WORKSHOP FRIDAY, JUNE 27 INTRODUCTION TO SHAMANISM 7:30 p.m. Free lecture, open to the public SATURDAY, JUNE 28 - SUNDAY JUNE 29 9:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. BASIC WORKSHOP IN CORE SHAMANISM Michael Harner’s The Way of the Shaman® Shamanic Journeying, Power and Healing Taught by Ellen Winner, JD, CSC® During the Basic experiential workshop, participants are introduced to core shamanism, the universal and near-universal basic methods of the shaman to enter non ordinary reality for problem solving and healing. Particular emphasis is on the classic shamanic journey, one of the most remarkable visionary methods used by humankind to explore hidden realms otherwise known mainly through myth and dream. Participants are initiated into shamanic journeying, aided by drumming and other techniques for experiencing the shamanic state of consciousness and for awakening dormant spiritual abilities, including connections with Nature. Practice includes comparisons by participants of their discoveries in shamanic journeys as well as being introduced to shamanic divination and healing. They are also provided with methods for journeying to meet and study with their own individual spirit helpers in non ordinary reality, a classic step in shamanic practice. Participants learn how the journey is utilized to restore spiritual power and health, and how shamanism can be applied in contemporary daily life to help heal oneself, others, and the Planet. Completion of this workshop with an authorized Foundation for Shamanic Studies Faculty Member qualifies participants to take more advanced Foundation workshops. Please bring a rattle or a drum if you have one. Wear comfortable clothing, warm socks, and bring a bandana, a cushion and blanket if needed for your comfort, a rough-surfaced rock approximately the size of a small grapefruit, and a pen and notebook to record your journeys. This is not a residential workshop. You are responsible for your own travel and lodging. Please note our refund and cancellation policies if you are booking airlines and hotels. Travel insurance may be advised. Meals will be on your own (available at local restaurants). Directions and a what-to-bring packet will be mailed or emailed to you upon receipt of your tuition payment and registration. REGISTER TODAY! Register by May 28: $220 Register after May 28: $240 E-MAIL: Marta Schwartz at [email protected] PHONE: Call Marta Schwartz at 785-550-9576 ONLINE: Register and pay online at For registration, tuition and cancelation policy visit ellen winner’s website at WWW.WORLDSHAMAN.ORG. FOUNDATION FOR SHAMANIC STUDIES LECTURE & WORKSHOP SERIES FACILITATOR ELLEN WINNER 1403 MASSACHUSETTS | LAWRENCE, KS | 785-274-9018 | ELEVATEMINDBODYPEACE.COM Winner is a Certified Shamanic Counselor® and has been a Shamanic practitioner since 1984. She is experienced in shamanic healing techniques including extraction, soul retrieval, power animal retrieval, divination, death and dying. Winner studied extensively with Michael Harner’s Foundation for Shamanic Studies and teachers such as Sandra Ingerman, Claude and Noelle Poncelet, Tom Cowan and Bradford Keeney. She apprenticed in Nepal with Tamang shaman Maile Lama, and Rai shamans Jebi Bhandari and Mohan Rai. Winner is a graduate of Foundation Three-Year and Two-Week Intensive Programs and she trained in spiritual techniques of forgiveness and emotional release through The Journey, USA. Winner has authored the following publications: “World Shaman,” “Thoughts in the Mind of God,” “Doubting Shaman; An American’s Apprenticeship in Nepali Shamanism,” and “The Shaman of Dorokha Conquers the Bokshies.” Find out more online at WWW.WORLDSHAMAN.ORG


Page 1: FOUNDATION FOR SHAMANIC · with Michael Harner’s Foundation for Shamanic Studies and teachers such as Sandra



7:30 p.m. Free lecture, open to the public

SATURDAY, JUNE 28 - SUNDAY JUNE 299:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.

BASIC WORKSHOP IN CORE SHAMANISMMichael Harner’s The Way of the Shaman® Shamanic Journeying, Power and Healing

Taught by Ellen Winner, JD, CSC®

During the Basic experiential workshop, participants are introduced to core shamanism, the universal and near-universal basic methods of the shaman to enter non ordinary reality for problem solving and healing. Particular emphasis is on the classic shamanic journey, one of the most remarkable visionary methods used by humankind to explore hidden realms otherwise known mainly through myth and dream. Participants are initiated into shamanic journeying, aided by drumming and other techniques for experiencing the shamanic state of consciousness and for awakening dormant spiritual abilities, including connections with Nature.

Practice includes comparisons by participants of their discoveries in shamanic journeys as well as being introduced to shamanic divination and healing. They are also provided with methods for journeying to meet and study with their own individual spirit helpers in non ordinary reality, a classic step in shamanic practice. Participants learn how the journey is utilized to restore spiritual power and health, and how shamanism can be applied in contemporary daily life to help heal oneself, others, and the Planet.

Completion of this workshop with an authorized Foundation for Shamanic Studies Faculty Member qualifies participants to take more advanced Foundation workshops.

Please bring a rattle or a drum if you have one. Wear comfortable clothing, warm socks, and bring a bandana, a cushion and blanket if needed for your comfort, a rough-surfaced rock approximately the size of a small grapefruit, and a pen and notebook to record your journeys.

This is not a residential workshop. You are responsible for your own travel and lodging. Please note our refund and cancellation policies if you are booking airlines and hotels. Travel insurance may be advised. Meals will be on your own (available at local restaurants). Directions and a what-to-bring packet will be mailed or emailed to you upon receipt of your tuition payment and registration.

REGISTER TODAY!Register by May 28: $220Register after May 28: $240

E-MAIL: Marta Schwartz at [email protected]: Call Marta Schwartz at 785-550-9576ONLINE: Register and pay online at

For registration, tuition and cancelation policy visit ellen winner’s website at WWW.WORLDSHAMAN.ORG.





Winner is a Certified Shamanic Counselor® and has been a Shamanic practitioner since 1984. She is experienced in shamanic healing techniques including extraction, soul retrieval, power animal retrieval, divination, death and dying.

Winner studied extensively with Michael Harner’s Foundation for Shamanic Studies and teachers such as Sandra Ingerman, Claude and Noelle Poncelet, Tom Cowan and Bradford Keeney. She apprenticed in Nepal with Tamang shaman Maile Lama, and Rai shamans Jebi Bhandari and Mohan Rai. Winner is a graduate of Foundation Three-Year and Two-Week Intensive Programs and she trained in spiritual techniques of forgiveness and emotional release through The Journey, USA.

Winner has authored the following publications: “World Shaman,” “Thoughts in the Mind of God,” “Doubting Shaman; An American’s Apprenticeship in Nepali Shamanism,” and “The Shaman of Dorokha Conquers the Bokshies.”

Find out more online at WWW.WORLDSHAMAN.ORG