From Our Senior PastorPAGE 2 MESSENGER NOVEMBER 2019 Jesus In The Psalms - Psalm 16 (ESV) 1Preserve...

November 2019 Edion Give Thanks to the Creator Every year we pause in the midst of our hurried world for a special time of Thanksgiving. We remember the Lord to whom we give thanks and consider the many blessings He showers down upon us. As the Scriptures remind us: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change” (James 1:17, ESV). Thus, it is fitting to consider again all the Lord has done for us. In this consideration, I am appreciative of the words Martin Luther wrote in The Large Catechism regarding “The First Article” of the Apostles’ Creed. These are, as follows: “What is meant by these words, ‘I believe in God, the Father almighty, maker,’ etc.? Answer: I hold and believe that I am a creature of God; that is, that he has given and constantly sustains my body, soul, and life, my members great and small, all the faculties of my mind, my reason and understanding, and so forth; my food and drink, clothing, means of support, wife and child, servants, house and home, etc. Besides, he makes all creation help provide the comforts and necessities of life — sun, moon, and stars in the heavens, day and night, air, fire, water, the earth and all that it brings forth, birds and fish, beasts, grain and all kinds of produce. Moreover, he gives all physical and temporal blessings — good government, peace, security. Thus we learn from this article that none of us has his life of himself, or anything else that has been mentioned here or can be mentioned, nor can he by himself preserve any of them, however small and unimportant. All this is comprehended in the word “Creator…” Hence, since everything we possess, and everything in heaven and on earth besides, is daily given and sustained by God, it inevitably follows that we are in duty bound to love, praise, and thank him without ceasing, and, in short, to devote all these things to his service, as he has required and enjoined in the Ten Commandments… For this reason we ought daily to study this article and impress it upon our minds. Everything we see, and every blessing that comes our way, should remind us of it. When we escape distress or danger, we should recognize that this is God’s doing. He gives us all these things so that we may sense and see in them his fatherly heart and his boundless love toward us. Thus our hearts will be warmed and kindled with gratitude to God and a desire to use all these blessings to his glory and praise.” These are good words of wisdom to lead us into thanksgiving and praise of our Creator, God the Father Almighty, to whom belongs all glory, thanks and praise. Amen. Love God and love your neighbor, Pastor Krueger TOPIC Page Pastor Krueger Article 1 Pastor Hardaway Article 2 DCS Krahn Article 3 Prayer Guide 4 Classes for All Ages 5 Calendar of Events 6 Servants for the Month 7 Thanksgiving Collection 8 Quits Available Sunday Greeters Directory Updates 9 Emergency Procedures Veteran’s Day 10 Children/Youth Activities 11 Thanksgiving Eve Worship Back Cover I NSIDE NSIDE T HIS HIS I SSUE SSUE Sunday Worship 8am & 10:30am Bible Class/Sunday School 9:15am From Our Senior Pastor From Our Senior Pastor Rev. Larry Krueger [email protected]

Transcript of From Our Senior PastorPAGE 2 MESSENGER NOVEMBER 2019 Jesus In The Psalms - Psalm 16 (ESV) 1Preserve...

November 2019 Edition

Give Thanks to the Creator Every year we pause in the midst of our hurried world for a special time of Thanksgiving. We remember the Lord to whom we give thanks and consider the many blessings He showers down upon us. As the Scriptures remind us: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change” (James 1:17, ESV). Thus, it is fitting to consider again all the Lord has done for us. In this consideration, I am appreciative of the words Martin Luther wrote in The Large Catechism regarding “The First Article” of the Apostles’ Creed. These are, as follows:

