Franklin Public Schools: Performance Based Evaluations

A Transformational Partnership Between the Franklin School Committee, Franklin Educator’s Association and Franklin Schools Administrati on

Transcript of Franklin Public Schools: Performance Based Evaluations

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A Transformational Partnership Between the

Franklin School Committee,

Franklin Educator’s Association and Franklin

Schools Administration

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• Goals of New Educator EvaluationSystem

 – 5 Step cycle for all educators that

facilitates continuous learning – Fosters Labor/Management


 – Empowers teachers/teams to designindividual growth plan(s) to informinstruction

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Effective Teachers and Leaders Matter

No other school based factor has a greater influenceon student achievement as school leadership and

effective teachers (Darling-Hammond, 2008) Effective leaders create the conditions that enable

teachers to be effective in fostering the climate forstudent learning

Historically evaluation systems focused on theteacher on not on student learning outcomes

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July 12, 2011

A Culture of Continuous Learning



5-Step Evaluation Cycle for all educators serving ina position that requires a license 35.06

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Evaluation Process Summary 







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• All educators and supervisors will completeSelf-Assessment

All educators and supervisors will develop anEducator Plan that outlines 2 goals – Student Learning Goal

 – Educator Professional Practice Goal


Identify Actions to Achieve Goals• Observations (products of practice)

• Formative Assessment Data

• Summative Evaluation

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• Required by all personnel / 2 Requirements forgoal setting:

• Professional practice self-assessment

 – Using performance standards (rubrics) developgoal(s) to inform professional practice

• Student learning self-assessment

 – Using evidence to analyze student performance

 – Develop goal(s), using evidence to improve studentoutcomes

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• All educators must develop at least:

 – One goal for student learning, growth and achievement

 – One goal to inform professional practice

• Each Educator and Evaluator must considerteam, grade or department goals

• Educator proposes goals; supervisordetermines goals

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• StudentLearning Goals:

“specifiedimprovement instudent learning,growth andachievement” 

• ProfessionalPractice Goals:

“educatorpractice asmeasured in

relation toperformancestandards and


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Goals should be

Specific and Strategic

MeasureableAction Oriented

Realistic and Results Oriented

Time –bound and Tracked

 Failure is Not An Option (p.91) by Blankstein, 2004

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100% of students will advance a reading level asmeasured by reading comprehension scores.

Is this goal Specific, Measureable, Action-

oriented, Realistic/Results oriented and Time-

bound ?DESE sample

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 100% of grade eight team’s students will advance1-2 reading levels by the end of the first semester,as measured by the reading comprehension scores

on DRA-2, so that by the end of the 2011-2012school year all students have advanced 2 or morereading levels in reading comprehension.

DESE sample

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The grade four team will create

reading comprehension formativeassessments and analyze formativedata.

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Beginning in September, the grade four team willcreate monthly, reading comprehension formative

assessments so that 100% of the teachers are usingthe assessments monthly, analyzing the resultingformative data to inform instruction based on thestudent outcomes.

DESE sample

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Standards and Indicators for Effective Teaching Practice: Rubric Outline I. Curriculum,

Planning, & Assessment  II. Teaching AllStudents  III. Family & Community

Engagement  IV. ProfessionalCulture 

A. Curriculum and Planning i. Alignmentii. Knowledge

iii. Higher-OrderThinking 

B. Assessmenti. Assessment Designii. Application toInstruction

C. Analysis

i. Analysisii. Feedback 

A. Instructioni. StudentEngagement

ii. Differentiationiii. LearningExpectationsiv. Clarityv. Materialsvi. Responsivenessvii. Connections

B. Learning Environment

i. Relationshipsii. Social-EmotionalGrowthiii. Routinesiv. PhysicalEnvironmentv. BehaviorManagement

