FRIDAY ND SAI'URDAY TO BE NEW BONiS OLLAR I)AYS IN B ... · The funeral services were held from the...

-434 OLOAM2 FRIDAY ND SAI OLLAR I Merchants of City Co Selling Event Whi Get Benefits BIGGEST SHOPPING Practically Every Branch of List of Merchants Sul Drive. First Event of the City. Friday and Saturday, March 10 and i1 will be Dollar Days In Laurens. Almost all of the merchants in Lau- relts, reiresenting clothing, dry good.-, hardware, shoes, furniture, groceries 1and drugs, have made special offerings and it Is expected that iuidreds of peop' will come to. Laurens from all parts of .the county and its vicinity. While there have been other con- certed efforts -by merchants for big events in Laurens and while there have been other Individual dollar (lays, .this .-s fle first time that the mner- chanis of Laurens have co-operated for a rnited Dollar 'Day and as a re- .uilt every line of merchandise is ti- ong offered to the buying public at greatly reduced prices. Elaborate preparations are being made and will be finished by Friday morning so that when the doors of -the stores in Lau- rens epen for business, bargains galore in every line of merchandise will greet prospective buyers. Every merchant, in a dtermined effort to make Dollar Day a Bargain Day, has made special :reductions on some articles so that JORI N. RUDGENS LAID TO RE4T Passed Away Thursday Night and Burled iaturday Morning. Sick Two Weeks. John N. Hudgens, one of the city's most prominent and progressive citi- zons, passed away Thursday night at hin home on South .Harper street af- ter an illness lasting about two weeks. Oh Frebruary 16th, while in Union in pursuit of his business as traveling -salesman, he became Ill of a heart af- 'fection. He left for home Immediate- ly and upon his arrival here took to his bed, from which he never arose hiain. The funeral services were held from the house -Saturday morning and In- terment took place in the Laureris ,Vem'dtryl. The services wVre con- lucted by Rev. S. H. Templeman, as- ,sisted by Rev. Knight, Rev. Squires a4nd R'ev. -IHolmes. A -large number of :people attended he last rites and many beautiful floral wreaths were placed -tipo1 'the grave. * r. Hudgens Iwas born in Laurens counity January 8th, 1859. In early life, he 'went 'to Oconee county and ronm thence to Atlanta. to seek em- ployment. From there he went on the road for the J. K. Orr Shoe Company. For the past ton or tewlve years he lias ben representing the Hoyt Shoe l0ompany, of Boston, Mass., being one of the company's most successful rep-- resentatives. In 1897 Mr. IHudgens was married to Miiss Carrie Pancoast, of Atlanta, and she with four children survive -him, as follows: Mrs. Hoyt camp, of Harts-- ville; John 'iudgens, student at the 'Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Ga.; Harold and Caroline 'Hudgens, who reside at .homne. He is also survyived by the fol- lowing brothers and sisters, Mrs. Fletcher -Knox, of Williamston; W. K. Hudgens, of (Pelzer) .Mrs. B. 'Harris, of 'Pendleton; Ms. Maxwell, of 01ber- ton, Ga.; Albert Hudgens, Mrs. B. ,. iMumphries, of Greenville; Mrs. A. 0. rby, of Laurens; Miss Roseo 'Hudgens, .of connie Ma,well Orphanage. SIn his youth ~Mr. HI'udgens joined 1the lBaptlst church and throughout his life remained a consistent enember. Rev. C. T. Sguires Th'rt. .While cranking his ear Mondlay ev-- Sening, R'ev. C. T. Squirea sustained in- * iries to his lyrist 'when the engine of ' a chsar "lgicked". 'Although painful- 0 'burt, it was, found that the wrist. uas only Aprained and that the in- tUry was nlot serious. 'URDAY TO BE )AYS IN LAURENS -operate In Having Big tre Customers May of Low Prices. EVENT IN CITY'S IlSTORY Merchandise Represented in )porting the B ig Two Day the Like it the History of they can be )ought at astonishing lo,w prices. Dollar Day in Laurens, coming as it does at this time of the yoar, it is ex- pected that hundreds of .people will come to Laurens Friday and Saturday to buy their spring goods. New sea- sonable and standard merchandise Is being offered, according to advertise- ments, at far below standard 'prices. Articles of clothing, furniture and oth- er goods that could not be sold for a dollar .have. been greatly reduced for Dollar Day and other merchants have offered