
Operational Scepticism A guide with a purpose of outlining the importance of questioning. An idea which supports a disbelief in the way media is portrayed and blindly consumed in todays society. Criticising standardised testing and the modern educational paradigm as a model that no longer functions. We must grow sceptical and begin to question on a mass scale.



Transcript of frenchfoldmockup02

O p e r a t i o n a l S c e p t i c i s m

A guide with a purpose of out l in ing the impor tance of quest ioning. An idea which

suppor ts a disbel ief in the way media is por trayed and bl indly

consumed in todays society. Cr i t ic is ing standardised test ing

and the modern educat ional paradigm as a model that no

longer funct ions. We must grow scept ical and begin to quest ion

on a mass scale.

Our society is one of turmoi l .

Dai ly we stew in a pot of incessant desire compl imented by f ict ional happiness. We are terr ib ly f r ightened of something that does not ex ist . We completely missed the probing second that p laced this fear in our heads.

A l l pretending l i fe and the things around us are just great ; what a dysfunct ional psyche we have. Now pat yoursel f on the fucking back.

Money is ev i l and commodit ies wi l l not solve our personal problems,

they wi l l not help you to feel better, you wi l l feel no love from those

i tems.

Educat ion is hur t ing.

Radical ism and the abi l i ty to quest ion: ‘why does this happen

that way’ or ‘what happens i f I do th is ’ are the pract ices that g ive

bir th to innovat ion.