Four Fried Chickens and a Coke

#AIIM12 #WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech 4 Fried Chickens and a Coke On a Mission to Save Information Daniel Antion Vice President, Information Services American Nuclear Insurers @DAntion


American Nuclear Insurers (ANI) had a mobile workforce long before mobile was cool. ANI had a BYOD policy years before the acronym existed. Visionaries? No, just a company with a pragmatic view of technology and an understanding that people, tools, devices and services need to come together to work toward the efficient delivery of a superior product. It’s not about IT, users, platforms, apps or gadgets. It’s all about knowing who your customers are, what they want and having the information necessary to serve them well. Learning objectives: 1. How to balance budget constraints and consumer demand for new cool things; 2. How to enforce the kind of security that satisfies legal, accounting, and HR while keeping the art students happy and 3. How to use modern communication to improve your decisions without getting swept away in a river of hype. Presented by: Dan Antion, Vice President, Information Services, American Nuclear Insurers Dan is Vice President, Information Services for American Nuclear Insurers, a role he has held for 25 of his 35 years in business. He is responsible for systems development, ANI’s network infrastructure and communication systems. Dan joined ANI when most transactions were manually processed, and advanced communications meant sending a fax. Dan has managed a measured but constant adoption of new technology to automate and improve all aspects of information management at ANI. Dan serves on the Board of Directors of AIIM International and is responsible for Programs and Marketing for the New England Chapter of AIIM. Dan blogs and speaks about SharePoint and ECM, rants about stupid behavior and enjoys biking, woodworking and photography.

Transcript of Four Fried Chickens and a Coke

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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech


#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

4 Fried Chickens and a Coke On a Mission to Save Information

Daniel Antion Vice President, Information Services

American Nuclear Insurers @DAntion

Presentation Notes
Much of what I read about the challenges brought to us by “volume variety and devices” makes it seem like we are fighting a new battle, and a lot of what is written makes it sound like we are losing the fight. I don’t agree, This isn’t new and I think we (ANI) are winning. If that’s the case, then maybe it would be helpful to you if I share this stuff with you – if it’s not true, you should be in one of the other sessions
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

This is What Works for Us

The fine print When it comes to survival, nothing is absurd We are all in this together This challenge isn’t new Doing it within budget Keeping it secure Use technology instead of fighting it Q&A

Presentation Notes
I’m not going to make my typical mistake of talking about these things now, but this is where I am heading. I’m not trying to lecture you on what I think you should do, and I’m not suggesting that we do all these things right. This is what we are doing, what we are trying to do or what I am telling my coworkers that we have to do in the near future
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech


American Nuclear? A few things about ANI than might help you

understand these slides a little better

Presentation Notes
I developed this presentation for an audience that was already familiar with the company I work for, so I thought I would add a tiny bit about who we are to provide some context
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

Nuclear Insurance

Joint Underwriting Association Domestic member companies Foreign nuclear reinsurance Small, mobile staff Catastrophic risk

Information is key Worldwide access Device independent

Fukushima Daiichi Yeah, we insure


Presentation Notes
Fortunately, damage from earthquakes and tsunamis is excluded in Japan
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech


You Can Learn from Anything It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a

pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses. …Hit it.

Presentation Notes
I was watching this movie for the umpteenth time, when I started to see parallels between their “Mission form God” and my mission at work. So, either you can really learn from any experience, or I’m going nuts. Let’s take a quick look at how Jake and Elwood were involved in the same struggle that we are today.
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

Really? The Blues Brothers?

Do the right thing. Do it the right way

No, no! I will not take your filthy stolen money!

Presentation Notes
We have large important problems to solve, but not every solution is appropriate
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

Really? The Blues Brothers?

We seek to reestablish our earlier success

We had a band powerful enough to turn goat piss

into gasoline.

Presentation Notes
This is particularly true for IT, but some departments are finding themselves being thrust into the uncomfortable situation of being a curator of information but no longer a gate-keeper of that information.
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

Really? The Blues Brothers?

Success requires marketing a good product

You two girls... tell your friends… it’s ladies night at the Palace Hotel


Presentation Notes
We can’t succeed without a good product / service, but a good product or service isn’t enough. We need an audience and we have to identify, educate and communicate with that audience. For IT, the audience is user community – for users, the audience should always include IT – fro everyone, the audience should include upper management
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

Really? The Blues Brothers?

