Frequency of Publication: Annual - · SQA is continuing under the SQA Act 2010 which...

Month of Publication: March 2015 Frequency of Publication: Annual Prepared by: Research, Policy & Planning Division Email: [email protected] Internet: s.aspx

Transcript of Frequency of Publication: Annual - · SQA is continuing under the SQA Act 2010 which...

Page 1: Frequency of Publication: Annual - · SQA is continuing under the SQA Act 2010 which strengthened the regulatory functions of ... relates to individual head counts across

Month of Publication:

March 2015

Frequency of Publication:


Prepared by:

Research, Policy & Planning Division


[email protected]



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Page 3: Frequency of Publication: Annual - · SQA is continuing under the SQA Act 2010 which strengthened the regulatory functions of ... relates to individual head counts across

PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 1


The Post School Education and Training (PSET) sub-sector of Samoa’s education system encompasses all learning that occur outside of the formal early childhood, primary, and secondary education levels. PSET includes tertiary level education at university, pre and in service professional education, technical and vocational education, theological and providers of religious instruction, apprenticeship, non-formal and on the job training. The Samoa Qualifications Authority (SQA) was legally established under the SQA Act 2006 as the principal organization to provide policy advice, coordinate and ensure the quality assurance of PSET in Samoa conforms to the highest standards of excellence acceptable to the community stakeholders and its international partners. The work of SQA is continuing under the SQA Act 2010 which strengthened the regulatory functions of the SQA for PSET.

PSET Formal Providers are the main providers of PSET in Samoa with a total of 29 Formal Providers listed with SQA by the end of 2014. The PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 contains basic statistical information on PSET Formal Providers for the academic year 2013. It covers a range of performance areas including enrolments, graduates, drop-outs and PSET lecturers’ qualifications. The information presented in this bulletin will be of interest to a wide variety of people including education planners and policy analysts, prospective students, local businesses to quantify the supply of graduates in their business area and researchers and academics to try and understand the underlying trends in PSET.

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PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 2


Section Title Page

Acronyms 3

Notes and Definitions 4 PSET Formal Providers 7 Summary of Key Statistics 8

Section 1 Students enrolled at PSET Providers 9

1.1 Change over seven years – 2007 to 2013 9

1.2 Breakdown of enrolments – 2013. 10

Section 2 Graduates of Formal PSET 14

2.1 Change over seven years – 2007 to 2013 14

2.2 Breakdown of graduates – 2013 15

Section 3 Drop-outs of Formal PSET 19

3.1 Change over seven years – 2007 to 2013 19

3.2 Breakdown of Drop-outs – 2013 20

Section 4 Formal PSET Lecturers and Trainers 22 List of Tables 23 SQA Approved Classification of Fields of Study 36

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PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 3


AHCBC Apia Harvest Centre Bible College

AIOT Apia Institute of Office Technology1

APTC Australia-Pacific Technical College

BEN Beautiful Expressions of Nature2

DBTC Don Bosco Technical Centre

HBC Harvest Bible College

IFTI Ierusalema Fou Theological Institute

JRSM June Ryan School of Music

LFSFA Leulumoega Fou School of Fine Arts

LoP Methodist Technical & Creative Centre – Laumua o Punaoa

MBS Malua Bible School

MCIL Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Labour

MTC Malua Theological College

ECETTI Early Childhood Education Teachers Training Institute

NUS National University of Samoa

OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

OUM Oceania University of Medicine Samoa

PIU Pacific International Uni-Tech

PSET Post School Education and Training

PTC Piula Theological College

SISA Samoa Institute of Secretaries and Administrators

SPNTC South Pacific Nazarene Theological College

TIAS Tesese Institute of Administrative Studies

USP University of the South Pacific

UVC Uesiliana Vocational Centre

VFTC Vailima Fou Theological College

WMTC Worldwide Mission Training Centre

YWAM Youth with a Mission

1 AIOT discontinued operations as a PSET Provider in 2013.

2 BEN discontinued operations as a PSET Provider in 2011.

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PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 4

Notes and Definitions

NOTES: 1. The data presented in this Bulletin is based on data supplied by PSET Formal

Providers listed with the Samoa Qualifications Authority (SQA). Student information relates to individual head counts across the entire academic year.

2. A change in reporting practices with Providers having to provide full student details and other associated information has resulted in a decrease in the number of graduates and drop-outs reported compared to the previous years. It means that the number of graduates and drop-outs for 2012 cannot be accurately compared to the previous years.

3. In order to maintain time series accuracy of the information presented in the

Bulletin, the 2007 to 2011 data for NUS Schools previously under the Institute of Technology (IoT) are listed under the relevant Faculties as per reforms implemented by NUS in 2012.

4. This Bulletin has adopted the “SQA Approved Classification of Fields of Study” to

classify Provider programmes despite not having been officially designated under these fields through the Programme Accreditation process. The NUS Maritime programmes were the only Provider Programmes accredited by SQA by 2013. Previous Bulletins adopted the New Zealand Standard Classification of Education (NZSCE).

DEFINITIONS1: 5. Age - Refers to age of students (enrolments, graduates) as at 7th November 2013.

6. Domestic Student - Refers to permanent residents of Samoa enrolled in a study


7. Drop-outs - Refer to students who neither graduated in 2013 nor re-enrolled under the same programme in 2014.

8. Enrolment - Persons enrolled and/or registered in a programme of education.

1 Definitions were derived/adopted from the SQA QA Policies and the Organisation for Economic Co-

operation for Development (OECD) Glossary.

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PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 5

9. Formal Provider - An organization is deemed to be ‘formal’ if it falls into one or more of the following categories: a. Provides an education and training programme that leads to a qualification

registered on the SQF; b. Receives or applies for funding from Government or from any other donor

through the Government for education and training programmes designed to meet the requirements of qualifications;

c. Uses or wishes to use a protected term in the name of the organization or in the names of any of the courses, programmes or qualifications that it provides;

d. Enrolls foreign students for a period of more than two months, in the aggregate, in a calendar year in any of the education and training programmes it provides;

e. Is a Samoa-based organization providing programmes or courses in Samoa through cross-border arrangements with a foreign-based provider using any arrangements such as double or joint degree, twinning or franchising, and articulation;

f. Is an organization based in a foreign country that wishes to provide education and training programmes in Samoa.

10. Full-time Student - At the tertiary level, an individual is considered full-time if he/she is taking a course-load/educational programme considered to require at least 75 per cent of a full-time commitment of time and resources. Additionally, it is expected that the student has remained in the programme for the entire academic year.

11. Gender - Female or Male

12. Graduates - Graduates are those who successfully complete an educational programme during the reference year of the data collection.

13. International Student - Refers to students who are not permanent residents

(irrespective of citizenship) of Samoa that have migrated to Samoa for the singular purpose of studying and are enrolled in a study programme.

14. Lecturers/Trainers - Refer to persons employed in an official capacity for the

purpose of guiding and directing learning experiences of students, irrespective of his/her qualification or the delivery mechanism, i.e. whether face to face and/or at distance. The definition excludes educational personnel who have no active teaching duties (e.g. Principals who do not teach and administration staff).

15. Mode of Study - Refers to the study load of the student, whether full-time or part-


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PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 6

16. Non Award – refers to parts of a programme or courses students enroll in without the intension of acquiring a qualification.