A'discount of a dollar from the price of an article selling for five dol- lars. In many cases merchandise has been grouped together so that goods worth a dollar and'a half and in some cases two dollars will be sold for one dollar. It being impossible to maintain the prices that have been set for Dollar (Day, many merchants have stated that the sp.ecial offers they have made for Friday and Saturday will not continue Monday, so that those desiring .to take advantage of them should come to Lau- rens Friday and Sturdy. FAMILY DAY .AT SUNDAY SCHOOL Greatest Attendance at School in Years. Family of Many Generations Present. Following P Father and 'Son Day and a Mother and Daughter Day the Sunday School of the First, Methodist church was crowded Sunday, morning with those coming to attend what was callcd Family Day. Almost 400 men, women and children were present, out of which twere sixty-4hr'e families with a perfect attendance of every member of the family, and one family which was represented by four gener- ations. Among the many records of the Sun- day School which were read, that of the Sex-ton family which was repre- sented by many generations, and that of LMrs. John F. Bolt who Is the oldest member of the school in -point of ser- vice, were most interesting. Mrs. Bolt Joined .the Sunday School when but t'wo years old and has been a contin- uous member for sixty years. The distinction of the Sexton family was unusually rare, they .being rep- resented by four of five living genera- tions. Mrs. Sarah Sexton who Is 87 years of age and a great, great grand- mother, was the oldest member pres- ent. J. ID. Sexton, who is 61 years old and a son of Mrs. Sarah Sexton, represented the second generation. 5. 'B. Nexton who is 36 years old and his daughter who is 17 years old repre- sented the third and fourth genera-' tions, 5. 13. Sexton being a son of )p1r. J. D. Sexton. A fifth generation, one of the great great .granddaughters of Mrs Sarah Sexton, who' is the 3-year- old1 daughter of Victor Fowler from Ulnion, S. C., was unable to be present. The idea .of Family Day at the Sun- (lay School was :cuovol and it is ex.- lected it will be 'tried again, A free will offering was made for the benefit of )i~pworth Orphanage at Columbia. Sixty-eight dollars was realized. MeNlder to Pas Through Hanford McNider, national corn-1 miander of the American Legion, is g ass through here by automobe du~ his way from Greenville to Columbia1 Friday, aecording to Infornjation re- ceived from Greenville. No "prepara- i tlions have been made for a stoD, bow- .over, According to the schedule of his trip 'le should pass through~Laurens with a party of Greenvilio men, noi~lu4 ing Col, 'Holnmes .B. Springs; betwe 10 o'clock a d uloon, This young lady says: and make them do d'ubl HEAVY DOCKET FACES COURT Ikepial Sessions Court to Conveno Monday. Timmons and Willard Case Scheduleld for Trial. When His Honor, John S. Wilson, of Vtanning, opens court at Laurens next Wonday morning he will face the ieav.iest criminal docket that has ever 3xisted in the history of the county, icvording to the docket as made up by . A. Power, clerk of court. There alxpoars on the dodket, car- ried over from last court, forty cases or trial. Among that number is one 3ase for arson, one for burglary and arceny, 3 for assault and battery with nterft to kill and carrying concealed weapons, 13 far violation of the .pro- ,ibition law, 3 for forgery, 3 for lar- ,eny, 5 for disposing of .property un- lor lien. The others for -various of- 'enses. In addition to the above the %lerk has placed in the solicitor's iands more than one hundred new ,varrants for consideration by the grand jury. These consist as follows: t for murder, 14 for passing worthless 3hecks, 21 for violation of prohibition aw, 10 for larceny, 5 for assault and )attery swith intent .to kill. The others sonsist of various charges. At the last -term of the court of leneral Sessions -there were ninety- sight cases on the docket for trial, A'hen all the .bills were passed on .by he grand jury, which was the largest1 iumnber on the docket at the same time n the 'history of the county, but when he bills are all passed on at this term he number will exceed this by several ~ases. Among the more important cases 111l be that of Luther Timmons and Wfonroe Willard charged with murder n connection with the death of Hlosea fIartin, Laurens ipoliceman, killed in mn effort sto arrest Timmons and Wil- ard in att alleged attempt to convey ~hiskey. from the mountains to Clini- ~on. -Dr. 