Francesco Pederiva - FBKFrancesco.pdf · Francesco Pederiva Work Address Home Address Dipartimento...

ancesco Pederiva Home Address Work Address Dipartimento di Fisica Università di Trento via Sommarive, 14 I 38050 Povo, Trento, Italy Tel: e mail: Personal Date of Birth: Country of Citizenship: Language� Spoken: Italian, English (fluent), German (good) Work Experience and Memberships UNIVERSITY OF TRENTO AND BRUNO KESSLER FOUNDATION Trento, Italy Founder and cc director since March 2010 of L.I.S.C. (Laboratorio Interdisci- plinare di Scienza Computazionale). L.I.S.C. is a joint ventme of the Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK) and of the University of Trento. The mission of the laboratory is to investigate a wide range of complex physical sys- tems, by combining different approaches and backgrounds in theoretical and computational physics. The laboratory bears the strong imprinting of my interdisciplinary formation and research, gathering groups working in con- densed matter physics, nuclear physics, high energy physics and statistica! mechanics. LISC was also involved in the Amora Science project, aiming to the design andrealization of a supercomputing scalable facility r scientific computing. UNIVERSITY OF TRENTO - DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Trento Italy Associate Professor in nuclear and subnuclear physics November 2010, current position. UNIVERSITY OF TRENTO - DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Trento Italy Assistant Professor (Ricercatore) in condensed matter physics March 2001 October 2010 (permanent position) UNIVERSITY OF TRENTO - DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Trento Italy Postdoctoral associate researcher (assegnista di ricerca), J anuary 1999 - Febru- ary 2001 CORNELL UNIVERSITY, THEORY CENTER AND LASSP Ithaca NY, USA

Transcript of Francesco Pederiva - FBKFrancesco.pdf · Francesco Pederiva Work Address Home Address Dipartimento...

Francesco Pederiva

Home Address Work Address Dipartimento di Fisica Università di Trento via Sommarive, 14 I 38050 Povo, Trento, ItalyTel: e mail:

Personal Date of Birth: Country of Citizenship: Language� Spoken: Italian, English (fl.uent), German (good)

Work Experience and Memberships


Founder and cc director since March 2010 of L.I.S.C. (Laboratorio Interdisci­plinare di Scienza Computazionale). L.I.S.C. is a joint ventme of the Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK) and of the University of Trento. The mission of the laboratory is to investigate a wide range of complex physical sys­tems, by combining different approaches and backgrounds in theoretical and computational physics. The laboratory bears the strong imprinting of my interdisciplinary formation and research, gathering groups working in con­densed matter physics, nuclear physics, high energy physics and statistica! mechanics. LISC was also involved in the Amora Science project, aiming to the design andrealization of a supercomputing scalable facility for scientific computing.

UNIVERSITY OF TRENTO - DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Trento Italy Associate Professor in nuclear and subnuclear physics November 2010, current position.

UNIVERSITY OF TRENTO - DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Trento Italy Assistant Professor (Ricercatore) in condensed matter physics March 2001 October 2010 (permanent position)

UNIVERSITY OF TRENTO - DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Trento Italy Postdoctoral associate researcher ( assegnista di ricerca), J anuary 1999 - Febru­ary 2001


Postcioctoral associate researcher with the Computational Science anci Enge­neering Research Group, January 1997 - December 1998

UNIVERSITY OF TRENTO - DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Trento, Italy Member of technical staff (scientific software cevelopment), January 1994 -December 1996

S.I.S.S.A. - I.S.A.S Trieste, Italy

Ph.D. stucient, November 1991 - October 1994

Affiliations and Collaborations

I.N.F.M.lTALIAN NATIONAL lNSTITUTE FOR THE PHYSICS OF MATTERAssociateci member November 1991 - January 2004



Associateci member from J anuary 2006

I.N.F.N.lTALIAN NATIONAL lNSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR PHYSICSAssociatec member June-November 1991 anci from February 2004 to Decem­ber 2004, anci since January 2009.


