FOXX - a Javascript application framework on top of ArangoDB

RWTH Aachen, Computer Science Student on branch master triAGENS GmbH, Developer moonlum moonbeamlabs by Lucas Dohmen Create APIs on your database AranoDB Foxx


Foxx allows you to build APIs directly on top of the database ArangoDB in Javascript and therefore skip the middleman (Rails, Django, Symfony or whatever your favorite web framework is). Foxx is designed with simplicity and the specific use case of modern client-side MVC frameworks in mind.

Transcript of FOXX - a Javascript application framework on top of ArangoDB

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RWTH Aachen, Computer Science Student on branch mastertriAGENS GmbH, Developer

moon!lum moonbeamlabs

by Lucas DohmenCreate APIs on your database

Aran!oDB Foxx

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Sin!le Pa!eWeb Applications

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The Idea

• What if we could talk to the database directly?

• It would only need an API

• What if we could define this API in JavaScript?

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Sin!le Pa!eWeb Applications

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Sin!le Pa!eWeb Applications

This doesn‘t mean its a Rails/… Killer

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Client Server DB

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Client Server DBwith Foxx

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Who is that !uy?

• Aran!oDB Core Team

• Aran!oDB Foxx & Ruby Adapter

• Student on the master branch

• &

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Who is that !uy?

• Aran!oDB Core Team

• Aran!oDB Foxx & Ruby Adapter

• Student on the master branch

• &

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What is ?

• Free and Open Source…

• … Document and Graph Store…

• … with embedded JavaScript…

• … and an amazin! query lan!ua!e

More about Aran!oDB at

Ruby UG Munich next week

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• …a feature of Aran!oDB 1.4 (currently in alpha, release: End of September)

• …an easy way to define REST APIs on top of Aran!oDB

• … a toolset for developin! your sin!le pa!e web application

• … not requirin! any special code on the client side – use it with Backbone, Ember, An!ular…

Foxx is…

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Why another solution?

• Aran!oDB Foxx is streamlined for API creation – not a Jack of all trades

• There‘s no communication overhead between (serverside) application and database

• It is desi!ned for front end developers: Use JavaScript, you already know that

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Foxx = require("org/arangodb/foxx");

controller = new Foxx.Controller(appContext);

controller.get("/users", function(req, res) { res.json({ hello: "world" });});

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Parameterizethe routes

• You may want a route like `users/:id`…

• …and then access the value of `id` easily

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Foxx = require("org/arangodb/foxx");

controller = new Foxx.Controller(appContext);

controller.get("/users ", function(req, res) { res.json({ hello: });});



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• In your Foxx.Controller you describe your routes

• But your application can consist of multiple Foxx.Controllers

• … and you also want to deliver assets and files


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{ "name": "my_website", "version": "1.2.1", "description": "My Website with a blog and a shop", "thumbnail": "images/website-logo.png",

"controllers": { "/blog": "apps/blog.js", "/shop": "apps/shop.js" },

"assets": { "application.js": { "files": [ "vendor/jquery.js", "assets/javascripts/*" ] } }}

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• Define a setup and teardown function to create and delete collections

• Define lib to set a base path for your require statements

• Define files to deliver binary data unaltered

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Documentationas a first class citizen

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Annotate your Routes

• For Documentation

• But it is also used for validation

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controller.get("/users/:name", function(req, res) { res.json({ hello: req.params("name"); });}) .pathParam("name", { description: "Name of the User", dataType: "string"});

/** What's my name? * * This route knows it. */

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Automatically !enerateSwa!!er Docs

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Models & Repositories

• Foxx also helps you structure the M part of MVC

• We don‘t have time for that today

• But you can see a demonstration in our demo app

• … or come to me later ;)

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Foxx Apps Repo

• Look at demo applications

• Install components from a central repository

• Share your ideas

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Foxx Demo App:Aye-Aye

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Foxx Authenticationhttps://!!lum/foxx_authentication

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Foxx:The Future

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A Glance intothe Future

• Confi!ure filters for your assets:

• U!lifyJS2

• Later: Co"ee, Sass, Client Templates…

• Confi!urable Lo!!in!

• Yo Generator

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• Please try Aran!oDB Foxx

• We to !et feedback

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• lucas@aran!odb.or!

• @moonbeamlabs on Twitter

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• Database icon desi!ned by Romeo Barreto from The Noun Project

• Browser icon desi!ned by Fernando Vasconcelos from The Noun Project

• Lo!os from Node.js, Ruby on Rails, Djan!o and Symfony from the respective projects

• All other icons are from Font Awesome