mechanism may involveprolactin-induced activation of DA release in the LPZ from theDA nerve terminals within the LHRH medianosomes (for areview, see Fuxe et al., 1980a, 1985).

2.1.2. Noradrenaline neurons The locus coeruleus noradrenaline system. The locuscoeruleus was shown to be built up of CA cell bodies in 1964(Dahlström and Fuxe, 1964a,b), showing a medium to stronggreenish-yellowish CA fluorescence in the cytoplasm mainlyconcentrated to perinuclear rings (Fig. 4). The relative slowrecovery of amine fluorescence after α-methyl-m-tyrosinetreatment in the locus coeruleus (group A6) versus themesen-cephalic and arcuate DA cells made it possible that the CAfluorescence represented an NA fluorescence. Lesions in thelateral hypothalamus within the medial forebrain bundle andin the caudal tegmentum of the midbrain, in combinationwith CA histochemical fluorescence and DA and NA biochem-ical analysis, provided evidence of the disappearance of NAbut not of DA stores and of extrastriatal CA nerve terminals inthe tel- and diencephalon (Fuxe, 1965a,b), correlated withretrograde changes in the A6 cells, initially characterized alsoby increases in CA fluorescence (Andén et al., 1966a,b). Theseresults indicated that the locus coeruleus was built up of NAcells, subsequently confirmed with dopamine-β-hydroxylaseimmunocytochemistry (Fuxe et al., 1970a) and gave rise toascending NA pathways which could be elegantly visualizedcaudal to lesions in the medial forebrain bundle and thetegmentum as swollen strongly green fluorescent CA axonsthat could be traced towards the locus coeruleus as a dorsal

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NA bundle (see Fuxe et al., 1970c; Ungerstedt, 1971). Thus, theA6 NA cell group via long ascending NA axons appeared tomonosynaptically give rise to large numbers of extrastriatalfine varicose NA terminals in the tel- and diencephalon.

Of special interest were the findings of Andén et al. (1966d),who demonstrated that after large lesions in the borderbetween di- and mesencephalon, increased CA fluorescenceappeared in largenumberof CAnerve terminal networks in thelowerbrain stem, in the cerebellar cortexandeven in the spinalcord. These terminals probably represented collateral NAnerve terminals given off from the ascending NA axons caudalto the lesion, and showing increased NA levels due to re-routing of the flow of NA storage vesicles into the collaterals.These results opened up the possibility that NA cells withascending projections in the pons and medulla oblongatacould give rise to a large number of collaterals and also todescending projections to the spinal cord and projections tothe cerebellum. At this moment of time, at least some NAneurons in the pons and medulla oblongata represented anovel type of neuron that couldmonosynaptically and globallyinnervate the entire CNS from the spinal cord to the forebrain.In 1971–72, the evidence emerged that locus coeruleus NAneurons were indeed giving rise to nerve terminal networks inthe entire cerebral and cerebellar cortex andparticipated in theinnervation of many subcortical and brain stem regions(Ungerstedt, 1971; Olson and Fuxe, 1971; Maeda and Shimizu,1972; Lindvall and Björklund, 1974). Furthermore, in 1977 itwasshown that locus coeruleus gave rise also to large NAprojections to the spinal cord innervating the ventral anddorsal horns (NygrenandOlson, 1977). Thus,NAneuronsof thelocus coeruleus appear not only to be involved in coordinatingcortical activities to promote tonic arousal (Jouvet, 1972;Lidbrink and Fuxe, 1973; Fuxe and Lidbrink, 1973), but also tolink such cortical activities to reflex activities in the spinal cordto improve their performance in states of arousal.

The role of the locus coeruleus NA neurons in arousal wasfurther clarified by Aston-Jones and Bloom (1981a,b), linkinghigh firing of these neurons to waking with a reduction ofactivity in slow wave sleep and absence of activity inparadoxical sleep. Relevant sensory stimuli cause their phasicactivation in the awake state. Recently, evidence has beenobtained that the phasic mode of LC activation helps inoptimizing task performance by assisting in the developmentof focused attention, the phasic firing being driven by theoutcome of decisionmaking (Aston-Jones and Cohen, 2005a,b;Aston-Jones, 2005). It is of substantial interest that themaintenance of LC NA neuron firing and of tonic arousal isdependent on light exposure, thus contributing to a circadianregulation of arousal (Gonzalez and Aston-Jones, 2006; Aston-Jones, 2005). The circuit involved in thismechanism runs fromthe suprachiasmatic nucleus via the dorsomedial hypothala-mic nucleus (DMH) to the LC, with hypocretin cells in the DMHgiving an excitatory input to the LC. The non-locus coeruleus noradrenaline systems.These systems originate from the remaining NA cell groupsin the medulla oblongata (groups A1 and A2) and pons (A4–A5, A7 and subcoeruleus area; Dahlström and Fuxe, 1964a,b).They give rise to ascending and descending projections to thetel- and diencephalon (Andén et al., 1965b, 1966a,b; Unger-

stedt, 1971) and the spinal cord, respectively (Dahlström andFuxe, 1965; Nygren and Olson, 1977) as shown in lesionexperiments in combination with the Falck–Hillarp techni-que. The ascending NA fibers formed a ventral NA bundlemainly distinct from the dorsal NA bundle in the tegmentum(Fuxe et al., 1970c; Ungerstedt, 1971) consisting of twocomponents, the subcoeruleus and the medulla oblongata(including ventral pons) NA fiber bundles (Maeda andShimizu, 1972; Olson and Fuxe, 1972), giving rise to fairlythick NA nerve terminal plexa with large and stronglyfluorescent varicosities in the hypothalamus, the preopticarea, the extended amygdala and other parts of the sub-cortical limbic system (Carlsson et al., 1962; Fuxe, 1965a,b;Ungerstedt, 1971; Olson and Fuxe, 1972).

The bulbo-spinal NA fibers (Dahlström and Fuxe, 1965)from these NA cell groups mainly give rise to the NAinnervations of the sympathetic lateral column and of thedorsal part of the dorsal horn (Nygren and Olson, 1977), withthe preganglionic sympathetic neurons surrounded by den-sely packed nerve terminals with large varicosities of anintense green fluorescence. A large number of observationsare compatible with the view that many of these non-LC cellsmay give rise to both ascending and descending NA axons,which via collateralsmay innervate also brain stem nuclei likethe nucleus tractus solitarius, an important visceral center inthe dorsal medulla oblongata (Fuxe, 1965a,b). Thus, thesetypes of NA neurons may be important coordinators ofautonomic and neuroendocrine functions in central auto-nomic networks at the hypothalamic–limbic, lower brainstemand spinal cord level (Olson and Fuxe, 1972). One interestingcross-talk between the LC and non-LC NA neuron systems atthe network level can occur in the DMH which is richlyinnervated by non-LC NA terminals. At this level, the non-LCNA system can modify the light-activated pathway whichrelays in this nucleus on its way to the LC, where it increasesits firing (see above). Thus, non-LC NA systems controllingvisceral and neuroendocrine function can via this cross-talkalso modify the alertness and attention via an indirectinfluence on the LC NA neurons, linking autonomic activitiesto arousal and cognitive performance. In addition, dysfunctionof the LC and non-LC NA neuron systems has been suggestedto contribute to stress and attention deficit hyperactivitydisorders (ADHD) (Oades et al., 2005), where disturbances inthe meso-limbic-cortical DA neurons also have been consid-ered as a major mechanism (Forssberg et al., 2006). Nicotinehas been proposed to be a possible treatment of ADHD since itenhances CA release from these two NA and DA systems(Granon and Changeux, 2006).

2.1.3. 5-Hydroxytryptamine neuronsThe fluorophore formed by the condensation of 5-HT withformaldehyde with the Falck–Hillarp technique gave uponexcitation rise to a yellowish fluorescence with the filters usedwith an emission peak at 530 nm (Falck et al., 1962, for areview, see Fuxe et al., 1970b). It was again a two-step reactionwith a ring closure leading to the formation of a β-carbolinefollowed by a secondary dihydrogenation. However, in spite ofimprovements of the Falck–Hillarp technique for the cellulardemonstration of 5-HT (Fuxe and Jonsson, 1967) it neverreached the sensitivity of the cellular demonstration of CA.

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In 1964, Dahlström and Fuxe discovered the 5-HT nerve cellbodies in the brainwith their ascending and descending axonsto the tel- and diencephalon and the spinal cord, respectively.The 5-HT cell bodies were located in the raphe systems of thelower brainstem, and some were also located in a para-rapheposition. Microspectrofluorimetry further established that thevast majority of these nerve cells contained 5-HT (Jonsson etal., 1975). The largest collection of yellow fluorescent 5-HTnerve cells was found in the dorsal raphe of the midbrain,where also several subgroups were identified (Fig. 5). Thevisualization of the 5-HT nerve cells and their axons wasmarkedly enhanced by monoamine oxidase inhibition whichallowed to trace e.g., the ascending 5-HT tracts for longdistances rostrally along themedial forebrain bundle and howthey turned dorsally in front of the septal area to sweep backalong the dorsal surface of the external capsule together withthe NA axons running especially in the cingulum (Fig. 5)(Dahlström and Fuxe, 1964a; Andén et al., 1965a,b, 1966a,b).

Fairly large numbers of varicose yellow fluorescent 5-HTnerve terminal networks were observed in the lower brain-stem (Fuxe, 1965b) and especially in the spinal cord (Carlssonet al., 1964; Fuxe, 1965b; Dahlström and Fuxe, 1965). Incontrast, in the tel- and diencephalon only some nucleicontained considerable numbers of fine 5-HT nerve terminalsystems, like the suprachiasmatic nucleus (Fuxe, 1965b), whileonly scattered and very fine 5-HT terminals were found in thecortical regions, probably due to the relative insensitivity ofthe Falck–Hillarp 5-HT fluorescence technique. It was onlywith the introduction of the 5-HT immunofluorescencetechnique (Steinbusch et al., 1978) that it became possible tostudy the 5-HTnerve terminal networks in considerable detail,and this was especially true for the tel- and diencephalon

Fig. 5 – Several clusters of serotonergic nerve cells are seenwith strong yellowish 5-HT fluorescence in the cell bodiesand processes in the dorsal raphe region (B7) of the rat aftermonamine oxidase inhibition with nialamide. Three B7subgroups are seen. Falck–Hillarp technique. Dahlström andFuxe, 1964a,b, previously unpublished material.

(Steinbusch, 1981; Steinbusch et al., 1981; Steinbusch andNieuwenhuys, 1981). 5-HT nerve terminal networks in variousdensities and patterns were present in practically all parts ofthe brain and the spinal cord, as had previously been found forthe NA nerve terminal networks, underlining their globalinnervation of the CNS. For an excellent review, see Jacobs andAzmitia (1992). The ascending 5-HT pathways. By means of elec-trical and indolamine neurotoxin (5,6- and 5,7-dihydroxytryp-tamine) induced lesions, in combination with the 5-HThistofluorescence method and biochemical techniques withmeasurements of 5-HT levels, it became possible to show thatthemesencephalic 5-HT cell groups and associated cell groupsin the pons, via large numbers of monosynaptic projectionsmainly traveling in known fiber bundles like the medialforebrain bundle, gave rise to the 5-HT innervation of thetel- and diencephalon including the cerebral cortex (Andén etal., 1965b, 1966a,b; Daly et al., 1973, 1974; see Fuxe and Jonsson,1974). The ascending NA and 5-HT axons from the pons andmedulla oblongata were using similar fiber routes to mono-synatically and globally but in distinct patterns innervate thetel- and diencephalon (Fig. 6). The 5-HT cell groups involvedwere group B7 in the dorsal raphe and its caudal extensioninto the pons, group B6 (caudal dorsal raphe), group B8 in thearea of themedian raphe and the caudal linear nucleus and itscaudal extension into the pons, reaching group B5 (area ofnucleus raphe pontis). The minor B9 cell group located in amore ventral and rostral position mainly located in thesupralemniscal nucleus was also involved in providingascending 5-HT axons.

