Freedom – the client and business management system for IFAs Main Menu.

Freedom – the client and business management system for IFAs Main Menu

Transcript of Freedom – the client and business management system for IFAs Main Menu.

Freedom – the client and business management system for IFAsMain Menu

Freedom – the client and business management system for IFAsSetting the risk models

Freedom – the client and business management system for IFAsSetting the risk models

Remember you can create as many risk levels as you wish

and choose your own headings

Freedom – the client and business management system for IFAsCreating a risk model

Freedom – the client and business management system for IFAsThe risk models can then be printed

Freedom – the client and business management system for IFAsFrom a client click Asset Allocation

Freedom – the client and business management system for IFAsAsset Allocation – Setting the risk

The client’s recordedrisk is used as thedefault but this can

be changed as requiredto see the impact of

a different risk profile.

Freedom – the client and business management system for IFAsAsset Allocation - Selecting the criteria

Select which assets you wish to include

Freedom – the client and business management system for IFAs Asset Allocation

The recorded risk isdisplayed along with

the model used.

…and the blue (clickable) headings allow you to displaythe information in any order

Freedom – the client and business management system for IFAsThe printable version for the client

Freedom – the client and business management system for IFAsViewing the impact on change of risk profile

You can now selecta different modelto see the impact

on the chosen assets

Freedom – the client and business management system for IFAsAssessing the affect on change of risk profile

A warning reminds you thatthis is not the recorded risk

profile for this client.

Freedom – the client and business management system for IFAs

That concludes this short demonstration on Asset Allocation.Thank you very much for watching.

Please feel free to download our other presentations and seejust how easy Freedom is to use for all of your staff.

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