FREE… · 12:00 News 12:10...

PAGE TWELVE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1970 TELEVISION WNHC-TV, CHANNEL 8, NEW HAVEN, CONN. FRDDAT, MARCH 27 «;10 NewBOoiw «:U Infinite Hortioaa «:4S tecred Heart 7:00 Mr Ooober •:08 The Movie Oame •;M Oonn-Tentiao lOvOO David FTost Sbow 11:30 Beat Tbe Olodc 12:06 News 12:10 Conn. Capsule 12:15 News 13:M That Olrl 1:M I Love Luejr 1:39 Let’s Malce A Deal Newlywed Oame 3:39 Dating Oame 3:00 General Htepltal 3:30 One Ufe to Uve 4:00 Mike Douglas Show S:3> Stump the Stars «:N News «:1S Weather 6:30 Sports «:30 News T:M Truth or Consequeaoes 7:30 Flying Nub 8:00 CIAC Baskatball 1*:M Love American style 11:0* News 11:15 Wteather 11:20 Sports 11:30 Dick Cavett Show 1:00 With This Ring 1:15 Newscope «:46 7:00 $M 8:3* 9:80 19:80 10:39 11:99 11:39 13:89 UJ9 1:00 3:00 4:69 6:00 8:39 7M 7:39 8:09 19:N 19:30 1:90 SATURDAY, MARCH 28 Sacred Heart Ralph Kanns Oartooaa Adveatures of CShdUw Smokey Bear Sluiw Cattanoega Oats Hat Wheels Hardy Bayi Sky Hawks Oeorge af the Jungle Get It Together landrtani CIAC BasketbaU Miss Rodeo Pageant CIAC Basketball Oolf Saturday Report All American College Let’s Make A Deal CIAC Basketball Jimmy Durante Movie Movie SUNDAY, MARCH 8:00 Saints For ChlMren i:U Davay and OoUatb 8:30 Amke 9:90 FWth For Todajr 9’J» COulstophen 9:46 Sacred Heart 10:99 DlalogMS !•:» This b TIm life 11:90 Comments and Pe<^ ll:S9 IMaoovety UiM Opinionated Man U:39 flipealdM Car the U:4» Healtli Boat *T» 1:00 8th Day 1:39 iKues aad Animn IJS MBA mslilHlll 4:00 American Sportsman 5:00 Movie 7:00 of the Giants 9:08 The V. B. X. 9:00 Movie 11:46 News 13:00 Weather 12:06 Sports 12:16 Movie 1:46 Speaking for the Coosumer 2:00 Newscope MOiNDAY, IMARCH 39 8:10 Newsoope 6:16 Perspectives 8:46 Morning Refleettoaa 7:00 Mr. Goobw 9399 The Movie Oama 9:39 Conn-TenUoB 10:99 David Froat Staow 11:30 Beat the Cloek 12:80 News 13:19 Cannecticut Oapsula 13:18 News and Weather 12:30 A World Apart 1:99 I Love Lucy 1:30 Lefk MUce A Doal 2:00 Newlywed ChuM 3:30 Dating Oama 3:00 General Hoapital S:30 One Ufe To Ufa 4:00 Mike Douglas Bbaw 5:39 Stump Tbe Staii 6:00 6 O’clock Report 8:16 Weather 6:20 Sports 6:30 News 7:00 Truth or 7:30 It Takes a 'm ef 8:30 Movie 10:30 Now 11:00 News 11:16 Weather 11:20 Sports 11:30 Dick Cavett Show 1:00 Newsoope TELEVISION WTIC-TV, CHANNEL 3, HARTFORD, CONN. TUESDAY, MARCH 31 6:10 Newscope 6:15 Sacred Heart 6:30 Awake 7:00 Mr Ooober OiOO H ie Movie Oame 9:30 Conn-Tentlon 10:00 David Frost Show 11:30 Beat the Clock 12:00 News 12:10 Connecticut Capsule 12:16 News 12:30 A World Apart 1:00 I Love Lucy 1:30 Let’s Make A Deal 2:00 The Newlywed Gama 2:30 The Dating Oame 3:00 General Hospital 8:30 One Life To Uva 4:00 I^ke Douglas Shov 6:30 Stump the Stan 6:00 6 O’clock Report 8:16 Weather 6:20 Sports 8:30 News 7:00 Truth or Conaeqnanaei 7:30 The Mod Squad 8:30 Movie 19:00 Marcus Wdb^ XD 11:00 News 11:16 Weather 11:20 Sports 11:30 Dick Cavett Show 1:00 Newscope WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 8:10 Newsoope 6:15 infinite Horlions 6:46 Morning Reflections 7:00 Mr Ooober 0:00 llie Miovle Game 9:30 COnn-nentkm 10:00 David Frost etoam 11:30 Beat the Clo<^ 12:00 News 12:10 Oomiecticut Capsule 13:16 News 12:30 A World Apart 1:00 I Lave lAicy 1:30 Letts Make A Deal 2:00 Newlywed Game 2:30 DatW Game 3t00 General HOapltal 8:39 One Ufe to Uva 4:00 Mike D a u (^ Show •:M Stump the Stan 8:00 News 8:10 Weather 6:20 Sports 6:30 News 7:80 Truth or CoDseao«M0 7:S8 Maany and Um Prol— w 8:00 CmirtBhip o( BU te’li 8:10 R o o B m 0:80 Jofaaay OMh Mmw 10:80 Bigelbert Humperdlagfc 11:09 11 OtaadE Report 11:88 W eather 11:30 ftw rti 11:30 Didc Oavett Show 1:00 NewBcapa THURSDAY, APRIL t ; TELEVISION ENGINEERING SERVICE / ROY W. WILKINSON