C. Cultural Proficiencyi. Advocacyii. Diversityiii. Perspectives

D. Expectationsi. Mindsetii. Student Support

iii. StudentOwnership 

A. Engagementi . Outreachii. Cultural

Sensitivityiii. Community


B. Collaborationi. Academic


C. Communication

i. Frequencyii. Reportingiii. Response to


A. Reflectioni. Reflectionii. Goal-setting

B. Professional Growthi. Professional Growthii. Expanding Expertise

C. Collaborationi. Collaboration

D. Decision-making

i. Leadership

E. Shared Responsibilityi. Enrichmentii. Collaborative Practices

F. Professional Responsibilitiesi. Attendanceii. Judgment 

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Standards and Indicators for Effective Administrative Leadership: Rubric Outline 

I. InstructionalLeadership  II. Management

& Operations  III. Family & CommunityEngagement  IV. Professional

Culture A. Curriculum

i. Student Targetsii. Curriculum

B. Instructioni. Alignmentii. Pedagogyiii. Follow-up

C. Assessmenti. Interimsii. Analysis

D. Evaluationi. Supervisionii. Observationiii. Ratingsiv. Quality of Feedback

for Improvement

E. Data-informed Decision-making 

i. Strategic Planning ii. Monitoring 

A. Environment

i. Student Disciplineii. Transitionsiii. Cleanliness &Safety

B. Human ResourcesManagement &Development

i. Hiring &Recruitmentii. Developmentiii. Team Cultureiv. SharedLeadership

C. Scheduling &Management InformationSystems

i. Planning &

Efficiencyii. Scheduling TeamTimeiii. Macro Strategies

D. Laws, Ethics, & Policiesi. Complianceii. Bureaucracy


E. Fiscal Systemsi. Fiscal Systems 

A. Engagement

i . FamilyEngagement

B. Sharing Responsibilityi. Student Supportii. Outreach

C. Communicationi. Frequencyii.Communication

Strategiesiii. Cultural


D. Family Concernsi. Response to


A. Commitment to High

Standardsi. Meetingsii. Teamsiii. Staff Support

B. Cultural Proficiencyi. Perspectives

C. Communicationi. School-Wide Goals

ii. Publicity and SchoolPride

D. Continuous Learningi. Reflective Practiceii. Developmentiii. Staff Empowerment

E. Shared Visioni. Shared Visionii. Relationship Buildingiii. Transparency &


F. Managing Conflicti. Managing Conflict 

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Progress onAchieving MasteryGoals

Student Learning Professional Practice

Achievement data,portfolio of student

work, capstoneprojects, lesson plans,artifacts such asmeeting minutes.

Products of Practiceand Evidence ofStudent Learning

Assessed on 4Standards

Data on Multiple Measures of StudentLearning

 Multiple MeasuresTimeline 2015 

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Educator’s rated on each standard and receive anoverall summative performance rating

Formative Assessment On going assessment through conversations with

supervisor, review of evidence and re-assessment of goalsand progress

Informs educational growth plan

Evaluative Ratings

Exemplary Proficient

Needs Improvement


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Summative formerly known as final evaluation

Review of all data and an assessment ofeducator’s impact on student outcomes and

learning Evaluation data is used to inform personnel

actions (i.e.PTS/Non-renewal)

Summative evaluation/rating determines the

type and duration of the Educator Plan Exemplary/Proficient- two year growth plan

NI/Unsatisfactory- shorter more prescriptiveintervention plan

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Meeting with FEA Leadership, Administrationand Staff

All Personnel Completed Self-Assessment and

Development 2 SMART goals All administration will be evaluated 2011-2012

120 Teacher Volunteers / All Disciplines

School Committee, FEA and administrationteam training opportunity Winter 2012

Interest-based Bargaining

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Commitment to engage in Interest-Based,Collaborative Bargaining

Opportunity to engage with FEA to create a

win-win-win for students, personnel andcommunity members

Opportunity to establish process forcontinuous problem solving through jointdecision-making

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Teachers will consult with principals andreview evidence and discuss process atbuilding level

District team will continue to meet with DESEas part of pilot program

School Committee, FEA and administrationwill discuss impact and develop contract

language as we transition to fullimplementation

Training on IBB and through ACCEPTCollaborative

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