Francisco coll 2015 english

The Education Centre Francisco Coll in Guatemala City, Relleno Sanitario, Zone 3, is run by the Dominican Sisters of Anunciata. They are lokking after poor girls and boys, who are living in the various settlements around the landfill.

Transcript of Francisco coll 2015 english

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The Education Centre Francisco Coll in Guatemala City, Relleno Sanitario, Zone 3, is run by the Dominican Sisters of Anunciata. They are lokking after poor girls and boys, who are living in the various settlements around the landfill.

The Centre was founded in 1994. It grants training and integral education for girls and boys, whose families earn their living by waste recycling. In this year the Centre has admitted 310 pupils.

Separation of the waste in the citys main landfill is the main income resource for the families. They are earning averagely 4 US$ per day.

In generally the families consist of a single female person with 5 kids .

Every hut is constructed of recycled materials. They use metal plates, timber, card-board and other materials. Each hut measures ca 9 square meters and is called champitas.

Because of their poorness the families survive each day only by satisfying their basic necessities.

Thanks to the generosity and solidarity of people the girls and boys can have hope for a better living by education.

Here they get education and training, which hopefully enables them to be masters of their own destiny for a good future. Here we teach them also the message of Jesus Christ.

Besides training and integral education the girls and boys also get a school meal each day. This is an important factor, becaus 90% of the children dont get breakfast at home and this then is their first meal of the day.

Thank you for being part of our working-equipe. Thank you for your solidarity with our girls and boys. The Lord of the Life may enlighten you and may shelter you in your activities of helping the poor and HE may make your dreams come true.

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