Foundations of Programming Part II


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Transcript of Foundations of Programming Part II

Page 1: Foundations of Programming Part II

Jayesh JoyMeher Anand

Page 2: Foundations of Programming Part II

Re c a p

Display using cout<< , read input using cin>> Declare variables of different types Control flow:

if, else if, else switch case for while

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Ar r a y s

Collection of variables of the same data type Saves trouble of remembering ‘n’ number of

related variables of the same type Name and size of array given during

declaration Eg:- int apples[10] – Creates a set of 10

integers. The set is called apples Indices vary between 0 and n-1. apples[0], apples[1] … apples[8], apples[9]

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Mu l t i d i me n s i o n a l a r r a y s

2-D arrays are similar to matrices in mathematics

Referencing as follows: m [x] [y] x -> Row no. y -> Column no. Declaration:- int m [10][20] ;

10 rows, 20 columns

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Ex a mp l e

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S t r u c t u r e s

Limitations of array – set of variables of same type

Structures used to overcome this limitation Eg:- struct student {

string name;int age;float marks[10];


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S t r u c t u r e s ( c o n t d …)

Example declaration:- student stdnt1; Access variables using ‘.’ operator Ex:- , stdnt1.marks[2]

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F u n c t i o n s

Segment of code designed to accomplish a certain task

Similar to mathematical functions Takes in some input, does some computation

and gives some output Why use functions?

Avoid repetitions Easier to read and fix

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F u n c t i o n s ( c o n t d …)

A function may take in parameters and may return a value

The type of each parameter has to be specified The type of the return value must also be


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F u n c t i o n d e c l a r a t i o n sint func ( int a, float b )


//Some computation to be performed here

return x; //’x’ is of type integer


void return type is used when the function does not return anythingvoid print_hello (){ cout<<“HELLO”; }

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Ex a mp l e

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Pr i n c i p l e s o f Re c u r s i o n

Analogous to recurrence relations in mathematics

Solution depends on solutions to smaller instances of the same problem

It also means that a function can call itself Ex:- Factorial (n) = ( Factorial (n-1) ) * n Here Factorial (n) is a problem and Factorial

(n-1) is a smaller sub-problem

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Ex a mp l e