Not everyone wants you to succeed

Use of unnecessary

violence in the apprehension of

the Blues Brothers HAS

been approved.

Presentation Notes
There are people who simply don’t want things to change.
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech


We are all in this together IT guys, content guys, records guys, governance

wonks, end users - anyone with a better solution

Presentation Notes
That’s it for the Blues Brothers retrospective. I could go on, but I don’t have all day – watch the movie, laugh yourself sillly and see for yourself.
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

ECM, Compliance, BYOD, Security...

It’s not about technology, and it’s Not about your device Not about your data Not about your department Not about your silo

It’s about our company’s information

We have to work as a team

Presentation Notes
I am the IT Guy, but it isn’t just my job that is changing. Everybody is being effected by the changes that are taking place today. Whether you talk about The “Consumerization of IT” or whatever name you give it – the important thing remains the same. Just because you bought the device or you bought the app, doesn’t mean that the rules that used to apply to IT don’t apply to you.
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

It’s About Information

Information belongs to the organization, it needs to be: Maintained in compliance with

laws & expectations Made available to people

today and in the future Protected from bad guys

We have to institutionalize today’s tacit knowledge

Millions spent adding onto

Hartford Library

Presentation Notes
1st 2nd and 3rd generation systems were all about automating the production of knowledge. I built your system but you kept the information. Today, people want access to the information without you. Everybody has to understand this, and I don’t think everybody does. People are comfortable with regulation. Regulations are easy to understand; but expectations are a different matter. Our member companies EXPECT that we will not allow our security to be compromised so that someone can impersonate us and enter their enterprise through their supply chain. Preventing that is every employee’s job.
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

Involve More People

Include ancillary and future users of information Show solutions in order to

demonstrate features Make people aware of all

projects that are underway Include the people crafting the


Well, there are limits…

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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

Insinuate Yourself Into the Process

Meet with your peers and next/previous generation Bring them onto working

committees Security ECM

Use authority if needed Goal should be “No surprises”

Clear messages are important

Presentation Notes
This is my coffee mug When I worked for PMM, the partner in-charge of consulting used to ask: PIC - What projects are going on in Audit? Me – I don’t know PIC – Why not? Me – The auditors don’t like us PIC – You need to insinuate yourself into their process. Take them to lunch, visit them, be a pest He was right. Create reasons to collaborate. Expand tech-support into “what is it you are trying to do?” type discussions.
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech


This Challenge Isn’t New In 1994 I was asked to make our engineers as

productive on road as they are in the office

Presentation Notes
Imagine sending your employees on the road with this in their bag. We started accessing data from hotels long before Internet connections were wireless, before they were wired, before hotel phones had data ports and before some had modular jacks. That’s what this was for.
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

There Are Always Answers

We met that challenge in standard and creative ways cc:Mail Mobile CompuServe MailHub Proxy server on dial-up

Our methods evolved with the technology The answer is always “Yes”

“Things are only impossible until

they're not.”

Presentation Notes
Explain the Ron story in more detail – emphasize that it was a user driven solution This is my favorite Captain Picard quote, and yes, I do own a John Luc Picard action figure. The answer might be “yes, but we can’t afford it” but have the conversation. I couldn't afford for our engineers to be productive on the road, but after the SVP of Engineering spoke to our President, I could.
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

Rapid Change is a Fact of Life

The cumulative effect of Moore’s Law More things are changing Changes are more dramatic

Generational impact in the work place Comfort level(s) Expectations

Are you ready for the 2nd half?

Presentation Notes
Last year, we heard a lot about being on the 2nd half of the chessboard and how much faster change is coming and how many more things are changing. One of the things that has to change now that we are on that side, is our comfort zone with respect to decision making. We have to make decisions faster and we might have to make them with less and or less well-analyzed information.
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

Today’s Edge is Too Hard to See

Adoption time is compressed Next wave is coming fast Can’t gradually build a policy

Take reasonable chances on new technology Don’t be afraid to fail Failures cycle through faster Imperfect isn’t failure

You have to be ready when it


Presentation Notes
A recent article in New Yorker suggests that “Hard choices don’t matter” because he reason it’s hard to choose is because they are all good choices. Case in point, the decision to give my boss an iPad early in 2012 was a hard one, but he is happy. There’s a slight chance that he would be better off with a Microsoft Surface, but he had the iPad for 13 months before the Surface was available. By the way, less than 3 seconds after I took this shot, this kid was on his nose in the sand, but he wanted a copy of this picture.
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

