Friday 26 october 2012

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Lesson on EWT and the affect of misleading information.

Transcript of Friday 26 october 2012

  • 1. Friday 26 October 2012 c/w` Cognitive Psychology Eyewitness TestimonyLearning OutcomesKeywords Eyewitnes I can describe and sevaluate research into testimonythe effect of misleading Misleadininformation on geyewitness testimony informatio n

2. Lesson overviewStarter HwkReview of assessement task from Create alast weekpresentationMain Tasks(using graphicsIntroduction to eyewitnessand images) totestimony and misleadingillustrate how:informationStar psychologist Elizabeth AgeLoftusAnxietyGroup/individual presentations on Alcoholkey questions RacePlenary affect theKey questions reviewaccuracy of eye-witness 3. Assessment 19 October 20121. The diagram below illustrates the multi-store model of memory. Write appropriate labels for A and B (2)A=Short Term Memory B= Rehearsal2. Explain one strength of the multi-store model of memory (2)Multi store model is supported by research evidence (1) for example Glanzer and Cunitz demonstrated a primacy effect (LTM) and recency effect (STM B Sensory Long-Term A Memory Memory 4. 3. Outline and evaluate the working memory model (12)Outline of WMM Focus on STM Four elements (diagram helpful) and what they doEvaluation of WMM Supported by research evidence (e.g. Bunge et al2000) Supported by case studies of brain-damagedpatients but limited validity Further research needed e.g. Central Executivefunction not supported by evidence... 5. Last weeks homework...1. Read handout on What the witness saw. Summarise key points.2. Read p32-33.3. Look at Can you 1.7. For each question prepare a mini-lesson/presentation that you will give to the class next Friday. 6. Eyewitness Testimony Miscarriages ofJusticeMistaken eyewitnessidentification waslargest single factorcontributing toconviction of innocentpeople (who hadbeen convicted butlater exonerated byDNA tests)Wells and Olsen2003 7. Star Psychologist Elizabeth Loftus Research (with John Palmer) on the effect ofmisleading information on Eyewitness Testimony(EWT) Famous for work on false memories. 8. Key Questions How has effect of misleading information on eyewitness testimony been researched? What has the research shown? What are the strengths/weaknesses of this research? Does misleading information alter they way information is stored or retrieved? 9. Key Questions How has effect of misleading information on eyewitnesstestimony been researched?Loftus and Palmer 1974 video showing collisions.Participants asked, using critical questions, to estimatespeed and to recall broken glass. What has the research shown?Speed estimated to be higher when critical question hadwords like smashed rather than contacted. What are the strengths/weaknesses of this research?Lacks validity not a real EWT situation therefore participantsmay not be emotionally aroused or take it seriously. Fosteret al showed more accurate responses if participants feel itis a real situation. This view supported by Yuille andCutshall(1986) following study of a real armed robbery inCanada. Does misleading information alter they way information isstored or retrieved?Misleading information can affect accuracy of recall 10. Further resources...