17. Part-time Student - Refers to an individual whose study load is less than that of a

full-time student and who consequently will require a longer period of time to complete an equivalent educational programme.

18. Programme - Means a coherent set of courses, modules, paper or units designed to

meet the requirements of a qualification.

19. Provider - Means an organization or person that intends to offer or is offering Post School Education and Training (PSET) in Samoa.

20. Post School Education and Training - Refers to all the learning that occurs outside of

the formal early childhood education, primary and secondary education school system. It includes tertiary level education at university, pre and in service professional education, technical and vocational education, theological and providers of religious instruction, apprenticeship, non-formal and on the job training.

21. Qualification - Means a formal certification that a person has successfully achieved

all learning outcomes and/or competencies relevant to identified individual, professional, workplace or community needs.

22. Student - Persons enrolled and/or registered in a programme of education.

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PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 7

PSET Formal Providers

Table 1: Number of PSET Formal Providers by Provider Type and Registration Status

Provider Type Name of PSET Formal Provider Registration Status1

Government PSET

National University of Samoa Registered

Samoa Shipping Maritime Academy Registered

Private PSET

Early Childhood Education Teachers Training Institute Registered

Hospitality and Community Health Institute of



June Ryan School of Music3 Not Registered

Le Iunivesite o Amosā o Savavau2 Not Registered

Martin Hautus Institute of Learning – Samoa2 Registered

Oceania University of Medicine Samoa4 Not Registered

Pacific International Uni-Tech3 Not Registered

Tesese Institute of Administrative Studies Registered

Samoa Institute of Secretaries and Administrators Not Registered

Small Business Enterprise Centre2 Registered

Mission PSET

Apia Harvest Centre Bible College Registered

Don Bosco Technical Centre Registered

Harvest Bible College Registered

Ierusalema Fou Theological Institute Not Registered

Methodist Technical & Creative Centre – Laumua o Punaoa Registered

Leulumoega Fou School of Fine Arts Registered

Malua Bible School3 Registered

Malua Theological College2 Not Registered

Moamoa Theological College Not Registered

Piula Theological College3 Not Registered

RHEMA Bible Training Center – South Pacific Registered

South Pacific Nazarene Theological College Registered

Uesiliana Vocational Centre Registered

Vailima Fou Theological College Registered

Worldwide Mission Training Centre Registered

Youth With A Mission2 Not Registered

Regional PSET

Australia-Pacific Technical College2 Registered

University of the South Pacific Registered

TOTAL 29 PSET Formal Providers 69% Registered

1 Registration Status correct as of January 2015.

2 Provider excluded from the Annual PSET Survey 2014.

3 Provider did not respond to Annual PSET Survey 2014.

4 OUM merged under NUS’s Faculty of Applied Science in 2014.

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PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 8

Summary of Key Statistics


Since 2007, an overall increase in enrolments is noted for formal PSET with the

highest count recorded during the academic year 2012 of 5,259 students. Eleven

percent (11%) fewer enrolments were reported in 2013 compared to 2012.

In 2013 4677 students enrolled at PSET Formal Providers, an 11% decrease from


Fifty nine percent of students in Yr 13 in 2012 were reported to have enrolled in a

PSET course/programme in 2013.

In 2013, 31% students enrolled in degree programmes and 69% below degree


There were as many female as male students enrolled in PSET in 2013. Majority

(60%) of international students were male.


The number of reported PSET graduates increased exponentially after 2009 with

the highest count recorded in 2011 of 1,872 graduates. Thirty two percent fewer

graduates were reported the following year before increasing again in 2013 with

1,546 students being awarded PSET qualifications. In 2013, 1,546 students were reported to have successfully completed PSET

qualifications; a 23% increase from the previous year.

Available data indicates majority (40%) of graduates attained Certificate level

qualifications, followed by Basic Certificate at 32%.

Although the overall number of male graduates was higher than the females, most

of them were concentrated in the Certificate level qualification where two in

every three graduates was male.


Except in 2011, more male than female students were reported to have dropped

out every other year during 2007-2013 without completing qualifications. In 2013, 347 students or 7% percent of enrolments were reported to have dropped

out of PSET without attaining a qualification.

The majority (48%) of reported drop-outs in 2013 enrolled in programmes under

the Engineering & Related Technologies fields.

Majority of drop-outs reported in 2013 were younger students aged below 24

years and studying on a full-time basis.


In 2013, 298 PSET lecturers/trainers were employed in 17 PSET Formal

Providers, majority of them were employed at NUS. Majority of PSET lecturers/trainers in 2013 were Bachelor holders.

Forty six percent of PSET lecturers/trainers employed in 2013 were female.

Mission Providers mostly had male lecturers/trainers.

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PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 9

SECTION 1: Students enrolled at PSET Formal Providers

1.1 Change over seven years – 2007 to 2013 (Tables 1 to 8)

Since 2007, an overall increase in enrolments is noted for formal PSET with the

highest count recorded during the academic year 2012 with 5,259 students

enrolled. Eleven percent (11%) fewer enrolments were reported in 2013

compared to 2012. NUS is the largest provider of formal PSET in Samoa

enrolling 62% of students participating in formal PSET in 2013.

Reported data suggests enrolments at Government Providers have grown

exponentially during 2007-2013 whilst declining significantly for Private

Providers. Participation at Mission Providers have remained fairly stable

throughout the same period.


4171 4231 4280










2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Chart 1: Total PSET Formal Providers Enrolments (2007-2013)

2196 2145 2107





480 554560

220816 770 773 735704 859


88 351 313 307 569










2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Chart 2: Total PSET Formal Providers Enrolments by Provider Type (2007-2013)

Government Private Mission Regional

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PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 10

Every year during the period of 2007-2013, one in two students that attended

PSET was female.

1.2 Breakdown of enrolments – 2013

In 2013 4677 students enrolled at PSET Formal Providers, an 11% decrease from

2012. Overall enrolments for Government, Private and Mission Providers

decreased in 2013 relative to 2012. Significantly, 61% fewer students enrolled at

Private PSET Providers and 7% at NUS in 2013 compared to 2012.

Disability - Fourteen students (0.3%) with disabilities enrolled in PSET in 2013;

six enrolled in Diploma level programmes, five in Certificate programmes and

three in Bachelor level programmes. Twelve out of the 14 students with

disabilities were male.

Transition from Yr 13 - 59% of students in Yr 13 in 2012 were reported to have

enrolled in a PSET course/programme in 2013. The proportion of female to male

students that moved to PSET were the same. Majority (23%) of students enrolled

in Management and Commerce upon entering PSET.

49 51 49 50 53 51 50

51 49 51 50 47 49 50












2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013




Chart 3:Total PSET Enrolments by Gender (2007-2013)













Chart 4: PSET entrants (Yr 13) by Field of Study (2013)

Architecture and Building

Creative Arts


Engineering and Related TechnologiesFood, Hospitality and Personal ServicesHealth

Information Technology

Management and Commerce Mixed Field

Natural and Physical SciencesSociety and Culture

Non Award

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PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 11

Student type - 96% of students enrolled in 2013 were domestic students and 4%

were international students. Majority of international students enrolled in

Agriculture related programmes (47%) as well as programmes under the Society

and Culture Fields (40%). Most (61%) of the international students enrolled in

2013 to undertake qualifications at the degree level and above.