A major observation was made in 1975 with the demon-stration that the majority of the serotonin nerve terminals inthe adult rat cortex lacked junctional complexes and thuswere asynaptic (Descarries et al., 1975), and it was suggestedthat 5-HT can be liberated from all varicosities. This inter-pretation was in line with prior results showing that electricalstimulation of the amygdala leads to reduction of aminefluorescence in varicosities of brain CA nerve terminals (Fuxeand Gunne, 1964) due to their excessive release with insuffi-cient resynthesis and reuptake. Likewise, electrical stimula-tion in the medulla oblongata leads to reduction of CA and 5-HT fluorescence in varicosities of NA and 5-HT nerve terminalnetworks of the spinal cord (Dahlström et al., 1965). Also, inthe autonomic ground plexus of the iris lacking junctionalcomplexes, electrical stimulation causes disappearance ofamine fluorescence from practically all varicosities (Malmfors,1965). Such observations gave experimental support to theintroduction by Agnati and Fuxe and colleagues of the conceptof two modes of communication in the CNS, wiring andvolume transmission (Agnati et al., 1986a; see Fuxe et al.,1988a,b,c). The bulbo-spinal 5-HT pathways. In 1965, the bulbo-spinal 5-HT neurons (Dahlström and Fuxe, 1965) were demon-strated which gave rise to the rich 5-HT terminal spinalnetworks built up of varicosities, showing a yellow fluores-cencewith the Falck–Hillarp technique and found especially inthe ventral and lateral horns (Carlssonet al., 1964; Fuxe, 1965b).Using various types of spinal cord transections in combination

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Fig. 6 – Original schematic description of the DA, NA and5-HT pathways from 1965. It was prepared by Dahlström andFuxe in the spring of 1965 and presented by them at theSecond International Catecholamine Symposium in Milan,July 4–9, 1965. It was mainly based on papers by Dahlströmand Fuxe (1964a,b, 1965), Fuxe (1963, 1964, 1965a,b), Andénet al. (1964a,b, 1965a,b, 1966a,b). The long ascending anddescending monosynaptic projections from the lowerbrainstem to the tel- and diencephalon and the spinal cord,respectively, are illustrated as red: DA pathways; green: NApathways; yellow: 5-HT pathways.

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with Falck–Hillarp 5-HT fluorescence histochemistry andmonoamine oxidase inhibition, the 5-HT cell groups B1 andB2 in the area of the nucleus raphe pallidus and of the nucleusraphe obscurus, respectively, together with the large 5-HT cellgroup B3 in the area of the nucleus raphemagnus and adjacentventrolateral reticular formation were shown to give rise tolarge numbers of descending 5-HT axons. They traveled all theway down to the sacral cord in the lateral and anterior funiculi,sending off collaterals to the dorsal, lateral and ventral hornsof the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral cord.

In 1964, Andén et al. (1964a,b) had obtained evidence thatthe spinal 5-HT terminals participated in the modulation ofspinal cord reflexes with liberation of 5-HT, causing a markedenhancement of extensor reflex activity. This model proved ofsubstantial interest since it made it possible to discover in1968 that hallucinogens of the indolalkylamine type like d-LSDcan act as postjunctional 5-HT receptor agonists at certain 5-HT receptor subtypes in the forebrain, which may substan-tially contribute to their hallucinogenic properties (Andén etal., 1968, 1971; Fuxe et al., 1976). These observations, togetherwith demonstrations of reductions of 5-HT turnover by the

hallucinogens, led to the discovery of the molecular mechan-ism of action of d-LSD and related hallucinogens. In addition,recent work using single unit responses of 5-HT medullaryraphe neurons has shown that the descending bulbo-spinal 5-HT neurons are primarily involved in motor control (Martin-Cora et al., 2005).

3. The 5-HT raphe–forebrain neuron systemsand depression

In 1967, it was possible to demonstrate with the Falck–Hillarptechnique the existence of a plasma membrane uptake-concentration mechanism for 5-HT in the 5-HT neurons withintraventricular injections of 5-HT (Fuxe and Ungerstedt, 1967,1968). The next year, it was shown by the Carlsson–Fuxe–Ungerstedt teams that the classical antidepressant drugimipramine could block this uptake mechanism (Carlsson etal., 1968). The same was shown to be true also for otherantidepressants (Carlsson et al., 1969a,b). Overall, two groupsof antidepressants could be distinguished, one which prefer-entially blocked the 5-HT uptake mechanism and one whichpreferentially blocked the NA uptake mechanism. This dis-covery led to the development of new antidepressants basedon their selective ability to block the 5-HT uptake mechanism,the so-called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) thatintroduced a new era in antidepressant therapy with thesuccess of fluoxetine. These novel antidepressants produce atherapeutic action with chronic drug administration, probablywhen the inhibitory 5-HT1A autoreceptors in the raphe cellbodies have become desensitized with a restoration of theirfiring rate, by enhancing 5-HTneurotransmission in the limbicand prefrontal 5-HT terminal networks. These results indi-cated a dysfunction of the ascending 5-HT neuron systems tothe forebrain in depressive disorders, with antidepressantsincreasing the transmission and restoring function of these 5-HT neurons resulting in mood elevation and rescue fromdepression. For further historical aspects, see (Fuxe andAgnati(2006). In view of the sleep disturbances present in depression,it should be noted that, in this period, the global 5-HTinnervation was shown to also play a role in the maintenanceof slow wave sleep 2 (Jouvet, 1972) which was subsequentlysupported in work on sleep using selective lesions of theascending 5-HT pathways with the neurotoxin 5,7-dihydrox-ytryptamine (Kiianmaa and Fuxe, 1977).

The uptake-concentration mechanism for 5-HT, as pre-viously found for CA, is present in the plasmamembraneof theentire neuron including cell bodies, dendrites, axons andnerveterminals, as shown with the Falck–Hillarp technique, leadingto probable increases in extracellular 5-HT after 5-HT uptakeblockade by antidepressants close to all parts of the 5-HTneuron (Carlsson et al., 1968). These observations opened upthe possibility that monoamines may operate also via diffu-sion in the ECS andnot only via synapses, as subsequently alsostrongly indicated in the work of Descarries et al. (1975). Usingthe Falck–Hillarp technique, microinjections of monoaminesor application of monoamine substance into the caudateputamen demonstrated a spread of monoamines in thestriatum, with the development of concentration gradientsfrom the site of injection (Routtenberg et al., 1968; Ungerstedt

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et al., 1969). These results again indicated that monoaminescan in fact diffuse in the brain tissue. Taken together, this earlywork gave experimental support to the theory of Agnati andFuxe and colleagues in 1986 that there exists another mode ofcommunication in the brain besides wiring transmission,namely volume transmission (see below).

Today, neurobiological basic research as well as clinicalstudies have further established that the 5-HT and also the NAneuron systems are involved in the etiology and therapy ofaffective disorders (see Charney, 1998). Thus, the currentpharmacotherapy is based on the discovery of the enhance-ment of serotonergic and/or noradrenergic neurotransmissionby either inhibiting the intracellular degradation of themonoamines with monoamine oxidase inhibitors or blockingtheir reuptake back into the 5-HT and/or NA nerve terminal byselective serotonin/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, ortricyclic antidepressants (see Fuxe et al., 1983d; Duman etal., 1997; Skolnick, 1999; Nestler et al., 2002; Manji et al., 2001;Nemeroff, 1998), that in turn lead to an increase of extra-cellularmonoamines (Iversen, 2000; Taylor et al., 2005; Schlossand Henn, 2004).

The therapeutic action of antidepressant drugs is of proveneffectiveness, but the mechanisms underlying their effect arestill unclear. It is known that, although biochemical changesproduced by antidepressant drugs occur within hours ofadministration, therapeutic effects become evident onlyafter a latency of about 2–3 weeks, suggesting that adaptiveprocesses induced via activation of patterns of 5-HT and NAreceptor subtypes, including the regulation of specific genes,are necessary for the long-term effects of these drugs (Coyleand Duman, 2003; Nestler et al., 2002). Therefore, after thepreviously dominating interest in the effects of antidepres-sants on extracellular neurotransmitter levels in the brain, thefocus of research into antidepressant drug action has overrecent years shifted towards their gradually developing effectson intraneuronal signal transduction and cellular plasticity(Manji et al., 2001; Coyle and Duman, 2003). Several datasuggest that antidepressants facilitate activity-dependentselection of functional synaptic connections in the brain,and through their neurotrophic effects improve informationprocessing within neuronal networks compromised in mooddisorders (D'Sa andDuman, 2002). According to a current view,antidepressants induce processes of neuroplasticity that leadto a reorganization of central neural networks thus andthereby generating their therapeutic effects (Kempermannand Kronenberg, 2003; Nestler et al., 2002; Duman, 2002).

3.1. Neurotrophic factors

Increasing evidence suggests that antidepressant drugs viaactions on the 5-HT and NA neurons may exert theirtherapeutic activity, at least in part, through the enhancementof neurotrophic factor expression and function (Nibuya et al.,1995; Saarelainen et al., 2003; Duman, 2002). In this context,several lines of converging evidence suggest that brain derivedneurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its receptor tyrosine kinasetrkB play a central role in the mechanism of antidepressantaction, including electroconvulsive shock treatment (Nestleret al., 2002; D'Sa and Duman, 2002; Saarelainen et al., 2003;Shirayama et al., 2002). Recently, an involvement of the

fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) has been proposed in mooddisorders (Turner et al., 2006). Antidepressant drugs andchronic electroconvulsive shock treatment may increase theexpression of fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) in frontalcortices and hippocampus (Mallei et al., 2002; Maragnoli et al.,2004), suggesting that potentially also the FGF-2 expressioncould mediate the antidepressant effects, in line with theseresults chronic antidepressant treatment increases neurogen-esis in adult rat hippocampus (Duman et al., 2001) andrecently evidence has been provided that increased neurogen-esis might play a role in the mechanism of antidepressantdrug action (Santarelli et al., 2003). Depression is associatedwith reduced cortical thickness and neuronal size (Rajkowskaet al., 1999) and may even be caused by cortical neuronalatrophy with the accompanying loss of neuronal communica-tion in prefrontal cortex.

3.2. Intramembrane receptor–receptor interactions amongGPCRs

5-HT and NA receptor subtypes may not modulate neuro-trophism alone, but may do so by being part of heteromericreceptor complexes (receptor mosaics) with other GPCRs.Within the early 1980s, indications were obtained for the exis-tence of intramembrane receptor–receptor interactions amongGPCRs (Agnati et al., 1980, 1983; Fuxe et al., 1981, 1983c). Ofspecial interest for depression was the discovery of reciprocalgalanin receptor galR/5-HT1A receptor–receptor interactionsin the plasma membranes of ascending 5-HT neuron systems(Fuxe et al., 1988c, 1991; see Hedlund and Fuxe, 1996). This re-search, using also animal models of depression (Bellido et al.,2002), led to the proposal that galanin receptor antagonistsrepresent novel antidepressant drugs by increasing 5-HTneurotransmission by actions at the cell body/dendritic level,leading to increased firing of the 5-HT neurons and byenhancing postjunctional 5-HT1A mediated signaling in thelimbic system by blockade of the antagonistic galR/5-HT1Areceptor interactions in postulated galR/5-HT1A heteromers(Fuxe et al., 2007).

3.3. Transactivation of receptor tyrosine kinasesfollowing G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) activationvia GPCR/RTK receptor interactions

Receptor tyrosine kinases are a family of membrane-spanningreceptors in mammals that mediate the transmembranesignaling from ligands that include the majority of growthfactor receptors, such as platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF),epidermal growth factor (EGF), neurotrophins (e.g., BDNF) andFGFs (Hubbard, 2004). In each case, dimerization and tyrosinephosphorylation of receptor tyrosine kinases occur, and thisphosphorylation serves as docking sites of adaptor proteinsthat lead to the activation of intracellular signaling pathways(Luttrell et al., 1997; Hackel et al., 1999) such as Ras-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade (Patapoutian andReichardt, 2001).

There is a new awareness that receptor tyrosine kinase(RTK) and G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) possess thecapacity for transactivation not only via GPCR induced releaseof neurotrophic factors, but also during signal initiation and

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propagation, using shared signaling pathways or for GPCRsusing receptor tyrosine kinase themselves as signaling plat-forms via direct receptor–receptor interactions (Fig. 7). Thus,over the past decade many examples of transactivation ofmitogenic growth factor receptors in response to GPCRsignaling have recently been reported indicating that thereare alternative modes of activating receptor tyrosine kinasesin the absence of neurotrophic factor binding at the cellsurface (Luttrell et al., 1999; Marinissen and Gutkind, 2001; Leeet al., 2002a,b; Luttrell, 2002; Lowes et al., 2002).

