Friedens United Church Of Christ February 2018 … kiss your sweethearts and then go to receive the...

Friedens United Church Of Christ February 2018 Newsletter From the Pastors Desk As we draw near to the end of Epiphany, it is interesting to see how Christ has been made known to us. Have we allowed Jesus to enter our hearts more fully? As people with free will, the journey of faith is not always so simple, for we battle Gods will with our own selfish desires and wild ideas. Look around and you will see the many crazy things we do! Dr. Tucker Montgomery spent fifteen years as an Emergency Room doctor at the University of Tennessee Hospital in Knoxville, Tennessee. Dr. Montgomery has seen a multitude of injuries . . . He tells the story of one man who was brought in to the ER with serious injuries to his face and teeth. Dr. Montgomery was appalled to learn how the man had injured himself. While drunk, this man had been driving around the neighborhood lighting firecrackers off his cigarette and then throwing the firecrackers out the window. He was having a grand old time until he accidentally threw his cigarette out the window and stuck the firecracker in his mouth. Ooh, that smarts. 1 This kind of behavior springs from our flawed nature and it disappoints our loving Creator God. Yet, God loves us, warts and all. Whenever we do those things which show our lowest nature, God never gives up hope. When our wild side appears, let s seek to temper it and listen to the Good News of Jesus Christ. In Christ, we can become a new person. On February 14, Valentines Day, the church begins the Lenten season with Ash Wednesday. So, kiss your sweethearts and then go to receive the ashes of repentance as you begin the Lenten journey. We will be sharing our Wednesday evening Lenten services with Salem U.C.C. again this year. Soup at 6 pm and worship at 7 pm. See page 3 for the Lenten Schedule. See you in church real soon! Rejoicing in the Light of Christ, The Rev. Dr. Tyson L. Frey 1 King Duncan, Noah and he Robots,Dynamic Preaching, January-March, 2018, 52.

Transcript of Friedens United Church Of Christ February 2018 … kiss your sweethearts and then go to receive the...

Friedens United Church Of Christ

February 2018 Newsletter

From the Pastor’s Desk

As we draw near to the end of Epiphany, it is interesting to see how Christ has been made

known to us. Have we allowed Jesus to enter our hearts more fully? As people with free will,

the journey of faith is not always so simple, for we battle God’s will with our own selfish desires

and wild ideas. Look around and you will see the many crazy things we do!

Dr. Tucker Montgomery spent fifteen years as an Emergency Room doctor at the

University of Tennessee Hospital in Knoxville, Tennessee. Dr. Montgomery has

seen a multitude of injuries . . . He tells the story of one man who was brought in

to the ER with serious injuries to his face and teeth. Dr. Montgomery was

appalled to learn how the man had injured himself.

While drunk, this man had been driving around the neighborhood

lighting firecrackers off his cigarette and then throwing the firecrackers out the

window. He was having a grand old time until he accidentally threw his cigarette

out the window and stuck the firecracker in his mouth. Ooh, that smarts.1

This kind of behavior springs from our flawed nature and it disappoints our loving Creator God.

Yet, God loves us, warts and all. Whenever we do those things which show our lowest nature,

God never gives up hope. When our wild side appears, let’s seek to temper it and listen to the

Good News of Jesus Christ. In Christ, we can become a new person.

On February 14, Valentine’s Day, the church begins the Lenten season with Ash Wednesday.

So, kiss your sweethearts and then go to receive the ashes of repentance as you begin the

Lenten journey. We will be sharing our Wednesday evening Lenten services with Salem

U.C.C. again this year. Soup at 6 pm and worship at 7 pm. See page 3 for the Lenten


See you in church real soon!

Rejoicing in the Light of Christ,

The Rev. Dr. Tyson L. Frey

1King Duncan, “Noah and he Robots,” Dynamic Preaching, January-March, 2018, 52.


Our annual sleepover, which includes making soup for the Souper Bowl, will take

place Friday, February 2 from 6pm until 10 am Saturday morning. In addition to the

youth making the soup, they will be making their own pizzas for dinner Friday night.