Mode of study - In 2013, 83% of PSET students studied full-time and 17%

studied part-time. Students studying towards a Bachelor’s degree were more

likely to study on a part-time basis compared to other programmes. Information

on the mode of study for 17% of students enrolled in 2013 was not available.

Field of Study – programmes under the Management and Commerce fields as

well as the Society and Culture fields were the most popular with PSET students

in 2013. Four percent (4%) more students enrolled in Engineering and related

programmes in 2013 compared to 2012, whilst 4% less enrolled in Education

related programmes.

Level of study – In 2013, 31% students enrolled in degree programmes and 69%

below degree level. Six percent (6%) fewer students enrolled in degree

programmes in 2012 compared to 2013. Enrolments in Certificate and Bachelor

level programmes increased by 3% and 6% respectively in 2013 relative to 2012.

Three students enrolled in 2013 to undertake Doctorates in the Education field.



























0 5 10 15 20 25

Agriculture, Enviroment and Related …

Architecture and Building

Creative Arts


Engineering and Related Technologies

Food, Hospitality and Personal Services


Information Technology

Management and Commerce

Mixed Field

Natural and Physical Sciences

Society and Culture

Non Award


Chart 5: Enrolments by Field of Study (2012 - 2013)



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PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 12


There were as many female as male students enrolled in PSET in 2013. Majority

(60%) of international students were male. Same proportion of female students

studied full-time and part-time relative to male students.

Male students were more likely than females to enroll in Certificate, Masters and


Enrolments in traditional TVET trades fields such as Architecture and Building as

well as Engineering and Related Technologies were predominantly male. Female

students however, were five times more likely to enroll in PSET programmes

under the Food, Hospitality and Personal Services fields than male students in











0 10 20 30 40

Non Award

Basic Certificate




Postgraduate Certificate

Postgraduate Diploma




Chart 6: Enrolments by Programme Level (2012-2013)











0 20 40 60 80 100

Non Award

Basic Certificate




Postgraduate Certificate

Postgraduate Diploma




Chart 7: Programme level by Gender (2013)



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PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 13


Age distribution of 26% of students enrolled in 2013, suggests a higher proportion

of students in the age group 15-19 years old enrolled in PSET than the other















0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Agriculture, Enviroment and Related Studies

Architecture and Building

Creative Arts


Engineering and Related Technologies

Food, Hospitality and Personal Services


Information Technology

Management and Commerce

Mixed Field

Natural and Physical Sciences

Society and Culture

Non Award


Chart 8: Field of Study by Gender (2013)



137 111 8834 4
















15 - 19 20 - 24 25 - 39 40 - 59 60+






Chart 9: Enrolments by Age Group and Gender (2013)



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PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 14

SECTION 2: Graduates of Formal PSET

2.1 Change over seven years – 2007 to 2013 (Tables 9 to16)

The number of reported PSET graduates increased exponentially after 2009 with

the highest count recorded in 2011 of 1,872 graduates. Thirty two percent fewer

graduates were reported the following year before increasing again in 2013 with

1,546 students being awarded PSET qualifications.

Overall, the number of Government Provider graduates increased during the

period of 2007-2013. The drop in 2012 was due to underreporting of graduate

figures from NUS. Mission Providers graduate figures have remained stable

throughout the same period. The number of Private Provider graduates increased

since 2007, peaking in 2011 before declining in 2012 and 2013.

1430 1455 1436















2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Chart 10: Total PSET Formal Provider Graduates (2007-2013)








128 125171

117 94




354317 317

116 123 124











2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Chart 11: Graduates by Provider Type (2007-2013)





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PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 15

More male than female students graduated with PSET qualifications every year

between 2007 – 2013 except in 2012 when the proportion of male students was

the lowest at 47%.

2.2 Breakdown of graduates – 2013

In 2013, 1,546 students were reported to have successfully completed PSET

qualifications; a 23% increase from the previous year. The increase was due to

the availability of full graduate records from NUS for 2013 compared to the

previous year. Private Providers was the only group that reported a decrease in

total graduates count in 2013 relative to 2012.

Student type - 96% of students that graduated in 2013 were domestic students and

4% were international students. The same proportions were reported in 2012.

Field of Study – programmes under the Society and Culture field as well as the

Engineering and Related Technologies field equally produced the most (20%)

graduates in 2013. Graduates of Education related as well as Management &

Commerce related qualifications both decline by 4% in 2013 from the previous

year. Two percent (2%) more students graduated with qualifications in the Natural

and Physical Sciences field as well as in the Architecture and Building field in

2013 compared to 2012.


47 4640





53 54













2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013




Chart 12: Total PSET Graduates by Gender (2007-2013)



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PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 16

Level of Study – Available data indicates majority (40%) of graduates attained

Certificate level qualifications, followed by Basic Certificate at 32% in 2013. The

proportion of graduates attaining degree level qualifications remained at 13% in

2013 relative to 2012. Majority (66%) of international students graduated with


























0 5 10 15 20 25

Agriculture, Enviroment and Related Studies

Architecture and Building

Creative Arts


Engineering and Related Technologies

Food, Hospitality and Personal Services


Information Technology

Management and Commerce

Mixed Field

Natural and Physical Sciences

Society and Culture


Chart 13: Total Graduates by Field of Study (2012-2013)



0 10 20 30 40 50

Basic Certificate




Postgraduate Certificate

Postgraduate Diploma

















Chart 14: PSET Graduates by Level of Qualification (2012-2013)



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PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 17


In 2013, the proportion of female graduates (47%) was lower than the males

(53%). There were even lesser (38%) female international graduates than male

international graduates.

Although the overall number of male graduates was higher than the females, most

of them were concentrated in the Certificate level qualification where two in

every three graduates was male. Female graduates outnumbered male graduates

in all other qualification levels in 2013.

Proportion of female and male graduates for each field of study follows that of the

enrolment proportions except for the Agriculture, Environment & Related Studies

where all the graduates were male although 40% of the enrolments were female.

0 20 40 60 80 100

Basic Certificate




Postgraduate Certificate

Postgraduate Diploma










Chart 15: Qualifications Attained by Gender (2013)



0 20 40 60 80 100

Agriculture, Enviroment and Related Studies

Architecture and Building

Creative Arts


Engineering and Related Technologies

Food, Hospitality and Personal Services


Information Technology

Management and Commerce

Mixed Field

Natural and Physical Sciences

Society and Culture














Chart 16: Qualification Field of Study by Gender (2013)



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PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 18


Age distribution of 30% students that graduated in 2013 indicates the majority of

students were in the 20-24 age group, 66% of them being male.















15-19 20-24 25-39 40-59 60+



Chart 17: Total Graduates by Age Group (2013)



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PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 19

SECTION 3: Drop-outs of Formal PSET

3.1 Change over six years – 2007 to 2013 (Tables 17 to 22)

During the period 2007-2013 PSET drop-out figures fluctuated from year to year

mainly due to inconsistencies in reported data.

Except in 2011, more male than female students were reported to have dropped

out every other year during 2007-2013 without completing qualifications.