• Defense anci NucleaJ.· Technology, AX-Division: paJ.·tecipating guest Novem­ber 1998-J anuary 2008

• Physics, PLS Directorate: visiting scientist since January 2008


EUROPEAN CENTER FOR THEORETICAL NUCLEAR 8TUDIES AND RELATED AREAS Trento, Italy Technical-scientific consultant for High Performance Computing July 1999 -July 2004

lNTERDISCIPLINAR LABORATORY - 8.I.8.8.A. Collaborator since November 1991

Trieste, Italy

Advisoring activity

Advisor of 9 Ph.D. students in condensed matter physics and nuclear physics.

Other activities

• Referee for Physical Review B and C, Physical Review Letters, EP JB,AJP, and others.

• Referee for the NSF.

• 1999-2000 Member of the NuPECC Working Group on ComputationalNuclear Physics, coord. by H. Leeb (report published in 2000).

• Delegate for the International Relationships of the Faculty of Science ofthe University of Trento

• Representative of the Physics Department in the Administrative Boardof C.I.S.C.A. (Interdepartmental Computing Center)

• Organizer of the workshop "Quantum Monte Carlo; Recent Advancesand Common Problems in Condensed Matter and Field Theory", ECT*,Trento 3-6/07 /2001.

• 2003 2004 Co-organizer of the symposium QFS2004 (Trento, July 2004)as Publications Chairman (Journal of Low Temp. Phys., issues Jan-Feb2005)

• Organizer with L. Pieri, P. Facciali e P. Zuccata of the collaborationmeeting ECT* on "Investigating Protein Dynamics with T heoreticalPhysics Methods" (May 2005).

• Organizer with M. Boninsegni and S. Giorgini of the National Workshop"QMCI: Quantum Monte Carlo in Italia" (December 2006)

Participation in financed projects

• PRIN 2001 "Quantmn Monte Carlo e Teoria del Funzionale Densita perNanostrutture Semiconduttrici e Clusters di Fermioni e Bosoni Moleco­lari"National P.I. L. Reatto (Milano). Local P.I.: Emico Lipparini

• PRIN 2007 "Theoretical Modelling and simulation of polymer-basednanostructured biomatrices" National P.I.: Antonio Deriu. Local P.I.:Francesco Pederiva

• Since 2001 P.I. of annual supercomputing projects presented to INFMfor computer time allocation, all granted.


• Member of the Research Networking Programme "The New Physics ofCompact Stars (CompStar)" financed by ESF (February 2008 February2013)

• Organizer of the course "High performance computing and computa­tional tools for nuclear physics", in the "TALENT- Training the nextgeneration of nuclear physicists" series, June 25th, July 13th 2012,ECT*, Trento

• Member of the AURORA project (Provincia Autonoma di Trento INFN) as Delegate of the Faculty of Science of the University of Trento.

• Delegate for International Student Programs, Physics Department, Uni­versita' di Trento

• Coordinator of the "Percorso di Approfondimento in F isica" (HonorsProgram) for the baachelor in Physics

• Coordinator of the S.I.S.S.A. UNITN Joint Master Degree in Physics.(2010 2013

• Organizer of the INT Program "Advances in Quantum Monte CarloTechniques for Non Relativistic Many-Body Systems (INT-13 2a)", tobe held from June 24th to August 2nd, 2013 at the Institute of NuclearTheory, Washinghton University, Seattle, WA (USA)

• Co ordinator of the Theory Group at INFN-TIFPA (Trento Institute forFundamental Physics and Applications).

P. Armani, A. Y. Illarionov, D. Lonardoni, F. Pederiva, S. Gandolfi, K. E.Schmidt, S. Fantoni , 2011 , Recent progress on the accurate determinationof the equation of state of neutron and nuclear matter in "13th Coference onTheoretical Nuclear Physics in Italy'' : IOP Publishing , Bristol 012014 . Atti di: XIII Congresso di Fisica Nucleare Teorica , 6 8/04/2011 , Cortona

A. Roggero, A. Mukherjee, F. Pederiva (2013) , Quantum Ivionte Carlo withcoupled cluster wave fm1ctions in: PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSEDMATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS (ISSN:1098 0121) , 88

P. Faccioli; F. Pederiva (2012) , Microscopically computing free energy pro­files and transition path time of rare macromoleclÙar transitions in: PHYS­ICAL REVIEW E, STAT IST ICAL, NONLINEAR, AND SOF T MATTERPHYSICS (ISSN:1539-3755) , 86