“What is meant by these words, ‘I believe in God, the Father almighty, maker,’ etc.? Answer: I hold and believe that I am a creature of God; that is, that he has given and constantly sustains my body, soul, and life, my members great and small, all the faculties of my mind, my reason and understanding, and so forth; my food and drink, clothing, means of support, wife and child, servants, house and home, etc. Besides, he makes all creation help provide the comforts and necessities of life — sun, moon, and stars in the heavens, day and night, air, fire, water, the earth and all that it brings forth, birds and fish, beasts, grain and all kinds of produce. Moreover, he gives all physical and temporal blessings — good government, peace, security. Thus we learn from this article that none of us has his life of himself, or anything else that has been mentioned here or can be mentioned, nor can he by himself preserve any of them, however small and unimportant. All this is comprehended in the word “Creator…” Hence, since everything we possess, and everything in heaven and on earth besides, is daily given and sustained by God, it inevitably follows that we are in duty bound to love, praise, and thank him without ceasing, and, in short, to devote all these things to his service, as he has required and enjoined in the Ten Commandments… For this reason we ought daily to study this article and impress it upon our minds. Everything we see, and every blessing that comes our way, should remind us of it. When we escape distress or danger, we should recognize that this is God’s doing. He gives us all these things so that we may sense and see in them his fatherly heart and his boundless love toward us. Thus our hearts will be warmed and kindled with gratitude to God and a desire to use all these blessings to his glory and praise.”

These are good words of wisdom to lead us into thanksgiving and praise of our Creator, God the Father Almighty, to whom belongs all glory, thanks and praise. Amen. Love God and love your neighbor, Pastor Krueger


Pastor Krueger Article 1

Pastor Hardaway Article 2

DCS Krahn Article 3

Prayer Guide 4

Classes for All Ages 5

Calendar of Events 6

Servants for the Month 7

Thanksgiving Collection 8

Quits Available Sunday Greeters Directory Updates


Emergency Procedures Veteran’s Day


Children/Youth Activities 11

Thanksgiving Eve Worship

Back Cover


Sunday Worship 8am & 10:30am

Bible Class/Sunday School 9:15am

From Our Senior PastorFrom Our Senior Pastor Rev. Larry Krueger [email protected]


Jesus In The Psalms - Psalm 16 (ESV) 1Preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge. 2I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.” 3As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight. 4The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply; their drink offerings of blood I will not pour out or take their names on my lips. 5The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. 6The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. 7I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me. 8I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. 9Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. 10For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption. 11 You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

As I write this article I am looking forward to the Houston Astros hopefully winning game 3 of the American League Championship Series against the New York Yankees. I am also hoping that they win their second World Series this year! As you can imagine it is quite a bit more fun to be an Astros fan right now than perhaps in years past. I can remember more seasons than not when the Astros spent most of the year struggling to win against other teams. Even during the bad times though, there were always things to be excited about - especially getting to watch some of my favorite players play the game. Having spent my whole life being an Astros fan it is hard to pick one favorite above them all. When push comes to shove though my absolute favorite of all time would have to be Craig Biggio. I could take time to go over his list of accomplishments in a career that would lead to being the first player inducted into the Hall of Fame to wear and Astros hat, but those would take up more space than I have in this article. There is one stat though that, while it probably did nothing to help him get into the Hall of Fame, is one of the most unique and amazing in all of baseball. Biggio is second all time in the number of times he was hit by a pitch - 285 total times to be exact (the number one spot was hit 287 times). Most players do everything they can to avoid being hit by a pitch - most of them would say it hurts a whole lot and you risk getting injured. Biggio was once asked, “So why allow yourself to get hit?” His reply - “It gets me to 1st base.” Even though he knew there might be some pain and discomfort, he knew the prize that was waiting for him. Just about all of us spend much of our lives avoiding getting hurt - be it physically, mentally or emotionally - and rightly so. I wonder though, are there ever times we are avoiding getting hurt when in actuality we need not move out of the way of the pitch? The Psalmist writes, “Because (the Lord) is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.” David certainly experienced lots of pain in his life from multiple sources. What was it that gave him strength to face the pain, courage to face the pitch as it was coming toward him? David knew God’s counsel that He was the source of strength for David and the source of all things good for him - even in the midst of pain. “Therefore my heart is glad and my whole being rejoices!” Jesus also knew that truth - even as He faced trial, persecution and ultimately His death. Jesus knew Psalm 16:11 - He knew the path of life and that there will be fullness of joy in the presence of God - and by not being shaken even to the point of death, He ultimately wins that for you and me so that we don’t have to flinch when we are getting ready to be hit by a pitch. We can stand firm knowing Jesus is at our right side, therefore we need not be shaken.