2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Chart 18: Total PSET Drop-outs (2007-2013)

0 20 40 60 80 100
















Chart 19: PSET Drop-outs by Gender (2007-2013)



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PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 20

3.2 Breakdown of Drop-outs – 2013

In 2013, 347 students or 7% percent of enrolments were reported to have dropped

out of PSET without attaining a qualification. One hundred and ninety five more

drop-outs were reported in 2013 relative to 2012.

Student type – eight percent (8%) of domestic enrolments were reported to have

dropped out whilst 2% of international enrolments left without PSET

qualifications in 2013.

Mode of study – available data indicates full-time students were just as likely to

drop-out as part timers. Three percent (3%) of full-time enrolments and 17% of

part-timer enrolled in 2013 were reported to have not completed their

qualifications in 2013.

Field of Study – The majority (48%) of reported drop-outs in 2013 enrolled in

programmes under the Engineering & Related Technologies field. Slightly higher

percentage of students studying Architecture and Building related qualifications

dropped out in 2013 relative to the previous year when Management and

Commerce students had the second highest attrition numbers.

Level of study – twenty percent (20%) of students enrolled in Certificate

programmes in 2013 were reported to have dropped out in the same year. Like

enrolments, the majority of drop-outs reported were in Certificate level


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Architecture and Building

Creative Arts

Engineering and Related Technologies

Food, Hospitality and Personal Services

Information Technology

Management and Commerce

Society and Culture
















Chart 20: Percentage Drop-outs by Field of study (2012-2013)



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PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 21

Gender A higher percentage (79%) of males was reported to have dropped out in 2013

than female students. All three international students that did not complete their

qualifications in 2013 were male. Most of the female drop-outs were studying in

Management and Commerce programmes.


Majority of drop-outs reported in 2013 were younger students aged below 24

years and studying on a full-time basis. Female drop-outs were more likely to be

in the 20-24 age group than in any other cohort.

0 20 40 60 80 100

15 - 19

20 - 24

25 - 39

40 - 59






Chart 21: Drop-outs by Age Group, by Gender (2013)



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PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 22

SECTION 4: Formal PSET Lecturers and Trainers

Breakdown of PSET lecturers and trainer – 2013 (Tables 23 to25)

In 2013, 298 PSET lecturers/trainers were employed in 17 PSET Formal

Providers, majority of them were employed at NUS. Mode of Training/Lecturing – 85% of PSET lecturers/trainers were employed on

the full-time basis while 15% worked part-time. A high proportion of part-time

lecturers/trainers worked for Mission PSET Providers. Level of Qualification – majority (30%) of PSET lecturers/trainers employed in

2013 were Bachelor holders. Lecturers in Government Providers were mostly

Bachelor graduates. Majority of trainers with Certificate level qualifications were

in Mission Providers. Nine trainers held secondary school certificates as their

highest qualifications attained.


Forty six percent of PSET lecturers/trainers employed in 2013 were female.

Mission Providers mostly had male lecturers/trainers.

Female lecturers/trainers were more likely to be degree holders than male


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35





Graduate Certificate

Graduate Diploma

Postgraduate Diploma




Chart 22: Distribution of Highest level of Qualification Attained (2013)

0 20 40 60 80 100








Chart 23: Gender Proportions by PSET Provider Type (2013)



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PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 23

List of Tables1

Table Number

Title Page

1 Total Enrolments at PSET Formal Providers by Gender and Provider Type (2007-2013)


2 Government Providers Enrolments by Provider, by Gender (2007-2013) 24 3 Mission PSET Formal Providers Enrolments by Provider, by Gender

(2007-2013) 25

4 PSET Formal Providers Enrolments by Provider, by Gender (2007-2013) 25 5 Total Enrolments by Gender, by Programme Level2 (2010-2013) 26 6 Total Enrolments by Gender, Provider Type and Programme Level (2013) 26 7 Total Enrolments by Gender, Provider Type and Age Group (2013) 27 8 Total Enrolments by Gender, Student Type and Field of Study (2013) 27 9 Total Graduates by Gender and Provider Type (2007-2013) 28 10 Government Providers3 Total Graduates by Provider, by Gender (2007-

2013) 28

11 Mission Providers Total Graduates by Provider, by Gender (2007-2013) 29 12 Private Providers Total Graduates by Provider, by Gender (2007-2013) 29 13 Total Graduates by Programme Level4 (2010-2013) 30 14 Total Graduates by Provider Type, Gender and Programme Level (2013) 30 15 Total Graduates by Student Type, Gender and Field of Study (2013) 31 16 Total Graduates by Mode of Study, Gender and Age Group (2013) 31 17 Total Drop-outs by Provider Type by Gender (2007-2013) 32 18 Mission Providers Total Drop-outs by Provider, by Gender (2007-2013) 32 19 Private Providers Total Drop-outs by Provider, by Gender (2007-2013) 33 20 Total Drop-outs by Provider Type, Gender and Programme Level (2013) 33 21 Total Drop-outs by Mode of Study, Gender and Age Group (2013) 33 22 Total Drop-outs by Student Type, Gender and Field of Study (2013) 34 23 PSET Formal Provider Lecturers and Trainers by Provider (2013) 34 24 PSET Formal Providers Lecturers and Trainers by Provider Type, Gender

and Mode of Training/Lecturing (2013) 35

25 PSET Formal Provider Lecturers/Trainers by Highest Qualification Attained (2013)


1Grey filled areas either means data was not made available. Orange filled areas means Provider did not

exist in the reference year. Black filled area is to denote Provider not existing anymore. 2 Basic Certificate figures grouped under ‘Certificate’ level programmes in 2010 and 2011. Enrolments by

Programme level for years prior 2010 not available. 3 Graduate figures for NUS programmes formerly under the Institute of Technology not reported in 2012.

4 Basic Certificate figures grouped under ‘Certificate’ level programmes in 2010 and 2011. Graduates by Programme

level for years prior 2010 not available.

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PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 24

Table 1: Total Enrolments at PSET Formal Providers by Gender and Provider Type (2007-2013)

Table 2: Government Providers Enrolments by Provider, by Gender (2007-2013)

F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total

2007 1153 1043 2196 657 227 884 123 693 816 28 60 88 1961 2023 3984

2008 1184 961 2145 899 266 1165 93 677 770 97 254 351 2273 2158 4431

2009 1159 948 2107 699 279 978 99 674 773 107 206 313 2064 2107 4171

2010 1505 1204 2709 344 136 480 127 608 735 124 183 307 2100 2131 4231

2011 1729 1293 3022 407 147 554 133 571 704 2269 2011 4280

2012 1784 1487 3271 405 155 560 194 665 859 321 248 569 2704 2555 5259

2013 1631 1418 3049 154 66 220 220 600 820 350 238 588 2355 2322 4677

Government Providers Private Providers Mission Providers Regional Providers TOTAL

F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total

2007 1153 980 2133 0 63 63 1153 1043 2196

2008 1184 961 2145 1184 961 2145

2009 1159 891 2050 0 57 57 1159 948 2107

2010 1504 1082 2586 1 122 123 1505 1204 2709

2011 1729 1188 2917 0 105 105 1729 1293 3022

2012 1783 1338 3121 1 149 150 1784 1487 3271

2013 1631 1262 2893 0 13 13 0 143 143 1631 1418 3049


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Table 3: Mission PSET Formal Providers Enrolments by Provider, by Gender (2007-2013)