Motorola Radio — Television — Hi-Fi < SERVICE ON ALL MAKES $ MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD ftmtm 7M-S42S > FRED NAZZAFERRO Mason Contractor I ^ e Nedc Road SOUTHOLD, L. I. Tel. 765-2246 (Note: The Post Office embargo pre- vented receipt of the current schedule for Channel 3. Regular programs shontd be correct but special events will be wrong.) FRIDAY, MARCH 27 6:60 Sign on ana Prayer 6:68 ’Town Crier 6:00 Sunrise Semester 6:30 From the College Campus 7:00 Morning News 8:00 Captain Kangaroo 9:00 The Hap Richarda Sbov 9:15 Yogi Bear Show 9:30 The Lucy Show 10:00 Movie 11:30 Love of Ufe 12:00 News 12:26 News 12:30 Search For Tomorrow 1:00 Olrl ’TWk 1:30 As the World Tunu 2:00 Love is a many splendored tU>8 2:30 Guiding Ught 3:80 He Said, She Said 3:30 Gomer Pyle 4:00 Tlie R a n ^ Station 4:30 Hazel 6:00 Perry Mason 8:00 Weather 6:05 Sports 6:15 News 6:30 News 7:00 Death Valley Days 7:30 Get Smart 8:00 Tim Conway Show 8:30 Hogan’s Heroes 9:00 Movie 11:00 News 11:16 Weather 11:20 Sports 11:25 Movie 2:60 News and Weather 2:55 Moment of Meditatloa 3:00 Sign Off SATURDAY, MARCH 28 7:25 Sign On ana Prayer 7:30 Sunrise ScfaeBtar 8:00 ’nie Jetsons 8:30 Bugs Bunny 9:30 Dastardly 8 e MutUay 10:00 Huckleberry Houad 11:00 Archie Comedy Hour 12:00 ’The Mookeea 13:30 RFD No 8 1:00 Superman 1:30 Jonny Quest 3:00 Movie 4:00 Golf Classic 6:00 Oidget 6:30 Brad Davie Shaw 8:00 Weather 8:86 ^ r t 3 6d6 News 0:80 News 7:80 H ie Lucy Sbow 7:38 Jackie Gltaaam Shoir 8:30 Three flow 9:00 Green Acxm 0:80 Petticoat Junction 10:00 Mannlx U:eo News 11:15 Weather lldO Sporti 11:36 Mbvle 3:16 Moment of Meditatlan 3:20 Sign Off SUNDAY, MARCH 28 sign on and Fmyw «:10 Newscope SKW Hie aiBlitoplMn 8:U Davey and OoUath 8:1S The Adventures of Qnmku 6:30 8th Day 9:0* Tbe W crti Areuad Vk 7:00 Ooober 9:80 VroB Tiu OeBege Ctaa*aa The MMle OasM 1«:M Uunp Vato My s:se Coon-Tentlo* 19:30 Look Up aad Uve 1«:00 David Frost flfaow 11:00 Camera Three 11:30 Beat the dook 11:30 Face the Nation 18:00 News 12:00 We Believe 12:10 Connecticut Capsule 12:30 Children's Film Festival 12:15 News 2:00 Movie 12:30 A World Apart 4:30 Killy Challenge 1:00 I liove I j W 8:00 Ounsmolae 1:30 Let’s Make a Deal 6:00 Flipper 2:00 The Newlywed Oame 8:38 Newi 2:30 The Dating Qaae 7:00 Lassie 3:00 General Htepltal 7:30 The Archie Sugar Shew 3:30 One life to Uve 8:00 Ed Sullivan Shew 4:00 The Mike Ooagloa 9:00 Olen Camphell Htour B:30 Stump the Stan 10:00 Mission Impossible C:00 News 11:00 News S:16 Weather 11:16 Weather 6^ Sport* 11:20 Sports 6:30 News 11:25 Movie 7:00 Truth er OoDsequenoM 1:35 News and Weather 7:30 Pat PaulsMi Show 1:40 Moment of Meditation 8:00 That Olrl 1:45 Sign OCE 8:30 Bewitched 9:00 This Is Tom Joaes MONDAT, MARCH 39 10:00 Paris 7000 11:00 News 6:60 Sign On and Prayw 11:15 Weather 6:86 Town Crier 11:20 Sports 6:00 Sunrise Semester 11:30 Dick Cftvett Show 6:30 Your Community 1:00 Newsove 7:00 8:00 News Captain Kangaroo 0:00 9:15 9:30 10:00 11:30 12:00 12:25 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 8:80 4:00 4:80 5:00 6:00 Hap Richards Show Yo^ Bear Show The Lucy Shaw Movie Love of Ufe News News Search For Tomorrow Girl Talk As the World Turas Love Is a many spteadamd thiag Guiding Ught He Said, She Bald Goaur Pjia The Raager BtaMon Haiwl Perry Mason Weather 6:06 Sports 6:15 News 6:30 News 7:00 Movie 9:00 Mayberry RFD 0:30 Doris Bay Show 18:00 Carol Burnett 11:00 News 11:16 Weather 11:20 Sports 11:26 Movie 1:20 News and Weather 1:25 Moment of Meditation 1:30 Sign Off TUESDAY, MARCH 81 6:60 Sign On and Prayer 6:66 Town Crier 6:00 Sunrise Semester 6:30 RFD No 3 7:00 News 8:00 Captain Kangaroo 9:00 Hap Richards Show 0:16 Yo^ Bear Show 9:30 The Lucy Shaw 10:00 Movie 11:30 Love of Ufe 13:00 News 12:25 