D. Lonardoni; S. Gandolfi; F. Pederiva (2013) , Effects of the two-body andthree-body hyperon nucleon interactions in hypernuclei in: PHYSICAL RE­VIEW. C, NUCLEAR PHYSICS (ISSN:0556-2813) , 87

E. Lipparini; F. Pederiva (2013) , Asymmetric nuclear matter studied bytime-dependent local isospin density approximation in: PHYSICAL RE­VIEW. C, NUCLEAR PHYSICS (ISSN:0556-2813) , 88

A. Roggero; F. Pederiva; G. Orlandini (2013) , Dynamical structure func­tions from quantum Monte Carlo calculations of a proper integral transformin: PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALSPHYSICS (ISSN:1098-0121) , 88

D. Lonardoni; F. Pederiva; S. Gandolfi (2013) , Auxiliary Field DiffusionMonte Carlo study of the hyperonnucleon interaction in -hypernuclei in: NU­CLEAR PHYSICS. A (ISSN:0375-9474) , p. 243 -247 , 914

A. Yu. Illarionov; S. Fantoni; F. Pederiva; S. Gandolfi; K. E. Schmidt (2012), Determination of the finite temperature equation of state of dense matterin: PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI (ISSN:1063-7788) , p. 866 -869 , 75

A. Ambrosetti; P. L. Silvestrelli; F. Toigo; L. Mitas; F. Pederiva (2012), Variational Monte Carlo for spin-orbit interacting systems in: PHYSI­CAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS(ISSN:1098-0121) , 85

M.P Lohne; G. Hagen; IVI. Hjort-Jensen; S. Kvaal; F. Pederiva (2011) ,Ab initio computation of the energies of circular quantum dots in: PHYSI­CAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS(ISSN:1098-0121) , p. 115302 , 84

S. Gandolfi; A.Yu. Illarionov; S. Fantoni; J.C. Miller; F. Pederiva; K.E.Schmidt (2010) , Microscopie calctùation of the equation of state of nu­clear matter and neutron star structure in: MONTHLY NOTICES OF THEROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY (ISSN:0035-8711) , p. 135 -139 , 404

S. a Beccara; G. Garberoglio; P. Facciali; F. Pederiva (2010) , Communi­cations: Ab initio dynamics of rare thermally activated reactions in: THEJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS (ISSN:0021-9606) , p. 111102 , 132

A. Ambrosetti; F. Pederiva; E. Lipparini (2011) , Quantum Monte Carlostudy of circwar quantum dots in presence of Rashba interaction in: PHYSI­CAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS(ISSN:1098-0121) , p. 155301 , 83

A. Ambrosetti; J.M. Escartin; E. Lipparini; F. Pederiva (2011) , Spin-orbitexcitations of quantum wells in: EUROPHYSICS LETTERS (ISSN:0295-5075) , p. 27004 , 94

S. a Beccara; P. Faccioli; M. Sega; F. Pederiva; G. Garberoglio; H. Or­land (2011) , Dominant folding pathways of a peptide chain from ab ini­tio quantum-mechanical simulations in: THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICALPHYSICS (ISSN:0021-9606) , p. 024501 , 134

M. Sega; E. Autieri; F. Pederiva (2011) , Pickett angles and Cremer2013Poplecoordinates as collective variables for the enhanced sampling of six-membered·ring conformations in: MOLECULAR PHYSICS (ISSN:0026-8976) , p. 141-148 , 109

E. Autieri; M. Sega; F. Pederiva; G. Guella; (2010) , Puckering free energy ofpyranoses: A NMR and metadynamics-mnbrella sampling investigation in:THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS (ISSN:0021-9606) , p. 095104-1-095104-14 , 133

E. Autieri;M.Sega;F.Pederiva;G.Guella (2010) , Puckering free energy of pyra­noses: A NMR and metadynamics-umbrella sampling investigation in: THEJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS (ISSN:0021-9606) , p. 095104-1 -095104-14 , 133 , 9


F. Pederiva,S. A. Vitiello,K. Gernoth,S. Fantoni,L. Reatto (1996) , Shadowwave function for liquid and solid He-3 in: PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CON­DENSED MATTER (ISSN:0163-1829) , p. 15129 -15135 , 53


