Foundational Data Structures: Arrays & Linked...

CIS210 1 Topic Foundational Data Structures: Arrays & Linked Lists

Transcript of Foundational Data Structures: Arrays & Linked...

CIS210 1


Foundational Data


Arrays & Linked Lists

CIS210 2

Two Foundational Data Structures

Most ADTs are implemented

Using an array-based indexed (contiguous)


Using some kind of pointer-based linked


Combination of two.

CIS210 3

Data Structures for ADTs

How to store a collection of data?

Array-based indexed structures

Pointer-based linked structures

CIS210 4

Data Structures for ADTs

Where to store a collection of data?

Statically allocated storage

Dynamically allocated storage

CIS210 5

Arrays –Indexed Structures

CIS210 6

An Array

Contains a fixed maximum number of

elements of the same type in contiguous

storage locations.

Are accessible directly by means of an index

or subscript.


N = The fixed size of the array

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 . . . N-1Index

CIS210 7

Static Arrays

The amount of memory for an array is

allocated at compile time.

Statically allocated from stack!

The size of the array is determined at compile


CIS210 8

Static Arrays in C++

// static array

// TypeName ArrayName [ ArraySize ];

// ArrayName[0] .. ArrayName[ ArraySize-1]

string a[2];

a[0] = “static”;

a[1] = “array”;

string a[] = {“static”, “array”};

//array manipulation

for (i=0; i<=1;i++)

cout << a[i] << endl;

CIS210 9

Dynamic Arrays

The amount of memory for an array is

allocated at run time.

Dynamically allocated from heap!

The size of the array is determined at run time.

CIS210 10

Dynamic Arrays in C++

// dynamic array

string* a ;

a = new string[2];

string* a;

typedef string* StrPtr;

StrPtr a;

cin >> ArraySize;

a = new string[ArraySize];

//array manipulation

for (i=0; i<=ArraySize-1;i++)

cout << a[i] << *(a+i) << endl;

delete [] a;

delete a[]; //illegal

CIS210 11

One-dimensional & Multidimensional Arrays

One-dimensional arrays

Two-dimensional arrays


Multidimensional arrays

CIS210 12

Vectors in the STL

CIS210 13

Vectors in the STL

A generic flexible one-dimensional array

data structure + its operations

Size can be dynamically changed.

Storage is managed automatically.

CIS210 14

The Class Vector

#include <vector>

CIS210 15

Vectors in the STL

Access in O(1) time

Insert at the end in O(1) time

Delete at the end in O(1) time

Arbitrary insert/ delete at a given position in O(n)


Insert at the beginning?

Delete at the beginning?

Insert at the i-th?

Delete at the i-th?

CIS210 16

Vectors in the STL

#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

#include <algorithm>

#include <functional> // greater<>

using namespace std;

void main() {

int a[] = {1,2,3,4,5};

vector<int> v1;

// v1 is empty, size = 0, capacity = 0

for (int j = 1; j <= 5; j++)


// v1 = (1 2 3 4 5), size = 5, capacity = 8

vector<int> v2(3,7); // v2 = (7 7 7)

CIS210 17

Vectors in the STL

// v1 = (1 2 3 4 5), size = 5, capacity = 8

vector<int>::iterator i1 = v1.begin()+1;

vector<int> v3(i1,i1+2);

// v3 = (2 3), size = 2, capacity = 2

vector<int> v4(v1);

// v4 = (1 2 3 4 5), size = 5, capacity = 5

vector<int> v5(5); // v5 = (0 0 0 0 0)

v5[1] = = 9; // v5 = (0 9 0 9 0)

CIS210 18

Vectors in the STL

// v3 = (2 3), size = 2, capacity = 2


// v3 = (2 3), size = 2, capacity = 6

// v4 = (1 2 3 4 5), size = 5, capacity = 5


// v4 = (1 2 3 4 5 0 0), size = 7, capacity = 10


// v4 = (1 2 3), size = 3, capacity = 10


// v4 is empty, size = 0, capacity = 10 (!)