Table 4: PSET Formal Providers Enrolments by Provider, by Gender (2007-2013)


F M Total Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total Total F M Total Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total

2007 298 0 20 20 0 31 31 43 69 112 85 55 40 58 98 2 10 12 17 30 47 21 37 58 123 693 816

2008 296 2 20 22 0 33 33 27 65 92 90 50 31 47 78 2 5 7 14 35 49 0 6 6 17 30 47 93 677 770

2009 263 3 18 21 0 18 18 46 104 150 94 46 26 81 107 2 3 5 9 32 41 0 2 2 13 15 28 99 674 773

2010 274 9 22 31 0 18 18 68 135 203 49 29 45 74 9 29 38 0 17 17 12 19 31 127 608 735

2011 274 14 27 41 0 12 12 0 24 24 34 65 99 27 7 34 14 35 70 105 8 24 32 3 21 24 1 5 6 11 28 39 133 571 704

2012 11 10 21 225 8 18 26 0 31 31 1 29 30 60 118 178 15 7 22 66 25 25 50 35 57 92 4 9 13 17 34 51 3 9 12 15 27 42 194 665 859

2013 11 10 21 213 8 18 26 2 30 32 1 27 28 81 145 226 28 28 56 42 48 90 0 6 6 24 46 70 5 10 15 18 19 37 220 600 820


F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total

2007 0 21 21 134 105 239 27 5 32 47 28 75 449 68 517 657 227 884

2008 36 15 51 2 8 10 230 131 361 60 8 68 57 32 89 514 72 586 899 266 1165

2009 35 32 67 0 29 29 144 116 260 49 12 61 64 39 103 407 51 458 699 279 978

2010 35 8 43 1 25 26 65 15 80 81 44 125 162 44 206 344 136 480

2011 21 4 25 98 13 111 94 52 146 48 29 77 146 49 195 407 147 554

2012 14 6 20 124 30 154 107 56 163 19 11 30 141 52 193 405 155 560

2013 45 25 70 6 8 14 103 33 136 154 66 220


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Table 5: Total Enrolments by Gender, by Programme Level1 (2010-2013)

Table 6: Total Enrolments by Gender, Provider Type and Programme Level (2013)

1 Basic Certificate figures grouped under ‘Certificate’ level programmes in 2010 and 2011. Enrolments by Programme level for years prior 2010 not available.

Provider Type

Programme Level F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total

Non Award 75 50 125 72 48 120 69 63 132 66 43 109

Basic Certificate 778 451 1229 519 335 854

Certificate 1010 1474 2484 1140 1306 2446 559 1056 1615 489 1100 1589

Diploma 559 338 897 493 342 835 497 444 941 369 273 642

Bachelor 453 265 718 524 301 825 758 495 1253 882 534 1416

Postgraduate Certificate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1

Postgraduate Diploma 3 4 7 11 7 18 22 20 42 23 24 47

Masters 0 0 0 2 0 2 4 10 14 6 10 16

Doctorates 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 3 3

TOTAL 2100 2131 4231 2242 2004 4246 2688 2540 5228 2355 2322 4677

2010 2011 2012 2013

Provider Type

Programme Level F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total

Non Award 20 11 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 32 78 66 43 109

Basic Certificate 467 315 782 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 20 72 519 335 854

Certificate 146 524 670 186 504 690 134 53 187 23 19 42 489 1100 1589

Diploma 306 160 466 31 90 121 19 11 30 13 12 25 369 273 642

Bachelor 673 392 1065 3 6 9 1 2 3 205 134 339 882 534 1416

Postgraduate Certificate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1

Postgraduate Diploma 16 13 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 11 18 23 24 47

Masters 3 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 10 6 10 16

Doctorates 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 3 3

TOTAL 1631 1418 3049 220 600 820 154 66 220 350 238 588 2355 2322 4677

Government Mission Private Regional Total

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Table7: Total Enrolments by Gender, Provider Type and Age Group (2013)

Table 8: Total Enrolments by Gender, Student Type and Field of Study (2013)

Provider Type

Age Group F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total

15-19 74 186 260 3 7 10 60 104 164 137 297 434

20-24 77 198 275 13 39 52 21 41 62 111 278 389

25-39 70 94 164 18 92 110 0 0 0 88 186 274

40-59 30 32 62 4 23 27 0 0 0 34 55 89

60+ 4 5 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 5 9

NA 1350 1085 2435 281 178 459 350 238 588 1981 1501 3482

TOTAL 1605 1600 3205 319 339 658 431 383 814 2355 2322 4677

Full Time Part Time TOTALNA

Student Type

Field of Study F M Total F M Total F M Total

Agriculture, Enviroment and Related Studies 12 11 23 36 57 93 48 68 116

Architecture and Building 18 123 141 0 0 0 18 123 141

Creative Arts 26 46 72 0 0 0 26 46 72

Education 507 247 754 3 5 8 510 252 762

Engineering and Related Technologies 26 717 743 0 4 4 26 721 747

Food, Hospitality and Personal Services 101 18 119 0 0 0 101 18 119

Health 168 74 242 0 0 0 168 74 242

Information Technology 115 71 186 2 2 4 117 73 190

Management and Commerce 608 313 921 2 5 7 610 318 928

Mixed Field 38 26 64 0 0 0 38 26 64

Natural and Physical Sciences 159 193 352 2 1 3 161 194 355

Society and Culture 477 354 831 35 44 79 512 398 910

NA 20 11 31 0 0 0 20 11 31

TOTAL 2275 2204 4479 80 118 198 2355 2322 4677

Domestic International TOTAL

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Table 9: Total Graduates by Gender and Provider Type (2007-2013)

Table 10: Government Providers1 Total Graduates by Provider, by Gender (2007-2013)

1 Graduate figures for NUS programmes formerly under the Institute of Technology not reported in 2012.

F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total

2007 443 433 876 52 14 66 62 310 372 0 116 116 557 873 1430

2008 517 423 940 95 8 103 46 243 289 19 104 123 677 778 1455

2009 435 415 850 99 29 128 59 275 334 73 51 124 666 770 1436

2010 456 434 890 93 32 125 62 274 336 98 314 412 709 1054 1763

2011 609 444 1053 128 43 171 88 266 354 96 198 294 921 951 1872

2012 522 311 833 77 40 117 70 247 317 669 598 1267

2013 547 554 1101 66 28 94 89 228 317 20 14 34 722 824 1546

Government Providers Private Providers Mission Providers Regional Providers TOTAL

F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total

2007 443 371 814 0 62 62 443 433 876

2008 517 383 900 0 40 40 517 423 940

2009 435 357 792 0 58 58 435 415 850

2010 455 379 834 1 55 56 456 434 890

2011 609 408 1017 0 36 36 609 444 1053

2012 522 283 805 0 28 28 522 311 833

2013 547 511 1058 0 13 13 0 30 30 547 554 1101


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Table 11: Mission Providers Total Graduates by Provider, by Gender (2007-2013)

Table 12: Private Providers Total Graduates by Provider, by Gender (2007-2013)


F M Total Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total Total F M Total Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total

