Framework for teaching – Year 4 Term 3 Week 1

Framework for teaching – Year 4 Term 3 Week 1 Online and offline activities to support student learning at home. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Home Tasks Post some positive notes up around your house. Write someone a kind note. Ask your parents/ carers if there is anything you can do to help them today. Call a friend and give them a compliment. Morning Session English: Reading Imagine you are playing the memory game ‘We’re going on a camping trip’ with a group of friends in a circle. E.g. We’re going on a camping trip and I’m bringing a torch. This is a game where you go around the circle and listen to and repeat what each person brings on the picnic. Think about what item you would bring on a camping trip. o What made you choose this item? o How might you know what camping is like if you have never been? o Why would you need this knowledge if you were to go camping? English: Reading Select a text to read from Reading Eggspress. Use simple pictures or symbols to create a drawing that represents what you already know about the topic. o Why do you think it is important to activate your prior knowledge before reading a text? English: Reading Find a newspaper, magazine, book OR a text of your choice in your home. Before reading, use a five sense table (scroll down to see an example) to brainstorm any sights, sounds, smells, touches and tastes that relate to what you are about to read. Read the text and reflect with the questions below: o How did this prior knowledge help you to understand this text better? English: Reading Using either Reading Eggspress, select a new text to read. Before reading, use the knowledge that you already have to brainstorm a list of words that you think may appear in the text you are about to read. Read the text and answer the questions below: o What words from your brainstorm appeared in the text? o What have you experienced that helped you to know that those words related to the topic of your text? English: Spelling English: Grammar English: Spelling English: Spelling & Grammar

Transcript of Framework for teaching – Year 4 Term 3 Week 1

Framework for teaching – Year 4 Term 3 Week 1

Online and offline activities to support student learning at home. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Home Tasks Post some positive notes up

around your house.

Write someone a kind note. Ask your parents/ carers if there is anything you can do to help them today.

Call a friend and give them a compliment.

Morning Session

English: Reading Imagine you are playing the memory game ‘We’re going on a camping trip’ with a group of friends in a circle. E.g. We’re going on a camping trip and I’m bringing a torch. This is a game where you go around the circle and listen to and repeat what each person brings on the picnic. Think about what item you would bring on a camping trip. o What made you choose

this item? o How might you know

what camping is like if you have never been?

o Why would you need this knowledge if you were to go camping?

English: Reading Select a text to read from Reading Eggspress. Use simple pictures or symbols to create a drawing that represents what you already know about the topic. o Why do you think it is

important to activate your prior knowledge before reading a text?

English: Reading Find a newspaper, magazine, book OR a text of your choice in your home. Before reading, use a five sense table (scroll down to see an example) to brainstorm any sights, sounds, smells, touches and tastes that relate to what you are about to read. Read the text and reflect with the questions below: o How did this prior

knowledge help you to understand this text better?

English: Reading Using either Reading Eggspress, select a new text to read. Before reading, use the knowledge that you already have to brainstorm a list of words that you think may appear in the text you are about to read. Read the text and answer the questions below:

o What words from your brainstorm appeared in the text?

o What have you experienced that helped you to know that those words related to the topic of your text?

English: Spelling English: Grammar English: Spelling English: Spelling & Grammar

Complete 3 activities from the Spelling Choice Board. Spelling Rule: Vowels a, e, i, o, u usually say their name at the end of a syllable.

A contraction is a shortened version of a written or spoken word. For example: can + not= can’t he + is=he’s It is shorten by taking a letter/s out of the word and replacing it with an apostrophe. Write the words for these contractions: That’s, we’re, aren’t, doesn’t, hasn’t, didn’t, wasn’t, they’re, wouldn’t

Complete 3 activities from the Spelling Choice Board. Spelling Rule: Vowels a, e, i, o, u usually say their name at the end of a syllable.

Have someone test you on your spelling words. Spelling Rule: Vowels a, e, i, o, u usually say their name at the end of a syllable. Grammar task: Observe the conversation in your home for 1hr. Count how many times a contraction is used when the people in your home are talking.

Break Do a movement break

Milkshake - Koo Koo Kanga Roo | GoNoodle

Do a movement break

Guacamole | GoNoodle

Do a movement break

The Maxarena - Maximo | GoNoodle

Do a movement break

Footloose - NTV | GoNoodle

Morning Session Cont.

English: Writing Listen to Chapter 1 & 2 of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe on If you have your own copy of the book at home you can

English: Writing Chapter 1 activity: Upon their arrival, Edmund finds it hard to keep from laughing at the Professor’s odd appearance. Have you ever been in a similar situation? Write a letter or call a class friend to discuss how you handled it.

English: Writing Chapter 2 activity: o Why do you think Lucy

felt comfortable in the faun’s cave?

o Why do you think it took Lucy so long to understand the danger she was in?

o What do you think about her behaviour toward Mr.

English: Handwriting Ask someone to read aloud these sentences for you to write out. Use your knowledge of your spelling words and focus on listening carefully to what the person reads aloud. Compare your sentences after and score your handwriting out of 5 stars.

read the first two chapters if you prefer. 1. What is your first impression of each child’s personality? 2. What do you think about Lucy’s decision to enter the wood alone – was it safe, brave, foolish? Explain why you feel as you do.

Tumnus after she realised what he had planned to do?

Write a journal entry that Mr. Tumnus might have written after meeting Lucy. You might like to share this on Google Classroom with your teacher.

I did not consider how long the distance was when driving. I wondered why the boss was going to get a demotion in the future. We must protect the future of the millipedes. He was a professional croquet player and often played in the sanctuary.