F . Pederiva,A. Ferrante,S. Fantoni,L. Reatto (1994) , QUANTUM-THEORY OF SOLID-LIQUID COEXISTENCE AND INTERFACE IN HE-4 in: PHYS­ICAL REVIEW LETTERS (ISSN:0031-9007) , p. 2589 -2592 , 72

F. Pederiva, S. Fantoni, L. Reatto (1995) , MICROSCOPIC THEORY OFTHE LIQUID-SOLID INTERFACE OF HE-4 in: JOURNAL OF LOWTEMPERATURE PHYSICS (ISSN:0022-2291) , p. 543 -548 , 101

P. Faccioli, M. Sega, F. Pederiva, H. Orland (2006) , Dominant pathways inprotein folding in: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (ISSN:0031-9007) , p.108101-1 -108101-4 , 97 , 10

M. Sadd, F. Pederiva, G. V. Chester (2000) , The binding of He-3 impu­rities to a superfluid vortex in: PHYSICA. B, CONDENSED MATTER(ISSN:0921-4526) , p. 323 -324 , 284

F. Pederiva, C. J. Umrigar, E. Lipparini (2003) , Erratum: Diffusion MonteCarlo study of circular quantum dots in: PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CON­DENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS (ISSN:1098-0121) , p.089901 -089901 , 68

S. Moroni, F. Pederiva, S. Fantoni, M. Boninsegni (2000) , Quantum MonteCarlo study of the equation of state of solid He-3 in: PHYSICA. B, CON­DENSED MATTER (ISSN:0921-4526) , p. 365 -368 , 284

H. Li, G. H. Wang, F. Ding, X. F. Bian, F. Pederiva (2003) , Monte Carlosimulation of three-dimensional polycrystalline material in: IvIATERIALSSCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL IvIATERIALS PROP­ERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING (ISSN:0921-5093) , p.153 -158 , 357

H. Li; F. Pederiva; G. H. Wang; B. L. Wang (2004) , Helical multishellstructures of magnesium nanowires in: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS(ISSN:0021-8979) , p. 2214 -2220 , 96 , 4

M. H. Kalos,L. Colletti,F. Pederiva (2005) , Fermion Monte Carlo calcula­tions of liquid He-3 in: JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS(ISSN:0022-2291) , p. 747 -752 , 138 , 3-4

L. Hui,L. Ying,Y. C. Liu,S. L. Dong,F. Pederiva (2006) , Shadow wave func­tion variational calculation of bond orientational arder and disclination inliquid and solid He-4 in: EUROPHYSICS LETTERS (ISSN:0295-5075) , p.76 -82 , 73 , 1

L. Hui, F. Pederiva, G. H. Wang, B. L. \i\Tang (2003) , Structural calculationand properties of one-dimensional Pt materials in: CHEMICAL PHYSICSLETTERS (ISSN:0009-2614) , p. 94 -101 , 381

L. Hui, F. Pederiva, G. H. Wang, B. L. Wang (2003) , Local clusters anddefects in one-dimensional gold wires in: THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICALPHYSICS (ISSN:0021-9606) , p. 9771 -9776 , 119

L. Hui, F. Pederiva, B. L. Wang, J. L. Wang, G.H. Wang (2005) , How doesthe nickel nanowire melt? in: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS (ISSN:0003-6951) , p. 011913-1 -011913-3 , 86 , 1

L. Hui; F. Pederiva (2004) , Structmal study of local order in quenched leadunder high pressures in: CHEMICAL PHYSICS (ISSN:0301-0104) , p. 261-271 , 304 , 3

L. Hui,F. Pederiva (2003) , Anomalies in liquid structure of Ni3Al alloysduring a rapid cooling process in: PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSEDMATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS (ISSN:1098-0121) , p. 054210-1-054210-5 , 68

E. Autieri; P. Facciali; M. Sega; F. Pederiva; H. Orland (2009) , Domi­nant reaction pathways in high-dimensional systems in: THE JOURNALOF CHEMICAL PHYSICS (ISSN:0021-9606) , p. 064106-1 -064106-14 , 130

P. Facciali; M. Sega; F. Pederiva; H. Orland (2009) , Stochastic dynamicsand dominant protein folding pathways in: PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE(ISSN:1478-6435) , p. 4093 -4099 , 88 , 33-35