2007 126 0 13 13 0 6 6 7 37 44 20 13 35 53 88 0 4 4 5 13 18 15 25 40 62 310 372

2008 113 0 5 5 0 5 5 12 17 29 16 15 31 58 89 0 0 0 3 11 14 0 3 3 46 243 289

2009 102 1 9 10 0 4 4 14 30 44 19 14 33 24 16 26 59 85 0 0 0 7 21 28 0 0 0 11 10 21 78 289 367

2010 105 1 3 4 0 7 7 17 34 51 37 16 53 49 29 45 74 6 18 24 0 2 2 9 11 20 99 290 389

2011 109 1 9 10 1 5 6 0 11 11 14 36 50 31 2 33 8 30 61 91 0 1 1 2 7 9 1 1 2 8 16 24 88 266 354

2012 0 0 0 101 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 19 19 34 58 92 0 0 0 19 37 56 0 2 2 4 5 9 0 0 0 13 24 37 70 247 317

2013 10 10 20 72 2 4 6 0 9 9 1 15 16 18 32 50 0 0 0 40 45 85 0 0 0 12 29 41 2 5 7 4 7 11 89 228 317


F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total

2007 28 4 32 2 2 4 22 8 30 52 14 66

2008 10 2 12 58 3 61 3 0 3 24 3 27 95 8 103

2009 13 6 19 49 10 59 1 3 4 36 10 46 99 29 128

2010 14 8 22 45 9 54 1 2 3 33 13 46 93 32 125

2011 19 2 21 48 10 58 6 7 13 22 19 41 33 5 38 128 43 171

2012 11 4 15 9 6 15 18 11 29 39 19 58 77 40 117

2013 35 13 48 2 5 7 29 10 39 66 28 94


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Table 13: Total Graduates by Programme Level1 (2010-2013)

Table 14: Total Graduates by Provider Type, Gender and Programme Level (2013)

1 Basic Certificate figures grouped under ‘Certificate’ level programmes in 2010 and 2011. Graduates by Programme level for years prior 2010 not available.

Programme Level F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total

Basic Certificate 324 182 506 295 197 492

Certificate 456 865 1321 591 757 1348 107 249 356 185 437 622

Diploma 192 135 327 233 134 367 130 107 237 126 113 239

Bachelor 60 46 106 87 56 143 101 54 155 109 73 182

Postgraduate Certificate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1

Postgraduate Diploma 1 1 2 9 3 12 6 5 11 5 4 9

Masters 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 0 1

TOTAL 709 1047 1756 921 951 1872 669 598 1267 722 824 1546

2010 2011 2012 2013

Provider Type

Programme Level F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total

Basic Certificate 294 197 491 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 295 197 492

Certificate 63 237 300 51 18 69 71 178 249 0 4 4 185 437 622

Diploma 92 56 148 14 8 22 18 48 66 2 1 3 126 113 239

Bachelor 96 61 157 1 2 3 0 2 2 12 8 20 109 73 182

Postgraduate Certificate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1

Postgraduate Diploma 2 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 4 5 4 9

Masters 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1

TOTAL 547 554 1101 66 28 94 89 228 317 20 14 34 722 824 1546

Government Private Mission TotalRegional

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Table 15: Total Graduates by Student Type, Gender and Field of Study (2013)

Table 16: Total Graduates by Mode of Study, Gender and Age Group (2013)

Student Type

Field of Study F M Total F M Total F M Total

Agriculture, Enviroment and Related Studies 0 1 1 0 3 3 0 4 4

Architecture and Building 4 27 31 0 0 0 4 27 31

Creative Arts 4 21 25 0 0 0 4 21 25

Education 164 71 235 1 0 1 165 71 236

Engineering and Related Technologies 16 296 312 0 2 2 16 298 314

Food, Hospitality and Personal Services 30 10 40 0 0 0 30 10 40

Health 40 23 63 0 0 0 40 23 63

Information Technology 29 22 51 0 0 0 29 22 51

Management and Commerce 167 99 266 1 2 3 168 101 269

Mixed Field 27 15 42 0 0 0 27 15 42

Natural and Physical Sciences 71 85 156 0 0 0 71 85 156

Society and Culture 146 115 261 22 32 54 168 147 315

TOTAL 698 785 1483 24 39 63 722 824 1546

TOTALDomestic International

Provider Type

Age Group F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total

15-19 24 64 88 1 0 1 8 12 20 33 76 109

20-24 41 107 148 6 8 14 10 20 30 57 135 192

25-39 33 39 72 9 21 30 42 60 102

40-59 17 18 35 2 6 8 19 24 43

60+ 4 3 7 0 0 0 4 3 7

NA 460 466 926 87 46 133 20 14 34 567 526 1093

TOTAL 579 697 1276 105 81 186 38 46 84 722 824 1546

Full Time Part Time NA TOTAL

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Table 17: Total Drop-outs by Provider Type by Gender (2007-2013)

Table 18: Mission Providers Total Drop-outs by Provider, by Gender (2007-2013)

F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total

2007 7 9 16 14 68 82 21 77 98

2008 21 16 37 44 103 147 0 13 13 65 119 184

2009 23 4 27 25 77 102 0 0 0 48 81 129

2010 0 33 33 127 20 147 37 143 180 3 9 12 167 196 360

2011 607 395 1002 124 41 165 21 133 154 752 569 1321

2012 0 23 23 43 8 51 11 67 78 54 98 152

2013 0 105 105 36 11 47 43 152 195 79 268 347

Government Providers Private Providers Mission Providers Regional Providers TOTAL


F M Total Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total Total F M Total Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total

2007 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 4 12 23 35 2 12 14 14 68 82

2008 22 0 1 1 0 0 0 31 52 83 0 3 13 25 38 44 103 147

2009 8 0 2 2 0 1 1 13 35 48 1 4 5 19 24 7 7 14 25 77 102

2010 42 4 5 9 0 4 4 30 80 110 5 1 1 2 2 6 8 37 143 180

2011 50 1 4 5 0 11 11 11 44 55 2 5 9 14 0 4 4 1 3 4 1 1 2 2 5 7 21 133 154

2012 0 0 0 28 0 4 4 0 5 5 0 5 5 4 10 14 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 4 0 0 0 4 11 15 0 1 1 1 0 1 11 67 78

2013 0 0 0 43 1 2 3 1 9 10 0 8 8 30 79 109 0 0 0 1 3 4 0 0 0 3 11 14 0 1 1 10 7 17 46 163 209


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Table 19: Private Providers Total Drop-outs by Provider, by Gender (2007-2013)

Table 20: Total Drop-outs by Provider Type, Gender and Programme Level (2013)

Table 21: Total Drop-outs by Mode of Study, Gender and Age Group (2013)