The receptors for epidermal growth factor, platelet-derivedgrowth factor, insulin-like growth factor-1, FGFs and neuro-trophins can thus be transactivated in response to GPCRactivation in the absence of neurotrophic factor binding at thecell surface via direct (heteromeric receptor complexes) and/orindirect GPCR/RTK receptor interactions (Kang and Schuman,1995; Luttrell et al., 1999; Lee and Chao, 2001; Lee et al., 2002a,b;Kotecha et al., 2002; Ferguson, 2003; Rauch et al., 2004; Shahand Catt, 2004; Rajagopal et al., 2004; Berghuis et al., 2005). ThisRTK transactivation via GPCR–RTK receptor interactions (Fig.7) can lead to effects on cell proliferation, differentiation andsynaptic plasticity and may play crucial roles in the inductionof enduring change in the nervous system trophism via VTsignals operating through GPCR.

Thus, there appears to exist a general mechanism ofreceptor–receptor interactions between these two receptorsystems, but themolecularmechanisms bywhich a GPCRmaydirectly and indirectly interact with and activate receptor

Fig. 7 – Illustration of GPCR–tyrosine receptor kinase (TRK)receptor interactions as a mechanism for GPCRtransactivation of TRK receptors without neurotrophic factorbinding to TRK. Direct receptor–receptor interactions maydevelop in the cell surface membrane or indirectreceptor–receptor interactions may take place in theintracellular signaling cascades formed by vertical molecularnetworks reaching into the nucleus, involving e.g., theRaf–MEK–ERK cascade. The GPCR is shown as a receptormosaic (Rec Mosaic), in this case a high-order homomer.

tyrosine kinases in the absence of neurotrophic factor bindingare not fully understood. The research reviewed above is ofspecial interest to this article since it serves to demonstratehow VT transmitters via activation of GPCRs can stronglymodulate trophism via the GPCR–RTK receptor interactions(Fig. 7).

3.4. Serotonin receptor subtypes and the possibletransactivation of the FGF-2/FGFR1 neurotrophic system

FGFR1 is constitutively expressed in neurons of target brainregions involved in depression, including the raphe nuclei(Belluardo et al., 1997). FGF-2, a trophic factor binding toFGFR1, is widely expressed in the brain both in astrocytes andneurons (Fuxe et al., 1996) and is co-expressed in the perikaryaof practically all raphe 5-HT nerve cells (Chadi et al., 1993; Fuxeet al., 1996). Furthermore, antidepressant drugs and chronicelectroconvulsive shock treatment increase the expression ofFGF-2 in frontal cortices and hippocampus (Follesa et al., 1994;Mallei et al., 2002; Gwinn et al., 2002; Maragnoli et al., 2004),suggesting a beneficial role of FGF-2 in mood disorders.

Compelling evidence shows that the alleviation of depres-sion caused by serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors isproduced by increasing the availability of serotonin at thepostjunctional 5-HT receptor subtypes involving a down-regulation of the 5-HT1A autoreceptors in the raphe regions(Artigas et al., 1996; Albert et al., 1996). It seems possible that acertain pattern of activity at different 5-HT receptor subtypesof the seven 5-HT receptor families identified (Hoyer et al.,2002) is necessary to counteract the depression since certainantidepressant drugs can even block certain 5-HT2 likereceptors (Fuxe et al., 1977c; Ogren et al., 1979; Peroutka andSnyder, 1979, 1980).

Taken together, these findings open up the possibility thatantidepressant drugs by the indirect stimulation of the 5-HTreceptor subtypes located on the mesencephalic 5-HT raphecells, mainly of the 5-HT1 type, can cause an activation of theFGF-2/FGFR1 mechanism in these 5-HT nerve cells. Such anactivation may involve also a 5-HT receptor subtype mediatedtransactivation of the FGFR1. Events of this type may improve5-HT neurotrophism with regeneration of 5-HT terminalsystems lost during depression and result in improved 5-HTcommunication, explaining the crucial impact of activation ofcertain 5-HT receptor subtypes in the 5-HT nerve cells toalleviate depression. In line with this hypothesis, extendedtreatment with a selective 5-HT uptake blocker zimelidinecauses increases in 5-HT immunofluorescence in the dorsalraphe (Fuxe et al., 1983a). It is of substantial interest thatinescapable shock causes a widespread c-fos activation of the5-HT nerve cells of the entire raphe system of the lower brainstem (Takase et al., 2004). This may represent a compensatorymechanism to cause upregulation of the neurotrophicmechanism in the 5-HT nerve cells to help their survivaland function to counteract depression development.

As a consequence of increased activity in the ascending 5-HT pathways and increased 5-HT release in the target regionsafter prolonged treatment with antidepressant drugs, theincreased stimulation of certain postjunctional 5-HT receptorsubtypes may also cause activation of neurotrophic factorsystems in the target regions like the limbic system. It is

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postulated that also here the FGF-2/FGFR1 system can beactivated and a transactivation of the FGFR1 may occur. Infact, previous studies have indicated that 5-HT can exertneuroprotective effects on a variety of neurons from thecentral nervous system (Lesch, 2001). Azmitia and colleagueshave emphasized the importance of astroglial 5-HT1A recep-tors in the neurotrophic actions of neuronal 5-HT (Whitaker-Azmitia et al., 1990; Azmitia and Whitaker-Azmitia, 1991;Azmitia, 2001), and 5-HT appears to function in a cooperativemanner with neurotrophins when regulating survival andneuronal plasticity (Galter and Unsicker, 1999; Mattson et al.,2004). Therefore, neurotrophins are considered as mediatorsof antidepressant effects (Castren, 2004). A deficiency inmonoamines like 5-HT, which occurs in depression, wouldprobably result in reduced cellular plasticity as a consequenceof decreased expression of trophic factors in different brainstructures (Manji et al., 2003). Serotonin receptors have alsobeen involved in transactivation of the receptor tyrosinekinase ApTrk linked to biochemical events leading to long-term facilitation in aplysia (Ormond et al., 2004) and intransactivation of the epidermal growth factor receptor(Grewal et al., 2001; Luttrell, 2002).

In conclusion, the neurotrophic system FGF-2/FGFR1 maybe a good candidate to mediate antidepressant inducedimprovement in 5-HT neuronal communication and neuro-trophismwith regeneration of connections lost during depres-sion (Kitayama et al., 2004). Receptor tyrosine kinasetransactivation in response to antidepressant drug treatmentis postulated to take place via a new receptor–receptormechanism between serotonin receptor subtypes and FGFR1activation. Novel research in this field may increase ourunderstanding of the mechanisms of antidepressant drugaction and lead to the development of new strategies fortreatment of depression. For the first time, it seems possible toidentify the molecular neurotrophic mechanisms in the 5-HTnerve cells the activation of which causes a relief fromdepression. Future work based on the present hypothesismay identify if this neurotrophic system (FGF-2/FGFR1) canmediate improvement in 5-HT neuronal communication andneurotrophism. It may in fact reveal the existence of receptortyrosine kinase transactivation in response to antidepressantdrug treatment, by demonstration of a new receptor–receptorinteraction mechanism between serotonin receptor subtypesand FGFR1 activation. These expected results will increase ourunderstanding of the mechanisms of antidepressant drugaction and lead to the development of new strategies fortreatment of depression.

4. Two modes of brain communication:wiring and volume transmission

4.1. The foundations leading up to the 1986 proposal ofwiring and volume transmission

Interneuronal communication is a basic feature of the CNSand is defined as the transmission of signals from one neuronto the next in a neuronal network via a specialized contactbetween two neurons. This contact has been called the sy-napse and was based on the neuron doctrine of Cajal. Synaptic

transmission is the prototype of wiring transmission and hasbeen the main foundation of neuroscience as we know it. Thechemical synapse (see Fig. 1) is a specialized presynaptic nerveending rich in transmitter-containing synaptic vesicles, con-tacting a specialized plasma membrane of the postsynapticneuron. Synaptic transmission is therefore a point-to-pointtransmission between neurons. The synaptic organization ofthe neuronal networks of the brain was first proposed by Cajalusing the Golgi technique (1906) and subsequently by Sher-rington (1947) using electrophysiological techniques. Today,through electron microscopy work, the discontinuity gapbetween the pre- and postsynaptic elements is known tomainly range from 30 to 50 nm with a synaptic delay of 0.3 to5 ms or longer. It should be noted that Golgi held an oppositeview, namely the existence of a diffuse neuronal networkenabling interneuronal communication (see Jacobson, 1993).

In the 1970s and 1980s, the functional assumption of adiffuse mode of interneuronal communication affecting theactivity of entire brain regions was gaining support by theobservations made on monoaminergic neurons as discussedabove (see also Geffen et al., 1976) and on peptidergic neurons(De Wied and Jolles, 1982; Bloom and Segal, 1980; Burbach,1982; Fuxe et al., 1977b, 1980b,c, 1986; Agnati et al., 1986b).Phylogenetic studies also pointed to the appearance of adiffuse interneuronal communication in primitive nervoussystems (Nieuwenhuys, 1985). Neurons arose during evolutionfrom cells with elongated processes secreting informationalmolecules into the extracellular fluid (ECF) to reach close-bytarget cells. Thus, synaptic transmission was not involved inthe beginning of the development of the nervous system. Thediffuse type of neuronal organization was easily detected inlower organisms (Haskins et al., 1981; Mayeri et al., 1985). Asan example, bag cell axons in the abdominal ganglia of themollusc aplysia only reach the surrounding connective tissueof the ganglia. Thus, the activity of the ganglionic cells iscontrolled by peptides, released from the far away axons,which diffuse into the ganglion to reach the receptors on theganglionic cells. Thus, communication via the ECF appears tobe a common mode within the invertebrate nervous system(see, e.g., Branton et al., 1978). It has also been shown inamphibian autonomic ganglia that LHRH released frompreganglionic fibers can affect excitability and calcium influxof groups of neurons without direct innervations by LHRHcontaining nerve terminals (Jan and Jan, 1982, 1983). Thus, thismode of communication may also be used in the mammaliannervous system.

Thus, there was a need for a new classification for inter-neuronal communication in the brain since the classicalcriteria stated for synaptic transmission could not be main-tained. Ultrastructural findings in the mammalian nervoussystem had a special value in this regard showing e.g., thatlarge core vesicles which are especially enriched in neuropep-tides can be located outside synapses and preferentiallyassociated with non-synaptic membranes (Zhu et al., 1986).Another important ultrastructural observation was the find-ings of small vesicles in high densities in monoaminevaricosities lacking synaptic specializations, indicating theexistence of both non-junctional and junctional monoaminevaricosities releasing monoamines in various brain regions(Descarries et al., 1975, 1977; Beaudet and Descarries, 1978). A

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Table 1 – Features of volume transmission

Type of signalsChemical: neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, growth

factors, ions, gasesPhysical: electrotonic currents, pressure gradients,

temperature gradientsPathwaysECS, isotropic and anisotropic migrationCSF, vector-assisted migration

Energy gradients for signal migrationConcentration gradients, electrical potential gradients

(charged signal)Temperature gradientsPressure gradients

Decoding systemsReceptors, enzymes, ion channels

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high incidenceof non-junctional varicositieswas founde.g., allover the cerebral cortex (Descarries et al., 1975, 1977) and in theexternal layer of the median eminence (see Buma andNieuwenhuys, 1988), where various types of local circuits hadbeen postulated to form different types of medianosomes(Fuxe et al., 1980a, 1985). In line with these results, Mobley andGreengard (1985) demonstrated widespread effects of nora-drenaline on the metabolism of terminals in the cerebralcortex since NA release via β-adrenergic receptors couldincrease synapsin1 phosphorylation present in almost allterminals of the cerebral cortex. Early indications of theexistence of CA diffusion in the brain and their release intothe extracellular fluid using the Falck–Hillarp technique alsostrongly supported the theory of a widespread mode ofcommunication besides synaptic transmission (Routtenberget al., 1968; Fuxe and Ungerstedt, 1968, 1970; Ungerstedt et al.,1969; Butcher et al., 1970).

Of high relevance for introducing a new classification ofintercellular communication was also the potential existenceof chemical networks of peptides in the extracellular fluid,through formation of biologically active peptide fragments viaextracellular peptidases (De Wied and Jolles, 1982; Agnati etal., 1983; Fuxe et al., 1980b, 1986). The evidence in the 1986study (Agnati et al., 1986a) also indicated that the opioidpeptides mainly communicated via VT, which was supportedby the apparent lack of reuptake mechanisms in peptideneurons. Thus, once released, peptides would diffuse from thesite of release until degraded by peptidases or converted intoactive fragments.