S. Gandolfi; F. Pederiva; S. a Beccara (2009) , Quantum Monte Carlo cal­culation for the neutron-rich Ca isotopes in: THE EUROPEAN PHYSICALJOURNAL. A, HADRONS AND NUCLEI (ISSN:1434-6001) , p. 207 -211 ,35 , 2

S. Gandolfi; A.Y. Illarionov; F. Pederiva; K.E. Schmidt; S. Fantoni (2009) ,Equation of state of low-density neutron matter, and the 8-1(0) pairing gapin: PHYSICAL REVIEW. C, NUCLEAR PHYSICS (ISSN:0556-2813) , p.045802-1 -045802-11 , 80 , 4

S. Gandolfi ; A.Y. Illarionov ; K.E. Schmidt ; F. Pederiva ; S. Fantoni (2009) ,Quantum Monte Carlo calculation of the equation of state of neutron matterin: PHYSICAL REVIEW. C, NUCLEAR PHYSICS (ISSN:0556-2813) , p.054005-1 -054005-13 , 79 , 5

A. Ambrosetti; F. Pederiva; E. Lipparini; S. Gandolfi (2009) , QuantumMonte Carlo study of the two-dimensional electron gas in presence of Rashbainteraction in: PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER ANDMATERIALS PHYSICS (ISSN:1098-0121) , p. 125306-1 -125306-12 , 80 , 12

L. Dandrea; F. Pederiva; S. Gandolfi; M.H. Kalos (2009) , Fermionic ShadowWave Function Variational Calculations of the Vacancy Formation Energy inHe-3 in: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (ISSN:0031-9007) , p. 255302-1-255302-4 , 102 , 25

M. Sega; E. Autieri; F. Pederiva (2009) , On the calctùation of puckering freeenergy surfaces in: THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS (ISSN:0021-9606) , p. 225102-1 -225102-6 , 130 , 22

L. Dandrea; F. Pederiva; E. Lipparini (2009) , Ground state properties of alaterally confined two-dimensional electron gas in: PHYSICAL REVIEW. B,CONDENSED rvIATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS (ISSN:1098-0121) ,p. 155321-1 -155321-5 , 79 , 15

L. Colletti; F. Malet; M. Pi; F. Pederiva (2009), Quantum Monte Carlo studyof few-electron concentric double quantum rings in: PHYSICAL REVIEW.B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS (ISSN:1098-0121), p. 125315-1 -125315-8 , 79 , 12

A . Emperador ; F. Pederiva ; E. Lipparini (2003) , Spin- and localization­induced Aharonov-Bohm effect in: PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSEDMATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS (ISSN:1098-0121) , p. 115312-1-115312-5 , 68

M. Sadd ; G. V. Chester ; F. Pederiva (1999) , The Binding of lmpmities toa 4He superfluid Vortex in: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (ISSN:0031-9007) , p. 5310 -5314 , 83

S. A Beccara; G. Dalba; P. Fornasini ; R. Grisenti ; F. Pederiva; A . Sanson; D. Diop ; F. Rocca (2003) , Local thermal expansion in copper: extendedx-ray-absorption fine-structme measmements and path-integral Monte Carlocalculations in: PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER ANDMATERIALS PHYSICS (ISSN:1098-0121) , p. 140301 -140301 , 68

A. Emperador ; E. Lipparini ; F. Pederiva (2004) , Role of spin-orbit interac­tion in the chemical potential of quantum dots in magnetic field in: PHYSI­CAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS(ISSN:1098-0121) , p. 125302-1 -125302-7 , 70 , 12

M. H. Kalos; F. Pederiva (2000) , Exact Monte Carlo method for continuumfermion systems in: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (ISSN:0031-9007) , p.354 7 -3550 , 85

F. Pederiva; C. Umrigar ; E. Lipparini (2000) , Diffusion Monte Carlo studyof quantum dots in: PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTERAND MATERIALS PHYSICS (ISSN:1098-0121) , p. 8120 -8125 , 62

F. Operetta ; F. Pederiva (2004) , Variational Monte Carlo study of theground-state properties and vacancy formation energy of solid para-H-2 us­ing a shadow wave function in: PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSEDMATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS (ISSN:1098-0121) , p. 024203-1-024203-8 , 69 , 2