'St. Clair 'Hays, of Clinton, vho performed the autopsy at the Clin- on hospital after Martin had died, is aking a -special course of medicine in New York anid on 'this account a con- inuance of -the case may be attempt- 3d. 'However, no definite statements 'tave been made to this effect by at- ornfys interested in the case. The officers are ma1ing every etfort o have everything in readiness, so here will be-no' delay in getting down o business. Wfth this number of cas- 18 there are aliways eome witnesses w'ho do not .appear ipromiptly on first lay of ceourt. Ifi view of the congest- id. 4det Igr. P~ower has urged that til ji rors and 'witnesss appear on ime. "Bring your Dollars to La duty."9 AUTO PARTY HAS NARROW ESCAPE tail, on south H1arper Street Bridg< ,Cblar In Mid Air. 'Vlive Occui, Pants Escap~e withi minor injuries A. V. Mart~in, .R. T. Dunlap, Missei Margaret Dunlap and Sarah Dishop of this city, and Fletcher Kuykendall of Columbia, had a narrow escape fron death or serious Injury last Wednes- day night about nine o'clock when v Ford touring car in which they wer( riding toward town collided with freight train No. 10 on the C., N. & L, railroad at the dangerous crossing on Southi Harper street near the Ropei & Company's lumber yard. Other than a few mninor cuts and bruises, Dr. R. E. Hughes, who was called to -the scene, found no Iimediate Injuries tc the passengers and all continued to a party to twbich they were going, thankful for their miraculous escape. Riding toward town In a drizzling rain at what all the occupants said was a moderate rate of speed, th< train was .first noticed when they had approached within about fifteen feel of the track, too late to avoid a con'- liio. is isop M.Matlf n the train crew aftrth ran a TheBrain your Dollrshto Lath thel ondg Sorutou half Swaye acros. stadtl our ha d ar. toPiac wen Pant oftecar doit no knwrbut thyMargreet unla tanin Saved show- ofhi bcward and letce Kmmykaenyaaf derathe olsionushingr latednesmo daywnigte abock nie cloc whetune arud torng when in whiche the edge otbridingewr tone coiead witar toreh trai gro.u0nd theu C.fee fee&t railoaea the rgendows cghtibetwee Sthrs tiuersate beridge roping thrompny' lumerard.n Otherupat arfe susinoredt nd briseDr. Tc hear remane aglng o the thie porsegerays and wasine toe pryt wichhetyponteet. in thankful for theire ilcloueehscape raIntmet~vat atheriendahts Presby ateraChurchithinda aotfteon afee ofth' rakteiatnonvoda.o urens Friday and Saturday DIAL ELECTED CITY'S MAYOR John A." Tr.uks Rehfeated by Narrow Margin. Enstorb.y Wis5 in First Ward. In the second primary yesterday, characterized .by fpverish activity by candidates and their supporters, Dr. W W. 'H. -Dial was non*minated mayor ov- er the incumbent, John A. Franks, by a margin of fifteen votes out of a total of 1,201 cast. Dr. Dial received 608 and Mr. Franks -593. In Ward 1, where the only alder- manic contest was held, Ernest D. Easterby defeated his opponent, R. E. Thompson, by a vote of 68 .to 64. In the elcction for mayor, the ques- tion uppermost In the minds of the political prognosticators was where the vote of F. A. Fuller, eliminatea in tho first 'primary, would go. In that primary 'Mr. Franks lead Dr. Dial by 27 votes, his total being 431 votes against Dr. Dial's 404. The question was whether the leader could hold his strength and break even with Dr. Dial on the Fuller vote, which was 309. The returns indicated yesterday that Dr. 'Dial was able 'to turn 'to his advan- tage a necessary majority of the Fuiller following. Although interest in Ithe election was at a high pitch, the campaign of both mayoralty as well as the alder- manic candidates was pitched on a high lplane and no bitterness made itself felt. The following is the tabulated v'ote by wards for mayor: ' Dial Franks Wardl 1.... .... .... ....74 5 Ward 2.... ....