F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total

2007 0 0 0 7 9 16 7 9 16

2008 4 3 7 3 7 10 0 0 0 7 10 17

2009 1 1 2 5 1 6 1 1 2 7 3 10

2010 22 4 26 10 5 15 74 11 85 106 20 126

2011 27 5 32 16 5 21 81 31 112 124 41 165

2012 0 0 0 41 8 49 41 8 49

2013 2 1 3 4 3 7 30 7 37 36 11 47


Provider Type

Programme Level F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total

Certificate 0 105 105 38 137 175 32 8 40 70 250 320

Diploma 0 0 0 5 14 19 4 3 7 9 17 26

Bachelor 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

TOTAL 0 105 105 43 152 195 36 11 47 79 268 347

Mission Private TotalGovernment

Mode of Study

Age Group F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total

15 - 19 15 37 52 1 6 7 23 63 86 39 106 145

20 - 24 13 28 41 5 28 33 7 16 23 25 72 97

25 - 39 5 7 12 7 63 70 12 70 82

40 - 59 2 4 6 1 16 17 3 20 23

TOTAL 35 76 111 14 113 127 30 79 109 79 268 347

Full-time Part-time TotalNA

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Table 22: Total Drop-outs by Student Type, Gender and Field of Study (2013)

Table 23: PSET Formal Provider Lecturers and Trainers by Provider (2013)

Student Type

Field of Study F M Total F M Total F M Total

Architecture and Building 2 49 51 0 0 0 2 49 51

Creative Arts 0 15 15 0 0 0 0 15 15

Education 2 1 3 0 0 0 2 1 3

Engineering and Related Technologies 1 165 166 0 0 0 1 165 166

Food, Hospitality and Personal Services 16 0 16 0 0 0 16 0 16

Information Technology 19 8 27 0 0 0 19 8 27

Management and Commerce 26 7 33 0 1 1 26 8 34

Society and Culture 13 20 33 0 2 2 13 22 35

TOTAL 79 265 344 0 3 3 79 268 347

Domestic International International


Female 1 5 3 2 0 3 7 2 90 3 1 0 0 7 3 1 3 131

Male 8 17 1 10 11 4 13 6 57 7 2 4 7 0 9 6 5 167

TOTAL 9 22 4 12 11 7 20 8 147 10 3 4 7 7 12 7 8 298

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Table 24: PSET Formal Providers Lecturers and Trainers by Provider Type, Gender and Mode of Training/Lecturing (2013)

Table 25: PSET Formal Provider Lecturers/Trainers by Highest Qualification Attained (2013)

Mode of Study

Provider Type F M Total F M Total F M Total

Government 90 59 149 0 5 5 90 64 154

Private 4 2 6 7 1 8 11 3 14

Mission 27 70 97 3 30 33 30 100 130

TOTAL 121 131 252 10 36 46 131 167 298

Part-time TotalFull-time

Provider Type

Programme Level F M Total F M Total F M Total F M Total

None 1 1 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 4 5 9

Certificate 10 23 33 12 33 45 6 0 6 28 56 84

Diploma 1 4 5 8 19 27 2 0 2 11 23 34

Graduate Certificate 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1

Graduate Diploma 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 3

Bachelor 33 19 52 7 28 35 1 1 2 41 48 89

Postgraduate Diploma 4 1 5 0 4 4 0 1 1 4 6 10

Masters 31 12 43 2 12 14 0 0 0 33 24 57

Doctorates 7 3 10 0 1 1 0 0 0 7 4 11

TOTAL 90 64 154 30 100 130 11 3 14 131 167 298

Government Mission Private Total

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SQA Approved Classification of Fields of Study

Broad Field of Study: Agriculture, Environment & Related Studies

PSET Provider Programme Title Programme Duration

National University of Samoa

Certificate in Tropical Horticulture Foundation Certificate in Agriculture

1 year 1 year

University of the South Pacific

Diploma in Agriculture 2 Years

Bachelor of Agriculture (Agribusiness) 3 Years

Bachelor of Agriculture (Applied Science) 3 Years

Bachelor of Art Environmental Studies 3 Years

Master of Agriculture 4 Years

Broad Field of Study: Architecture & Building

PSET Provider Programme Title Programme Duration

Don Bosco Technical Centre Certificate in Carpentry & Joinery 2 Years

Certificate in Plumbing & Sheetmetal 2 Years

MTCC – Laumua o Punaoa Certificate in Fabrication and Plumbing 2 Years

Certificate in Carpentry and Joinery 2 Years

Uesiliana Vocational Centre Certificate in Carpentry and Joinery Certificate in Plumbing

2 Years 2 Years

Ministry of Commerce Industry & Labour - Apprenticeship Scheme (NUS)

Certificate of Due Completion (Plumbing)

4 Years

Certificate of Due Completion (Carpentry & Joinery)

4 Years

Ministry of Commerce Industry & Labour - Trade Test Scheme

Grade 1 Certificate in any of the trades: (Plumbing, Carpentry & Joinery)


Grade 2 Certificate in any of the trades: N/A

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(Plumbing, Carpentry & Joinery)

National Trade Certificate in any of the trades: (Plumbing, Carpentry & Joinery)


National University of Samoa

Intermediate Certificate in Plumbing & Sheetmetal 2 Years

Intermediate Certificate in Construction & Joinery 2 Years

Bachelor of Technical and Vocational Education and Training 3 Years

Broad Field of Study: Creative Arts

PSET Provider Programme Title Programme Duration

Leulumoega Fou School of Fine Arts

Certificate of Fine Arts 2 Years

Diploma of Fine Arts 3 Years

Advanced Certificate in Fine Arts 2 Years

MTCC – Laumua o Punaoa Certificate in Fine Arts 2 Years

Uesiliana Vocational Centre Certificate in Fine Arts 2 Years

National University of Samoa

Diploma in Media and Journalism 2 Years

Broad Field of Study: Education

PSET Provider Programme Title Programme Duration

Early Childhood Education Teachers Training Institute

Certificate in Early Childhood Education 1 Year

National University of Samoa

Foundation Certificate in Education 1 Year

Diploma in Education: Primary(general, special needs, early childhood) & Secondary

2 Years

Bachelor of Education: (Primary OR Secondary) 4 Years

Graduate Diploma in Education 2 Years

Postgraduate Diploma in Education 1 Year

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University of the South Pacific

Certificate in Early Childhood Education 3 Semesters

Certificate in Teaching (Secondary) 1 Year

Diploma in Teaching (Secondary) 2 Years

Diploma in Early Childhood Education 2 Years

Bachelor of Education 3 Years

Postgraduates Certificate Tertiary Teaching 1 Year

Postgraduate Diploma in Education 1 Year

Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) Education 3 Years

Broad Field of Study: Engineering and Related Technologies

PSET Provider Programme Title Programme Duration

Don Bosco Technical Centre Certificate in Welding and Metal Fabrication 2 Years

Certificate in Motor Mechanics 2 Years

Certificate in Electrical 2 Years

MTCC – Laumua o Punaoa

Certificate in Electrical Engineering 2 Years

Certificate in Automotive Engineering 2 Years

Certificate in Welding 2 Years

Uesiliana Vocational Centre Certificate in Electrical Engineering 2 Years

Certificate in Automotive Engineering 2 Years

Certificate in Welding 2 Years

Ministry of Commerce Industry & Labour - Apprenticeship Scheme (NUS)

Certificate of Due Completion (Motor Mechanics)

4 Years

Certificate of Due Completion (Electrical)

4 Years

Certificate of Due Completion (Refrigeration)

4 Years

Certificate of Due Completion 4 Years

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(Fitting & Machinery)

Certificate of Due Completion (Welding)