F. Pederiva (2001) , Diffusion Monte Carlo Study of Ground State Prop­erties of Quantum Dots in: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERNPHYSICS B (ISSN:0217-9792) , p. 1443 -1446 , 15 , 10-11

F. Pederiva ; A. Emperador ; E. Lipparini (2002) , Electron localizationin low-density quantum rings in: PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSEDMATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS (ISSN:1098-0121) , p. 165314 -165314 , 66 , 16

D. Agosti ; F. Pederiva ; E. Lipparini ; K. Takayanagi (1998) , Ground-stateproperties and density response of quasi-one-dimensional electron systemsin: PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALSPHYSICS (ISSN:1098-0121) , p. 14869 -14876 , 57

L. Colletti ; F. Pederiva ; E. Lipparini ; C.J. Umrigar (2002) , Investiga­tion of excitation energies and Hund's rule in open shell quantum dots bydiffusion Monte Carlo in: THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. B,CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS (ISSN:1434-6028) , p. 385 -392, 27, 3

F. Pederiva ; E. Lipparini ; K. Takayanagi (1997) , Correlations in two­dimensional electron gas: Random-phase approximation with exchange andladder results in: EUROPHYSICS LETTERS (ISSN:0295-5075), p. 607 -612

, 40

O. Ciftija; 8. Chin; F. Pederiva (2001) , 4He Shadow Wave Function with anInverse Seventh Power Particle-Particle Correlation Function in: JOURNALOF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS (ISSN:0022-2291) , p. 605 -616 , 122

F. Pederiva; A. Emperador; E. Lipparini (2002) , Multipair excitations in thetwo-dimensional electron gas in: PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSEDMATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS (ISSN:1098-0121) , p. 153320-1-153320-4 , 66 , 15

8. Gandolfi; F. Pederiva; 8. Fantoni; K. E. Schmidt (2007), Quantum MonteCarlo calculations of symmetric nuclear matter in: PHYSICAL REVIEWLETTERS (ISSN:0031-9007) , p. 102503-1 -102503-4 , 98 , 10

E. Lipparini; F. Pederiva (1992), A Sum Rule Approach to Surface PlasmonDispersion in Simple Metals in: ZEITSCHRIFT FR PHYSIK. D, ATOMS,MOLECULES AND CLUSTERS (ISSN:0178-7683), p. 553 -556, 1992, 2

F. Operetto; F. Pederiva (2007), Diffusion Monte Carlo study of the equationof state of solid ortho-D-2 in: THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS(ISSN:0021-9606) , p. 074704-1 -074704-5 , 126 , 7

L. Colletti ; F. Pederiva; E. Lipparini ; Cyrus J. Umrigar (2007) , Spin- andcharge-density excitations in quantum dots via quantum Monte Carlo simulation in: PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI. B, B ASIC RESEARCH (ISSN:1521-3951) , p. 2317 -2321 , 244 , 7

A. Emperador ; E. Lipparini ; F. Pederiva (2005) , Many-electron quantum dots in the fractional quantum Hall regime in: PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS (ISSN:1098-0121) , p. 033306-1 -033306-4 , 72 , 3

F. Operetta; F. Pederiva (2007) , Effect of vacancies on the structure of solidmolecular parahydrogen studied with variational Monte Carlo simulationsin: PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALSPHYSICS (ISSN:1098-0121) , p. 064201-1 -064201-8 , 75 , 6

F. Operetta ; F. Pederiva (2007) , Distortion effects and clustering of isotopieimpurities in solid molecular para-hydrogen from variational Monte Carlosimulations with shadow wave functions in: PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND IvIATERIALS PHYSICS (ISSN:1098-0121) , p.174517-1 -174517-5, 76, 17

S. Gandolfi; A. Y. Illarionov; S. Fantoni; F. Pederiva; K. E. Schmidt (2008), Equation of state of superfluid neutron matter and the calculation of thelSO pairing gap in: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (ISSN:0031-9007) , p.132501-1 -132501-4 , 101 , 13

M. P. Lombardo; M. Campostrini; F. Pederiva (a cura di) , 2001 , QuantumMonte Carlo: Recent Advances and Common Problems in Condensed Matterand Field Theory : ETS , Pisa , 182 p.