News 12:30 Search For Tomorrow 1:00 Girl Talk 1:30 As the World 2:00 Love is a many i 3:30 Guiding U8lht 3:80 He Said, She Bald 8:30 Gomer Pyla 4:00 The Ranger Station 4:30 Hazel 6:00 Peny Mason 6:00 Weather 6:06 Sports 6:15 News 6:30 Nevra 7:00 Movie 8:30 Red Skeltoa Hbur 9:30 The Oovemer aad J J 10:00 Special 11:00 News 11:15 Weather 11:20 Sports 11:26 Mbvle 1:16 News and Weather 1:20 Moment of Meditation 1:25 Sign Off WEDNESDAY, AFBIL 1 5:50 Sign On and R ajar 6:65 Town Ctler 8:00 Suarise Seaester 6:80 University of MHaiHah T:80 MOwa 8:00 Captalnl&Migaroo 0:00 H ip RldMUida flbow 0:16 Yogi Bear Shaw 0:S0 nsa Jjoej flhow 10:00 Movie 11:30 Lave of Ufa 13KW Newa 13:36 News 13:30 Search For Tomorrow 1:00 Girl Talk 1:30 As the World Tunu 3:0e Love is a many aptoodorad thlBo 3:80 Guiding Light 8:00 m Said, She Bald 3:30 Gomer ^ l e 4:00 The Ranger Statloa 4:30 Hazel 6:00 Perry Mason 8:00 Weather 6:05 Closeup on flports 6:16 News 0:30 News 7:00 What In the World 7:30 Hte Haw 8:80 Beverly aauumes 0:00 MMlcal Oeater 10:00 HawaU Flve-O 11:00 News 11:15 Weather 11:30 Sports 11:26 Movie 1:20 News and Weather 1:25 Moment of Meditation 1:30 Sign Off THURSDAY, APRII. t 5:50 Sign On and Prayer 5:56 Town Ciler 6:00 Sunrise Semester 6:30 On the Agenda 7:00 News 8:00 Captain ECangaroo 9:00 Hap Richards Sbow 9:15 Yo^ Bear ebew 9:80 Lucy Show 10:00 Movie 11:30 Love af Life 12:00 News 12:25 News 12:30 Search For Tomorrow 1:99 Girl Talk 1:30 As ’The World Tuma 2:00 Love is a many spktadored thing 2:30 Ouidhag U ght 3:00 He Said, She Said 3:30 Gomer Pyle 4:00 Ranger Statian 4:30 Hazel 6:00 Perry Masoa 6:66 Ski Repart 6:00 WeaUier 6:05 Sparta 6:15 News 6:30 Newa 7:00 Golden Voyage 7:30 Family Affair 8:00 Jim Naliare Maur 9:00 Movie 11:09 News 11:16 Weather 11:20 Sports 11:25 Movie 2:45 News and Weather 2:60 Moment of Meditation 2:66 Sign Off T elevision & R adio Service Antetmas Installed C. A. DALIN t T«l. 734-9079 ^ 734-6010 CutcBOffUe Twenty-Five Year* Agrr. Sgt John B Blasko, son of Mrs | Josephine Blasko of Mattltuck. was home on furlough after his escape from a German prison camp. Sgt Blasko was one of five brothers serving In our Armed Forces. “Love Troubles Tommy”, a comedy, was played by Mattltuck students and was warmly praised. Mattltuck “Mechanics” were host to State Councilor Akin and other officials The annual report of the LIRR tor 1944 showed a net operating profit of $983,000. Passengers carried were over 108,000,000. The statement showed $7,000,000 due the Pennsylvania RR on loans. Ashton Woods “Scrap Book” told of an interesting Town Meeting held at the Presbyterian Church on September 7, 1863. A resolution was passed where- by Southold Town would undertake to provide a substitute for every man drtifted into the Union Army and pay such substitute $300 from Town funds. In case no substitute could be found the conscripted man was to receive the $300. It was also resolved to pay a bounty of $300 to each man who had volunteered and had received no boim- ty to date. The warm Spring days had inspired many boat owners to get their craft in the water. In the World Series play-off for the “Petey” championship of the Southold Fire Department, Joe Oates and Wil- liam Wolosik defeated Benny Manasek and John Sepenoski. Taking advantage of the weather and running their tractors at night, farmers had planted most of their potato acre- age. Members of the Sound Avenue Grange debated the proposition “Should the United States have com- pulsory military training after the war.” The negative team, composed ot Mrs Harold P Hallock, Nat Talmagc and Horace J Wells, won. ROBERT L. HYATT Building and Remodeling Fifty Years Ago The Old Mill at Mattltuck had been sold to a Brooklyn purchaser. The mill was said