A number of proposals, although different from each other,were therefore made in this period to indicate that othermodes of interneuronal communication may operate in thebrain besides the synaptic transmission (Guillemin, 1978;Nicholson and Phillips, 1981; Cuello, 1983; Schmitt, 1984;Vizi, 1984). These alternative ways of interneuronal commu-nication were called non-synaptic transmission between neu-rons (Vizi, 1984), non-classical neuronal communication (Cuello,1983) or parasynaptic transmission operating in parallel with thesynaptic system (Schmitt, 1984). However, such terms over-looked the importance of neuron–glia and glia–glia commu-nication in the CNS and that point-to-point communication inthe CNS involves also gap junctions andmembrane juxtaposi-tions (Bennett and Goodenough, 1978; see Shepherd, 1991).Guillemin pointed out that nerve cells also behave asendocrine cells for local actions (Guillemin, 1978) and Vizifocused on the existence of cross-talk between close-by axonterminals via the ECF (Vizi, 1984).

In 1986, Agnati and Fuxe and their team made theimportant observation that the distribution pattern of μ-opioidreceptors in the brain, as studied with quantitative receptorautoradiography, failed to correlate with the distributionpattern of enkephalin and β-endorphin immunoreactive ter-minal networks, as studied with semiquantitative immuno-cytochemistry and image analysis (Agnati et al., 1986a).Transmitter–receptor mismatches discovered by receptorautoradiography and transmitter immunohistochemistryhad previously been observed by Kuhar et al. (1985). Takentogether, the above observations were very inspiring to Agnatiand Fuxe since in their mind they provided impressiveevidence that transmitters after release from their terminals

may reach their unique receptors via diffusion for short andlong distances in the extracellular fluid of the brain. Using acorrelation analysis, their results obtained were also not verydependent on the sensitivity of the chemical anatomicaltechniques used. Based on these and previous observations(see above), they therefore proposed in their 1986 paper (Agnatiet al., 1986a) that there exist two main types of intercellularcommunication in the CNS: wiring and volume transmission(WT and VT), see Tables 1–3.

WT was defined by the presence of physically distinctcommunication channels within the neuronal circuits. Thus,communication occurs as in a “wire”, which representsrelatively fixed structures well suited for the rapid and safeconduction of the action potentials. The prototype for WTwasthe classical synaptic transmission with point-to-point trans-fer of chemical signals in the synaptic gap, representing adiscrete transmission with low to moderate divergency andplasticity (see Tables 1–3). VT was defined as the intercellularcommunications between nerve cells, and/or glial cells(including endothelial and ependymal cells), characterizedby diffusion of chemical signals and flow of ionic currents inthe fluid of the extracellular space, the latter representingelectrotonic signals (Agnati et al., 1986a; Fuxe et al., 1988a;Agnati and Fuxe, 2000). The flow of extracellular ionic currentgenerated by nerve cells has been called volume conduction(Martin, 1985). This termmade it reasonable to us to introducethe term volume transmission to describe the general phenom-enon of signal transfer in the extracellular space, including thediffusion of chemical signals like transmitters andmodulatorsin the extracellular fluid (Fig. 8, Table 1). In fact, the neuronal–glial networks of the CNS are immersed in the volume of theextracellular space rich in chemical signals modulating theiractivity. Thus, information flows in the extracellular space.Important work in the field of volume conduction was earlymade by Nicholson (1979), providing evidence that the braincell microenvironment is a communication channel for ions,and demonstrated that ion diffusion can be modified by theproperties of the extracellular environment (Nicholson andPhillips, 1981). Indications were also obtained that neuroactivesubstances may migrate along microvessels in paravascularchannels (Brightman, 1965; Rennels et al., 1985).

The Agnati–Fuxe team (Agnati et al., 1986a; see also Agnatiet al., this issue) characterized VT as a widespread (diffuse),

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Table 2 – Differential properties of wiring transmission (WT) and volume transmission (VT) communication channels


Type of signal Ions (electrical synapses) andneurotransmitters (e.g., amino acids)

Ions (e.g., K+, H+), neurotransmitters, growth factors,gases and neuromodulators (e.g., monoamines,neuropeptides, NO, adenosine, neurosteroids)

Concentration of chemical signal at receiver Usually high (μM) Usually low (nM)Receiver affinity for the chemical signal Usually low (high nM to μM) Usually high (pM to low nM)Transmission codea Rate and temporal code Rate codeTransmission delay Low (ms) High (s to min)

a Rate code models hold that changes in the firing rate signal an event (a train of impulses) which in the VT can be equated to the arrival of theVT signal at the receptor at suprathreshold concentration. The average rate of impulses in the train codes the strength of the stimulus which inthe VT can be equated to the VT signal concentration at the target receptor level. Temporal codes hold that information is encoded by the preciseoccurrence of spikes over time. This constraint makes it unlikely that this type of code is used in VT.

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slow and rather unsafe mode of intercellular communicationin the extracellular fluid of the CNS, including also thecerebrospinal fluid with a high to very high divergence andplasticity. The VT communication was described to consist ofmigration of transmitters, modulators, trophic factors andions from the source cells to the receptor containing targetcells, along extracellular channels shaped by the packing ofthe glial and neuronal cell mass and by the vasculararchitecture (Fig. 8, Tables 1–3). VT was proposed to bepreferentially involved in long-term actions and a holisticelaboration of information, with long-lasting modulation oflarge neuronal–glial cellular networks for information hand-ling and trophism. Conversely,WTwas preferentially involvedin elementary elaboration and short-term actions. Theessence of the pioneering theory introduced in 1986 was thatthe operation of the neuronal–glial networks of the brainbuilds on two complementary modes of communication forinformation handling, wiring transmission and volume trans-mission, interacting with each other (Fig. 8, Tables 1–3) (Agnatiet al., 1986a; see also Agnati et al., this issue). With theacceptance of this theory the Golgi–Cajal conflict on braincommunication has come to an end, and their opposing viewson brain communication can now become united in thistheory on wiring and volume transmission as the two majormodes of communication in the brain.

4.2. Further experimental evidence for the existenceof volume transmission

4.2.1. Failure of storage of transmitters/modulators insynaptic vesiclesNerve cells are not the only sources of transmitters andmodulators since it has been found that neuroactive com-

Table 3 – Differential properties of WT and VT circuits


Cell composition Mainly betweenneurons andbetween astrocytes

Any cell type inthe CNS

Divergence Low Potentially highType of connectivity Preferentially serial Preferentially parallelSpace filling High LowTime scale ms to s s to minBiological effect Typically phasic Typically tonic

pounds can be stored and released also from glial cells (seeMurphy et al., 1993; Martin, 1992; Nedergaard, 1994). It has alsobeen shown that the gas NOmay function as an interneuronalsignal in the brain, being synthesized on demand from itsprecursor L-arginine by NO synthase and freely diffusing outfrom the source cell (see Garthwaite et al., 1989; Gally et al.,1990; Snyder and Bredt, 1991; Murphy et al., 1993). The sameappears to be true also for CO and H2S, which may act asgaseous transmitters (Wang, 2002). Furthermore, an impor-tant modulator of brain function like prostaglandin D2 isformed from prostaglandin D, which is mainly located inleptomeninges, choroid plexus and oligodendrocytes (Urade etal., 1993; Hayaishi, 1991). Thus, it seems as if all non-neuronalcells of the CNS can give rise to VT signals.

4.2.2. Lack of calcium-dependent vesicular release oftransmittersCalcium-independent non-vesicular release of transmittersmay occur e.g., for GABA, glutamate, glycine andmonoaminesvia a reversal of the uptake-transporter mechanisms, whichthus can operate in reverse to transport the transmitters out ofthe cell into the extracellular fluid (Amara and Kuhar, 1993;Attwell et al., 1993; Hansra et al., 2004). Also cystin/glutamateexchange serves as a source of extracellular glutamate to actas a VT signal (Baker et al., 2001). For a review on the classicalsynaptic transmitters glutamate and GABA as VT signals, seeDel Arco et al. (2003).

4.2.3. Release of transmitters not in strict contiguity withpostsynaptic membranesAfter 1986, the ultrastructural analysis in several studiesstrengthened the evidence that large dense core vesicles richin neuropeptides were preferentially associated with non-synaptic membranes (Matteoli et al., 1988; Sossin et al., 1989;Thureson-Klein and Klein, 1990; Barinaga, 1993; see Koob etal., 1990). Thus, the release of peptides commonly occursextrasynaptically (Golding, 1994). However, transmitters alsobecome VT signals via a spillover from leaking (open)synapses (Fuxe and Agnati, 1991a; Zoli and Agnati, 1996;Rusakov et al., 1999). The elegant work showing the highincidence of non-junctional monoamine varicosities hascontinued to also include the demonstration of non-junc-tional DA varicosities in the neostriatum (see Descarries et al.,1991, 1996; Descarries and Mechawar, 2000). Ultrastructuralevidence for a particularly high frequency of non-junctional

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Fig. 8 – Some basic features of the wiring and volume transmission (WT and VT) are illustrated in terms of space filling andsafety of transmission.

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varicosities has been found in the cholinergic terminalsystems (Umbriaco et al., 1994; Descarries and Mechawar,2000; Descarries, 1998). Thus, like in the monoamine systems,VT appears to be the major mode of operation in the corticalacetylcholine nerve terminal systems and a globalmodulationof large cell populations becomes possible. Descarries andcolleagues (see Descarries and Mechawar, 2000) refer tovolume transmission as a “diffuse transmission”, which ispart of the characteristics of volume transmission (Agnati etal., 2000a; Fuxe and Agnati, 1991a; Agnati and Fuxe, 2000). Itshould be noted that the isoform of acetylcholinesteraseexisting in the central cholinergic systems is not as effective inbreaking down acetylcholine as in the neuromuscular choli-nergic synapses,making it possible to have awidespread VT inoperation. The existence of a high frequency of non-junctionalvaricosities in the dorsal horn was further documented (Ridetet al., 1992). The existence of non-junctional varicosities in theCNS implies that VT also plays an important role in the localcircuits of the brain and especially in the cerebral cortex, thedorsal horn and the external layer of the median eminence. Itshould be noted however that, in the ventral horn, themonoamine terminal varicosities mainly form synapses(Ridet et al., 1992), which is in line with early work of Carlssonet al. (1964) and Fuxe (1965a,b) showing CA terminals withgreen fluorescent varicosities outlining the cell bodies anddendrites.

4.2.4. Location of transmitter receptors outside thepostsynaptic densityThe ultrastructural analysis based on transmitter and receptorimmunocytochemistry has repeatedly demonstrated shortdistance transmitter/receptor mismatches for the peptideand classical transmitters with the receptor labeling outsidesynapses (Dana et al., 1989; Pasquini et al., 1992; Levey et al.,1993; Liu et al., 1994; Sesack et al., 1994; Aoki, 1992; Aoki andPickel, 1992; Yung et al., 1995; Caillé et al., 1996; Aoki et al.,1998; Azmitia andWhitaker-Azmitia, 1991; Azmitia et al., 1996;Boudin et al., 1998; Baude and Shigemoto, 1998; Dournaud etal., 1998). Extrasynaptic location of receptors has beenobserved mainly for G-protein-coupled receptors, but also forion channel linked receptors (Aoki et al., 1994). Both thesetypes of receptors have been observed on astroglia whichgenerally lack synapses, giving evidence for neuron–gliacommunication via VT (see Kimelberg, 1988; Stone andAriano,1989; Murphy and Pearce, 1987; Sontheimer et al., 1988; Barreset al., 1990; Aoki, 1992; Azmitia and Whitaker-Azmitia, 1991).These studies emphasize the impact of VT in the informationhandling of the local circuits.

As an example, dual immunolabeling of β-adrenergicreceptors and CA nerve terminal networks in the cerebralcortex using electron microscopic immunocytochemistryshowed membrane contacts between CA nerve terminalsrich in vesicles and β-adrenergic immunoreactive (IR) astro-

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cytes, giving evidence for neuroglia communication via VT(Aoki, 1992). It was of interest that these β-adrenergic receptorIR astrocytes also surrounded asymmetric axo-spinoussynapses, where the astroglia β-adrenergic receptors maymodulate e.g., glutamate spillover by modulating the activityof the glial glutamate transporters and/or the permeability ofthe astroglial gap junctions, and thus the sphere of astrogliaactivation (see Aoki, 1992). In another study with similartechniques, Aoki and colleagues also demonstrated thatprefrontal NA terminal networks can interact via VT withastroglia, dendritic shafts and axon terminals through theirα2-adrenergic receptors as well as in synaptic interactionsthrough α2-adrenergic receptors located in postsynapticmembranes at spines of pyramidal cells (Aoki et al., 1998).