S. Gandolfi; F. Pederiva; S. Fantoni ; K. E. Schmidt (2007) , Auxiliary fielddiffusion Monte Carlo calculation of nuclei with A i= 40 with tensor interac­tions in: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (ISSN:0031-9007) , p. 022507-1-022507 -4 , 99 , 2

F. Operetta ; F. Pederiva (2006) , Diffusion Monte Carlo study of the equa­tion of state of solid para-H2 in: PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSEDMATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS (ISSN:1098-0121) , p. 184124-1-184124-5 , 73 , 18

F. Pederiva ; A. Sarsa ; K. E. Schmidt ; S. Fantoni (2004) , Auxiliary fielddiffusion Monte Carlo calculation of ground state properties of neutron dropsin: NUCLEAR PHYSICS. A (ISSN:0375-9474) , p. 255 -268 , 742 , 1-2

S. Gandolfi ; F. Pederiva; S. Fantoni ; K. E. Schmidt (2006) , Auxiliary fielddiffusion Monte Carlo calculation of properties of oxygen isotopes in: PHYS­ICAL REVIEW. C, NUCLEAR PHYSICS (ISSN:0556-2813) , p. 044304-1-044304-6 , 73 , 4

F. Pederiva ; G. V. Chester ; S. Fantoni ; L. Reatto (1997) , Variationalstudy of vacancies in solid He-4 with shadow wave functions in: PHYSI­CAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS(ISSN:1098-0121) , p. 5909 -5917 , 56 , 10

A. Sarsa ; S. Fantoni ; K. E. Schmidt ; F. Pederiva (2003) , Neutron Matterat zero temperature with an auxiliary field diffusion Monte Carlo in: PHYS­ICAL REVIEW. C, NUCLEAR PHYSICS (ISSN:0556-2813) , p. 024308-1-024308-14 , 68 , 2

H. Li ; F. Pederiva (2003) , Local atomic order in the supercooled and glassyAl under normal and high pressures in: THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICALPHYSICS (ISSN:0021-9606) , p. 10707 -10711 , 118

F. Pederiva; G. V. Chester (1998), Does Antisysmmetry Matter in b.c.c. 3Hecrystals? in: JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS (ISSN:0022-2291) , p. 741 -750, 113, 5-6

L. Hui ; F. Pederiva (2005) , Variational Monte Carlo study of local order inliquid and solid He-4 with shadow wave functions in: PHYSICAL REVIEW.B, CONDENSED IvlATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS (ISSN:1098-0121)

, p. 054513-1 -054513-7, 71, 5

Ivl. Sadd ; F. Pederiva ; G. V. Chester (1998) , Variational study of a 3He near a4He vortex core in: JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS (ISSN:0022-2291) , p. 603 -608 , 113 , 3-4

B . Chaudhuri ; F. Pederiva ; G. V. Chester (1998) , Comparative study ofvacancies in the b.c.c. and h.c.p. phases of 4He using Shadow Wave Functionsin: JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS (ISSN:0022-2291) , p.751 -756 , 113 , 5-6

F. Pederiva ; M. H. Kalos (1999) , Fermion Monte Carlo in: COMPUTERPHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS (ISSN:0010-4655) , p. 440 -445 , 121-122

M. H. Kalos ; F. Pederiva (2000) , Fermion Monte Carlo for ContinmunSystems in: PHYSICA. A (ISSN:0378-4371) , p. 236 -243 , 279

B . Chaudhuri ; F. Pederiva ; G. V. Chester (1999) , Monte Carlo study ofvacancies in the bcc and hcp phases of 4He in: PHYSICAL REVIEW. B,

CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS (ISSN:1098-0121) , p. 3271 -3278 , 60

F. Pederiva ; A. Emperador ; E. Lipparini , 2003 , Diffusion Monte CarloStudy of Ground State Properties of Quantum Rings , in: "Condensed MatterTheories" : Nova science, New York, N.Y. ; Huntington, N.Y. ; Commack,N.Y . . - Condensed Matter Theories , p. 133 -144