to be over 100 years old and as recently as 20 years ago (70 now) had been used to grind grain. Mrs Moses Lindsay, Jr had been giv- en a shower by her friends at the home of Mrs D V Howell In Cutchogue. Oscar L Sw'anson, principal at Lake Placid, was engaged as Principal of the Greenport School System. Mrs Eleanor Kranenberg of Amster- dam, former Southold school teacher was visiting her brother, John V M Howell of South Harbor. The LIRR announced it would nm its trains on Standard TIflH mm though New York City was on daylight saving time. William H Hummel of Southold re- turned from his annual winter trip, liavlng visited several Wtestem States. The Tuesday Morning Club met with Miss Edith Prince. Mr and Mrs Reney of Youngs Avenue were having their barn converted into a tenant house. The first meeting of the Southold Parent-Teachers Association was held on February 7, 1919. Mrs Ella B Hal- lock had written an interesting account of the early histoiy of the Association. Bids were being solicited by the Southold School Board for the sale of $65,000 in bonds to finance the new addition to the school. Oliver W Case and family had mov- ed from New' Suffolk to Uve with his father in Cutchogue. Ralph W Sterling of Cutchogue, Michael Fisher of Southold, C W San- ford of Rlverhead, George B Woodhull of Laurel and the L I Cauliflower As- sociation were all selling cauliflower seed. County Pork Ranger Unit Moy Be Formed in Suffolk The way was cleared last week for a new law’ enforcement miit to be known as the Suffolk County Park Rangers. The unit may now be created by the Suffolk County Legislature un- der the provisions of a bill sponsored by State Senator Leon E Giuffreda of Centereach. Senator Giuffreda said he had insti- tuted the bill at the request of the county so that Rangers will have peace officer powers. Manpower will be sup- plied by the Suffolk County Sheriff’s office. A predetermined number of de- puty sheriffs will be transferred to the new Ranger outfit. Another bill requiring all local mimiclpalities to adopt a code of ethics was unanimously approved by the State Senate March 10. “The Giuffreda Ethics Bill,” intro- duced by State Senator Leon E Giuf- freda of Centereach requires that all local arms of the state, including tow'ns, villages and school districts adopt a code of ethics. The measuie includes full disclosure of Interests in all mat- ters before local governments. It also prohibits the acceptance of gifts by public officials or employees and pro- hibits conflict of interest. ISLAND’S END GOLF COURSE Greenport, N. Y. OPEN : Tel. 765-3390 SOUTHOLD, L. I. W H O LE-H O U SE H eatin g A ir C onditioning With Tomorrow Built-in! G. M O RCH EL Sheet Metal MAIN ROAD, MATTITUCK Tel.: 298-9122 R iverhead C em en t B lock C o., Inc. SAND and GRAVEL Concrete Blocks - Cesspool Tile Crane & Bulldozers - Pre-cast Pools Installed RIVERHEAD, L. I., N. Y. Telephone: PArk 7-2839 — PArk 7-3462 — 722-3472 Income Taxes Prepared MIKE WINIARZ MAIN ROAD MATTITUCK, N. Y. 298-8167 or 8160 OPPOSITE BOHACKS COMPLETE TAX SERVICE FEDERAL AND STATE PLEASE CALL FOB AFPOlMTBaDnr — YES WE DO WRITE — ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE ...TTTTrt_ tCQBSCG. JOHN P. CARROLL Plumbing - Heatings OIL BURNERS COMPLETE WATER SYSTEMS John E. Wallen, Prap. Cottage Ploc* Tel. 765-3080 SOUTHOLD Well Drilling Farm Irrigation Pumps & Water Systems BU R K ’S P U M P S Joseph J. Kreiger, Inc. 261 West Main St. Riverhead, L. I. PArk 7-2124 * FREE MOWER If You Buy Your New Ford LAWN AND GARDEN TRACTOR ^36” MOWER FREE WITH FORD—MODELS 80,100 AND 120 MOWER FREE WITH FORD — MODEL 140 VALUE $143. VALUE $247. Special Offer Expires May 31, 1970! ISLAND FORD TRACTOR SALES. INC. ROUTE 25 MATTITUCK 298-4716 |