A Message From Our Associate Pastor A Message From Our Associate Pastor

Rev. Matthew Hardaway Email: [email protected]


A Message From Our DeaconessA Message From Our Deaconess

Dcs. Suzanne Krahn Email: [email protected]

Do You Know Your Numbers and What They Mean? November is designated as Diabetes Awareness Month by the American Diabetes Association (ADA). 1.5 million people will be diagnosed with diabetes this year! If a diagnosis of diabetes or prediabetes is given to you, no need to panic. Your medical team, your family/community, and the ADA is able to give you good support through your journey. You can manage your diabetes through diet, exercise, medical and emotional support. You will be able to live a long and healthy life. What is Diabetes? Diabetes is a metabolic disorder of the pancreas which produces the hormone insulin to aid the way our bodies digest food. There are several types of diabetes:

Prediabetes – the lab tests show numbers close to the diabetes diagnosis (your pancreas is slowing down) Type 1 – the pancreas is unable to produce any insulin Type 2 – the pancreas can produce some insulin but not enough to keep the blood glucose (sugar) levels

in normal range Gestational – diabetes during a woman’s pregnancy.

I’ll mainly focus on prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes. Prediabetes can be, but does not have to be, a precursor to Type 2 diabetes. There are no clear symptoms. Most people don’t know they have it. When a person has a lab test and the results show an A1C of 5.7% - 6.4%, they are considered pre-diabetic. This lab test shows an average blood glucose level over a 2-3 month range. For a full diagnosis of diabetes the A1C levels will be greater than 6.5%. Your medical professional will no doubt order further blood glucose tests to give a more definitive and accurate diagnosis. Type 2 diabetics might experience some symptoms such as: urinating often, feeling very thirsty, feeling very hungry, extreme fatigue, blurry vision, cuts/bruises that heal very slowly, weight loss, and tingling, pain, or numbness in the hands or feet. Early detection and treatment of diabetes can decrease the risks of developing diabetic complications. Watching the types of foods you eat are a large part of being able to manage your glucose levels. The ADA has dubbed some foods as “Diabetic Superfoods” due to the health benefits. These are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. These foods include: beans, dark green leafy vegetables, citrus fruit, sweet potatoes, berries, tomatoes, fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, nuts, whole grains, milk, and yogurt. Monitoring your own glucose levels is extremely important. There are many choices of blood glucose meters, but the right one that works best and easiest for you is the one you need, not necessarily the fanciest or the most expensive. Your medical team can help you choose and decide on the best one, but it must be used at home on a regular basis to keep you updated on how well you’re managing your diabetes. Poor management of one’s blood glucose levels can and will lead to many other serious health problems. Some problems can be: skin complications, eye problems, neuropathy (called diabetic neuropathy), feet problems, ketoacidosis, kidney disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. With correct treatment and recommended lifestyle changes, many people with diabetes are able to prevent or delay the onset of complications. KNOW YOU NUMBERS. Stay Healthy! References:

Lord, Hear Our Prayers:

We pray for continued healing for all those who have suffered physical problems in the last month, including: (a complete list is available through the church office). We pray the Lord lay His healing hand upon them.

We pray for all who struggle with ongoing health concerns, including: (a complete list is available through the church office). We pray the Lord keep His healing hand upon them.

We pray for all who are home-bound, in nursing care or assisted living facilities, including: (a complete list is available through the church office). We pray the Lord give them comfort and peace with their living situation.

We pray for those who have lost loved ones in the last month, including: (a complete list is available through the church office). We pray the Lord give them comfort in their time of sorrow.

We pray for those serving in our Armed Forces (a complete list is available through the church office). We pray the Lord keep them safe in their stead as they defend our freedom and safety.

We pray for those serving in the mission field … may God continue to bless and keep them safe as they minister to the world as an extended outreach of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Waco, Texas.

Please contact the church office if you, someone in your family, or a family friend is in need of prayer. Please keep the church office advised of the status of those you add to the prayer list, so that our list remains up-to-date. If you have any questions, please contact the church office at 254.799.3211 or by email to: [email protected].

“The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles.” Psalm34:17



Join us for Sunday morning Bible Classes at 9:15am each week: Join us for Sunday morning Bible Classes at 9:15am each week: Join us for Sunday morning Bible Classes at 9:15am each week:

Adult Bible Class, in the Family Center

This group is going through a study on Christianity, Cults, and Other Religions.

Men’s Bible Class, in the N4 Classroom

This group is studying various topics, applicable to everyday life; utilizing archived sermons by

Rev. Walter Albers.

