Friends Of Turkana II

FR IEN D S O F TURKAN A July 2009 Elizabeth B ailey,Linda G ibbs,G erriH ernandez,TorkilH eggstad,A nna H ogan, M ichael H ogan,PaulK ennedy,Fr.M ark Lane, Leo M cM ahon,R yan M cM ahon, Tom M cM ahon, M illie Tam Produced by:M ichaelP.H ogan


The Friends of Turkana Trip 2009

Transcript of Friends Of Turkana II

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Elizabeth Bailey, Linda Gibbs, Gerri Hernandez, Torkil Heggstad, Anna Hogan, Michael Hogan, Paul Kennedy, Fr. Mark Lane, Leo McMahon, Ryan McMahon,

Tom McMahon, Millie Tam

Produced by: Michael P. Hogan

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Friends Of Turkana

• One of the main goals for this trip to Kenya by the Friends of Turkana was to visit a community whose goal was sustainability. That is, it would become self sufficient, not dependent on hand outs and charity. The Nyambani Orphanage and community has as one its goals sustainability. The community now has 460 orphans and 46 house mothers (grand mothers) on 1000 acres of land around 200 kilometers from Nairobi. The goal is to house 1000 orphans. Most of the orphans come from Nairobi and many have lost parents to AIDS. The community has built most of its own primary schools.

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• The village solar powered pumps irrigating (drip) vegetable and has fruit gardens. It also has a cash crop of trees for timber – these will take around eight years to mature . Herds of goats and other livestock are fed from the village gardens. The community makes their own bricks and the wood stock is milled in their own “Polytechnic Institute”. At this time in the community is dependent on outside support but they have a plan in place where they should be self sufficient within ten years. This is the model (or parts) we want to duplicate in the Turkana communities.

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The Turkana communities are mostly nomadic. There is a great deal of goat and camel herding. There is serious overgrazing which negatively impacts the already parched environment. Water resources are scarce and underdeveloped. Barely one third of the students go to primary school and 95% of the schools were built by NGO’s. Although the state does provide teachers (ill trained and barely paid) there are practically no school supplies. The following is a photo chronicle of our visit this year.

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Turkana, Kenya

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The Friends of Turkana - 2009

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Nyambani Orphanage - a community moving toward sustainability

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Nyambani - Children’s Cottages – There are now 460 Orphan and 46 Grandmothers

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The Farm at Nyambani

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Brick Making at Nyambani

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Tree Farm for Timber – The Cash Crop

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Nyambani Village Polytechnic

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The Nyambani – Polytechnic School

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The “Barn” at Nyambani

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Construction of the Cottages

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The Grandmothers – House Mothers

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The Nyambani Children

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A Nyambani Baby and Anna

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The Primary School At Monti - Lodwar

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Anna with a Student at the Monti School

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Poetry Recital at the Vulnerable Children’s Program - Lodwar

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The Abandoned Children Program - Lodwar

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The Primary School at Losajait

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School Supplies for Students at Losajait

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The Bore Hole with Hand Pump at Sopel

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The Deaf School - Lodwar

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The Children of Natoo

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The Foundation of the Natoo Primary School 2002

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The School at Natoo – Mastering the art of concrete block making

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Construction of the Natoo Primary School 2002

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The Finished School at Natoo 2004

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Meeting the Natoo Community 2009

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A Solar Powered Well at Kalimapus

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The “Shores” of Lake Turkana at Kalimapus

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The Motor and Controls for the Well

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The Kalimapus Community Greets the Friends of Turkana

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A Gift for the Friends of Turkana from the Villagers of Kalimapus

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The frame of the “Stolen” Solar panels in Kataboi

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The Turkana Basin

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The Turkana Basin Institute

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Dr. Shirley Kenney President (ret.)– SUNY - Stony Brook at the Turkana Basin Institute

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Village Outside the Turkana Institute and evidence of severe drought and climate change

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The School Teacher at the Turkana Basin Village

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Farming in Lodwar – Food for the Vulnerable Children’s Program

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The Cow Peas and Maze are Sprouting in Four Days

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Making Textiles for Products to be sold to Support the Vulnerable Children’s Program

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Textile Making on a Manual Loom

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Farewell to the Children of Turkana

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Thank you to all the Friends of Turkana whose contributions made this trip a success. With your help we brought clothes, school supplies, some sweat and most of all hope

to these wonderful people.Friends Of Turkana: Mary Lai, Kathy Hill-Miller, Rhoda Grauer, Julia DeCarlo, Terry

Bordan, Camille Marzilliano, Staci Karathanasis, June Scheu, Joan McCarthy, Anne B. Morrison, Dan Aroaz, Bob Manheimer, Paul Forestell, Rob Altholz, Jeff Kane, Iftikar

Ahmad, and special thanks to Emily and Mike Seiman

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Sunset in Kenya 2009

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On Safari in the Masai Mara

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The King of the Jungle

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Giraffes in the shade

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Jaguars by a Creek

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Wildebeasts checking

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The Catholic Cathedral in Nairobi

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Commemoration of Pope John Paul II’s visit to the Cathedral in Nairobi