Another example from the monoamine neurons is theanalysis of the cellular localization of 5-HT1A receptors in thebrain by Azmitia et al. (1996). Using immunocytochemistry onbrain sections, 5-HT1A IR was shown to be located in bothneurons and cell bodies and processes of astroglia (Azmitia etal., 1996). 5-HT neurons may therefore via VT modulate theastroglia function through their 5-HT1A receptors, and theseastroglia 5-HT1A receptors are known to release serotoningrowth factors like protein S-100 (Whitaker-Azmitia et al.,1990). In this way, via 5-HT1Amediated VT involving astroglia,5-HT may induce its own trophic support.

Continued structural analysis, using double immunolabel-ing receptor and immunohistochemistry or transmitter histo-chemistry together with receptor autoradiography, has givenevidence for the frequent existence of long-distance transmit-ter/receptor mismatches (topological mismatches) in themonoamine and peptide systems (see Herkenham, 1987; Fuxeet al., 1988b, 2003b; Zoli et al., 1989; Bunnemann et al., 1991;Ferré et al., 1996; Jansson et al., 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002; Schwartzet al., 1998; Caberlotto et al., 1998; Fuxe et al., 2005; Jacobsen etal., 2006). Such observations strongly indicate the existence oflong-distance VT in the brain. Although Bowers in 1994suggested that mismatch high-affinity receptors representsuperfluous receptors, the fact that mismatch and matchreceptors have similar binding characteristics suggests thatthemismatch receptors in fact are reached by their transmitter.

The distinct architecture of the transmitter/receptor mis-match compartments also favors their involvement in VT.This is particularly true for the dopamine D1 and D3 receptormismatch compartments in nerve cell populations of thenucleus accumbens shell, the intercalated islands of theamygdala and the islands of Calleja surrounded by DA nerveterminal plexa (Diaz et al., 1995; Jansson et al., 1999; Fuxe et al.,2003b, 2005). It now seems clear that transmitter–receptormismatch is the architecture of volume transmission. Itshould be noted that the dopamine D4 IR nerve cells anddendrites of the rat cerebral cortex are mainly intermingledwith NA nerve terminals, indicating that the source ofdiffusing DA may be the NA terminals from which also theprecursor DAmay be released (Rivera, Fuxe et al., unpublisheddata). The diffusion of DA is favored versus the diffusion of NAsince DA unlike NA is not a substrate for the NA transporter.

Studies on the vertebrate retina have given one of themostclear-cut examples of transmitter–receptor mismatches in DAtransmission. The amacrine and/or the inner plexiform DAnerve cells are located in the inner nuclear layer, with their

terminal branches mainly innervating the inner plexiformlayer and with very few radial branches into the outerplexiform layer which contain a high density of dopamineD1 and D2 receptors. Mismatch DA receptors are also foundwithin the outer segment of the photoreceptors and in theganglionic cell layer (Djamgoz andWagner, 1992;Witkovsky etal., 1993; Bjelke et al., 1996). These results had inter alia beenobtained by DA D1 and D2 receptor immunocytochemistry incombination with tyrosine hydroxylase immunocytochemis-try and by dopamine D1 and D2 receptor autoradiography.These DA receptors have also been shown to be biologicallyactive by influencing slow light/dark adaptation in horizontalcells involving regulation of adenylate cyclase activity. Thus,DA VT exists in the retina, especially in its outer part.

Spatial uncoupling between sites for signal release anddetection is also true for NO transmission. NO is a rapidlydiffusible signal which easily crosses cell membranes toactivate the cytosolic enzyme guanylate cyclase, resulting incGMP formation with modulation of membrane function andthe intracellular phosphorylation/dephosphorylation cas-cades and thereby gene expression (Garthwaite et al., 1989;Gally et al., 1990; Snyder and Bredt, 1991). A single source ofthe NO signal can thus tune the activity of a set of nerve andglial cells in the immediate surrounding of the NO sourceindependently of WT.

4.2.5. Deficits of fast inactivation mechanisms of thetransmitterUsing antibody microprobes, a marked release, spread andpersistence of immunoreactive neurokinin A were found allover the dorsal horn after noxious cutaneous stimulation byDuggan et al. (1990). These results provided strong evidencefor long-distance VT in peptide neurons as far as neurokinin Awas concerned. In contrast, substance P (SP) remained in thesubstantia gelatinosa where the SP/neurokinin A IR terminalsare concentrated. It seemed likely that the slow degradation ofneurokinin A versus SP was responsible for these differentialeffects on neurokinin A (Duggan et al., 1990). This proposalwas elegantly supported by the demonstration that a pepti-dase inhibitor microinjected into the dorsal horn demon-strated the spread of immunoreactive SP over the entire dorsalhorn after noxious cutaneous stimulation (Duggan et al.,1992). It is of special interest that calcitonin-gene relatedpeptide (CGRP) co-stored with SP in the primary afferents inthe dorsal horn via peptidase inhibition can modulate VT inthe SP primary afferents involved in mediation of pain. Viasuch an action, CGRP can increase the intraspinal spread of SPfollowing peripheral nerve activation (Schaible et al., 1992).Thus, the ratio of co-stored peptides can be of importance fortheir actions through VT. These observations give evidencethat peptides when released from their nerve terminalvaricosities can diffuse in the extracellular fluid for up tomillimeters dependent on their rate of degradation byextracellular peptidases. Their major mode of communicationappears to be VT, which according to the above findings playsan important role in nociception in the spinal cord.

These results also show that extracellular enzymes mayhave an important role in limiting the diffusion of peptides inthe extracelluar space (ECS) and thus to peptide VT (see alsoJansson et al., 2002). Glial forms of the endoprotease

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are soluble and secreted into the ECS and therefore ideallylocated for such actions (Vincent et al., 1996). However,secreted endopeptidases or endoproteases may either termi-nate or enhance peptide signaling through the formation ofinactive or active fragments, respectively, as suggested e.g., forgalanin (Hedlund et al., 1992, 1994; Hedlund and Fuxe, 1996).Extracellular enzymes, attached to plasma membranes orlocated in the ECS, are also regionally distributed in the brain.They will therefore produce regionally different chemicalnetworks of peptides in the ECS, leading to formation ofmultiple VT lines with different ratios depending on region.Therefore, the spreading and function of peptides as VTsignals can be understood in a better way by subdividing theminto presignals, syndromic signals and enzyme modulatorysignals (see above; De Wied and Jolles, 1982; Koob et al., 1990;Agnati et al., 1986a,b, 2000a; Fuxe et al., 1980b, 1986, 1988a;Fuxe and Agnati, 1991a,b; Davis and Konings, 1993; Brownleesand Williams, 1993; Burbach et al., 1981). The presignal is apeptide released in an inactive form. The syndromic signal is alarge peptide molecule which may be active as such and inaddition under the influence of peptidases to form a set ofactive fragments capable of triggering a set of concertedresponses (syndromic response). As examples β-endorphin,neurotensin, cholecystokinin and neuropeptide Y derivedpeptides may be mentioned.

One of the best examples of a long-distance VT signal is β-endorphin. As already discussed, there was a lack of correla-tion between the distribution of β-endorphin nerve terminalplexa versus the μ- and ∂-opioid receptor distribution withclear-cut transmitter–receptor mismatches in the cerebralcortex and the striatum having few if any β-endorphinterminals (Agnati et al., 1986a; Mansour et al., 1986, 1988;Fuxe et al., 1988a, 2005; Herkenham, 1987; Jansson et al., 2002).Based on these observations, it was suggested by the Agnati–Fuxe team that β-endorphin can act as a long-distance VTsignal (Agnati et al., 1986a; see also Herkenham, 1987; Fuxe etal., 1988a). Based on this work, Duggan and co-workers(MacMillan et al., 1998) performed experiments with electricalstimulation of the arcuate β-endorphin IR nerve cell popula-tion (MacMillan et al., 1998). In these experiments theyobserved that β-endorphin IR could be detected in remotebrain areas lacking β-endorphin IR terminals, like the cerebralcortex, 60–90 min after the initial stimulation of the arcuatenucleus. These results gave strong indications that β-endor-phin could migrate for long distances in the extracellular fluidafter its release from β-endorphin IR nerve terminals.Recently, it was found that β-endorphin microinjected intras-triatally can be detected in the cerebrospinal fluid withradioimmunoassay and mass spectrometry with a peak at30min post-injection (Höistad et al., 2005). The β-endorphin IRmaterial in the CSF existed mainly as the intact β-endorphinpeptide and immunohistochemically β-endorphin IRappeared in globus pallidus cell bodies colocated with μ-opioid receptor IR at the surface membrane (Höistad et al.,2005). This is in line with previous results indicating inter-nalization of β-endorphin in paraventricular nerve cellpopulations and in tanycytes of the median eminence afterintra-cerebroventricular injection of β-endorphin (Agnati etal., 1992; Bjelke and Fuxe, 1993). Taken together, the evidenceindicates that β-endorphin canmigrate for long distances as a

VT signal via diffusion in the extracellular fluid and flow in thecerebrospinal fluid. Thus the β-endorphin neurons of thebrain (Bloom et al., 1978) mainly act via VT.

The anti-nociception elicited by electrical stimulation ofthe mesencephalic gray (stimulation-produced analgesia) canbe observed only seconds after the stimulation has begun. Incontrast, it may last for hours after the stimulation isterminated. For example, in humans stimulation inducedanalgesia can produce relief from chronic pain that persists upto 24 h after the stimulation period (Bonica, 1990). Themechanism has been postulated to be a stimulation evokedrelease of a VT signal which reaches its receptor after diffusionand acts for long periods in view of its slow degradation(Agnati et al., 1991, 1993). Based on the above discussion, wepostulate that β-endorphin may be an important VT signal inthis phenomenon involving flow in the CSF.

It should be mentioned that also cytokines like inter-leukin-1β (IL-1β) can be a powerful long-distance VT signal(see Jansson et al., 2000) mainly of a glial origin (Licinio andWong, 1997; Sykova et al., 1998). This is supported by thepresence of soluble extracellular IL-1β receptor antagonistligands and decoy receptors (Colotta et al., 1993; Schobitz etal., 1994), suggesting a strictly regulated IL-1β transmission inthe ECF. Local microinjections of IL-1β into the neostriatumhave given observations that striatal IL-1β exerts local anddistant effects on microglial cells, and distant effects onparaventricular hypothalamic nerve cells, suggesting that IL-1β is a VT signal capable of long-distance diffusion andconvection through the extracellular space and cerebrospinalfluid, acting on IL-1β receptors in the ependymal cells, thechoroid plexus, the meninges and the brain capillaries(Jansson et al., 2000, submitted for publication). Thus, locallyformed IL-1β in the brain may via VT produce fever responses(Alheim et al., 1997) and pro-inflammatory events (Anderssonet al., 1992), contributing to increases in blood–brain barrierpermeability and leading to neuroimmune interactions(Anthony et al., 1997).

4.3. The extracellular space and cerebrospinal fluid

4.3.1. The channels for volume transmissionThe VT signals diffuse within the ECF of the brain, andfeatures of the extracellular channels building up the extra-cellular space therefore deeply affect VT. The extracellularspace is a porous fluid-filled space with a foam-like structure(Nicholson and Sykova, 1998) that contains the migrating VTsignals, extracellular enzymes and the extracellular matrix,where hyaluronan and lecticans are the major building blocksthat via protein–protein and protein–carbohydrate interac-tions form a three-dimensional network modulating thediffusion pathways of VT (Agnati et al., 2006b,c). Diffusion inthe ECS has been studied with a number of extracellulartracers (Fenstermacher and Kaye, 1988; Nicholson, 2001;Sykova, 2004). From such an analysis, diffusion in theextracellular space can be characterized by the three para-meters volume fraction α, tortuosity λ and clearance κ(Nicholson and Phillips, 1981), see Fig. 9. These classicaldiffusion parameters may be different among brain regionsand species and may be altered by neural activity, ageing andin pathological conditions (Sykova et al., 1998; Sykova, 2004).

