Foundation Of Nursing NUR 212 Complementary And Alternative Therapy.

Foundation Of Nursing NUR 212 Complementary And Alternative Therapy
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Transcript of Foundation Of Nursing NUR 212 Complementary And Alternative Therapy.

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Foundation Of Nursing NUR 212

Complementary And

Alternative Therapy

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Alternative medicine or Complementary therapy are used to describe as many as 1800 other

therapies practiced all over the world .

They are based on the medical systems of ancient people including : Egyptian , Chinese , Asian , Indian and Greek and Native Americans .

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Basic Concepts of Complementary and alternative therapy .

Several concepts are common to most alternative practices :

1- Holism Is the paradigm of whole systems and

the belief that people are more than physical bodies with fixable and replaceable parts . Combined mental , emotional , spiritual , relationship and environmental components .

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Basic Concepts..cont,.

2- Humanism :The humanist perspective includes

propositions such as the following : the mind and body are indivisible, people have the power to solve their own problems , people are responsible for the patterns of their lives , and well- being is a combination of personal satisfaction and contribution to the larger community .

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Basic concepts ..cont,…

3-Balance :In terms of optimal wellness . The concept of

balance consists of mental , physical , emotional , spiritual and environmental components . :

- Physical aspects : include optimal functioning of all body system.

- Emotional aspects : include the ability to feel and

express the entire range of human emotions .

- Mental aspect: include feeling of self-worth.

- Spiritual aspects : moral values, a meaningful purpose in life .

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Basic concepts ….

Balance :- Environmental aspect :include

physical , biological , economic , social , and political condition .

Being in balance is a learned skill and one that must be practiced regularly to engage in the processes of healthful living

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Basic Concepts ……cont,..4- Spirituality :Spiritual healing technique and

spiritually based health care systems are among the most ancient healing practices .

Spirit is the liveliness , richness and beauty of one’s life , it is dimension that involves relationship with oneself , with others and with a higher power .

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Basic concepts …..cont,..

5- Energy :Energy is viewed as the force that

integrates the body , mind and spirit ; it is that which

connecting every thing . Chinese scholar believed that energy was the basic building material to of the universe .

Two terms common in various healing :

Grounding and Centering

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Basic concepts…… cont,…

Grounding :Is relates to one’s connection to the

ground or relates to one’s connection to reality .

Centering :Refers to the processes of bringing

one-self to the center of energy .

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Concepts …….CONT,…. 6- Healing environment :We create healing environment when

we empower others by providing the knowledge , skills and support that allow them to tap into their inner wisdom and make healthy decision for themselves .

Healing environment are synthesized of the medical –curing approach and the nursing healing approach .

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Healing Modalities

1- Systematized health care practices

A- Ayurveda:The INDIAN system of medicine ,

illness is viewed as a state of imbalance among the body’s system , it also emphasized the interdependence of the health and of the individual and the quality of societal life .

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B-Traditional Chinese Medicine: Is based on the premise that the body ‘s vital energy or qi circulates through pathways or meridians and can be accessed and manipulated through specific anatomical points along the surfaces of the body .

Diseases are described as the imbalance or interruption in the flow of qi.

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C-Native American Healing Spirituality and medicine are

inseparable in Native American Medicine . Medicine women and men see themselves as channels through which the great power helps others achieve well- being in mind, body and spirit .

Health is viewed as a balance or harmony of mind , and body . The goal is to be in harmony with all things , which means first being in harmony with one-self .

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Botanical healing

1- Herbal medicine :In many parts of the world , treating

illness with herbs is still the only medicine available .Thirty percent of all prescription drugs sold in the US are derived from plants


Digoxin……from foxglove. Quinine ….from Peruvian bark. Aspirin ….from willow tree bark. Morphine ….from opium poppy .

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2- Aromatherapy Is the therapeutic use of essential oils of

plants in which the odor or fragrance plays an important part

The chemicals found in the essential oils are absorbed into the body , resulting in physiological , or psychological benefits . Essential oils are extracted from plant and are massaged into the skin , inhaled , placed in the bath , used as compresses or mixed into ointment . Different oils may calm, stimulate , improve sleep , change eating habits or boost the immune system .

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Examples of Aromatherapy :

Oils Action

ChamomileSooths muscle ache, sprains , swelling joints, GI antispasmodic decrease anxiety , stress related headache , can be used with children.

Ginger Helps word off cold , calms , upset stomach , decrease nausea , sooth sprains , muscle spasms .

Jasmine Stimulating , antidepressant , massage abdomen , and lower Back for menstrual cramp.

Lavender Calming , sedatives , massage around temples for headache , inhale to speed recovery from cold , massage chest to relive congestion , heals burns .

Tea tree Antifungal , sooth insect bits , in bath for yeast infection , drop in handkerchief for cough , congestion .

