FREEJOO Simplified Onboarding Instructions v5

[email protected] India | Indonesia | Mongolia | Philippines | Singapore | Vietnam Welcome to FREEJOO! Thank you for joining the Akadasia Singapore teacher up-skilling program. In addi>on to the training courses you will receive, we are happy to inform you that your enrolment provides you with free learners’ access to FREEJOO, a full featured digital learning management system & plaDorm. We've created this guide to make sure that you have a seamless and easy onboarding experience. Now, let’s get started! PART A - Create & Ac2vate Your FREEJOO Account Within 48 hours of receiving this document, you will receive one addi>onal email from us. 1. The email that you receive, will contain the link for you to ac>vate and access your FREEJOO account. 2. Check your inbox (or spam folder) for the 1st email indica>ng the Course Registra>on Invita>on, sent by no>fica>[email protected]. Click on the "Finish Your Registra>on" buVon to con>nue. The email looks something like this: of 1 6 INSTRUCTIONAL DOCUMENT | PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW EACH STEP FREEJOO ONBOARDING INSTRUCTIONS

Transcript of FREEJOO Simplified Onboarding Instructions v5

[email protected]

India | Indonesia | Mongolia | Philippines | Singapore | Vietnam

Welcome to FREEJOO!

Thank you for joining the Akadasia Singapore teacher up-skilling program. In addi>on to the training courses you will receive, we are happy to inform you that your enrolment provides you with free learners’ access to FREEJOO, a full featured digital learning management system & plaDorm.

We've created this guide to make sure that you have a seamless and easy onboarding experience.

Now, let’s get started!

PART A - Create & Ac2vate Your FREEJOO Account

Within 48 hours of receiving this document, you will receive one addi>onal email from us.

1. The email that you receive, will contain the link for you to ac>vate and access your FREEJOO account.

2. Check your inbox (or spam folder) for the 1st email indica>ng the Course Registra>on Invita>on, sent by no>fica>[email protected]. Click on the "Finish Your Registra>on" buVon to con>nue. The email looks something like this: of 1 6



[email protected]

India | Indonesia | Mongolia | Philippines | Singapore | Vietnam

3. If you have not received this email then please check your spam / junk folder before contac>ng us at [email protected] (If it goes to spam, please mark it as "Not Spam", so that it goes to your inbox.) Or if using Gmail, please check the other subfolders such as Social, Updates, Forums, Promo>ons. Click and drag the email to the Primary tab or main Inbox folder to move it.

4. This should bring you to FREEJOO where you will see a form to create your account. Fill up accordingly, and use the email address from where you received the invita>on. Complete the rest of the form and submit.

5. You will then see your Freejoo Dashboard, but on the right side margin, there is an ac>va>on alert which asks you to check your inbox for the 2nd email with the ac>va>on link sent there. This page looks like this: of 2 6

[email protected]

India | Indonesia | Mongolia | Philippines | Singapore | Vietnam

6. The email with the ac>va>on link that you will receive, looks like this:

7. Once you have clicked on the ac>va>on link provided in the email, it should bring you back to the FREEJOO sign in page. Sign in with the email address and the password you created for your account in Step 3, and you should be able to ac>vate FREEJOO and get access to the course as seen below: of 3 6

[email protected]

India | Indonesia | Mongolia | Philippines | Singapore | Vietnam

8. You will be directed to your FREEJOO Dashboard, and the courses you are enrolled in will now be visible. Click “View Course” buVon to start. Enjoy learning! :)

PART B - Changing Your FREEJOO Password

1. On the upper right hand corner, beside your Username, click on the down arrow. Then click 'Account Sefngs'. Then click 'Reset Your Password'. You should see a confirma>on message that instruc>ons have been sent to your email account. of 4 6

[email protected]

India | Indonesia | Mongolia | Philippines | Singapore | Vietnam

2. In the Password Reset email, click on 'Change my Password' buVon.

3. You will then see the 'Reset Your Password' page. Change your password accordingly. (*Do remember it, and keep it in a safe place. Also make your password difficult for others to guess.) of 5 6

[email protected]

India | Indonesia | Mongolia | Philippines | Singapore | Vietnam

4. You should see a 'Password Reset Complete' confirma>on page. You're done! (*Test your new password by trying to login again.)

PART C - Helpful Hints

• Freejoo is best viewed using desktop / laptop web browser. S>ll possible on tablet or mobile via web browser, but some formafng may not appear as good as on a full computer screen. To view on a tablet or a mobile phone via web browser, please hold the device in the landscape mode, for a beVer experience.

• Give the pages >me to upload. As much as possible, click only once and let the webpage load for a few seconds. Mul>ple successive clicks may result in a temporary access lockout (e.g. if mul>ple login aVempts are detected) as a security precau>on. If this happens, please allow for 15 mins before trying to login again, to refresh the system.

• If you get lost or stuck anywhere, just type the URL in the address bar of your browser and start over – hVps://

• To create your own course on FREEJOO, just type the following URL in the address bar of your browser – hVps://

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