Ladies Bible Class, in the Conference Room

This group is taking a break for the time being. Please watch for updates in upcoming bulletins.

Nursery - Kindergarten (classrooms), Grades 1-6 in Parish Hall & classrooms

These classes use the BUZZ curriculum which has a unique theme every quarter that teaches a mix

of classic and uncommon Bible stories that kids haven't heard before–which impacts their faith and

changes their lives. Music time uses song to reinforce the lessons and allows children to share their

faith through occasional performances for the congregation.

Grades 7-12, in the Youth Room

This age group is going through a tech-based Bible study.

Other Bible Study Opportunities: Other Bible Study Opportunities: Other Bible Study Opportunities:

Men’s Tuesday Morning Bible Class, in the Parish Hall

This group works through selected studies, meeting every Tuesday morning at 6:30 a.m. They are

currently utilizing Bible studies prepared by Rev. Walter Albers.

College Student Evening Bible Study/Fellowship

This group on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m., on the Baylor campus, at Draper Hall, Room 140.

Ladies Wednesday Morning Bible Class, in the Conference Room

This group meets on the first and third Wednesday of each month for a time of Bible study.

Tuesday Evening Ekklesia Bible Study

This group will resume meeting soon.

Sunday Evening Bible Studies

These groups meet on the 1st and 2nd Sunday of each month in host homes for a time of Bible study

and fellowship.

Youth Confirmation/Catechesis Training

These classes meet on Wednesday evenings.

Confirmation Classes for 7/8 Grade, 6:30-7:45 p.m.

Midweek School for 5/6 Grade, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Please note that classes will end on Nov. 20 for winter break. They will resume on Jan. 8, 2020.

There’s a place for EVERYONE to be immersed inThere’s a place for EVERYONE to be immersed inThere’s a place for EVERYONE to be immersed in

God’s Word and fellowship with other Christians!God’s Word and fellowship with other Christians!God’s Word and fellowship with other Christians!

November 2019

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

3 All Saints Day 5:30pm 1st Sun. Home B.S. Holy Communion

4 10:00am Quilting (PH)

5 6:30am Men’s B.S./Breakfast 10:00am Tri-Cities Ministries 5:00pm HSE Class 7:00pm College Group

(Draper 140)

6 9:30am Ladies B.S. (CR) 6:00pm JAM Children’s Choir 6:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal 6:30pm Confirmation

(grades 5-8)

7 7:00am Lawn/Building Maintenance 5:00pm HSE Class

8 9

10 22nd Sunday after Pentecost Delta Inn Outreach New Member Recognition 5:30pm 2nd Sun. Home B.S.

11 10:00am Quilting (PH) 4:00pm Newsletter Deadline 6:00pm Men’s Club

(Abuelita’s, Valley Mills Dr.)

12 6:30am Men’s B.S./Breakfast 10:00am Tri-Cities Ministries 5:00pm HSE Class 7:00pm College Group

(Draper 140)

13 11:00am Seniors Adults Worship/Lunch 12:45pm LWML Mtg (CR) 6:00pm JAM Children’s Choir 6:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal 6:30pm Confirmation

(grades 5-8)

14 7:00am Lawn/Building Maintenance 5:00pm HSE Class

15 16

17 23rd Sunday after Pentecost 2:00pm K. Shelton (PH) 4:00pm 412 Circuit Youth Event

(Trinity Lutheran Woodway)

18 10:00am Quilting (PH) 6:00pm SPJST Mtg. (FC) 7:00pm Bd. Directors

19 6:30am Men’s B.S./Breakfast 10:00am Tri-Cities Ministries 5:00pm HSE Class 7:00pm College Group

(Draper 140)

20 9:30am Ladies B.S. (CR) 6:00pm JAM Children’s Choir 6:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal 6:30pm Confirmation

(grades 5-8)

21 7:00am Lawn/Building Maintenance 9:00am Ct. 18 Pastor Mtg

(Grace Marlin) 5:00pm HSE Class



24 Last Sun. of the Church Year

25 10:00am Quilting (PH)

26 6:30am Men’s B.S./Breakfast 10:00am Tri-Cities Ministries 5:00pm HSE Class 6:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal

27 12:00pm Thanksgiving Worship 6:30pm Thanksgiving Worship

28 Church Office Closed

29 Church Office Closed

30 Altar Guild Decorating for Christmas. If you would

like to help, please contact Stephanie Mach.

