From My Point of View

Creativity and innovation are the main characteristics of the most successful companies we know nowadays (ex:Google, Apple, Microsoft). Such organizations have a unique and relevant strategy that enable them to cope with competition. Actually, they distance themselves from competition. If they see another company copying what they do, they create something new and better and attain long-term success. They give employees freedom and encouragement to fail. If employees know that they can fail without endangering their careers, they are more willing to take risky, innovative projects that offer huge potential rewards to their companies. Autonomy is another key component of innovation. This means that employees are given clear goals but they have the freedom to choose their own path for achieving them. As for myself, I would like to work for such company as I would have the chance to fully engage my personal resources in my activity and at the same time I would constantly gain and develop new skills and competences.



Transcript of From My Point of View

Creativity and innovation are the main characteristics of the most successful companies we know nowadays (ex:Google, Apple, Microsoft). Such organizations have a unique and relevant strategy that enable them to cope with competition. Actually, they distance themselves from competition. If they see another company copying what they do, they create something new and better and attain long-term success. They give employees freedom and encouragement to fail. If employees know that they can fail without endangering their careers, they are more willing to take risky, innovative projects that offer huge potential rewards to their companies. Autonomy is another key component of innovation. This means that employees are given clear goals but they have the freedom to choose their own path for achieving them. As for myself, I would like to work for such company as I would have the chance to fully engage my personal resources in my activity and at the same time I would constantly gain and develop new skills and competences.