Freedom of Family

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Transcript of Freedom of Family

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    Malik Muhammad Sabir Shahzad , 03007603271,


    Contents ..............................................................................................................................1

    INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................2Constitutional instruments of different countries enshrine the noblest aspirations of

    their respective people. All Constitutions, theref ore, embody the highest principles of

    civilized norms and behaviour and political aspirations. What is important is not the

    letter of the Constitutional document but its realization in practical life. If the highestprinciples are not translated into reality the provisions of the Constitution remain pious

    hopes and mere lip service to those high ideals and cannot serve any useful purpose....2

    In a democratic society it is not the written word of the Constitution of the law whichensures fair treatment to any particular class or section of the society but the steps

    which the state has taken to ensure such protection and fair treatment...........................3

    It is the Constitution of Pakistan, with special re ference to the Family Laws and

    judicial protection, which is the subject matter of my speech today. In the Muslimworld and among Muslim communities, Islam operates as a way of life, as much as a

    religion. It regulates the details of every day life through written and un-written codes

    which have a direct impact on peoples social, economic, political and personalresponsibilitie s and rights. These laws are fixed and are shaped by socio-economic and

    political developments and involve a constantly changing selection of customs,

    traditions, religious codes and external sources of law. ..................................................3ARTICLE: 35 PROTECTION OF FAMILY, ETC.............................................................3

    PREAMBLE OF THE CONSTITUTION OF PAKISTAN ...............................................3

    P L D 1997 LAHORE 666...................................................................................................5

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    Malik Muhammad Sabir Shahzad , 03007603271,


    Constitutional instruments of different countries enshrine the noblest

    aspirations of their respective people. All Constitutions, theref ore,

    embody the highest principles of civilized norms and behaviour and

    political aspirations. What is important is not the letter of the

    Constitutional document but its realization in practical life. If the

    highest principles are not translated into reality the provisions of the

    Constitution remain pious hopes and mere lip service to those high

    ideals and cannot serve any useful purpose.

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    Malik Muhammad Sabir Shahzad , 03007603271,

    Wherein the integrity of the territories of the Federation, its independence

    and all its rights, including its sovereign rights on land, sea and air, shall be


    So that the people of Pakistan may prosper and attain their rightful and

    honoured place amongst the nations of the World and make their full

    contribution towards international peace and progress and happiness of

    humanity :

    Now, therefore, we, the people of Pakistan,

    Cognisant of our responsibility before Almighty Allah and men;

    Cognisant of the sacrifices made by the people in the cause of Pakistan;

    Faithful to the declaration made by the Founder of Pakistan, Quaid-i-Azam

    Mohammad Ali Jinnah, that Pakistan would be a democratic State based

    on Islamic principles of social justice; Dedicated to the preservation of

    democracy achieved by the unremitting struggle of the people against

    oppression and tyranny; Inspired by the resolve to protect our national and

    political unity and solidarity by creating an egalitarian society through a

    new order; Do hereby, through our representatives in the National

    Assembly, adopt, enact and give to ourselves, this Constitution.

    P L D 1997 LAHORE 666



    Per Muhammad Aqil Mirza, J.(a) Constitution of Pakistan(1973), Article 35

    They stated before me that they had contracted marriage with their mutual

    and free consent on 16-4-1996 an since the both of them had been living

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    Malik Muhammad Sabir Shahzad , 03007603271,

    together as a married couple. In the these circumstances, when the

    marriage between a major Muslim woman with a major Muslim man has

    taken place and consummated, then every effort should be made to

    protect the marriage, because such is the command enshrined in Article 35of the Constitution of Pakistan which reads as under:-

    Protection of family etc. The State shall protect the marriage, the family,

    the mother and the child.

    Major and sane persons, both male and female have the right to contract

    marriage with their own free will. When a marriage is contracted by a

    woman without the consent of her parents, it is often seen that effort is

    made by her parents to undo the marriage. In most of the cases this is

    done on account of the tribal customs or social taboos or on account of

    barbarism. However, such considerations have to yield to the constitutional

    commands, law and the Islamic Injunctions. The divorce obtained through

    coercion or the recovery of the girl secured otherwise by the parents in

    most of the cases results in very awful situation. As a result of the

    consummation of marriage, except in rare cases, the wife conceives and

    the parents of the girl in the first instance try to kill the still born child in the

    womb of the mother through abortion. If such efforts fail and the child is

    born, it leads to still more serious consequence. First, the legitimacy of the

    child is called in question and secondly, the responsibility to bring up the

    child is not shared by the parents of the mother and thirdly, she is

    compelled to marry elsewhere against her wishes. In this the poor lady is

    put to immense mental torture and hereself is shattered. However, it is

    heartening to note that these social taboos are gradually loosening their

    grip on the society, partly on account of religious education by the learned

    Ulemas and partly due to the awakening through print and electronic

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    Malik Muhammad Sabir Shahzad , 03007603271,

    The word life occurring in Article 9 does not merely mean vegetative or

    animal life, it includes such amenities, facilities and personal rights as

    should be enjoyed by a person born in free country. The Honourable

    Supreme Court while explaining the meaning of life as occurring in Article9(ibid), in the case of Shahla Zia v. WAPDA PLD 1994 SC 693 observed

    as follows:-

    The constitutional law in America provides extensive and wide meaning to

    the word life which includes all such rights which are necessary and

    essential or leading a free, proper, comfortable and clean life. The

    requirement of acquiring knowledge, to establish home, the freedoms as

    contemplated by the Constitution, the personal rights and their enjoyment

    are nothing but part of life. A person is entitled to enjoy his personal rights

    and to be protected from encroachment on such personal rights, freedom

    and liberties. Any action taken which may create hazards of life will be

    encroaching upon the personal rights of a citizen to enjoy the life according

    to law. In the present case this life Constitutionally is so wide that the

    danger and encroachment complained of would impinge fundamental rightof a citizen. In this view of the matter the petition is maintainable.[p. 670]D

    Shahla Zia v. Wapda P L D 1994 SC 693 ref.

    (e) Constitution of Pakistan (1973) Art. 9

    In my considered view the word life as used in Article 9 (ibid) also means

    a happy life which a married couple is entitled to lead and enjoy. Lifewithout personal rights is not worth living. Enjoyment of personal rights

    including the right of a married couple to establish home and live together

    is a basic human right which has been protected under Article 9 of our

    Constitution. This right inheres that the married couple is entitled to enjoy

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    Malik Muhammad Sabir Shahzad , 03007603271,

    lawful wedlock against the wishes of the wife is not desirable even on the

    moral grounds.[p. 673]G

    (h) Constitution of Pakistan (1973) Art. 199

    Indeed the dower in the form of immovable property is a great security for

    the wife who on account thereof is accepted in the husbands family with

    respect and dignity. Since the marriage contracted with free consent is

    between the cousins and adequate dower in the form of gift of immovable

    property has also been provided for benefit of the wife, the marriage is

    accordingly found to be a bona fide transaction.[p. 673]H

    The writ petition was disposed of by the short order with the following


    In view of the statement made in Court by Mst.Sajida Bibi and Muhammad

    Ramzan (who are first cousins inter se) that they have contracted marriage

    on 16-4-1996 with their own free consent, it is directed that the respondent

    shall not cause any harassment to the petitioners or other family members

    of petitioner No.2.[p. 674]I