French XIII Corps (Hamburg), Mid-August 1813

download French XIII Corps (Hamburg), Mid-August 1813

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Transcript of French XIII Corps (Hamburg), Mid-August 1813

  • 8/4/2019 French XIII Corps (Hamburg), Mid-August 1813



    French XIII Corps (Hamburg)Mid August l8l3

    Commanding General: Marchal DavoutChief of staff: Gnral de brigade Baron de LavilleAdjudant-Commandant: Chef de bataillon Zadera

    Major BrossetAdjunct Captains: Laloy, Chaupin, d'Houdetot

    Lieutenant aide-major de VilleneuveDanish Adjudant: Captain Count Dannstjold LwendalArtillery Commander: Colonel Ourie

    Engineering Cmdr: Chef de Bataillon Vinache

    3rd Division: Gnral de division Loison(total 8,273 men)

    Brigade: Gnral de brigade Mielzynski1/,2/,3/,4/l5th Line Regiment3/,4/44th Line Regiment

    Brigade: Gnral de brigade Leclerc1/,2/,3/,4/48th Line Regiment1/,2/,3/,4/l08th Line Regiment

    Artillery: Mathis3/8th Foot Artillery Company17/8th Foot Artillery Company

    14 gunsDet. 1/6th Principal Artillery Train

    Det. 5/7th Principal Artillery Train40th Division: Gnral de division ThiebaultBrigade: Gnral de brigade Delcambre

    1/,2/,3/,4/30th Line Regiment3/,4/33rd Lgre Regiment

    Brigade: Gnral de brigade Gengoult1/,2/,3/,4/61st Line Regiment1/,2/,3/,4/111th Line Regiment

    Artillery: Grosjean12/2nd Foot Artillery Company18/8th Foot Artillery Company

    l4 gunsDet. 7/2nd (bis) Artillery TrainDet. 3/8th (bis) Artillery Train

    50th Division (Mobile): Gnral de division VicheryBrigade: Gnral de brigade Rome

    3/,4/,6/3rd Line Regiment3/,6/105th Line Regiment

    Artillery:4/1st Horse Battery (6 guns)

    Danish Auxiliary Corps: General Prinz Friedrich von HessenChief of staff: Major Karl von BardenslethAsst. CoS: Major Lvenrn von BardenflethArtillery Commander:Lieutenant Colonel d'Aubert

    (total 8,777 men)

    Advanced Guard: Colonel von Waldeck2/Schleswig Jagerkorps1/,2/Holstein Sharpshooter Corps

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    2/,6/Hussar Regimentvon Gertsenberg Horse Battery (10 - 3 pdrs)

    lst Brigade: Generalmajor Graf von der Schulenberg3/Oldenburg Regiment (Detached to Rendsberg Garrison)1/,2/,4/, Lt. Co 3/Oldenburg Regiment1/, & Lt Co. of 2/Dronningen Guard Regiment1/,2/,3/,4/Holstein Cavalry Regiment (4)Koye Foot Battery (10 - 6 pdrs)

    2nd Brigade: Generalmajor Lasson1/, Jager Co of 2/Funen Infantry Regiment1/,2/Schleswig Infantry Regiment

    3/,4/Holstein Infantry Regiment1/,2/,3/,4/Jutland Light Dragoon Regimentvon Gnner Horse Battery (10 - 3 pdrs)von Lohse Foot Battery (10 - 6 pdrs)

    Cavalry: Gnral de division Watier de St. Alphonse30th Light Cavalry Brigade: Gnral de brigade

    L'Allemand(total 900 men)

    1/,2/28th Chasseur Cheval Regiment (2)1/,2/,3/17th Polish (Lithuanian) Uhlan Regiment (3)

    Garrison of Hamburg: Gnral de division Hogendorp50th Division (Immobile): Gnral de brigade Piotrowski

    Brigade: Gnral de brigade Osten1/,2/33rd Lgre Regiment

    1 (bis)/,2/,3/,4/,5/29th Line RegimentBrigade: Gnral de brigade Avril2/,5/3rd Line Regiment2/,4/,5/105th Line Regiment

    Cavalry: Gnral de division Wathier Saint-AlphonseBrigade: Gnral de brigade Guiton

    Regiment de Marche2 Sqn Lt Cav.1 Sqn Dragoons1 Sqn Cuirassiers

    Brigade: Gnral de brigade Duboislst Provisional Cuirassier Regiment

    4/lst, 4/2nd, 4/3rd, 4/4th Cuirassier Regiments2nd Provisional Cuirassier Regiment

    4/5th, 4/6th, 4/7th, 4/8th Cuirassier Regiments3rd Provisional Cuirassier Regiment

    4/9th, 4/l0th, 4/llth, 4/l2th Cuirassier Regiments3/,4/,5/28th Chasseur Cheval Regiment (3)(dismounted)

    Other Troops:Veteran BattalionIsolated Depot BattalionFoot and Horse Customs SoldiersGarrison ArtilleryFoot and Horse Gendarmes

    Reserve and Grand Park4/5th Horse Artillery Company8/4th Sapper Battalion (6 - l2pdrs & 2 how)Artillery Artisan Det.Det. 4/5th (bis) Artillery Train

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    Det. 1/6th (bis) Artillery TrainDet. 3/6th (bis) Artillery TrainDet. 1/6th Principal Artillery Train12th Equipage Train Battalion (4 cos)5th Equipage de Flotille (l,200) & 25 gunboatsNaval Artificier Battalion (400)

    Quistorp, Geschichte der Nordarmee im Jahr l8l3Danish ArchivesFrench Archives

    Copyright, GFN 1990