-.... ....65 58 Ward 3 ..,...... .... ...1.10 213 Ward 4..... .... .... ....86 76 Ward 56.... .... .... ...190 125 Ward 6.... .... .... ....83 62 Total .... .... .... ...608 593 The newly clected1 administration wvill be composed as follows: Mayor, .Dr. W. Hi. Dial; Aldermen: Ward 1, E6. D. Easterby; Ward 2, D). R. Sinmp- con; Ward 3, J. McD. tinore; Ward 4, John F. Montgomery; Ward 5, HI. Douglas Gray; Ward 6, Albert Dial. A coincident of the election is 'that Mayor-elect Dial and Alderman Dial arre father anjd son, the mayer-elect 'being a brother of Senator N. B, Dial. Invitation to Winthrop Daughters A cordial invitation has been ex- tended by Mrs. Robert A. Cooper to the Winthrop Daughters attending the State Teachers meeting at Columbia, at the Governor's ~Mansion Friday, March 16 to 18, to- attend a tea given March 17Mt6 P.. NEW BONiS BILL TO B[ COMPROMIt Big Cash Feature to be Eliminated BANK PROVISION AGREED ON l';itire Ways and Means coimittee to 1eet. Naturday WIhen Democrtic 31embers 1ill be Allowed to Ex. Press Their YT-ins. Pres. Harding Not. Gilven Assent. W4ashington, March 7.-The coin- 'proilise soldiers' b n ill, carrying a hank provision in place of the cash installmen t Iaymen t plan originally tProposed and once apjproved by the Hlouse, finally was agreed to today by i)nublican imeibers of the warva and ieans committe. It was inuroduced later in the House by Chairnian Ford- ney, who announced that It would not be called up until next GMonday, if then. Passage of the bill was predicted by Mr. Fordney. His opinion appeared to be shared by members of the House generally, some of whon said that on the final vote .party lines would disap- pear. There owas some speculadton In House lobbies and corridors as tot President 'Harding's views of the com- promise plan and also as to whether he would find occaston to ,express those views before the House voted. Chairman Fordney still declined to say whether lie had discussed the comtipromiso with the executive. At .the White House it was said that Mr. Harding had not studied it, and con- seluently had not formed an opinion of the -bank loan provision. He was represented, however, as maintaining the same position that he did (when he wrote Mr. Fordney on February 16, that the bonus either should be paid by'a sales tax or the legislation postponed. Some of the majority members of the committee believe hat since the new 'plan defers for three years any large drain on the federal treasury the -President will not object to it Theyosay the compromise will en- able needy veterans to obtain cash without the necessity of imiposing ad- ditional taxes on the general public. Mr. Fordney said lie entire ways and means committee would met on Saturday when the Democrats would have an opportunity to pass judgment on he bill. Aside from the substitution of the bank loan provision for the cash pay- nent plan, the bill as Introduced is very similar to that previously passed by the -louse. The only immediate cash payment proposed is to veterans whose adjusted service pay would not exceed $50. Other veterans could se- lect one of four options. OlHAS. F. BIEEKS ilDEAD Well Known Citizen of Brewerton Section Passed Away Monday. Chas. F. Bleeks, age about 44, passed away at his home in 'the -Brewerton section of the county Monday after- noon, following an attack of pneumo-- nia. The funeral and burial services took place yesterday afternoon at har- mony church, of which he was a mnem- b~er, Rev. Coleman conducting the ser- vices. The dleceased was a son of Mr. John W. Blecks. In early life he married a Miss Blallen-tine, who wvith seven chil- dlren survive him. Illis father and the following brother's and sisters are also survivors: J. D. Beeks, of Abbe- vylle; J. C. heeks, of flelton; WV. B., H-. 'H1. and S. S., of Ware Shoals; Dr. H-. S. Beeks, of Richmond, Va.; Mrs. h. S. Ballontine and Miss Maggie Bleeks, of Ware Shoals. Apple Out of Season The Advertiser -has receivedl from Mr. W. 11. Baldwin, of Barksdale, a fairly large apple which -he states fell off of his tree only a fewv dlays ago. The Advertiser has had a number of in- stances of fruits growing through the winter months 'this year, reminding One of the- very mild weather expe-ri- enced this winter. Dollar For Martin Fud he JIdvertiser a,cknowledges the receIpt from Chief Crews of $1.00 from an anonymous ebntributor 'to the hlosea Martin fund, making the total amnount to date $158.70.