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Fig. 9 – Electron micrograph of the extracellular space. Theclassical diffusion parameters are depicted in colors as thevolume fraction α (red), the tortuosity λ (blue) derived fromD*=D/λ2, and the clearance κ (green). Modified fromNicholson and Sykova (1998). Tortuosity shows the increasein path length compared to a straight course (see text).

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Volume fraction α: the volume fraction (size of the extra-cellular space) on average represents 20% of the brain volume(Van Harreveld, 1972; Nicholson and Sykova, 1998) and hasbeen given the term volume fraction α. In the early days,electron microscopic images had indicated the volume frac-tion to be only 5%, however this was rather due to shrinkageartefacts during fixation (Fig. 9).

Tortuosity λ: molecules migrating in the ECS are exposed toobstacles which leads to an increase in path length comparedto a straight course (Fig. 9). This increase is characterized bythe tortuosity factor λ. The obstacles include the viscosity ofthe extracellular matrix, the structural boundaries of nerveand glia cells and chemical obstacles like electrical charges(Rusakov and Kullmann, 1998). A rise of tortuosity decreasesthe free diffusion coefficient D to an apparent diffusioncoefficient D* by the formula D*=D /λ2 (Nicholson and Sykova,1998), leading to a slowing down of diffusion and thus areduction of VT.

Clearance κ: The clearance factor κ represents the overallremoval of molecules in the ECS as theymigrate towards theirtargets (Fig. 9). Several mechanisms are in operation in theclearance process, namely clearance through the brain–bloodbarrier, clearance through the brain–cerebrospinal barrier,catabolic enzymes in the ECS and uptake systems in the CNScells like reuptake transporters (Hoffman et al., 1998; Höistadet al., 2002).

Recently it has been possible to quantify the classicaldiffusion parameters in brain in vivo not only with the real-time iontophoresis method (see Nicholson and Sykova, 1998),but also with the dual-probe microdialysis technique (Höistadet al., 2002; Chen et al., 2002), using an extracellular tracer, 3H-mannitol, and dilute agar as a reference medium (dilute agarprevents convection processes without affecting diffusion;Nicholson and Phillips, 1981). In these experiments, diffusionwas studied using dual-probe microdialysis with continuousdelivery and recovery of 3H-mannitol for 2 h at differentconcentrations with an interprobe distance of 1 mm in the ratstriatum (Höistad et al., 2002). The generated diffusion profiles(concentration versus time curves) can be empirically ana-

lyzed generating the quantitative parameters Cout2(ss) repre-senting semi-steady state concentration levels, and t50%representing the time required to reach the half of the semi-steady state levels (Höistad et al., 2000, 2002). These empiricaldata from the microdialysis diffusion curves were trans-formed into quantitative tissue parameters using a mathe-matical model elaborated in a companion paper (Chen et al.,2002). A fitting programwas developed to fit the data from the3H-mannitol diffusion curves with theoretical curves, basedon the equation for diffusion in the brain developed byNicholson and Phillips (1981):


¼ D*j2Cþ sa� jVC

This diffusion equation, which states that the change inconcentration C over time is faster the larger the concentra-tion gradient, was applied to the dual-probe microdialysissetting (Chen et al., 2002; Eqs 2 and 10):

BCe1=Bt ¼ and BCe2=Bt ¼

thus expressed for the two probes separately. These equationswere then solved to give the extracellular concentration inspace and time (Chen et al., 2002; Eqs 5 and 14):

Ce1ðr; tÞ ¼ and Ce2ðr; tÞ ¼

Performing simulations by varying the classical diffusionparameters will show how such variations would affect thediffusion curves (Chen et al., 2002; Höistad, 2004). The majoradvantage of the dual-probe microdialysis technique versusthe real-time iontophoretic technique in diffusion experi-ments is the ability to use a large number of highly relevantmolecules like transmitters and neuropsychopharmacologicaldrugs, in particular in awake animals, which cannot bestudied with the real-time iontophoresis technique (seeHöistad et al. (2002) and Höistad (2004)).

4.3.2. Dopamine diffusion in the striatumUsing the dual-probe microdialysis method as describedabove, it was also tested whether intact 3H-DA would diffuseover 1 mm in the rat striatum. However, depending on theexperimental conditions, we found that it was not possibleto detect diffusion of intact DA at the 1 mm distance afterthe infusion of low nanomolar concentrations into thedelivery probe, either in the intact or dopamine denervatedstriatum (Höistad et al., 2000). In agreement, Westerink andDe Vries (2001), also using microdialysis, demonstrated thatpotassium-evoked striatal DA release could not be detectedat a 1 mm distance from the site of release. However, since asubstantial spread of DA has been observed in the striatumafter striatal micro-injections of high concentrations of DA(Ungerstedt et al., 1969; Agnati et al., 1992), diffusion of 3H-DA using dual-probe microdialysis may potentially havebeen possible, if using higher infusion concentrations of 3H-DA. Local diffusion of DA is well-known to exist in the intactstriatum as shown with voltammetry (Garris et al., 1994),and DA transporters have been shown to reduce theclearance half-life of extracellular DA (Wang et al., 1996;Rice, 2000).

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Furthermore, studies on intrastriatal adenohypophysealtransplants in dopamine denervated or intact striata alsosuggest that DA operates via VT (Bjelke et al., 1988, 1989).These transplants secrete prolactin which diffuses into thesurrounding neuropil and form a zone of prolactin IR (Fig. 10).This zone is increased after DA denervation by injection of 6-OH-DA into the substantia nigra and reduced by ampheta-mine-induced DA release or by the injection of dopamine D2receptor agonists like bromocriptine (Bjelke et al., 1988, 1989).These results strongly indicate the existence of extracellularDA in the striatum, which can diffuse into the transplant andactivate high-affinity D2 receptors on the prolactin containinggland cells, resulting in the inhibition of secretion of prolactin(Fig. 10). These studies also demonstrate that prolactin candiffuse for long distances in the striatum, indicating that theprolactin-like protein released from prolactin IR neurons inthe brainmay act as a long-distance VT signal. Also, studies onhost–graft interactions using adrenal medulla transplants andembryonic midbrain transplants in the striatum indicate theDA communication with WT and VT working together toproduce their anti-parkinsonian effects (see Strömberg et al.,2000).

It is of interest that in DA denervated rats, dopaminemetabolites such as DOPAC and HVA were more rapidlycleared from the extracellular space compared to control ratsafter infusion of 3H-DA into the striatum (Höistad et al., 2000).This may be due to an increased clearance of the DAmetabolites into the striatal capillaries after removal of theDA terminals. In fact, it has been shown that DA terminalsmay exert a vasoconstrictor action on the microvessels of thebrain (Iadecola, 1998). Thus, via VT dopamine released fromstriatal nerve terminals may regulate striatal microcirculationincluding its permeability.

Fig. 10 – Illustration from thework of Bjelke et al. (1988, 1989)of how striatal DA VT signals modulate the migration ofprolactin in the rat striatum after transplantation ofadenohypophyseal tissue containing prolactin cells with D2receptors secreting prolactin into the striatal ECF. The halo(area outside the transplant) of prolactin immunoreactivity(A, control rats) is markedly increased after striatal DAdenervation (B) due to removal of DA VT signals inhibitingthe secretion of prolactin via activation of high-affinity D2receptors on the prolactin secreting cells. (C) Amphetaminetreated rats show a decreased halo of prolactinimmunoreactivity due to the activation D2 receptors on theprolactin cells by the high dopaminergic tone of VT.

4.3.3. Fluid movements within the extracellular spaceTracer diffusion in the CNS can follow either an isotropic oranisotropic diffusion pattern (see Fuxe and Agnati, 1991a,b).Anisotropic diffusion in white matter has been demonstratedby magnetic resonance imaging in cats and humans (Le Bihanet al., 1993). Such a pattern is the consequence of the existenceof preferential diffusion pathways in the CNS along myeli-nated fiber bundles and paravascular spaces (Brightman, 1965;Blasberg et al., 1975; Rennels et al., 1985, 1990; Fenstermacherand Kaye, 1988; Ichimura et al., 1991; Zhang et al., 1992; Bjelkeet al., 1995; Geer and Grossman, 1997; Vorisek and Sykova,1997).

The preferential diffusion along paravascular spaces hasbeen shown to be facilitated by pressure gradients caused bythe pulsations of arterioles (Greitz, 1993; Greitz et al., 1993).This leads to convective movements with mass movementof the fluid carrying informational signals and increases therate of migration and thus VT signaling. Temperaturegradients in the brain also give rise to convective movementsin the extracellular fluid and therefore speed up VT. Ofspecial importance are large temperature gradients thatdevelop between inactive and active brain regions (Yablons-kiy et al., 2000) and increase VT migration over largedistances, while at the same time mixing and renewingextracellular fluid and improving homeostasis. Such largetemperature gradients are initially brought about by thenecessity to cool down the active brain regions by increasingcerebral blood flow to the active brain region in view of thelower temperature of peripheral blood. The sequence ofevents may be that an increased neural activity in the activebrain region releases vasoactive signals that modulate thearteriolar compliance and thereby increase the cerebralblood flow in the active region (Behzadi and Liu, 2005).Among the signals that may lead to an elevated cerebralblood flow and facilitating temperature gradients, plasma/ECF exchange, ECF renewal and thus VT migration, CO2 is ofspecial interest since it is formed in increased amounts notonly as a result of increased cellular metabolism in theactive region, but also by being released by active axons as ahighly diffusible VT signal (Agnati et al., 1995). Based on theexistence of carbonic anhydrase II immunoreactivity inwidespread systems of oligodendroglia and restricted astro-glia populations in brain, it seems likely that axonal CO2 canreach this enzyme and be converted into protons and HCO3

with the pH shift leading to changes in ion channel andenzyme activities (Agnati et al., 1995). Thus, CO2 as a VTsignal may in this way increase not only the cerebral bloodflow, but also the excitability of the neuronal networkssurrounding the fiber bundles and the permeability of theassociated capillary networks in the active brain region. It isclear that VT can be importantly driven by modifications ofmetabolism in discrete neural networks of high activity, withthe development of large temperature gradients where CO2

VT transmission plays an important role.Recently, brain uncoupling proteins (UCPs) have been

discovered and shown to generate heat by producing adisappearance of the H+ gradient in the mitochondria (seeHorvath et al., 2003). Such uncoupled mitochondria predictthermal synapses (Horvath et al., 1999) and neuroprotection(Horvath et al., 2003; Andrews et al., 2006). We have now

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obtained indications that UCP2 can enhance VT over shortdistances by producing small temperature gradients. Thus, inthe DA/D1 mismatch region of the nucleus accumbens shell,an important region for reward, strongly UCP2-like IR com-partments are in good register with the DA terminal richcompartments surrounding the D1 rich compartments lackingDA terminals and UCP2-like IR (Fuxe et al., 2005; Rivera et al.,2006; Agnati et al., 2006b). This chemical architecture is ofsubstantial interest since thermal gradients can develop byUCP2 generation of heat only in the DA terminal rich region,leading to increased release and migration of DA into themismatch compartment with diffusion distances up to 50–100 μm. Thus, long-distance DA VT may be improved and putinto full operation by the thermal gradients generated byUCP2. This organization could underlie the ability to predictfuture reward responses (see Agnati et al., 2007 andGuidolin etal., this issue). The spatio-temporal relationships of the rapidWT and slow VT acting on the nerve cells of the D1 receptormismatch region could lead to sensitization of these nervecells to the exact time of the delivery of the reward following apredictive sensory cue.

Strong UCP2-like IR has also been found in discrete DA andNA terminal systems specialized for VT, with large varicositiesin the cerebral cortex (DA) and the neostriatum (NA) (Rivera etal., 2006). UCP2-like IR was also present in DA and NA cellbodies and dendrites (Horvath et al., 1999, Fuxe et al., 2005;Rivera et al., 2006), where UCP2may enhance VT by enhancingDA and NA release and migration to activate D2 and α2


4.3.4. The cerebrospinal fluid system as a communicationchannelBased on MR imaging and radionuclide cisternography, it hasbeen proposed that the production and absorption of CSF mayoccur via the brain capillaries, with direct CSF transport intothe blood stream involving the paravascular spaces and theECS of the brain (Greitz, 1993), which contributes to the bulkflow of ECF and generates energy gradients to enhance VTmigration (see Agnati et al., 2006b). Also, the ventricularependyma does not possess tight junctions and showsenrichment of aquaporin-4 through which water can pass,and thus allows the exchange of VT signals between the ECFand the CSF (Fenstermacher and Patlak, 1974; Brightman andKaya, 2000; Lippoldt et al., 2000a,b).