4 Years

Grade 1 Certificate in any of the trades: (Motor Mechanics, Electrical, Refrigeration, Fitting & Machinery, Welding)


Ministry of Commerce Industry & Labour - Trade Test Scheme

Grade 2 Certificate in any of the trades: (Motor Mechanics, Electrical, Refrigeration, Fitting & Machinery, Welding)


National Trade Certificate in any of the trades: (Motor Mechanics, Electrical, Refrigeration, Fitting & Machinery)


National University of Samoa

Certificate in Panel Beating and Spray Painting 1 year

Diploma in Radio & Electronics 2 years

Intermediate Certificate in Automotive Engineering 2 years

Intermediate Certificate in Electrical Engineering 2 years

Intermediate Certificate in Fitting & Machining 2 years

Intermediate Certificate in Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 2 years

Intermediate Certificate in Welding & Metal Fabrication 2 years

Certificate II in Maritime Training (Marine Engineering) 1 year

Certificate II in Maritime Training 1 Year

Certificate in Panel-beating and Spray Painting 1 year

University of the South Pacific

Bachelor of Engineering 3 Years

Bachelor of Science in Electrical/Electronic Engineering 3 Years

Samoa Shipping Maritime Academy

Onboard Deck Rating 6 Months

Onboard Engine Rating 6 Months

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Broad Field of Study: Food, Hospitality & Personal Services

PSET Provider Programme Title Programme Duration

MTCC – Laumua o Punaoa Certificate in Food, Textile & Technology 2 Years

Uesiliana Vocational Centre Certificate in Home (Food Technology & Textiles)

2 Years

National University of Samoa

Certificate of Tourism and Hospitality

1 year

Broad Field of Study: Health

PSET Provider Programme Title Programme Duration

National University of Samoa

Foundation Certificate in Nursing 1 Year

Diploma in Nursing 2 years

Bachelor of Health Science in Environmental Health 3 Years

Bachelor of Health Science in Medical Laboratory Science 3 Years

Bachelor of Nursing 3 years

Broad Field of Study: Information Technology

PSET Provider Programme Title Programme Duration

MTCC – Laumua o Punaoa Certificate in Computer Studies 2 Years

National University of Samoa

Certificate in Computer Studies 1 year

Diploma in Computing 2 years

Certificate in Computer Operating 1 year

University of the South Pacific

Certificate in Information System 1 Year

Bachelor of Net-Centric Computing 4 Years

Tesese Institute of Administrative Studies

Certificate in Computing 2 Semester

Diploma in Computing 2 Years

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UTVC Certificate in Computer Studies 1 Year

Broad Field of Study: Management & Commerce

PSET Provider Programme Title Programme Duration

Tesese Institute of Administrative Studies

Certificate in Office Administration and Computing. 2 Semesters

Diploma in Office Administration and Computing. 6 Semesters

National University of Samoa

Foundation Certification Commerce 1 Year

Certificate in Commerce (major study areas: Accounting, Economics, Management)

2 Years

Certificate in Tourism 2 Years

Diploma in Management 2 years

Diploma in Accounting 2 years

Bachelor of Commerce 3 years

Bachelor of Commerce(Honours) 1 year

Diploma in Office Management 2 years

Diploma in Business 2 years

Diploma in Tourism 2 Years

Graduate Diploma in Commerce 1 Year

University of the South Pacific

Certificate in Management Studies 1 Year

Diploma in Accounting Studies 2 Years

Diploma in Banking 2 Years

Diploma in Management Studies 2 Years

Diploma in Official Statistic 2 Years

Bachelor of Art in Tourism and Hospitality 3 Years

Bachelor of Commerce 3 Years

Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce ( Real Estate) 1 Year

Samoa Institute of Certificate of Commercial Studies 1 Year

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Secretaries and Administrators

Diploma of Business Administration in (Management, Banking) 2 Years

Broad Field of Study: Natural & Physical Sciences

PSET Provider Programme Title Programme Duration

National University of Samoa

Foundation Certificate in Science 1 Year

Basic Certificate in Science 1 Year

Certificate in Science 1year

Diploma in Environmental Science 2 years

Bachelor of Science 3 years

University of the South Pacific

Foundation Mathematics B 1 Year

Foundation Science 1 Year

Bachelor of Science 3 Years

Broad Field of Study: Society & Culture

PSET Provider Programme Title Programme Duration

Harvest Bible College Certificate IV in Biblical Studies 1 Year

Diploma in Biblical Studies 3 Years

Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies and Ministry 4 Years

Apia Harvest Centre Bible College

Certificate in Biblical Studies 1 Year

Diploma In Arts Associate Theology 2 Year

Associate of Theology Degree 2 Years

Ierusalema Fou Theological Institute

Certificate IV in Christian Ministries 1 Year

Diploma in Biblical Studies 2 Years

Malua Bible School Certificate in Theological Studies 1 Year

Diploma in Theological Studies 2 Years

Page 45: Frequency of Publication: Annual - · SQA is continuing under the SQA Act 2010 which strengthened the regulatory functions of ... relates to individual head counts across

PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 43

Malua Theological College Diploma in Theology 3 Years

Bachelor of Theology 4 Years

Bachelor of Divinity 4 Years

Moamoa Theological College

Certificate in Ministry 3 Years

Certificate of Theology 3 Years

Worldwide Mission Training Centre

Certificate in Christian Ministries 1 Year

Diploma in Christian Ministries 1 Year

Advanced Diploma in Christian Ministries 2 years

RHEMA Bible Training Center - South Pacific

Certificate of Completion (Ministerial Training Course) 1 Year

Diploma in Bible Training 1 Year

Ministerial Diploma 1 Year

Advanced Ministerial Diploma 1 Year

South Pacific Nazarene Theological College

Certificate in Ministry 2 Years

Diploma in Ministry 3 Years

Vailima Fou Theological College

Certificate in Christian Studies 2 Years

Diploma in Ministry 3 Years

Diploma in Theology 3 Years

National University of Samoa

Foundation Certificate in Arts 1 Year

Diploma in Arts 3 years

Bachelor of Arts 3 years

Bachelor of Samoan Studies 3 years

Post Graduate Diploma in Samoan Studies 1 year

Post Graduate Diploma in Development Studies 1 Year

Masters of Samoan Studies 2 Years

Masters of Development Studies 2 Years

Page 46: Frequency of Publication: Annual - · SQA is continuing under the SQA Act 2010 which strengthened the regulatory functions of ... relates to individual head counts across

PSET Statistical Bulletin 2014 44

Broad Field of Study: Mixed Field Programmes

PSET Provider Programme Title Programme Duration

National University of Samoa

Foundation Certificate General 1 Year

Don Bosco Technical Centre Certificate in Pre-trade Life Skills 2 Years

Page 47: Frequency of Publication: Annual - · SQA is continuing under the SQA Act 2010 which strengthened the regulatory functions of ... relates to individual head counts across
Page 48: Frequency of Publication: Annual - · SQA is continuing under the SQA Act 2010 which strengthened the regulatory functions of ... relates to individual head counts across

Samoa Qualifications Authority

P O Box L851

Tui Atua Tupua Tamasese Efi (TATTE) Building -

Level 2, Sogi

Telephone: +685 20976

Facsimile: +685 26314

Email: [email protected]