Transcript of FRIDAY ND SAI'URDAY TO BE NEW BONiS OLLAR I)AYS IN B ... · The funeral services were held from the...

Page 1: FRIDAY ND SAI'URDAY TO BE NEW BONiS OLLAR I)AYS IN B ... · The funeral services were held from the house-Saturday morning and In-terment took place in the Laureris,Vem'dtryl. The




Merchants of City CoSelling Event Whi


Practically Every Branch ofList of Merchants SulDrive. First Event ofthe City.

Friday and Saturday, March 10 andi1 will be Dollar Days In Laurens.Almost all of the merchants in Lau-relts, reiresenting clothing, dry good.-,hardware, shoes, furniture, groceries1and drugs, have made special offeringsand it Is expected that iuidreds ofpeop' will come to. Laurens from allparts of .the county and its vicinity.While there have been other con-

certed efforts -by merchants for bigevents in Laurens and while therehave been other Individual dollar (lays,.this .-s fle first time that the mner-chanis of Laurens have co-operatedfor a rnited Dollar 'Day and as a re-.uilt every line of merchandise is ti-ong offered to the buying public atgreatly reduced prices. Elaboratepreparations are being made and willbe finished by Friday morning so thatwhen the doors of -the stores in Lau-rens epen for business, bargains galorein every line of merchandise will greetprospective buyers. Every merchant,in a dtermined effort to make DollarDay a Bargain Day, has made special:reductions on some articles so that


Passed Away Thursday Night andBurled iaturday Morning. Sick TwoWeeks.

John N. Hudgens, one of the city'smost prominent and progressive citi-zons, passed away Thursday night athin home on South .Harper street af-ter an illness lasting about two weeks.Oh Frebruary 16th, while in Union inpursuit of his business as traveling-salesman, he became Ill of a heart af-'fection. He left for home Immediate-ly and upon his arrival here took tohis bed, from which he never arosehiain.The funeral services were held from

the house -Saturday morning and In-terment took place in the Laureris,Vem'dtryl. The services wVre con-

lucted by Rev. S. H. Templeman, as-

,sisted by Rev. Knight, Rev. Squiresa4nd R'ev. -IHolmes. A -large number of:people attended he last rites and manybeautiful floral wreaths were placed-tipo1 'the grave.* r. Hudgens Iwas born in Laurens

counity January 8th, 1859. In earlylife, he 'went 'to Oconee county andronm thence to Atlanta. to seek em-ployment. From there he went on theroad for the J. K. Orr Shoe Company.For the past ton or tewlve years helias ben representing the Hoyt Shoel0ompany, of Boston, Mass., being oneof the company's most successful rep--resentatives.

In 1897 Mr. IHudgens was married toMiiss Carrie Pancoast, of Atlanta, andshe with four children survive -him,as follows: Mrs. Hoyt camp, of Harts--ville; John 'iudgens, student at the'Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Ga.; Haroldand Caroline 'Hudgens, who reside at.homne. He is also survyived by the fol-lowing brothers and sisters, Mrs.Fletcher -Knox, of Williamston; W. K.Hudgens, of (Pelzer) .Mrs. B. 'Harris,of 'Pendleton; Ms. Maxwell, of 01ber-ton, Ga.; Albert Hudgens, Mrs. B. ,.

iMumphries, of Greenville; Mrs. A. 0.rby, of Laurens; Miss Roseo 'Hudgens,

.of connie Ma,well Orphanage.SIn his youth ~Mr. HI'udgens joined

1the lBaptlst church and throughout hislife remained a consistent enember.

Rev. C. T. Sguires Th'rt..While cranking his ear Mondlay ev--

Sening, R'ev. C. T. Squirea sustained in-* iries to his lyrist 'when the engine of' achsar "lgicked". 'Although painful-0 'burt, it was, found that the wrist.

uas only Aprained and that the in-tUry was nlot serious.

'URDAY TO BE)AYS IN LAURENS-operate In Having Bigtre Customers Mayof Low Prices.EVENT

IN CITY'S IlSTORYMerchandise Represented in)porting the B ig Two Daythe Like it the History of

they can be )ought at astonishing lo,wprices.