CIS210 19

Vectors in the STL

// v3 = (2 3), size = 2, capacity = 6

// v4 is empty, size = 0, capacity = 10 (!)

v4.insert(v4.end(),v3[1]); // v4 = (3)

v4.insert(v4.end(),; // v4 = (3 3)

v4.insert(v4.end(),2,4); // v4 = (3 3 4 4)

// v1 = (1 2 3 4 5), size = 5, capacity = 8


// v4 = (3 3 4 4 2 3 4)


// v4 = (3 3 4 4 2 4)

v4.erase(v4.begin(), v4.begin()+4); // v4 = (2 4)

CIS210 20

Vectors in the STL

// v4 = (2 4)

v4.assign(3,8); // v4 = (8 8 8)

// a = (1,2,3,4,5)

v4.assign(a,a+3); // v4 = (1 2 3)

vector<int>::reverse_iterator i3 = v4.rbegin();

for ( ; i3 != v4.rend(); i3++)

cout << *i3 << ' '; // print: 3 2 1

cout << endl;

CIS210 21

Vectors in the STL

// algorithms

// v5 = (0 9 0 9 0)

v5[0] = 3; // v5 = (3 9 0 9 0)

v5[0] = 3; v5[2] = v5[4] = 0; // v5 = (3 9 0 9 0)

replace(v5.begin(),v5.end(),0,7); // v5 = (3 9 7 9 7)

sort(v5.begin(),v5.end()); // v5 = (3 7 7 9 9)

// functional

sort(v5.begin(),v5.end(),greater<int>()); // v5 = (9 9 7 7 3)


CIS210 22


How do we allow access to elements in a

container without knowing how the collection

is organized?

CIS210 23

Design Pattern: The Iterator Pattern



An iterator is an object of an iterator class!

CIS210 24

Iterator Operations

Overloaded operators!

Inequality compare (!=)

Dereference (*)

Increment (++)

CIS210 25

Iterators for Vectors

vector<int> v1;

vector<int>::iterator p;

for (p=v1.begin();p!= v1.end(); p++)

// Process *p

cout << *p << ” ”;

CIS210 26

Vector & Iterator Class Diagram

Vector VectorIterator






CIS210 27

Linked Lists - Pointer-based

Linked Structures

CIS210 28

Pointer-based Linked Structures

Linear linked structures

Singly-linked lists

Doubly-linked lists

Circular-linked lists

Skip linked lists

Self-organizing linked lists

Data Link … Link

CIS210 29

A Singly Linked List

A list of nodes s.t.

Each node consists of a piece of data and a

link to the next node.

All nodes are linked to one another such that

each node points to the next node in the list.

The pointer field of the final node contains the

null pointer (NULL).

A linked list is able to grow as needed!

CIS210 30

Singly Linked Lists

The access to the nodes in the linked list is

through one or more pointers:

Head pointer - A pointer to the first node.

Tail pointer - A pointer to the last node.

The Null pointer

A pointer that does not point anywhere.


CIS210 31

Singly linked List

1 3 2 4



(empty list)

CIS210 32

Int Singly Linked Nodes

class intSLListNode


public:intSLListNode() { }

intSLListNode(const int& theData, intSLListNode* theLink)

: data(theData), link(theLink) { }

int data;

intSLListNode* link;


CIS210 33

Int Singly Linked Lists

class intSLListNode


public:intSLListNode() { }

intSLListNode(const int& theData, intSLListNode* theLink)

: data(theData), link(theLink) { }

int data;

intSLListNode* link;};

class intSLList




intSLListNode *head;


CIS210 34

Singly Linked Lists – Using template

template <class T>

class SLListNode


public:SLListNode() { }

SLListNode(const T& theData, SLListNode<T>* theLink)

: data(theData), link(theLink) { }

T data;

SLListNode* link;


CIS210 35

Singly Linked Lists – Using template

template <class T>

class SLListNode


public:SLListNode() { }

SLListNode(const T& theData, SLListNode<T>* theLink)

: data(theData), link(theLink) { }

T data;

SLListNode* link;};

template <class T>

class SLList




SLListNode<T> *head;


CIS210 36

Singly Linked Lists – Using template

template <class T>

class SLListNode



SLListNode() { }

SLListNode(const T& theData, SLListNode<T>* theLink)

: data(theData), link(theLink) { }

SSlistNode<T>* getLink() const {return link;}

const T getData() const {return data;}

void setData(const T& theData) {data = theData;}

void setLink(SLListNode<T>* pointer) {link=pointer;}


T data;

SLListNode* link;};

