ForWebquest 3


Transcript of ForWebquest 3

In this sequence of activities you are going to develop some exercises related to TV shows discussing your point of view about the topic of them with your classmates

• Students will answer the activities from the following link related to differentes tv shows

• Step 1. Answer the question you will find in the first part of the activity call pre-listening exercise , after share the answer with your classmates.

Step 2 Listen to the conversation and answer the questions

Step 3• Now you are

going to review some vocabulary from the listening doing two given activities.

Step 4 • It is time to

discuss, answer the questions and share the opinions with your mates

Step 5 • Online

investigation Find two

companies that provide TV. shows and compare the given items

For the steps 2,3 and 4 use the following link to answer the tasks the final one the teacher is going to allow you to use internet and make the investigation

The students will be graded using the questions that check the comprehension of the listening , then the discussion will be evaluated following the rubric


Procedure The student works on the correct page listening the audio

The student are on the webpage but they are not listening the audio

The student is on the wrong page doing another activity

Listening activity The student understand the audio and answer the given questions properly

The student understand the audio but the couldn`t answer the complete the questions

The student couldn´t understand the audio for that reason was difficult to answer the questions

Vocabulary The students answer the two given activities in which she/he review the vocabulary from the conversation

The student has difficult in answer one of the two exercises she/he has some mistakes.

The students didn`t answer the activities presented on the webpage (matching exercise, mixed up sentences)

Post listening exercise The student give clear ideas about the questions expressing coherence ideas

The student try to answer the questions giving short ideas

Was difficult for the student answer the questions and express his/her ideas to the rest of the class

Online investigation The student find two sources of information which help him/her to know about TV companies

The student just search for one company he/she didn`t compare TV companies

The student didn`t use the web resources to look for information that help him/her to express ideas