Saturday morning we will be making breakfast for the kids. We will be having

pancakes, eggs and bacon. There is always lots of fun! Feel free to bring a friend

or two!


The Youth Group will be serving the soup they made at their sleepover following the

worship service on Sunday, February 4 in Weidner Hall. There will be chicken

noodle, chicken corn noodle and vegetable soup for all to enjoy. Take-out will also be

available. There is no charge for this event, but donations are welcome. Sit, eat and

join in fellowship with your Friedens family.


Join us for Faith and Family Night at the Reading Royals on Sunday, February 18 at 4

pm. Bring your family and friends! Tickets are $13 each and the first 1,000 kids ages

14 and under get free t-shirts! We already have great seats reserved, so contact

Tonya Fisher, Lynn Boyer or the church office by February 5 if you would like to



Fasnacht / Fastnacht / Faschnacht is a fried doughnut served traditionally on the

day before Lent starts. These donuts were made as a way to empty the pantry

of lard, sugar, fat and butter, which were traditionally fasted from during Lent.

The word Faschtnacht originates from the German words "fast" which means to

fast, and "nacht" which means night, indicating the eve of the traditional Lenten fasting period

observed by many Christian denominations. It is the equivalent celebration to Mardi Gras or


The Faschnacht Team is taking orders now! If you would like to place an order, please use the

sign-up sheet in the Narthex or call the church office at 610-987-3536. Faschnachts are $4/half-

dozen and will be available for pick up in Weidner Hall on Sunday, February 11 following the

worship service until 2 pm.


The Friedens Women’s Guild will hold their next meeting on Monday, February 12

at 7 pm in Weidner Hall. A Bazaar Re-Cap meeting will be held on 6 pm, prior to

the Women’s Guild meeting. All are welcome and new thoughts and ideas are



2018 Shared Lenten Services—Friedens and Salem United Church of Christ Churches

All meals at 6 pm - All worship services at 7 pm

Services and suppers at Friedens will be in Weidner Hall

(except for Maundy Thursday worship)

Wednesday, February 14 Salem UCC: Ash Wednesday - Holy Communion

“Reengaging in the Journey of Faith”

Isaiah 55:6-7

Wednesday, February 21 Friedens UCC

“Responding with Sanity”

Genesis 9:12-15

Wednesday, February 28 Salem UCC

“Neighbor Religion”

Isaiah 58:6-9

Wednesday, March 7 Friedens UCC

“Like Eagles Renewed

Isaiah 40:31

Wednesday, Mach 14 Salem UCC

“Boundary-Crossing Generosity”

Romans 10:9

Wednesday, March 21 Salem UCC

“The Drama of Lent”

Jeremiah 31:31

Thursday, March 29 Friedens UCC: Maundy Thursday - Holy Communion

“A Non-Anxious Community”

John 13:14-15

Friday, March 30 Friedens UCC: Good Friday - Tenebrae Service (no meal)

“Penultimate Honesty”

Psalm 69:30-33


Berks County Community Foundation was founded in 1994 to help individuals, families,

organizations and businesses achieve their charitable objectives and improve the quality of life

for the residents of Berks County. Since that time, the Community Foundation has grown to

manage hundreds of charitable funds. Each year, those funds distribute scholarships and grants

to support local students and assist a variety of nonprofit organizations and causes.

The DJ Wetzel Fund was established at Berks County Community Foundation in 2017

to provide scholarships to members of Berks County UCC churches. Scholarships will

be awarded to members of Berks County UCC churches who are continuing their

education after high school at a college or university, graduate school, vocational

school or in a life enrichment program. To be considered for this scholarship, apply at before March 15.


VETERANS MAKING A DIFFERENCE, which has been supported by your donations of

hoagies and clothing, has now opened its new Social Center, and your Mission Team plans to

start preparing and serving meals there on a monthly basis. Our first meal will be prepared

and served on Saturday, March 17. Volunteers are need. We will begin preparing lunch at 8

am at the church, then deliver it to the Veterans Social Quarters at the Hope

Rescue Mission in Reading. If you are interested in helping, please contact Betty

Hoffman at 610-301-4500. If you would like to make a monetary donation toward

the cost of the meal, please indicate this on your offering envelope.