CIS210 37

Singly Linked Lists – Using template

template <class T>

class SLListNode



SLListNode() { }

SLListNode(const T& theData, SLListNode<T>* theLink)

: data(theData), link(theLink) { }

SSlistNode<T>* getLink() const {return link;}

const T getData() const {return data;}

void setData(const T& theData) {data = theData;}

void setLink(SLListNode<T>* pointer) {link=pointer;}


T data;

SLListNode* link;


template <class T>

class SLList




SLListNode<T> *head;


CIS210 38

Singly Linked Lists – Using friend

template <class T>

class SLList;

template <class T>

class SLListNode



SLListNode() { }

SLListNode(const T& theData, SLListNode<T>* theLink)

: data(theData), link(theLink) { }

friend class SLList<T>;


T data;

SLListNode* link;


template <class T>

class SLList




SLListNode<T> *head;


CIS210 39

Variations of Singly Linked Lists

Ordered (sorted) linked list

Circular linked lists

Doubly linked lists

Skip linked lists

Self-organizing linked lists


CIS210 40

Lists in the STL

CIS210 41

Lists in the STL

A generic doubly linked list data structure + its operations

CIS210 42

The Class List

#include <list>

CIS210 43

Lists in the STL

Access in O(n) time

Insert at the end in O(1) time

Delete at the end in O(1) time

Arbitrary insert/ delete at a given position in O(1)


Insert at the beginning?

Delete at the beginning?

Insert at the i-th?

Delete at the i-th?

CIS210 44

Lists in the STL

#include <iostream>

#include <list>

#include <algorithm>

#include <functional> // greater<>

using namespace std;

void main() {

list<int> lst1; // lst1 is empty

list<int> lst2(3,7); // lst2 = (7 7 7)

for (int j = 1; j <= 5; j++)


// lst1 = (1 2 3 4 5)

CIS210 45

Lists in the STL

// lst1 = (1 2 3 4 5)

list<int>::iterator i1 = lst1.begin(), i2 = i1, i3;

i2++; i2++; i2++;

list<int> lst3(++i1,i2); // lst3 = (2 3)

list<int> lst4(lst1); // lst4 = (1 2 3 4 5)

CIS210 46

Lists in the STL

// lst4 = (1 2 3 4 5)

i1 = lst4.begin();

// lst2 = (7 7 7)


// lst4 = (1 7 7 7 2 3 4 5), lst2 is empty

lst4.remove(1); // lst4 = (7 7 7 2 3 4 5)

lst4.sort(); // lst4 = (2 3 4 5 7 7 7)

lst4.unique(); // lst4 = (2 3 4 5 7)

CIS210 47

Lists in the STL

// lst1 = (1 2 3 4 5)

// lst2 = (3 4 5)


// lst1 = (1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5), lst2 is empty

// lst3 = (2 3)

lst3.reverse(); // lst3 = (3 2)

// lst4 = (2 3 4 5 7)

lst4.reverse(); // lst4 = (7 5 4 3 2)


// lst3 = (7 5 4 3 3 2 2), lst4 is empty


CIS210 48

Design Pattern: The Iterator Pattern



An iterator is an object of an iterator class!

CIS210 49

Iterators for Lists

list<int> l1;

list<int>::iterator p;

for (p=l1.begin();p!=l1.end(); p++)

// Process *p

cout << *p << ” ”;

CIS210 50

List & Iterator Class Diagram

List ListIterator




CIS210 51

Comparison of Two

Foundational Structures –

Arrays & Linked Lists

CIS210 52

Vector vs List in the STL


at(), capacity(), reserve()


More other member functions

CIS210 53

Array Data Structures

fast access to elements

expensive to insert/remove elements

have fixed, maximum size

CIS210 54

Static Array-based Implementation

Can you predict in advance the maximum

number of data items in the ADT for a given


Would you waste storage by declaring an

array to be large enough to accommodate the

maximum number of data items?

CIS210 55

Dynamic Array-based Implementation

We do not have to predict in advance the

maximum number of data items in the ADT

for a given application.

But, increasing the size of a dynamically array

can waste both storage and time!

CIS210 56

Linked Data Structures

fast insertion/deletion of element

slower access to elements

have flexible size (Size can vary during run-


CIS210 57



CIS210 58

A List ADT

A Linear Container

A collection (container) of data items of the

same type.

A list is a very simple, useful and common

abstract data type.