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3- Homeopathy :Is a self –healing system , assisted by small

does of remedies or medicine , which is useful in a variety of acute and chronic disorders .

Natural healing compound are prepared through a process of serial dilution . The compound is first dissolved in a water-alcohol mixture called the “mother tincture “ . One drop of tincture is then mixed with 10 drops of water- alcohol , and this process is repeated hundreds or thousands of times .It is not presently understood how homeopathic remedies work .

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4- Naturopathy :

Naturopathy medicine is not only a system of medicine but also a way of life with emphasis on client responsibility , client education , health maintenance and disease prevention .

It may be the model health system of the future with the movement toward healthy lifestyles , healthy diet and preventive health care .

The goal of treatment is the restoration of health and body function .

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Nutritional therapy

Nutritional therapy consists of the consumption of specific types of diet or supplements , including : Vitamins , minerals , amino acids , herbs and other botanicals , and miscellaneous substances as enzymes , fish oils for the purpose of prevention or treating illness .

There are 3 major concerns for client use nutritional therapy

1-Efficacy : is the effectiveness of supplements

2- Consistency : consistency in taking supplements

3- Safety : some supplements cause adverse effect as diarrhea , or high blood pressure , while others become dangerous when taken in a combination with certain medications , nurses should asses the clients for use dietary supplement include teaching about risk factors , side effect and action

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Manual Healing Methods

1-CHIROPRATIC :It is believed that health is a state of

balance , especially of nervous and musculoskeletal systems when the spine is fully aligned , nerve energy flows freely to every cell and organ in the body , this flows of energy initiate the ability of the body to work effectively and coordinate normal body functions .

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2-Massage It is believed that massage aids the ability

of the body to heal it-self and is aimed at achieving or increasing health and well-being .

Strong sustained touch in massage can have an even greater effect than other forms of touch . Benefits of massage :

- Stretch and loosen the muscle and connective tissue .

- Improves blood flow and lymphatic fluid movement

-Speed the removal of metabolic waste products.

- Allowing more oxygen and nutrients to reach the cells.


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3- Acupuncture ,Acupressure & Reflexology

Acupressure & Acupuncture are technique of applying pressure or stimulation to specific points on the body To:

- Relive pain , cure certain illness and promote wellness.

Acupuncture uses needles , where as acupressure uses finger pressure

Reflexology : Is a form of acupressure most commonly performed on the feet but the hands or ears may also be manipulated .

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4- Hand – Mediated Biofield TherapiesThe three most prominent therapies

using the hands to alter the biofield , or energy field are: 1- therapeutic touch ( TT )

2-Healing touch ( HT )

3- Reiki

All three approaches could be simply defined as: The use of the use of hands on near the body with the intention to help or to heal .

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Mind Body Therapies

1- Yoga :

It is a way of life that includes ethical models for behavior and mental and physical exercise aimed at producing spiritual enlightenment. The western approach to Yoga tends to more fitness oriented with the goal of managing stress , learning to relax and increasing vitality and well- being .

A typical Yoga cession lasts 20-30 minutes.

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2- Mediation Mediation is a general term for a wide range of

practices that involve relaxing the body and easing the mind .

Guidelines for mediation :

1- create a special time and place for mediation.

2- sit either cross-legged on the flower or upright in a straight backed chair

3- support the pals on the thigh.

4- follow deep breathing .

5- focus attention completely on either breathing or a chosen mental images .

6- practice this process daily for 10 -20 minutes .

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3- Hypnotherapy Is the application of hypnosis in a wide

variety of medical and psychological disorders .

Hypnosis is a trance state or an altered state of consciousness in which an individual’s concentration is focused and distraction is minimized .

People in trance are aware of what is going on around them but choose not to focus on it and can return to normal awareness whenever they choose

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4- Guided Imagery

Is a state of focused attention , much like hypnosis , that encourages changes in attitudes , behaviors and physiologic reaction . Guided imagery can help us learn how to stop troublesome thoughts and focus on images that help us relax and decrease the negative impact of stressors .

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Spiritual Therapy

Faith and religious commitment may play a role in promoting health and reducing illness .

1- Faith : refers to beliefs and expectation about life , ourselves and others .

2- Prayer : is most often defined simply as a form of communication and fellowship with Deity or Creator.

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Miscellaneous Therapies

1- Music Therapy :

Health is about balance or harmony of body , mind and spirit .

Music therapy can be used in a verity of practice settings . Quiet , soothing music without words is often used to induce relaxation .

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2-Humor & Laughter

Humor in nursing is defined as helping the client to "perceive ,appreciate and express what is funny ,amusing or ludicrous in order to establish relationships , relive tension , release anger , facilitate learning or cope with painful feelings