Dollar Day in Laurens, coming as itdoes at this time of the yoar, it is ex-pected that hundreds of .people willcome to Laurens Friday and Saturdayto buy their spring goods. New sea-sonable and standard merchandise Isbeing offered, according to advertise-ments, at far below standard 'prices.Articles of clothing, furniture and oth-er goods that could not be sold for adollar .have. been greatly reduced forDollar Day and other merchants haveoffered A'discount of a dollar from theprice of an article selling for five dol-lars. In many cases merchandise hasbeen grouped together so that goodsworth a dollar and'a half and in somecases two dollars will be sold for onedollar.

It being impossible to maintain theprices that have been set for Dollar(Day, many merchants have stated thatthe sp.ecial offers they have made forFriday and Saturday will not continueMonday, so that those desiring .to takeadvantage of them should come to Lau-rens Friday and Sturdy.


Greatest Attendance at School inYears. Family of Many GenerationsPresent.Following P Father and 'Son Day

and a Mother and Daughter Day theSunday School of the First, Methodistchurch was crowded Sunday, morningwith those coming to attend what wascallcd Family Day. Almost 400 men,women and children were present, outof which twere sixty-4hr'e familieswith a perfect attendance of everymember of the family, and one familywhich was represented by four gener-ations.Among the many records of the Sun-

day School which were read, that ofthe Sex-ton family which was repre-sented by many generations, and thatof LMrs. John F. Bolt who Is the oldestmember of the school in -point of ser-vice, were most interesting. Mrs. BoltJoined .the Sunday School when butt'wo years old and has been a contin-uous member for sixty years.The distinction of the Sexton family

was unusually rare, they .being rep-resented by four of five living genera-tions. Mrs. Sarah Sexton who Is 87years of age and a great, great grand-mother, was the oldest member pres-ent. J. ID. Sexton, who is 61 yearsold and a son of Mrs. Sarah Sexton,represented the second generation. 5.'B. Nexton who is 36 years old and hisdaughter who is 17 years old repre-sented the third and fourth genera-'tions, 5. 13. Sexton being a son of )p1r.J. D. Sexton. A fifth generation, oneof the great great .granddaughters ofMrs Sarah Sexton, who' is the 3-year-old1 daughter of Victor Fowler fromUlnion, S. C., was unable to be present.The idea .of Family Day at the Sun-(lay School was :cuovol and it is ex.-lected it will be 'tried again, A freewill offering was made for the benefitof )i~pworth Orphanage at Columbia.Sixty-eight dollars was realized.

MeNlder to Pas ThroughHanford McNider, national corn-1miander of the American Legion, is gass through here by automobe du~

his way from Greenville to Columbia1Friday, aecording to Infornjation re-ceived from Greenville. No "prepara- itlions have been made for a stoD, bow-.over, According to the schedule of histrip 'le should pass through~Laurenswith a party of Greenvilio men, noi~lu4ing Col, 'Holnmes .B. Springs; betwe10 o'clock a d uloon,

This young lady says:and make them do d'ubl


Ikepial Sessions Court to ConvenoMonday. Timmons and WillardCase Scheduleld for Trial.When His Honor, John S. Wilson, of

Vtanning, opens court at Laurens nextWonday morning he will face theieav.iest criminal docket that has ever3xisted in the history of the county,icvording to the docket as made up by

.A. Power, clerk of court.There alxpoars on the dodket, car-

ried over from last court, forty casesor trial. Among that number is one

3ase for arson, one for burglary andarceny, 3 for assault and battery withnterft to kill and carrying concealedweapons, 13 far violation of the .pro-,ibition law, 3 for forgery, 3 for lar-,eny, 5 for disposing of .property un-lor lien. The others for -various of-'enses. In addition to the above the%lerk has placed in the solicitor'siands more than one hundred new,varrants for consideration by thegrand jury. These consist as follows:t for murder, 14 for passing worthless3hecks, 21 for violation of prohibitionaw, 10 for larceny, 5 for assault and)attery swith intent .to kill. The otherssonsist of various charges.At the last -term of the court of

leneral Sessions -there were ninety-sight cases on the docket for trial,A'hen all the .bills were passed on .by

he grand jury, which was the largest1iumnber on the docket at the same timen the 'history of the county, but whenhe bills are all passed on at this termhe number will exceed this by several~ases.Among the more important cases111l be that of Luther Timmons andWfonroe Willard charged with murdern connection with the death of HloseafIartin, Laurens ipoliceman, killed inmn effort sto arrest Timmons and Wil-