Sunday Worship Hours: 8:00am and 10:30am Sunday School/Bible Class: 9:15am

HOLY COMMUNION is celebrated during worship on the FIRST AND THIRD SUNDAY of each month. Elder of the Month: Tim Jander

B.S. = Bible Study FC = Family Center PH = Parish Hall YR = Youth Room CR = Conference Room

LWML = Lutheran Women’s Missionary League TBD = To Be Determined HCM = Health Care Ministry

[Facilities available for use by MEMBERS with a signed usage agreement and fee to offset utility costs]


Acolytes 8:00am Worship Nov. 3 - E A Nov. 10 - J H Nov. 17 - E M Nov. 24 - T L 10:30am Worship Nov. 3 - C T Nov. 10 - C E Nov. 17 - C W Nov. 24 - B C 6:30pm Thanksgiving Eve Worship Nov. 27 - C H Nursery Volunteers 8:00am Worship Nov. 3 - C & T L Nov. 10 - S P Nov. 17 - S C Nov. 24 - J & R R 10:30am Worship Nov. 3 - K H Nov. 10 - C & K W Nov. 17 - P & K G Nov. 24 - J & R R Altar Guild, Group 1 E P S C S J D P H G Flower Chart K K Altar Flowers Nov. 3 - T & L H Nov. 10 - K & P K Nov. 17 - E W-S Nov. 24 - P & L J Nov. 27 - B & M S

Sunday Morning Greeters 8:00am Worship Nov. 3 - C & T L Nov. 10 - J & J P Nov. 17 - F & D K Nov. 24 - R & N S 10:30am Worship Nov. 3 - J & M L Nov. 10 - B & T H Nov. 17 - L & C G Nov. 24 - K & P K Elders of the Congregation R F T J, Elder of the Month TH D M C M B S Ushers for the Month 8:00am Worship, Group 1 W H, Hd. J D, Asst. G A B G J L 10:30am Worship, Group 2 R B, Hd. J T, Asst. C T J P J T I C Nov. 27, Thanksgiving Eve Worship, Group 2 R B, Hd. J T, Asst. C T J P J T I C


Please note that these are listed by first and last initial only, in order to protect the privacy of our members.


Each year, during our Thanksgiving Eve Worship, we collect food items to share with those in our

community that are less fortunate than ourselves. We are continuing our partnership with

the LaVega Primary and Elementary Schools to help feed families and students in our immediate

community. This year we will also be collecting warm winter coats for students in these schools.

Please join us in helping to meet the needs of families in our community.

Donations will be collected beginning Sunday, November 24, and during both of our Thanksgiving

Eve Worship services on November 27.


Small bottles of water or juice (approximately 12oz) pop tarts

cheese cracker packs fruit snacks

cereal (individual sizes 1oz) fruit cocktail individual cups

pudding snack cups boxes of macaroni

cans of soup small bags of rice


New or Gently used coats for children grades 5 and below.

“If you pour out yourself for the hungry and satisfy the desire of

the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your

gloom shall be as the noonday.”

Isaiah 58:10


Bolen, Kenneth & Geneva Kenneth, Geneva 9313 Tree Lake Dr. Waco, Texas 76708 254.294.8166 Donndelinger, Joe & Valerie Joe, Valerie 9513 Oak Springs Dr. Woodway, Texas 76712 254.265.2796 (Joe) 313.530.6588 (Valerie)

Holle, Ralph Ralph 4000 N. 19th, Apt. 136 Waco, Texas 76708 512.262.2419 Reinhardt, Bobbie Bobbie 10013 Wildberry Dr. Waco, Texas 76712 254.366.8607

Rogers, Joe & Lindsey Lindsey, Joe, Kylie, Delaney 819 Clarence Dr. Woodway, Texas 76712 254.733.5709 (Joe) 254.733.9024 (Lindsey)

Please contact the church office if your contact information should be updated and shared in an upcoming newsletter.