Again, This Isn’t New

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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech


Within Budget? IT gets hammered for being unresponsive, but we are also pressured to stay within or under budget

Presentation Notes
I want to thank Laurence Hart for sharing this image with me from his great presentation on Cloud Computing. Budgets have to be dealt with, but they can be dealt with better than we typically do. Don’t use budgets as an excuse, but make sure people understand
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

Create a Culture of Success

Start solutions moving everywhere you can Keep all the balls moving, albeit slowly Plan projects so you can offload work to

others while you work on something else Keep people informed of your constraints, not

as an excuse but as a trusted team member Talk about every successful step and give

credit to everyone that was involved

Presentation Notes
We can’t afford to finish one big project and then start planning the next big project. We don’t have the time or the money to tackle one big project after another. We will either lose the attention of the people waiting in line, or they will start off on their own, or we will lose control of the budget we’re trying to not to spend. We have to find a way to keep everything in motion. It’s like a good rush hour, things are moving slowly but they are moving. This is what I’m telling my team, my boss and my peers.
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

Budgets Are Real, But…

Stop reacting to change – plan for change Easier to approve a budget

that supports a plan Know the business strategy Have an IT (Dept) strategy Identify known unknowns

Identify risk of doing nothing

“We also know there are known


Presentation Notes
I should have put the bottom bullet on top because it’s critical to identify and talk about the risk of doing nothing. We wanted to implement Microsoft Lync. We couldn’t afford to do it, but we knew that eventually, AVAYA would jack up the cost of maintenance on our Definity Switch. We negotiated small budget increase for each of three consecutive years and we started our conversion late in one fiscal year, ran through the next year and finished early in year-3. As you start combining the things we’ve been talking about, it becomes easier to be in a position where: You know the projects that are in the pipeline You know that the real cost will be something like 2n or 3n You factor that into your request You manage expectations
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech


Keeping it Secure Fear can be a powerful motivator

Presentation Notes
Biggest concern – no single threat – no single target – no single owner
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

Security Isn’t About Technology

“The primary attack vector for successful penetration of the enterprise is its own employees” - FBI Assess and plan What are you protecting? What are the threats? Where are you vulnerable? What is your plan?

McDonalds might now be part of his

company’s network

Presentation Notes
The AIIM NE Chapter had an event at ADNET in Feb where we paired an FBI Agent from the Internet Crime group Michelle Syc who many of you listened to this morning. The FBI agent offered this bit of wisdom about your employees and the Michele scared us to death with stories of how she has been able to talk people into letting her have all the access she needs. The 3-questions are from their advice to us. And what is your plan refers to your plan for responding to an attack
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

It’s All About Compromise

We deploy iPads with the ability to manage them We partially reimburse for

phones You can have email access If you want VPN, install the

management app

We standardized on iOS and we support Windows Mobile

You want VPN access? Install

this app.

Presentation Notes
This is our approach to BYOD and we started doing it before BYOD was a term We decided to deploy the iPads because we want everyone on our emergency response team to have one. We own it, we pay the 3G costs so we installed the management app. We might push out other apps, and we might decide to block certain apps. Most of our employees own iPhones. We didn’t pay for them, but we will reimburse some of their costs if they use them for business. They can have email, but if they want VPN, they have to install the management app. We standardized on iOS because that’s what most people wanted. We have always supported WinMo, so we probably will, but we target iOS for apps
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech


Use Technology Don’t make your job harder than it needs to be

and don’t be afraid to be cool

Presentation Notes
Don’t be afraid to embrace change, to master new stuff and to show it off.
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

Stay 1 Step Ahead of Demand

We standardized on iOS We pay for “standard” apps We wrote an iPhone app It wasn’t hard It wasn’t expensive It sends the right message –

that we can deliver

Now we are planning next app

SharePoint access & email


Presentation Notes
We review, test, purchase and deploy other apps – separate slide or added to this? The app is a few table views. Not hard to develop, not expensive ($300 per year to be in enterprise development program) and shows that there is benefit to involving IT Accounting relented on hard-copy receipts with Concur app We are now designing app for Emergency Response We are designing mobile views for our check-processing application
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