ard in att alleged attempt to convey~hiskey. from the mountains to Clini-

~on. -Dr. 'St. Clair 'Hays, of Clinton,vho performed the autopsy at the Clin-on hospital after Martin had died, isaking a -special course of medicine inNew York anid on 'this account a con-

inuance of -the case may be attempt-3d. 'However, no definite statements'tave been made to this effect by at-

ornfys interested in the case.The officers are ma1ing every etfort

o have everything in readiness, sohere will be-no' delay in getting downo business. Wfth this number of cas-18 there are aliways eome witnessesw'ho do not .appear ipromiptly on first

lay of ceourt. Ifi view of the congest-id. 4det Igr. P~ower has urged that

til ji rors and 'witnesss appear onime.

"Bring your Dollars to Laduty."9AUTO PARTY HAS

NARROW ESCAPEtail, on south H1arper Street Bridg<,Cblar In Mid Air. 'Vlive Occui,Pants Escap~e withi minor injuriesA. V. Mart~in, .R. T. Dunlap, Missei

Margaret Dunlap and Sarah Dishopof this city, and Fletcher Kuykendallof Columbia, had a narrow escape frondeath or serious Injury last Wednes-day night about nine o'clock when vFord touring car in which they wer(riding toward town collided withfreight train No. 10 on the C., N. & L,railroad at the dangerous crossing onSouthi Harper street near the Ropei& Company's lumber yard. Other thana few mninor cuts and bruises, Dr. R.E. Hughes, who was called to -thescene, found no Iimediate Injuries tcthe passengers and all continued to aparty to twbich they were going,thankful for their miraculous escape.Riding toward town In a drizzling

rain at what all the occupants saidwas a moderate rate of speed, th<train was .first noticed when they hadapproached within about fifteen feelof the track, too late to avoid a con'-

liio. is isop M.Matlf n

thetrain crew aftrth ran a

TheBrain your Dollrshto Lath

thel ondgSorutouhalfSwaye acros.stadtl our ha d ar.toPiac wen

Pant oftecar doit no knwrbutthyMargreetunla taninSaved show-ofhibcward and letceKmmykaenyaafderathe olsionushingrlatednesmodaywnigte abock nie cloc whetunearudtorngwhen in whiche the edgeotbridingewr tone coiead witartoreh trai gro.u0nd theu C.fee fee&trailoaeathe rgendows cghtibetweeSthrs tiuersate beridge ropingthrompny' lumerard.n Otherupatarfe susinoredt nd briseDr.

Tc hear remane aglng o thethieporsegeraysand wasine toe

pryt wichhetyponteet. inthankful for theire ilcloueehscaperaIntmet~vat atheriendahtsPresbyateraChurchithinda aotfteon afeeofth'rakteiatnonvoda.o

urens Friday and Saturday


John A." Tr.uks Rehfeated by NarrowMargin. Enstorb.y Wis5 in FirstWard.

In the second primary yesterday,characterized .by fpverish activity bycandidates and their supporters, Dr.WW. 'H. -Dial was non*minated mayor ov-er the incumbent, John A. Franks, by amargin of fifteen votes out of a totalof 1,201 cast. Dr. Dial received 608and Mr. Franks -593.In Ward 1, where the only alder-

manic contest was held, Ernest D.Easterby defeated his opponent, R. E.Thompson, by a vote of 68 .to 64.

In the elcction for mayor, the ques-tion uppermost In the minds of thepolitical prognosticators was wherethe vote of F. A. Fuller, eliminatea intho first 'primary, would go. In thatprimary 'Mr. Franks lead Dr. Dial by27 votes, his total being 431 votesagainst Dr. Dial's 404. The questionwas whether the leader could hold hisstrength and break even with Dr. Dialon the Fuller vote, which was 309. Thereturns indicated yesterday that Dr.'Dial was able 'to turn 'to his advan-tage a necessary majority of the Fuillerfollowing.Although interest in Ithe election

was at a high pitch, the campaign ofboth mayoralty as well as the alder-manic candidates was pitched on a highlplane and no bitterness made itselffelt.The following is the tabulated v'ote

by wards for mayor:' Dial Franks

Wardl 1.... .... .... ....74 5Ward 2.... ....-.... ....65 58Ward 3 ..,...... .... ...1.10 213Ward 4..... .... .... ....86 76Ward 56.... .... .... ...190 125Ward 6.... .... .... ....83 62

Total .... .... .... ...608 593The newly clected1 administration

wvill be composed as follows: Mayor,.Dr. W. Hi. Dial; Aldermen: Ward 1,E6. D. Easterby; Ward 2, D). R. Sinmp-con; Ward 3, J. McD. tinore; Ward 4,John F. Montgomery; Ward 5, HI.Douglas Gray; Ward 6, Albert Dial.A coincident of the election is 'that

Mayor-elect Dial and Alderman Dialarre father anjd son, the mayer-elect'being a brother of Senator N. B, Dial.

