Fossils and Dinosaurs · Web viewWord Image How do you say it? What does it mean? Paleontologist...

Feathered Friends Glossary Word Image How do you say it? What does it mean? Paleontolo gist pale - e - on - tol - o - jist Paleontologists are scientists who study fossils to find out about things which used to be alive (in prehistoric times). fossils foss - ils Fossils are rocks that have imprints of things which used to be alive. Velocirapt or vel - osi - rap - tor A Velociraptor was a small dinosaur which had long claws. Tyrannosau rus rex Tie-ran-no-saw- rus Rex Tyrannosaurus rex is a very famous kind of dinosaur. It is sometimes called T-Rex for short. It had a bigger brain than most dinosaurs. T-Rex had very short arms but powerful legs. Fossils and Dinosaurs ©LGfL

Transcript of Fossils and Dinosaurs · Web viewWord Image How do you say it? What does it mean? Paleontologist...

Page 1: Fossils and Dinosaurs · Web viewWord Image How do you say it? What does it mean? Paleontologist pale - e - on - tol - o - jist Paleontologists are scientists who study fossils to

Feathered Friends Glossary

Word Image How do you say it? What does it mean?

Paleontologist pale - e - on - tol - o - jist Paleontologists are scientists who study fossils to find out about things which used to be alive (in prehistoric times).

fossils foss - ils Fossils are rocks that have imprints of things which used to be alive.

Velociraptor vel - osi - rap - tor A Velociraptor was a small dinosaur which had long claws.

Tyrannosaurus rex

Tie-ran-no-saw-rus Rex

Tyrannosaurus rex is a very famous kind of dinosaur. It is sometimes called T-Rex for short. It had a bigger brain than most dinosaurs. T-Rex had very short arms but powerful legs.

evolve e - volve Evolve is when something changes a little bit at a time, over a very long time, until it becomes something completely different.

Archaeopteryx ark - A - op - ter - ix One of the first animals on Earth that had wings made of feathers. It was a dinosaur but it might be where birds came from.

Fossils and Dinosaurs ©LGfL

Page 2: Fossils and Dinosaurs · Web viewWord Image How do you say it? What does it mean? Paleontologist pale - e - on - tol - o - jist Paleontologists are scientists who study fossils to

Feathered Friends Glossary

ancestor an - ses - tor An ancestor is someone who lived many years before someone else in a family. Your grandparents’s grandparents are your ancestors. This works with animal species too.

Fossils and Dinosaurs ©LGfL

Laura Smith, 08/29/19,
It was a dinosaur, so couldn't fly, but might be where birds eveloved from.
Laura Smith, 08/29/19,
Ok ... thought the definition was about not swimming or flying or something? Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10 ________________________________ Laura Smith Learning Resource Consultant, London Grid for Learning t: 07483062252 | m: 07483062252 e: [email protected] | w: a: 9th Floor, 10 Exchange Square, Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2BR CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information contained in this e-mail is intended only for the individual, persons or entity to whom it is addressed. It may contain privileged and confidential information and, if you are not the intended recipient, you must not read, copy or distribute it, nor take any action in reliance upon it. If you have received this e-mail in error, please inform the sender as soon as possible and delete the e-mail from your computer.
Adam Gordon, 08/29/19,
Apparently, it may have been capable of flight. Although I don't think we have a dinosaur issue as it would have mainly lived on the ground.