Two kinds of lists:

Unsorted lists

Sorted lists

CIS210 59

Unsorted List

An unsortedlist is a container which holds a

sequence of items.

The data organization is linear in that items

are one after another.

CIS210 60

Operations on an Unsorted_list

Create an empty list.

Insert an item in the list.

Find an item in the list.

Retrieve the item in the list.

Delete the item in the list.

Determine whether a list empty?

Determine the number of items (length) in a list?

Destroy a list.


CIS210 61

How to Represent an Unsorted_List ADT?

Array-based representation

Implementation via (statically allocated) array

Implementation via (dynamically allocated)


Pointer-based representation

Implementation via pointer (linear linked-list)

CIS210 62

List ADT – Array-based Implementation

CIS210 63

List ADT


// listarr.h

// Class declaration for the array implementation of the List ADT


using namespace std;

const int defMaxListSize = 10; // Default maximum list size

typedef char DataType;

CIS210 64

List ADT

class List



// Constructor

List ( int maxNumber = defMaxListSize );

// Destructor

~List ();

CIS210 65

List ADT

// List manipulation operations

void insert ( const DataType &newDataItem );

// Insert after cursor

void replace ( const DataType &newDataItem );

// Replace data item

void clear ();

// Clear list

CIS210 66

List ADT

// List status operations

bool isEmpty () const; // List is empty

bool isFull () const; // List is full

CIS210 67

List ADT

// List iteration operations

void gotoBeginning (); // Go to beginning

void gotoEnd (); // Go to end

bool gotoNext (); // Go to next data item

bool gotoPrior (); // Go to prior data item

DataType getCursor () const; // Return data item

CIS210 68

List ADT

// Output the list structure -- used in testing/debugging

void showStructure () const;

void moveToNth ( int n );

// Move data item to pos. n

bool find ( const DataType &searchDataItem );

// Find data item

CIS210 69

List ADT


// Data members

int maxSize,

size, // Actual number of data item in the list

cursor; // Cursor array index

DataType *dataItems; // Array containing the list data item


CIS210 70

List ADT

List:: List ( int maxNumber )

// Creates an empty list.

//Allocates enough memory for maxNumber

// data items (defaults to defMaxListSize).

: maxSize(maxNumber),




dataItems = new DataType[maxSize];


CIS210 71

List ADT

void List:: insert ( const DataType &newDataItem )

// Inserts newDataItem after the cursor.


int j; // Loop counter

for ( j = size ; j > cursor+1 ; j-- )

dataItems[j] = dataItems[j-1];


dataItems[++cursor] = newDataItem;


CIS210 72

List ADT

bool List:: find ( const DataType &searchDataItem )

// Searches a list for searchDataItem. Begins the search with the

// data items marked by the cursor.


while ( cursor < size && dataItems[cursor] != searchDataItem )


if ( cursor < size )

return true;


{ cursor--; return false;}



QUIZ: List ADT - Destructor

// Default destructor

// Shallow deallocate!

List:: ~List ()




CIS210 74

List ADT - Destructor

List:: ~List ()

// Frees the memory used by a list.


delete [] dataItems;


CIS210 75

QUIZ: List ADT – Copy Constructor

// Default copy constructor

// Shallow copy!

List:: List ( const List &srcList )




CIS210 76

QUIZ: List ADT – Overloaded Assignment Operator

// Default overloaded assignment operator

// Shallow copy!

const List & List:: operator = ( const List &rightList )


if ( this == &rightList ) // Check that not assigning to self

return *this;



CIS210 77

List ADT – Singly Linked List-based Implementation

CIS210 78

List ADT


// listlnk.h

// Class declarations for the linked list implementation of the

// List ADT


using namespace std;

CIS210 79

List ADT

template < class DT > // Forward declaration of the List class

class List;

CIS210 80

List ADT

template < class DT >

class ListNode // Facilitator class for the List class



// Constructor

ListNode ( const DT &nodeData, ListNode *nextPtr );

// Data members

DT dataItem; // List data item

ListNode<DT> *next; // Pointer to the next list node

friend class List<DT>;


CIS210 81

List ADT

template < class DT >

ListNode<DT>:: ListNode

( const DT &nodeDataItem, ListNode<DT> *nextPtr )

// Creates a list node containing item elem and next pointer

// nextPtr.