Invitation to Winthrop DaughtersA cordial invitation has been ex-

tended by Mrs. Robert A. Cooper tothe Winthrop Daughters attending theState Teachers meeting at Columbia,at the Governor's ~Mansion Friday,March 16 to 18, to- attend a tea givenMarch 17Mt6 P..


Big Cash Feature to beEliminated


l';itire Ways and Means coimittee to1eet. Naturday WIhen Democrtic31embers 1ill be Allowed to Ex.Press Their YT-ins. Pres. HardingNot. Gilven Assent.

W4ashington, March 7.-The coin-'proilise soldiers' b n ill, carryinga hank provision in place of the cashinstallmen t Iaymen t plan originallytProposed and once apjproved by theHlouse, finally was agreed to today byi)nublican imeibers of the warva andieans committe. It was inuroducedlater in the House by Chairnian Ford-ney, who announced that It would notbe called up until next GMonday, ifthen.Passage of the bill was predicted by

Mr. Fordney. His opinion appeared tobe shared by members of the Housegenerally, some of whon said that onthe final vote .party lines would disap-pear. There owas some speculadton InHouse lobbies and corridors as totPresident 'Harding's views of the com-promise plan and also as to whetherhe would find occaston to ,expressthose views before the House voted.Chairman Fordney still declined to

say whether lie had discussed thecomtipromiso with the executive. At.the White House it was said that Mr.Harding had not studied it, and con-seluently had not formed an opinionof the -bank loan provision. He was

represented, however, as maintainingthe same position that he did (whenhe wrote Mr. Fordney on February16, that the bonus either should bepaid by'a sales tax or the legislationpostponed.Some of the majority members of

the committee believe hat since thenew 'plan defers for three years anylarge drain on the federal treasurythe -President will not object to itTheyosay the compromise will en-able needy veterans to obtain cashwithout the necessity of imiposing ad-ditional taxes on the general public.Mr. Fordney said lie entire ways

and means committee would met on

Saturday when the Democrats wouldhave an opportunity to pass judgmenton he bill.Aside from the substitution of the

bank loan provision for the cash pay-nent plan, the bill as Introduced isvery similar to that previously passedby the -louse. The only immediatecash payment proposed is to veteranswhose adjusted service pay would notexceed $50. Other veterans could se-

lect one of four options.


Well Known Citizen of BrewertonSection Passed Away Monday.Chas. F. Bleeks, age about 44, passed

away at his home in 'the -Brewertonsection of the county Monday after-noon, following an attack of pneumo--nia. The funeral and burial servicestook place yesterday afternoon at har-mony church, of which he was a mnem-b~er, Rev. Coleman conducting the ser-vices.The dleceased was a son of Mr. John

W. Blecks. In early life he married aMiss Blallen-tine, who wvith seven chil-dlren survive him. Illis father and thefollowing brother's and sisters arealso survivors: J. D. Beeks, of Abbe-vylle; J. C. heeks, of flelton; WV. B.,H-. 'H1. and S. S., of Ware Shoals; Dr.H-. S. Beeks, of Richmond, Va.; Mrs.h. S. Ballontine and Miss MaggieBleeks, of Ware Shoals.

Apple Out of SeasonThe Advertiser -has receivedl from

Mr. W. 11. Baldwin, of Barksdale, afairly large apple which -he states felloff of his tree only a fewv dlays ago. TheAdvertiser has had a number of in-stances of fruits growing through thewinter months 'this year, remindingOne of the- very mild weather expe-ri-enced this winter.

Dollar For Martin Fudhe JIdvertiser a,cknowledges the

receIpt from Chief Crews of $1.00 froman anonymous ebntributor 'to the hloseaMartin fund, making the total amnountto date $158.70.