Stay 1 Step Ahead of Demand

We standardized on iOS We pay for “standard” apps We wrote an iPhone app It wasn’t hard It wasn’t expensive It sends the right message –

that we can deliver

Now we are planning next app

Remote Desktop support

Presentation Notes
We review, test, purchase and deploy other apps – separate slide or added to this? The app is a few table views. Not hard to develop, not expensive ($300 per year to be in enterprise development program) and shows that there is benefit to involving IT Accounting relented on hard-copy receipts with Concur app We are now designing app for Emergency Response We are designing mobile views for our check-processing application
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

Stay 1 Step Ahead of Demand

We standardized on iOS We pay for “standard” apps We wrote an iPhone app It wasn’t hard It wasn’t expensive It sends the right message –

that we can deliver

Now we are planning next app

Edit Office documents

Presentation Notes
We review, test, purchase and deploy other apps – separate slide or added to this? The app is a few table views. Not hard to develop, not expensive ($300 per year to be in enterprise development program) and shows that there is benefit to involving IT Accounting relented on hard-copy receipts with Concur app We are now designing app for Emergency Response We are designing mobile views for our check-processing application
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

Stay 1 Step Ahead of Demand

We standardized on iOS We pay for “standard” apps We wrote an iPhone app It wasn’t hard It wasn’t expensive It sends the right message –

that we can deliver

Now we are planning next app

Office and travel information

Presentation Notes
We review, test, purchase and deploy other apps – separate slide or added to this? The app is a few table views. Not hard to develop, not expensive ($300 per year to be in enterprise development program) and shows that there is benefit to involving IT Accounting relented on hard-copy receipts with Concur app We are now designing app for Emergency Response We are designing mobile views for our check-processing application
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

No Single Vendor Has Answer

What are your major requirements What is your strategy? Who supports it best Build around that which is

critical – Don’t make #1 requirement support the #5 solution

Some things should just be


Presentation Notes
Add – this includes IT – we can’t build every solution, we can’t cram every requirement into SharePoint. We can’t be inflexible! Microsoft examples – SharePoint workflows have been good, probably will remain good. Silverlight was all the rage a few years ago, InfoPath is in that questionable stage right now. Focus on your needs and insulate yourself from change as best as you can. This applies to desktop solutions, in-house development and cloud-based solutions as well. In the old days, we would look for a single-vendor comprehensive solution. In our case, we would normally decide that nobody offered one so we would develop it ourselves. Now we have a mix of: Cloud services SharePoint content-centric applications Apps Desktop applications with mobile / SharePoint extensions Keep priorities straight. We aren’t going to rule out a priority solution because it doesn’t integrate with Concur. Just like the approach to security: What are priorities What are capabilities What is our plan
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

Constant Communication

Use whatever works Face-to-face Over-the-wire Apps

Use whomever works Keep process moving Threaded discussions

Reduce meetings

OK, maybe I didn’t mean “constant”

Presentation Notes
We started out thinking about social media with a large group of senior people. It took months to have a meeting, where we agreed to test things and get back together. We tested, we got busy and we never got back together. We are trying again with a “less senior” group. We will tag and route the things that should be tweeted, put on website or posted on FB – the group will be notified and can approve or veto. Lately, we have been scheduling meetings over Lync. I don’t even care where people are, we do them over the phone, sharing screens and all that stuff. For all I know, we are all in the office – it doesn’t matter, I can cover half the material in the time it would have taken everyone to settle down and stop commenting on how cold the conference room is.
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

Remain Relevant (by remaining relevant)

Blog, Tweet, Friend, Like Set agenda – publish a

roadmap – change often Lean on AIIM – It’s good stuff Involve others “we’re going to

do this & I need your help” is way better than “we did this and I need your approval”

My non-technical blog

Presentation Notes
If you have credibility outside your organization, it helps you gain credibility inside the office. “I recently blogged about this” works even if the only person reading your blog is your mother. Have a plan – publish the plan – change the plan as needed – keep the same overall goal – Get others used to working on the 2nd half of the chessboard with you. As you start to lead the conversation, the culture of success will start to evolve.
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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech

Thanks! – Any Questions?

Daniel Antion [email protected]


“Dantion” on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook (or search for the @gmail address)

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#WorkSmart @dantion @ADNETTech