: dataItem(nodeDataItem),




CIS210 82

List ADT

template < class DT >

class List



// Constructor

List ( int ignored = 0 );

// Destructor

~List ();

CIS210 83

List ADT

// List manipulation operations

void insert ( const DT &newData );

// Insert after cursor

// Replace data item

void replace ( const DT &newData );

// Clear list

void clear ();

CIS210 84

List ADT

// List status operations

bool isEmpty () const; // List is empty

bool isFull () const; // List is full

CIS210 85

List ADT

// List iteration operations

void gotoBeginning (); // Go to beginning

void gotoEnd (); // Go to end

bool gotoNext (); // Go to next data item

bool gotoPrior (); // Go to prior item

DT getCursor () const; // Return item

CIS210 86

List ADT

// Output the list structure -- used in testing/debugging

void showStructure () const;

void moveToBeginning (); // Move to beginning

CIS210 87

List ADT


// Data members

ListNode<DT> *head, // Pointer to the beginning of the list

*cursor; // Cursor pointer


CIS210 88

List ADT

template < class DT >

List<DT>:: List ( int ignored )

// Creates an empty list.

// The argument is included for compatibility

// with the array implementation and is ignored.

: head(0),



CIS210 89

List ADT

template < class DT >

void List<DT>:: insert ( const DT &newDataItem )

// Inserts newDataItem after the cursor.


if ( head == 0 ) // Empty list


head = new ListNode<DT>(newDataItem,0);

cursor = head;


else // After cursor


cursor->next = new ListNode<DT>(newDataItem,cursor->next);

cursor = cursor->next;



CIS210 90

List ADT – Destructor !!!

// Destructor

// Frees the memory used by a list.

List<DT>:: ~List ()

// Default destructor

// Shallow deallocate!

CIS210 91

List ADT - Destructor

template < class DT >

List<DT>:: ~List ()

// Frees the memory used by a list.


clear ();


CIS210 92

List ADT - Destructor

template < class DT >

void List<DT>:: clear ()

// Removes all the items from a list.


ListNode<DT> *p, // Points to successive nodes

*nextP; // Points to next node

p = head;

while ( p != 0 )


nextP = p->next;

delete p;

p = nextP;


head = 0; cursor = 0;


CIS210 93

List ADT – Copy Constructor !!!

// Copy constructor

List ( const List<DT> &srcList );

// Default copy constructor

// Shallow copy!

CIS210 94

List ADT – Copy Constructor

template < class DT >

List<DT>:: List ( const List<DT> &srcList )

: head(0),



ListNode<DT> *ptr,


ptr = srcList.head;

holdCursor = NULL;

while( ptr != NULL )


insert( ptr->dataItem );

if( ptr == srcList.cursor )

holdCursor = cursor;

ptr = ptr->next;


cursor = holdCursor;


CIS210 95

List ADT – Overloaded Assignment Operator !!!

// Overloaded assignment operator

const List<DT> & operator= ( const List<DT> &srcList );

// Default overloaded assignment operator

// Shallow copy!

CIS210 96

List ADT – Overloaded Assignment Operator

template < class DT >

const List<DT> & List<DT>:: operator = ( const List<DT> &rightList

// Sets the list to have the same/equivalent contents

// as another list.


if( this == &rightList ) // Check that not assigning to self

return *this;


ListNode<DT> *ptr,


ptr = rightList.head;

holdCursor = NULL;

CIS210 97

List ADT – Overloaded Assignment Operator

while( ptr != NULL )


insert( ptr->dataItem );

if( ptr == rightList.cursor )

holdCursor = cursor;

ptr = ptr->next;


cursor = holdCursor;

return *this;


CIS210 98

The Big Three !!!

Need any of three, then need all!!!

Copy constructor

• List ( const List<DT> &srcList );


• ~List ();

Overloaded assignment operator

• const List<DT> & operator= ( const List<DT>

&srcList );

CIS210 99

List ADT – Doubly Linked List-based Implementation

CIS210 100

List ADT

template < class DT >

class ListNode // Facilitator class for the List class



// Constructor

ListNode ( const DT &data,

ListNode *priorPtr, ListNode *nextPtr );

// Data members

DT dataItem; // List data item

ListNode<DT> *prior, // Pointer to the previous data item

*next; // Pointer to the next data item

friend class List<DT>;