Transcript of FREE… · 12:00 News 12:10...

Page 1: FREE… · 12:00 News 12:10 Oomiecticut Capsule 13:16 News 12:30 A World Apart 1:00 I Lave lAicy 1:30 Letts Make




«;10 NewBOoiw«:U Infinite Hortioaa«:4S tecred Heart7:00 Mr Ooober•:08 The Movie Oame•;M Oonn-Tentiao

lOvOO David FTost Sbow11:30 Beat Tbe Olodc12:06 News12:10 Conn. Capsule12:15 News13 :M That Olrl1:M I Love Luejr1:39 Let’s Malce A Deal

Newlywed Oame3:39 Dating Oame3:00 General Htepltal3:30 One Ufe to Uve4:00 Mike Douglas ShowS:3> Stump the Stars«:N News«:1S Weather6:30 Sports«:30 NewsT:M Truth or Consequeaoes7:30 Flying Nub8:00 CIAC Baskatball

1*:M Love American style11:0* News11:15 Wteather11:20 Sports11:30 Dick Cavett Show1:00 With This Ring1:15 Newscope

«:46 7:00 $M 8:3* 9:80

19:80 10:39 11:99 11:39 13:89 U J 9

1:00 3:00 4:69 6:00 8:39 7 M 7:39 8:09

19 :N 19:30 1:90


Sacred Heart Ralph Kanns Oartooaa Adveatures of CShdUw Smokey Bear Sluiw Cattanoega Oats Hat Wheels Hardy Bayi Sky Hawks Oeorge af the Jungle Get It Together

landrtaniCIAC BasketbaU Miss Rodeo Pageant CIAC Basketball OolfSaturday Report All American College Let’s Make A DealCIAC Basketball Jimmy Durante Movie Movie


8:00 Saints For ChlMreni :U Davay and OoUatb8:30 A m ke9:90 FWth For Todajr9’J » COulstophen9:46 Sacred H eart

10:99 DlalogMS! • : » This b TIm l ife11:90 Comments and P e < ^ll:S9 IMaoovetyU iM Opinionated M anU:39 flipealdM Car theU:4» H ealtli Boat *T»1:00 8th Day1:39 iKues aad A n im nIJS MBA m slilH lll4:00 American Sportsman5:00 Movie7:00 of the Giants9:08 The V. B. X.9:00 Movie

11:46 News13:00 Weather12:06 Sports12:16 Movie1:46 Speaking for the Coosumer2:00 Newscope


8:10 Newsoope6:16 Perspectives8:46 Morning Refleettoaa7:00 Mr. Goobw9399 The Movie Oama9:39 Conn-TenUoB

10:99 David Froat Staow11:30 Beat the Cloek12:80 News13:19 Cannecticut Oapsula13:18 News and Weather12:30 A World Apart1:99 I Love Lucy1:30 Lefk MUce A Doal2:00 Newlywed ChuM3:30 Dating Oama3:00 General HoapitalS:30 One Ufe To Ufa4:00 Mike Douglas Bbaw5:39 Stump Tbe Staii6:00 6 O’clock Report8:16 Weather6:20 Sports6:30 News7:00 Truth or7:30 It Takes a 'm ef

8:30 Movie10:30 Now11:00 News11:16 Weather11:20 Sports11:30 Dick Cavett Show1:00 Newsoope



6:10 Newscope6:15 Sacred Heart6:30 Awake7:00 Mr OooberOiOO Hie Movie Oame9:30 Conn-Tentlon

10:00 David Frost Show11:30 Beat the Clock12:00 News12:10 Connecticut Capsule12:16 News12:30 A World Apart1:00 I Love Lucy1:30 Let’s Make A Deal2:00 The Newlywed Gama2:30 The Dating Oame3:00 General Hospital8:30 One Life To Uva4:00 I^ke Douglas Shov6:30 Stump the Stan6:00 6 O’clock Report8:16 Weather6:20 Sports8:30 News7:00 Truth or Conaeqnanaei7:30 The Mod Squad8:30 Movie