Greitz et al. (1991, 1993) have proposed that the intracranialarterial pulses produce pulsatile movements in the CSFinvolving “piston” movements of the brain. Based on thiswork, the existence of cyclic pressure oscillations also withinthe subarachnoidal space has been assumed, and the “tide”hypothesis of VT signal migration, clearance and modulatorysignal release has been introduced (Agnati et al., 2005a, 2006b).This hypothesis states that cyclic pressure oscillations existwithin the subarachnoid space inducing “tide” movements(renewal of fluid like in a sponge) in the fluid of the Virchow–Robin spaces of the cerebral cortex, and subsequently of theparavascular and pericapillary spaces and eventually in theECF. Such convective movements caused by the pressuregradients of the arterial pulse will enhance VT migration andimprove the homeostasis of the internal milieu of the brain,especially of the cerebral cortex.

Already in the 1970s, the CSF was proposed to play asignificant role in brain communication (Morris et al., 1975),and this proposal has received further support (Bloom andSegal, 1980; Jackson, 1980; Kiser et al., 1983; Proescholdt et al.,2000). Furthermore, especially the peptides in the CSF havebeen regarded as information signals, which are altered inneuropsychiatric disease (Burbach, 1982; Post et al., 1982). A setof criteria have been developed for the identification of a CSFsignal acting at distant target cells (Nicholson, 1999). Theseinclude:

– Themessenger is found in the CSF in quantifiable amounts.– The concentration varies with the physiology of interest in

an appropriate manner.– Removal of the messenger disrupts the physiology.– Excess amounts affect the physiology.– Production of the substance is upstream (in terms of CSF

flow) from the receptor site.– The target cell detects the messenger and transduces this

signal to a biological response.

The CSF signals are regarded as long-distance VT signalsglobally modulating brain and spinal networks via theirreceptors (see Fuxe and Agnati, 1991a,b; Agnati et al., 2000a).It should be considered that VT communication via CSF has aspecial importance in brain development, especially prior tothe synapse formation (Miyan et al., 2003). In adulthood, anumber of biologically activemolecules have been proposed torepresent CSF signals (Segal, 2000; Brightman and Kaya, 2000).Of special interest are molecules affecting global functionssuch as sleep and circadian rhythms (Silver et al., 1996; Skinnerand Malpaux, 1999), interleukin-1β modulating inflammationand sickness behavior (Krueger andMajde, 1995; Jansson, 1999;Jansson et al., 2000) and β-endorphin being essential for selfand species survival (Akil et al., 1978; Bloom et al., 1978; Agnatiet al., 1986a; Fuxeet al., 1988a; seeHöistadet al., 2005). For a roleof CSF signals in diseases of the nervous system, see Fishman(1992).

5. The integration of WT and VT viareceptor–receptor interactions

Wiring transmission includes not only synaptic transmission,but also gap junctions and membrane juxtapositions (seeShepherd, 1991, 1994). For a recent review of the morpho-functional organization of WT communication, see Agnati etal. (1986a). Special gap junctions are the electrical synapses,and the existence of mixed synapses should be underlinedwhere both electrical and chemical transmissions take place(Nagy et al., 2004).

The differential properties of WT and VT are summarizedin Tables 1 and 2 (see Agnati et al., 1986a, 2006b; Fuxe andAgnati, 1991a; Agnati and Fuxe, 2000). As discussed (Agnati etal., 1994), there exist two classes of VT signals: the private codesignals represented by transmitters, and the open code signalsrepresented by electrical signals (ions). Any nerve cell by itselectrical activity can modulate any other cell within themicrometer range through ion fluxes in the ECF. Hydrophilictransmitters like monoamines and peptides diffuse in the ECF

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as short- and long-distance VT signals and operate byactivation of membrane receptors, while hydrophobic trans-mitters like NO have a preferential local role in VT by diffusingacross cell membranes in an isotropic manner to activateintracellular effectors.

Slow high-affinity G-protein-coupled receptors are themajor molecular target for VT signals. They decode the VTsignal and modify the cell function. All central neurons aretherefore under the influence of VT signals, which arecontinuously integrated with WT signals not only at thecytoplasmatic and nuclear level but also at the plasmamembrane level. The mechanism for the integration at themembrane level may mainly be represented by intramem-brane receptor–receptor interactions, mainly represented byslow high-affinity G-protein-coupled receptors and synapticreceptors, represented by both fast ion channel linked recep-tors and slow G-protein-coupled receptors (see Fuxe andAgnati, 1985; Agnati and Fuxe, 2000; Agnati et al., 2003a; Ciruelaet al., 2006; Fuxe et al., 2007). Such an integration ofWT and VTsignalsmaybe themolecularmechanism for theappearance ofpolymorphic networks (see Agnati and Fuxe, 2000).

Evidence for this view now exists since it has beendemonstrated that DA operating via VT can fine-tune theexcitatory and inhibitory WT in the brain via direct receptor–receptor interactions. The molecular mechanism is the forma-tion of different types of DA receptor mosaics representingheteromeric receptor complexes of DA receptor subtypes (VT)and ion channel (WT) or other GPCR receptors (VT) (see Table 4).The following DA receptor mosaics containing ion channelreceptors have been demonstrated: GABAA/D5 (Liu et al., 2000),NMDA/D1 (Lee et al., 2002a,b), and D2/NR2B (Liu et al., 2006).Intramembrane receptor–receptor interactions at the level ofthe D2 binding pocket have also been observed between GABAA

andD2 receptors in striatalmembranes, indicating that also thistype of DA receptor mosaic may be formed (Perez de la Mora etal., 1997). The D2 autoreceptor/nicotinic heteromeric receptorcomplexes also exist in the striatal DA terminals (Quarta et al.,2007), and the work of Li et al. (1995) discussed the possibleexistence of direct interactions between nicotinic receptors andDA receptors in the basal ganglia.

Table 4 – Receptor mosaics


SSTR5/D2R Rocheville et al., 2000A1R/D1R Gines et al., 2000A2AR/D2R Hillion et al., 2002

Canals et al., 2003Kamiya et al., 2003

GABA-A R/D5R Liu et al., 2000GABA-A R/D2R heteromeric

complexesPerez de la Mora et al., 1997

NMDAR/D1R Lee et al., 2002a,bA2AR/D3R Torvinen et al., 2005D2 autoreceptor/nicotinic receptor

heteromeric complexesLi et al., 1995Quarta et al., 2007

NMDAR/D2R Liu et al., 2006

Dopamine receptor containing heteromeric receptor complexesbuilt up of transmitter/modulator receptors activated by differentligands.

5.1. Hypothesis on receptor–connexin interactions inmixed synapses: a possible mechanism for integrationbetween two types of WT

The co-localization of chemical and electrical synapsesenables interactions between them that assist in the activitysynchronization of central neurons (Tamas et al., 2000), andnumerical and analytical techniques indicate that chemicaland electrical synapses have complementary roles in thesynchronization of interneuronal networks (Kopell andErmentrout, 2004). It seems possible that the leak of synapticcurrents across the electrical synapse diminishes the ampli-tude of the synaptic responses, and indications have beenobtained that electrical synapses by modulating the EPSPs ofchemical synapses can regulate the neuronal firing rate(Garcia-Perez et al., 2004).

To understand the function of mixed synapses, it shouldbe noted that there may exist within them a short-termenhancement of intercellular coupling dependent on activ-ity (Pereda and Faber, 1996), and Ca2+/calmodulin-depen-dent kinase II can at the same time produce an increase ofgap junctional conductance and of glutamate transmissionin mixed synapses (Pereda et al., 1998). These findingsindicate that the electrical component of the mixedsynapse may undergo a form of potentiation similar toLTP, which may e.g., be essential for synchronization ofoscillations of high frequency (see Nagy et al., 2004). Basedon the work on intramembrane receptor–receptor interac-tions discussed above (see Agnati et al., 2000b, 2005b; Fuxeet al., 2003a, 2007), involving the formation of various typesof receptor mosaics containing G-protein-coupled receptorsand/or ion channel linked receptors, we now introduce thehypothesis that mixed synapses are formed to enable directreceptor–connexin interactions, which inter alia may helpexplain the LTP like phenomena observed in the gapjunctions (Fig. 11). Activation of the receptor, of e.g., oneof the glutamate receptor subtypes, may produce conforma-tional changes of the gap junctions, namely in theparticipating connexin36, connexin45 or connexin57 pro-teins, depending on the neuronal subtype, and the samemay also be true for pannexin 1 and 2 proteins, alsoforming electrical synapses (Sohl et al., 2005; Nagy et al.,2004). Such conformational changes in connexin andpannexin proteins may lead to alterations in the electricalconductance either by themselves and/or by altering theavailability of different types of kinases to the cytosolicparts of the connexin and pannexin proteins, like Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (Fig. 11).

Such receptor–protein interactions may probably be recep-tor and protein subtype specific and exist both pre- andpostsynaptically, based on the previous work on receptor–receptor interactions (see above). Dependent on themolecularcomposition, three types of gap junctions likely exist,described as heteromeric, heterotypic and homomeric/homo-typic (see Sohl et al., 2005). The homomeric or heteromerichemichannels are built up of one or more connexin (orpannexin) isoforms, respectively. The homotypic or hetero-typic gap junctions consist of two identical or two differenthemichannels, respectively. Each hemichannel consists of sixconnexin protein subunits. It is of interest that the connexin

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Fig. 11 – Illustration of the present hypothesis on receptor–connexin (or pannexin) interactions. Synaptic WT and VT mayregulate fast WT through gap junctions in e.g., electrical synapses and mixed synapses, via a molecular mechanism causingchanges in the conductance of the gap junction channels. There could exist a direct interaction with hemichannels with theformation of heteromeric complexes of receptors and connexin protein subtypes (or pannexin protein subtypes). Indirectinteractions with hemichannels could also exist via phosphorylation/dephosphorylation mechanisms. Both mechanismscould exist in parallel to fine-tune the fast WT via gap junctions.

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proteins differ mainly in the cytoplasmic loop and in the C-terminal tail.

These domains are therefore of special interest whenexploring possible subtype specific receptor–connexin proteininteractions, considering connexin36, 45 and 57 proteinsknown to exist in the electrical synapses. It is also reasonablethat the heteromeric versus homomeric electrical synapsescan differentially participate in the receptor–connexin (pan-nexin) interactions. Another type of receptor–connexin inter-action could be via a receptor modulation of the dynamictrafficking and delivery of connexons (assembly of sixconnexin proteins forming a hemichannel on one side of thegap junction channel) to the plasma membrane (Lauf et al.,2002). Thus, the receptor signaling may alter the geneexpression of the connexin proteins, and receptors may formheteromeric complexes with the connexons or pannexons.The receptors may also alter the accrual of connexons orpannexons to the outer margins of the gap junction channelclusters and in this waymodulate the strength of the electricalsynapses.

It should be considered that a differential expression ofthe three gap junction proteins exists in brain developmentversus the adult brain (Dermietzel et al., 1989; Bruzzone andDermietzel, 2006). Therefore, also receptor–connexin inter-actions may differ in brain development compared withadult brain. Recently, axo-axonal coupling has been intro-

duced as a new mechanism for ultrafast neuronal commu-nication (Schmitz et al., 2001). In view of the existence ofreceptors on pre-terminal axons (Riad et al., 2000; Janssonet al., 2002), receptor–connexin (or pannexin) interactionsmay also exist here, modulating this ultrafast neuronalcommunication.

5.2. On the role of WT and VT and their integration in themonoamine neurons

5.2.1. The nigro-striatal dopamine systemIn 1983, Grace and Bunney demonstrated in adult rats dyecoupling between nigral DA cells, suggesting that functionalgap junctions may exist between them (Grace and Bunney,1983). This indicated a new mechanism for regulation of DAcell firing via very fast WT besides their inhibitory regulationby D2 autoreceptors (Skirboll et al., 1979). Twenty years later,juvenile rats were shown to express connexin proteins in DAcells of the midbrain (Leung et al., 2002), strengthening thepossibility that synchronous burst firing of DA nerve cells,strongly enhancing VT in the DA terminal networks (Gonon,1988), may be promoted by electrical synapses (very fast WT).