RECYCLING in our church will be re-energized in the next couple of months. The

Mission Team is looking into acquiring more identifiable recycling bins and other

ways to make this easier for all of us to make Friedens a “greener”

organization. Your cooperation is heartily appreciated!

Please continue to bring in your new and used clothing which will now be donated

to NEW JOURNEY COMMUNITY OUTREACH, a non-profit organization in

Reading that provides food and clothing for low income persons. Items are

needed for all ages and sizes for men, women, and children. Please label your clothing

donations for New Journey and place them under the stairs in the Narthex.

New ideas for ways to help our congregation, community and the wider world are the

topics of discussion at Mission Team meetings, and we would like to enlarge our

“think tank”. Please consider JOINING our group and adding your suggestions.

The Mission Team is also looking for new members for the CARING CONNECTIONS

TEAM. If you would be willing to occasionally make some phone calls, make a

casserole, give a ride to a doctor’s appointment or to church, or maybe even rake

some leaves (your choose the way to help), please let Barbara Covey know of your

interest or sign up on the yellow sheet in the Narthex. You can help as often or as seldom as

you want in any way that suits you. Any help you give a fellow congregation member is more

appreciated than you can imagine.

The FOOD PANTRY item for February is canned soups. Please place your

donations in the boxes in the Narthex by February 18. In March we will be collecting

spaghetti sauce and pasta in case you see any sales!

Thank you for your continued support of the COUPON PROJECT for our

military stationed in Guam. In addition to coupons, we are collecting General

Mills Box Tops for Education to help their schools obtain supplies. Simply add

your Box Tops to the collection box in the Narthex along with your coupons.

Please continue to support our ONGOING PROJECTS including (but not limited

to): recycling (both at Friedens and in your homes), coupons for the military

stationed on Guam, Oley Valley Food Pantry, Veterans Making a Difference,

Caring Connections, Church Library, Giving Tree, Bethany Children’s Home,

Safe Berks, Disaster Relief, Local Families in Need, Phoebe Home, Backpacks for School

Children, Oley Valley Fire Company, Oley Valley Library, and Hope Rescue Mission.

Any and all questions and suggestions about these and our other projects are always welcome.

Can we do more? What could we do differently? Let us know. These undertakings are how

your generous donations are used, so you should have a say in what Mission Team does.

Please attend our next Mission Team Meeting on Monday, March 5 at 7 pm.

ENVIRONMENTAL TIP: BYOB! Last year Americans used about 50 billion* plastic

water bottles. Fill up a reusable water bottle at home and carry it with you. If you

don’t like the taste of your tap water, buy a filter! Much of bottled water sold today

is just filtered tap water anyway. *statistic from World Wildlife Fund


Come out for some Bible Study, fellowship, laughter, and a cup of coffee. The

ongoing study is on the Gospel of Mark which will be the scripture focus in our

2018 worship services. Drop in whenever your schedule allows it. We look

forward to seeing you. Pastor Frey is the presenter. We meet every Sunday at 9

am in the Conference Room on the lower level.


Our sincere wishes of sympathy go to the family and friends of Bernice Sayer who

passed away on January 2, 2018. Bernice was the wife of Carl Sayer and the

mother of Donna Lorah. A memorial service was held on Friday, January 5.

Our sincere wishes of sympathy go out to the family and friends of Shirley Fox who

passed away on January 14, 2018. A graveside service was held on Wednesday, January 17 in

Friedens Cemetery and a memorial service was held on Saturday, January 27 at Friedens UCC.


Please keep the following members and friends in your prayers:

Please keep the following members and friends in your prayers: Bill Angstadt,

Frank Arters, the Blew Family, Sara Dengler, Rev. Tyson Frey, Vicky Heffner,

Diane Seidel Bagenstose, David Derr, Judy Hubert, Abe Keller, Irene Keller,

Sylvia Leach, Herbert McMaster (brother in-law of Sara McMaster), Carl

Sayer, Harper Rose Seyfert (great granddaughter of Alice Shirey), Sandra

Smith (mother of Denise Bucciaglia), Lexi Thomas, and Kelly Zerbe (niece of

Judy Boyer).