19:00 Marcus Wdb^ XD11:00 News11:16 Weather11:20 Sports11:30 Dick Cavett Show1:00 Newscope


8:10 Newsoope6:15 in fin ite Horlions6:46 Morning Reflections7:00 M r Ooober0:00 l l ie Miovle Game9:30 COnn-nentkm

10:00 David Frost etoam11:30 Beat th e Clo<^12:00 News12:10 Oomiecticut Capsule13:16 News12:30 A World Apart1:00 I Lave lAicy1:30 Letts Make A Deal2:00 Newlywed Game2:30 D atW Game3t00 General HOapltal8:39 One U fe to Uva4:00 Mike D a u ( ^ Show•:M Stump the S ta n8:00 News8:10 W eather6:20 Sports6:30 News7:80 T ruth or CoDseao«M07:S8 Maany and Um P ro l— w8:00 CmirtBhip o( B U te’li8:10 R o o B m0:80 Jofaaay OMh Mmw

10:80 B igelbert Humperdlagfc11:09 11 O taadE Report11:88 W eather11:30 f tw rti11:30 Didc Oavett Show1:00 NewBcapa



MotorolaRadio — Television — Hi-Fi <



Mason ContractorI ^ e Nedc Road


Tel. 765-2246

(Note: The Post Office embargo pre­vented receipt of the current schedule for Channel 3. Regular programs shontd be correct but special events will be wrong.)


6:60 Sign on ana Prayer6:68 ’Town Crier6:00 Sunrise Semester6:30 From the College Campus7:00 Morning News8:00 Captain Kangaroo9:00 The Hap Richarda Sbov9:15 Yogi Bear Show9:30 The Lucy Show

10:00 Movie11:30 Love of Ufe12:00 News12:26 News12:30 Search For Tomorrow1:00 Olrl ’TWk1:30 As the World Tunu2:00 Love is a many splendored tU>82:30 Guiding Ught3:80 He Said, She Said3:30 Gomer Pyle4:00 Tlie R a n ^ Station4:30 Hazel6:00 Perry Mason8:00 Weather6:05 Sports6:15 News6:30 News7:00 Death Valley Days7:30 Get Smart8:00 Tim Conway Show8:30 Hogan’s Heroes9:00 Movie

11:00 News11:16 Weather11:20 Sports11:25 Movie2:60 News and Weather2:55 Moment of Meditatloa3:00 Sign Off


7:25 Sign On ana Prayer7:30 Sunrise ScfaeBtar8:00 ’n ie Jetsons8:30 Bugs Bunny9:30 Dastardly 8e MutUay

10:00 Huckleberry Houad11:00 Archie Comedy Hour12:00 ’The Mookeea13:30 RFD No 81:00 Superman1:30 Jonny Quest3:00 Movie4:00 Golf Classic6:00 Oidget6:30 Brad Davie Shaw8:00 Weather8:86 ^ r t 36d6 News0:80 News7:80 Hie Lucy Sbow7:38 Jackie Gltaaam Shoir 8:30 Three flow9:00 Green Acxm0:80 Petticoat Junction

10:00 MannlxU:eo News11:15 WeatherlldO Sporti11:36 Mbvle3:16 Moment of Meditatlan3:20 Sign Off


sign on and Fmyw«:10 Newscope SKW Hie aiBlitoplMn8:U Davey and OoUath 8:1S The Adventures of Qnmku6:30 8th Day 9:0* Tbe W crti Areuad Vk7:00 Ooober 9:80 VroB Tiu OeBege Ctaa*aa

The MMle OasM 1«:M Uunp Vato Mys:se Coon-Tentlo* 19:30 Look Up aad Uve

1«:00 David Frost flfaow 11:00 Camera Three11:30 Beat the dook 11:30 Face the Nation18:00 News 12:00 We Believe12:10 Connecticut Capsule 12:30 Children's Film Festival12:15 News 2:00 Movie12:30 A World Apart 4:30 Killy Challenge1:00 I liove IjW 8:00 Ounsmolae1:30 Let’s Make a Deal 6:00 Flipper2:00 The Newlywed Oame 8:38 Newi2:30 The Dating Q aae 7:00 Lassie3:00 General Htepltal 7:30 The Archie Sugar Shew3:30 One life to Uve 8:00 Ed Sullivan Shew4:00 The Mike Ooagloa 9:00 Olen Camphell HtourB:30 Stump the S tan 10:00 Mission ImpossibleC:00 News 11:00 NewsS:16 Weather 11:16 Weather6 ^ Sport* 11:20 Sports6:30 News 11:25 Movie7:00 Truth er OoDsequenoM 1:35 News and Weather7:30 Pat PaulsMi Show 1:40 Moment of Meditation8:00 That Olrl 1:45 Sign OCE8:30 Bewitched9:00 This Is Tom Joaes MONDAT, MARCH 39