The Ol’ Sew ‘n’ Sow Quilting Group has a closet FULL of bed runners, quilts, pillows, adult bibs, fidget blankets and other hand-sewn items! If you have a friend or loved one that would benefit from the love that is sewn into each of these items, please see Pam Schulze or Katherine Bode any time to pick out something to share! Anyone is invited to join them any Monday. They meet in the Parish Hall at 10am and enjoy laughter, lunch, and fellowship together all day long! Their latest project is preparing 20-30 nap quilts to be given out at Christmas at the Waco VA. Anyone who is interested in joining them for this project is welcome! Thank you for all you do to bring love and comfort to so many in our community.

We are so grateful for those who have served as Sunday Greeters in the our church family! We are currently organizing the 2020 Greeters Schedule and would like to welcome any members who have never served in this area to join the team! If you are interested in being added to the schedule, or would like to change your current service date/time, please contact Julie Hahn at 254.855.7484 as soon as possible. We plan the entire year, and try our best to only schedule a family 2-3 times unless they would prefer to serve more often. Our goal is to have the 2020 schedule completed and in our greeters church mailbox by December 1.

Dear members of St. Paul, We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the love, prayers, and support you have shown our family during these past months of doctor's visits, surgeries, and recoveries of both Eliana and Matthew. You all have truly been the hands and feet of Christ to us, and we wouldn't have made it through without all of you. In Christ's Love, The Hardaway Family


In the event of an emergency situation, the congregation has a responsibility and role to play. We need to educate everyone as to what that role is depending on the situation. Every emergency situation is different and may require different actions by church leaders and the congregation.

Emergency Situations/Responses 1. Natural Disaster A. Tornado a. Evacuate to designated areas b. Follow directions of leaders B. Fire a. Evacuate 2. Major traffic crash on I-35 involving TTST (Truck Tractor Semi Trailer also, known as a 18 wheeler) A. Hazardous material involved a. Shelter in place and lock doors to prevent coming in or going out b. Danger of explosion: Follow orders from local authorities 3. Man-Made Disaster A. Active Shooter a. Shelter in place (do not evacuate) b. Get down in pews c. Secure location, if possible, to prevent access by shooter d. Help others as much as possible (children and elderly) e. Defend yourself, if all else fails B. Hostage Situation a. Try to keep hostage take talking and wait for hostage negotiator, if possible C. Bomb Threat a. Evacuate Should you have any questions regarding these emergency procedures, please contact Charlie Morgan or see one of the elders.

A stanza for Veterans Day As we remember America's veterans on November 11, we would do well to read again the third stanza of Katherine Lee Bates' America the Beautiful: O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife, Who more than self Their country loved, And mercy more than life! America! America! May God thy gold refine, Till all success be nobleness, And every gain divine!




Children & Youth ActivitiesChildren & Youth ActivitiesChildren & Youth Activities email: [email protected]: [email protected]: [email protected]

412 Circuit Youth Event - Nov. 17, at

4:00 p.m. at Trinity Woodway

Thanksgiving Eve Worship - Nov. 27, at

12:00 p.m. & 6:30 p.m.

If you have questions, would like to volunteer

to help with events, or have ideas to share for

possible future events…please stop by the

Sunday School office.

Christmas will be here soon... and we are already working on Christmas music on Sunday mornings. So, we need everyone who plans to be in the Christmas Eve program to attend music on Sunday mornings. Please watch for texts/emails with sign-up information coming soon! If you have any questions, please see Steve Randolph or Stephanie Boesche.


1st-8th Grade: Sunday, Dec. 1, 12:00-2:00 p.m. (lunch provided)

1st-8th Grade: Sunday, Dec. 8, 12:00-2:00 p.m. (lunch provided)

Nursery-8th Grade: Thursday, Dec. 19, 6:00-8:00 p.m. (Christmas Party following)

Please note that the Kindergarten and Nursery Classes only need to attend the last rehearsal, on Thursday, December 19.

Youth Grades 8-12 are invited to join us for a 412 Circuit Youth Event! We will enjoy an evening of praise and worship on Sunday, November 17, beginning at 4:00 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Woodway. Pastor Hardaway will share a study titled: Who is Jesus? Mad Man, Con Man, or God Man? A Meal will be provided. You can follow this group on FaceBook for updates:

We’re on the Web:

Label Here


November 2019 Edition




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Phone: 254.799.3211

Fax: 254.412.0529