From Digital essays to the formal model, building the capability of digital natives

The University of Auckland New Zealand 8 September 2008 From Digital essays to the formal model, building the capability of digital natives Show and Tell Presented by Tapua’i Fa’amalua Tipi and Dr Joce Jesson.


Digital video to formal format of essay writing.

Transcript of From Digital essays to the formal model, building the capability of digital natives

  • 1. From Digital essays to the formal model, building the capability of digital natives Show and Tell Presented byTapuai Faamalua Tipi andDr Joce Jesson.

2. toDaYs sEssioN.

  • What I wont talk about today in detail.
    • Foundation Education Certificate. What is it?
    • Demographics of students enrolling since 2002.
    • Literature Review
  • Big ideas for today's session. (3Ds)
    • D igital essays to formal model.
    • D EveLopInG links through learning process.
    • D emonstrate using examples.
  • Its about learning codes. Understanding Codes (Bernstein, B)


  • Understanding Codes.
    • BURNSTEIN,B.,(1971)
    • Capoeira Fighter

VIDEO 4. Our Students in Foundation Certificate Education 5. What do you do with the changing demographics in foundation certificate education?

  • Adaptation with the paper to suit the demographics.
    • Understand Digital Native capability.
    • Prensky 2001.
    • our digital immigrant instructors, who speak an outdated language (that of the pre-digital age), are struggling to teach a population that speaks an entirely new language.

Change learning outcome to suit the demographics of students coming through. 6. Grappling with tension.

  • How do you mould and incorporate Net generation student capability to tertiary academic rigor?
  • This new generation is portrayed as intrinsically different to the older in that their educational, social and cultural expectations and needs are profoundly shaped by digital technology. (Mollgaard, 2007)
  • It can be argued that net generation or Digital native students will be more inclined to actively participate than to be in static contemplation when learning. (Prensky, 2001; Mollgaard, 2007)

7. Life as a student at the Faculty of Education. (Student example) VIDEO 8. Digital essay to formal model. Understanding terms of engagement in writing Essays.

  • Foundation Students need to understand academic Rigor.
  • Formal essay model.
  • Constructing an argument for or against a particular issue.
  • Collect the Supporting evidence.
  • Literature Review using APA reference.

9. VIDEO 10. Transferable Processes: From Digital Essay back to Traditional Essay.

  • Digital Essay
  • Model
    • Brainstorm.
      • Story board.
      • Introduction
      • Scene 1-5 argument
      • Conclusion
    • Draft / Practice/ Reorder.
    • Submit.
    • Reflect.
    • Debrief.
  • Traditional Essay
  • Model
    • Brainstorm.
      • Pre-writing which involves researching the topic and planning your approach
      • Writing which involves completing the first full draft of the essay
      • Re-writing which involves re-drafting, revising and proofreading your work
    • Submit.
    • Reflect.
    • Debrief.

11. Teaching Pedagogy using technology.

  • Technology is simply a tool.
  • It is how one uses the tool in order to create learning and fully engage students thinking and understanding of a topic or subject.

How can you use ICT tools to create effective learning and engagement? 12. Developing Links through learning processes for Digital essay. Brainstorm 13. Digital Essay Perform/ Practice/ Reorder. 14. Understanding Theories. Student submissions. Submit. VIDEO 15. Individual submissions Digital Essays Submit. VIDEO 16. Understanding Digital Essay

  • How does it meet the ideals of essay writing?
  • How does it meet academic rigor at tertiary level?
  • Assessment criteria given at the beginning.

Discussion 17.

  • Foundation students get their digital essays back and read the comments and critically analyse what they could do better and what needs to be worked on.
  • Summary
    • what was learnt,
    • what can be done better,
    • what I (we) know now.
  • Basically looking back on experiences.
  • Link

Reflection 18. Capability of digital application to todays classroom teaching.

  • Other tools.
  • University of Auckland
    • Cecil -eLearning
    • Moodle - Faculty of Education -eLearning

19. References:

      • Beacker, H., (2000). Pedagogical motivation for pupil computer use that lead to pupil engagement.Educational Technology ,40(5), pp.5-17
      • Bernstein, B.,(1971) Class, Codes and Control vol 1London; Paladin
      • Hirst, M. (2006). Broadcast to Narrowcast: how digital technology is reshaping the mass media. Paper presented at the Second Joint Journalism Education (JEA)/ Journalism Education Association of New Zealand (JEANZ) conference, Auckland, December 4-7.
      • Kennedy, G., Krause, K., Judd, T., Churchward, A., & Gray, K. (2006). First Year Students Experiences with Technology: Are They Really Digital Natives? Melbourne, Australia: University of Melbourne. Retrieved April 10, 2007, from
      • Kennedy, G., Krause, K.-L., Gray, K., Judd, T., Bennett, S., Maton, K., Dalgarno, B. & Bishop, A. (2006). Questioning the Net Generation: A collaborative project in Australian higher education. In L. Markauskaite, P. Goodyear & P. Reimann (Eds.),Whos learning? Whose technology? Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Australiasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education(pp. 413-417). Sydney: Sydney University Press.
      • Mollgaard, M. (2006). Radio journalism in the age of podcasting. Paper presented at the Second Joint Journalism Education (JEA)/Journalism Education Association of New Zealand (JEANZ) conference, Auckland, December 4-7.
      • Prensky, M. (2001).Digital natives, digital immigrants.On the Horizon9(5):
      • pp. 3-6.

20. AcknowledgementsTapuaI Faamalua Tipi Dr Joce JessonVaiolesi Passells And of course our students.