Please keep those serving to protect our country, especially:

Ethan Fox, Jimmy Gresh, Josh Gresh, Emily Hain, Ryan Kardoley, Sam

McMaster, and H.R. McMaster.


A digital camera was recently found in Weidner Hall. If it belongs to you, please

contact the church office at 610-987-3536 or see a Consistory member to make

arrangements to pick it up.


IN ATTENDANCE: Craig Conrad, Eleanor Henne, Sue Henne, Pastor Frey, Diane Cappa,

Russell Leach, Lee Miller, Mark Hoch, Brian Ott, Dave Wolfe, Cindy Conrad (Treasurer) and

Shirley Riegel-Ferreri


Air Conditioning: Manny Reichert presented two air conditioning quotes for the Sanctuary. He

may request more quotes from other companies in the near future.

AED Device: Policy and Procedure was distributed. Training will be made available in

January. The training will include a CPR component and will be held at the Oley Ambulance

house. Mark Hoch will take the lead.

TREASURER’S REPORT: A discussion has held regarding fundraising efforts. There will be

redistribution of funds from the hoagie money profits. Going forward, the distribution will be

more in line with the mission of the church.

1/2 of the funds will go to Mission Team Ministry

$5,000 each will go to Sunday School and Youth Ministry

$1,000 each will go to the music program and Young at Heart

This proposal came as an addendum to the budget, rolling the hoagie money into the Master

Budget. A motion was carried. The church will be paid 60 cents per sandwich for expenses



The 2018 Budget will be available to the congregation two weeks prior to the Annual Meeting.

There continues to be open positions on the Consistory for 2018. Sue Henne will remain for

another year. Kerri Hipple, Dave Wolfe and Jay Estep were thanked for their valuable service

to the church. Three slots remain to be filled on the Consistory. Officers will be determined at

the January 9, 2018 Consistory Meeting for the 2018 calendar year.

PASTOR’S REPORT: Rev. Frey reviewed and submitted his report for November 2017. In

addition he requested the opportunity to attend “Winter Pastor School” which is a continuing

educational event and will include exposure to excellent seminary speakers. This event will

take place the end of January through the beginning of February 2018. A motion was carried.


Personnel Committee: Employee gift cards were approved for December 2017. A lengthy

discussion ensued regarding final review and adoption of the Weidner Hall Policy. No definitive

action was taken.

Music & Worship Committee: Things are going well and the choir is growing. Holiday

programs are planned. The Cantata was well received.

Property Committee: The air conditioning idea will be introduced at the Congregational Meeting

in order for this to be ready for summer 2018. There will be a study to determine the

(Continued on Next Page)

impact on the physical structure. Also, due to the growth of the choir and the music program,

the plan is to reconfigure the Choir Room. The expense should be nominal. Motion was

carried to accept the proposed redesign and move forward.

Christian Education: Working on the Christmas Program.

Faschnacht Committee: The committee will provide free samples for taste testing on January

7, 2018 following the worship service. The creation of the donuts will take place prior to the


NEXT MEETING: January 9, 2018 at 7 pm.


Income & Expense by Month - January through December 2017

Expense Summary - January through December 2017


Friedens UCC receives a rebate of 1% from purchases made at Boyer’s grocery

stores. Simply present a tag you carry on your key ring before the cashier rings

up your order. Boyer’s will electronically accumulate purchases and rebate 1% of

purchases (excluding tax, milk and cigarettes) twice yearly. Tags are available in

a container on the shelf in the Narthex. Take one for yourself and take a few for

your family and friends. There is no limit to the amount of money we can earn, so

start shopping!

The deadline to submit articles for the March 2018 Newsletter is February 15.

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United Church of Christ

337 Main Street

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Church Office Hours

Monday thru Thursday

9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

[email protected]

Rev. Dr. Tyson Frey

[email protected]

Denise Bucciaglia

Office Administrator

[email protected]

Worship Service

10:15 a.m.

Sunday School

9:00 a.m.