F. Pederiva, 1998, Antisymmetric shadow wave functions for solid and liquid3He , in: "Condensed Matter Theories" : Nova science , New York, N.Y. ;Huntington, N.Y. ; Commack, N.Y. , p. 141 -152

F. Pederiva, 2000 , Diffusion Monte Carlo Study of Ground State Propertiesof Quantum Dots , in: "Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories" : Worldscientific, Singapore . - Series on Advances in Quantum Many-Body Theories, p. 153 -156

M. H. Kalos ; F. Pederiva, 1999 , Fe.rmion !\fonte Carlo , in: "Quantum MonteCarlo Methods in Physics and Chemistry" : Kluwer academic , Dordrecht ;Boston ; New York, N.Y. , p. 263 -ff

M. Sega; P. Facciali; F. Pederiva; G. Garberoglio; H. Orland (2007) , Quan­titative Protein Dynamics from Dominant Folding Pathways in: PHYSICALREVIEW LETTERS (ISSN:0031-9007) , p. 118102-1 -118102-4 , 99 , 11

A BECCARA S.; G. DALBA; FORNASINI P.; GRISENTI R.; PEDERIVA F.; SANSON A.; DIOP D.; ROCCA F. (2003) , "Local thermal expansion in copper: EXAFS measurements and PIMC calctùations". in: PHYSI­CAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS (ISSN:1550-235X) , p. 140301 -140304 , 68

S. MORONI; F. PEDERIVA; S. FANTONI; M. BONINSEGNI (2000) , Equa­tion of State of Solid 3 in: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (ISSN:0031-9007) , p. 2650 -2650 , 84

F. PEDERIVA , 1998 , Antisymmetric shadow wave functions for solid andliqtùd 3He in "CONDENSED MATTER THEORY" 141 -141

F. PEDERIVA; F. DALFOVO; S. FANTONI; L. REATTO; S. STRINGAR!(1997) , Variational Study of 3He Impurities and Vacancies in Solid 4He in:PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER (ISSN:0163-1829) , p.3122 -3127 , 55 , 5

F. PEDERIVA; G.V. CHESTER; S. FANTONI; L. REATTO (1996) , Varia­tional study of vacancies in solid 4He in: CZECHOSLOVAK JOURNAL OFPHYSICS (ISSN:0011-4626) , p. 275 -275 , 4681

S. FANTONI; F. PEDERIVA; L. REATTO (1996) , Quantum theory of solid­liquid coexistence and interface in 4He in: CZECHOSLOVAK JOURNAL OFPHYSICS (ISSN:0011-4626) , p. 277 -277 , 4681

F. PEDERIVA; S.A. V ITIELLO; K.A. GERNOTH; S. FANTONI; L. REATTO(1996) , A Shadow Wave Function for Liquid and Solid 3He in: PHYSICALREV IEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER (ISSN:0163-1829) , p. 15129 -15129, 53

F. PEDERIVA; S. FANTONI; L. REATTO (1995) , Microscopie Theory ofSolid Liquid Interface in 4He in: JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATUREPHYSICS (ISSN:0022-2291) , p. 543 -543 , 101

F. PEDERIVA; A. FERRANTE; S. FANTONI; L. REATTO (1995) , Ho­mogeneous Nucleation of Crystals in Superdense Liquid 4He in: PHYSICALREV IEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER (ISSN:0163-1829) , p. 7564 -7564 ,52

F. PEDERIVA; A. FERRANTE; S. FANTONI; L. REATTO (1994) , Varia­tional Monte Carlo Calculations for Solid - Liquid Coexistence and Interfacein 4He with Shadow Wave Functions in: PHYSICA. B, CONDENSED MAT­TER (ISSN:0921-4526) , p. 967 -967 , 194-196

F. PEDERIVA; A. FERRANTE; S. FANTONI; L. REATTO (1994) , Quan­tum Theory of Solid - Liquid Coexistence and Interface in 4He in: PHYSICALREV IEW LETTERS (ISSN:0031-9007) , p. 2589 -2589 , 72

E. LIPPARINI; F. PEDERIVA (1993) , Influence of Core Electrons on Plas­mon Oscillations in: ZEITSCHRIFT FR PHYSIK. D, ATOMS, MOLECULESAND CLUSTERS (ISSN:0178-7683), p. 281 -281 , 27