10:00 Paris 700011:00 News 6:60 Sign On and Prayw11:15 Weather 6:86 Town Crier11:20 Sports 6:00 Sunrise Semester11:30 Dick Cftvett Show 6:30 Your Community1:00 Newsove 7:00

8:00NewsCaptain Kangaroo



Hap Richards Show Yo^ Bear Show The Lucy ShawMovieLove of UfeNewsNewsSearch For Tomorrow Girl TalkAs the World TurasLove Is a many spteadamd thiagGuiding UghtHe Said, She BaldGoaur PjiaThe Raager BtaMonHaiwlPerry Mason Weather

6:06 Sports6:15 News6:30 News7:00 Movie9:00 Mayberry RFD0:30 Doris Bay Show

18:00 Carol Burnett11:00 News11:16 Weather11:20 Sports11:26 Movie1:20 News and Weather1:25 Moment of Meditation1:30 Sign Off


6:60 Sign On and Prayer6:66 Town Crier6:00 Sunrise Semester6:30 RFD No 37:00 News8:00 Captain Kangaroo9:00 Hap Richards Show0:16 Yo^ Bear Show9:30 The Lucy Shaw

10:00 Movie11:30 Love of Ufe13:00 News12:25 News12:30 Search For Tomorrow1:00 Girl Talk1:30 As the World2:00 Love is a many i3:30 Guiding U8lht3:80 He Said, She Bald8:30 Gomer Pyla4:00 The Ranger Station4:30 Hazel6:00 Peny Mason6:00 Weather6:06 Sports6:15 News6:30 Nevra7:00 Movie8:30 Red Skeltoa Hbur9:30 The Oovemer aad J J

10:00 Special11:00 News11:15 Weather11:20 Sports11:26 Mbvle1:16 News and Weather1:20 Moment of Meditation1:25 Sign Off


5:50 Sign On and R a ja r6:65 Town Ctler8:00 Suarise Seaester6:80 University of MHaiHahT:80 MOwa8:00 Captalnl&Migaroo0:00 Hip RldMUida flbow0:16 Yogi Bear Shaw0:S0 nsa Jjoej flhow

10:00 Movie11:30 Lave of Ufa13KW Newa13:36 News13:30 Search For Tomorrow1:00 Girl Talk1:30 As the World Tunu3:0e Love is a many aptoodorad thlBo3:80 Guiding Light8:00 m Said, She Bald3:30 Gomer ^ le4:00 The Ranger Statloa4:30 Hazel6:00 Perry Mason8:00 Weather6:05 Closeup on flports6:16 News0:30 News7:00 What In the World7:30 Hte Haw8:80 Beverly aauumes0:00 MMlcal Oeater

10:00 HawaU Flve-O11:00 News11:15 Weather11:30 Sports11:26 Movie1:20 News and Weather1:25 Moment of Meditation1:30 Sign Off


5:50 Sign On and Prayer5:56 Town Ciler6:00 Sunrise Semester6:30 On the Agenda7:00 News8:00 Captain ECangaroo9:00 Hap Richards Sbow9:15 Yo^ Bear ebew9:80 Lucy Show

10:00 Movie11:30 Love af Life12:00 News12:25 News12:30 Search For Tomorrow1:99 Girl Talk1:30 As ’The World Tuma2:00 Love is a many spktadored thing2:30 Ouidhag Ught3:00 He Said, She Said3:30 Gomer Pyle4:00 Ranger Statian4:30 Hazel6:00 Perry Masoa6:66 Ski Repart6:00 WeaUier6:05 Sparta6:15 News6:30 Newa7:00 Golden Voyage7:30 Family Affair8:00 Jim Naliare Maur9:00 Movie

11:09 News11:16 Weather11:20 Sports11:25 Movie2:45 News and Weather2:60 Moment of Meditation2:66 Sign Off

T e l e v i s i o n & R a d i o S e r v i c e

Antetmas Installed C. A. DALIN

t T«l. 734-9079 ^734-6010 C utcB O ffU e

Twenty-Five Year* Agrr.

Sgt John B Blasko, son of Mrs | Josephine Blasko of Mattltuck. was home on furlough after his escape from a German prison camp. Sgt Blasko was one of five brothers serving In our Armed Forces.

“Love Troubles Tommy”, a comedy, was played by Mattltuck students and was warmly praised.

Mattltuck “Mechanics” were host to State Councilor Akin and other officials

The annual report of the LIRR tor 1944 showed a net operating profit of $983,000. Passengers carried were over 108,000,000. The statement showed $7,000,000 due the Pennsylvania RR on loans.

