Frankenstein presentation (juniours)


Transcript of Frankenstein presentation (juniours)

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Overall Learning Intentions:

• To understand the use of drama techniques

• To analyse and evaluate a drama text

• To explore the themes within the play

• To create a critical essay on The Monster.

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What is a Play/Drama?

Learning Intention

To understand the techniques of Drama.

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We are going to read the play version of Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein.

When reading the play we will focus on the following themes:

PrejudiceFamily and friends

The difference between right and wrong

Frankenstein is an incredibly atmospheric and haunting story that examines (looks at) how important our present

choices are in shaping our future.

We are going to read the play version of Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein.

When reading the play we will focus on the following themes:

PrejudiceFamily and friends

The difference between right and wrong

Frankenstein is an incredibly atmospheric and haunting story that examines (looks at) how important our present

choices are in shaping our future.

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Drama Techniques

• An act is the main division in a play, made up of a number of scenes

• A scene is a section of a play which happens in one place within the same period of time; a scene usually changes when the action (what’s happening) moves to a different place or time.

• *see Frankenstein for an example of this*

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Staging• A playwright creates a play using actors on a stage.

• A director of a play will use the stage to give a sense of place and time. The main items used are SCENERY, COSTUMES and PROPS.

• He gives the actors Stage Directions – these are instructions about MOVEMENTS on stage and about the FEELINGS behind the words of the dialogue.

• Stage directions are usually in brackets after the name

of the character and sometimes in italics

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Staging – Pairs Activity (5mins)

• Make a list of things which can be used on stage to show place

• Make a list of ways in which a director can show time

• Make a list of ways in which a director can show that time has passed

• Describe how you might use music and sound effects to create atmosphere (e.g creepy)

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More Techniques• Plot – just like a novel, the plot of a play is the main story

– what it is about?

Characters – the people in the play - just like the people in a novel. A playwright has to make their characters interesting.

How do you decide what a character is like?Characters have different roles to play. A character can be a:


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Characters continued• Sometimes a character makes a short comment which

the audience is meant to hear but not any of the other characters on stage. This is called an aside and is shown in the stage directions as (aside)

• Sometimes a character speaks their thoughts out loud. This is a soliloquy

• Relationships are how the characters are linked with each other: by family, by their feelings for each other, by their past actions or by chance (fate)

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Dialogue• Dialogue is the most important feature of

a play. It is the words and speeches that the characters use to speak to each other: the main way the playwright tells the audience what is happening.

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Theme• An idea or topic which the playwright wants

the audience to think/learn about

• Playwrights write plays to make us think about a particular theme. (love, jealousy, war, greed, prejudice, etc)

TASK – Pair Discussion• From what you know about Frankenstein already

– what themes do you expect to be present?

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Theme of Conflict (other PPT)

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Critical Essay Question

Although we are a long way from writing our critical essay on it, it is important to know what the question will be so that we know what to focus on as we are reading.

Our question is:

How does the author create sympathy for the monster?

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Character ListCaptain Walton will be read by?

Frankenstein will be read by:

Act 1: ?. Act 3: ? Act 4: ?

Clerval will be read by: ?

Act 1: ? Act 3 and 4: ?

Elizabeth will be read by:

Act 1: ? Act 3: ? Act 4: ?

The Monster will be read by:

Act 2: ? Act 3: ?Act 4: ?

Felix will be read by ?

Agathe will be read by ?

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The Prologue1. What is a prologue?2. Describe the weather3. Describe the atmosphere on

the ship4. What does Captain Walton

see?5. What does he do?

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Make notes on your early impressions of Frankenstein.What do we learn about his intentions and activities?Scan pp8—22, noting down anything about:* Frankenstein’s attitude to his work. * his methods of gathering specimens.* his reactions to his father’s illness.

A lot of information here will come from what Clerval says about Frankenstein. Pg 24—26 are important because they describe Frankenstein’s reaction to his creation.

* what is Frankenstein’s reaction?* why does he react this way?

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Act 11. Describe the setting (where the

action takes place)2. What is the name of the scientist

who created the monster?3. What is the name of his friend?4. Why do they have a wire coming

from the window?5. From where does the scientist obtain

the dead bodies for his experiment?6. Why does he tell a lie about this?

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Act 17. Why does Elizabeth come to visit

the scientist?8. Why is she angry with him?9. What is the scientist’s reaction

when his experiment does work?10.Why does he feel this way?11.How do you think the monster

feels at the end of Act One?