Recently, functional electrical synapses between nigral DAcells were demonstrated in the postnatal period using dualwhole-cell patch cell recordings, which correlated with tracercoupling analysis (Vandecasteele et al., 2005). However,

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tonically active electrically coupled DA neurons did notbecome synchronized, which may be related to the need ofnon-pulsatile and constantly maintained DA VT in the striataltarget region. The impact of the very fast WT, however, wasmade evident by the fact that the slow nigral DA VT, withdendritically released DA activating inhibitory D2 autorecep-tors, could not block the ability of one depolarizing DA cell toenhance the spontaneous firing rate of its electrically coupledDA neuron. Nevertheless, only 27% of the tonically active DAneurons show synchronization of their activity (Morris et al.,2004).

Again, to understand the interaction between the very fastWT and slow DA VT in the substantia nigra, the existence ofD2-like autoreceptor–connexin protein interactions should beseriously considered. It may be that the DA VT via such inter-actions can uncouple the electrical synapses so efficiently thatonly a limited number of tonically active DA neurons canpresent a synchronous firing. However, it is important to notethat in mathematical models of DA cell pairs, considering alsoexcitatory NMDA mediated glutamate synaptic transmission,the electrotonic coupling is strongly predicted to promotesynchronous phasic firing (Komendantov and Canavier, 2002),in agreement with the work on electrotonic coupling in thelocus coeruleus discussed below.

Thus, it seems likely that very fast WT involving electricalsynapses in the nigral DA cells via promotion of synchronousburst firing in clusters of nigral DA cells can enhance VT in thestriatal DA terminal networks through the resulting briefpeaks of DA release. DA pulses of longer duration usingmicrodialysis have also been detected (Agnati et al., 2000b). Inearly Parkinson's disease, the reduction of DA VT in thesubstantia nigra due to degeneration of certain DA cells maylead to an increase in synchronous phasic firing of the DAcells, due to enhancement of activity in the electrical synapsesas discussed above. This can substantially underlie theincreases in striatal DA release and turnover observed inmodels of Parkinson's disease (see Fuxe, 1979; Zigmond, 2000),which serves to increase DA VT in the terminal plexa tocompensate for the reduction of DA transmission (Fuxe andAgnati, 1991a). As the disease progresses, however, also theelectrical synapses between DA cells will be reduced, dimin-ishing this compensatory upregulation, since the increasedsynchronous phasic firing will fade and clinical symptomsdevelop.

5.2.2. The locus coeruleus noradrenaline systemAs discussed, the major mode of communication of thelocus coeruleus NA terminal networks in the widespreadtarget regions of the CNS is VT, which via diffusion of NAglobally modulate the activity and metabolism of large cellpopulations (see Fuxe and Agnati, 1991a,b). One way toincrease VT in the widespread NA terminal networks wouldbe synchronous activation of the NA nerve cells of the locuscoeruleus, which also would represent an elegant way toregulate NA tone in the target areas (Christie et al., 1989;Aston-Jones et al., 1991). Such a synchronous activationcould be brought about by an electrotonic coupling betweenthe LC NA nerve cells via neuronal gap junctions represent-ing a very fast form of WT. The first observations to sup-port such a mechanism were made by Christie et al. (1989)

showing based on paired recordings that electrotoniccoupling synchronizes subthreshold activity in LC NA cellsin vitro from neonatal rats. The coupling caused thesynchronized occurrence of membrane potential oscilla-tions, with the appearance of rhythmic background activityin the entire LC which became reduced with increased age.Later on, dye coupling among the LC NA cells could bedemonstrated in the postnatal period (Christie and Jelinek,1993).

In an analysis of opioid inhibition of the LC of neonatal ratsusing also agents blocking electrotonic coupling (Travagli etal., 1995), further support was obtained for the existence ofelectrotonic coupling among LC NA cells. Such a mechanismwas proposed to facilitate inhibition by opioid peptides of LCcells, in addition to synchronous activation as previouslyproposed. In fact, morphine has been shown in vivo to reducedischarge and to enhance the burst firing pattern of LC cells inawake animals (Aston-Jones et al., 1992). However, electro-tonic or dye coupling could not be demonstrated in adult rats,unless made under certain conditions.

Subsequently, synchronous activity in LC cells could bedemonstrated in adult rats and shown to depend on electro-tonic coupling between LC NA dendrites in peri-coerulearregions, using gap junction blockers which reduced synchro-nization without blocking electrical activity (Ishimatsu andWilliams, 1996). The dendritic tree has been shown to extendbeyond the NA cell body region (Shipley et al., 1996). Thefindings indicate that the electrotonic coupling in the LC maymainly serve to increase synchrony upon arrival of a strongexcitatory input. In 2000, LC neurons and astroglia were alsoshown to be electrotonically coupled by the presence ofelectrical and tracer transfer between the two types of cellsincluding the presence of gap junction proteins (Alvarez-Maubecin et al., 2000). In agreement, selective depolarizationof glia by activation of glutamate transporters indirectlyincreased LC NA cell activity.

Thus, the evidence discussed above indicates that simul-taneous increases in NA VT in the widespread target areas ofthe LC may be made possible by synchronization of the LCactivity through electrotonic coupling and synaptic transmis-sion representing very fast and fastWT, respectively. It shouldbe considered that themolecular mechanism discussed aboveon the existence of receptor–connexin interactions couldassist in the strengthening of the electrotonic coupling, andthus in the synchronization of the LC NA cell firing. Therelevance of synchronization viaWT in the LC ismade clear bythe correlation of periods of high performance in a behavioraltask with increases in phasic LC activity, shown to besynchronous in paired recordings (Usher et al., 1999).

Thus, through increased WT in the LC leading to synchro-nization of the LC NA cells, the LC NA terminal networks canbecome optimally activated at the same time in the differentwidespread target regions, including especially the entirecerebral and cerebellar cortex, and via increased NA VTactivate the various adrenergic subtypes in the vast numbersof neuronal and glial cell populations, including also othernon-neuronal cells. In this way, LC can via WT and VTfunction optimally as a survival system enhancing arousal,attention and behavioral and cognitive performance. Thesleep–wakefulness function is characterized by a latency, a

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plateau and a slow decay and is therefore suitable to beregulated by the slow VT in the LC NA neurons, modulatingentire networks with the reset of the activity of widespreadcellular networks of several target regions.

In view of the above, it seems likely that a dysfunction ofthe LC NA system may contribute to attention deficithyperactivity disorders (ADHD). It should be considered thatalso the precursor DA is released from the cortical NA nerveterminals and may via VT reach and activate dopamine D4receptors located on pyramidal and non-pyramidal nerve cellsfound all over the cerebral cortex (Rivera, Fuxe et al.,unpublished data). In addition, these receptors have a highaffinity for NA (Newman-Tancredi et al., 1997), and the D4 IR isin fact more closely related to the widespread NA terminalplexa than the restricted DA terminal plexa (Rivera, Fuxe et al.,unpublished data). The diffusing DA fromNA nerve terminals,besides the DA from the meso-cortical DA neurons, may alsoreach D2-like receptors in the prefrontal cortex, which whenstimulated causes an inhibition of locomotor activity (see DelArco et al., 2007). Such VT mechanisms in cortical DA and NAcommunication likely explain why psychostimulant drugsreleasing DA and NA are successfully used in the treatment ofADHD.

5.2.3. The dorsal raphe 5-HT neuron systemAs discussed, the serotonergic system has been shown to playa major role in mood regulation, and the widespread 5-HTterminalnetworks operatemainly viaVT to reset the activity ofmany cellular networks of the tel- and diencephalon, espe-cially in the cerebral cortex. It is of substantial interest that, inthe developing somatosensory cortex, 5-HT receptors canreduce gap junction coupling (Rorig and Sutor, 1996). It wasfound that 5-HT reduced the dye coupling in pyramidal cellsvia 5-HT2 receptors, and the uncoupling was blocked by IP3receptor antagonists andPKC inhibitors (Rorig andSutor, 1996).Thus, at least in development, 5-HT via VT can modulate gapjunctional transmission and thus WT in the differentiatingneocortex. It may be suggested that themolecular mechanismmay involve 5-HT2–connexin protein (or pannexin) interac-tions, permitting integration of VT and WT.

Like in the locus coeruleus, it is of interest to know if thereexist in the 5-HT cell bodies in the nucleus raphe dorsalis amechanism to synchronize the firing rate of the 5-HT cells toenhance at the same time 5-HT release and VT in severaltarget regions. The firing pattern of 5-HT cells is characterizedby slow, regular spontaneous discharge rates of 0.5–3 Hz(Aghajanian and Haigler, 1974). In 1982, their correlative firingpatterns were analyzed, and adjacent 5-HT cell pairs showedcorrelated discharges within a short time frame below 10 ms.Thus, a synchronous firing pattern was observed betweenadjacent 5-HT nerve cells (Wang and Aghajanian, 1982). Themechanism was, however, unclear at this time. In 1975,dendro-dendritic gap junctions were observed in the develop-ing dorsal raphe nucleus (Möllgard and Möller, 1975), anddendrite bundles were observed in this 5-HT cell rich nucleus(Felten and Harrigan, 1980), where gap junctions could beformed.

In 1995, dye coupling between dorsal raphe neurons fromyoung adult rats was discovered probablymainly occurring viadendro-dendritic gap junctions (Stezhka and Lovick, 1995).

The results suggested a substantial level of electrotoniccoupling between dorsal raphe cells, which may be themajor mechanism for synchronous firing of the 5-HT nervecells. In support of this view, a high degree of synchrony offiringwas observed in pairs of dorsal raphe 5-HT cells (Hajos etal., 1994). Thus, very fast WT may exist in the dorsal raphe 5-HT cell assembly to produce synchronization of firing ofclusters of 5-HT nerve cells, enhancing 5-HT VT in severaltarget regions (Fuxe and Agnati, 1991a,b), and in this waycounteract the lowering of mood and the development ofdepression.

Indications of 5-HT release in the nucleus raphe dorsaliswere obtained early (Fuxe and Ungerstedt, 1970; Hery et al.,1982), and 5-HT receptor activation within the nucleus couldcause the inhibition of firing observed under conditions ofincreased extracellular 5-HT (seeWang and Aghajanian, 1982).In 1986, vesicle containing dendrites were observed in thenucleus raphe dorsalis in the cat, indicating dendritic releaseof 5-HT in this nucleus (Chazal and Ohara, 1986). It issuggested based on the findings of Rorig and Sutor (1996)and on the above discussion that activation of dendritic 5-HTreceptors via 5-HT receptor–connexin interactions can uncou-ple the dendritic gap junctions, which then no longer canpromote the synchronous bursting actions of excitatoryglutamate inputs. Such a mechanism can contribute to theinhibition of firing observed. Thus, a novel mechanism fordepressionmay be by producing deficits in the very fastWT inthe 5-HT cell clusters of the dorsal raphe, through interferencewith the neuronal gap junction conductance, in this wayreducing synchronization and phasic firing. 5-HT VT in thedorsal raphe may contribute to such deficits in very fast WT.

6. Conclusions

(i) The work on the monoamine neurons has over manyyears strongly contributed to giving experimentalevidence for the existence of VT in the brain and spinalcord and has contributed to the development of thetheory of how VT and WT in complementary waysoperate in central neurons.

(ii) The same principles of communication appear to existin all the three monoamine neurons, with electrical andchemical synapses interacting with monoamine VTsignals in clusters of monoamine cell bodies to producesynchronous bursting activity to strongly enhance themonoamine VT in the widespread terminal plexa ofmany target regions. In this way, an optimal function ofthe DA, NA and 5-HT neuron systems can be obtained.

(iii) The WT and VT modes of communication interact viadirect or indirect receptor–receptor interactions at themembrane, cytoplasmic and nuclear levels in thecellular circuits.

(iv) GPCR/RTK receptor interactions may play a crucial rolein mediating the GPCR-mediated VT signaling inneuronal plasticity and trophism, as exemplified in 5-HT VT and depression.

(v) The hypothesis is introduced that electrical synaptictransmission (very fast WT) can be integrated with VTand chemical synaptic transmission (fast WT) via

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receptor–connexin (pannexin) protein interactions,which may be fundamental in understanding theregulation of synchronous burst activity in the trans-mitter-identified cell body clusters.

(vi) Knowing the integration of WT and VT will be funda-mental for the understanding of brain function in healthand disease.


This work has been supported by grants from the SwedishResearch Council, the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundationand the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation andalso by a grant from the European Commission (QLG3-CT-2001-01056).


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