Morning Tea Break

Morning Tea Break Morning Tea Break Morning Tea Break Morning Tea Break

Middle Session

Mathematics: Whole Number Write a 4-dlgit number in your book. Start by adding 10 to the number and write this number on your page. Using a dice roll a 4-digit number and practise adding 100 to each number you roll. Record the numbers. Repeat this process backwards. Roll a 4-digit number and subtract 10 from the number. Write your new number down on a sheet of paper.

Mathematics: Whole Number Go on a hunt around your home to find as many different two-, three- or four-digit numbers as you can find. Write the first 20 that you find down on a sheet of paper. Can you identify the number before and after each number? Write these down on your sheet of paper.

Mathematics: Whole Number On a sheet of paper write down the numbers in your date of birth. For example, If a person was born on 7 March 1952 their numbers would be 731952. Using only these numbers, make the largest possible number from these digits. After this, create the smallest possible number from these digits. How old would the person be in the example?

Mathematics: 2D Space Solve the following 2D shape riddles. Then make your own riddle to share with a friend. You might like to research some of the names and properties of 2D shapes first.

1. I have 2 sides, 3 corners, my lines are all straight. I look like a cone. What shape am I?

2. I have 4 sides, I have 4 corners. My lines are all diagonal. I look like a kite. What shape am I?

Mathematics: Mathletics Complete a Mathletics activity of your choice.

Mathematics: Mathletics Complete a Mathletics activity of your choice.

Mathematics: Mathletics Complete a Mathletics activity of your choice.

Mathematics: Mathletics Complete a Mathletics activity of your choice.

Mindfulness Break

Do a mindfulness activity See attached PDF for all

task cards.

Do a mindfulness activity

Swirling - Flow | GoNoodle

Do a mindfulness activity See attached PDF for all

task cards.

Do a mindfulness activity

Weather the Storm - Flow | GoNoodle

Middle Session Cont.

English: Reading Eggspress Work on your Reading Eggs level

English: Reading Eggspress Work on your Reading Eggs level

English: Reading Eggspress Work on your Reading Eggs level

English: Reading Eggspress Work on your Reading Eggs level

History: Using the KWL grid below record what you already know about the first people of Australia. This term we will be learning about the history of Australia’s first people.

Science: Day & Night Are places or objects always in sunlight or shade throughout the day? Do buildings or objects always cast a shadow? What do you notice about the shape of their shadows? Does the length of shadows change during the day? Why do you think that happens? Design an experiment to help you find answers to these questions.

Visual Art: Using a mirror, pencil and a blank piece of paper. Draw a portrait of your reflection in the mirror. Hint: Try to map out your face in a series of shapes. See the example below. Can you add colour, patterns or collage to make it more interesting?

Project Based Learning research:

Research and make a product that you think would be a great seller on Market Day 2021. You will need to consider:

• if the materials that you have chosen are available for us to make these in bulk?

• How long will this take to make?

• How much will each item cost to make?

• How much could we sell it for?

• What would be our profit?

Lunch Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break

Afternoon Session

PDHPE: Sport Practise throwing and catching a ball against a wall. Practise underarm and overarm. Try catching with two hands, one hand and vary the distance, speed and height you throw the ball. See how many you can do without dropping the ball – What’s your record?

Wellbeing Wednesday – Second Step Program

Lesson 9: Showing Compassion (see Second Step lesson plan) Or CAPA: Drama Thank Goodness You’re Here Just like the tv show, ‘Thank God You’re Here’, students enter a different scene. One student starts on the set and has the idea of the scene in their mind. Another student walks in the first student says “Thank goodness you’re here….” (E.g. Grandma has had a fall). The second student has to improvise, adapting to the scene they have been introduced to.

Music: Clap out a beat to a song on the radio, Spotify or a CD. If you can load a metronome app to a phone, try clapping or banging a makeshift drum along to it using single and double beats. Set the metronome at 90 bpm. Can you find any objects at home that you could use as a drum? What will you use as drum sticks? Can you make a pleasant-sounding song using different home-made drums?

Sport: Go outside with a basketball or similar size ball. Find objects to be markers and practise dribbling the ball around the markers, throwing and catching the ball against a wall at different heights. Can you make a particular pathway way and time yourself to dribble the entire pathway. What’s your best score to complete this path? Could you move objects to make it more challenging or pick a spot on a wall or fence as a hoop target?

Spelling Words

Sight Words Family Words Rule Words Theme Words Extension Words

1. consider 2. great 3. through 4. wasn’t 5. wonder

6. entrance 7. distance 8. millipede 9. millilitre 10. milligram

11. protect 12. future 13. deduct 14. motion 15. demotion

16. parcels 17. wireless 18. wardrobe 19. stag 20. merely

21. croquet 22. professional 23. isolate 24. inquisitive 25. sanctuary

Second Steps Program

: Lesson 9: Showing Compassion

What could Derek say to Enrique to show that he cares about how Enrique feels? When you say or do something that shows you care about how another person feels, you are showing compassion. Sometimes people are too shy or embarrassed to say something. Another way of showing compassion is to do something for the other person. What could Derek do to show compassion? Watch the video to find out what Derek did.

What does it feel like when someone shows you compassion? What could Enrique say to Derek to let him know that he appreciates his concern? Compassion is appreciated at Newport Public School. It

Today you’re going to learn about showing compassion. What do you think these pictures have in common?

The pictures all show people helping or expressing concern for one another - they are showing compassion. What do you think ‘compassion’ means? We’ve discussed ‘empathy’ in several lessons now. Compassion is when you do something to show you have empathy and care about how someone is feeling. Today, we will continue to learn about empathy and showing compassion for others.

makes us feel like we all belong. Think of ways that you could show compassion at school.