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Group WorkRules for successful group work

1. Elect a chairperson, reporter and time-keeper (EVERYONE should be taking notes in their jotter)

2. Remember to keep your voice at a level where the other people in your group can hear you but other members of the class cannot.

3. Everyone in the group should contribute to the discussion.

4. Respect each others opinions.

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Diary Entry TasksYou are going to write diary entries for

Victor Frankenstein, starting with the night he first reveals his plans to


Remember to write as if you are Victor Frankenstein using “I” and “me”.

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Diary Writing TaskFirst Diary Entry

Dear Diary, Tonight I told Clerval all about the experiment

that I have been working on for the last six years...Include the following:• How excited you felt while you were telling him about it.• The questions Clerval asked.• How you felt when Elizabeth turned up.• Describe the weather.• How you felt at first when your creation came to life and

how you felt when you saw the monster you had created (put in the quote “I thought I was making an angel”.)

• Finish by saying what happened afterwards and how you felt.

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Act 21. Where does Act 2 take place? (the

setting)2. Why do you think Felix and Agathe are

living in the forest?3. The monster tries to befriend Agathe.

Why?4. Felix and Agathe react very differently

to the monster. How do they react and why do you think this is?

5. How do you feel for the monster now? Why?

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Task 1Which of these statements best describes

how Frankenstein now feels:

a) Very frightened about what the monster will do next.

b) Very angry at the monster for killing William.

c) Full of regret at having created the monster at all.

d) Very sad at the death of his brother William.

Don’t forget to give a reason for your answer and answer in sentences.

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Task 2Frankenstein: Monster...why have you

betrayed meMonster: I - betray you...You are the betrayer

Frankenstein and the monster blame each other for the events that have happened. In your jotter, write down who you think is to blame for the death of William.

Don’t forget to give a REASON for your answer

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Group WorkRules for successful group work

1. Elect a chairperson, reporter and time-keeper (EVERYONE should be taking notes in their jotter)

2. Remember to keep your voice at a level where the other people in your group can hear you but other members of the class cannot.

3. Everyone in the group should contribute to the discussion.

4. Respect each others opinions.

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Diary Entry Task You are going to continue your Diary

entries for Frankenstein. This time you will focus on what happens in Act 3 and how Frankenstein feels about


Remember that YOU ARE Victor Frankenstein, so write in the first


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Diary Entry TaskSecond Diary Entry

Dear Diary,Today something terrible

happened which I am responsible for...Include the following:• Describe what happened to William.• Describe your feelings of guilt.• How the creature feels.• What the creature demands and your


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Act 41. Describe the setting.2. What are Elizabeth and Clerval

doing and why?3. How do they react when they see

Victor’s new creation?4. What is their plan? 5. Why doesn’t the monster kill Clerval

straight away?

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Act 46. How does the monster feel about having

killed William?

7. The monster and Clerval fight over the bride. What happens to Clerval?

8. Who finally destroys the bride?

9. How does the monster react? Why do you think this is?

10.How will the monster take revenge on his creator?

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Diary Entry TaskContinue on with your diary entries. This time, focus on the action in Act 4 and make sure you describe how

Frankenstein feels.

Remember that YOU ARE Victor Frankenstein, so write in the first


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Diary Entry TaskThird Diary Entry

Dear Diary,I have been working non-stop over

the past two years to fulfil the creature’s demands. I have waited for his return, until today...

Include the following:• How you felt when you first saw the

creature.• Describe what happened to Clerval and

Elizabeth and why.• Describe your grief and anger.• Describe what you are going to do now.

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Group Work Rules for successful group work

1. Elect a chairperson, reporter and time-keeper (EVERYONE should be taking notes in their jotter)

2. Remember to keep your voice at a level where the other people in your group can hear you but other members of the class cannot.

3. Everyone in the group should contribute to the discussion.

4. Respect each others opinions.

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Discussion TaskIn your groups you should answer

the following:

The monster has now killed four people, and caused the failure of Frankenstein’s experiment to create him a wife.

a)Who has he killed?b)Which of the killings do you most criticise

him for? Why?c)Which of the killings do you least criticise

him for? Why?

Everyone should be noting their groups answers in their jotter

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Discussion TaskIn your group you have to decide who you think the writer of the play wants us to feel most sympathy for:

Frankenstein or The Monster

You must back up your answer by providing TWO quotes from the text

that helped you decide on you answer.

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Epilogue1. What is an epilogue?2. What happens to Frankenstein?3. What happens to the monster?