Ashton Woods “Scrap Book” told of an interesting Town Meeting held at the Presbyterian Church on September 7, 1863. A resolution was passed where­by Southold Town would undertake to provide a substitute for every man drtifted into the Union Army and pay such substitute $300 from Town funds. In case no substitute could be found the conscripted man was to receive the $300. I t was also resolved to pay a bounty of $300 to each man who had volunteered and had received no boim- ty to date.

The warm Spring days had inspired many boat owners to get their craft in the water.

In the World Series play-off for the “Petey” championship of the Southold Fire Department, Joe Oates and Wil­liam Wolosik defeated Benny Manasek and John Sepenoski.

Taking advantage of the weather and running their tractors at night, farmers had planted most of their potato acre­age.

Members of the Sound Avenue Grange debated the proposition “Should the United States have com­pulsory military training after the war.” The negative team, composed ot Mrs Harold P Hallock, Nat Talmagc and Horace J Wells, won.

ROBERT L. HYATT Building and Remodeling

Fifty Years AgoThe Old Mill at Mattltuck had been

sold to a Brooklyn purchaser. The mill was said to be over 100 years old and as recently as 20 years ago (70 now) had been used to grind grain.

Mrs Moses Lindsay, J r had been giv­en a shower by her friends a t the home of Mrs D V Howell In Cutchogue.

Oscar L Sw'anson, principal a t Lake Placid, was engaged as Principal of the Greenport School System.

Mrs Eleanor Kranenberg of Amster­dam, former Southold school teacher was visiting her brother, John V M Howell of South Harbor.

The LIRR announced it would nm its trains on Standard TIflH m m though New York City was on daylight saving time.

William H Hummel of Southold re­turned from his annual winter trip, liavlng visited several Wtestem States.

The Tuesday Morning Club met with Miss Edith Prince.

Mr and Mrs Reney of Youngs Avenue were having their barn converted into a tenant house.

The first meeting of the Southold Parent-Teachers Association was held on February 7, 1919. Mrs Ella B Hal- lock had written an interesting account of the early histoiy of the Association.

Bids were being solicited by the Southold School Board for the sale of $65,000 in bonds to finance the new addition to the school.

Oliver W Case and family had mov­ed from New' Suffolk to Uve with his father in Cutchogue.

Ralph W Sterling of Cutchogue, Michael Fisher of Southold, C W San­ford of Rlverhead, George B Woodhull of Laurel and the L I Cauliflower As­sociation were all selling cauliflower seed.

County Pork Ranger Unit Moy Be Formed in Suffolk

The way was cleared last week for a new law’ enforcement miit to be known as the Suffolk County Park Rangers. The unit may now be created by the Suffolk County Legislature un­der the provisions of a bill sponsored by State Senator Leon E Giuffreda of Centereach.

Senator Giuffreda said he had insti­tuted the bill a t the request of the county so that Rangers will have peace officer powers. Manpower will be sup­plied by the Suffolk County Sheriff’s office. A predetermined number of de­puty sheriffs will be transferred to the new Ranger outfit.

Another bill requiring all local mimiclpalities to adopt a code of ethics was unanimously approved by the State Senate March 10.

“The Giuffreda Ethics Bill,” intro­duced by State Senator Leon E Giuf­freda of Centereach requires tha t all local arms of the state, including tow'ns, villages and school districts adopt a code of ethics. The measuie includes full disclosure of Interests in all m at­ters before local governments. I t also prohibits the acceptance of gifts by public officials or employees and pro­hibits conflict of interest.



Greenport, N. Y.


: Tel. 765-3390 SOUTHOLD, L. I.

W H O L E - H O U S E

H e a t i n g A i r C o n d i t i o n i n g

With Tomorrow Built-in!

G . M O R C H E L

Sheet MetalMAIN ROAD, MATTITUCK Tel.: 298-9122

R i v e r h e a d C e m e n t B l o c k C o . , I n c .

SAND and GRAVEL Concrete Blocks - Cesspool Tile

Crane & Bulldozers - Pre-cast Pools Installed


Telephone: PArk 7-2839 — PArk 7-3462 — 722-3472

Income Taxes PreparedMIKE WINIARZ

MAIN ROAD MATTITUCK, N. Y. 298-8167 or 8160






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JOHN P. CARROLL Plumbing - Heatings


WATER SYSTEMS John E. W allen , Prap.

Cottage Ploc*Tel. 765-3080 SOUTHOLD

Well Drilling Farm Irrigation

Pumps & W ater SystemsB U R K ’ S P U M P S

Joseph J . K reiger, Inc.261 West Main St.

Riverhead, L. I. PArk 7-2124

*FREE MOWERIf You Buy Your New Ford






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