Knowing what would happen to his life, do you think that if Frankenstein

could go back in time, he would have created the monster in the first place?

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Diary Entry Task

You are going to write one final diary entry as Victor Frankenstein. In this entry, you will focus on the events of

Act 4 and the Epilogue, as well as using your imagination!

Remember that YOU ARE Victor Frankenstein, so write in the first


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Diary Entry TaskFinal Diary Entry

Dear Diary,I have followed my creation to the

ends of the earth but, try as I might, he is always just outwith my grasp...

Include the following:• The places you have followed the monster to.• How you felt after your rescue and during telling

your story to Captain Walton.• End on a note of despair, saying how much you

regret everything you have done and what you would have done differently. What are your dying words? (you will have to use your imagination here)

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Timeline TaskBy now you should all be very familiar with the events in Frankenstein.

Your TaskYou will be split into teams to create a

Frankenstein timeline of events. It is your job to put these events in the order

that they appeared within the play.




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Re-Visit Theme of Confict

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The Characters in “Frankenstein”

• Work sheet

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Directing a Key Scene

• Worksheet

• Then building to PERFORMING a key scene

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Critical Essay Preparation

Our final critical essay looks at how the author makes us pity the monster.

Your TaskIn pairs, draw a mind map detailing all the reasons why you think the monster should be pitied.

Remember to use quotes from the play to strengthen your


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Critical Essay Preparation(1)The monster should be pitied because when he comes

to life, his “father” Frankenstein runs from him in horror: (2) “No! I didn’t mean this! I didn’t want this at all” (p25)

(3) Rather than helping his creation to become used to the living world, Frankenstein leaves his

“child” to fend for itself. The monster was very disorientated and completely alone.

(What would you add to this?)


(1)Introduction to quotation


(3)Explanation of quotation (include as much detail as you can)

It is important that you find AT LEAST ONE quotation per Act


Act 1: P25

Act 2: P33/34/35/36

Act 3: P41/42/44

Act 4: P50/51

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Critical Essay PlanIntroduction – T.A.R.T

Include the following in your introduction:

Name of the author (be careful here!) and play.

BRIEF summary of what the play is about (6 or 7 lines)

Refer to the question that you are going to answer (How does the author make us sympathise with the monster)

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Critical Essay PlanSample Introduction

Frankenstein by Phillip Pullman is the drama adaptation of the classic gothic novel by Mary Shelley. The play is set in Switzerland in the 1830’s and tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a very talented scientist who manages to create human life in his laboratory. However, his experiment did not go to plan and instead of creating a thing of beauty, Frankenstein had only succeeded in creating a hideous monster. During the course of the play the monster causes the deaths of everyone important to Frankenstein. In this essay I will examine how Mary Shelly creates sympathy for the monster and makes us pity him.Make sure you understand the meanings of the

PURPLE words

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Critical Essay PlanPart One

Write a paragraph explaining why we pity the monster in Act 1. Include the following:

• What Frankenstein used to create the monster.• How Clerval reacted when he saw it for the first

time. (p24)• How Frankenstein reacted (p25)

(what did he say AND do)• Explain why these reactions make you feel

sorry for the monster.


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Critical Essay PlanPart Two

We are going to continue to examine why the reader should pity the monster. This time, concentrate on what happens in Act 2. Make sure you include:

• How the monster treats Agathe• How the monster has been treated by humans

(p35)• The monster’s reaction to how he looks (p33)• Why Agathe treats the monster the way she does• How Felix acts when he sees the monster • Agathe’s reaction to this (p37)• Explain why you now feel even more pity for the


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Critical Essay PlanPart Three

Think back to what happens in Act 3. Use your mindmap to construct another argument as to why we should pity the monster. You should include:

• How the monster is treated by people (p41)• Why he decided to befriend William• What he asks Frankenstein for and why (p44)

Explain why you feel sympathetic towards the monster.

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Critical Essay PlanPart Four

This will be your final section on why we should pity the monster. Focus on what happens in Act Four and in the Epilogue. You must include:

• Why the monster refuses to attack Clerval (what does this show about his character?) p50

• How desperate the monster is for a companion• What happens to his bride and how he feels about

this (p53)• How he reacts to the death of Frankenstein (what does

he plan on doing?)

Explain fully why the monster is a figure of pity

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Critical Essay PlanConclusion

You must include the following:

• Sum up in a few lines the reasons why we sympathise with the monster.

• Give a genuine personal response to the text.

• Finish by saying what you thought the message of the play was.